3 m likhona

Post on 20-Jan-2015






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Bully BusterLikhona Jaca

9 years old

On a bright Wednesday morning a gorgeous girl named Kaylee woke up. Now, Kaylee was a kind, good

well mannered little girl.

Unfortunately when she got to school, there was this mean girl named Jade. Jade was a Unkind girl. Her

favourite tool was a HAMMER!

Kaylee was just to afraid to stand up for herself. On Monday last week the bully said to Rachel, Kaylee’s

best friend, “Hey give me your lunch money.” Rachel said, “Okay” in a very cute voice.

No boy or girl would ever play with Jade even if the whole school was invited to a party Jade was the one

who wasn’t. Nobody sat next to her in class.

Kaylee didn’t want to tell the teacher because she wanted to fix it herself. On Thursday she spoke to her

friends about it.

There were many of them so they decided to team up and stay side by side. So at lunch when Jade said” Hey

give me your lunch money” They said “ NO!! Then Jade said” What did you say to me?” Kaylee then said”


As the principal was walking in Jade said” My fist is ready to meet your face.” And the principal said “ Jade

what are you doing? Come meet me in my office! ”Jade had detention for three whole weeks and never

bullied again.

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