3/15 nashville emmaus newsletter

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Bi-Monthly Newsletter of the Nashville Emmaus Community March 2015

It is a new year and we are looking forward to and preparing fortwo Emmaus weekends in April, a Face to Face Encounter in May andChrysalis Flights in June. The Emmaus and Face to Face leaders are chosenand teams are being formed, possibly already completed and prayers arebeing lifted for Chrysalis. They are beginning the process of preparing forthe weekends in the spirit of humility and servant hood. The same spiritmodeled in the life and ministry of Jesus Christ. (Luke 22:27)

We have each experienced oneof these weekends/or encounters and received the blessing of what it offered to us – exactly what we neededat that point in our lives if we thought weneeded it or not. When we talk with other Emmaus pilgrims (we are called pilgrimsbecause we are all on a journey of growing in Christ) about our experiencesthey know what we are talking about: atime of receiving freely given agape loveand hospitality; of seeing the body ofChrist before us and seeing what Godhas done in our lives. We can share whata certain talk meant to us, how it helpedus and what a lasting impression it left on

us. These spiritual formation weekends/encounters are different for eachof us, but the same.

The Walk to Emmaus, Chrysalis and Face to Face are modelsput into place with much prayer and discernment. They were breathedinto life by the Holy Spirit and they have given every one of us the sameexperience – allowing the indwelling spirit of the weekend to enrich us aswe journey on with Christ. It allows us to continue to follow Jesus with a

renewed spirit and deepened love ofChrist.

We have a model for spiritual formation and growth, we follow whatJesus Christ teaches us – so let’s Trust theModel and Follow Jesus. (Thanks AllenWeller for the slogan – Trust the ModelFollow Jesus) Colossians 3:15-17 TheMessage

DeColores and Fly with Christ,Blessings and joy,


While they were talking and discussing,

Jesus himself came near and

began walking with them...

Luke 24:15

In This IssueListening ............................................................................................2Letter from the Board..................................................................3What’s Cooking?...........................................................................3AGAPE Love....................................................................................4Gathering #3 ..................................................................................5Face to Face .....................................................................................5Kairos ..................................................................................................6Praying Together ...........................................................................7Board Members & Assignments...........................................8


Emmaus WalksMen’s April 9-12, 2015Women’s April 23-26, 2015Men’s October 1-4, 2015Women’s October 15-18, 2015

Check the Community website for the latest schedule

Chrysalis FlightsGirl’s Flight #105 June 6-8Boys Flight #106 June 27-29

Face To Face EncounterMay 6, 7, 13, 14 2015 • Hilldale UMCClarksville

Emmaus GatheringSaturday May 2, 6pm Hamilton UMC

What’s Cooking?

As I enter my 3rd and final year on the NashvilleEmmaus Community Board I am thankful that the boardis a dedicated and “listening” group of lay and clergywhose sole desire is to see the Emmaus community growand thrive. What a blessing it was to work this past yearwith the clergy who were on the board! John Arnold andBetsy Hall, who rolled off the board in December, are dearfriends and colleagues. They contributed much to theboard’s refocusing efforts with the attempt we all made tokeep one hand on the “pulse of the Holy Spirit” and theother hand on the “pulse of the Nashville Emmaus Community.” It is so special to be a part of a board thatloves to celebrate successes, such as the walks held lastyear, but is also not afraid to admit to mistakes and takemeasures to work with God and the community to get instep with what God desires for our Emmaus community.John Arnold was an invaluable spiritual leader as the Community Spiritual Director. He worked hand inhand with everyone to really listen to whatGod was saying to us and then act onit. I do hope that everyone will goto the Nashville Emmaus Community website and

review the guidelines to refreshyourself on just how important

the role of the sponsor is in helpinga pilgrim get the most out of a walk.Being an “understanding sponsor”truly does fulfill what we all promised

and what we were told at the end ofour Emmaus walk when we received our

Emmaus Cross with these words, “Christ is counting onyou” and we responded with “And I’m counting on Christ”.

I do believe that the best motto our board and theNashville Emmaus Community can operate under is, “Follow Christ and Trust the Model!” Because as we allknow, the model for The Walk to Emmaus has been developed over the decades with much prayer and thoughtand with a hand on the “pulse of the Holy Spirit.”

What a joy to continue to work this year with allthe new and special Lay Persons on the Emmaus Boardand with the clergy who are continuing—Loyd Mabry, JonBell, and Victor Perez and to welcome to the board theclergy you chose from the excellent candidates on the fallballot: Sandra Griggs and Bill Owen. I know the clergy,including myself, and all on the Nashville Emmaus Boardmembers are committed to “Follow Christ–Trust in theModel–and, Keep Our Hand on the Pulse of the HolySpirit!” When we do this, the Nashville Emmaus Community will move forward and reach lives for Christ.

S.D. Gordon once wrote, “Inprayer, the ear is of first importance.It is of equal importance with thetongue, but the ear must be namedfirst. We must listen to God.”Sometimes God speaks loudly andclearly but more often God speaksin a quiet voice which requires us tolisten carefully. Your Nashville Emmaus Board is committed to listening carefully as God speaks tous. There are folks out there who, inthe midst of the noise of life, areneeding the “quiet listening of a 72 hour Emmaus Walk” and who

are depending on you to invite them and, then, be thebest sponsor you can be so they will have the opportu-nity that you and I have had of allowing God to speak tothe silent corners of our quiet, willing heart. So let us allcommit to “Follow Christ—Trust the Model—and, Keepour Hand on the Pulse of the Holy Spirit” as we walk together on our Fourth Days!

De Colores!

Allen Weller, Nashville Emmaus Community Spiritual Director


Come join us in the Emmaus Kitchen the weekend of April 10-12and or April 24-26. Bill and Marilyn Burleigh are the Lay Directors for thesewalks. They are longtime members and leaders in the community. Workingin the kitchen is a wonderful way to show agape love and support to them,the team and the pilgrims.

Whether you consider yourself experienced in the kitchen or not,there is always something you can do from setting the table, cutting veggies,to preparing meals. It is a wonderful way to meet new people in the community. The weekend breakfast meal prep starts at 6:30am and is overby 8:30am on each day. Lunch meal prep begins at 10:30am and is generallycompleted by 12:30pm each day. Dinner prep begins at 3pm and is finishedby 6pm to 6:30pm on Friday and Saturday. Whether you can give a fewhours of your time or an entire day, I promise you will be welcomed andgreatly enjoy your time there. Remember your walk and how much you appreciated those great meals? Please come and relive that experience fromthe “other side” of the table.

DeColores, Carla Hunt

What’s Cooking?

Chrysalis and Emmaus Community Members,

As some of you may be aware the Nashville Chrysalis Boardof Directors has been going through a very difficult transition period.Last year we had several board members step down which left us withmany vacancies. Those that have continued to serve on the board haveworked prayerfully and diligently to continue with the work and serviceof the community. However, it has been challenging. The board hasstruggled to meet the needs of the community and as a result the ministry of Chrysalis has suffered. We have cancelled flights due to lackof clergy and team members. But we have also cancelled flights becausewe did not have enough caterpillars registered to attend the flights.

In order for the Nashville Chrysalis community to thrive, weneed your support. That can come in many ways. First and foremostwe are in constant need of prayer. There is a lot of business that hap-pens month to month – important decisions are made and those arenot taken lightly. Also, we need your support in service. Each flightweekend requires a tremendous amount of support from team mem-bers and volunteers who are willing to serve. This includes laity and clergy. Finally,we need your help in recruiting caterpillars. This ministry is for youngmen and women who are searching for something and looking to betransformed. We are part of this Emmaus and Chrysalis community because we were all once pilgrims or caterpillars on a journey seekingChrist. We are all called to make disciples and what better way than toshare this opportunity with the youth of your church.

Below is a list of open board positions currently available onthe Nashville Chrysalis Board. We would ask you all to prayerfully con-sider if there is an opportunity for you to serve our community in thiscapacity. Serving on the Board is a commitment and it takes time anddedication. But it can be rewarding if you are willing to serve.

If you are not called to serve on the Board, perhaps it is servingas a team member or volunteering throughout the weekend. We are inconstant need of lay directors, assistant lay directors, table leaders, youthleaders, agape volunteers, kitchen volunteers…you name it we need it.The Nashville Chrysalis community also needs the help of clergy. Ourweekends cannot succeed without the support of clergy.

If you are interested in serving and supporting the NashvilleChrysalis community in anyway please reach out Randy Williams, Community Lay Director, at rwilliams@covenantservicestn.com. You canjoin us at an upcoming board meeting or get more details on upcoming flights.

The Nashville Chrysalis Board of Directors is transforming. Justlike the caterpillars we serve, we will come out of this period strongerand more beautiful than when we began. But we cannot do it alone.We are asking for prayers and support. But we are also asking for patience. Flights are scheduled for this summer – Girls’ flight 105 is June 6-8 and Boys’ flight 106 is June 27-29. Help us to make theseflights as successful as possible. You can find more information and registration forms online at www.nashvillechrysalis.org.

Fly with Christ,

The Nashville Chrysalis Board of DirectorsOpen Chrysalis Board Positions: • Community Spiritual Director• Entertainment• 2nd Set-up/Take Down • Two Agape Coordinators• Webmaster• Youth Representative • Secretary

Letter from Chrysalis Board of Directors

Remember your Walk? Remember the agape gifts you received at meals? Remember the prayer chart and the feeling you had when you realized that people you didn’t even know were praying for you 24 hours a day for 3 solid

days? Remember the feeling you had when you realized that God’s love for you was so big? How would you like to help someone else

have the feeling of total unearned, unconditional love?As the Board Representative responsible for Agape during the

Walk to Emmaus weekend, I am working toward establishing an “Agape Committee”. This committee would take the agape during the weekend to a new level to include:

A Welcome TeamPillow AgapeDecorating bathrooms (yes, bathrooms)Help with ordering and maintaining supplies Set-up assistanceHelping with cleaning of bathrooms (yes, bathrooms…again)Developing new agape ideas

If you have any ideas or would like more information on what is being done to expand the true agape love of the weekend, please contact me at 615-794-3945 (home) 615-812-2728 (cell) or e-mail at jjajkmel@aol.com.

You can help make each Walk a memorable experience for new Pilgrims.


Jane Melrose


The February gathering in McMinnville was attended bypeople from various areas of the Emmaus community. The food wasdelicious and abundant. The fellowship during the meal was a blessing, but our worship time was the highlight of the evening. Thespirit stirred all that were in attendance.

Come join our next gathering on May 2nd at HamiltonUnited Methodist Church and experience once again the true community of Emmaus.

Covered dish dinner begins at 6 PM with worship and communion following.

The address is 3105 Hamilton Church Rd., Antioch. Thechurch is located on the corner of Hamilton Church Rd. and Murfreesboro Rd.

So, mark May 2nd on your calendar! COME bring a covereddish to Hamilton UMC. Hope to see you there!

De Colores! Jeanne Bell

Face to Face is a new program from theUpper Room Ministries. It is built the same as theWalk to Emmaus model but designed especially forseniors age 60 and above who might have difficultywith the physical demands of a 72-hour retreat, yethaven’t already been on a Walk to Emmaus. Each Encounter (called “Encounter” instead of “Walk”) involves men and women together, but seperated bygender at the tables.

This next FTF Encounter will be held at Hilldale UMC in Clarksville May 6, 7 & 13, 14 from9:00 am - 3:30 pm each day. Please think aboutwho you know, family, friends, also those who havelost a spouse...people you could sponsor. Face to Face doesn’t require sponsors, but it helps.

Please spread the word about FTF, this is an amazing Emmaus experience that is rekindling the fire in our older adults.

Who do you know who could use a big hug fromEmmaus…a special time of grace and resting in the love of God?

We need Table Agape and Snack Agape for each of thefour days of the Encounter. Fee is $50 for ALL 4 days which includes materials, snacks and lunch.

Check out our website:www.nashvilleemmaus.org/Face_To_Face

Please contact me if you would like to help. Pat Mishler:pmish5@comcast.net 615-406-1367. For applications for Encounter #5 contact Karen Lee: karen5517@att.net931-647-2249.


FACE TO FACE #5 is coming to Clarksville, TN in May 2015

Gathering May2, Hamilton UMC

All of us that have experienced the joy of knowingthat God accepts us where we are; understand the importance of continuing in His service through our“Fourth Day” activities. Kairos Prison Ministry is one ofthose opportunities for us to live out our calling to visitthose in prison. Although Kairos is not directly “an Emmaus program”, Emmaus is a critical part of the Kairosministry. Kairos is an ecumenical ministry that takes thethree day weekend we have all experienced through Emmaus, Chrysalis, Tres Dias, Cursillo, and other weekend programs and has built a three day weekend for those incarcerated in medium and maximum securityinstitutions.

Kairos is preparing for our third Weekend Ministryevent at Riverbend Maximum Security Institution inNashville, scheduled for May 14-17, 2015. After eight longyears of working with Riverbend (RMSI) we were able tohave our first two Weekends in 2014 with outstandingsuccess. The format of the Weekend is the same as Emmaus but the focus is on God’s forgiveness in our livesusing the talks and poster activities to share God’s grace.

We are working on our team formation for theMay Weekend and still have some opportunities availableif you are interested in possibly joining us for this lifechanging experience. If you want more information on

how to become a team member, schedule a presentationfor your church or civic organization or just have curiosityabout what happens during a Kairos Weekend, please feelfree to e-mail me at melrosejm@aol.com or call me at615-794-3945 (home) or 615-504-2297 (cell). You canalso check out the KPMI (Kairos Prison Ministry International) website at www.mykairos.org. Obviously,due to the nature of the event, it is gender specific so onlymen can serve as Inside Team Members at Riverbend.However, the first Kairos for the Tennessee Prison forWomen (TPFW) is scheduled for October 29-Nov. 1,2015. If you are a woman and are interested in serving aspart of the Inside Team for TPFW please contact LisaSmith at matatakidogo@icloud.com or 615-260-5783.Please remember there are plenty of outside support opportunities for those of opposite gender at theseevents, or for those that are not comfortable going inside

DeColores,Jim MelroseKairos Riverbend Outreach CoordinatorKairos Riverbend #3 Team Leader

FOURTH DAY OPPORTUNITY“…I was in prison and you visited me” Matt. 25:36

Prayer is the aura of The Walk to Emmaus. Every part ofthe weekend is bathed in prayer, from the team selection, to thepilgrims, to the servants, to infinity. Amazing experiences happenduring those 72 hours in response to prayer. Yet, it doesn’t endwith the weekend.

Prayer is powerful but so often we forget to watch for theanswer to our prayers. We pray for healing and when the personisn’t healed, we wonder… was our prayer answered? We pray forsuccess and when it doesn’t happen within the week, we wonder… was our prayer answered? We pray someone willachieve a particular something and when they don’t, we wonder… was our prayer answered?

When we go humbly to God in prayer we need to remember we are asking as Jesus taught, “your will be done”.Healing may not come physically, but spiritually. Success as defined in our society may not be the success that is granted. Theachievement desired may not be the achievement spirituallyneeded whereas another may occur. When we pray we are askingfor God’s intervention as God sees fit.

Prayer is powerful, it won’t always be answered in the waywe want, but it will be answered, always. It is important that wethink about what we pray for as prayer is a serious business.

Prayer is believing God is listening to you, that you areimportant to Him. Prayer is counting on a response, not knowingwhat that response will be. Prayer is trusting in love that our Fatherknows what is best. In prayer we give God permission to interactin our free will not as we want, but as He deems well.

Prayer can be a part of every thought and action in ourlives for it is our relationship to our Father who loves us or wecan chose to live a life without prayer as we’ve been given thechoice of having the greatest Mentor ever or struggling throughlife alone. After all we were granted free will. It is our individualchoice where we allow God to interact with us. We so often goto Him in distress; shall we not also go to him in joy and in themundane?

So, I ask shall we all pray together as sisters and brothersin Christ for each other, for our families, friends and enemies, forthe Emmaus Community, our community, state, country and forthis world. Believing, Counting on, and Trusting God’s faithful, loving response.

DeColores, Sandie Glover

Let us all Pray Together

Emmaus Board Members & Job Assignments:Name Email Job Description

Ball, Doug Dabball42@gmail.com Set up/take down

Bell, Jeanne jonbell0213@gmail.com Prayer/Gathering

Bell, Jon jonbell0213@gmail.com Treasurer/ASD

Bill Owen, Rev. revwowen@gmail.com ASD

Chavis, John David Johnchavis7@gmail.com Team Selection

Glover, Sandie sandie.glover@comcast.net Co Chair/Prayer

Grayson, Steve sdgrayson@vbhcs.org Secretary

Griggs, Sandra, Rev sandragriggs@comcast.net ASD

Hunt, Carla CF.Hunt@comast.net Kitchen

Mabry, Loyd, Rev loyd.mabry@gmail.com ASD

Mason, Hughmason hugh543@tds.netSat. Entertainment

Melrose, Jane jane.melrose@suntrust.com Agape

Mishler, Pat pmish5@comcast.net Face 2 Face

Perez, Victor, Rev visaperez@bellsouth.net ASD

Snodgrass, Carla carla@preventchildabuse.org Registrar

Street, Wilda wjstreet@att.net Kitchen

Trott, Sam Jtrott0409@gmail.com Set Up/take down

Vaughan, Edna evaughan@gbod.org and evaughan@tds.net CLD

Wedekind, Cathy cathy.wedekind@comcast.net Newsletter/Com.

Weller, Allen, Rev wellerrev@comcast.net CSD

Williams, Randy rwilliams@covenantservicesTN.com CLD ChrysalisEx-officio

AV ALD volunteers are needed. More and more speakerson Weekends have requested the use power point presentations in theirtalks. With the many requests, The Upper Room Emmaus/Chrysalis office created a fourth ALD position whose only team work is to runthe power points. If you have an interest in being put on our list of possible AV ALD, please let me know. This will not preclude you fromother team positions. A notation that you have volunteered for this position will be made by your name for team selection purposes.

Database Manager needed. If you would like to help us andhave an interest in learning the new database system for Nashville Emmaus, please let us know. You would be responsible for updatingthe information for our community. Get in touch with me atevaughan@tds.net. This would be an ex-officio position on the Board - reporting monthly any update information - regular meeting attendance is not required.

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