395 valley road, wayne, new jersey 07470

Post on 08-Apr-2022






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Sunday Worship 9:00 & 10:30 am

395 Valley Road, Wayne, New Jersey 07470 Saturday Worship 6pm sttimothynj.org

The Rev. Robert M. Mountenay, Pastor

395 Valley Road, Wayne, NJ 07470


Director of Music

Church Secretary

Church Office Email

Phone: (973) 694-8316

Phone: (973) 694-2036

Caroline Parody

Laurie Crowley


Church Council

Robert Andersen …………….. (973) 831-0326

Edward Cleaver …………….. (201) 337-5411

Laura Dec …………….. (973) 835-2348

Lisa Fabian …………….. (973) 835-4148

Richard Kremen …………….. (973) 831-1590

William Mains …………….. (973) 628-9658

Karen Sajban …………….. (973) 208-0477

Leonard Smith …………….. (973) 305-4903

Pat Spardel …………….. (973) 694-8219

Lori VanDerStad …………….. (862) 203-9549

Barbara Westerberg …………….. (973) 696-1471

Hannah Wantula …………….. (973) 616-8330

April 2016

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1

2 6pm Worship with Holy Communion

3 9 & 10:30am Worship with Holy Communion

4 10am HHM Sorting 7:00 pm WELCA Board Annunciation of Our Lord

5 7pm Adult Evening 7:30 pm Worship Committee

6 11 am PrimeTimers 7:30pm Jubilate Handbells

7 7:30pm Alleluia Choir


9 9:30am Bookworms 6pm Worship with Holy Communion


9 & 10:30am Worship with Holy Communion 12 – 4pm HHM Day of Service

11 10am HHM Sorting

12 7:30 pm Council Meeting

13 10am Angel Circle 12 Noon Miriam Circle 7:30pm Jubilate Handbells

14 7:30pm Alleluia Choir


16 6pm Worship with Holy Communion

17 9 & 10:30am Worship with Holy Communion FH Rented

18 10am HHM Sorting

19 1pm Knitting 7pm CEC Meeting

20 7:30pm Jubilate Handbells

21 7:30pm Alleluia Choir


23 6pm Worship with Holy Communion

24 9 & 10:30am Worship with Holy Communion

25 10am HHM Sorting

26 10:15am Atrium Hymn Sing

27 10am Angel Circle 7:30pm Jubilate Handbells

28 7:30pm Alleluia Choir


30 6pm Worship with Holy Communion

TIPS Deadline!

Crossroads Retreat

Serve the Lord with Gladness

Date Altar Guild Ushers Acolytes Reader Communion Assistants

Coffee Hosts

April 3 2 Easter

Lori VanDerStad Lisa Fabian

Tom Sajban, Thom Winters, Bob Bartelt, Jeff Riotto

Madison Schloesser Nathaniel Corbett

Kathryn Jones-Smith

Craig & Rick Beyer

Hunger Appeal

Eileen Anderson

Kathy Jones-


April 10 3 Easter

Terri Loftus

Le Eckert

Tom Sajban, Thom Winters, Bob Bartelt, Bill Monsees

Justin Oosterwyk



Linda O’Sullivan Pat Winters Lori VanDerStad

Laura Dec

Henrietta Glans

April 17 4 Easter

Eileen Anderson

Ilona Oosterwyk

Tom Sajban, Thom Winters, Bob Bartelt, Lois Clapp

Patrick Loftus

Tiffany Kellstrom

Lori VanDerStad Debbie Andersen Jennifer Andersen

Terri Loftus

Valerie McGrath

April 24 5 Easter

Valerie McGrath

Dolores Monsees

Tom Sajban, Thom Winters, Bob Bartelt, Rich Wantula

Lindsay Sperling

Vincent Venturelli

Robin Koegel Christian Wantula Hannah Wantula

The Kaplans

Worship Assistant Schedule April 2016

From the Pastor

The Civil Society of the Faithful

A colleague recently complained that some members of his congregation

were offended when he openly criticized the Republican Party in a sermon last

month. He felt justified in “speaking prophetically” against policy positions that he

deemed “unchristian.” My friend is not unique; many pastors regularly weigh in on

all things political from the pulpit. I have colleagues, parishioners, friends, and

family who are on both sides of the current political divide. There are Democrats

and Republicans, Socialists and Libertarians among my acquaintances. I know of St.

Timothy members who support the Trump candidacy and others who “feel the

Bern.” There are devotees of Clinton, Cruz, and Kasich too. All of these (or nearly

all) are people of good will and can argue passionately for the righteousness of

their cause and the superiority of their candidate. While none of us will find all

such arguments persuasive, it’s hard to deny the sincerity of most political

proponents. They believe in their cause and will not be swayed by the arguments

of the opposition.

One of the true miracles of the Church is the diversity of its members. Just

because we wouldn’t attend the same political rally as “those people” doesn’t

mean that we can’t or won’t share a pew. One of the closest friendships among the

members of St. Timothy was between two men who fought on opposite sides in

World War Two, Francis Marc and Hans Wilbert (both now deceased). Francis was

on the flight crew of a B-17 in the American 8th Air Force and Hans was a soldier in

the German Wehrmacht. Francis’ squadron even bombed Hans’s home town of

Bad Kreuznach. Despite their history, these two former adversaries became

friends, thanks to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. If friendship is possible between two

formerly fierce enemies, how much more can members of opposing political parties

enjoy one another’s company?

In Galatians 3:28 St. Paul says, “There is no longer Jew nor Greek, slave nor

free, there is no longer male or female; for all are one in Christ Jesus.” The same

can be said about Republican and Democrat, even Norwegian and Swede. The

reason that I tend not to “preach politics” is because I know, love, and serve people

on both sides of the aisle and refuse to call into question the genuineness of their

respective religiosities.

Please note that I’m not a cultural relativist; I do believe that there is right

and there is wrong. Some issues demand Christian critique. German antisemitism

in the 1930s and American slavery in 19th century are two issues that warranted the

church’s prophetic voice, though the church was sometimes silent and at other

times in league with the oppressors. It’s always easier to see the error of our

predecessors’ ways through the lens of history, though it’s hard to get our 21st

century heads around Christian support for either of those evils. Our descendants

will undoubtedly question our judgements as well and regard us as the moral

equivalent of trilobites, whether our positions are left, right, or center.

There are times when the church needs to take political stands, but, except in

extreme circumstances, when we do so we should do it civilly and lovingly. Except

for the most ardent partisans, most people will not agree fully with every position

on their party’s platform. There should be diversity within the political movements

of a free people; otherwise the movement becomes totalitarian and threatens to

destroy liberty. Perhaps I’m too reticent when it comes to “speaking truth to

power,” and, if so, I hereby confess my sin. Yet, the people of God constitute a

marvelous collection of Democrats, Republicans, and others of nearly every political

stripe. Such a diverse gathering is possible only with the love of God in Christ Jesus.

God grant that, even in this election year, we may continue to love one another and

rejoice in our rich diversity!

In Jesus’ name,

Pastor Robin Mountenay

4/4 John Liljegren

4/5 Cathe Davidson

4/9 Donna Purcel

4/10 Mary Ann Levine

4/14 Eric Knittel

4/15 Hulda Ritz

4/22 Ray Lender

4/24 Anne Marie Lambert

4/26 Erna Schneider

4/26 Mary Laverack

4/28 Ed Cleaver

4/28 Mary Schloesser

4/30 George Labadie

Should you be on this list, and you’re not??

Please email Laurie at st.tims395@yahoo.com

or call the office at 973-694-8316!

4/1 Pat & Bernie Spardel

4/11 Lauran & Matthew McCauley

4/20 Eleanor & John Liljegren

4/28 Carol & Ed Cleaver

4/29 Any & David Taranto

Mother's Day is May 8th, and it is also Blanket Sunday!

Since 1947 Church World Services has been providing

blankets as a first tool to recovery for persons affected by

floods and storms, homelessness and other

tragedies. Recipients have known that the CWS blanket is

more than just a warm covering and has served many

purposes. Versatile and inexpensive, the $5.00 blanket has

always been a flexible tool to be used as needed.

Collections for blanket donations ($5.00 per blanket) will be on April 24 and May

1. This allows time for the list of donors to be printed in the Mother's Day

bulletin. Remember and honor loved ones this Mother's Day.

Checks can either be made payable to ST. TIMOTHY WELCA or to church

World Services. Envelopes as well as cards honoring loved ones will be

available in the narthex. We thank you in advance for your generosity!

Hey St Timothy High school and college youth! Looking for a summer job?

Several of our members just finished a great weekend at Cross Roads Camp and Retreat Center. (more on that elsewhere in TIPS). The wonderful staff and administrators there are looking for help for their summer camp program. If you will be 18 by June 24th you are eligible to be a counselor, 17 year olds can work in the dining hall. It’s a fun and spirit

filled place! In fact several of our youth would love to attend as campers! If you are at all interested let me know. I have more info and I can make introductions.

God’s Peace • Cliff Konnerth • ksnacs@msn.com


Since February 15, 2016, there weren’t any gifts given to the General Memorial Fund. There have been no Memorial purchases this month.

No Memorial Garden pavers were purchased this month, so our paver total stands at 106. The price of a paver is $300.00. Checks may be made to St. Timothy Memorial Fund, with the words “Memorial Garden” on the memo line. Pavers may be engraved with the names of deceased loved ones, or left blank for future engraving. Paver application sheets are available in the narthex. Please see Pat Winters or Judy Suther for further

information or assistance. The Memorial Garden is self-supporting; gifts are welcome at all times!

We also welcome contributions to the fund for restoration and enhancement of our Church organ. The work is on-going and should be completed very soon. Checks may be made to St. Timothy Memorial Fund, with the words “Organ Repair” on the memo line.

We are grateful to all who have given to the St. Timothy Memorial Funds – the General Memorial Fund, the Music Fund, the George Laubscher Monday Morning Fund, the Memorial Garden Fund, the Eternal Light Candle Fund, and the Flanders and Schleer Scholarship Loan Funds – and for the faithful loan repayments.

It is the middle of March as I write this. The temperature is in the 50’s and I've

seen the first crocus; the daffodils and hyacinths are up, a sure sign of spring. It

feels good for some but others feel depressed in this time of year for some reason.

So seek someone to talk to or write your feelings out and remember feeling

down is temporary. Keep an eye on teenagers; they are more vulnerable to down


Why worry when you can pray?

Your journal entry is: When you pray, how often do you ask "and now God

what can I do for you?" Some of the answers I hear from God are....

Just a reminder, as you do more outdoor activities, wear your seatbelts, no cell

phone while driving, wear your helmet when riding your bike, get new sneakers

for running or walking, and get checked if off balance or dizzy when participating

in outdoor activities. Lastly, know your physical limitations to avoid falls.

Try this natural weed killer. Mix one gallon of vinegar, two cups of Epsom salt

and one-quarter cup of dish soap. Pour into a sprayer, and spray on weeds.

Can't see that tiny serial number on an appliance? Use your cell phone to take a

picture of it. You can enlarge it and you’ll be able to read it much easier.

Let's look at some claims that should cause alarms. Be suspicious of products that

say they can cure many things as well as claims of being a miracle cure. Be Leary

of quick fixes such as lose 30 lbs in 30 days. I exaggerated but you know what I

mean. The phrase "all natural" doesn't mean that it is safe. Personal testimonies on

T.V are not a substitute for scientific evidence.

From a meditation book: "Rudeness is a weak persons attempt at strength" J.

Matthew Casey. Would you like to be spoken to the way you spoke to someone

today? Take some time to observe your own behavior. May the words of my

mouth be acceptable in your sight dear Lord.

"This is truly the Prophet. Others said, “this is the Messiah”. John 7 40 - 41

More “Make Life Easy” next Tips

Make Life Easy

Adult Evening Class ~ April 5th

Adult Evening Group is discussing pages 117 to 130 in the book The Beloved Works of C.S.Lewis. We will review other book choices for discussion because this will finish the section of the book we were reading. Please bring any suggestions you might

have. I have a couple for everyone to look at. Join us. We will continue meeting through the summer. Carol, Art, Sandy, Dolores,

Le, Pat, Nancy, and Barbara

Bookworms ~ April 9th

We meet at Barnes & Noble on the 2nd Saturday each month. Our next meeting date is April 9th at 9:30 am. Here is our

reading schedule for the coming months:

April ~ And the Mountains Echoed by Khaled Hosseini May ~ The Girl You Left Behind by JoJo Moyes June ~ 13 Reasons Why by J. Asher July ~ The Coincidence of Coconut Cake by Amy E.Reichert

Coleen, Pat, Nancy, Le, Dolores,

Carolyn, Elsie and Barbara

Wayne Interfaith Network

Many scout troops and student organizations have

helped the WIN Food Pantry to be very well

stocked, However, it does need Personal Bar Soap,

condiments, juice, paper towels, toilet paper, and

cleaning supplies.

Monetary donations are greatly appreciated to purchase

supermarket gift cards which clients can use to buy fresh produce and dairy

products. Mail checks to: Wayne Interfaith Network, PO Box 3341, Wayne,

NJ 07470 – 3341.

April 3 ELCA Hunger Appeal Eileen Anderson Kathy Jones-Smith April 10 Laura Dec Henrietta Glans April 17 Terri Loftus Valerie McGrath April 24 The Kaplans

May1 The Tarantos May 8 Mother’s Day Monday Morning Crew May 15 Lois Clapp Suzanne Kuehm May 22 Robert & Debbie Andersen May 29 Pat Spardel Hulda Ritz



Bring a brown bag lunch and we’ll supply the rest. We meet the 1st Wednesday of every month!

Rabbi Randall Mark, our inter-faith neighbor at Temple Shomrei Torah, will join us on April 5th, taking us on a journey through the Jewish calendar of festivals and commemorations. He has prepared a very interesting presentation and we hope you can join in on the fun, learning, and fellowship.

We have some interesting and exciting events coming up:

Date Presenter May 4: NewBridge – Senior Services June 1: TBD July 7: Patriotic Sing-a-Long August 3: Prime Timers Picnic September 7: Memoirs with Helene Zablocki October 5 Assemblyman Scott Rumana

Our Sunday School kids are taking over!!!!! St. Timothy’s annual Jr. Youth

Sunday will be held on April 24 at the 9am service. The Pre-K and

Kindergarteners will be our Ushers to greet parishioners and hand out the

bulletins. The 1st, 2

nd & 3

rd graders will collect our offerings. Our 4

th grade

class will act out the Gospel. The 5th grade class will read the Prayers of the

Day. And, finally the 6th & 7

th grade class will be our readers of the Lessons,

Psalm and also will serve as Communion assistants. The Jr. Youth will be our

Choir during the service and lead us in some familiar Sunday School songs.

Pastor will be the only adult who participates during the service. He’s

preparing a special sermon just right for the kids.

In His Name,

Laura Dec

Dates to Remember:

April 24 – Jr. Youth Sunday 9am

May 15 - Confirmation

May 22 – Last Day of Sunday School

Angels Circle

Our next meetings will be on April 13th and 27


We have been very fortunate to have several people

sewing the quilt tops. If anyone is interested in tying

the quilt tops together, join us and see how easy it is to make a quilt this way.

Soon we will begin working on this year’s project for Bosnia.

Come, visit us and see how you can help.

Barbara Kaplan

Navajo Lutheran Mission ● Campbell Soup Labels

The Campbell Soup Label program will be discontinued on July 31, 2016. Here at the Mission we receive labels from all over the country, and many more are mailed directly to the program headquarters earmarked for the Mission’s benefit. Over the years, the piles of carefully clopped labels have added up to at least 8 new vehicles, tables, chairs, school supplies, and much, much more.

Labels received and recorded prior to July 31st can still count toward valuable resources for the Mission and School.

The Campbell Soup Label program has been a God-send to Navajo Lutheran Mission. The benefits to the Navajo people are more than can be numbered. Pleae accept our sincere gratitude for the many dedicated individuals and congregations who have participated. We look forward to the new pathway of relationship and support that we can develop in the future.



Behind Picket Fences "It only takes one time to destroy a life,

one time to destroy a family" Wayne Hills SADD Presentation

Parents, youth, grandparents, and all concerned about substance abuse in our community are invited and encouraged to attend the Mayor’s Forum on Substance Abuse. This year the message will be coming from our Wayne Valley and Wayne Hills high school kids, including members of SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions).

We will hear first-hand how drugs affect our children’s lives as they speak of friends and family members who have been caught up in this epidemic. From a video put together by the Wayne Hills SADD team, we will learn that substance abuse does not discriminate. Wealthy, middle-income, and low-income towns and cities all are susceptible to this crisis. The link that follows will take you to the Wayne Hill SADD submission to United for Prevention in Passaic County. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jz2HaslP_b4

Mayor’s Forum on Substance Abuse - May 3 @ 7 pm - Wayne Hills High School

Heart ‘n Hands Mission We have two events this month, both offering opportunities

to join us in service to those in need. April 10 is our next Day

of Service, and we will sort and pack clothing for distribution,

from 12 noon to 4 pm in Fellowship Hall. Please join us for a

few hours of fun and fellowship.

On Saturday, April 16, we are holding a clothing collection at the Montville

Reformed Church. The Montville community continues to be very supportive with

weekly donations.

With your support, we now serve more than 1000 people each month. All are welcome to join us on Monday mornings from 9 am to 12 noon to sort clothing. You can follow the Mission and keep up with news and events on our Facebook page and on our website at www.heartnhandsmission.org. If you wish to join our mailing list, please send a request to info@heartnhandsmission.org. We’d be happy to hear from you.

“Our job is to love others without stopping to inquire whether or not they are worthy.” Thomas Merton, Trappist Monk and American Catholic writer

A Mission Moment On Tuesday, March 8, we made our first delivery of clothing and toiletries to

Calvary Baptist Community Center in Paterson. The center provides day care and

GRE preparation classes for clients entering the workforce. Many are on public

assistance, and are very grateful for the support we can provide to them and their

families. We received this note from Juanita Webster, the GRE course instructor.

“Dear Bob and Rich,

I hope this message finds you blessed. I want to thank you with all my heart for

the wonderful and generous donations that you bestowed upon my students. They

are wonderfully grateful and happy for your organization’s kindness.”

THANK YOU FROM EVA’S KITCHEN Thank you to everyone who so generously gave of their time to be part of Stew Sunday. Once again, we had a wonderful response. Monica Voinoir, coordinator, said that they were able to feed over 200 people and enough was left to bring to women and children living in a shelter. In these difficult economic times, this is vital ministry. Some of you have asked how we became involved in Stew Sunday. The late Doris Porter began this ministry at Immaculate Heart of Mary. Several years ago, her daughter died of cancer and in caring for her daughter in her final days, Doris was unable to coordinate this effort. My husband (a member of IHM) asked if there was any way we could help. It seemed like a ministry that St. Timothy’s members might embrace, and with little advance notice, we produced 15 batches of stew. Since then, we’ve participated each year. Between our two congregations, we make about 80 batches twice a year. Our stew chefs are Robert and Debbie Andersen, Eileen Anderson, Christine Bede, Dot Bell, Lori Bleeker, Dawn Brassel, Colleen Borchert, Art and Sandy DeRose, Le Eckert, Nancy Farina, Cindy Gaffney, Eleanor Liljegrin, Mary Stevens, Carol Smith, Eileen Smith, Pat Spardel, Barbara Tammi, Nancy Tammi, Margot Weinert, Racquel White. As always, we did have more stews than sign-ups. If your name isn’t on this list, please let me know! In Jesus Love, Eileen Smith


On April 8th all 5th through 12th graders are

invited to join us for bowling and service .

We’ll play, pray and serve till the wee hours of

the morning. See the Youth Bulletin Board for


Don’t forget - Soap for WIN !!

Coming up April 22nd weekend is the Middle School

Retreat at Cross Roads Camp and Retreat Center.

Open to grades 6, 7 and 8. Stay tuned for details.

You can also see us with any questions or talk with

your classmates who’ve gone before. It’s a lot of


In His Name,

Ilona Oosterwyk and Cliff Konnerth

The Property Committee is seeking

some help in accomplishing some

small projects around the church.

Some may take about an hour,

some a little longer. You, your

family, or a small group can sign

up on the bulletin board by the

elevator. Supplies and equipment will be available. Work may be done at

any time that works into your schedule. Your help would be greatly

appreciated. If you have any questions, please call Bill Mains at

973.628.9658 or talk to any member of the Property Committee. Thanks for

your help.

Outside work:

1. Re-caulk the three older windows at the rear of Fellowship Hall.

2. Add mulch to the garden area in front of the parking area. Wood mulch

is available back by the shed.

3. Sand and repaint the metal railings by the back door and the front


4. Repaint the lower section of the rear wall of Fellowship Hall.

5. Sand and repaint the vent on the inside of boiler room at the rear of

Fellowship Hall.

6. Removal and relocating the stones on the grassy area by Valley Road.

7. Trim and prune the embankment by the entrance roadway.

Inside work:

1. Clean the refrigerators in the kitchen.

2. Clean the white cabinet doors and drawers in the kitchen.

3. Remove the water stained ceiling tiles in the Office and in the


4. Wash the downstairs windows, inside and/or outside.

5. Repair the lower wall by the back doorway. Repaint the area.

6. Organize and clean the cabinets in Fellowship Hall, against the

kitchen wall.

7. Clean the inside of the elevator and use a stainless steel cleaner to

finish it.

Friday, April 1 1 Samuel 17:19-32 Acts 5:17-26 Psalm 150 Saturday, April 2 1 Samuel 17:32-51 Luke 24:36-40 Psalm 150 Sunday, April 3 Acts 5:27-32 Revelation 1:4-8 John 20:19-31 Monday, April 4 Esther 7:1-10 Revelation 1:9-20 Psalm 122 Tuesday, April 5 Esther 8:1-17 Revelation 2:8-11 Psalm 122 Wednesday, April 6 Esther 9:1-5, 18-23 Luke 12:4-12 Psalm 122 Thursday, April 7 Isaiah 5:11-17 Revelation 3:14-22 Psalm 30 Friday, April 8 Isaiah 6:1-4 Revelation 4:1-11 Psalm 30 Saturday, April 9 Genesis 18:1-8 Luke 14:12-14 Psalm 30 Sunday, April 10 Acts 9:1-20 Revelation 5:11-14 John 21:1-19 Monday, April 11 Ezekiel 1:1-25 Acts 9:19b-31 Psalm 121 Tuesday, April 12 Ezekiel 1:26—2:1 Acts 26:1-18 Psalm 121 Wednesday, April 13 Isaiah 6:1-8 Luke 5:1-11 Psalm 121 Thursday, April 14 Ezekiel 11:1-25 Revelation 5:1-10 Psalm 23 Friday, April 15 Ezekiel 20:39-44 Revelation 6:1—7:4 Psalm 23 Saturday, April 16 Ezekiel 28:25-26 Luke 12:29-32 Psalm 23 Sunday, April 17 Acts 9:36-43 Revelation 7:9-17 John 10:22-30 Monday, April 18 Ezekiel 37:15-28 Revelation 15:1-4 Psalm 100 Tuesday, April 19 Ezekiel 45:1-9 Acts 9:32-35 Psalm 100 Wednesday, April 20 Jeremiah 50:17-20 John 10:31-42 Psalm 100 Thursday, April 21 Ezekiel 2:8—3:11 Revelation 10:1-11 Psalm 148 Friday, April 22 Daniel 7:13-14 Revelation 11:15 Psalm 148 Saturday, April 23 Daniel 7:27 Revelation 11:16-19 Psalm 148 Sunday, April 24 Acts 11:1-18 Revelation 21:1-6 John 13:31-35 Monday, April 25 Isaiah 52:7-10 2 Timothy 4:6-11, 18 Mark 1:1-15 Tuesday, April 26 2 Samuel 1:4-27 Acts 11:27-30 Psalm 133 Wednesday, April 27 Leviticus 19:9-18 Luke 10:25-28 Psalm 133 Thursday, April 28 Proverbs 2:1-5 Acts 15:36-41 Psalm 67 Friday, April 29 Proverbs 2:6-8 Acts 16:1-8 Psalm 67 Saturday, April 30 Proverbs 2:9-15 Luke 19:1-10 Psalm 67


St. Timothy Business & Service Directory





Evalyn Johnson’s Granddaughter:

Tastefully Simple

Laura Dec, Consultant



Simplified Lifestyles through

Convenient & Unique Gourmet Foods

(973) 835-2348 ID# 0059231


Kim Gambino


20% off

St. Tim


St. Tim’s Business/Service Listing

contact Laurie Crowley at 973-694-8316

or email at st.tims395@yahoo.com

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