4. active and passive voiceecampus.wittykidsindia.com/malad/samplepapers/grade viii...3 q. v)...

Post on 09-May-2018






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Worksheet : 3

Grade : VIII

Subject : English


Name : ____________________

Date : ____/____/_______

Teacher’s Signature : ________


• Active Voice: When the subject does the verb, the sentence is said to be in the active voice.

• Passive Voice: When the subject is not doing the verb, the sentence is said to be in the passive voice.

Q. I) Fill in the blanks with suitable words.

1) Active Voice - Six monkeys rode two horses in the circus act.

Passive Voice: - Two horses ______________ ridden by six monkeys in the circus act.

2) Active Voice: - Many teenagers ________________ jeans and t-shirts.

Passive Voice: - Jeans and t-shirts are worn by many teenagers.

3) Active Voice: - All of us miss him.

Passive Voice: - He is _____________ by all of us.

4) Active Voice: - Most of the animals in the jungle ____________ the tiger

Passive Voice: - The tiger is feared by most of the animals in the jungle.

5) Active Voice: - The explosion rocked the building

Passive Voice: - The building was _________________ by the explosion.

Q. II) Convert the following sentences into the Passive Voice.

1) My father received a letter yesterday.

Ans - ___________________________________________________________________________________________

2. The players chose Adam to be their captain.

Ans - ___________________________________________________________________________________________

3) Commuters use the pedestrian crossing every day.

Ans - ___________________________________________________________________________________________

4) The music centre hold three concerts every year.

Ans - ___________________________________________________________________________________________

5) Many Europeans enjoy Asian art.

Ans - _________________________________________________________________________________________


Q. III) In the paragraph given below rewrite the incorrect words correctly.

In this monastery the discipline is quiet good. The rules are explain _________________ by the disciple master very

clearly. Most of the time the rules are obeyed by everyone. Once in a while a rule is broke ______________ by a novice.

The senior monk who catches the novice breaking the rule gives him a warning. A novice who keeps breaking rules are

________ punished by the discipline master.

Counselling is also provide ____________________ by the monastery. Some years ago two monks are ___________

sent by the monastery to attend a counselling course. They are now experienced counsellors. A counsellor help

____________ young monks to understand and improve their own behavior. In this way the novices were given a chance to

learnt ____________ self-discipline.

Q. IV) For each given sentence in the active voice, tick (√) the correct sentence in the passive voice.

1) The boy kicked the ball.

A) The ball was kicked by the boy. B) The ball is kicked by the boy.

C) The ball was kicked by the boy.

2) The Headmistress called Mr. Lim to her office.

A) The Headmistress was called by Mr. Lim to her office.

B) Mr. Lim was called by the Headmistress to her office.

C) Mr. Lim was call by the Headmistress to her office.

3) The bear attacked the hunter.

A) The hunter is attack by the bear. B) The hunter was attacked by the bear.

C) By the bear the hunter was attacked.

4) My grandfather plants many vegetables in our garden.

A) Many vegetables in our garden are planted by my grandfather.

B) Many vegetables in our garden planted my grandfather.

C) Many vegetables in our garden are plant by my grandfather.

5) Fans cool these rooms

A) These fans are cooling rooms. B) The rooms are cool by fans.

C) These rooms are cooled by fans.


Q. V) Convert the following sentences into the Active Voice.

1) The prizes were given to the students by the chief guests.

Ans - ___________________________________________________________________________________________

2) Bharat was gifted the watch by his mother.

Ans - ___________________________________________________________________________________________

3) The old man was given a blanket by Sally.

Ans - ___________________________________________________________________________________________

4) Lionel was given good advice by John’s father.

Ans -_____________________________________________________________________________________________

5) Each parrot was fed grains by the character.

Ans -_____________________________________________________________________________________________

Q. VI) Frame an active sentence and a passive sentence of your own using each group of words given. One has been done for you. {E.g. the pages/print : Active sentence – The machine printed the pages. Passive Sentence – The pages were printed by the machine.}

1) the door / close.

Active Sentence ____________________________________________________________________________________

Passive Sentence __________________________________________________________________________________

2) the letter / write.

Active Sentence ____________________________________________________________________________________

Passive Sentence __________________________________________________________________________________


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