4-h liberia first national agriculture fair “youth are the future of … · 2017. 8. 4. · first...

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4-H Liberia First National Agriculture Fair

“Youth are the future of agriculture!”

June 26, 2017

Don Bosco Polytechnic High School

Sinkor, Monrovia



The First National 4-H Liberia Youth Agriculture Fair was held at Don Bosco Polytechnic in

Sinkor, Monrovia on June 26, 2017. 38 schools were represented. The program included several

addresses from the Ministry of Education by Adolphus H. Collins, the Ministry of Agriculture by

Deputy Minister Paul Jallah, the 4-H Liberia Program Officer, Ted Williams. The keynote address

was given by the Peace Corps Liberia Country Director, Kevin Flemming.

4-H Liberia club members were instrumental in the success and process of the program.

Representatives from all counties took part in all parts of the program. Emmanuel Sackie

member of the KRTTI Demonstration 4-H Club was the MC for the event. Faith Gray, president

of the Rick’s Institute 4-H Club gave the welcoming address. Students from Margibi County

presented the opening ceremonies at the program. Representatives from Bong and Gbarpolu

county 4-H clubs led everyone in the 4-H Pledge and Motto. A representative from Lofa County

gave the introduction for the keynote speaker. 4-H Bomi county representatives led everyone

in the National Anthem and closing of the program. Each school had representatives helping to

sell at the market place. In total, 49 4-H members were present.

The finalists of the school garden competition from each county gave a 2-3 minute presentation

about their garden: how they choose a site, prepared the land, nurtured their crops, harvested,

and handled their crops after harvest. Judges also looked at the quality and their display of the

produce to decide who had the National Best 4-H School Garden. Two judges from the Ministry

of Agriculture, Mr. Edward Perry and Deputy Minister Paul Jallah, and one judge from the

Ministry of Educaion, Mr. Adolphus H. Collins, worked together to make the final decision. E.J.

Yancy Public School from Kakata, Margibi County was named Reserve Champion. Todee

Presbyterian of Todee, Montserrado County was named Grand Champion. Both received

trophies, the grand champion school received 20 medals for its 4-H Members.

4-H club members displayed their produce on tables while guests walked around purchasing

produce. The remainder of the produce was sold to market women from the Nancy Doe Market

across the street. A few students from John Christian Public School in Brewerville also displayed

a variety of handmade bags, purses, headbands, and pouches made from lappa.

Field Officers were honored for their services to 4-H Liberia with a medal and a note of thanks

by the 4-H Liberia Program Officer, Ted Williams. Then, the program was brought to a close.

Students received lunch then made their way back to their various counties with the exception

of Lofa county, which stayed an extra night before returning home.

Funding for this event was generously provided by the United States African Development

Foundation and Mike Massie.

Sales per county during the Agriculture Fair

County # of school participated Sale (in $US)

Lofa 6 700

Bomi 8 900

Montserrado 8 850

Gbarpolu 4 400

Margibi 8 690

Bong 4 330



MC Emmanuel Sackie KRTTI Demonstration Public School

9:00 AM Welcome Remarks Faith Gray, Ricks Institute 4-H Club

9:15 AM Opening Ceremonies 4-H Liberia Margibi County

9:30 AM History of 4-H Liberia Ted Williams, 4-H Liberia Program Officer

9:45 AM 4-H Pledge and Motto 4-H Liberia Bong and Gbarpolu Counties

10:00 AM Agriculture Education in Liberia Adolphus H. Collins, School Garden Coordinator, MoE

10:15 AM Youth in Agriculture Dept. Minister Paul Jallah, MoA

10:30 AM Introduction of Guest Speaker 4-H Liberia Lofa County

10:35 AM Keynote Address Kevin Flemming, Peace Corps Liberia Country Director

11:00 AM Guest Remarks Program Guests

11:30 AM Student Presentations 4-H Liberia Student Representatives

12:00 PM Student Marketplace 4-H Liberia School

12:45 PM National Best 4-H School Garden Award Presentation

Honored Guests

1:00 PM Vote of Thanks Ted Williams, 4-H Liberia Program Officer

1:10 PM National Anthem and Closing 4-H Liberia Bomi County

Schools Represented

Bomi Montserrado

Weakama Public School * John Christian International

Weamoi Public School Ricks Institute

Weajor Public School Presbyterian Todee Mission School *

Kamanda Town Public School Todee Weslyan Institute

Yassah Davis Christian Academy Hope International School

Mousa Toura Christian Academy Barhn Town Public School

Degweh Town Public School Euphemia Barclay School

John and Bery Stevens Foundation School John S. Varfley Public School

Gbarpolu Margibi

Momo T. Kamara Public School Demonstration Public School

Tumukola Public School John Wesley UMC School

S. Medifarsu Public School * EJ Yancy Public School *

Small Bong Mines Public School Weala Public School

Sackie Abomah Public School

Bong Browell Public School

Jowemanalah Public School * School of Christ International

C.G. Woah Public School Marwula Public School

David F. Bee Public School

Youth Mission Public School * Best school in county, competing for National Champion


St. Augustine Mission (Bolahum) *

Porlowu Public School

Fangunda Public School

Hasala Public School

Bolahum Public School

Kaitahum Public School

Guest Speakers

Faith Gray: Faith, a recently graduated senior at Rick’s Institute and president of Rick’s 4-H Club

gave the welcome speech. She has been a 4-H member since there has been a 4-H club at

Rick’s. Faith spoke on her experiences with 4-H and the opportunities and skills it has provided

her with.

Ted Williams: Mr. Williams is the 4-H Liberia project officer. He gave a brief history of 4-H

Liberia, talking about some of the successes and challenges they have had over the last decade.

In addition, he also honored the 4-H Liberia Field Officers for their hard work in the counties.

Adolphus H. Collins: Mr. Collins is the focal person for School Gardening and Agriculture

Education at the Ministry of Education. He spoke on the current state of agriculture education

in Liberia and how youth are important to moving Liberia forward.

Minister Paul Jallah: Minster Jallah is the Assistant Minister for Extension at Minsitry of

Agriculture in Liberia. He spoke on the importance of youth in agriculture and how extension

services in Liberia are trying to incorporate young people in their activities.

Kevin Flemming: Mr. Flemming is a former 4-H member from Ohio. During his Peace Corps

service, he was a permaculture volunteer, working closely with farmers in Lisitu. He has worked

in education, agiruclture, and development for many years. Currently he is the Country Director

for Peace Corps Liberia. Soon he will be moving to Namibia, continuing in the role of Country

Director of Peace Corps there.


First Place National Best 4-H School Garden: Todee Presbyterian Mission School 4-H Club

Second Place National Best 4-H School Garden: E.J. Yancy Public School


- 38 schools involved in 4-H Liberia activities attended the conference, more than half of

the schools involved with 4-H Liberia.

- 49 4-H club members were present to represent their 4-H Clubs

- Several clubs paid for their own transportation to Monrovia

- Winning county schools gave great speeches about their gardens with only a few days

notice. Next year with more notice, they should be even better

- 4-H Members were heavily involved in nearly all parts of the program

- Even though the guests were sparse, a lot of people who did not attend inquired about

the event after.

- 4-H Members did an excellent job setting up their display tables and selling their

produce during the market place session.

- 4-H field officers did a great job working with schools to prepare them for the event.

From previous field visits, school gardens looked ready and timing was well-planned for

produce to be ready by the fair.

- An intern with 4-H Liberia from the University of Liberia, David Kpehe, was instrumental

in the success of this event. Having several volunteers around to run errands, help set

up, etc. is very important

- Meals were cooked by volunteers on site, this helped reduce cost of feeding for the


- Students selling lappa products were great, incorporating more than just garden-fresh

products at the next fair would be even better. Ideas for this could be

o Value added agriculture product: gari, ground corn, cassava flour,

dried/preserved vegetables/fruits, honey, etc.

o Crafts: handbags made from lappa, instruments, jewelry, etc.

Lessons Learned:

- County Agricultural Coordinators and County Education Officers were not given enough

notice to judge schools properly in all counties. Next year CACs and CEOs should be

informed at least 2 months in advance.

- School was still in session at Don Bosco. It caused some minor disturbances, most

notably, that the kitchen was not free immediately so it took longer for breakfast to be

served, lunch to be prepared, etc. While this was an unforeseen challenge

- Funding for the program was not procured before the program began. Next year, we

should have funding secured before we organize the event to alleviate wasted time and

efforts that could be devoted to other things before the program started.

- We did not include that the students would be selling their produce in the invitations to

some of the people that we sent them out to. Not all program guests were prepared to

purchase produce.

- The program started 1 ½ hours late. There were many guests that arrived at the

designated start time of the program. Some had to leave or leave early because of this.

They were not able to stay and purchase vegetables from the students.

- All schools should arrive the night before. There were a few schools that showed up

late, even though a couple of those schools came to Monrovia early. If we are able to

have this program along with them camp, students will be properly organized before

the event. They can help set up, prepare their tables, etc. the night before.

- The opening ceremonies were not prepared well. Students need to have their parts

memorized and practice sufficiently before they give it. We also need to have the

correct props.

- Decorations were sparse for a few reasons, one, there was no money in the budget,

two, it was an afterthought because there were so many things that were not prepared

ahead of time.

- We need to have speakers informed/finalized more than two or three days before the

event. Due to some things out of our control, this did not happen, but going forward

there is a better understanding of who will speak and how they should be asked/invited.

- We should have market ladies informed ahead of time that we will be selling leftover

produce to them. That way we may be able to negotiate better prices ahead of time.

- Next year, we should make sure we have several students outside at the booths at all

time in case there are some guests who go/come late/early and want to purchase


- Plastic bags for produce sales should be provided to the schools ahead of time.

- More Liberia-based funding sources should be explored. Great efforts were made to ask

certain potential donors, but little was fruitful.


Item Cost (USD) Notes

Meals for Students, Field officer, national staff (breakfast and lunch)

400 Provided by Mike Massie

Printing/materials 50 Provided by Mike Massie

Water/refreshment 50 Provided by Mike Massie

Transportation for schools and their produce

650 Revolving fund from USADF, loan, school are supposed to pay back

Venue 450 USADF

Trophies and medals - Donated by Chloe Crocker/ Oklahoma 4-H

Total Cost 1600


Submitted by

G. Umaru Sheriff

July 15, 2017

National Executive Director

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