4 ways to make company beach towels stand out

Post on 13-Aug-2015






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4 Ways to Make Company Beach Towels Stand Out

Now that beach season is here, every business should be aware how custom towels can help spread the word

about your company or boost a specific promotion. However you decide to use towels in a campaign, make

sure they are unique. Here are four ways to have your custom beach towels stand out from the pack.

1. Use Contrast

While colors are always great for beach towels,

contrast is just as important. Think of how the

interplay between colors can help make your

towels stand out from the crowd and reach more

eyeballs in the sand. If you need a hand with

your design, the Holden Towels team is always

here to help.

2. Highlight your Logo

Classic logos like the Nike “swoosh” or Apple symbol speak volumes to consumers, but any great image will

work when you are designing custom beach towels. Take the time to lay out your towel design so your logo

gets the proper amount of space on towels. If you haven’t taken the time to craft a logo yet, it would be a

good time to start.

3. Make Colors Count

Colorful towels always attract more attention on the beach, so consider how you can work more into your

design. Even when your branding is conservative, depart from this approach when you put together your

towels. Sunlight is more flattering on bright colors than on black and white or brown towels without contrast.

4. Say It in Style

Sometimes, the best towel designs are the ones with the funniest, most provocative or most startling phrase in

big letters. If images are not the most important thing in your promotion or campaign, think of sayings that

will do as much (if not more) to help your company’s exposure. Then find a place to say it on your custom

beach towels.

Beach towels are ideal for summer promotions; they stand out from the crowd. Let Holden Towels help you

put the best towels on the beach this summer.

For further information or a quote please contact us at 800-290-6030 or visit www.BeachTowels.com.

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