48revistaato-fractures treatment of zygomatic complex

Post on 28-Nov-2014






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Silvano Daniel GUZMÁN BOUNPENSIERE ** Edgard José Franco MELLO JÚNIOR ***

Clóvis MARZOLA **** João Lopes TOLEDO-FILHO *****

Luiz Carlos da Silva MENDES JÚNIOR ****** ___________________________________________ * Monograph presented to the São Paulo Association of Surgeons Dentists, as part of the requirements

for the conclusion of the Buco Maxillofacial Surgery and Traummatology Specialization Course, promoted for the Regional APCD of Bauru in 2007.

** Concluding pupil of the Buco Maxillofacial Surgery and Traummatology Specialization Course, promoted for the Regional APCD of Bauru in 2007.

*** Doctor Head of the Service of Head and Neck of the HB of the AHB and Professor of the Buco Maxillofacial Surgery and Traummatology Specialization Course, promoted for the Regional APCD of Bauru in 2007. Person who orientates of the monograph.

**** Titular Professor of Surgery of the FOB-USP of Bauru, Pensioner and Professor of the Buco Maxillofacial Surgery and Traummatology Specialization Course, promoted for the Regional APCD of Bauru in 2007.

***** Titular Professor of Anatomy of the FOB-USP of Bauru and Professor of the Buco Maxillofacial Surgery and Traummatology Specialization Course, promoted for the Regional APCD of Bauru in 2007.

****** Head of the Buco Maxillofacial Surgery and Traummatology Service of the Hospital Portuguese Beneficence of Bauru and Professor of the Buco Maxillofacial Surgery and Traummatology Specialization Course, promoted for the Regional APCD of Bauru in 2007.



ABSTRACT Given to its localization, the zygomatic complex is an area of High exposition to traumas, the second higher incidence in terms of facial fractures. Injury of this specific area of the face may generate important functional and/or aesthetic compromising. This owes, as well, to the close relationship of the zygomatic-orbital complex with other structures of the face, making its treatment, in various cases, essential to the functional and aesthetic restoration. The descriptive research was carried out from a literature review, describing the procedures employed in the treatment, analyzing the aesthetic results and a clinical case report of a blow out type fracture.

RESUMO Dada a sua localização, o complexo zigomático é uma área de maior exposição aos traumas, sendo a segunda maior incidência no quadro de fraturas da face. A lesão desta área específica da face pode gerar comprometimentos funcionais e/ou estéticos importantes. Isso se deve, também, ao íntimo relacionamento do complexo zigomático-orbitário com outras estruturas da face, tornando seu tratamento, em diversos casos, essencial para a restauração funcional e estética. A pesquisa descritiva foi feita a partir de uma revista da literatura, descrevendo os procedimentos empregados no tratamento e analisando os resultados estéticos, e apresentando um caso clinico cirúrgico de uma fratura tipo blow out. Uniterms: Zygomatic complex; Aesthetics; Fractures. Unitermos: Complexo Zigomático; Estética; Fraturas.

INTRODUCTION The fractures of the zygomatic complex are one of the most common traumas for the maxillofacial surgeon. The first description of this type of fracture come from 1,650 B.C. from the “papyrus of Edwin Smith”, but was Duverney (1751) who publish the first scientific article describing the zygomatic complex fracture. The high incidence of this injury could be because of the projection of the zygomatic bone in the face (ELLIS III; EL-ATTAR; MOOS, 1985; ELLIS III, 1997; LEW; BIRBE, 2000 and SOBOTTA; BECHER, 2000). Considering that the form of the face is related with the osseous skeleton, we can conclude that the zygomatic complex plays an important roll on the facial contour. An injury of this specific area can compromise the aesthetics and the function (ELLIS III, 1997 and MARZOLA, 2005). This can be also because the zygomatic bone is related to others facial structures such as the orbit, the maxilla and the mandible, making the treatment, in most of the cases, essential for the functional and aesthetical restoration (MAKOWSKI; VAN SICKELS, 1995 and MARZOLA, 2005). The information about incidence, etiology, age and gender concerning this type of fractures varies according to the social, educational, and economic condition of the studied population. Most of the cases indicate a predilection for males with a 4:1 proportion in relation to females. Very different causes including



aggressions, automobilist accidents, falls, work accidents and sports are important factors for this injury. Understanding the different types of zygomatic fractures and the anatomic and physiological features that affects the stability, is essential for a correct diagnostic and treatment planning (CARR; MATHOG, 1997 and MARZOLA, 2005). The treatment of the zygomatic complex fractures is very controversial, as we can see in all the different philosophies in the literature (CARR; MATHOG 1997 and MARZOLA, 2005). This treatment had varied from a simple observation, up to a surgical approach for an internal rigid fixation. The decision of whether or not to operate is based in the signs and symptoms of the patient, or any functional alteration (ELLIS III, 1997 and MARZOLA, 2005). A rapid diagnostic and treatment generally offers a better opportunity for a functional and aesthetic restoration, but cases where the injury is not diagnose or a life threatening trauma is present can be bad for the case finalization.

SURGICAL CASE REPORT The Patient M. C. A., 43 years old, Female, white. Arrived to the maxillofacial service of the “Hospital Beneficência Portuguesa” in the city of Bauru-SP, with history of a fall from her feet, presenting trauma in the middle and upper third of the face. Presenting edema in the left periorbitary region and sub-conjunctival hemorrhage in the same eye. She complained of having left infraorbital parestisia end diplopic view (Figures 1 and 2). Figure 1 – Preoperative aspect with periorbital left edema and echimosis and subconjunctival

hemorrhage in the ipsilateral eye.



Figure 2 – Another preoperative aspect with periorbital left edema and echimosis and subconjunctival

hemorrhage in the ipsilateral eye. We realized a detailed radiographic exam and computerized tomography to complete the evaluation. For the radiographic exam was asked waters projection, Caldwell, lateral projection of the nose. In the waters radiography we observed the maxillary sinus totally radiopaque and a trace of fracture in the left orbital floor typical of a pure blow out fracture (Figure 3). Figure 3 – Preoperative aspect for x-ray PA of Waters noticing itself velament of the left maxillary

sinus and radiolucid trace in the wooden floor region of the orbit, being suggested a fracture of the pure type blow out.



We decided to operate the patient for a complete orbital floor reconstruction. We asked the patient laboratorial exams (hemogram, coagulogram and glicemy), pre-anesthetic evaluation and dated the surgery under general anesthesia. The patient was taken for the operating room of the “Hospital Beneficência Portuguesa” the doctor in charge where Dr. Luiz Carlos da Silva Mendes Junior, and under general anesthesia, orotraqueal intubations, we proceed the antisepsis with PVPI. We decided to make a sub-ciliary’s approach, approximately 2 mm under the left palpebral rim, using the langerhan lines to hide the scar (Figure 4). Figure 4 – Subciliar incision, approximately 2 millimeters below of the inferior palpebral edge, using

to advantage a line of ruga to occult the scar. The incision was made with number 15 blade and the muscular planes where separated with a metzembaum scissor until reaching the periostium that cover the infraorbital rim. The periostium is incised with a number 15 blade, and proceed to desperiotize the infraorbit and the zygomatic wall until we saw the fracture and the infraorbital fat herniating to the maxillary sinus (Figure 5). The fat where removed and a W. Lorenz titanium graft is the located in the region fixed with 5 titanium screws (Figure 6). The periostium is sutured with a 4-o vicryl with caution to avoid ectropium and skin where sutured with an intradermic suture with 6-0 nylon. At the end of the procedure the approach is covered with sterilize apposite.



Figure 5 – When arriving at the periosteun, it was incised becoming fulfilled its displacement and,

observing fracture type blow out with herning of the periorbital fat for inside of the maxillary sinus.

Figure 6 – The fat of the space of the maxillary sinus was set free, being placed a titanium mesh W.

Lorenz® fixed for five titanium screws.



After 113 days of post-operatory (Figure 7), we can see a facial symmetry, the edema and ecchymosed disappeared, such as the sub conjunctival hemorrhage. The patient told that she didn’t felt the paresticia, visual alteration, and the scar of the sub-ciliary’s approach is almost unseen. Figure 7 – In the 113 days of postoperative, observed face symmetry, disappearance of periorbital

edema and ecchymosed, beyond the subconjunctival hemorrhage. In the Radiographic evaluation for the 113 days we see a clean maxillary sinus and the titanium graph in position, the osseous tissue is repairing (Figure 8). Figure 8 – In the radiographic postoperative examination with 113 days the left maxillary sinus met

total radiolucid, without velament, the bone in repairing and, the titanium mesh and screws in correct position.



To finalize, a view of the patient, observing the approach and the reduction very satisfactory, functional and aesthetic (Figure 9). Figure 9 – A view of the patient, observing the approach and the reduction very satisfactory,

functional and aesthetic.

DISCUSSION The zygomatic orbital complex and the zygomatic arc are important structures of the face and, probably, given to its localization, it’s more exposed to traumas than other facial bones, except the nasal bones (ELLIS III, 1997; MADEIRA, 1995 and SOBOTTA; BECHER, 2000). Even though some injuries affect the orbital rim and the maxillary sinus isolated, most of the injuries of the facial middle third will include the zygomatic complex. The consequences of those fractures can include visual alterations, facial aesthetic and compromise mandible mobility (BARROS; MANGANELLO-SOUZA, 2000; GUIMARÃES, 2000 and MARZOLA, 2005). The term zygomatic fracture refers to a fracture involving the facial lateral middle third, even though, anatomically speaking this region is big, because it includes the zygomatic complex (MADEIRA, 1995; FONSECA; WALKER, 1997; SOBOTTA; BECHER, 2000 and MARZOLA, 2005). After a 120 cases of zygomatic fracture study, it was developed a 6 group classification for the zygomatic fractures, after that was reduced to 4 groups (KNIGHT; NORTH, 1961; MANGANELLO-SOUZA, 1982; BARROS; MANGANELLO-SOUZA, 2000 and MARZOLA, 2005). After was elaborated a new classification based in computerized tomography images, but all of them can fail owing to the professional ability or the images techniques (BARROS; MANGANELLO-SOUZA, 2000). This dependence can generate serious errors of diagnosis and, consequently, aesthetic and functional sequels to the patient, being subject to wrong choices of treatment or delayed interventions (ARONOWITZ; FREEMAN; SPIRA, 1986; ZIDE, 1986; ZACHARIADES; PAPAVASSILIOU; PAPADEMETRIOU, 1990 and MARZOLA, 2005).



The computerized tomography seems to be the most indicated option for diagnosis, based in images, of a zygomatic fracture. It provides a tri dimensional view, different to the conventional radiograph. The only disadvantage is that important anatomic structure can be hided because of any metallic restoration (PETERSON; ELLIS III; HUPP, 2000 and PASLER, 2001). Radiographic techniques, such as waters projection, Hirtz, and lateral view of the skull, can be very useful even though its limitations (GERHARDT de OLIVEIRA; RAMOS; OLIVEIRA, 1999; DINGMAN; NATVIG, 2001 and MARZOLA, 2005). Another important factor it’s the socio-economic factor, knowing that the computerized tomography are a very expensive exam (GERHARDT de OLIVEIRA; RAMOS; OLIVEIRA, 1999; DINGMAN; NATVIG, 2001; GOMES, 2004 and MARZOLA, 2005). The human face it’s not perfectly symmetric. It can be notice normal differences between both sides (MILLS; SPRUILL; KANNE et al., 2001). The clinical examination its based in comparing both sides, look for papillary symmetry, presence of edema, ecchymosed etc (ELLIS III, EL-ATTAR; MOSS, 1985 and MARZOLA, 2005). It has to be palpated symmetrically with 2 or 3 fingers, making circular movement, trough the lateral, frontal superior and inferior portions (ROWE, 1985; FONSECA; WALKER, 1997 and MARZOLA, 2005). In the case of edema that evaluation can be performed with pressure of the area (KRUEGER, 1984; MACHADO, 1996; MOORE, 2004 and MARZOLA, 2005). A trauma in the zygomatic complex usually leads to visual alteration, temporal or permanent, in near a 90% of the cases, principally in the blow out facture (FUJIMO, 1974; MANFREDI; RAJI; SPRINKLE et al., 1981; KAWAMOTO, 1982; AL-QURAINY; STASSEN; DUTTON et al., 1991; BECELLI; RENZI; MANNINO et al., 2004 and MARZOLA, 2005). A complete ocular evaluation are very important to detect ocular trauma that can compromise the vision, traumas such as, hemorrhage, corneal abrasions, dilacerations of the globe or even a rupture of the optic nerve, frequently injured by the trauma (JUNGELL; LINDQVIST, 1987; BAHR; BAGAMBISA; SCHLEGEL et al., 1992; LEW; BIRBE, 2000 and MARZOLA, 2005). The early treatment has a better prognosis, knowing that a late treatment will not fully reestablish a dystopia and/or enophthalmia (MCCOY; CHANDLER; MAGNAN et al., 1962; CRUMLEY; LEINSOHN, 1976 and MARZOLA, 2005). The etiology of the zygomatic fracture is related with the population that it’s been studied (CARR; MATHOG, 1997; GASSNER; TULI; RUDISCH et al., 2003; MOTAMEDI, 2003 and MARZOLA, 2005). Most of the studies show male as the most affected, mostly young, between the 21 and 30 years (UGBOKO; ODUSANYA; FAGADE, 1998), 20 and 29 years (ANDRADE-FILHO, 2000), 11 and 30 years (REIS, MARZOLA; TOLEDO-FILHO et al., 2001 and MARZOLA, 2005) and, between 15 and 24 years (KIESER; STEPHENSON; LISTON et al., 2002), Traffic accidents are reported as the principal responsible of this injury (ANDRADE FILHO, 2000; IIDA, 2001; SÁ LIMA; KIMAID; KIMAID, 2001; KLENK; KOVACS, 2003; MOTAMEDI, 2003 and MARZOLA, 2005),with a 90,1% of the cases (AKSOY, UNLU; SENSOZ, 2002). Other causes can be physical aggressions and falls. (REIS, MARZOLA; TOLEDO-FILHO et al., 2001; GASSNER; TULI; RUDISCH et al., 2003 and MARZOLA, 2005).



There are some factors to be considered in the treatment for example, the type of fracture, region, signs and symptoms, edema, health state of the patient (MARTIN; TRABUE; LEECH, 1956; ELLIS III, 1998 and MARZOLA, 2005). The rigid fixation with plates and screws is much recommended for a stable and aesthetic rehabilitation, and reducing the patients discomfort (MICHELET; DEYMES, 1973; GRUSS; VAN WYCK; PHILLIPS et al. 1990; ELLIS III, 1993; ARAGON; WEISMANN, 1996; GONÇALES, 1999 and MARZOLA, 2005). Simple fractures without dislocation do not have to be fixated with plates; the treatment depends of the surgeon varying the techniques that can be with, Ginestet hook, Carrold Girarg screw, or Gillies access, not compromising aesthetic (ARAGON; WEISMANN, 1996; VRIENS; VAN DER GLAS, H.W.; MOOS et al., 1998 and BARROS; MANGANELLO-SOUZA, 2000) Access for the rigid fixation has to be simple and do not compromises aesthetic, basically by a subciliar incision, or a Caldwell Luc access (MICHELET; DEYMES, 1973; ARAGON; WEISMANN, 1996; ELLIS III, 1996; BENÍCIO; ARUAUZ, 2002 and MARZOLA, 2005). QUIN (1977), corroborates for GRUSS; VAN WYCK; PHILLIPS et al., (1990)

CONCLUSIONS Based on the objectives and the case report we can conclude that: 1. The intimate relation of the zygomatic complex with other facial structures can lead in aesthetic compromising when injured. 2. Good diagnose depends on efficient physical evaluation and a complete radiographic examination. 3. A diagnoses by images is better by a computerized tomography. That let evaluate, not only the osseous injury but also the soft tissue and ocular globe. 4. Principal victims of a zygomatic complex fracture are young males. 5. Traffic accidents are the principal cause of this type of injury. 6. Internal rigid fixation is very important to a fully aesthetic and functional reestablishment. 7. Sub-ciliary’s incision is the best choice, for presenting a less marked scar in the postoperative. 8. The use of bioabsorbables materials reduces the possibilities to have complications and the necessity of new intervention.

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