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©  2016  HighJump.  All  Rights  Reserved. ©  2016  HighJump.  All  Rights  Reserved.

Leveraging  Configurability  to  Drive  Operational  Efficiency

From  Quick  Hits  to  Complex  SolutionsPresented  by  Jon  Gustafson  of  4SIGHT  Supply   Chain  Group

©  2016  HighJump.  All  Rights  Reserved.


• Jon  Gustafson– Director,  HighJump  WMS  Practice– 14  years  experience  designing  and  implementing  HighJump  Solutions

– 24  years  Supply  Chain  Industry  experience– Experience  within  a  vast  array  of  industry  verticals– Pioneered  the  Operational  Assessment  Offering  at  HighJump

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• This  presentation  reviews  several  recent  examples  of  how  HighJump  customers  have  leveraged  the  unique  configurability   of  the  Warehouse  Advantage  product   to  increase  efficiencies  in  their  operations.

• The  presentation  will  look  at  some  unique  solutions   that  customers  have  implemented   to  tackle  both  basic  and  complex  situations.    Some  of  the  solutions  represent  highly  customized  logic  put  in  place  to  raise  efficiency  levels  to  their  highest  degree.    Other  solutions  are  examples  of  simple  solutions   to  common  issues  faced  by  HighJump   customers.    

• Lastly,  the  presentation  will  touch  on  leveraging   the  HighJump   App  Station  Applications  as  an  approach  to  reducing   implementation  costs  while  realizing  savings  by  implementing   solutions   addressing  common  efficiency  opportunities.

Presentation  Overview

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• Introduction• Overview• Efficiency  Topics

– Double  pallet  scanning– RF  picking  for  eCommerce– “Super  Charging”  Cycle  Counting– Integrating  Yard  Advantage– Leveraging  App  Stations– Coming  functionality

• Q&A

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Double  Pallet  Scanning  –Scenario

• A  large  manufacturing  client  with  a  warehouse  that  uses  license  plate  control  and  double  wide  fork  trucks  for  moving  product.

• The  base  WA  solution  calls  for  each  LP  to  be  scanned  individually  one  at  a  time,  and  then  loops  the  user  back  through  the  process  to  identify  the  second  LP.– This  setup  caused  two  areas  of   inefficiency  for  the  warehouse:

1. The  fork  truck  driver  would  have  to  physically  move  around  to  scan  around  the  fork  lift  mast  while  trying  to  scan  the  LP  on  the  pallet.

2. After  going  through  a  series  of  screens  to   indicate  that  they  were  taking  the  entire  pallet,  they  would  need  to  go  through  the  entire  cycle  again  to  pick  up  the  second  pallet.

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Double  Pallet  Scanning  –Solution

• Two  scan  heads  were  fixed  mounted  to  the  backstop  of  the  forks.• LP’s  were  consistently  placed  in  the  lower  left  of  the  pallet  during  

all  label  application.• The  scanners  were  configured  to  receive  input  from  both  scanners.    

The  left  prefixed  with  the  letter  L,  the  right  with  the  letter  R,  and  the  two  were  concatenated  together  with  a  pipe  ‘|’separating  the  scanned  values.– Input  string  sample  “L_LP12345|R_LP98765”

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Double  Pallet  Scanning  –Solution

• When  this  data  is  passed  back  into  the  WA  application,  the  user  is  presented  with  the  two  LP’s  that  were  scanned,  and  has  the  option  of  accepting  both,  choosing  right,  choosing  left,  or  repeating  the  scan.

• The  WA  application  processes  were  configured  to  accept  both  LP  scans,  assuming  the  full  pallet  was  being  taken,  with  an  option  to  take  less  than  the  full  LP  via  a  function  key.

• Additionally,  the  process  to  drop  off  the  pallets  was  enhanced  with  an  F2:Drop  All  function  key.

©  2016  HighJump.  All  Rights  Reserved.

Double  Pallet  Scanning  –Improvement  Calculations

Old  Process New  Process ChangeNumber  of  Scans 7 2 -­‐71.43%Seconds  per  scan 5 2 -­‐60.00%Total  pickup  time 35 4 -­‐88.57%Travel  Time  per  move 120 120 UnchangedSeconds  per  Move 155 124 -­‐20.00%Pallets  per  move 2 2 UnchangedCapacity  per  associate  per  hour 46 58 25.00%Associates  in  process  per  shift 5 5Shifts  per  day 2 2Total  pallet  capacity  with  current  workforce 465 581 116

Workers  required 10 8 -­‐2Note:  Numbers  presented  are  approximations  based  on  one  specific  scenario.    The  model  allows  what  if  analysis  to  support  other  scenarios

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RF  Picking  for  eCommerce  –Scenario

• One  of  the  challenges  for  eCommerce  is  that  orders  tend  to  be  for  very  small  quantities  (1.4  lines  per  order  average).

• Some  operations  try  to  use  order  picking  to  fulfill  these  order  requests:– In  one  case,  even  while  picking  multiple  orders  to  a  cart,  the  customer  

was  using  order  picking.– This  leads  to  multiple  pick  tours  for  the  associate  and  exponentially  

increases  their  travel  time.

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RF  Picking  for  eCommerce  –Simple  Solution

• Let  Advantage  Fulfillment  Application  (AFA)  help  group  orders  for  picking– Split  out  single  line  orders  and  bulk  pick  them  using  a  simple  sort  process  

that  sorts  and  ships  in  one  step.– Split  out  multiple  line  orders  and  batch  pick  them.

• Batch  picking  either  by  order  or  by  container  allows  the  user  to  pick  several  orders  at  a  time  while  discretely  separating  them  on  their  equipment.

– Using  cartonization  allows  further  efficiency  gains  by  allowing  the  user  to  know  in  advance  how  many  containers  they  will  need  and  allowing  for  a  very  specific  cart  batch  to  be  built  for  the  user.

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RF  Picking  for  eCommerce  –More  Complex  Solution

• An  alternative  approach  to  picking  single  line  orders:– Pick  single  line  orders  in  bulk  as  described  earlier.– Pick  multi-­‐line  orders  in  several  bulk  “Sortation  POD  Batches”  where  each  batch  represents  a  

sortation  pod

• A  “Sortation  POD  Batch”  is  defined  by  the  number  of  orders  that  a  POD  can  physically  hold.    Orders  are  further  defined  by  the  size  of  the  order  using  Container  Advantage.    This  is  the  key  to  getting  the  right  orders  to  the  right  POD.– This  approach  allows  better  pick  density  but  requires  a  secondary  “Put  to  Store”  type  of  sort  

or  “Put  to  Light”  setup.

• Building  pick  batches  by  class  or  zone  leads  to  more  efficiency

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RF  Picking  for  eCommerce  –Improvement  Calculations

Muti  -­‐  Line  Orders Order  Picking Batch  Picking ChangeTypical  Pick  Tour  in  seconds 240 420 75.00%Number  of  tours 10 1 -­‐90.00%Total  pick  time 2400 420 -­‐82.50%

Single  Line  Orders Batch  Picking Bulk  Picking ChangeTypical  Pick  Tour  in  seconds 420 360 -­‐14.29%Number  or  tours 1 1 0.00%Orders  per  tour 10 40 300.00%Seconds  per  order 42 9 -­‐78.57%

©  2016  HighJump.  All  Rights  Reserved.

“Super  Charging” Cycle  Counting

• Inefficiencies  in  base  cycle  counting1. Cycle  Count  Check

• Executes  counts  by  priority,  due  date,  due  time• User  is  forced  to  continue  counting  after  finding  a  problem

2. Cycle  Count  by  Item  is  a  problem  in  large  warehouses3. Cycle  Counting  LP  controlled  block  stack  locations  means  

tearing  apart  the  entire  location

©  2016  HighJump.  All  Rights  Reserved.

Cycle  Count  Check  –Solution

• Execute  counts  by  pick  flow  sequence  within  a  priority  for  a  given  due  date  or  date  range.– This  allows  an  efficient  travel  path  for  the  counter,  yet  ensures  the  counts  are  

executed  in  a  timely  manner.– Using  a  date  range  gives  more  count  density  and  further   increases  efficiency.

• Configure  the  Count  Check  process  to  move  to  the  next  location  as  soon  as  an  error  is  encountered.– The  only   result  of  a  bad  count  check  is  to  schedule  a  location  count.  Once  the  

location  is  found   to  be  in  error,   schedule   the  count  and  move  on  to  the  next  location.

©  2016  HighJump.  All  Rights  Reserved.

Cycle  Count  by  Item  –Problem  further  Defined

• Cycle  Count  by  Item  is  controlled  by  one  work  queue  entry.– One  person  executes  the  counts  for  all  locations  containing  the  item.– If  the  user  backs  out  of  the  count,  the  count  is  not  complete  and  

counting  starts  over.– Counting  by  item  and  location  are  mixed  under  one  menu  option  so  

the  user  doesn’t  know  which  type  of  count  they  are  executing.

©  2016  HighJump.  All  Rights  Reserved.

Cycle  Count  by  Item  –Solution

• Instead  of  creating  a  work  queue  entry  for  an  item  count:– Create  separate  location  counts  for  all  locations  containing  the  item  

that  have  not  been  counted  in  the  last  ‘n’ seconds,  minutes,  hours.– This  allows  multiple  users  to  execute  the  counts  and  does  not  have  

one  user  covering  the  entire  warehouse.– Counts  for  all  locations  do  not  need  to  be  completed  in  full  to  avoid  

resetting  the  work  queue.    Each  location  is  counted  on  it’s  separate  work  queue  entry.

– All  counts  are  location  counts,  so  there  is  no  need  to  try  to  split  them  out  on  the  menu  for  different  users.

©  2016  HighJump.  All  Rights  Reserved.

Cycle  Count  LP  Block  Stack  –Solution

• Warehouses  that  have  block  stack  locations  that  are  LP  controlled  face  a  challenge  using  base  counting.

• Instead  of  having  the  user  identify  each  specific  LP  in  a  location,  configure  the  cycle  counting  processes  to  only  count  the  number  of  LP’s  in  a  location.

• If  there  is  an  error  in  the  number  of  LP’s,  then  drive  the  user  down  to  the  base  process  for  counting  LP’s  where  the  location  will  be  thoroughly  interrogated.

©  2016  HighJump.  All  Rights  Reserved.

Cycle  Count  LP  Block  Stack  –Solution

©  2016  HighJump.  All  Rights  Reserved.

Integrating  Yard  Advantage  -­Challenge

• Yard  Advantage  (YA)  is  not  integrated  with  WA.  YA  uses  its  own  data  model  and  activity  is  not  communicated  to  WA.

• YA  does  not  use  logic  for  door  planning  -­‐ it  counts  on  the  user  to  make  the  decision.

• YA  does  not  use  actual  or  anticipated  demand  to  get  the  right  trailer  to  the  right  door.

©  2016  HighJump.  All  Rights  Reserved.

Integrating  Yard  Advantage  –Simple  Solution

• The  first  level  of  integrating  YA  to  WA  is  to  simply  allow  them  to  communicate.– When  an  inbound  trailer  is  staged  at  a  door  in  YA,  this  can  insert  an  unload  work  request  into  the  work  queue.

– When  a  load  or  door  is  shipped  in  WA,  this  can  insert  a  yard  move  task  to  have  a  shunter  remove  the  trailer  from  the  door.

©  2016  HighJump.  All  Rights  Reserved.

Integrating  Yard  Advantage  –Next  Level  Integration

• The  next  level  of  integration  typically  calls  for  ASN  and/or  production  schedule  data.– By  knowing  what  is  on  a  trailer,  YA  can  be  configured  to  make  

intelligent  decisions  on  what  is  needed  next  in  the  warehouse.• Customer  example,  Direct  Loading  and  Unloading:

– Based  on  the  ASN  and  the  production   schedule,   the  customer’s  application  runs   a  door  planning   algorithm  to  select  which  trailer  is  needed  next  for  inbound   or  outbound.

– Inbound   trailers  are  scheduled   to  the  door  closest  to  the  production   line  feed,  or  put  away  location  using   XY  coordinates.

– The  reverse  logic  is  used  for  outbound   trailers.  The  trailer  of  the  required  type  is  scheduled   to  an  available  door  nearest  to  the  end  of  the  production  line.

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Integrating  Yard  Advantage  –Taking  it  all  the  way

• Customer  Example– Based  on  ASN  data  and  scheduled  ship  time,  the  door  scheduling  

algorithm  schedules  an  inbound  trailer  to  the  door.– Pick  plan  logic  is  extended  to  include  anticipated  receipts,  and  the  

entire  inbound  load  is  planned  either  for  cross  dock  or  for  put  away.– In  this  scenario,  the  merchandise  is  serialized,  but  is  not  pegged  to  an  

outbound  order.  In  turn,  the  receipt  scan  of  the  serialized  item  selects  the  best  outbound  order  and  a  door-­‐to-­‐door  transfer  is  performed.

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• Cancel  Order• Create  Counts• Create  Pickup• Cycle  Count  Approval• Demand  Replenishments• Email  Notification

• Equipment  Audit• Format  Validation• On  Demand  Cycle  Count• Quick  View• Trailer  Inspection• WA  Appointment

Useful  App  Stations

A  full  listing  of  App  Stations  available  can  be  found  on  the  HJ  Customer  Portal

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New  Functionality  on  the  Way

• Scheduled  functionality  for  March  release– 4  Wall  Serial  Tracking

• Full  trace  for  serialized  items  from  receipt  to  ship– Pick  Plan

• Minimizes  replans  (problematic   if  you  have  a  pick  module)• Allows  cool  things  like  the  planned  cross  dock  explained  earlier  

• Coming  App  Stations– Returns  Manager– Trailering  Loading  Suspend/Resume

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©  2016  HighJump.  All  Rights  Reserved. ©  2016  HighJump.  All  Rights  Reserved.

Please  feel  free  to  contact  me  with  any  follow  up  questions  regarding    your  situation

Jon  Gustafson  – 4SIGHT  Supply  Chain  Groupjon.gustafson@go4sight.com612.965.1902

Visit  us  on-­‐line  at  www.go4sight.com

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