5 best gym equipments for a fitter you!

Post on 16-Jul-2015






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Treadmill is the most preferred equipment by everyone.

You can perform walking or running on the treadmill and

you will get much better results than normal walking.

Treadmills now come with digital meters which indicate

speed, amount of calories burned, heart rate and

the distance traveled.

Elliptical Trainer.

Elliptical trainer is a stationary exercise machine which is used for a cardio workout. It works when you stand on foot pads and hold hand grips that will help you with balancing. It also has an upper body workout feature. You can perform walking or running without any pains in joints.

Lateral pull down.

Lateral pull down is the one of the best gym equipments. It works on your back, core and arms in one simple movement. Lateral pull down shapes up your back with three workouts in a week. It’s that effective.

Exercise bike.

Exercise bike is a stationary bike used to tone your lower part of the body. It works on your legs, thighs and hips. Your leg muscles will be strengthened and fat deposited at hips and thighs is reduced. Different types of exercise bikes are available at the gym.

Rowing machine.

Rowing machines offer the benefit of an overall workout with little impact on the joints. Position yourself on the seat, sit straight and keep your abdominal muscles tight. Take hold of the handles and pull back at the same time you push off with your legs. You should maintain a proper posture to see the results quickly and to burn more calories.

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