5. departmental view executive · departmental view executive mission: to provide effective advice...

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# 1992482 Executive Page 1 of 17

5. DEPARTMENTAL VIEW EXECUTIVE Mission: To provide effective advice to Council and the community and to ensure that the policy directions and operational plans

are implemented Officer Responsible: CEO Staffing Level (FTE)

Financial Summary 09/10 Budget 10/11 Budget 11/12 Budget 12/13 Budget 13/14 Budget

Revenue 25,000 - - - -

Expenses 3,048,267 3,155,965 3,267,596 3,391,845 3,520,838

Operating Initiatives Relevant linkage(s) Completion Date

BRANCH OFFICE OF THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Mission: To coordinate the Executive arm of Council Officer Responsible: CEO Staffing Level (FTE)

Financial Summary 09/10 Budget 10/11 Budget 11/12 Budget 12/13 Budget 13/14 Budget

Revenue - - - - - Expenses 1,193,044 1,239,412 1,287,601 1,338,631 1,391,685

Operating Initiatives Relevant linkage(s) Completion Date

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ACTIVITY CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER AND SUPPORT Mission: To provide timely and effective leadership, advice, liaison and decision making within an appropriate framework, in order

to provide best value services, regulation and community relations Officer Responsible: CEO Staffing Level (FTE)

Financial Summary 09/10 Budget 10/11 Budget 11/12 Budget 12/13 Budget 13/14 Budget

Revenue - - - - -

Expenses 551,132 571,992 593,658 616,990 641,240

Operating Initiatives Corporate Plan Link Completion Date

Output/Service Title Description Customer(s) Corporate

Objective/Notes Result Measures

1. Leadership & Human Resource Management

Provide leadership that reflects the values of the organisation and ensure that all staff are properly trained and work safely.

Community, Council & Staff 6.1, 6.4 Leadership & Human Resource Management

2. Strategy & Budget Planning

Develop, implement, monitor & review all strategic business plans and budgets. Provide advice, policy development and decision making support to Council.

Community, Council & Staff 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.7 Strategy & Budget Planning

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3. Budget & Program Management

Ensure implementation of Council plans, resolutions, policies and decisions. Exercise management of Council Financial operations.

Community, Council & Staff 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.7 Budget & Program Management

4. Risk Management Ensure development and maintenance of appropriate systems, procedures and performance standards to manage Risk.

Community, Council & Staff 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 6.7 Risk Management

5. Community Engagement & Corporate Communication

Develop & implement a community engagement and communication strategy.

Community, Council & Staff 6.1, 6.5 Community Engagement & Corporate Communication

6. Stakeholder Engagement Act as the primary link between Councillors & the Council organisation. Actively engage with customers, Government industry & professional organisations. Actively engage with all staff.

Community, Council & Staff 6.1, 6.5, 6.6 Stakeholder Engagement

7. Innovation Encouraging & fostering an environment for creativity.

Community, Council & Staff 6.6, 6.7 Innovation

8. Governance Ensure the organisation complies with recognised best practice and legislative protocols in all areas of governance.

Community, Council & Staff 6.1, 6.3, 6.5, 6.7 Governance

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Performance Measurement Result Measures (Title) Result Measure (Description) Result Targets Source of Data Reporting Frequency 1. Leadership & Human

Resource Management Compliant Health and safety plans & work practices. Staff turnover. Completion of performance plans. Delivery of organisational training plan.

100% compliance with statutory requirements – nil breaches Annual Turnover of 10% 100% 100% completion of planned training

Business Objects Monthly

2. Strategy & Budget Planning

All business plans are approved by Council and are in accordance to the Local Government Act (2001). Budget plans are approved by Council.

Adoption of all plans by statutory date Adoption of all budgets and quarterly reviews by Council by planned dates

Internal reports Annual

3. Budget & Program Management

Services and Project Plans are implemented and achieve desired strategic outcomes. Financial management systems complies with best practice and statutory requirements.

All projects are on budget, time and to specified standards Nil non compliance or negative audit feedback

Internal reports Monthly

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4. Risk Management Complaints and reported breaches to guidelines Internal and External audits and reviews are unqualified.

Nil incidents per financial year 100% compliance with audit program

Internal reports Quarterly

5. Community Engagement Community satisfaction with Council services. Proactive communications strategy.

Nil complaints about council services that comply with published service standards 100% delivery of community and media engagement strategy

CRM Monthly

6. Stakeholder Engagement Participation in council, community & industry events. Staff satisfaction levels.

100% completion of stakeholder engagement plan Target of 80% staff satisfaction

Internal reports Quarterly

7. Innovation Staff are recognised & rewarded for developing & creating innovative business solutions.

100% implementation of identified opportunities for improvement

Internal Reports Monthly

8. Governance Complies with best practice and statutory requirements

100% compliance with statutory requirements

Internal Reports Monthly

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Mission: Asset Management Development Program (AMDP) is an organisation wide change management program with targeted objectives for improving Council’ wide operational effectiveness and efficiency in service driven asset management

Officer Responsible: Manager - AMDP Staffing Level (FTE) 7

Financial Summary 09/10 Budget 10/11 Budget 11/12 Budget 12/13 Budget 13/14 Budget

Revenue - - - - -

Expenses 641,912 667,419 693,943 721,641 750,445

Operating Initiatives Corporate Plan Link Completion Date

Output/Service Title Description Customer(s) Corporate

Objective/Notes Result Measures

Asset Management Development Program (AMDP). (Program Plan #1212449v3) Alignment to Council Objectives Corporate Plan February 2006)

“We will have sustainable community infrastructure enabling service delivery that positions Cairns as the best region in Australia and the Asia Pacific”

CEO/ Executive Sponsors

4.4 Program Management

Organisational Development (OD) Work-stream

Business Process Redesign Work-stream

AM System Work-stream

Asset Management Plan Work-stream

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Performance Measurement Result measures have been endorsed by the Executive Sponsors. Priority of delivery of result measures are directed by the Asset Management Steering Committee (AMSC)/ (EMT) & are subject to change. Delivery of Result Targets is directly dependent upon the coherence of AMDP Branch Project Plans, their active branch management and delivery of their objectives. Result Measures (Title) Result Measure

(Description) Result Targets Source of Data Reporting

Frequency Program Management

Best practice program management approach adopted.

• Continue to deploy AMDP Quality Management System based on “Guidelines for quality management in projects, AS ISO 10006:2003”;

• All AMDP Branch Projects compliant with QMS through quality review process. Note this is a snapshot % not a progressive indicative measure.

• AMDP Quality Review documents;

• Quality review reports for Work-streams & Branch Projects summarised into AMDP Branch Project Status Report, #1451815.


Organisational Development (OD) Work-stream

Have staff drive our asset management objectives, including establishing a customer service focus across the organisation.

Well defined AM Service Levels/ Asset Class in accordance with IIMM standards.

Will be evidenced based, from a set of sources, including: • Branch Project Plans &

deliverables; • Level 2 OD Work-stream

Report; • “SIPOC” sheets; • Strategic Asset Management

Plans (SAMPs); • Asset Management Plan

(AMP) Training Records by employee.


Service Levels review (SIPOC).

Service Levels as approved by Elected Members as part of the SAMP approval process

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All management and staff using best practice asset management.

Trained/ Aware Management & Staff: • Facilitate Asset Management awareness by

providing part of Council’s employee induction process;

• Asset Management (ongoing) – estimated 20

new staff over Financial Year; • Develop & handover ongoing Asset

Management Training Program.

• Asset Management awareness delivered to all new staff as part of Council’s standard induction;

• Delivered AM standard training courses;

• Asset Management Training Program accepted by Asset Management training owner.

Staff training to implement the Business Process Redesign (BPR) areas, as specified in the BPR Work-stream.

Delivered business process training courses.

Asset Maintenance system training.

Systems based maintenance management training programs that have been approved by the Maintenance Management User Group (MMUGs).

Implemented Standard Roles & Responsibilities

• Approved revised AI Asset Management Portfolio Arrangements;

• Approved AM Roles & Responsibilities Matrix;

• Updated position descriptions.

Smoothly managing organisational change.

• Consultative approach adopted to Human Resource Issues (risk level reported, H60 maximum target).

• Strategy / planning & managing pace of change in-line with corporate & departmental priorities, organisational status & risks (risk level reported, H60 maximum target).

• Business continuity managed (risk level reported, H60 maximum target).

Program Risk Register and cascaded Branch Risk Registers reviewed periodically.

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Business Process Redesign Work-stream

Improve value for money in sustainable Service Delivery through redesigning “High-Level” Asset Management business processes across Council based on standard industry: • Best practices (IIMM); • Asset lifecycle approach; • Asset management roles

& responsibilities.

Cross-organisational business processes are implemented as follows: • Capital Works; • Asset Revaluation & Depreciation; • Constructed Assets; • Procure/ Logistics; • Works Management; • Donated Assets; • Miscellaneous (residual process/ issues).

• Level 2 BPR Work-stream Report;

• Business Process & Implementation plan approved by stakeholders;

• Facilitate Implementation plan managed by stakeholders.


AM System Work-stream

Have an integrated and holistic asset management system including adopting a single source of accurate / timely data.

• Fully utilise Corporate System(s) to manage asset maintenance;

• Facilitate the setup of Asset Classes in MatMan Asset/ Works Management.

• Retire shadow systems currently used to manage Maintenance Work;

• Five major Asset classes to be completed: Footpaths; Roads; Buildings; Sports & Community

Facilities; Drainage.


Shared data across organisation; appropriately managed.

Develop Business Processes and procedures that are aligned with Corporate System functionality & support of accurate and timely data capture.

• A completed Data Analysis for each asset class (as above);

• Proof of Concept documents for each asset class signed off;

• The development of the data hierarchy for each asset class;

• The data cleansing, and loading into database structures, for each asset class.

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Improved utilisation of corporate AM system.

MatMan v12 Upgrade (given ICS approval) - align business processes/ procedures with additional functionality and embed into work practices: • Inspections (Sub-equipment Register); • Accomplishments; • Evidence Based Treatment Projection


MatMan v12 fully tested and implemented with additional functionality of Sub- Equipment Register, Accomplishments, EBTP ready for roll-out.

SAM Feasibility Study and Implementation (dependent upon approval by ICS).

• Approved Feasibility Study; • Loading of the 5 year Capital

Works Program & deterioration models into SAM;

• Future funding requirements identified relating to 10 year Financial Model.

GIS Integration: • MatMan/ GIS; • Oracle Projects/ GIS; • SMEC/ GIS.

AMDP recommendations provided to the GIS User Group & MMUGs; as per AMDP – Plan.

Streamline data capture and work management, facilitating ‘on the job’ data capture, automated work dispatch and remote work requests; by developing a Proof of Concept document for remote data collection & dispatch linked to the Maintenance Management System

Remote data entry Proof of Concept document signed off.

Asset Management Plan Work-stream

Facilitate the provision of Strategic Asset Management Plans (SAMPs) linked to service delivery requirements of Council.

The completion of 18 SAMPs, including applying AMDP quality review using IIMM standards. (Refer Key Milestone Swim-way Asset Management Plans - #1944335).

• AMP Work-stream Level 2 Report;

• AMP Quality Review documents;

• Full endorsement of all SAMPs.


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Have capital maintenance and refurbishment activities planned and optimised; through coordinating & facilitating the development of (AMPs) for all Council assets.

Facilitate and directly assist the continued development/ creation of AMPs written with a tactical focus initially and strategic later.

AMPs generated, quality reviewed and signed off for: • Bridges; • Urban Parks/ Foreshores; • Cemeteries; • Road & Transport Network; • Footpaths; • Flood Mitigation Network; • Community Buildings; • Corporate Buildings; • Drainage & Stormwater

Network; • Water Supply; • Waste Water; • Solid Waste; • Recreational Facilities; • Fleet.

Have project selections based on effective planning and evaluation of risks and life-cycle costs; through facilitating that AMPs detail future recurrent and Capital Works expenditure. Focus: Planned Maintenance/ Management work practice.

AMPs input on a best efforts basis (currently estimated at 60-80%): • Capital works project selection generated via

the Strategic Asset Management (SAM) software;

2010/ 2011 Capital Works budget proposal based on AMPs.

• AMPs to be used to inform all future financial models;

Provision of AMP data via SAM for Council’s Financial Model.

Ensure AMPs (strategic and tactical) are “fit for purpose”; using IIMM standard.

• Apply Quality Review for AMPs (350 Tactical, 18 Strategic).

The documentation of the results of the Quality Review process;

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BRANCH CORPORATE COMMUNICATION Mission: To deliver quality communication, marketing and promotion services, community engagement activities, media

management and civic events to and on behalf of the council to enable it to achieve its strategic corporate communication objectives

Officer Responsible: Manager Corporate Communication Staffing Level (FTE)

Financial Summary 09/10 Budget 10/11 Budget 11/12 Budget 12/13 Budget 13/14 Budget

Revenue 25,000 - - - -

Expenses 1,855,223 1,916,553 1,979,995 2,053,214 2,129,153

Operating Initiatives Relevant linkage(s) Completion Date

ACTIVITY COMMUNITY EVENTS AND CIVIC RELATIONS Mission: To deliver quality community and civic events to and on behalf of the council Officer Responsible: Events and Civic Relations Coordinator Staffing Level (FTE)

Operating Initiatives Corporate Plan Link Completion Date

# 1992482 Executive Page 13 of 17

Output/Service Title Description Customer(s) Corporate

Objective/Notes Result Measures

1. Civic & Protocol Events Delivery of a range of civic events including visiting delegations, civic welcomes, Mayoral receptions, recognition of VIPs and dignitaries and support for Sister Cities activities.

Councillors, VIPs, dignitaries, visiting delegations, invited guests, community, interest groups, staff

6.1, 6.5, 6.6 1. Civic & Protocol Events

2. Annual events A range of civic events that council either delivers or plays an active part

Community, interest groups, Councillors, staff

6.1, 6.5, 6.6 4. Annual events

3. Extraordinary events Unscheduled, one-off events and activities supported and budgeted for by council.

Councillors, community, interest groups

6.1, 6.5, 6.6

4. Citizenship ceremonies Formal new citizenship welcoming ceremonies held in association with DIMA under delegation to the Mayor from the Federal Minister.

New citizens, DIMA 6.1, 6.5 5. Citizenship ceremonies

5. Sponsorships Sponsors secured for various Council organised events and activities to reduce the cost burden on ratepayers.

Television, radio, press, corporate sector and private organisations.

6.5, 6.6, 6.7 6. Sponsorships

Performance Measurement Result Measures (Title) Result Measure (Description) Result Targets Source of Data Reporting Frequency 1. Civic & Protocol Events Number of scheduled events

held Delivery of events as per agreed planned annual schedule

Corporate Communication records


2. Annual events

Number of scheduled events held

Delivery of events as per agreed planned annual schedule

Corporate Communication records


3. Extraordinary events Number of unscheduled, one-off events and activities supported and budgeted for by council.

Delivery of events in accordance with budget

Corporate Communication records


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4. Citizenship ceremonies Number of ceremonies held

Delivery of ceremonies as per DIMA-approved schedule.

Corporate Communication records


5. Sponsorships Sponsorship targets of support for each event met

100% achievement of sponsorship targets.

Corporate Communication records


ACTIVITY MEDIA AND REPUTATION MANAGEMENT Mission: To deliver a pro-active quality media management service and provide strategic media advice to successfully manage

the Council’s reputation and professional standing Officer Responsible: Media Officer Staffing Level (FTE)

Operating Initiatives Corporate Plan Link Completion Date

Output/Service Title Description Customer(s) Corporate

Objective/Notes Result Measures

1. Media Releases and News Calls

Pro-active information releases on various Council matters of public interest, for dissemination by media.

Media; e-mail recipients on newsletter list.

6.5 1. Media releases & News Calls

2. Disaster management media coordination

Media coordination services provided during disasters impacting the region. Includes vetting Council communication to the community in the recovery phase of a disaster event.

Disaster Coordination Centre team members; Disaster Management Plan team members; community; media

4.5 2. Disaster management media coordination

3. Advertising Coordination, booking and placement of classified and display advertising in print, radio and television.

All Council Branches 6.3 3. Advertising

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Performance Measurement Result Measures (Title) Result Measure (Description) Result Targets Source of Data Reporting Frequency 1. Media Releases and

News Calls Uptake of media releases and news calls issued to local media agencies

80% uptake Corporate Communication records including Media Monitor service reports.


2. Disaster management media coordination

Uptake of media releases and news calls issued to local media agencies in relation to disaster events

80% uptake Corporate Communication records including Media Monitor service reports.


3. Advertising Delivery of programmed schedule of advertising in accordance with budget.

100% budget compliance Corporate Communication records


ACTIVITY RESEARCH & COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT Mission: To design and deliver quality community engagement, marketing and promotion activities to inform, educate, consult and

involve the community. Officer Responsible: Staffing Level (FTE)

Operating Initiatives Corporate Plan Link Completion Date

# 1992482 Executive Page 16 of 17

Output/Service Title Description Customer(s) Corporate

Objective/Notes Result Measures

1. Community engagement campaigns

Pro-active community engagement campaigns designed to engage (inform, consult or involve) residents on identified issues of strategic importance to Council.

Council, the community 6.2, 6.5 1. Community engagement campaigns

2. Marketing and communication campaigns

Delivery of educational and information campaigns to the community through various mechanisms including messages on hold, newsletters, new residents’ kits, etc.

Council, the community 6.1, 6.5 2. Marketing and communication campaigns

3. Corporate image and brand management

Prescribe arrangements for use of approved Council logos, including: • Guidelines and templates for style and

format of corporate publications and marketing materials

• Monitor adherence to prescribed corporate style guidelines.

• Produce a suite of branded corporate promotional items.

• Maintain Council’s catalogue of professional photographic images for use in marketing and communication campaigns.

Councillors, staff

6.4 3. Corporate image and brand management

4. Corporate website Manage Council’s customer-centric corporate website including navigation, functionality, branding and content.

The community; Councillors; Council staff

6.2, 6.5 4. Corporate website

5. Corporate Publications

Coordinate design and production of Corporate Plan and Annual Report.

Council; the community. 6.2, 6.5, 6.7 5. Corporate Publications

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Performance Measurement Result Measures (Title) Result Measure (Description) Result Targets Source of Data Reporting Frequency 1. Community engagement

campaigns Number of community engagement campaigns delivered

Delivery of campaigns as per annual schedule

Corporate Communication records


2. Marketing and communication campaigns

Number of marketing and communication campaigns delivered

Delivery of campaigns as per annual schedule

3. Corporate image and brand management

Compliance with prescribed style guidelines for use of corporate logo.

100% compliance

4. Corporate website Visits per month Pageviews per month

Target: 58300 Target: 21300

5. Corporate Publications

Delivery of scheduled corporate publications on time and on budget

100% compliance

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