5 keys to successful lead nurturing by @fearlesscomp for @datadotcom

Post on 22-Apr-2015






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According to the experts, as many as 9 out of 10 visitors are not ready to buy, but the vast majority of those will buy eventually. How do you earn the trust of those prospective buyers over time, so that when they are ready to buy, they know and trust you? Join demand generation expert Jeff Ogden of Find New Customers who shares ways to capture this “low-hanging fruit” – by sharing the 5 Keys to Successful Lead Nurturing. Webinar Highlights: * How to earn trust using stories * The kind of content to share that earns buyer’s trust Presented by Jeff Ogden, founder and President of Find New Customers, a demand generation company. He is also the host of the online marketing show, Mad Marketing TV.


5 Keys to Successful Lead Nurturing

Jeff Ogden, President of Find New Customers & Host, Mad Marketing TV and Marketing Made Simple

Presented by:

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Premier show: May 1

Why Lead Nurturing?

“As many as 9 out of 10 visitors to your website are not ready to buy today, but about 8 out of 10 will buy eventually.” Brian Carroll MEClabs

Future buyers are visiting.

Earning the Trust of Future Buyers

Share valuable content (to them!) over time, using a story-telling format, so that you earn their trust.

Watch for the hand-raise

Marketing Automation and Lead Nurturing

• Marketing Automation is useful for lead nurturing

• But it does NOT do lead nurturing.

• YOU do.

So You Want to Nurture Leads?

5 Important Things to Note

1. Start with a deep understanding

• The better you understand buyers, the better results you will achieve.

• Interview target companies and customers to understand what motivates them.

• Ensure your data is rock-solid and accurate (Data.com)

2. Tell a Story

3. Make it valuable. To them/not you

4. Include Calls to Action

• Think “What can we offer them?”

• Give to Get

• Content has value

5. Be Patient


• Nurture because most are not ready to buy

• Watch for the hand-raise

• Software helps, but you nurture


5 Keys to Success

1. Start with Understanding

2. Tell a story

3. Make it valuable

4. Calls to Action

5. Be Patient

Thank You!

• Jeff Ogden, President of Find New Customers

• www.findnewcustomers.com

• Check out Fearless Competitor blog

• http://about.me/jeffogden

• @fearlesscomp on Twitter

• Or just Google “Jeff Ogden”

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