5 major world religions eastern religions hinduism buddhism

Post on 03-Jan-2016






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5 Major World Religions

Eastern Religions


5 Major World Religions

HinduismProbably the oldest religion in the world.Took ideas from the Aryan’s Vedas religious teachings.

Aryan Vedas Religious Teachings

5 Major World Religions


In Hinduism, the soul is represented by a river. The Ganges River is especially sacred to the Hindus as a source of life and purity (cleansing).


Hindu’s believe in the idea of reincarnation or rebirth of the soul when a person dies.

The idea of Karma or how well you live your life determines how you will be reincarnated.


Hindu’s believe in the caste system which is a way of ranking people’s class or place in society.

Hinduism is polytheistic meaning they worship many gods.

Vishnu Shiva Durga Ganesha

Brahma / Brahman

5 Major World Religions


Hindu Temple Hindu Shrine in the home

5 Major World Religions


Hindu Temple Hindu Shrine in the home

5 Major World Religions

HinduismSymbols of Hinduism

Hindu Om

The Om (or Aum) sign is one of the main symbols of Hinduism. Most religions believe that creation began with sound-- In the beginning was the word… For the Hindus, Om is the primordial sound, the first breath of creation. Hindus often use this sound when praying or chanting.

5 Major World Religions

HinduismSymbols of Hinduism

Lotus BlossomIn Hinduism, the lotus represents beauty and non-

attachment. The lotus is rooted in the mud but floats on the water without becoming wet or muddy. This symbolizes how how one should live in the world in order to gain release from rebirth: without attachment to one's surroundings.

5 Major World Religions

HinduismSymbols of Hinduism

Why do some Hindus put a dot on their forehead?Not only women, but Hindu men also wear a dot on the forehead, indicating their third eye. The dot, called a pottu, is a very important symbol, reminding Hindus of their spiritual heritage and ideals, wherever they may be. It also serves to identify a Hindu among the members of all other religions.

5 Major World Religions

HinduismSymbols of Hinduism

The CowHindus do not worship the cow like a god, but instead treat the cow as a sacred or special animal put on the earth to help the people. Cows provide milk which has many nutrients in it and can be used for leather when the animal dies of natural causes. Hindus do not look at cows as a source of meat (beef) like we do in America since most Hindus are vegetarians.

5 Major World Religions


5 Major World Religions


Prince Siddhartha Gautama



The Buddha became enlightened by meditating or thinking deeply about


5 Major World Religions


Buddhists sometimes still pray under a bodhi (fig) tree.

5 Major World Religions


Buddhists must follow “The Middle Way” so that they can reach “Nirvana” and be set

free from the cycles of reincarnation.

5 Major World Religions

BuddhismSymbols of Buddhism

Statue of Buddha

The Buddha is not treated as a god, but respected and honored as a great teacher.

5 Major World Religions

BuddhismSymbols of Buddhism

Buddhist Wheel

The wheel is one of the most important Buddhist symbols. It represents the teachings of the Buddha. The wheel symbolically turns as a Buddhist is learning more about his or her inner spirit. It is sometimes called “the wheel of transformation” since a Buddhist transforms and becomes enlightened.

5 Major World Religions

BuddhismVideo Break

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