5. pre production

Post on 12-Feb-2017






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Style sheetThe reason why I chose this font is because it resembles the old title for space invaders as well as the other 8-bit font, I think this font could work rather well with either of the smart and curvy fonts I have chosen.

So between this font and the other I am torn between them because they both suit the brand name, I would like to use both if I could, I choose all these fonts from dafont.com. This also resembles a font from a different classic arcade game.

I think these colours will work well against other colours but also for the actual colour of the top. My default colours for the t-shirt would be black and white.

This font would suit the gentleman part of the brand name because it looks like it’s been written with a fountain pen and very smartly, this is between the font underneath as I think both would work very well.

This font looks like they’ve taken the time to write it so neatly, I would rather use this font to the one above but they would work well.

Style sheetThis is the main design that I will be rotoscoping for the t-shirt, I would upload it to website once I finished called redbubble to see what it actually looks like on a actual t-shirt

This would be a design made out of pixel graphics and this would also be the logo of the brand and also it’s own t-shirt design, it would come in other designs and colours for both genders.

This designs would be made out of one of the other techniques I’d learn from tutorials and would be a great design for anime fans

This would also be created with one of the techniques I would learn from a tutorial and would look great for Marvel comic fans and would also get people excited for the new film civil war.

Layout 1

Layout 2

Props & LocationsProps/Costume needed Locations needed

I will need photoshop for my production such as the rotoscope and the other filters.

For this I will need to be at college so that I can use photoshop, also to take screen shots of my work. I need to at college because on my laptop I don’t have photoshop as it is a monthly paid programme.

I will need microsoft powerpoint for the production reflection.

To use powerpoint I can either be at college or at home as both the college computers and my laptop has it.

I will also the internet so I can find images for my designs and to upload them to the internet.

For this I would prefer to be at college to find the images and do the designs straight away, then I can either upload them at home or college because I have internet access.

Contingency Planning

Potential Issue Solution

I may lose my work from the computer and or my memory stick, for example my memory may become corrupted and lose all my work.

A solution for this is to maybe buy a second memory stick with all my work saved onto it as a backup, also to save it to onedrive and back it up onto my laptop.

There may be an issue with the computer so I wouldn’t be able to do what I needed to do work wise, such as production or the reflection to my production.

For this I would move to a different computer or work on my laptop from home or bringing it into college in my bag and I can work on my powerpoints like that.

Also there maybe a problem with photoshop, where it may close itself down or have errors saving my progress and I would lose all my work. Also photoshop may be down for the day with technical difficulties which will result in with no work done.

I would recommend myself to work on my powerpoints if there is an issue on photoshop where I will try and improve and finish other work powerpoints to do with the FMP

The computer that I may be using could crash and or shut itself down losing all my work that I managed to complete in the lesson could all be lost.

Instead of working on a computer that is having a technical difficulty I should move to one that is free or work from my laptop during college time and or at home in my own time.

Health and SafetyPotential Issue How will the issue be

avoided?Whilst working from my laptop at home or working on the computers at college I could strain my eyes.

To avoid my eyes straining I will not work in a dark room and won’t have my brightness on too high, I also won’t be too close to me screen.

Also whilst working on laptop or the computers my hands could cramp up and start to ache.

Also if I have been typing for too long and I can feel my hands start to cease up I would take a small break.

I could get back ache whilst hunched other the keyboard where I will be typing.

Avoiding this issue is simple, I would have to sit up straight in my chair whilst typing and also take breaks and stretch upright and straighten myself up.

I could trip over the cables and they could be pulled out of the monitor, the issue would be that it would turn off and lose all the work and progress.

I will make sure are not in the way if I do walk away from my seat, if they are in the way I would move them out of the way just in case.

I could even get an electric show from the computers or sockets, this would happen if there is a socket that is turned on or from the cables that aren’t plugged in properly.

To make sure I don’t get electric shocks I will make sure before use I will make sure that unused sockets are turned off, then check if all the cables are plugged in correctly.

ScheduleDay Plan of Action Resources Required

Day 1 First of all I will start my production which is a rotoscope that will consume most of the time because I always do a complicated design. While I am doing this I will take screenshots and complete my production reflection while I work.

For this I will need to have the Microsoft powerpoint to work on my production reflection then photoshop for my production

Day 2 The second day I will carry on doing my production again taking screenshots and explaining the steps I took in my production reflection.

I will again need powerpoint and photoshop for this day

Day 3 The third day will be finishing off my production and the production reflection, then finishing making some more designs with different techniques

I will need photoshop and the internet to find some new photoshop techniques then powerpoint to explain the steps

Day 4 Fourthly I will start to finish off my designs and add them to my production reflection. Then once that is all finished, send that off to Josh.

• I will finish my production reflection on powerpoint then the internet and email.

Day 5 On the fifth day I will finish what I missed on my pre-production, such as my props and locations also the style sheets where I need to explain what I will be using.

I will need powerpoint with pre-production.

Day 6 Sixth I will have people give my feedback on my work and give their opinions on what I can improve and do better next time.

I will need powerpoint to start my evalution

Day 7 I would start to evaluate my work, and putting in descriptive language and detail.

I need to have powerpoint for my evaluation

Day 8 Finally I will get my evaluation all finished and sent to Josh for marking.

I will need powerpoint and the internet to email to Josh

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