5 themes of geography the study of geography is broken up into 5 areas called themes. the five...

Post on 31-Dec-2015






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5 Themes of Geography

5 Themes of Geography

The study of geography is broken up into 5 areas called themes.

The five themes of Geography are: Location, Place, Human/Environment Interaction, Movement and Regions.

1. Location- a place on the globe determined by lines of longitude and latitude• Absolute Location- a place’s exact location

using coordinate points• Relative Location- a place’s location in

relation to the things around it.– Example: other countries, cities, landmarks…

2. Place- Characteristics that define a place and explains what makes it different from other places. • These differences can take many forms

including physical or cultural differences. • (Physical= land forms, plant life,

Cultural=Language, religion)

3. Human/Environment Interaction: explains how humans and the environment interact with each other. • Humans adapt and change the

environment while depending upon it.

4. Region- an area on the earth’s surface that is defined by certain unifying characteristics.• Regions are defined by area,

vegetation, political divisions, etc.• Geographers divide the earth into regions to

make it easier to study.

5. Movement: The movement and interaction of people, items, and ideas that help shape the world.


Longitude and Latitude

Longitude and LatitudeA. The intersection of longitude and latitude

tell a place’s location on the globe.

1. Latitude- aka “parallels”• Runs horizontally around the globe• Degrees latitude are numbered from 0-90° North

and South.• 0° = the Equator• 90° N = the North Pole, 90° S = the South Pole

2. Longitude- aka “Meridians”• Run vertically from the North Pole to the South

Pole• Meridians are widest at the equator.

3. The Equator- an imaginary line of latitude that divides the Earth into Northern and Southern hemispheres.

• The Equator= 0° Latitude

4. The Prime Meridian- The imaginary line that divides the Earth up into Eastern and Western hemispheres.

• The Prime Meridian= 0° Longitude


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