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Information Literacy SkillsTheme: Achievements

Theme Information Literacy Skills


Week 1

Group:Spirit of Endurance

Approaching:Animals of the Poles

On Level:The Lure of the Poles

Beyond:Science in the Snow

ELL:The North and South Poles

North PoleSouth Pole

Vocabulary/Comp.Ice and More Ice

Genre: Nonfiction ArticleThe Bottom of the World

Comprehension Strategy: o Generate questionso Think and Search

Comprehension Skill:o Problem and


Fluencyo Repeated readingo Partner Reading

Literatureo Expository non-

fiction o Informational text o Survival literature o Moodo Author/Illustrator:

Jennifer Armstrong and William Maughan

Reference/Research Skillso Primary sources:

journals and letters o Using a dictionary:

Oral Language o Using a thesaurus o Note taking o Using an

Encyclopediao Evaluation

Graphic Organizerso Venn Diagrams

514So Problem/Solution

Map pp. 523, 526,

Main Writing:o Introduction


Other: o Animal Adaptations o Geography of the

Poles o Antarctic

Exploration o Exploration

Then and Now o Health

problems caused by exposure

o Travel writing o Alternate routes

5 5

528, 532, Writer’s Checklist p. 541

o Note taking sheet 541A

o Word Web p. 541F

Technologyo Using an internet

site Week 2


Approaching:Food Fight

On Level:Fruit from Space

Beyond:Land of the Peppertoes

ELL:Space Fruit

Fantastic Foods

Vocabulary/Comp.Juanita and the Cornstalk

Genre: Encyclopedia EntryBlue Potatoes and Square Watermelon

Comprehension Strategy: o Make inferences and

analyze o Author’s Purpose o Compare and Contrast o Visualizationo QAR: Author and Me

Comprehension Skill:o Theme

Fluencyo Repeated reading o Partner reading

Literatureo Fantasy literature o Author Study o Informational Text:


Reference/Research Skills

o Dictionary: Word Origins

o Using a Dictionaryo Online encyclopedia o Evaluation

Graphic Organizers o Theme Chart 547o Writer’s Checklist 565

Technologyo Hyperlinks and

keywords o Online encyclopedia

entries o Online dictionary

Main Writingo Write a play

using a food theme.

Othero Food and Society

542Jo Growing Food

542Jo Advertising 553o Uses for different

plants 559o Follow Directions

558o Research a

hybrid; compare and contrast it to the parent plants 563

o What are the negatives of cross-breeding? 563

o Write and support a statement 565T

Week 3

Group:A Historic

Learning from Nature


Comprehension Strategy o Make inferences and


Main Writingo Biodiversity

newspaper article


Approaching:The Adamsons: Living with Animals

On Level:Animal Observers

Beyond:Rachel Carson: Nature’s Champion

ELL:Animal Watchers

Comp.The Healing Power of Plants

Test Strategy: On My OwnDesigned by Nature

Comprehension Skill:o Cause and effect o Make generalizations

Fluencyo Repeated Readingo Partner Reading

Literatureo Book reviews

Reference/Research Skillso Use a

thesaurus/dictionaryo Making an outline

from notes o Use graphic aids:

maps and diagrams o Evaluation:


Graphic Organizerso Cause/Effect Chart

572o Writing scoring rubric

576, 577Bo Writer’s Checklist 577o KWL Chart 577A

Technologyo Answer Questions

Othero Write a book

reviewo Expository essay

on how your idea of something in nature has changed over the years.

o Writing to prepare research: A Nature Adventure

o Research Lewis and Clark and write a job proposal for a spot on their expedition.

o Research and write about social adaptations in the natural world.

o A Persuasive Essay on the topic: Should modern doctors be required to learn about methods used by native healers?

o Write a formal business letter using vocabulary words telling why it is important to save the environment.

Week 4Group:The Unbreakable Code

Approaching:Braille and Beyond: Inventions for the Blind

On Level:Secret Languages


Talking in Codes

Vocabulary/Comp.Rita, the Storyteller

Genre: PoetryNavajo Code Talkers: Five Cinquains

Comprehension Strategyo Generate questionso Literary Elements:

Consonance and Symbolism

o Connect and compare

Comprehension Skill:o Evaluate author’s

perspectiveo Theme

Fluencyo Repeated Readingo Partner Reading

Literatureo Literary Elements:

Main Writingo Write a

compare/contrast essay choosing two literary characters.

Othero Read a library book

or internet article about secret codes used in the military. Summarize the article to a partner. Create your own secret code.

o Write a summary of the life of Samuel Morse and the uses of Morse

Lost Languages

ELL:Secret Messages

Consonance and Symbolism

Reference/Research Skillso Use dictionaries,

thesauri, and encyclopedias to find, discuss, and brainstorm words that go with Talking in Codes.

Graphic Organizerso Writer’s Checklist

603o Author’s

Perspective Chart 581B

o Scoring Rubric 603B

Technologyo Italicizing or underling


Codeo Write about story

that tells how an animal you know communicates with you. Compare this with the way humans communicate with the animal.

o Write a poem contrasting the ways humans and animals communicate.

o Research and write about codes in nature.

o Research and write about codes used in the Underground Railroad.

o Research regions in the United States and record what Indian tribes lived there and what language has replaced their native tongue.

o Research the Navajo Code and how it was used in WWII.

Week 5Group:The Gri Gri Tree from The Color of My Words

Approaching:Dan’s Whale

On Level:Into the Depths of the Sea

Beyond:Gold at


Vocabulary/Comp.A Song for Makaio

Genre: Informational NonfictionThe Largest Creature on Earth

Comprehension Strategyo Generate questionso Informational Text:

Scienceo Text Feature: Graphso Connect and compare

Comprehension Skillo Summarizeo Author’s Perspective

Fluencyo Repeated Readingo Partner Reading

Literatureo Realistic Fictiono Author/Illustrator:

Lynn Joseph and Marla

Main Writingo Descriptive Poem

Othero Find a book or

article about whales. Generate questions before reading. Find out which questions have been answered and write a brief summary.

o Latin root charto Journal entry about

a first time experience.

o Write a story from a particular

Sunset Cove

ELL:Down in the Sea

Baggettao Author’s Craft:

Character development.

Reference/Research Skillso Using a mapo Generating questionso Finding words with

Latin roots.o Use of dictionary,

thesauri, encyclopedias to find words related to the week’s theme.

Graphic Organizerso Summary Chart 607Bo Summary Chart 609o Significant and

insignificant details chart 617

o Writer’s Checklist 633o Details Chart 633Ao Scoring Rubric 633B

Technologyo Use an online

dictionary to research the weights of three whales not mentioned in the informational article: The Largest Creature on Earth.

o Create a bar graph that compares the weights of the three whales.

o Adjusting margins.

character’s point of view.

o Write fact cards based on research of animal relationships.

o Connect research on animals to effects on human society.

o Find the Dominican Republic on a map. Use reference sources to find and list three interesting facts about the country and its culture.

Week 6 Review and Assess

Test Strategyo QAR—Author and me

Comprehensiono Problem and Solutiono Themeo Cause and Effecto Author’s Perspectiveo Summarize

Reference / Research Skillso Primary Sourceso Dictionary: Word

Unit Writing Workshop: Compare and Contrast

Graphic Organizero Venn diagram 637Bo Scoring Rubric


Writer’s Resourceso Transition Words

Origins o Thesaurus/Dictionary:

Antonyms, Context Clues, Word Parts—Latin Roots

Technologyo Hyperlinks and


Unit Theme: Keep on course to reach your dreams.Project:

Students will write an essay about what it takes to reach a chosen dream. Students will give an oral presentation to the class using visuals about the essay.

Create a television show called “Making Dreams Come True” that students can use as a vehicle for their presentations.

Student Questions: What dreams do you have for your life? What challenges or fears must you overcome to make your dreams

come true?

Research Component

Activities Skills Materials

Appreciation Unit stories and discussion.

Activate background knowledge by discussing the dreams that were read about in the unit stories.

Unit books and discussions.

Browsing materials.Book sets suggested

for this unit.

Presearch Teacher led discussion about what it took for those in the unit stories to reach their dreams, and what students might need in order to reach their own dreams.

Formulate research questions based on the discussion.

Read to get some background knowledge about the dream of choice.

Creating questions

Reading for information.

Paper or graphic organizer on which to list research questions.

Overhead or LCD projector.

Library books

Search Teacher or student group discussion of possible sources for information on individual topics.

Look for sources decided upon or use the preselected sources.

Take notes that answer your research questions.

Create a citation page for the information you are using.

Knowledge of basic sources of information and their contents.

Ability to use the sources decided upon in an efficient manner.

Ability to take notes.

Ability to create citations.

Reading for information.

Identifying information that answers specific questions.

Internet, encyclopedias, reference books

Keywords to find information in print and online encyclopedias.

Internet: word searches, pull down menus, icons

Standard bibliography form.

Note cards or graphic organizer for use in note taking.

Library and Teacher Librarian.

Interpretation Using the information in notes, identify important ideas and details.

Choose the ideas that are necessary to explain the steps and resources necessary to reach their dreams.

Talk with a partner about your thoughts

Synthesizing information.

Drawing conclusions.

Notes Graphic organizers

to aid discussion. Discussion partner

to test ideas.

to see if they understand what you are trying to get across. Discuss information you have chosen and information that might be necessary to add to your topic.

Decide if you have enough information. If not go back to the search process and get the information still needed.

Communication Written essay: Explanation of what it will take to reach their stated dream.

Decide what type of visuals will be the most helpful for your class presentation and create them. You may wish to use some form of clip art or art tools to create a digital image.

Prepare and give an oral presentation using visuals to explain what you have learned to the class.

Main ideas. Provide

supporting details

Essay format: Introduction, body, conclusion.

Create visuals for an oral presentation.

Public speaking.

Computer LCD projector Paper Poster board Materials to create

visual presentations. Power Point Drawing tools.

Evaluation Use a checklist to evaluate process and product.

Teacher Checklist 637K

Student Checklist 637K

Media scoring rubric 637L

Task Skills Procedures/ProductsUse art to illustrate a written document.

Vocabulary Graphic Clip art Multimedia

Placing clip art into a paint program or word processing document.

www.macmillanmh.com Computer Literacy Lesson Grade

5 Unit 5.

Using the shape icon to draw shapes.

Print out pictures for classroom display.

Inserting a text box above a shape in order to allow for object placement.

Copying images from the internet

Save graphic and insert into their report.

Using correct clip art citation.

Add citation to bibliography for report.

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