52639378 mcq digital electronics 1

Post on 14-Apr-2015






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Multiple choice questions

1.The number of digits in octal system isa.8 b.7c.10 d. none

2..The number of digits in Hexadecimal system isa.15 b.17c.16 d. 8

3.The number of bits in a nibble isa.16 b.5c.4 d.8

4.The digit F in Hexadecimal system is equivalent to ------ in decimal systema.16 b.15c.17 d. 8

5.Which of the following binary numbers is equivalent to decimal 10 a.1000 b.1100c.1010 d.1001

6.The number FF in Hexadecimal system is equivalent to ------ in decimal systema.256 b.255c.240 d.239

7.IC s area. analog b. digitalc. both analog and digital d. mostly analog

8.The rate of change of digital signals between High and Low Level isa. very fast b. fastc. slow d. very slow

9. Digital circuits mostly usea. Diodes b. Bipolar transistorsc. Diode and Bipolar transistorsd. Bipolar transistors and FETs

10.Logic pulsera. generates short duration pulsesb. generate long duration pulsesc. generates long and short durationd. none of above

11.What is the output state of an OR gate if the inputs are 0 and 1?a.0 b.1c.3 d.2

12.What is the output state of an AND gate if the inputs are 0 and 1?a.0 b.1c.3 d.2

13.A NOT gate has... a. Two inputs and one outputb. One input and one outputc. One input and two outputsd. none of above

14.An OR gate has... a. Two inputs and one outputb. One input and one outputc. One input and two outputsd. none of above

15.The output of a logic gate can be one of two _____?a. Inputs b. Gatesc.States d. none

16.Logic states can only be ___ or 0.a. 3 b. 2c.1 d.017.The output of a ____ gate is only 1 when all of its inputs are 1a. NOR b. XORc. AND d. NOT

18.A NAND gate is equivalent to an AND gate plus a .... gate put together. a. NOR b. NOTc. XOR d. none

19.Half adder circuit is ______?a. Half of an AND gateb. A circuit to add two bits togetherc. Half of a NAND gate d. none of above

20. Numbers are stored and transmitted inside a computer ina. binary form b. ASCII code form c. decimal form d. alphanumeric form21.The decimal number 127 may be represented by a. 1111 1111B b. 1000 0000Bc. EEH d. 0111 1111

22.. A byte corresponds to a. 4 bits b. 8 bits c. 16 bits d. 32 bits

23.A gigabyte represents a.1 billion bytes b. 1000 kilobytes c. 230 bytes d. 1024 bytes

24. A megabyte represents a. 1 million bytes b. 1000 kilobytes c. 220 bytes d. 1024 bytes

25.. A Kb corresponds to a. 1024 bits b. 1000 bytes c.210 bytes d. 210 bits

26.A parity bit is a. used to indicate uppercase letters b. used to detect errors c. is the first bit in a byted. is the last bit in a byte

27. Which of these devices are two state.a. lamp b. punched cardc. magnetic tape d. all the above

The output impedance of of a logic pulser isa. low b. highc. may be low or high d. none of above

28.The number of LED display indicators in logic probe area.1 b.2c.1 or 2 d.4

29.In hexadecimal number system,A is equal to decimal numbera.10 b.11c.17 d.18

30.Hexadecimal number F is equal to octal numbera.15 b.16c.17 d.18

31.Hexadecimal number E is equal to binary numbera.1110 b.1101c.1001 d.1111

32.Binary number 1101 is equal to octal numbera.15 b.16c.17 d.1433.Octal number 12 is equal to decimal numbera.8 b.11c.9 d. none

34.Decimal number 10 is equal to binary numbera.1110 b.1000c.1001 d.1010

35.Binary number 110011011001 is equal to decimal numbera.3289 b.2289c.1289 d.289

36.1111+11111=a.101111 b.101110c.111111 d.011111

37.Binary multiplication 1*0=a.1 b.0c.10 d.11

38.110012 -100012=

a.10000 b.01000c.00100 d.00001


a.55 b.45c.35 d.25


a.111101101 b.111101100c.111110 d.1100110

41.4 bits is equal toa. 1 nibble b.1 bytec. 2 byte d. none of above

42. which is non-volatile memorya. RAM b. ROMc. both d. none

43. The contents of these chips are lost when the computer is switched off? a. ROM chips b. RAM chipsc. DRAM chips d. none of above

44.What are responsible for storing permanent data and instructions.?a. RAM chips b. ROM chipsc. DRAM chips d. none of above

45. Which parts of the computer perform arithmetic calculations? a. ALU b. Registersc. Logic bus d. none of above

46.How many bits of information can each memory cell in a computer chip hold? a. 0 bits b. 1 bitc. 8 bits d. 2 bits

47.What type of computer chips are said to be volatile? a. RAM chips b. ROM chipsc. DRAM d. none of above

48.Which generation of computer uses more than one microprocessor?a. Second generation b. Fifth generation c.Third generation d .none of above

49.Which generation of computer developed using integrated circuits?a. Second generation b. Fifth generation c. Third generation d. none of above 50.Which generation of computer was developed from microchips?a. Second generation b. Third generationc. Fourth generation d. none of above

51.RAM can be expanded to aa. increase word size b. increase word numberc. increase word size or increase word numberd. none of above

52. Which memory is available in all technologiesa. PROM b. EEPROMc. ROM d. EPROM

53. Which memory does not require programming equipmenta. PROM b. EEPROMc. ROM d. EPROM

54. In CCD a. small charge is deposited for logical 1b. small charge is deposited for logical 0 or 1c. small charge is deposited for logical 0 and large charge for logical 1d. none of above

55. The internal structure of PLA is similar to a. RAM b. ROMc. both RAM or ROM d. neither RAM nor RAM

56.An output of combinational ckt depends ona. present inputs b. previous inputsc. both present and previous d .none of above

57.Which are combinational gatesa. NAND & NOR b. NOT & ANDc. X-OR & X-NOR d. none of above

58.. As access time is decreased, the cost of memorya. remains the same b. increasesc. decreases d. may increase or decrease

59. Which is correct:a. A.A=0 b. A+1=Ac. A+A=A' d. A'.A'=0

60.A counter is a a. Sequential ckt b. Combinational cktc. both combinational and sequential ckt d. none of above

61.The parity bit is a. always 1 b. always 0c.1 or 0 d.none of above

62.In 2 out of 5 code,decimal number 8 isa.11000 b.10100c.1100 d.1010

63.In number of information bits is 11,the number of parityBits in hamming code isa.5 b.4 c.3 d.2

64.For a 4096*8 EPROM ,the number of address lines isa.14 b.12c.10 d.8

65. 23.6 10=……….2

a.11111.10011 b.10111.10011c.00111.101 d.10111.1

66.BCD number 0110011=…….10

a.66 b.67c.68 d.69

67.The total number of input states for 4 input or gate isa.20 b.16c.12 d.8

68.In a 4 input OR gate,the total number of High outputs for the 16 input states area.16 b.15c. 13. d. none of above

69.In a 4 input AND gate,the total number of High outputs for the 16 input states area.16 b.8c.4 d.1

70.a buffer isa. always non-inverting b.always invertingc. inverting or non-inverting d.none of above

71.An AND gate has two inputs A and B and ine inhibits input S.Output is 1 ifa.A=1,B=1,S=1 b. A=1,B=1,S=0c. A=1,B=0,S=1 d. A=1,B=0,S=0

72. An AND gate has two inputs A and B and ine inhibits input S.Out of total 8 input states,Output is 1 ina. 1 states b. 2 statesc. 3 states d. 4 states

73.In a 3 input NOR gate,the number of states in which output is 1 equalsa. 1 b. 2c. 3 d. 4

74.Which of these are universal gatesa. only NOR b. only NANDc. both NOR and NAND d. NOT,AND,OR

75. In a 3 input NAND gate,the number of gates in which output in 1equals a.8 b.7c.6 c.5

76. A XOR gate has inputs A and B and output Y.Then the output equation isa.Y=A+B b.Y=AB+A’Bc.AB+ AB’ d.AB’+A’B’

77.A 14 pin NOT gate IC has………..NOT gatesa.8 b.6c.5 d.478.A 14 pin AND gate IC has………..AND gatesa.8 b.6c.4 d.2

79.The first contribution to logic was made bya. George Boole b. Copernicus c. Aristotle d. Shannon

80.Boolean Alzebra obeysa. commutative law b. associative lawc. distributive law d. commutative, associative, distributive law

81. A+(B.C)=a. A.B+C b. A.B+A.Cc. A d.(A+B).(A+C)

82.A.0=a. 1 b. Ac. 0 d. A or 1

83.A+A.B=a. B b. A.Bc. A d. A or B

84.Demorgan’s first theorem isa. A.A’=0 b. A’’=Ac. (A+B)’=A’.B’ d. (AB)’=A’+B’

85. Demorgan’s second theorem isa. A.A’=0 b. A’’=Ac. (A+B)’=A’.B’ d. (AB)’=A’+B’

86. Which of the following is truea. SOP is a two level logic b. POS is a two level logic c. both SOP and POS are two level logicd. Hybrid function is two level logic

87.The problem of logic race occurs ina. SOP functions b. Hybrod functionsc. POS functions d. SOP and POS functions

88. In which function is each term known as min terma. SOP b. POSc. Hybrid d. both SOP and POS

89. In which function is each term known as max terma. SOP b. POSc. Hybrid d. both SOP and Hybrid

90. In the expression A+BC, the total number of min terms will bea.2 b. 3c.4 d. 5

91.The min term designation for ABCD isa.m0 b. m10

c. m14 d. m15

92. The function Y=AC+BD+EF isa. POS b. SOPc. Hybrid d. none of above

93. The expression Y=∏M(0,1,3,4) isa. POS b. SOPc. Hybrid d. none of above94. AB+AB’= a. B b. Ac.1 d. 0

95. In a four variable Karnaugh map eight adjacent cells give aa. Two variable term b. single variable termc. Three variable term d. four variable term

96.A karnaugh map with 4 variables hasa. 2 cells b. 4 cellsc. 8 cells d.16 cells

97.In a karnaugh map for an expression having ‘don’t care terms’ the don’t cares can be treated asa. 0 b. 1 c. 1 or 0 d. none of above

98. The term VLSI generally refers to a digital IC havinga. more than 1000 gates b. more than 100 gatesc. more than 1000 but less than 9999 gatesd. more than 100 but less than 999 gates

99.Typical size of an IC is abouta.1”*1” b. 2”*2”c. 0.1”*0.1” d. 0.0001”*0.0001”

100.A digital clock uses…………..chipa. SSI b. LSIc. VLSI d. MSI

101. Digital technologies being used now-a-days area. DTL and EMOS b. TTL, ECL, CMOS and RTLc. TTL, ECL and CMOS d. TTL, ECL, CMOS and DTL

102. A TTL circuit with totem pole output has a. high output impedance b. low output impedancec. very high output impedance d. any of above

103. TTL usesa. multi emitter transistors b. multi collector transistorsc. multi base transistors d. multi emitter or collector transistors

104. Advanced schottky is a part ofa. ECL family b. CMOS familyc. TTL family d. none of above

105. For wired AND connection we should usea. TTL gates with active pull up b. TTL gates with open collectorc. TTL gates without active pull up and with open collectord. any of above

106. Time delay of a TTL family is abouta. 180ns b. 50nsc. 18ns d. 3 ns

107. As compared to TTL, ECL hasa. lower power dissipation b. lower propagation delayc. higher propagation delay d. higher noise margin

108. As compared to TTL, CMOS logic hasa. higher speed of operation b. higher power dissipationc. smaller physical size d. all of above

109. 74HCT00 series is a.NAND IC b. interface between TTL and CMOSc. inverting IC d. NOR IC

110.CD 4010 is aa. inverting buffer b. non inverting hex bufferc. NOR IC d. NAND IC

111. Current requirement of a piezo buffer is abouta. 100mA b. 20mAc. 4 mA d. 0.4 mA

112. TSL inverter has a. one input b. two inputsc. one or two inputs d. three inputs

113. Parallel adder isa. sequential circuits b. combinational circuitsc. either sequential or combinational circuitsd. none of above

114. The inputs to a 3 bit binary adder are 1112 and 1102. The output will be

a.101 b.1101c.1111 d.1110

115. A half adder can be used only for addinga. 1s b. 2sc. 4s d. 8s

116. A 3 bit binary adder should bea. 3 full adders b. 2 full adders and 1 half adderc. 1 full adder and 2 half adder d. 3 half adders

117. when two 4 bit parallel adders are cascaded we geta. 4 bit parallel adder b. 8 bit parallel adderc. 16 bit parallel adder d. none of above

118. The widely used binary multiplication method isa. repeated addition b. add and shiftc. shift and add d. any of above

119.When microprocessor processes both positive and negative numbers, the representation used isa. 1’s complement b. 2’s complementc. signed binary d. any of above 120. Decimal -90 =………….in 8 bit 2s complementa.1000 1000 b.1010 0110c.1100 1100 d.0101 0101

121. In 2’s complement addition, the carry generated in the last stage isa. added to LSB b. neglectedc. added to bit next to MSB d. added to the bit next to LSB

122. The number of inputs and outputs in a full adder area. 2 and 1 b. 2 and 2c. 3 and 3 d. 3 and 2

123.In a 7 segment display the segments a,c,d,f,g are lit. The decimal number displayed will bea. 9 b. 5c. 4 d. 2

124. In a 7 segment display the segments b and c are lit up. The decimal number displayed will bea. 9 b. 7c. 3 d. 1

125 .A device which converts BCD to seven segments is calleda. encoder b. decoderc. multiplexer d. none of these

126. Which device use the nematic fluid a. LED b. LCDc. VF display d. none of these

127. Which of these is the most recent device a. LED b. LCDc. VF display d. a and c

128. VF glows with ………. Colour when activateda. red b. orangec. bluish green d. none of these

129. Which display device resembles vacuum tubea. LED b. LCDc. VF d. none of these

130.Which device changes parallel data to serial dataa. decoder b. multiplexerc. demultiplexer d. flip flop

131.A 1 of 4 multiplexer requires…… data select linea. 1 b. 2c. 3 d. 4

132. It is desired to route data from many registers to one register. The device needed isa. decoder b. multiplexerc. demultiplexer d. counter

133.Which device has one input and many outputsa. flip flop b. multiplexerc. demultiplexer d. counter

134.Two 16:1 and one 2:1 multiplexers can be connected to form aa. 16:1 multiplexer b. 32:1 multiplexerc. 64:1 multiplexer d. 8:1 multiplexer

135. A flip flop is a a. combinational circuit b. memory elementc. arithmetic element d. memory or arithmetic

136. I n a D latcha. data bit D is fed to S input and D’ to R inputb. data bit D is fed to R input and D’ to S inputc. data bit D is fed to both R and S inputsd. data bit D’ is not fed to any input

137. I n a D latcha. a high D sets the latch and low D resets itb. a low D sets the latch and high D resets itc. race can occurd. none of above

138.In a positive edge triggered JK flip flopa. High J and High K produce inactive stateb. Low J and High K produce inactive statec. High J and Low K produce inactive stated. Low J and Low K produce inactive state

139.In a positive edge triggered D flip flopa. D input is called direct set b.Preset is called direct resetc. present and clear are called direct set and reset respectivelyd. D input overrides other inputs

140. In a positive edge triggered JK flip flopJ=1,K=0 and clock pulse is rising.Q willa. be 0 b. be 1c. show no change d. toggle

141. For edge triggering in flip flops manufacturers usea. RC circuit b. direct coupled designc. either RC circuit or direct coupled designd. none of these

142. In a JK flip flop toggle means a. set Q=1 and Q’=0 b. set Q=0 and Q’=1c. change the output to the opposite stated. no change in input

143. A mod 4 counter will counta. from 0 to 4 b. from 0 to 3c. from any number n to n+4 d. none of above

144.A counter has N flip flops. The total number of states area. N b. 2Nc. 2N d. 4N

145.A counter has modulus of 10. The number of flip flops area. 10 b. 5c. 4 d. 3

146.In a ripple countera. whenever a flip flop sets to 1,the next higher FF togglesb. whenever a flip flop sets to 0,the next higher FF remains unchangedc. whenever a flip flop sets to 1,the next higher FF faces race conditiond. whenever a flip flop sets to 0,the next higher FF faces race condition

147.A counter has 4 flip flops.It divides the input frequency bya.4 b. 2c. 8 d. 16

148. A decade counter skipsa. binary states 1000 to 1111 b. binary states 0000 to 0011c. binary states 1010 to 1111 d. binary states 1111 and higher

149.The number of flip flops needed for Mod 7 counter area. 7 b. 5c. 3 d. 1

150.A presettable counter with 4 flip flops start counting froma. 0000 b. 1000c. any number from 0000 to 1111 d. any number from 0000 to 1000

151.A 4 bit down counter can count froma. 0000 to 1111 b. 1111 to 0000c. 000 to 111 d. 111 to 000

152. A 3 bit up-down counter can count froma. 000 to 111 b. 111 to 000c. 000 to 111 and also from 111 to 000 d. none of above

153.IC counters are a. synchronous only b. asynchronous onlyc. both synchronous and asynchronous d. none of above

154. Shifting digits from left to right and vice versa is needed in a. storing numbers b. arithmetic operationsc. counting d. storing and counting

155. The basic storage element in a digital system isa. flip flop b. counterc. multiplexer d. encoder

156. The simplest register isa. buffer register b. shift register c. controlled buffer register d. bidirectional register

157. The basic shift register operations area. serial in serial out b. serial in parallel outc. parallel in serial out d. all of above

158. A universal shift register can shift a. from right to left b. from left to rightc. both from right to left and left to rightd. none of above

159. In a shift register, shifting a bit by one bit meansa. division by 2 b. multiplication by 2 c. subtraction by 2 d. any of above

160. An 8 bit binary number is to be entered into an 8 bit serial shift register. The number of clock pulses required isa. 1 b. 2c. 4 d. 8

Q. Power diode is generally made froma) Siliconb) Germaniumc) Bothd) None of these

Q. When the both junction of NPN diode is reverse biased, then the diode is in which modea) Activeb) Cutoffc) Saturationd) inverted

Q. Which transistor mode gives the inverted outputa) Common Emitterb) Common Basec) Common Collectord) None of these

Q. Which coupling gives the higher gain in case of amplifiera) Capacitor couplingb) Impedance couplingc) Transformercoupling

Q. Which distortion is least objectionable in audio amplificationa) Phaseb) Frequencyc) Harmonicd) Intermediation

Q. A narrow band amplifier has a band pass nearly…………of central frequencya) 33.3%b) 10%c) 50%

Q. Phase shift oscillator consistsa) RLb) RCc) RLC

Q. Multivibrater Producesa) Sine waveb) Square wavec) Smooth waved) sawtooth

Q. Convert the 101101 Binary number into octal noa) 65b) 55c) 51

d) 45

Ans: 55

Q. 10 in BCDa) 10100b) 1100c) 010111d) None of these

Ans: None of these

Q. Which PNP device has a terminal for synchronizing purposea) SCSb) Triacc) Diacd) SUS

Q. Addition of indium in semiconductor crystal makesa) PNPb) NPN

Q. Free electron exists in which banda) 1b) 2c) 3d) Conduction band

Q. Ripple factor of half wave rectifiera) 1.21b) 0.48c) 0.5

Q. Transistor that can be used in enhancement modea) NPNb) UJTc) JFETd) MOSFET

Q. Following contributes to harmonic distortion in Amplifiera) +Ve feedbackb) –Ve feedbackc) Defective active device

Q. High cutoff frequencya) CBb) CCc) CE

Q. Which is used as data selector?a) Encoder

b) Decoderc) modulatord) Demodulator

Q. Read write capable memorya) RAMb) ROMc) Bothd) None of these

Q.the radix or base of hexadecimal number system is -----------a) 8b) 16c) 5d) none of these

Ans: 16

Q.the no of 1’s in the binary representation of the expression 162*9+162*7+16*5+3 area) 10b) 23c) 6d) 4

Q. the no of latches in F/F are ------- a) 1b) 2c) 3d) 4

Q.how many flip-flops are required to construct Mod -12 countera) 5b) 4c) 12d) none

Ans: 4

Q. which logic gate has the output is compliment of its input ----------a) ORb) ANDc) NOTd) X-OR

Ans: NOT

Q.no.of 2-input multiplexers needed to construct a 210 input multiplexer…….a) 12b) 31c) 20d) 16

Q.By adding inverters to the inputs and output of a AND gate we can obtain ……………a) ORb) ANDc) NOTd) X-OR

Ans: X-OR

Q.how many NAND gates are needed to realize OR gate --------------a) 1b) 2c) 3d) 4

Ans: 3

Q.which is the first integrated logic family ---------------a) RTLb) DTLc) TTL d) none of these

Q. Which logic gate has output high if and only if all inputs are low ---------?a) NORb) NANDc) X-NORd) AND


Q.According to Boolean algebra 1+A+B+C = a) Ab) A+B+C c) 1d) none of these

Ans: 1

Q. If a=0x6db7 and b=0x2ae9 then what is the value of a”b--------------a) binary number for 1001.1101?b) decimal number for 19?c) excess-3 code for 29?

Q.what is the value of A'+1 ?a) Ab) A' c) 1d) none of these

Ans: 1

Q.2 in 4 bit number one bit indicates sign of the number then the locations are froma) -8 to 8b) -7 to 7c) -16 to 16d) None

Q.Avalanche photo diode is used when compared to PIN diode bcza)larger band widthb)high sensitivityC)-------d)--------

Q.some non zero DC voltage is to RC low pass circuit then the DC voltage in the output containsa) Same as in inputb) Higher than inputc) Zerod) Slightly increases

Q.if the output of the gate is always high then the gates applied to this logic are 0,0a) NAND and EX-NORb) NAND and NORc) AND and X-NORd) OR and XOR


Q.Thermal Run away is not possible in FET bcz the flow ofa)minority careers b)Transconductancec)_____d)none

Ans : minority careers

Q.which of the following is/are true about 1's and 2's compements:i)In 1's complement form. 0 has two representationsii)in 1's complement, the magnitude of lowest number is equal to the magnitude of highest numberiii)In 2's complement, 0 has two representations

a) i only b) i and iic) iii onlyd) all of these

Q.In the hybrid parameter model of a transistor reverse transfer voltage ratio and forward transfer current ratio are respectively given by:a) h11 and h21b) h12 and h11c) h21 and h11d) None of these

Q.The largest negative no can be represented with 8 bits in 2's compliment representation?a)-256b)-255c)-127d)-128

Ans: -128

Q. How many NAND gates required to implement AB+CD+EFa) 1b) 2c) 3d) 4

Ans: 4

Q. Transparent latch is seen in which type of flip flopa) SR FFb) D FFc) JK FFd) D FF

Ans: D FF

Q. Odd parity generator uses which logic?a) Digitalb) Analogc) Sequentiald) none

Q. Which type of ADC is fastest?a) SARCb) Counter typec) Intigrated typed) Flash

ANS: Flash/Parallel

Q. Which one of the following is fastest read/writable memory?a) PROMb) EEPROMc) Flashd) none

Ans: Flash

8. In array programming which one is useda) SISDb) PISDc) MISDd) None

Q.Which one of the following has high I/p impedancea) CCb) CBc) CEd) None

Q. The maximum time allowed time for each flip flop for a mod 10 synchronous counter if each flip flop delay is 25ns.a) 25 nsb) 50 nsc) 100 nsd) none

Q. The resolution for a DAC is given by 0.4% then no. of bits of DAC isa) 8- bitsb) 16- bitsc) 32- bitsd) none

Ans: 8- bits

41) The chip capacity is 256 bits, then the no.of chips required to build 1024 B memory Isa) 32b) 16c) 15d) 4

Q. Which of the following are correct?1)A flip-flop is used to store 1-bit of information2)Race around condition occurs in JK flip flop when both the inputs are 13)Master slave flip flop is used to store 2 bits of information4)A transparent latch consists of a D- flip flop

a) 1,2,3b) 1,3,4c) 1,2,4d) 2,3,4

Ans: 1,2,4

Q. output resistance of ideal OP AMP isa) 0b) 1 c) infinite d) very high

ANS: 0

Q. CMRR of an OP AMP is given as 80db and Ad is 20000.Value of Acm will bea) 4 b) 8

c) 2 d) 1

Ans: 2

Q.Si,Ge lie in ........block of periodic tablea) IIIb) Vc) IV Ad) IV B

Ans: IV A

Q.to obtain 10 mV resolution on 5 V range how many bit DAC is to be useda) 4b) 8c) 16d) 32

Q.% resolution of a 10 bit ADCa) 1.588%b) 0.392%c) 0.0978%d) 0.0244%

Ans: 0.0978%

Q.Efficiency of half wave rectifiera) 45%b) 50%c) 86%d) 100%

Ans: 45%

1. A 1 msec pulse can be converted into a 10 msec pulse by using(a) an stable multivibrator(1) a monostable multivibrator(c) a bistable multivibrator(d) flip-flop

2. The fastest mode of data transfer from CPU to memory in a microprocessor is(a) memory mapped I/O(b) I/O mapped I/O(c) Interrupt driven I/O(d) DMA

3. Flat top sampling of baseband signals leads to(a) aliasing(b) aperture effect(c) under-sampling(d) impossible reconstruction.

4. How many steps are there in the output of10-bit D/A converter?(a) 1023(b) 1024(c) 10(d) 100

5. Which one of the following can be used to change data from spatial code to temporal code?(a) Shift registers(b) Counters(c) A/D converters(d) Combinational Circuits

6.For a six bit ladder D/A converter which has digital input of 101001, the analog value is(assume 0 = 0 Vand 1 = + 10 V)(a) 0.423(b) 0.522(c) 0.641(d) 0.923

7.Which one of the following is a D to A conversion technique?(a) Successive approximation(b) Weighted resistor technique(c) Dual slope technique(d) Single slope technique

8.If the memory chip size is 256 x l bits, then the number of chips required tomake up 1K (1024) bytes of memory is(a)32(b)24(c)12(d)8

9.Which of the following statements are correct?1. A flip-flop is used to store 1-bit of information

2. Race-around condition occurs in a J-K flip-flop when both the inputs are 1.3. Master-slave configuration is used in flip-flops to store 2-bits of information.4. A transparent latch consists of a D-type flip-flop.

10, The greatest negative number which can be store in a computer that has 8-bit word length and uses 2’s complement arithmetic is(a) -256(b)-255(c) – 128(d) – 127

11. A retriggerable monoshot is one which(a) can be triggered only once(b) has two quasi-stable states(c) cannot be triggered until full pulse has been outputted.(d) is capable of being triggered while the output is being generated.

12. A carry look ahead adder is frequently used for addition because, it(a) is faster(b) is more accurate(c) uses fewer gates(d) costs less

13. When signed numbers are used in binary arithmetic, then which one of the following notations would have unique representation for zero? -(a) Sign-magnitude(b) l’s complement(c) 2’s complement(d) 9’s complement

14. The number of switching function of 3variables is(a)8(b)64(c) 128(d) 256

15. The gate whose output is LOW if and only if all the inputs are HIGH, is(ä)NAND

(b)NOR(c) OR(d) AND

16. In computer terminology 1 M Byte memory means(a) 1000000 bytes(b) 1000024 bytes(c) 1024000 bytes(d) 1048576 bytes

17. A unit pulse input is given to a single-pole stable digital filter. Its output response will be?(a) constant pulses(b) exponentially decaying pulses(c) impulse(d) exponentially rising pulses

18. The number of flip flops required in a decade counter is(a) 2(b) 3(c) 4(d) 10

19. A square wave with a period of 10 micro sec drive a flip flop. The period of.the output signal.will be(a)100 micro sec(b)20 micro sec(c) 10 micro sec(d) 5 micro sec

20.A digital Voltmeter has 4 and 1/3 digits display .The 1 volt range can read upto(a)1.0000(b) 1.1111(c)1.9999(d) 19999

21. Ultraviolet radiations are used in IC fabrication process for? -(a) diffusion(b) masking

(c) isolation(d) metallization

22. In PCM system if the quantization levels are increased from 2 to 8, the relative bandwidth requirement will(a) remain same(b) be doubled(c) be tripled(d )be four times

23. The 7-bit Hamming code (even parity check) 001 for a BCD digit is known to have a single error. Therefore, encoded BCD digit is(a) 9(b) 5(c) 3(d) 0

24. If NxN = (7601 ) where N is a positive integer, then the value of N is(a)(241)base 5(b)(143) base 6(c)(165)base 7(d)(39)base 16

25. The input-output equation of a system is given byy(n)=x(n) squarewhere y(n) and x(n) represent output , input sequences respectively. The system is(a) linear and causal(b) linear and noncausal(c) nonlinear and causal(d) nonlinear and noncausal.

26. The number of comparators required to build a 5-bit Analog to Digital Converter (ADC)is(a) 5(b) 11(c)21(d)31

27. A 555 timer can be used as(a) an astable multivibrator only(b) a monostable multivibrator only(c) a frequency divider only(d) an astable multivibrator or a monostable muttivibrator or a frequency divider

28. A synchronous sequential circuit is to be designed which will produce an output ‘1’ when previous two and present input represent an even number, with present input being least significant bit. The minimum number of states of the machine will be(a)2(b)3(c) 4(d)5

29. The specification for a standard 74 series TFL gate reads propagation delay as 35 ns and power dissipation as I mW. This circuit is(a) high speed TTL(b) low power TTL(c) standard Schottky TTL(D) low power Schottky TTL

Directions : The following question consists of two statements, one labelled as the ‘Assertion (A) ‘and the other as ‘Reason (R) “. You are to examine these two statements carefully and select the answer’ to this question using the code given below.Assertion (A) The modernization process has challenged the hold caste system in India.Reason (R) Mobility as a phenomenon of change in caste system does not challenge the basic structure of caste.Code:

(a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A(b) Both A and R are individually true, but R is not the correct explanation of A(c) A is true, but R is. false(d) A is false, but R is true

Assertion (A):A programmable Read only-Memory can be used as a synchronous counterReason (R) : Each memory location of a programmable Read- Only-Memory is programmable and can be read synchronously.

30. Assertion (A): Master slave f flip flop is commonly employed in high speed synchronous circuitry.Reason (R) It uses two JK flip flops in cascade.

31. Assertion (A) : A demultiplexer cannot be used as a decoder.Reason (R): A demultiplexer selects one of many outputs whereas a decoder selects an output corresponding to the coded input.

32. Assertion (A) : In analog computation only summing amplifiers and integratorsReason (R) : The differentiators using operational amplifiers cannot be designed.

33.Assertion (A) : Self-biasing is generally used for a CE amplifierReason (R) : The design of self-biasing circuit is very easy as compared to other

34. Assertion (A) : 2’s complement arithmetic is preferred in digital computersReason (R) : To obtain the 2’s complement of a number, the hardware required is simple.

35. Assertion (A): XOR gate is not a universal gate.Reason (R) : It is not possible to realize any Boolean function using XOR gates only.

36.Assertion (A) : ECL gate has the highest speed of operationReason (R) : The transistors in ECL gate operate in the active region.

37. Assertion (A) : The basic operation of a micro-processor consists of fetching and execution of instructions one by oneReason (R) The instruction set of a microprocessor is stored inside the ALU

.38. Assertion (A) In a heterodyne digital counter, the input signal is heterodyned to a lower frequencyReason (R) The gating and counting circuits of a digital counter cannot handle GHz signals.

39. Assertion (A) Dual-slope A/D converter is the most preferred A/D conversion approach in digital multimeters.Reason (R) Dual-slope A/D converter,provides high accuracy in A/D conversion while at the same timesuppressing the hum effect on the input signal.

40. Assertion (A) A digital multiplexer can also be used to implement combinational logic functionReason (R) In a combinational circuit, the current output depends on the previous outputs also.

41. Assertion (A) The sampled data system with its characteristic equationZ2- 4z + 4 = 0 is unstableReason (R) : Sampled data systems with positive roots of the characteristic equation are unstable.

42. Assertion (A) Fast events can be captured and displayed by a real-time spectrum analyzer.Reason (R) All components of a signal are presented simultaneously in the frequency domain. In swept type spectrum analyzer, frequencies are supplied one at a time at a particular rate.

43. Assertion (A) Among RAM and ROM, ROM is used as firmware memoryReason (R) ROM can be accessed for alteration.

Question: What does AM mean?

1) Angelo marconi

2) Anno median

3) Amplitude modulation

4) Amperes

Electronics Quiz, Technology Quiz

Question: What frequency range is the High Frequency band?

1) 100 kHz

2) 1 GHz

3) 30 to 300 MHz

4) 3 to 30 MHz

Electronics Quiz, Technology Quiz

Question: What does AM mean?

1) Angelo marconi

2) Anno median

3) Amplitude modulation

4) Amperes

Electronics Quiz, Technology Quiz

Question: What frequency range is the High Frequency band?

1) 100 kHz

2) 1 GHz

3) 30 to 300 MHz

4) 3 to 30 MHz

Electronics Quiz, Technology Quiz

Question: What does EPROM stand for?

1) Electric Programmable Read Only Memory

2) Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory

3) Evaluable Philotic Random Optic Memory

4) Every Person Requires One Mind

Electronics Quiz, Technology Quiz

Question: What does the term PLC stand for?

1) Programmable Lift Computer

2) Program List Control

3) Programmable Logic Controller

4) Piezo Lamp Connector

Electronics Quiz, Technology Quiz

Question: Which motor is NOT suitable for use as a DC machine?

1) Permanent magnet motor

2) Series motor

3) Squirrel cage motor

4) Synchronous motor

Electronics Quiz, Technology Quiz

Question: What does VVVF stand for?

1) Variant Voltage Vile Frequency

2) Variable Velocity Variable Fun

3) Very Very Vicious Frequency

4) Variable Voltage Variable Frequency

Electronics Quiz, Technology Quiz

Question: The sampling rate, (how many samples per second are stored) for a CD is...?

1) 48.4 kHz

2) 22,050 Hz

3) 44.1 kHz

4) 48 kHz

Computers Quiz, Electronics Quiz, Technology Quiz

Question: Compact discs, (according to the original CD specifications) hold how many minutes of music?

1) 74 mins

2) 56 mins

3) 60 mins

4) 90 mins

Computers Quiz, Electronics Quiz, Technology Quiz

Question: Sometimes computers and cash registers in a foodmart are connected to a UPS system. What does UPS mean?

1) United Parcel Service

2) Uniform Product Support

3) Under Paneling Storage

4) Uninterruptable Power Supply

Electronics Quiz, Technology Quiz

Question: What does AC and DC stand for in the electrical field?

1) Alternating Current and Direct Current

2) A Rock Band from Australia

3) Average Current and Discharged Capacitor

4) Atlantic City and District of Columbia

Electronics Quiz, Technology Quiz

Question: Which consists of two plates separated by a dielectric and can store a charge?

1) Inductor

2) Capacitor

3) Transistor

4) Relay

Electronics Quiz, Technology Quiz

Question: Made from a variety of materials, such as carbon, which inhibits the flow of current...?

1) Choke

2) Inductor

3) Resistor

4) Capacitor

Electronics Quiz, Technology Quiz

Question: The FFT, a mathematical process, is used extensively in digital signal processing (DSP). For what word does the second "F" in FFT stand?

1) Fast

2) Fourier

3) Ford

4) Footed

Electronics Quiz, Techmology Quiz

Question: Which is a type of Electrically-Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory?

1) Flash

2) Flange

3) Fury


Electronics Quiz, Technology Quiz

Question: A given signal's second harmonic is twice the given signal's __________ frequency...?

1) Fourier

2) Foundation

3) Fundamental

4) Field

Electronics Quiz, Technology Quiz

Question: Voltage is sometimes referred to as EMF, or Electromotive...?

1) Field

2) Factor

3) Flash

4) Force

Electronics Quiz, Technology Quiz

Question: "FET" is a type of transistor, Its full name is ________ Effect Transistor...?

1) Field

2) Factor

3) Flash

4) Force

Electronics Quiz, Technology Quiz

Question: When measuring the characteristics of a small-signal amplifier, say for a radio receiver, one might be concerned with its "Noise..."?

1) Fundamental

2) Fall

3) Force

4) Figure

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