55 things you have to know about content marketing

Post on 07-Nov-2014






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What is content marketing? For one of the hottest trends in marketing these days, the meaning of content marketing remains pretty wide open. Sparksheet's Editor, Dan Levy and Design Director Charles Lim strip things down and offer 55 basic examples and descriptions of content marketing to inspire your own work.


5 Things You Have to Know About Content

MarketingDan Levy & Charles Lim


Dan Levy & Charles LimSparksheet/Spafax

55 Things You Have to Know About Content


1. Content is everything

2. Everything is Content

3. Content Marketing is Old

4. Everything Old is New Again

51% of B2B marketers plan to increase spend in Content marketing over the next 12 months

Source: marketo.com

5. It's All Just Semantics

6. But sometimes, semantics matter

7. Content is all about storytelling

8. Everything is a story

9. Stories that people could use

10. Stories that people want to share

11. Stories that are aligned with the brand's story

12. But that connection could be pretty subtle

13. Content marketing is goal-driven

14. But different brands have different goals with their content

15. Some use content as a revenue stream

16. Some use content to build loyalty

17. Still others use content to create demand for their products

18. Quality is more important than quantity

19. But quantitative analysis is more important than ever

20. Content is incomplete without design

21. Design without content is decoration

22. Content is like water

Don't get set into one form, adapt it and build your own, and let it grow, be like water. Empty your mind, be formless, shapeless — like water.

- Bruce Lee

23. Content is platform agnostic

24. But platforms aren't content agnostic

25. All content is mobile

26. Content is everywhere

27. But not all content will work for all audiences

28. Don't forget about the next generation (they are our future)

29. Content marketing is about communicating

30. But it's not the same thing as communications

31. Content marketing can be outsourced

32. ...or content marketing can be done in-house

33. Content marketing can be done by legacy publishers

34. Content marketing can be done by new media publishers

35. Content marketing can be expensive

36. Or content can be cheap

37. With content, you get what you pay for

38. And sometimes you really pay for it

39. Sometimes you get more than you paid for

40. Content marketing can be educational

41. Content marketing can be journalistic

42. Content marketing could be newsworthy

43. Content marketing can be literary

44. Content Marketing can be entertaining

45. Content marketing can be high-brow

46. Content marketing can be low-brow

47. Content marketing can smell good

48. Content marketing can be charitable

49. Content marketing can be sneaky

TitaniusI loved your comment about Louie creating an entire character from a single detail. Since I started working nights at DISH I have been taking the bus home and I often wonder what other people’s lives are like, but it has never occurred to me to write these ideas down. Granted, that is when I watch Louie on my DISH Remote Access app, but it would be nice to see what how much more complex my ideas I would be if I were to put them on paper.

50. Content marketing can be insensitive

51. Content marketing can be experiential

52. Content marketing can be monumental

53. Content marketing can be out of this world

54. Content marketing is like art, porn, beauty and a good taco

55. Everything you need to know about content marketing can be found at Sparksheet.com

Thanks!Dan Levy


Charles Limclim@spafax.com


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