55628357 citi bank e strategy

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  • 8/11/2019 55628357 Citi Bank e Strategy


    Santhosh Kumar


  • 8/11/2019 55628357 Citi Bank e Strategy


    Citibank was incorporated in 1812 asCity Bank of New York

    Merged with Travellers Group in 1998,

    changed its name to Citigroup Inc. In 1990s, Citibank focused oncustomer service

    In 1997, one of the most profitablebanks in the U.S.

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    In 2006, 325,000 staffs serving 200million customers in over 100countries

    In 2007, Citibank face a toughdecision along with subprimemortgages

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    In 2000 Intense competition and dot comboom force Citibank and its competitorstransform their business.

    The strategy was Connect Transform andExtend.

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    There were different needs for differentcustomers (MNCs and SMEs)

    How could Citibank integrate the Internet

    into its strategy and create competitiveadvantage?

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    Transaction services: cash management,tradeand custody services

    Corporate finance services: working capitalfinance, trade finance, asset based financing

    Treasury market services: hedging andforeign exchange

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  • 8/11/2019 55628357 Citi Bank e Strategy


    In pricing policy, Citibank emphasized on customerservices(response time,technology, support)

    By offering outsourcing Citibank,it Secured all thebusinesses from the customer

    Gained a total relationship with the customer Obtained economies of scale with a large number

    of customers

    Result,Client minus paper based payment and

    client could concentrate on core business. All happened due to better and comprenhensive

    use of technology.

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    Large Corporation wanted to sell productsdirectly via internet and not wholesalers.

    Demand for online E Business solutiongrew.Eg:online payment collection and web-enabled financial processes.

    SME were also involved in Internet.Wantedonline services

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    Clients were looking for improving theirpayment processes. They demandedelectronic, invoicing, automatic application ofpayments to accounts receivable,multi

    currency payment,online payment gurantee.s

    Need for improvement in their payment processes.

    They demanded electronic, invoicing, automatic

    application of payments SWIFTNet,SCORE

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    New technology required major investment inpeople, risk and technological services andfew banks were competing at the globaltransactions services marketplace

    Deutsche Bank and Citibank were two leadersand ABN AMRO was also developing itsproduct range.

    MNC who developed their own bankingsolutions products

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  • 8/11/2019 55628357 Citi Bank e Strategy


    Formation Internet Operation Group:committee charged with spreadingresponsibility for internet activities

    2 unites created (2000): E-consumer and E-Business(aim to infuse internet into allconsumer and corporate banking activities)

    In May 2000 E-capital markets and E-asset

    management units

  • 8/11/2019 55628357 Citi Bank e Strategy


    Created as division of Citis Markets &Banking.

    Main Job-integrated cash management,fundservices,securities services,trade services

    Aim-Customers have control over financialposition,increase efficency and reduce cost.

    Over 95% Fortune companies tapped GTS.

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  • 8/11/2019 55628357 Citi Bank e Strategy


    Customer Convience (web enabling services) Key to provide more channels to access

    citibank ,its products & Services.


    Designed for corporate customers

    Customers can perform various transactionson-line

    Transactions take place in real-time In 8 months, 1000 customers were using it

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    Transaction processing was aheadache(involved lot of paper work)

    Responsibility of Bank to take care of TP.


    Process involves consolidating all datacenters and merging them in Singapore

    Data is centralized

    In May 99, the number of data centers weredecreased to 60

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    Provided continual improvementopportunities

    Reduced the time cycle for transactions

    Minimized error rates to near zero

    Yielded new efficiencies for Citibank andcustomers

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    Building a new global infrastructure gaveCitibank the opportunity to:

    Deliver e-products more quickly and moreefficiently

    Ability to install capability improvementsfrom one regional area to world-wide

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  • 8/11/2019 55628357 Citi Bank e Strategy


    According to an online banking report

    published by Ernst & Young, the transactioncosts of the various banking channels are as

    follows: Branch $1.07 Call Centre (human) $0.85 Automated Response System (AVR) $0.44

    Automated Teller Machine $0.27 Dialup PC banking 1.5 Cent Internet Banking 1 Cent

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    Number of active Citibank Online customers

    New accounts opened through Citibank Online

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    The degree of innovation Extend to which the new functions are integrated

    within the business model

    Technology: ( In-House or Outsourced? )

    Large resources Ubiquity

    Security IPIN Secured Login Automatic time out Automatic lock out Digital certificate from Verisign

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    IS audit Meet the information criteria established in COBIT

    Aspects to Review

    Due diligence and risk analysis are performedbefore the bank conducts Internet banking activities Due diligence and risk analysis are performed

    where cross-border activities are conducted Internet banking is consistent with the banks

    overall mission, strategic goals and operating plans Internet application is compliant with the defined

    and approved business model

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    Huge legacy systems to carry forward Credit Bureau

    Partnership with industries

    Government Encouragement Priority Sector

    Credit Guarantee


    Financial Services e-Solutions

    Value Added Propositions

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  • 8/11/2019 55628357 Citi Bank e Strategy


  • 8/11/2019 55628357 Citi Bank e Strategy


    Thank You!!

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