5th bill n7 to n6 new.xls

Post on 18-Feb-2018






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5th Running Bill ABSTRACT


1 24000.00 P-Cft 25.00 600,000.00

2 0.00 P-Cft 0.90 -

3 0.00 P-Cft 0.80 -

4 96000.00 P-Cft 25.00 2,400,000.00

5 40000.00 P-Cft 20.00 800,000.00

6 61600.00 P-Cft 25.00 1,540,000.00

7 60800.00 P-Cft 25.00 1,520,000.00

8 0.00 P-Sft 25.00 -

9 0.00 P-Cft 25.00 -

10 0.00 P-Cft 50.00 -

12 14527.50 P-Cft 400.00 5,811,000.00


18.00 P-Ton 100,000.00 1,800,000.00

14 0.00 Cft 50.00 -

15 0.00 Sft 25.00 -

16 0.00 Cft 3.00 -

17 0.00 Each 12.00 -

18 0.00 Liter 100.00 -

19 0.00 Liter 200.00 -

20 0 Each 100.00 -

Construction of !-"# $i%& Bric' (in&% RCC Co)&r&% B(IS *N+,N" .ro/ 01#%i2 E3isting s&4&r n&2r Bhitt2i To4n un%&r 2ss to 62/shoro Ro2% Un%&r

P2ss in front of Bhitt2i N2g2r Polic& St2tion 7 Q2si/282% 9:%&r282%;

 , ,

!ortar an% %i)oe off %i!ant"e% !ateria"at the +ita'"e ite o+t of cit %ene area

an% %i)oe off %i!ant"e% !ateria" at the+ita'"e ite o+t of cit %ene area etcco!)"ete a )er %irection of En#ineer

c"eanin# an% trai#htenin# the a!e an%%i)oe off %i!ant"e% !ateria" at the+ita'"e ite o+t of cit %ene area etc

#ra%e. Proi%in# fence #+ar%, "i#ht f"a#an% te!)orar croin# for non ehic+"artraffic (here eer re+ire% "ift +)to 5ft an%an #ra e. + n# o n o e. )ro n#

fence #+ar%. "i#ht f"a# an% te!)orarcroin# for non ehic+"ar traffic (here

an #ra e. + n# o n o e. )ro n#fence #+ar%. "i#ht f"a# an% te!)orarcroin# for non ehic+"ar traffic (here

e*caation, concretin# cat in it+ concreteor !aonr (or$ in fo+n%ation (or$ etc

%e)th +)to 20ft etc co!)"ete in a"" re)ecta )er %irection of en#ineer inchar#e an%

etc co!)"ete in a"" re)ect a )er%irection of en#ineer inchar#e an% a )er

co!)"ete in a"" re)ect a )er %irectionof en#ineer inchar#e an% a )er

finihin# , tee" h+tterin# an% c+rin# .Co!)"ete inc"+%in# cot of a"" "a'o+r. Therate a"o inc"+%e a"" $in% of for!, !o+"%,

'en%in#, "ain# in )oition, !a$in# ointan% fatenin# inc"+%in# cot of 'in%in#(ire .S,chair, "a'o+r an% a"o inc"+%e

ce!ent an% !ortar 13 in rche(a""inc"+%in# caffo"%in#, ra$in# o+t of oint,c+rin# for !ini!+! 7 %a etc co!)"ete in

c+rin# for at "eat 7 %a, inc"+ie of a""for! (or$, erection an% re!oa" co!)"ete

thic$ "aer /c (ater ra!!in# to f+""co!)action etc co!)"ete in a"" re)ect a)er %irection of en#ineer inchar#e an%

not "e than 2500 )i, fro! a))roe% $i"nto 'e +e% a face 'ric$ in the L/S etc

+)) n# * n# e!ca ! * +reS..& or e+ia"ent in ce!ent )ointin#

tr+c$ ointin# &atio 17 one 'a# ce!entS/< 'ran% or e+ia"ent for !i*in# (ithconcrete 11-123 ; 124 at rate of 500!")er 'a# of ce!ent a )er %irection of

a$in# 1: * 6: "it in L/S (a"" = 3ft CCa'oe roa% "ee" ic )"acin# har%th i "% i " t t f

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21Rehabilitation of Deep Sewers



a 9: %ia ST Pi)e 0 P-&ft 100.00 -

' 12: %ia ST Pi)e 0 P-&ft 100.00 -

c 18: %ia ST Pi)e 0 P-&ft 100.00 -

% 24: %ia ST Pi)e 0 P-&ft 100.00 -

' 0

a 9: %ia ST Pi)e 0 P-&ft 24.00 -

' 12: %ia ST Pi)e 0 P-&ft 24.00 -

c 18: %ia ST Pi)e 0 P-&ft 24.00 -

% 24: %ia ST Pi)e 0 P-&ft 24.00 -

c 0

i 12: Dia ./ Pi)e "ine 0 P-&ft 105.00 -

ii 34: Dia ./ Pi)e "ine 0 P-&ft 24.00 -

iii 1: Dia ./ Pi)e "ine 0 P-&ft 18.00 -

i 2: Dia ./ Pi)e "ine 0 P-&ft 22.00 -

3: Dia ./ Pi)e "ine 0 P-&ft 24.00 -

i 4: Dia ./ Pi)e "ine 0 P-&ft 24.00 -

ii 6: Dia ./ Pi)e "ine 0 P-&ft 24.00 -

iii 8: Dia S Pi)e "ine 0 P-&ft 18.00

% 0

a 4: %ia ST Pi)e 0 P-&ft 50.00 -

' 6: %ia ST Pi)e 0 P-&ft 25.00 -

Proi%in#, Lain#, >ointin# an% connectin#(ith L/S ?e( a))roe% ST C-76-62 of

C"a // (a"" @@ )i)e an% fi*in# in trench

Dei"tin# of ario+ iAe o"% e(er a"on#

(ith !anho"e an% %i)oa" of %ei"te%!ateria" o+t of cit etc co!)"ete in a""

&e"ocation of Serice of (ater +))"

"ine to '-)a L/S a"i#n!ent inc"+%in#+))", c+ttin#, 'en%in# an% ointin# etc

Lain#, >ointin# +PBC e(era#e Pi)einc"+%in# connection (ith L/S fore(a#erain (ater oerf"o( etc co!)"ete

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c 8: %ia ST Pi)e 0 P-&ft 25.00 -

% 12: %ia ST Pi)e 0 P-&ft 25.00 -

Total Amount of BOQ Items in Rs. 14,471,.

!."# Rebate $%!&,7%".'

Total (et Amount Items in Rs. 1&,)17,*11.

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1- Measurement Sheet of Dismantling of Roads / Paths

Chainage in ft Length in ftDismantling of Roads / Paths


From To A a b B= (a+b)/2 C D= A x B x C

0 1600 1600.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 1.00 40000.00

 Total Qty 40000.00

2- Measurement Sheet of Dismantling of CC Plain Concrete 1:2:4

Chainage in ft Length in ft

Dismantling Cement Concrete


From To A a b B= (a+b)/2 C D= A x B x C

50.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 0.50 125.00

 Total Qty 125.00

3- Measurement Sheet of Dismantling of RCC Reinforcement Concrete

Chainage in ft Length in ft

Dismantling Cement Concrete


From To A a b B= (a+b)/2 C D= A x B x C

0 0 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 1.00 25.00

 Total Qty 25.00

Construction of 3'-6" Wide Brick Lined RCC Covered BLIS (N7~N6) From 24" dia Existing sewer

near Bhittai Town under pass to Jamshoro Road Under Pass in front of Bhittai Nagar Police

Station @ Qasimabad Hyderabad.


Qty Top






DismantlingQty Top







Qty Top






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4- Measurement Sheet of Excavation of Soft Soil

Chainage in ft Length in ft

Excavation of Soft Soil

Soft Soil Qty Av-Depth

From To A a b B= (a+b)/2 C D= A x B x C

0 100 100.00 25.00 16.00 20.50 3.00 6150.00

100 200 100.00 25.00 16.00 20.50 3.00 6150.00

200 300 100.00 25.00 16.00 20.50 3.00 6150.00

300 400 100.00 25.00 16.00 20.50 3.00 6150.00

400 500 100.00 25.00 16.00 20.50 3.00 6150.00

500 600 100.00 25.00 16.00 20.50 3.00 6150.00

600 700 100.00 25.00 15.25 20.13 3.00 6037.50

700 800 100.00 25.00 15.25 20.13 3.00 6037.50

800 900 100.00 25.00 15.00 20.00 3.00 6000.00

900 1000 100.00 25.00 15.50 20.25 3.00 6075.00

1000 1100 100.00 25.00 15.50 20.25 3.00 6075.00

1100 1200 100.00 25.00 16.00 20.50 3.00 6150.00

1200 1300 100.00 25.00 28.00 26.50 3.00 7950.00

1300 1400 100.00 25.00 28.00 26.50 3.00 7950.00

1400 1500 100.00 25.00 28.00 26.50 3.00 7950.00

1500 1600 100.00 25.00 28.00 26.50 3.00 7950.00

1600 1700 100.00 25.00 28.00 26.50 3.00 7950.00

 Total Qty 113025.00


Deduct Dismantling of RCC Qty -25.00

 Total Qty 73000.00

5- Measurement Sheet of Excavation of Wet Soil

Chainage in ft Length in ft

Excavation of Wet Soil

 Wet Soil Qty Av-Depth

From To A a b B= (a+b)/2 C D= A x B x C

0 100 100.00 16.00 10.00 13.00 4.00 5200.00

100 200 100.00 16.00 10.00 13.00 4.00 5200.00

200 300 100.00 16.00 10.00 13.00 4.00 5200.00

300 400 100.00 16.00 10.00 13.00 4.00 5200.00







Deduct Dsmantlng of Road and Paths







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400 500 100.00 16.00 10.00 13.00 4.00 5200.00

500 600 100.00 16.00 10.00 13.00 4.00 5200.00

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600 700 100.00 15.25 10.00 12.63 4.00 5050.00

700 800 100.00 15.25 9.50 12.38 4.00 4950.00

800 900 100.00 15.00 10.00 12.50 4.00 5000.00

900 1000 100.00 15.50 10.00 12.75 4.00 5100.00

1000 1100 100.00 15.50 10.00 12.75 4.00 5100.00

1100 1200 100.00 16.00 9.50 12.75 4.00 5100.00

1200 1300 100.00 28.00 21.00 24.50 4.00 9800.00

1300 1400 100.00 28.00 21.00 24.50 4.00 9800.00

1400 1500 100.00 28.00 21.00 24.50 4.00 9800.00

1500 1600 100.00 28.00 21.00 24.50 4.00 9800.00

1600 1700 100.00 28.00 21.00 24.50 4.00 9800.00

 Total Qty 110500.00

6- Measurement Sheet of Excavation of Slushy Soil

Chainage in ft Length in ftExcavation of Slushy Soil


From To A a b B= (a+b)/2 C D= A x B x C

0 100 100.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 1.81 1810.00

100 200 100.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 2.13 2130.00

200 300 100.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 2.49 2490.00

300 400 100.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 2.37 2365.00400 500 100.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 2.44 2440.00

500 600 100.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 2.54 2540.00

600 700 100.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 2.52 2525.00

700 800 100.00 9.50 10.00 9.75 2.53 2466.75

800 900 100.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 2.65 2650.00

900 1000 100.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 2.82 2820.00

1000 1100 100.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 2.84 2845.00

1100 1200 100.00 9.50 10.00 9.75 3.02 2944.50

1200 1300 100.00 21.00 15.00 18.00 3.27 5886.00

1300 1400 100.00 21.00 15.00 18.00 3.61 6507.00

1400 1500 100.00 21.00 15.00 18.00 4.13 7443.00

1500 1600 100.00 21.00 15.00 18.00 4.40 7929.00

1600 1700 100.00 21.00 15.00 18.00 4.41 7938.00

 Total Qty 65729.25

Slushy Soil

Qty Top






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4th Running Bill Measurement Sheet

item No Description No Sides Length Width Depth Qty

1 8 1 100 30 1 24000

2 0 0

1 0 0

2 0 0

3 0 0

Construction of 3'-6" Wide Brick Lined RCC Covered BLIS (N7~N6) From 24" dia Existing sewer near Bh

under pass to Jamshoro Road Under Pass in front of Bhittai Nagar Police Station @ Qasimabad Hyde





Di!ant"in# a"" $in% of &oa%, 'ric$ (a"", )a%,'o*e, )"atfor! etc in "i!e or ce!ent !ortar an%%i)oe off %i!ant"e% !ateria" at the +ita'"e ite o+tof cit %ene area etc co!)"ete a )er %irection ofEn#ineer inchar#e an% a )er )ecification.

Di!ant"in# ce!ent concrete )"ain 124 an% %i)oeoff %i!ant"e% !ateria" at the +ita'"e ite o+t of cit%ene area etc co!)"ete a )er %irection of En#ineerinchar#e an% a )er )ecification.

Di!ant"in# a"" $in% of &oa%, 'ric$ (a"", )a%,'o*e, )"atfor! etc in "i!e or ce!ent !ortar an%%i)oe off %i!ant"e% !ateria" at the +ita'"e ite o+tof cit %ene area etc co!)"ete a )er %irection ofEn#ineer inchar#e an% a )er )ecification.

Di!ant"in# ce!ent concrete )"ain 124 an% %i)oeoff %i!ant"e% !ateria" at the +ita'"e ite o+t of cit%ene area etc co!)"ete a )er %irection of En#ineerinchar#e an% a )er )ecification.

Di!ant"in# ce!ent concrete reinforce% e)aratin#the reinforce!ent fro! concrete c"eanin# an%trai#htenin# the a!e an% %i)oe off %i!ant"e%!ateria" at the +ita'"e ite o+t of cit %ene area etcco!)"ete a )er %irection of En#ineer inchar#e an%a )er )ecification.

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item No Description No Sides Length Width DepthChainage




4 8 1 100 30 4

5 8 1 100 25 2

6 8 1 100 22 3.5

7 8 2 100 5 7.6

8 0

9 0

10 0

E*caation for )i)e "ine in trenche an% )it in oftoi" /c tri!!in# an% %rein# i%e to tr+e a"i#n!entan% ha)e "ee"in# of 'e% of trenche to correct "ee"an% #ra%e. Proi%in# fence #+ar%, "i#ht f"a# an%te!)orar croin# for non ehic+"ar traffic (hereeer re+ire% "ift +)to 5ft an% %i)oa" of the !ateria"+)to 5 !i"e fro! the ite etc co!)"ete in a"" re)ect

a )er %irection of en#ineer inchar#e an% a )er)ecification.

E*caation for )i)e "ine in trenche, )it in (et oi"c"a or !+% ic tri!!in# an% %rein# i%e to tr+ea"i#n!ent an% ha)e "ee"in# of 'e% of trenche tocorrect "ee" an% #ra%e. C+ttin# oint ho"e. )roi%in#fence #+ar%. "i#ht f"a# an% te!)orar croin# fornon ehic+"ar traffic (here eer re+ire% "ift +)to 10 ftan% %i)oa" of the !ateria" +)to 5 !i"e fro! the iteetc co!)"ete in a"" re)ect a )er %irection ofen#ineer inchar#e. an% a )er )ecification.

E*caation for )i)e "ine in trenche, )it in "+h%a"%a" oi" ic tri!!in# an% %rein# i%e to tr+e

a"i#n!ent an% ha)e "ee"in# of 'e% of trenche tocorrect "ee" an% #ra%e. C+ttin# oint ho"e. )roi%in#fence #+ar%. "i#ht f"a# an% te!)orar croin# fornon ehic+"ar traffic (here eer re+ire% "ift +)to 20 ftan% %i)oa" of the !ateria" +)to 5 !i"e fro! the iteetc co!)"ete in a"" re)ect a )er %irection ofen#ineer inchar#e. an% a )er )ecification.

ai"in# o+t +' oi" (ater %+rin# e*caation,concretin# cat in it+ concrete or !aonr (or$ info+n%ation (or$ etc an% a )er )ecification.

P %riin# c"oe ti!'erin# to trenche for %e)th +)to20ft etc co!)"ete in a"" re)ect a )er %irection ofen#ineer inchar#e an% a )er )ecification.

Proi%in# "ain# tone 'o+"%er in trench etc co!)"etein a"" re)ect a )er %irection of en#ineer inchar#ean% a )er )ecification.

Proi%in# "ain# +ra! in trench etc co!)"ete in a""re)ect a )er %irection of en#ineer inchar#e an% a)er )ecification.

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item No Description No Sides Length Width Depth QtyChainage





 Walls 1 1 100.00 1.87 7.50 1402

1 2 500.00 1.875 7.000 1312

 Top Slab of BLIS 0 0 0.00


In Cast-in-Situe Walls & Slab 0.0

 Total Weight 0.0


In Arch

0.00 800.00 1 1 800.00 0.375 6.088 182

Providing and laying Cast-in-situ RCC cement

concrete Ratio 1: 1-1/2:3 in sulphate resistant

cement (having compressive strength 5000 psi

after 28 days) including placing compacting

finishing , steel shuttering and curing .

Complete including cost of all labour. The ratealso includes all kind of forms, moulds, lifting

shuttering, curing, rendering and finishing the

exposed surface etc complete in all respects as

per drawings and specifications and as per

directions of Engineer-in-charge.

Fabrication of steel reinforcement of Grade 60having tensile strength of 60000 psi for cement

concrete including cutting

Providing and fixing first class Pacca brick

masonry upto 20ft high/deep, set in cement

sand mortar 1:3 in Arches/walls including

scaffolding, raking out of joints, curing for

minimum 7 days etc complete in all respects

as per directions of engineer incharge.

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item No Description No Sides Length Width Depth QtChainage





In Arch 0.00 800.00 1 0.00 5.4985


13.5 Bricks/ Cft 1826.4 13.5 246



0.54 Bag of Cement in 100 Sft of pointing 0 0.54 7


0.00 0.218 0.5 0.0

Cement Pointing Struck joints on walls cement

sand mortar Ratio 1:3 including curing for at

least 7 days, inclusive of all form work,

erection and removal complete in all respects

as per directions of engineer incharge.

Extra for using high density special pressed

fire clay face bricks and strength not less than

2500 psi, from approved kiln to be used as

face bricks in the BLIS etc complete in all

respects as per directions of engineer incharge.

 Total Qty of


Masonry in


&efi""in# the e*caate% t+ff in trenche 6: thic$ "aer/c (ater ra!!in# to f+"" co!)action etc co!)"ete ina"" re)ect a )er %irection of en#ineer inchar#e an%)ecification.

Supplying & Mixing Chemical Admixture S.B.R

or equivalent in cement pointing struck jointing (Ratio 1:7) (one bag cement & 7 Liters

of S.B.R )

 Total Qty ofPointing

in Sft

Bags of

Cementin 100 Sft



SBR inone bag

of cement

Supplying water reducing chemical of SIKA

 brand or equivalent for mixing with concrete

1:1-1/2:3 & 1:2:4 at rate of 500ml per bag of

cement as per directions of manufacturer/

engineer incharge.


Bags per


litres /


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1 In Cast in Stiue Walls Vertical Main Bars @ 9" C/C 1.00 100.00 2 2 133 7.50 3990.00 5/8"

Dist: Horizontal Bars Inner sides @ 9" C/C 2 2 9 102.00 3672.00 4/8"

 Vertical Main Bars @ 9" C/C 1.00 100.00 2 2 133 7.50 3990.00 5/8"

Dist: Horizontal Bars Inner sides @ 9" C/C 2 2 9 102.00 3672.00 4/8"

 Vertical Main Bars @ 9" C/C 1.00 100.00 2 2 133 7.50 3990.00 5/8"

Dist: Horizontal Bars Inner sides @ 9" C/C 2 2 9 102.00 3672.00 4/8"

 Vertical Main Bars @ 9" C/C 1.00 100.00 2 2 133 7.50 3990.00 5/8"

Dist: Horizontal Bars Inner sides @ 9" C/C 2 2 9 102.00 3672.00 4/8"

 Vertical Main Bars @ 9" C/C 1.00 100.00 2 2 133 7.50 3990.00 5/8"

Dist: Horizontal Bars Inner sides @ 9" C/C 2 2 9 102.00 3672.00 4/8"

 Vertical Main Bars @ 9" C/C 1.00 100.00 2 2 133 7.50 3990.00 5/8"

Dist: Horizontal Bars Inner sides @ 9" C/C 2 2 9 102.00 3672.00 4/8"

 Vertical Main Bars @ 9" C/C 1.00 100.00 2 2 133 7.50 3990.00 5/8"

Dist: Horizontal Bars Inner sides @ 9" C/C 2 2 9 102.00 3672.00 4/8"

 Vertical Main Bars @ 9" C/C 1.00 100.00 2 2 133 7.50 3990.00 5/8"

Dist: Horizontal Bars Inner sides @ 9" C/C 2 2 9 102.00 3672.00 4/8"

Slab From Chainage 300 to 800

Main Bars Bottom @ 6" C/C 00 to 300 1 1 0 - 0.00 5/8"

Main Bars Top @ 9" C/C 300 to 800 1 1 0.0 - 0.00 4/8"

1 1 0 - 0.00 4/8"

B = Tot

Dist: Horizontal Bars Top & Bottom @ 9" C/C

including over lap

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ar en%in# Sche%+"e of L/S

S.(o D+SRI-TIO(S (OS Sies

In -re/ast -anels

In Be

1 ain To) ar = 6: CC 1 12 ain otto! ar = 6: CC 1 1

3 Dit To) ar = 9: CC 1 1

4 1 1

5 Dit otto! ar = 9: CC 1 1

Semi ir0le

6 /n a"e Si%e 1 1

7 /n e!a"e Si%e 1 1

iftin2 3oos

8 1 2

In 5alls

9 Bertica" ar +ter Si%e ; /nner Si%e = 4.5: CC 2 1In 5alls

10 Dit oriAonta" ar o+ter i%e = 9: CC 2 1

11 Dit oriAonta" ar /nner i%e 2 1

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?7- To ?6

ut en2th QT6 in fts DIA 89/-:;T 89

20 7.666 153.32 58: 0.473 72.5220 7.666 153.32 58: 0.473 72.52

8 11.250 90.00 48: 0.303 27.27

2 8.500 17.00 48: 0.303 5.15

6 9.830 58.98 48: 0.303 17.87

4 8.583 34.33 48: 0.303 10.40

2 9.750 19.50 48: 0.303 5.91

2 6.920 27.68 58: 0.473 13.09

28 7.750 434.00 58: 0.473 205.28

2 11.250 45.00 48: 0.303 13.64

7 8.500 119.00 48: 0.303 36.06

A < Total 82s of One -anel 47".71


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5OR8I(9 +=+S


1 0 61.240 !!.7! 55.375 53.875 53.375 52.375 65.000 8.865

2 100 61.080 55.700 55.325 53.825 53.325 52.325 65.000 8.755 8.810

3 200 61.780 55.650 55.275 53.775 53.275 52.275 65.000 9.505 9.130

4 300 61.700 55.600 55.225 53.725 53.225 52.225 65.000 9.475 9.490

5 400 61.430 55.550 55.175 53.675 53.175 52.175 65.000 9.255 9.365

6 500 61.750 55.500 55.125 53.625 53.125 52.125 65.000 9.625 9.440

7 600 61.530 55.450 55.075 53.575 53.075 52.075 65.000 9.455 9.540

8 700 61.620 55.400 55.025 53.525 53.025 52.025 65.000 9.595 9.525

9 800 61.440 55.350 54.975 53.475 52.975 51.975 65.000 9.465 9.530

10 900 61.760 55.300 54.925 53.425 52.925 51.925 65.000 9.835 9.650

11 1000 61.680 55.250 54.875 53.375 52.875 51.875 65.000 9.805 9.820

12 1100 61.710 55.200 54.825 53.325 52.825 51.825 65.000 9.885 9.845

13 1200 61.930 55.150 54.775 53.275 52.775 51.775 65.000 10.155 10.020

14 1300 62.110 55.100 54.725 53.225 52.725 51.725 65.000 10.385 10.270

15 1400 62.520 55.050 54.675 53.175 52.675 51.675 65.000 10.845 10.615

16 1500 63.050 55.000 54.625 53.125 52.625 51.625 65.000 11.425 11.135

17 1600 62.960 54.950 54.575 53.075 52.575 51.575 65.000 11.385 11.405

18 1700 62.960 !4." 54.525 53.025 52.525 51.525 65.000 11.435 11.410

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