6 on-page seo tags that improve google search rankings

Post on 14-Jul-2015






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6 ON-Page SEO Tags That Improve Google Search Rankings



So far, 2015 has put forth posts that mainly emphasize on effective content

marketing or social media engagement to rank better in Google SERP’s.

Following the few updates viz. Panda, penguin and pigeon of last year, the

focus has shifted to off-page strategies while not much is talked about ON-

Page issues that can affect SEO badly. Noticing the same, I have come

up with this list of ON-Page SEO factors that will help you make

ON-Page changes and improve your SEO performance.


Listed below are 6 fundamental ON-Page tags that will help you

rank high in Google:

• Canonical Tag

• 301 Redirection

• 404 Errors

• Robots.txt file

• Robot Meta Tags

• Href Lang Tag


Canonical Tag

Websites with more than one URLs containing similar content come

under the scanner of Google owing to duplicity. This adversely affects

website’s presence on search engines and is commonly termed as a bad

SEO practice. Use of canonical tag is very common in ecommerce

websites especially in product based pages where URL changes for

color, size & similar product parameters. This is where canonical

tag can come to your rescue.


Right use of this tag however is important, as websites making

common mistakes with canonical tag eventually fail to get the

actual benefits.

The use of canonical tag is must to keep control over the state

of search results. With this, you can choose which page you

want to get indexed and which not. By doing so, you not only

save your site from the consequences of URL duplicity but also

ensure link popularity of the chosen page.


Make The Most of Canonical Tag

By adding canonical appropriately, you avoid losses that occur

when website goes against Google guidelines. At the same time, all

your pages remain live to users.


People get confused between canonical and 301 but both are

entirely different. A canonical tag allows you to get one page

indexed while keeping all live. On the other hand, 301 redirection

is meant to keep only one page live for crawler as well as users.

301 Redirection


Using 301 Redirection is beneficial for transferring old domains to

new web address. Instead of showing 404 page, direct users and

search engines to a suitable page (home page or one with similar

offerings). This will not only prevent bounce rate but also pass

link juice thereby giving ranking power to the page.

Relevance of 301 Redirection


Many types of redirects are used by webmasters but using too

many results in slow website. Choosing a redirect that solves a

trouble without inviting new ones is the most appropriate way for

webmasters to handle their business site. For instance, if a page is

indexing and has good links from other sites but ceases to offer a

product/service, it must be 301 redirected to a relevant page to

save your search engine benefits.

In short, 301 redirection needs to be part of your ON-Page plan in




404 or ‘Not Found’ errors are prevalent on big ecommerce sites as online

stores are updated quite frequently owing to availability/unavailability of

products. Recurrent additions/deletions leads to broken links and this can

be risky for your web presence.

Google says that 404 errors will not impact your search engine rankings

but these errors will hurt your SERPs because too many 404 errors

or broken links leads to poor user experience. Google give top

priority to user experience, and if your website lacks in

it, you will surely notice the impact on your SERPs.

This point made 404 Errors part of this

ON-Page SEO guide.

404 Errors


Check website pages in Google Webmaster that show ‘Not Found’

status. There could be various reasons viz. page deleted, renamed

or misspelling in link. Monitor your Google Webmaster and

redirect the ones that are renamed, and fix the others

Fixed 404 Errors


Google Webmaster is not only about checking impressions

and clicks. Also use Google webmaster to check

about server errors, 404 errors, and other

crawl errors issues from time to time.


Robots.txt file is used to stop crawler from indexing pages that

you don’t wish to be crawled. Blocking URL by robots.txt file is a

common action taken by programmers during testing stage. So,

checking robots.txt file is essential when it is live to ensure

complete crawling of a site.

Robots.txt File


Risk factor

Googlebot first accesses robots.txt file to check whether a site

allows or blocks it from crawling any pages or URLs. None of your

SEO techniques can help you boost search engine rankings of a

page until it is made available to crawler. Hence, make sure your

robots.txt file is accessible and does not have improper

commands or a wrong URL listed.


No all pages on a website are for users; therefore, should not be

indexed in search engines. For instance, admin page, portal,

checkout pages, etc. Creating robot.txt file is a handy way to keep

such pages on the backend only by providing instructions on

which pages should be disallowed from getting displayed on


Where to use


Robot Meta Tags

Robot Meta tags are crucial for website indexing. Robots Meta Tag

must be placed in the head section of an HTML page. The ‘index’,

‘follow’, ‘no index’ & ‘no follow’ options tell search engine spiders

which pages are for ‘index & follow’ and which are not. The most

recommended combination from search engine point of view is

“index & follow” but you don’t have to add this to your pages

as it’s the default option.


• Index and follow - Use this option if you want spiders to index

the page and also crawl the links on this page.

• No index and follow - Use this option if you don’t want spiders

to index the page but crawl all the links on this page.

• Index and no follow - Use this option if you want spiders to

index this page but leave the links on this page.

• No index and no follow - Use this option if you don’t want

spiders to index the page as well as links.

Let’s discuss all the 4 cases one by one

Robot Meta tags are crucial for website’s complete indexing. This

is the reason you need to take care of it while thinking on-page

SEO in 2015.FATbit.com

Possible loss of mishandling Robot Meta Tags

Choosing ‘no index’ unknowingly or mistakenly can block your search

indexing and throw your website out of Google SERPs.

This is a common case of errors that result in low presence

on search networks despite applying best practices.


Robots.txt file can be used to block the whole website, a

particular folder of website pages and even bots of particular

search engines. Robots Meta tag on the other hand work page


For example, if I want to no-index only 1 page of my website,

then, I will go for robots Meta tag. If I want to block my whole

website or any specific folder, then, robots.txt file will be best

option for me.

Where to use Robots.txt File and Robots Meta Tag


Href Lang Tag

Websites that serve users from various regions or require translating

similar content for various users have to pay special attention to this

tag. It allows one to show relationship between various site pages,

and helps search engine give accurate results for a search query.


So, if your Mexico based client searches your business online,

Google will automatically show the translated version in search

results and also save you from the consequences of content

duplicity (only if the main content abides by the keywords, links

and other quality guidelines).

This somehow adds value to users’ search by showing results of

appropriate language based on geographic association and

improves user experience too.


Best for serving to local audience

hreflang tag helps businesses that have wider audience belonging to

different regions serve local audience better. It adds signal that helps

spider find relevant page instantly. This way, you don’t need multiple

websites to target people from different geographical regions.


Avoid incorrect codes to prevent invalidation of hreflang. Read


SEO planning can turn fruitless if any of the above mentioned on-

page points are mishandled or ignored. Many businesses lag

behind in search engine rankings due to such trivial issues that go


Use this ON-Page SEO guide to get the attention your business

deserves in search engines. Take my word, Google as well as

customers will love you for it.



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