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Safety ZoneUsing Natural Limits to Protect Your Back


Prevent Back InjuriesWork Within Your Natural LimitsDid you know that most ants can lift objects that are

many times heavier than their bodies? Your own body

isn’t designed to lift that kind of heavy weight. If you tried

to lift something as heavy as a refrigerator, for example,

you’d probably injure yourself. Some objects are simply

too heavy or bulky to be lifted by one person. Other

objects may be light enough to lift. But if they are lifted

too often over time, cumulative damage can develop.

Lifting, moving, and lowering loads in ways your body

wasn’t meant to can lead to a painful back injury. By

understanding more about your safety zone (the limits

within which your body was built to move safely), you

can protect your back. You can also reduce your risk of

injury by stretching and strengthening your muscles.

Follow this booklet’s guidelines at work and any time

you lift or move objects.


How Back Injuries Can HappenYour back supports the weight of your whole upper body. When you lift or move loads, your back carries even more weight. If you don’t work within your body’s nat-ural limits, your back can’t safely support both your body and the load. The tension created by this extra weight ends up on your lower back, which can lead to a back injury. If you lift or move loads often, a back injury may develop slowly, over time.

How You Can Protect Your BackBy using some of the strongest muscles in your body—those in your legs and arms—you can lift and move loads safely and take much of the pressure off your back. Tightening your stomach muscles also helps support your back. When these muscles share the job of supporting loads, you’re in the best position to protect your back from injury. You’re also less likely to be injured if you keep loads close to your body and your spine balanced. Your spine is balanced if you maintain its natural curves as you move. And be sure to keep your head up as you lift objects.


Reach Out Within LimitsFind Your Safety ZoneThink of your safety zone as a three-way

traffic light. Go ahead and move a load

safely in the green areas of the zone

because the load is close to your

body, putting little tension on

your back. The risk of injury

increases outside the green

areas. Be cautious when

moving in the yellow

area: The load is farther

away from your body

and puts greater

tension on your back.

Stop if you’re in the

red danger zone: You

could be setting yourself

up for a back injury.

SafeThe light green area is a little farther away from your body. It’s formed by keeping your elbows in at your sides and moving your fists up to your shoulders, then down to your thighs.

The tension in your back is slightly greater, but still safe. The weight may feel like small pieces of wood.


SafestThe dark green area is closest to your body and safest for your back. It’s formed by holding both forearms against your body at waist level and moving your fists up and down in front of your stomach.

The tension in your back is lowest when you hold a load in this area. The weight may feel like feathers.

CautionThe yellow area is even farther away from your body. This area is formed by putting your arms straight forward at shoulder height, then bringing your fists down to your thighs.

The tension in your back is even greater. The weight may feel like a bag of cement. Be careful: You’ve reached your body’s natural limits.

Environmental LimitsTake a moment to think about your work environ-ment. Do you work in a hot, humid area? Or is your work area cold or damp? Depending on your work environment, you may need to take extra steps to lift loads safely. For instance, you may need to slow down and lift less often. Or you may need to use special equipment when you work. Be sure to follow any work-place rules to help you stay safe.


Danger ZoneThe red area is located outside your safety zone. When you work there, you hold the load away from you. Your back can’t safely support the weight.

The tension in your back is greater still. The weight may feel like a ton of bricks. You’ve gone beyond your body’s natural limits.


Make the Right MovesUse Your Safety ZoneWhen you lift, carry, turn, or reach in your safety zone, you’re protecting your back. Get as close to a load as you can before moving it. Test loads you aren’t sure of by lifting a corner. If a load is too heavy or awkward, have a coworker help, or use equipment. The hints and tips on these pages give you some more ways to help your back.


Lifting Hints• Keep your legs apart for good balance. • Bend your knees and hips, not your waist,

to help you stay within your natural limits.• Keep your back balanced, with your ears,

shoulders, and hips lined up, so your upper body is well supported.

• Tighten your stomach muscles, and hug the load in your green zone to support your back.

• Use your leg and arm muscles when lifting to minimize the force of the load on your back. Don’t twist your back.

• Don’t jerk as you lift. Too sudden a move-ment can easily injure your back.

Carrying Hints• Know where you’re going, so you don’t

have to carry the load while looking for a place to put it.

• Make sure you have a clear path, so you carry the load the shortest distance.

• Hold the load close to keep it in your green zone.

• Use a dolly or cart to carry a heavy or awkward load, or one that blocks your vision.





To keep your lower back flexible, do a backbend.

1 Stand or sit and place your palms on your low back. Lean your upper body back, without over-arching your neck.

2 Hold for a count of five. Repeat three times.

To help you build strong leg muscles, try the wall slide.

1 Stand with your back against a wall and your feet apart. Slide into a half-sitting position.

2 Hold for a count of 10, then slide back up. Repeat three times.


Make the Right MovesUse Your Safety ZoneThese pages contain more hints for using your safety zone to protect your back. Remember, stretching and strengthening your back may also help prevent injury. The tips at the right give examples.

Turning Hints• Tighten your stomach muscles before

you lift to support your back; keep your back supported as you turn.

• Keep the load in front of you—where your safety zone is.

• Step in the direction of the turn, rather than twist, so you don’t leave your safety zone behind.

• Don’t turn without moving your feet. You’ll twist your back, moving out of your safety zone.

Reaching Hints• Set up your work area for reaches you

do often, so you can stay out of the danger zone.

• Use sturdy equipment (like a step- ladder) to get closer to the load.

• Slide the load to the edge, in toward your body, and down to waist level; then change your grip so you can bring the load into your safety zone.

• When you use a dolly or other equipment, remember not to reach outside your safety zone.

• Don’t reach into the danger zone. Move things closer to you or move yourself closer to them.




Try the pelvic tilt to strengthen your stomach muscles.

1 Stand or sit and tighten your stomach muscles as you curl your buttocks forward. Hold for five seconds.

2 Repeat two to three times.

Try the hip stretch.

1 With your right hand, reach over the top of your head to touch your left ear.

2 With your left hand on your left hip and feet shoulder-width apart, bend your body sideways to your left. Hold for five seconds. Repeat five times.

3 Switch and do the other side.



Know Your LimitsMatch the ZonesStudy the people at the right. Which ones are working in their safety zones? Which are “out of bounds” in the danger zone? Write the number of each person in the matching dark green (safest), light green (safe), yellow (caution), or red (danger) zone. You can find the answers printed upside down below the people.


Answers: dark green (4, 8, 10); light green (3, 5, 9); yellow (1, 7, 11); red (2, 6, 12)

1 2 3

4 5 6

7 8 9

10 11 12


Always RememberGo with the GreenWhen lifting and moving loads, the green areas of your safety

zone are a “go.” By keeping this simple rule in mind, you’re

more likely to avoid painful back injuries and time off from

work. Practice safe work habits on the job and at home. This

will help keep your back healthy for all the activities you enjoy.

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Consultants:David A. Thompson, PhD, Ergonomics EngineerBrian S. Miller, Safety Manager

With contributions by:John MacVittie, Safety and Training ManagerTim Racicot, Industrial Safety and Hygiene ManagerMichael Baetz, Senior Safety Engineer

Additional ResourcesNational Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) 800-232-4636 www.cdc.gov/niosh

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) 800-321-6742 www.osha.gov

© 2013 Krames StayWell, LLC. www.kramesstaywell.com800-333-3032 All rights reserved. Made in the USA.

Content in this publication has been customized for State Fund. It is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice or your employer’s specific health

and safety instruction or policies.

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