7-2011 benzene awareness ppt_01

Post on 09-Jan-2016






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Benzene Awareness


  • Benzene AwarenessNSTC-19

  • Course Overview*

  • *Yasref RefineryIjaz Hussain Safety Advisor lntroductions

  • *Emergency ProceduresRestrooms/Breaks/SmokingSafety MinuteAdministration and Safety

  • *To provide employees with the knowledge to recognize a benzene exposure hazard and the appropriate control measures in areas where there are materials that contain benzene.Goal

  • *Describe the characteristics of benzeneDescribe the health effects from benzene exposure Identify potential locations where benzene may be foundRecognize and describe the control measures and PPE that will protect against benzene exposureDescribe employer and employee responsibilities for protecting against the hazards of benzene exposure Objectives

  • Standards and Terms*

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    Benzene is regulated by OSHA under 29 CFR 1910.1028. YASREF will follow standards which meet or exceed the OSHA standard.Benzene Standards 29 CFR 1910.1028 (b)

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    Benzene is a liquefied or gaseous chemical with the formula C6H6.A regulated area is any area where airborne concentrations of benzene exceed permissible exposure limits (PEL). An authorized person is any person specifically authorized by the employer whose duties require the person to enter a regulated area where benzene may be present.Benzene Terms 29 CFR 1910.10 28 (b)

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    Employee exposure is the exposure to airborne benzene which would occur if the employee were not using respiratory protective equipment.Action level is an airborne concentration of benzene of 0.5 ppm calculated as an 8 hr. time-weighted average (TWA).Site specific requirements for exposure limits and action levels may be more stringent at some locations.Exposure Terms29 CFR 1910.10 28 (b)

  • What Is Benzene?*

  • *Simplest member of aromatic hydrocarbons.Molecular structure: 6 carbon atoms and 6 hydrogen atoms.Formula: C6 H6 Hydrocarbon molecule with alternating single and double bonds.Benzene Molecule

  • *Colorless to light yellow when in the liquid state; has a pleasant, sweet odor Toxic as a liquid or gas; not soluble in waterOdor does not provide adequate warning of its hazardVapor is heavier than air and may spread long distances to some distant source of ignitionExtremely flammable; flash point: 12 F.Solid below 42 F.Reacts vigorously with oxidizing materials Benzene Characteristics29 CFR 1910.10 28 , Appendix A, I

  • *Crude oil (0.5-3% by weight)Diesel fuel (0.1-0.5% by weight)NGLs (Natural gas liquids)Various gas streamsDegreasing productsProduced waterAutomotive sourcesAdhesive coatings and paintWhere Benzene is can be Found on Yasref

  • *Production and transfer operations employeesCamp maintenance and custodial staffTank and pipeline cleanersElectricians, plumbers, and HVAC techniciansWorkers Who May Be at Risk

  • Health Effects*

  • *InhalationIngestionAbsorptionInjectionHow Benzene Enters the Body29 CFR 1910.10 28 , Appendix A, I

  • *DrowsinessDizziness and headachesSkin irritation and dermatitisVomiting/sickness and a feeling of intoxicationloss of consciousnessDeath may occur at concentrations equal to or greater than 10,000 ppm.Acute Health Effects29 CFR 1910.10 28 Appendix A , II

  • *Carcinogenic; affects the blood-making tissues of the body to include bone marrow abnormalities, anemia, and other blood cell abnormalitiesCan cause leukemia, multiple myeloma, and subsequent death in workers who are exposed to benzene for extended periods of timeMyelomais cancer of the plasma cells. Plasma cells are white blood cells that produce disease- and infection-fighting antibodies in your body.Chronic Health Effects29 CFR 1910.10 28 Appendix A , II

  • Hazard Detection and Control*

  • *Sometimes benzene can be detected by its odor (34119 ppm) but it is not a reliable indicator.Measurements should be obtained by using benzene detecting badges, charcoal tubes, and gas chromatographs.Benzene DetectionBenzene Gas Detector Gas Tube Detector with Hand PumpGas Chip Detector

  • *Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL) is 1.0 ppm for an 8 hour day and 0.67 for a 12 hour dayShort Term Exposure Limit (STEL) is 5.0 ppm for any 15 minute period during the day with 60 minutes between exposures and no more than 4 exposures in an 8 hour day.The Action Level is 0.5 ppm for an 8 hour day.Company standards may be more stringent than the OSHA standard ( e.g. BP Alaska action level is 0.3)OSHA Exposure Limits29 CFR 1910.10 28 (b-c)

  • *Personal enclosureControl of process conditionsMechanical ventilation (dilution and exhaust)Remote or automated operationLeak detection and repair systems

    Engineering Controls

  • *MSDSSigns and properly labeled containersPeriodic monitoring and notification of employees about exposure levels Limiting exposure to the chemicalFollowing company rules and policiesTraining

    Administrative Controls

  • *Signs shall be posted at the entrance to regulated areas


  • *Benzene containers shall be properly labeledThere is no requirement to label pipes.

    Labels29 CFR 1910.10 28 (j) (1) (ii)

  • *Respiratory ProtectionAir purifying half mask to 6.7 ppmAir purifying full face mask to 33 ppmSCBA or supplied air w/escape pack above 33 ppmEye / Skin ProtectionChemical safety gogglesFace shieldNitrile gloves for crude oil & viton for NGLsAprons, protective clothing and footwearPersonal Protective Equipment

  • *Call for help.If eyes or skin are exposed, immediately flush with large amounts of water for 15 minutes.Clothing should be changed if it becomes benzene saturated.If the victim has inhaled benzene and is not breathing, a qualified person should give CPR.In all cases, get medical attention.First Aid

  • Compliance Program*

  • *If exposures are over the PEL, the employer must establish and implement a written compliance program to include: A schedule for development and implementation of engineering controls and work practices. Initial and periodic monitoring.Employee notification of monitoring results.Medical surveillance program.Information and training about benzene at the time of the initial work assignment. Respiratory protection training.Employer Responsibilities29 CFR 1910.10 28 (j) ((1) (ii)

  • *Read and follow procedures for the recognition and control of benzene.Mitigate recognized hazards.Use the proper PPE when entering a regulated area.Report any emergencies.Employee Responsibilities29 CFR 1910.10 28 (j) ((1) (ii)

    Some of the information on this slide came from the NOVA Chemicals MSDS for benzene.The percentage of benzene by weight in crude oil is 0.5-3% and in diesel fuel, it is 0.1-0.5%.Benzene can enter the body through the lungs (inhalation), gastrointestinal tract (ingestion), or through the skin (absorption) or through a cut (injection). Once in the bloodstream, benzene travels throughout the body and can be temporarily stored in the bone marrow and fatty tissue. Benzene is converted to products, called metabolites, in the liver and bone marrow. Some of the harmful effects of benzene exposure are caused by these metabolites. Most of the metabolites of benzene leave the body in the urine within 48 hours after exposure.

    Gas tube detectors are also known as colorimetric or Draeger (brand name) tubes.Note to Instructor: Other exposure limit standards include:ACGIH at 0.5 ppm TWA for the PEL (2.5 for the STEL)NIOSH at 0.1 TWA for the PELShort term exposure limits (STELs) supplement the TWA for highly toxic chemicals rather than replace it. Note that all of the employer responsibilities are either engineering or administrative controls.

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