7 fat soluble vitamins and exercises

Post on 07-May-2015



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7- Fat Soluble vitamins and Exercises

Nutrition and Fitness

Dr. Siham Gritly

Dr. Siham Gritly

Fat soluble vitamins

• Fat soluble vitamins dissolve within the body’s fat cells and are usually found in fats and fatty foods.

• If they are not needed immediately, the body will store fat soluble vitamins for later use in the liver and fatty tissues

• fat soluble vitamins do not need to be consumed as frequently as water soluble vitamins to ensure proper functioning of the body’s cells.

Dr. Siham Gritly

Vitamin A, retinal

• VITAMIN A:- The main role of vitamin A is to promote healthy vision and night vision but it also helps with normal growth and reproduction.

• Liver is the richest source of vitamin A but dairy products (such as milk, eggs and butter) and vegetables (such as carrots, peas and spinach) also contain good levels of the vitamin.

Dr. Siham Gritly

• Three different forms of vitamin A are active in the body:

• 1-retinol, supports reproduction and is the major transport and storage form of the vitamin.

• 2-retinal, Retinal is active in vision and is also an intermediate in the conversion of retinol

Dr. Siham Gritly

• retinoic acid, acts like a hormone, regulating cell differentiation, growth, and embryonic development

• Collectively, these compounds are known as retinoids.

Dr. Siham Gritly

• Foods derived from plants provide carotenoids, some of which have vitamin A activity.

• * The most important carotenoids is beta-carotene, which can be split to form retinol in the intestine and liver.

Dr. Siham Gritly

Vitamin D, cholecalciferol

• Vitamin D is known as the sunshine vitamin because exposure to sunlight prompts the body’s cells to start producing it.

• It’s major role is to assist with the absorption of calcium and phosphorous which in turn promotes healthy bones and teeth.

• Vitamin D is also responsible for controlling when minerals are used in the body. Apart from sunlight, dairy products (such as eggs, milk and butter), fatty fish and fish oils are all good sources of vitamin D.


Dr. Siham Gritly

• Deficiency of vitamin D can lead to rickets (softening of the bones in young children and animals) and

• osteomalacia (the loss of calcium and protein from the bones) in adults.

Dr. Siham Gritly

Vitamin D–Deficiency Symptoms—Bowed Legs and Beaded Ribs of Rickets

Dr. Siham Gritly

• Vitamin D comes in many forms, but the two most important in the diet are;-

• 1-plant sources called vitamin D2 or ergocalciferol

• 2-animal sources called vitamin D3 or cholecalciferol.

Dr. Siham Gritly

• Failure to get enough can lead to;

• * age spots (a brown pigmentation of the skin) and

• * hemolytic anemia (a condition where the blood cells become weak that can rupture easily).

Dr. Siham Gritly

Vitamin E, tocopherol

• Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant which protects and repairs the body’s cells from the damage caused by oxygen mainly during endurance exercises.

• It also offers protection from a number of diseases.

Dr. Siham Gritly

Vitamin E During prolonged, high-intensity physical activity

• During prolonged, high-intensity physical activity, the muscles’ consumption of oxygen increases tenfold or more, which increases the production of free radicals in the body.

• vitamin E is a strong antioxidant that vigorously defends cell membranes against the oxidative damage of free radicals.

Dr. Siham Gritly

• free radicals: unstable and highly reactive atoms or molecules that have one or more unpaired electrons in the outer orbital

• Free radicals activate powerful antioxidant enzymes, which may enhance the athlete’s tolerance to oxidative stresses.

Dr. Siham Gritly

Vitamin K, phylloquinone

• Vitamin K’s main function is to help the blood clot but it also assists with calcium retention in the body.

• Green leafy vegetables (such as spinach, broccoli and cabbage) are rich in vitamin K but eggs and milk also contain lower levels of the vitamin.

 • Deficiency can be very serious and cause heavy,

uncontrolled bleeding in multiple areas of the body. consuming too much vitamin K can damage both your blood cells and liver.

Dr. Siham Gritly


• Look for fat soluble vitamins digestion

Dr. Siham Gritly

• Sareen S. Gropper, Jack L.Smithh and James L. Groff; 2007. advanced Nutrition and Human Metabolism, fifth ed. Wadsworth CENGAGE learning

• Melvin H Williams 2010; Nutrition for Health, Fitness and Sport. 9th ed, McGraw Hill

• WoolfK, Manore MM B-vitamins and exercise: does exercise alter requirements? Dept of Nutrition, Arizona State University, Mesa 85212, USA. [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

• William J Evans Vitamin E, vitamin C, and exercise1,2,3

Dr. Siham Gritly

Manore MM; Vitamin B6 and exercise. Department of Family Resources and Human Development, Arizona State University, Tempe 85287-2502. [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Lieberman, S, Bruning, N (1990). The Real Vitamin & Mineral Book. NY: Avery Group, 3, ISBN 0895297698

Maton, Anthea; Jean Hopkins, Charles William McLaughlin, Susan Johnson, Maryanna Quon Warner, David LaHart, Jill D. Wright (1993). Human Biology and Health. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, USA: Prentice Hall.

Davidson, Michael W. (2004) Anthranilic Acid (Vitamin L) Florida State University

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