7 habits to get rid of in 2017

Post on 16-Apr-2017






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1. Procrastination

The tendency to delay or

postpone is the worst habit you can have. This

year, try to break this bad

habit. Stay organized and

work systematically.

2. Tardiness

If you arrive late to work, or

return late from breaks, it

displays an attitude of

complacency and

carelessness. Try to be as

punctual as you can this year.

3. Social Media Addiction

Facebook, Twitter,

Instagram and all other popular websites are fun,

but terribly distracting. So

beware this year. Don’t

waste too much time on such unproductive

online activities.

4. Lone Wolf Syndrome

Have a habit of always wanting to do things on your own? That won't always work in

life. This year, try to become a team

player. Helping others when

possible, doing tasks that aren’t

necessarily in your job

description etc.

5. Speaking without Thinking

If you’ve got ‘foot-in-mouth’ syndrome, you must control it

this year. Saying inappropriate things can be detrimental to

your personal life as well as your


6. Fear of Change

Getting out of your comfort zone might seem

difficult but this phobia can be the biggest enemy of

your success. With experimenting

comes innovation. So become a new version of yourself

this year.

7. Being Hard on Yourself

No more being hard on yourself.

Always remember that

you’re doing the best you can and accept that you will experience

failure from time to time.

We hope 2017 brings a lot of Good habits, People and Experiences to


Happy New Year!

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