7 tips for weight loss success

Post on 20-Jul-2015






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7 Tips For Weight Loss Success

Weight loss requires dedication and commitment because there are no magic tricks that can

make the pounds disappear. In order to lose weight you need a healthy diet plan, regular

exercise, and a positive attitude. For your weight loss efforts to be successful, you must also

surround yourself with people who can help and encourage you along the way. If you have a

neighbor or friend who is also overweight, then team up and take this journey together. If you

have coworkers who are overweight, then create teams and start a competition to see who can

lose the most weight. A little competition never hurt anyone, but first here are some

instructions to help you on your journey.

Instructions on how to choose a plan:

1. The first thing you need to do is establish how much weight you want to lose and a

timeline for losing it. Make realistic goals such as 1-2 pounds a week for six months. An

unrealistic goal such as 30 pounds in 30 days will only leave you disappointed.

2. Visit a doctor or a dietician and tell them about your long-term weight loss goal. They

will be able to calculate how much weight you need to lose each week in order to

achieve it. They can also offer tips and advice on the healthiest ways possible to achieve

your objective in the desired time.

3. It is important that you learn to observe your body mass index, more commonly

referred to as BMI. This is better than just knowing your body weight because BMI will

let you know the appropriate weight for your particular height. The Center for Disease

Control and Prevention’s website has a chart that you can visit and calculate your BMI.

4. Chose an exercise program that you can stick to for the long term. There are a number

of options available to suit any preference. If you like being outdoors, then you can jog

in the morning or take a hike on weekends. If you like to dance, then sign up for a dance

class or a belly dancing class. If you prefer something else, then do yoga or Pilates. It is

important to just do something fun that will keep you motivated.

5. If you are not going to use a specialized diet program, you can still take tips from them

to help you in your efforts. Some plans restrict protein while others restrict

carbohydrates and sugars and some focus on limited amounts of starches. Read as much

as you can about each diet and make sure you understand the pros and cons of the

choices you make.

6. Simple changes to your daily routine can play a major role in weight loss. Instead of

taking the elevator at work, take the stairs. A five-minute walk to the supermarket is

healthier than driving there. If you have to drive somewhere, park your car a few miles

away from your destination and walk the rest of the journey.

7. Budget for your weight loss plan, if you opt for a popular program, there might be a cost

to join. However, if you plan to lose weight on your own, you will need to shop for fresh

fruits and vegetables and other healthy options that might cost a little more than you

usually spend on junk food. If you plan to join a gym or take a dance class, you will also

need to spend money so take these things into consideration. In the end, the extra

money you spend will be worth it when you are successful in losing the extra pounds.

Gud luck! Thanks!

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