7 ways to start better conversations with your

Post on 17-Oct-2021






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7 ways to start better conversations with your customers…

… you’re always looking to add value to your business

...by adding value to your customers’ businesses

Working with Tetra Pak around the world…

Nordics Sweden, Finland, Norway, Denmark

Europe Germany, Netherlands, Greece, UK, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Turkey, Austria, Poland, Russia

Asia Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam, China

Middle East/Africa Egypt, Saudi Arabia, UAE, South Africa,

Americas USA, Chile, Brazil

Since 2003* we’ve supported Tetra Pak markets around the world…

*Between 2003 and 2006 you knew us as HealthFocus Europe

This presentation will show you the

3 ways we can support your business…

And give you

7 ways to start better conversations...

Inspiration Conferences, Seminars,

Events. Organizing, Moderating and Keynote Speakers



Our job is to add value! And we do it in 3 different ways…

Education & Training Interactive Team Training

with our proven models and case studies in

Dairy, Soya and JNSD

Consulting Innovation, Strategy, Branding and Concept Development projects for your customers





Customer Events & Showcase Seminars To inspire action and position Tetra Pak

-  Vietnam “The Incredible Journey” 2010 and “Winning with Fortification” 2011 -  Poland “How to Win in Healthy Marketing” 2010 -  Indonesia “Re-Discovering the Health Trend” 2009 -  Egypt – “Health & Nutrition Seminar” 2009 -  Malaysia – “How to Win in Healthy Marketing” 2008 -  Saudi Arabia – “Health & Nutrition Seminar” 2008 - UAE – “Health & Nutrition Seminar” 2008

Expert Presentations - Infant Nutrition - Global Dairy Workshop Bangkok 2011 - Concept Development - Soya Cluster Shanghai 2011 -  Segmentation & Differentiation - Soya Cluster KL 2010 -  Healthy Marketing - Soya Cluster Seoul 2009

“Fantastic, now I have something to talk to my customer about

for the next three months”


Healthy Marketing Academy Industry leading models and best practices – proven in practice around the world

Healthy Marketing Training -  Nordic & European Markets 2004-6 -  South Africa – 2004 & 2007

Branding with a Healthy Twist -  Modena 2009 – Finland, China, Turkey -  Modena 2010 – Russia, Brazil, Spain -  Modena 2010 – Chile – with Customer Relations




“Inspiring, relevant, giving content tools, exactly pinpointing areas where Tetra Pak

should make the difference.”


Healthy Marketing Consulting Services Help Tetra Pak Teams and customers worldwide

From Category Mapping and Portfolio Planning to Brand Innovation and Concept Development Workshops

Category Analysis Workshops Finland, Denmark, Sweden, Belgium, Germany, Netherlands, Indonesia, South Africa, Vietnam, Egypt, Poland

Concept Development Workshops Denmark, Sweden, Finland, UK, Chile, China



“Clear breakdown of strategic thinking process.”

“Clearly helps to focus strategic thinking.”

Tetra Pak Customers said… Average Rating 4.7*/5

“Great way to develop and evaluate NPD.”

“Good practical model.”

“Clear breakdown of strategic thinking process.”

“Clearly helps to focus strategic thinking.”

“Thanks for organising this!”

*Quotes on the Healthy Marketing Team for individually run seminars in several Market Companies

Your Tetra Pak colleagues said… Average Rating 4.9*/5

“Fantastic, now I have something to talk to my customer about for the next three months”

“Very good opportunity to work and discuss with your customer about new products and innovations.”

“Inspiring, relevant, giving content tools, exactly pinpointing areas where Tetra Pak should make the difference.”

“Like a puzzle! Each session had a rightful place. Good flow.”

“The tools are excellent!”

*Quotes on the Healthy Marketing Team for individually run seminars in several Market Companies

Here’s why it works so well…

Your internal Tetra Pak Teams get

•  A New Perspective on your Customer Portfolio •  A tool for Category Portfolio Planning – to position customers •  A new view of customer challenges •  To identify new opportunities and emerging threats

Your KAMs and Customers get

•  Active relationship building •  Expert facilitation to help them to

agree “Where to Play”

•  To envision and align future joint plans •  To position Tetra Pak as Strategic Partner

7 ways to start better conversations with your customers…

Start better conversations by answering your customers’ biggest questions…

1.  “What are the global trends that will influence my business?”

2.  “How is our brand portfolio doing in the light of these trends?”

3.  “How can I identify the right innovation space for my brand?”

4.  “How can I create relevant new ideas?”

5.  “How can I develop a winning concept for my new product launch?”

6.  “How can I up-skill my team and learn global best practices?”

7. “Can you help me solve this problem?”

1. “What are the global trends that will influence my business?”

Seminars & Showcase Events •  When you want to build your image

and lead the market •  HMT plan the objective and outcome

with Tetra Pak Leaders & KAMs •  1-2 Days with key decision makers

from Tetra Pak and your Customer

Benefits & Outcomes •  Position Tetra Pak as value adding partner

•  Team building with customer

•  Mutual understanding of success factors

•  Support and stimulate sales process

2. “How is our brand doing in the light of the trends?”

‘Health Check’ Clinics •  Intimate small group coaching

Often as a follow up of a Customer Seminar •  HMT work with Tetra Pak Teams to

problem solve with individual Customers or new prospects

•  At your offices or theirs, we provide tailored expert coaching sessions

•  Provides a conversation starter for new prospects

Benefits & Outcomes •  A chance to engage new prospects

•  Focused time to explore specific brand issues with expert coaches

•  An opportunity to position Tetra Pak as a progressive and innovative strategic partner

3. “How can I identify the right innovation space for my brand?”

Category & Brand Portfolio Mapping •  1 Day with HMT and Your Key Decision Makers •  Map the Category Players •  Connect to trends and new influences •  Position your Customers •  Repeat annually

Benefits & Outcomes •  Discover the Category drama

•  Align emerging trends with brands

•  Spot brands and products in danger

•  Reveal new opportunities

•  Develop a Strategic Roadmap

•  Align key decision makers on next steps

4. “How can I create relevant new ideas?”

Customer Innovation Workshops •  HMT plan the objective and outcome

with Tetra Pak Leaders & KAMs •  1-2 Days with key decision makers

from Tetra Pak and your Customer

Benefits & Outcomes •  Innovation pipeline

•  Idea generation, selection, screening

•  Concept development

•  Idea refinement and brand fit

•  Priority and next steps

5. “How can I develop a winning concept for my product launch?”

Brand Acceleration Workshop •  Support your client and his brand team to get

the new launch right

•  HMT as a 3rd party expert •  1-2 day workshop

Benefits & Outcomes •  Health Check of the Strategy,

Brand Positioning and Product Concept

•  Brand Differentiation

•  Concept Refinement

•  Consumer Testing / Validation against consumer data

•  Packcepts when possible!

6. “How can I up-skill my team and learn global best practices?”

Learn from the expert •  In 2009 Peter Wennström released his 2nd book

The FourFactors® of Success – a simple tool to innovate healthy brands

•  The book is connected to a hands-on training module with relevant case studies of both failure and success

•  Can be set up as a ! or 1-day training for one or many customers

Benefits & Outcomes •  An engaging day learning with an

acknowledged global expert

•  Up-skill yourself and your customers

•  Avoid repeating others mistakes and learn from global success cases

The FourFactors® of Success is a follow on from Peter’s first book, The Food & Health Marketing Handbook that was sponsored by Tetra Pak in 2003

7. “Can you help me solve this problem?”

Bespoke Consulting & Training Solutions •  Over the years we’ve helped Tetra Pak

Leaders and Managers in many ways

•  If you’ve got a problem, even if it’s not fully defined, give us a call. We’ll be happy to help

Benefits & Outcomes •  Train your Team

•  Train your Customer

•  Solve Customer Problems

•  Consumer Research

•  Concept Development

•  Co-creation

•  Speak at your Event

•  Write you a White Paper

“So, how can we help you start better customer conversations?”

Getting started is as simple as…

a call or an email

sam@healthymarketingteam.com +44 (0) 20 7814 1937

+44 (0) 7799 643152

Your Healthy Marketing Team




Aurore Sam


Isabel Peter


Find out more at

Thank you

Sam Waterfall Senior Consultant

sam@healthymarketingteam.com +44 7799 643 152 +44 20 7814 1937 ©2011 Healthy Marketing Team

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