8 reasons why unicornly is a smart choice for your next ... · 8 reasons why unicornly is a smart...

Post on 22-May-2020






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8 reasons why Unicornly is a smart choice for your next software project When it comes to software development you can quickly hit a wall of too high costs, lack of skills or simply not enough workforce available. In order to mitigate these risks, address business challenges and truly harness technology to build a competitive advantage, you may need to partner up with a proper software vendor. But when it comes to choosing one, it can be a hard and daunting task! Well, they say life isn’t all rainbows and unicorns. But why can’t it be? Unicornly is a Polish software house and a major technology partner with a dozen years of specialised, holistic, boots on the ground and hands-on experience in technology consulting and software development services. We build feature-rich, well-designed and secure web and mobile solutions, provide tech consultancy, perform audits of software systems, design user experience (UX) and user interfaces (UI), do requirement engineering, augment teams and deliver project outsourcing capabilities for custom solutions. Success is not statistically rare anymore, especially if you work with a company that has what it takes to deliver. Take a look how we can sparkle your IT projects and see 8 reasons why Unicornly is the smart choice for your next software project! 1. Polish software engineers are considered world’s elite Did you know that Poland is topping the list of attractive destinations when it comes to software development outsourcing? Don’t get our word for it, the rankings and numbers speak for themselves:

- Poles regularly get highest ranks in international programming contests worldwide (e.g. Facebook Hacker Cup, Microsoft Imagine Cup, Google Code Jam, The TopCoder Open Competition, HelloWorld Open and The Central European Programming Contest),

- in TopCoder ranking Poland is ranked 5th in the world, - Hackerrank ranked Poland 98 points on a 100 degree scale... - ...and when it comes to certain technologies (like Java) Poland is ranked number 1 in the

world. - almost 40% of people aged 25-34 have university degrees, - there’s around 250k programmers in Poland (highest number in the region), - there’s 15k ICT graduates every year and 31 universities with tech faculties across the country.

What’s more, the community of software developers is quickly expanding, very active and highly engaged, and there’s plenty of IT-related meetups taking place to facilitate knowledge exchange. With this vast talent pool of extremely skilled and experienced software mavericks and coding mavens, Poland has a great tech potential to tap into. Thanks to that, working with Unicornly gives you access to top IT resources available worldwide.

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2. There’s no cultural gap When working with a remote partner on daily basis, it’s important to be on the same page when it comes to aspects such as culture, work ethic and communication. Especially if you’re from the EU, Australia or the US, then culture-wise there are almost no differences. Not to mention comparing it to working with India or China. It’s so because Poland lies in the heart of Europe and for centuries has been shaping its culture. For sure names such as Copernicus, Curie, Chopin or Polanski do ring you a bell. Poles have significantly contributed to building modern Western Europe, which now are an important part of.

A view over Warsaw city center

Reducing the risks related to lack of this cultural fit makes working with us enjoyable as you get to speak with highly competent engineers that are understanding your point from day 1. Expect nothing but transparency, open communication and hard work. Infact, 90% of ICT students speak good english, and Poland was ranked 13th in the world for English skills in the EF English Proficiency Index, what simplifies the case even more. And on top of that, Poles are particularly entrepreneurial and business-oriented, what makes us understand true stakeholders needs and business goals in order to answer customers’ demands correctly. This combination of education, technical proficiency, agility, language skills and deep understanding of business makes Poland a hotspot for software development. Thanks to that, choosing Unicornly will give you this piece of mind that you won’t encounter any communication issues, and you’ll work with folks within your cultural proximity.

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3. We have high security standards and are EU-compliant Choosing a right software partner is a matter of security as well. At the end of the day, you are to share some core details regarding your business, your customers and other data-related aspects of your organisation. As Poland is a member of European Union, we share tax and legal systems. Companies located here have to be strictly compliant with high standards when it comes to security. Following the most strict in the world rules of privacy by design, high levels of due diligence, data protection and GDPR, minimises the risks around security and helps you stay on top of that. This security and stability should also be perceived in geopolitical terms. Poland is a well-developed country, a member of NATO and one of the safest country to live in in the World. Similarly, Poland’s strong and high-ranking economy (just see how Moody’s, S&P and Fitch rate us) attracts plenty of international corporations, setting up branches here. Accenture, IBM, Dell, HP, Deloitte, PwC, EY, Fujitsu, Microsoft - everyone’s already here. As a good practice, we always sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement protecting your core business information, and transfer full Intellectual Property laws to the customer. Hence, working with Unicornly translates directly to safety and security of your data in compliance with the highest standards available. 4. Unicornly means strong work ethics At Unicornly, we’re a bunch of top-tier software engineers that are proud of what we do. Technical expertise, high quality of work and strong ethics are at the core of what we believe in when it comes to business and technology. We work hard, not are hardly working! Years of experience taught us the way to handle IT projects. We use the Agile approach and Scrum methodologies for project management, working in 2-week sprints. We always invite our customers to participate in sprint planning, demo and daily meetings via Hangouts, Skype or any other video conferencing tool, as for us full transparency is key. In order to facilitate daily communication, we create a Slack channel for each project, where clients can contact our teams directly. Working time is recorded daily, so you can see live progress of development and budget utilization. Moreover, we usually kick-off projects with joint product discovery workshops, with the aim to clarify the scope of work and create preliminary documentation in a form of a product backlog. During these workshops we define the list of functionalities to perform and extend them with a detailed description and mockups of the user interface. Then we give them must-have, should-have and nice-to-have priorities and divide them into subsequent releases. At the end of each 2-week sprint, we publish the results of work on the server and conduct a demo.

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Take a look how our software development process looks like

This approach gives partners of Unicornly full control over budget and complete transparency in terms of project’s status. We go to any length to ensure predictability of the deadline, simultaneously maintaining flexibility in changing requirements and guaranteeing a high quality software outcome. 5. Unicornly has unique experience Software development is not only about the service itself, but also about understanding the world of tech products. At Unicornly, we’ve developed our own legal-tech, SaaS, cloud-based solution called Matters. It’s a secure and scalable system, capable of handling dozens of thousands of disparate data in a safe way, being used on daily basis by a myriad of lawyers worldwide. With Matters, we help law firms streamline day-to-day operations and keep control over employees, matters, finances and metrics from any place in the world. This powerful tool organizes work, saves time and helps boosting profits, at the same time increasing security of data storage. Having built our own successful product, we can go extra mile with services of software development, as it’s significantly easier for us to step into the shoes of our customers. Unique knowledge and hands-on experience gained when working on Matters is what truly sets us apart, comparing to other software houses. We simply understand how to build a tool and design a service with its business success in mind. We don’t just do software. We do software that translates into results and competitive advantage, and is secure, scalable and reliable. This in-depth knowledge and experience helps us in building needs understanding and fostering a goal-oriented mindset within the team at Unicornly. 6. World-class, customer-centric design User experience - notably poor user experience - is a hot topic in the world of IT. We understand that writing software is not only about code, it’s about experience and how users engage with the system.

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A good solution relies on appealing and attractive content and well-designed interfaces. With that in mind, we make sure the best UI/UX designers work with Unicornly to safeguard that the product will match the requirements of stakeholders and will be loved by its end users.

An example of modern UI/UX design created by Unicornly

Defining user goals, running discovery workshops, designing interfaces, prototyping, wireframing, preparing interactive mocks and usability testing is our bread and butter. This guarantees your solution will be easy to use, intuitive, clear, not-frustrating and really engaging. All these aspects are the building blocks of your business success, that you should not undervalue. 7. We use the most modern tech stack In order to ensure smooth delivery of high quality solutions, our developers use a wide variety of latest tools, coding languages and frameworks. Our stack includes PHP (Symfony) and Python (Django, Tornado, Flask) on the back end, and React.js and Vue.js on the front end. When it comes to mobile development, we use mostly React Native. As in our projects we are keen on maintaining highest levels of scalability and cybersecurity, we use AWS as a cloud provider and Docker as PaaS solution. On top of that, as we introduce first-class tools such as Gitlab for code repository and Jira for project management, we are capable of delivering high quality code smoothly and efficiently. All that according to best standards of software development.

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Professionals working at Unicornly have a reputation of second to none. As Joe Philip from Legal-Tech department of CIO Applications Europe described, ‘Unicornly provides feature-rich and well-designed solutions ranging from tailor-made practice management software to AI-powered business intelligence and blockchain-based smart contracts.’ This versatility is visible also when it comes to both organisational processes and procedures, as well as project management and maintaining high level transparency and open communication. Although we have favourite frameworks and mechanisms, our agility allows as to cater to your needs and work with the tools of your choice. Choosing Unicornly gives you this piece of mind that your software will not become outdated or obsolete anytime soon, but will rather be based on the most up to date and robust solutions available. 8. A passion for software Many companies fear that they’ll choose a partner that looks big on paper, but in reality will not be able to deliver. Unicornly is the exact opposite. We’re on the market for 12 years now, hiring 20 in-house software experts and working with more than 50 external contractors. As a member of SoDA, the association of polish softwarehouses, we have access to a pool of over 1000 specialist in literally any field and technology. In fact, at Unicornly programming is considered an art and what we do makes us proud. We’re bold enough to raise voice when needed and always code with the business goal in mind. Our work is our passion and we believe that sustaining success starts with striving to top ourselves. Stability and security combined with dynamic growth and constant hunger of success are the values we all share.

Our product team during workshops

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That is why we invest in developing skills related to the most up to date and promising technologies, such as blockchain and artificial intelligence. Day to day we prove that this way we can solve meaningful business problems and add value to what our customers and partners do.

A unicorn among software houses Be it web or mobile, end-to-end or just a bit, design or maintenance, legal or any sort of enterprise - Unicornly will prove you that innovation is more than just an empty buzzword. Our holistic and customer-centric approach of catering to the needs of the business gives our customers a piece of mind that their IT project is in the right hands. Operating in the heart of Europe, within the same cultural, time, tax and legal zone with Western Europe, but with far greater access to IT talent pool, we truly have what it takes to deliver. Are you ready to build another unicorn? Give us a shout at hello@unicornly.io or fill out contact form at unicornly.io.

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