8 steps to your enterprise mobile strategy

Post on 09-Feb-2017






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1. Identify the departments and determine how mobile helps them win at their mission. Assign a Mobility Purpose™, which is InnoviMobile’s framework to identify the key mobility initiative that will drive the app’s design and development process. Mobility Purpose must include one of the following: reduce costs, generate revenue, and improve service.


Rank the mobile app concepts in order of priority. Identify the app concepts that could be developed quickly to


Creating a mobile strategy may seem like a daunting process. With so much information about devices, platforms,

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Many mobility initiatives start out as opportunistic projects. For example, line of business executives may approach


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this scenario it’s important to set aside time to think strategically. Creating a mobile strategy and sharing it with

others within an organization helps align goals and expectations among stakeholders.

Below are eight steps that must be used to create a successful enterprise mobile app framework within your organization:

Rank Department Stakeholder Mobility Purpose™ App Concept

8 Steps to Jumpstart Your Enterprise Mobile App Strategy

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3. Identify the skill sets that are needed to execute the project. Some of the types of resources that are needed are:

a. Project managers

b. Mobile platform developers (iOS, Android, Windows, etc).

c. Server developers

d. User interface designers

e. QA testers

In addition to identifying the resources also identify the availability of those resources. There could be

situations where resources are present but not available, or not all are available to work concurrently. It’s

extremely important that all necessary resources are available to work concurrently on the project because

there are likely to be resource dependencies.



4. Create a matrix of data sources and connectivity options for the mobile apps. It’s important to identify the data sources early on in the process and understand how the data will be accessed by the mobile apps.


App Concept

End User Job Role Notes About Daily Workflow

8 Steps to Jumpstart Your Enterprise Mobile App Strategy

5. Identify public cloud platforms that need to be accessed by the mobile apps. For example, if part of the app requires access to CRM data stored in Salesforce.com make a note of it and ensure your company has the correct feature plan for API access.

6. Security is often overlooked but is extremely critical to compliance and adoption of the app. There are several areas for consideration:



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7. Avoid long product development cycles. While creating a year-long (or multi-year) development plan is common for enterprise software we recommend a more lean approach for mobile. Develop a prototype of an app concept, get it out to end users as quickly as possible, obtain feedback, and iterate. This will accelerate the development process, create new opportunities to make adjustments which in the long run will save time, money and resources.

8. Create an executive overview event where the projects could be demonstrated to not only stake-KROGHUV�EXW�DOVR�VHQLRU�H[HFXWLYHV�RI�WKH�FRPSDQ\��)RFXV�VSHFLͤFDOO\�RQ�UHWXUQ�RQ�LQYHVWPHQW��52,���using a Mobility Purpose outlined in step 1 to show the value of the mobile app projects.

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