8 th grade u.s. history review download for taks review

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8th Grade U.S. History Review

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First English colony in the Americas was established where and in what year

Answer: Jamestown, Virginia, 1607

The Declaration of Independence was signed when?

Answer: 1776

The new constitution to replace the Articles of Confederation was presented when?

Answer: 1787

The Louisiana Purchase was made in what year and did what to the size of the U.S.

Answer: 1803; doubled the size of the United States

The Civil War broke out in the year of _______ and ended in the year of ________.

Answers: 1861...1865

Religious freedom, persecution, profit, land, etc. are reasons for what?

Answers: Coming to America, exploration

The document signed by the Pilgrims, in the year _____, that was an early first step toward self-government was called what?

Answers: Year 1620

Document- The Mayflower Compact

First written constitution in the New World was called ____________ and was written in the year ________.

Answers: Fundamental Orders of Connecticut

Answer: Written in 1639

The first representative government for the English colonies was called what?

Answer: Virginia House of Burgesses

The economic system where colonies are set up to make the mother country rich is called what?

Answer: Mercantilism

After the French and Indian War, Britain took what actions (several), which enraged the colonists?

Proclamation of 1763, Colonists could not settle in the Ohio Valley

Sugar Act Stamp Act Quartering Act Intolerable Acts Townsend Act

Patriot leader who was an original Son of Liberty in Boston.( Beer Maker)

Answer: Samuel Adams

Inventor, writer, signer of the Declaration of Independence. Bifocals, Poor Richard’s Almanac, ambassador to France. Who does this describe?

Answer: Benjamin Franklin

Leader of the British government during the American Revolution? (Monarch)

Answer: King George III

Frenchman who volunteered to serve in the American Revolution?

Answer: Marquis De Lafayette

First battle of the Revolution- “shot heard round the world”

Answer: Lexington and Concord

Turning point of the Revolutionary War?

Answer: Battle of Saratoga

Father of our country, first President, leader of the Continental Army, who does this describe?

Answer: George Washington

Ending battle where Cornwallis surrendered?

Answer: Battle of Yorktown

First American constitution after independence; established in what year?

Answer: Articles of Confederation Answer: 1777

Document used to declare the reasons for the colonies break from England

Answer: Declaration of Independence

Treaty, which ended the war and what year? Answer: Treaty of Paris Answer: 1783

Where the convention to revise the Articles of Confederation took place

Answer: Philadelphia

Agreement to have 2 houses of representation, one based on population and equal representation in the other is called what?

Answer: The Great Compromise

Arguments by the anti-federalists to not ratify the new Constitution?

Answer: They feared the power of the national government could override state decisions, the protection of the liberty of individuals would be at risk

Arguments by the Federalists to ratify the new Constitution. What are the essays called that were written to achieve ratification?

Answer: The Federalists Papers

A tax on imported goods is called what? Who supported them? Who opposed them? (During the colonial unrest period)

Answer: tariff Northerners supported Southerners opposed

Who pushed for a national banking system to strengthen the US economy

Answer: Alexander Hamiltion

Who wrote the Declaration of Independence?

Answer: Thomas Jefferson

What two parties did Hamilton and Jefferson start? What were the differences in political ideas?

Hamilton- Federalists Party

- Supported a strong national government

Jefferson- Democratic Republican Party

- Limited central government

- Strict interpretation of the Constitution

List three major causes of the War of 1812?

Answer: Impressment of U.S. sailors Violations of U.S. rights at sea British support of Indian opposition to

colonial settlement

The election of who signaled a movement by the common man to get involved in American politics and the beginning of the modern Democratic Party?

Answer: Andrew Jackson

The forced removal of Cherokee and other Indians from their Southeastern lands to lands west of the Mississippi River was called what?

Answer: Trail of Tears

These laws established the principles for orderly expansion to the west.

Answer: Northwest Ordinance 1787

The idea that the United States should extend from the Atlantic to the Pacific (God given right) was called?

Answer: Manifest Destiny

A war with our southern neighbors over a border dispute and expansion- Name the war? Who won the war? What did the U.S. gain?

Answer: Mexican War (1846-1848)

Answer: The United States won

Answer: gained, Texas, New Mexico, Utah, Arizona, and California

What region of the United States most opposed tariffs prior to the Civil War?Why?

Answer: Southerners

Answer: they were more dependent on foreign trade

Doctrine, which said that a state could declare a Federal Law void if it was unfair to a particular region?

Answer: Doctrine of Nullification

Name a South Carolina firebrand who called for secession during regional conflicts?

Answer: John C. Calhoun

Name the Senator from Tennessee known as “The Great Compromiser”?

Answer: Henry Clay

Name the legislator who, in his debates before Congress, gave compelling reasons for the abolition of slavery?

Answer: Abraham Lincoln

Who was elected President of the Confederate States of America?

Answer: Jefferson Davis

Who was the general who ultimately led the Union to victory in the Civil War?

Answer: Ulysses S. Grant

Who was President of the United States during the Civil War?

Answer: Abraham Lincoln

Who was the leader of the South’s army in the North?

Answer: Robert E. Lee

Where were the first shots of the Civil War fired? When?

Answer: Fort Sumter, Charleston, SC

Answer: 1861

Which two battles (one in the east and one in the west) signaled the beginning of the end of the Confederacy?

Answer: Gettysburg, Pennsylvania (EAST)

Answer: Vicksburg, Mississippi (WEST)

The announcement that slaves in rebel territories were to be set free was called?

Answer: Emancipation Proclamation

What happened to President Lincoln shortly after the war and where did it take place?

Answer: he was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth

Answer: Ford’s Theatre

Where did Lee’s final surrender take place?

Answer: Appomattox Court House, VA

A system in which a planter owns large tracts of land and uses cheap labor to grow and harvest cash crops?

Answer: Plantation System

A system where supply and demand effect production and pricing is called what?

Answer: Free Enterprise System

How is the Constitution changed?

Answer: Amendments must be added

A leading black abolitionist who was a former slave in Maryland?

Answer: Fredrick Douglass

The hero of a fledgling American navy during the Revolution was called?

Answer: John Paul Jones

The President during the time of the Monroe Doctrine?

Answer: James Monroe

Leader of the early Woman’s Rights movement who helped organize the Seneca Falls Convention and gave the Declaration of Sentiments?

Answer: Elizabeth Cady Stanton

First Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court?

Answer: John Jay

Define Compromise

Answer: to settle by mutual concessions

Why is freedom of speech and press important in a democratic society?

Answer: a citizen should be able to speak out against the government without fear of imprisonment or punishment

Who set precedent of non-violent protest by refusing to pay income tax to protest the Mexican War? (writer)

Answer: Henry David Thoreau

Colonial leader who believed in equality under God and founded a state for Quakers?

Answer: William Penn

What invention helped spur the growth of slavery in the South?

Answer: Cotton Gin

Where were the differences between the regions in the United States?

North- manufacturing

Middle- bread basket

South- planting, cotton, tobacco, rice

How did the War of 1812 bring economic changes to the United States?

Answer: Industrial Revolution

- factories

- people worked for wages

- interchangeable parts

The rapid change to machine power and machine made goods is called what?

Answer: Industrial Revolution

Putting the needs of the community above your own interests is called what? (founding fathers practiced it)

Civic Virtue

Who was the primary advocate for free public elementary schools?

Answer: Horace Mann

List three major women’s rights advocates?


Abigail Adams

Elizabeth C. Stanton

Loucretia Mott

What do these people have in common? Grimke Sisters, Sojouner Truth, Harriett Beecher Stowe, Harriet Tubman, and Fredrick Douglass

Answer: They were all Abolitionists (those who opposed slavery)

The movement to abolish alcohol in the United States was called?

Answer: Temperance Movement

Who was the woman who helped begin the movement for prison reform?

Answer: Dorothea Dix

Which female laborer led a movement for a 10-hour workday?

Answer: Sarah G. Bagley

What were the First and Second Great Awakening? Who led the first? Answer: First- a religious movement which

swept the colonies in the 1700s. Led by Jonathan Edwards, it taught people to declare their trust in God without needing a clergy to channel their prayers

Answer: Second- early 1800s, tent meetings, missionary work spread and church membership increased

Harriet Beecher Stowe

wrote “Uncle Tom’s Cabin”

Sojourner Truth

Fought for equal rights for women

Nullification Crisis

South Carolina’s dislike for tariffs

Dred Scott

Took slavery case to Supreme Court Ruling: Slaves had no rights

Why were plantations in the South?

Climate allowed planters to raise profitable crops

Battle of Vicksburg

Ans: Civil War battle giving Union control of Mississippi River

Robert E. Lee

Ans: -Graduated West Point

-Served as leader of Confederate Army

-Surrendered at Appomattox Court House

Who came up with the unique American philosophy of Transcendentalism?

Answer: Ralph Waldo Emerson the importance of each individual and living close to nature

Who invented the steamboat and what was the first one called?

Answer: Robert Fulton, Clermont

Who invented the cotton gin and what effect did it have on the South and slavery?

Answer: Eli Whitney, it caused slavery to multiply greatly

What process created steel and allowed for the industrial revolution to surge forward?

Answer: Bessemer Steel Process

What changes in life in the United States came about as a result of industrialization?

Answer: changed from making by hand at home to machinery in factories

A government where the power is held by the people and exercised through elected representatives is called?

Answer: Representative Government

The period following the Civil War where the defeated Southern States were rebuilt was called what?

Answer: Reconstruction Period

The extreme institution of reforms upon the defeated Southern States was called?

Answer: Carpet bagging Reconstruction Acts of 1867

The cornerstone of English justice and law is a document that first limited the power of the king.

Answer: Magna Carta, 1215

Another English document which helped serve as a forerunner to the US Constitution and Bill of Rights

Answer: English Bill of Rights

Who is given credit for writing the Declaration of Independence?

Answer: Thomas Jefferson

What God given rights are protected in the Declaration of Independence?What is their collective name?

Answer: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness

Answer: unalienable rights

Name three major writers of the Federalists Papers?

Answer: James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, and John Jay

Who is known as the Father of the Constitution?

Answer: James Madison

Know what the 3/5 Compromise and the Great Compromise covered?

Answer: 3/5 Compromise, a slave would count as 3/5 of a person in determining house representatives and direct taxes

Answer: House elected on population, Senate, two senators per state

The idea that the Constitution and laws can define the limits of those in power is called what?

Answer: limited government

What system was set up by the Constitution to ensure that one branch did not become too powerful was called?

Answer: checks and balances

List the individual checks given to each branch of government:

Answer:1- legislative: Congress can override veto with 2/3 vote of both houses and determines the

number of judges2- executive: President can veto a bill proposed by

Congress and appoints Supreme Court Judges3- judicial: can rule President’s actions unconstitutional

and can rule laws passed by Congress as unconstitutional

Name the three branches of government and what each is responsible for:


1- Legislative: makes laws

2- Executive: enforces laws

3- Judicial: interrupts the laws

Sharing of power between local and national government is called what?

Answer: federalism

Define Separation of Powers

Answer: the division of governmental power into three branches of government

The idea that the people should vote to decide key issues…… especially dealing with slavery is called what?

Answer: popular sovereignty

The amendment passed during reconstruction that freed all slaves was?

Answer: 13th Amendment

What are the first 10 Amendments to the Constitution called?

Answer: Bill of Rights

What is the primary purpose of the Bill of Rights?

Answer: protect individual rights

Know what each of the first 10 Amendments protect:

1st- freedom of religion, speech, assembly, and petition2nd- bear arms3rd- not to quarter soldiers4th- unreasonable search and seizure5th- due process of law6th- speedy trial7th- trial by jury8th- no cruel or unusual punishment9th- constitutional rights do not deny other rights10th- states rights

The Amendment which gives Equal Protection under the law and extends the benefits of the Bill of Rights to all citizens is called?

Answer: 14th Amendment

The amendment that gave black males the right to vote is called?

Answer: 15th Amendment

The idea that the Supreme Court can declare laws unconstitutional is called what?

Answer: Judicial Review

Describe the Nullification Crisis of 1828

Congress approved a high tariff in 1828 to protect US interests from foreign trade. Southerners were in favor of being free to trade and were angry and declare the tariff null and void

What Supreme Court ruling established the idea of judicial review?

Answer: Marbury vs. Madison, 1803

Which Supreme Court case gave the federal government the power to regulate interstate commerce?

Answer: Gibbons vs. Ogden, 1824

Which Supreme Court case affirmed that the Constitution was the Supreme Law of the Land?

Answer: McCullough vs. Maryland


The Supreme Court case which declared slaves were not citizens and allowed that all states could vote on whether or not to have slavery was called? This case threw out the Missouri compromise.What year?

Answer: Dredd Scott vs. Sanford Answer: 1857

A God given right that can not be taken away?

Answer: unalienable rights

What a person of foreign birth who becomes a U.S. citizen is called?

Answer: naturalized citizen

Individuals who played a significant role in the fight for independence from Britain and the creation of a new government are called?

Answer: founding fathers

Passive resistance to laws one considers unjust is called?

Answer: Civil Disobedience

The central theme for the conflict between the first two political parties was how much _______________ the federal government should have?

Answer: power

Who published the Newspaper called the Liberator?

Answer: William Lloyd Garrison

Which political party was created to abolish slavery and in what year?

Answer: Republican Party

Answer: 1854

Large nationwide religious revivals in both the 1700s and 1800s were called?

Answer: First and Second Great Awakenings

What is a Primary source?

Answer: original documents or notes; first hand account

Example: Mr. W. telling about combat he was involved with in Vietnam

What is a Secondary Source?

Answer: interpretations prepared by people who were not involved in the events described

Example: A student telling others about combat Mr. W. was in during his time in Vietnam

What were the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation?

Answers: 1- the states held too much power 2- no President to lead nation 3- Congress could not raise money 4- Congress could not collect taxes

What is bias?

Answer: a distorted point of view

List the economic differences between the 3

colonial regions?

Answers:1- North: ship building, furs, fishing

2- Middle: grain farming, seaports, iron works

3- Southern: plantations, small farms, tobacco

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