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FEAST of St. Isaac Jogues And

North American Martyrs October 19, 2008

SAINT ISAAC JOGUES PARISH 8149 Golf Road ~ Niles, IL 60714 847/967-1060 ~ Fax # 847/967-1070 Website: http://sij-parish.com

Page Two Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 19, 2008

St. Isaac Jogues, our Patron Saint


ISAAC JOGUES was born at Orleans, France, of well-to-do parents, he studied at the Jesuit

school there and joined the Jesuits in 1624. After his ordination in 1636, he requested and

was sent to Quebec. He worked with great success among the Huron Indians until 1642,

when a war party of Iroquois Indians, the traditional enemies of the Hurons, captured

a group of Jesuits, among them Isaac and Rene Goupil, who was murdered.

After a year of terrible torture and mutilation,

Isaac escaped with the aid of the Dutch at Albany to New York and returned to France.

At his request he was sent back to Quebec in 1644. Two years later, he and Jean de Lalande

set out for Iroquois country after a peace treaty with the Iroquois had been signed. They were captured by a Mohawk Indian war party and

he was tomahawked and beheaded at Ossemenon, near Albany, New York:, on October 18, 1646.

Jean de Lalande suffered martyrdom the next day.

They were canonized with a group of other Jesuits in 1930 by Pope Pius XI

as the Martyrs of North America.

Prayer for St. Isaac Jogues

O Lord God

Whose voice we hear in the winds And whose breath gives life to all the world,

Hear us, your people, gathered together under the care of St. Isaac Jogues.

We need your strength and your wisdom.

Help us walk in beauty and make our eyes ever behold your beauty surrounding us.

Let our hands respect the things you have made

and make us wise so that we may understand the things

you have taught your people.

Help us learn the lessons you have hidden in all creation,

and make us always ready to come to you with open arms and glad hearts.

So that together in the company

Of brother Isaac our spirits may return to you without shame

to Jive forever and ever in peace. Amen.

Page Three Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 19, 2008

Declared “venerable" for heroic virtue in 1942, Kateri was beatified by Pope John Paul II in 1980. Called the "Lily of the Mohawks,” Blessed Kateri Tekak-witha may soon become the first Native American Saint. It is my own prayerful wish that, through the intercession of St. Isaac, the cause of Blessed Kateri may be advanced quickly. -Fr. Luczak



November 1 7:00 PM

followed by

“Wypominki” (A Rosary Remembrance)

After the Liturgy, refreshments will be

served in the Holy Family Room



St. Isaac Jogues, at seventeen, had expressed a desire to become a missionary. He was zealous and determined. After his ordination, he was told: "You will go to New France to die." That may have been meant as a warning of danger and risks ahead. It was to be a prophecy of mar-tyrdom. The old Roman Breviary described St. Isaac Jogues and the other North American Martyrs as "men of out-standing integrity, who sacrificed their lives ... valiant men, fired with apostolic zeal, living most mortified lives in intimate, prayerful union with God.”

The "blood" of St. Isaac and the first Martyrs of North American became the "seed" of a "harvest of holiness.” Ten years after St. Isaac's death, near Auriesville, New York, Kateri Tekakwitha was born. Kateri, a victim of small pox, was eighteen years old when she first heard a Catholic missionary preach the Gospel. She was deeply moved. Two years later, on Easter, 1676, she was bap-tized. The following Christmas, she received her First Holy Communion. Kateri, mocked and persecuted for abandoning her ancestral religion, found refuge in a Christian village in Canada. She humbly, but dramati-cally, bore witness to the faith. Hers was a life of pro-found charity and personal sacrifice. She was, in her own way, a “martyr" like St. Isaac Jogues and his Compan-ions. Until her death in 1680 at the age of 24, Kateri's "white martyrdom" was marked by constant prayer, pen-ance, and devotion to the Blessed Sacrament and the Mother of God. I believe there is a profound connection between the “red martyrdom” of St. Isaac Jogues and his Companions and the “white martyrdom” of Kateri Tekakwitha. The Holy Gospel unites both kinds of witness. Both have and will continue to bear fruit among people of every race and cul-ture. At our Patronal Festival two icons will be honored-- that of the North American Martyrs and that of Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha.

Page Four Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 19, 2008


LITURGY BOARD MEETING The Liturgy Board and Planners will meet on Tuesday, October 28th, to discuss the Advent/Christmas season. Please read the appropriate Scriptures in the Lector workbook and sections of the Sourcebook. LITURGICAL MINISTERS’ GATHERING +Invitations have been mailed out for the annual Liturgical Ministers’ Gathering which will be on Tuesday, No-vember 18th, at 7:30 p.m. in the Holy Family Room. Please note that Eucharistic Ministers, Lectors, and Ush-ers will have ministry meetings beginning at 7 p.m. +Eucharistic Ministers are to return their response forms regarding another three-year mandate to carry out their ministry by Monday, November 3rd. RESPECT LIFE MONTH October is Respect Life Month and affords us the opportunity to pray, learn, and act on behalf of all life from conception to natural death. Called to respect, protect, and defend the gift of life we seek to be transformed by the challenge the Gospel of Life presents. We continue here with an excerpt from the United States Con-ference of Catholic Bishops’ pamphlet, “Hope and Trust in Life!” “Pope Benedict encourages us to be clear in our beliefs, act consistently with them, and be animated in our efforts to transform our culture. ‘The proclamation of life, lie in abundance, must be the heart of the new evan-gelization,’ said Pope Benedict in his homily at St. Patrick’s Cathedral. ‘For true life—our salvation—can only be found in the reconciliation, freedom and love which are God’s gracious gift.’ “There, he continued: ‘The Church…is called to proclaim the gift of life, to serve life, and to promote a culture of life…This is the message of hope we are called to proclaim and embody in a world where self-centeredness, greed, violence, and cynicism so often seem to choke the fragile growth of grace in people’s hearts.’ “Our Holy Father urged us to led our daily prayer to the Father—‘Thy Kingdom come!’—bear fruit in the way we lead our lives and build up our families and communities. He added: ‘Praying fervently for the coming of the Kingdom…means overcoming every separation between faith and life, and countering false gospel of freedom and happiness. It also means rejecting a false dichotomy between faith and political life.’ “Through the sacraments and meditative prayer, we can rediscover the truth and joy of Christian life fully lived for God and for others. By letting the love of Jesus Christ permeate our lives and actions in defense of our vulnerable brothers and sisters, we can transform our nation, building a culture where all people can again hope and trust in life!” RESPECT LIFE BABY BOTTLE PROJECT Your spare change does make a difference! St. Isaac Jogues Parish is again participating in The Women’s Center Baby Bottle Project during Respect Life Month. Keep filling the baby bottles distributed with your pen-nies, nickels, dimes, quarters, dollars until the end of the month! Then turn in your donation and baby bottle in the Holy Family Room the weekend of October 25-26. All donations will assist the pro-life work of The Women’s Center and makes a big difference in the life of an unborn child and the mother. Please be as sup-portive and generous as possible. Even if you did not have a chance to pick up a baby bottle, please

Page Five Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 19, 2008

participate in this important work and make a donation. Checks can be made to St. Isaac Jogues Parish and we will send one total check. Thank you! TO ENHANCE OUR WORSHIP TOGETHER The source and summit of our life together in Christ is the Eucharist. There are many people who serve the parish in various liturgical ministries, seen and behind the scenes, to assist our worship of God. The Assem-bly has a most vital role in our worship because it is the work of the baptized to offer praise and thanks to the One who has loved us first. As the various liturgical ministries gather from time to time to fine tune the service they give, it is good for us as the Assembly to fine tune our preparation and participation in the liturgy. Some things may seem like “minor details” but, given attention, could be of help to another person in keeping fo-cused during Mass. We offer these reminders and requests and ask your help… +Please turn off all cell phones, pagers, beepers, or any electronic device that can disturb the prayer of the Assembly before you enter the church. If you keep it on vibrate and feel you must answer a call during Mass, please go outside to do so. Sounds and noises, especially in the narthex, carry throughout the church. +We are delighted with the many children that come for Mass and that more families are sitting toward the front so the children are able to see what is happening. We do understand that children sometimes have a difficult day—they cry, need to move around. If your child needs a little space and time to pull together, please remember that the Mass can be heard in the Holy Family Room over the sound system. An Usher would be happy to turn it on for you. The narthex is not self-contained and noises do carry. +For the safety of your children, please do not allow them to run in the church or to go by the baptismal font platform, where often there are glass, decorations, etc. +Concerns have been brought to our attention regarding apparel worn by adults and children that have inap-propriate language, expressions, or pictures. We appeal to your sense of respect and reverence that we would hope we all have when in the house of the Lord. +Common courtesies appreciated—men removing their hats when in church; no gum chewing, especially when receiving Holy Communion, keeping the church neat and ready for the next Mass--disposal of tissues and wrappers, hymnals placed in book rack or under your chair, etc. Thank you for your consideration and cooperation. Together we can continue to lift up our hearts and voices to God, giving Him all honor and glory!


Exodus 22:20-26

Psalm 18:2-4, 47, 51

I Thessalonians 1:5c-10

Matthew 22:34-40

ABOUT NEXT WEEK’S READINGS EXODUS: “The book of Exodus recounts how the Jews escaped from slavery in Egypt and made a covenant with God at Mt. Sinai. While we’re familiar with the Ten Commandments as part of this covenant, God also

Page Six Twenty-ninth Sunday in ordinary Time October 19, 2008

included other laws. Note that many of them deal with how we treat other people.” I THESSALONIANS: “Some geography will help us appreciate this reading. Macedonia was a Roman prov-ince in northern Greece in which the city of Thessalonica was located. Achaia was the province in southern Greece to which Paul journeyed after preaching to the Thessalonians. In this, his first letter to the Thessaloni-ans, he reports that, on his journey, he learned that their exemplary faith was already known and talked about throughout Greece.”


RELIGIOUS EDUCATION NEWS *RE Families and interested parishioners are invited for a Respect Life Rosary which will be led by Ms. Nowak’s Initiation Class on Monday, Oct. 20th, at 7:30 p.m. in church. *The RE Faculty will meet for an evening of formation on Thursday, October 23, at 7 p.m. in the Holy Family Room. *Permission slips for the First Reconciliation Retreat will be mailed out at the end of this week. Families are asked to be looking for them. The signed permission slip is due back to the RE Office or your child’s catechist by November 10th. BIBLE STUDY Just a reminder that the group will not meet this Wednesday, October 22nd. We will resume on Oct. 29th ANOTHER THANK YOU FROM SPRED! As was mentioned in the middle of September one of the ways we obtain funds for the SPRED ministry is by helping the Knights of Columbus with their annual Tootsie Roll Drive. For every hour we give, we receive! In addition to the SPRED Team, Friends and family members helping to collect over at the Jewel, we had the assistance of some of the men from our St. Isaac Jogues Men’s Club. A big THANK YOU to Jim Capek, Ed Mikeska, and Russ DiPrima! We appreciate your interest and involvement. God bless you! PONDERING OVER PIZZA The next dinner and discussion evening will be on Saturday, November 1, after the 5 p.m. Mass, downstairs in the Hall. Come enjoy pizza, salad, dessert and beverage for $5 and conversation about the Gospel of St. John. RSVP to the RE Office, 847/966-1180, by Oct. 30th. YEAR OF PAUL SERIES St. Isaac Jogues Parish will host a four-part series spread throughout this year dedicated to learning and un-derstanding more about St. Paul, Apostle to the Gentiles. All are invited to the first evening on Tuesday, No-vember 18th, at 7:30 p.m. in the Holy Family Room in conjunction with the liturgical ministers’ gathering. “St. Paul—The Man, His World and His Mission” is a multimedia presentation given by Mr. Joseph Durepos, au-thor of the book A Still More Excellent Way. Free will offerings will be appreciated and copies of the book will be on sale. All are welcome!

Page Seven Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 19, 2008


Flu/ Pneumonia Shots Offered Interested adults, who want to lessen their chances of getting sick this “season,” can come to the Holy Family Room next Sunday, October 26 between 9AM to 1:30PM and be inoculated against the flu and/ or pneumo-nia. Stop at the Sign-In Table, sign the tally sheet and receive a number. You will be directed to Maxim’s Ta-ble where you will get your paperwork and pay the fee. Flu shots are $30 and pneumonia shots are $45. Those with proof of Medicare Part D will not be charged. Injections will be given in sequential order. For your convenience, a seating area and “coffee and…” will be provided. For information, contact Pat Kellen, Parish Nurse, at 967-1094. Sacrament of Anointing The Mass of Anointing will be celebrated this Saturday, October 25 at 11AM. Those who are ill, anticipating surgery, grieving a loss or weakened by age are invited to receive the sacrament which is conveyed through the laying on of hands and anointing with oil. Their family members and the parish at large are asked to at-tend and offer their prayers for those seeking healing. A reception, in the Holy Family Room, follows the Mass. For information, please contact Pat Kellen, the Ministry of Care Coordinator, at 967-1094.

October: Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Part 2 – What are the Risks?

Anything that increases the likelihood of getting a disease is considered a risk factor. Risks of devel-oping a cancer depend on different things and various cancers have their own risk factors. Exposure to sunlight puts us at risk for skin cancer. Smoking increases the chance of getting lung cancer, cancers of the mouth, larynx, etc. Having risk factors for cancer doesn’t mean you’ll get it, but having none isn’t a guarantee either.

There are risk factors that we can’t change while there are others within our ability to control. When it

comes to breast cancer, we woman can’t changer our

• Gender – being a woman is our main threat. This is due to our exposure to the female hormones estrogen and progesterone. • Aging – our risk goes up as we grow older. “About 1 out of 8 invasive breast cancers are found in women younger than 45, while about 2 out of 3 invasive breast cancers are found in women age 55 or older.” (1) • Genetics – the inheritance of altered genes from a parent is thought to account for 5-10% of breast cancers. The most common are BRCA1 and BRCA2. “Women with an inherited BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation have up to an 80% chance of developing breast cancer during their lifetime…” The “BRCA mutations are found most often in Jewish women of Ashkenazi (Eastern Europe) origin…,” but are seen, too, “in African-American women and Hispanic women and can occur in any racial or ethnic group.” (1) • Family history of breast cancer – any male or female with blood relatives with breast cancer has a higher risk. It doubles if a woman’s mother, sister or daughter has it. The risk is 5-fold if two of them do. If a woman’s

Page Eight Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 19, 2008

father or brother has breast cancer, she is at increased risk. Though 20-30% of women with breast cancer have a familial link, 80% have NO breast cancer in their family. • • Personal history of breast cancer – If you have had breast cancer, you are 3-4 times more likely to get a new cancer in the same or other breast. • Race/ ethnicity – Caucasian women have a slightly higher chance of getting it, but African-American women are more likely to succumb to it. Asian, Hispanic and Native-American women are at lower risk of get-ting or dying from it. • Dense breast tissue – Such women have more glandular tissue and a higher risk. In addition, the density makes it harder to spot abnormalities on mammograms. Other factors women can’t change include the age at which we start our periods, having certain benign breast conditions, radiation to the chest, and exposure to DES—diethylstilbestrol— a drug used in the 40s and thru 60s to prevent miscarriages.

Next week: Risk Factors We Can Change Pat Kellen, RN, Parish Nurse Advocate Health Care/ St. Isaac Jogues

1 – “What Are the Risk Factors for Breast Cancer?, www.cancer.org/docroot/CRI

Stewardship…………………………………………...Sunday Collection

Weekly (this year) 10/5/08—$13,840.00 (last year) $12,420.00

Weekly (this year) 10/12/08—$$ 8,707.63 (last year) 10/14/08— $ 9,858.71

Each year at tax time, we conscientiously give

“to Caesar what belongs to Caesar.” Does my stewardship indicate that I am as faithful about

“giving to God what belongs to God?”

Reminder: Horseshoe Casino Trip is Wednesday, October 22. Bus leaves SIJ parking lot at 6:00 p.m. sharp!


Carson Pirie Scott Fundraiser

Coupon Booklets for Carson’s Community Day on November 15 will be sold in the Holy Family Room on November 1 & 2 and November 8 & 9 for $5 each. Inside the booklet is a $10 off coupon. You get double your money back. We appreciate your support to St. Isaac Jogues Church.

Page Nine Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 19, 2008

The flowers on the altar this weekend are from:

Russ DiPrima

“In Memory of Marge DiPrima”

Victoria & Sonny Nieva

“In Memory of our Parents,

Selino & Teodora Jumadiao”

Entertainment Book 2009

The 2009 Entertainment book is now on sale for $ 20.00. The savings this year are more and better then ever. Besides savings on two for one dinners, you save on grocer-ies, dry cleaning, movie tickets and much more. The 2009 Entertainment Book is on sale for $20.00. They may be purchased at the church rectory or ask any St Isaac Jogues Men's Club member.

Purchase your 2009 Entertainment Book "NOW" and start saving.

Unplanned pregnancy can present unexpected difficulties.

If you need help, Call (847) 823—HOPE

Mr. & Mrs. Bayani Reyes (Corazon)

Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Nowak (Teresa)

Mr. & Mrs. Rosendo Andrado (Kathryn)



St. Isaac Jogues' Women's Club Clothing Drive will be held on November 29th and November 30th before and after each Mass. Your donation will benefit Cornerstone Community Outreach in Chicago, a center which gives shelter to the homeless and feeds those in need in their neighborhood. More information will be coming in future Church Bulle-tins.

The St John Brebeuf

Gala Benefit Inaugural Ball will be held on

Saturday, November 8, 2008 in the St. John Brebeuf Parish Ministry Center,

8301 N. Harlem, in Niles. Tickets to this grand event are $65.00 per person and include cocktails, hors d'oeuvres, dinner, live and silent auctions, live entertainment, and dancing. The $10,000.00 Gala Grand Raffle prize will be awarded this evening. Raffle tickets may be purchased for $25.00 each or 5 for $100.00 by caning Maureen Polcyn at (847)583-8821. All proceeds benefit the St. John Brebeuf Parish School. For event information and ticket sales, please contact Christine Aragon at (847) 583-0825.

Sunday, October 19 7:30 am Richard Arendt 9:00 am Charles Falco 10:30 am Margaret Morrison 12:00 pm For the Living & Deceased Members of St. Isaac Jogues & their Families; Caridad Mikulec Monday, October 20 8:00 am Purgatorial Society; Special Intention—Benita Mc Neal Tuesday, October 21 8:00 am Terry Dyja Wednesday, October 22 8:00 am Irene Virginia & Frank Joseph Tomczak Thursday, October 23 8:00 am Rose Svacina Friday, October 24 8:00 am Charles Falco Saturday, October 25 8:00 am Communion Service—No Intentions 5:00 pm For the Living & Deceased Members of St. Isaac Jogues & their Families; Mary Jane Polinski Sunday, October 26 7:30 am Anthony J. Angello 9:00 am Ryan/ Ray Family 10:30 am Ruth Johnson 12:00 pm Charles Falco

Reconciliation Fr. Mc Glynn

Page Ten Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 19, 2008

Liturgies next weekend October 25 — 26


5:00 pm Fr. McGlynn 7:30 am Fr. Kennedy 9:00 am Fr. Kalas 10:30 am Fr Stagaman 12:00 pm Fr. Luczak/Deacon Bob

Altar Servers

5:00 pm Mercedez Gallegos, Olivia Ellsworth, Sandra Kietlinska 7:30 am Rachel Nieva, Jennifer Joseph, Jessica Joseph 9:00 am Nilakshi Fernando, Aisha Fernando, Samuel Ratner 10:30 am Christy Thomas, Justin Thomas, Pamela Lerias 12:00 pm John Hidalgo, Christian Manaois, Christy Manaois

Sacristy Committee

Marguerite Smoczynski, Wanda Kennedy

Relatives & Friends Please remember the sick and hospitalized:

Wilma Anapa, Bob Arns, John Arns, Jr., Andre Baros, Noah Baros, Linda Bennett, Marian De Meo,

Marie DeMeo, Shirley Klein, Mark Koz, Maria Ladd, Megan Lawler, Lillian McCloud, Bob Meyers,

Marilyn Michaels, Pat Olech, Tammy Heffernan Propst, Tony Romito,

Linda Bong Sanchez, Paul Sitkowski, John Terzakis, Pat Terzakis, Patricia Walter, O. P., Chuck Watson,

Mary Zimniewicz, Megan Zimniewicz Upshaw.


Gerard Dreyfuss, husband of Marie

Adoracion Cabindol

“Repay to Caesar what belongs to Caesar,

and to God what belongs to God.”

- Matthew 22:21

Page Eleven Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 19, 2008

PASTOR: Rev. Andrew Luczak PASTORAL STAFF: Deacon Bob Kerls, Parish Business Administrator Mrs. Dolores Stanton,Director of Religious Education Mrs. Patricia Kellen, Parish Nurse Mrs. Lisa Hall, Music Director DEACON COMMUNITY: Deacon & Mrs. Robert C. O’Keefe Deacon Rod Ranola Deacon & Mrs. Paul M. Stanton WEEKEND LITURGY PRESIDERS: Rev. Ron Kalas Rev. Larry Janowski, O.F.M. Rev. Bernard Kennedy, O.F.M. Rev. Philip McGlynn, O.S.M. Rev. David Stagaman, S.J. Eucharistic Celebrations: Sunday: 7:30, 9:00, 10:30, & 12:00 Noon Monday - Friday: 8:00 AM Saturday: 8:00 AM & 5:00 PM Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday, 11:00 - 12:00 Noon or anytime by request.

Sacrament of Matrimony: Must be registered for six months prior to setting the wedding date with an addi-tional six months for necessary preparation. Note: The following wedding times can be scheduled: Friday at 5:00 p.m.; Saturday at 1:00 and 3:00 p.m.; Sunday at 3:00 p.m. (Ceremony only) Sacrament of Baptism: Second and fourth Sunday of each month at 1:30 PM. Baptism Preparation Session must be completed before Baptism. Contact the Parish Office as soon as possible for details. Parish Office Website: http://sij-parish.com E-mail: office@sij-parish.com 8149 Golf Road, Niles, IL. 60714. . . . . . . 967-1060 Mrs. Janet Piovosi (Parish Secretary) Mrs. Emilie Casacchia (Data Processor) Mrs. Marlene Garber (Data Processor) Mrs. Jane Piper (Bulletin Editor) Religious Education. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 966-1180 Staff Secretary Parish Nurse. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 967-1094 Music Ministry. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 967-1091 Parish Hall. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 965-1091 Ministry Center. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 965-6911 Parish School: St. John Brebeuf School. . . . . . . . . 966-3266 Principal: Mrs. Margaret Whitman

ADDING NAMES TO THE PARISH SICK LIST It has always been the policy of St. Isaac Jogues to offer our parish community an opportunity to pray for those parish-ioners who are ill and in need of our prayers. We have tried to keep close track of these names for our Bulletin as they are made available to us. However, now we face an important privacy issue, very much like the issues faced by hospitals, health institutions, and certainly by other parishes. We cannot (by law) publicly let our parish community know the health status of any of our members without their permission. We appreciate the fact that often friends, neighbors, and acquaintances wish to do something special for a person who is ill, and ask to place their name on the list to be prayed for. While their intentions are surely good, we simply can no longer accept names in this manner. We will institute a new process regarding calling in names for the Bulletin list. Names for the sick list placed in the Bulletin have to be called in by the person who is ill, or by a member of their family. At the time they call in the name, they will be asked whether they are the sick person him/ herself, or a member of their family, and if they give permission for the name to be placed on the list. They will be asked for the cor-rect spelling of the sick person's name. If a family member, they will be required to give their name for our records. Thank you for your patience regarding this new process. We wish to do all we can to offer our parish community the opportunity to offer prayers for those who are ill — but we must also be cognizant of the fact that all members of our con-gregation are entitled to their privacy in this regard.

CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS ST. ISAAC JOGUES #512032 8149 Golf Road Niles, IL 60714 TELEPHONE 847 967-1060 CONTACT PERSON Jane/Janet SOFTWARE MSPublisher 2003 Adobe Acrobat 8.0 Windows XP Professional PRINTER Canon IR 3035 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT 1 through 12 SUNDAY DATE OF PUBLICATION October 19, 2008 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS Please notice colored picture on cover. THANK YOU!

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