8/22/2015presentation by maganya patient, eng. ecological sanitation rwanda experience

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04/19/23 Presentation by Maganya Patient, Eng.



04/19/23 Presentation by Maganya Patient, Eng.



04/19/23 Presentation by Maganya Patient, Eng.


04/19/23 Presentation by Maganya Patient, Eng.

BACKGROUND (cnts …)o Country of a thousando Location: East Africao Size: 26,338 sq kmo Population: around 10 milliono Density: 347 people/sq kmo Capital City: Kigali (around 1 million with 1670 people/sqkm)o Languages: Kinyarwanda, English & Frencho Population growth: 2.7% /yr o Total fertility rate: 6.1 child/womano Life expectancy: 44-47yrso Annual income/capita:290 U$(2000) o GDP/capita (263U$, 01), target 400 (2010)

04/19/23 Presentation by Maganya Patient, Eng.

Background (cnts …) 88,6% depend on agriculture88,6% depend on agriculture Limited arable land (only 31% of the total area)- Mean size: 0,6 haMean size: 0,6 ha, 34,4% of pop < 50 ares (Gisenyi, Ruhengeri, 34,4% of pop < 50 ares (Gisenyi, Ruhengeri,

Gikongoro, Butare)Gikongoro, Butare)- 0,75 ha to provide to nutritional needs0,75 ha to provide to nutritional needs- Only 23.4% of arable land have less  ou or no erosion riskOnly 23.4% of arable land have less  ou or no erosion risk- 37.5% need to reshape the landscape before cropping37.5% need to reshape the landscape before cropping- 39.1% have very high risk of erosion. 39.1% have very high risk of erosion. - Crops up to 80%Crops up to 80% No fallowNo fallow Marginal lands croppedMarginal lands cropped CGES et defend et restore soil fertility (20t de om/ha)CGES et defend et restore soil fertility (20t de om/ha)

04/19/23 Presentation by Maganya Patient, Eng.

Background (cnts …)

80% of the country have access to latrines

8% meet national hygienic standards common sanitation facility type :

traditional pit latrines (Kigali city & Rural areas) poorly designed, dirty &not well maintained

- Pit latrines 60%- Flush toilet connected to septic tank

30%- Flush toilet connected treatment plant

1% - Direct discharge 8% - Open defecation 1% Mal maintenance of latrines :hygienic


04/19/23 Presentation by Maganya Patient, Eng.

Background (ctns…) Negative impact on health & environment

due to mal maintenance of pit latrines (contamination surface & groundwater, water related diseases, etc.)

Out of ten major causes of morbidity the first 5 are water borne diseases (WBD) and 69.5% of the death are caused by WBD (Kabalisa, 2007).

The infant mortality rate of < 5 years was estimated to be 192/1,000 infants in rural areas (due to poor sanitation cdts & malnutrition)

Recognition of the lack of adequate sanitation facilities by GOR

- Putting in place an institutional framework to govern water and sanitation

04/19/23 Presentation by Maganya Patient, Eng.

Background (cnts….)- Many national documents focusing on sanitation Vision

2020 (00), EDPRS (06), Decentralization policy (01), National Investment Strategy (02), National human settlement policy (04), Environment policy (04), etc.

Local gvt mandated for mgt of sanitation facilities but hampers of finance, trained staff and knowledge of appropriate systems, etc (institutional appropriateness)

Choices to be made regarding different alternatives for improved sanitation systems (Human health) according the available resources and social acceptability (affordability)

ECOSAN toilet based on recycling & reuse of nutrients could be one of the options to provide sustainable sanitation (Environmental sustainability)

04/19/23 Presentation by Maganya Patient, Eng.

ECOSAN Experience in Rwanda

MDG & Vision 2020”,MINITERE has signed a MoU with Common Development Fund (2006)

- 100 blocks of public toilets (using UDD toilets) principal roads (high ways) in the whole country

- Since then, UDD toilets has been built in rural areas of South & North provinces of Rwanda (13 “ecosan toilets)

- 10 UDD toilets built in Rulindo through the funding of District, Water 4 people at Karombo PS,Cyinzuzi sector

Construction of ECOSAN toilets with 300 doors in hospitals, schools, police stations, etc planned in 2008 (FEA)

04/19/23 Presentation by Maganya Patient, Eng.

ECOSAN Experience in Rwanda (cnts …)- South

The FEA (Water and sanitation Fund) has provided funds to build UDD toilet in Gikongoro in

- Schools Kibeho secondary school - Hospitals (Nyamagabe and Kigeme

hospitals)- PrisonsSchools- FEA provides training to the

teachers and pupils on use of UDD before construction

- UDD provided to the school bcoz of lack of adequate sanitation facilities

water scarcity in the region. school not connected to water

supply system. dried faeces are used in the garden

of the schoolsNyamagabe secondary school

04/19/23 Presentation by Maganya Patient, Eng.

ECOSAN Experience in Rwanda (cnts …)- SouthUDD toilet at Kigeme hospital• bad experience is seen at Kigeme hospital - no one in charge of maintenance and management of UDD toilets- bad smell & flies were everywhere because nobody was in charge of the management of the system.- FEA put in place a management and cleaning personnel later - explanations given to every patient on how to use that toilet.- not simple job• technology not appropriate to theHospital: UDD toilet is not self evident - -- explanation before using a UDD toilet- Need for urinal formen for avoiding the mixture of urine and faeces.

04/19/23 Presentation by Maganya Patient, Eng.

ECOSAN Experience in Rwanda (cnts …)- south

from the 2 experiences, it has been recognized

- UDD toilets are appropriate in former Gikongoro where soils are low productive & there is a demand for cheap fertilizer.

- Currently, FEA is introducing the reuse of human excreta after drying in other schools

- project receives other requests for UDD toilet from other schools.

04/19/23 Presentation by Maganya Patient, Eng.

ECOSAN Experience in Rwanda (cnts …)- North (Bulera)

80% of the population used to defecate in the bush in the past, 20% use pit latrines

Pit latrines are not suitable bcoz the volcanic soil (pit with 2m).

big project of local gvt & UNICEF funded by of the Netherlands gvt to reach 800 000 rural residents

Provision of improved sanitation facilities and safe hygiene practices

Pit latrine in Gahunga village

04/19/23 Presentation by Maganya Patient, Eng.

ECOSAN Experience in Rwanda (cnts …)- North (Bulera)

promotion of the use of UDD toilet at household level

communities are aware of the sanitized excreta used on Irish potatoes garden

UDD more appropriate to this region, materials locally available

UNICEF and local gvt provide trained people

community provide construction material (rocks, soil, wood, sand, cement)

04/19/23 Presentation by Maganya Patient, Eng.

ECOSAN Experience in Rwanda (cnts …)- North (Bulera)

public UDD toilet constructed by UNICEF & Bulera district in the Rugarama business centre

Used by business men&bars in the village

not clean even with someone to maintain it

people seemed not aware on how to use UDD toilet

Lack of urinals: main cause of public UDD toilet bad condition

these are demonstration model, found in strategic points such as markets, governmental building (offices)

No subsidy to individual household for UDD toilets by UNICEF or gvt

Households are encouraged to build their own latrines.

04/19/23 Presentation by Maganya Patient, Eng.

ECOSAN Experience in Rwanda (cnts …)- East (Kirehe)


Ushes basketUrines harvesting jerican

04/19/23 Presentation by Maganya Patient, Eng.

ECOSAN Experience in Rwanda (cnts …)- East (Kirehe)

Night soil harvesting basket with dry grass

Night soil recuperation window

04/19/23 Presentation by Maganya Patient, Eng.

ECOSAN Experience in Rwanda (cnts …)- East (Kirehe)

Bathroom (inside)


Grey water harvesting

Night soil for 6 months

Urine mixture pit (1:4)

Decomposition &d rying

04/19/23 Presentation by Maganya Patient, Eng.

ECOSAN Experience in Rwanda (cnts …)- East (Kirehe)

• after harvest, night soil is store in a hangar for decomposition for 6 months

• It is then used as organic fertilizer (compost/manure)

• It proved to be effective for tuber crops (potatoes & carrots), less response to beans

• small quantity harvested compared to compost or manure

• to be used on kitchen garden

•soil is still fertile, people can still crop without fertilizer and have good yield

•many people are not willing to eat vegetables produced under such fertilizer (a woman influencing her children in a household)

•High cost of UDD toilets ( 173.500 Frw bricks made or 310U$ & 67.200 Frw for sheeting made or 120 U$)

•gray water used for kitchen garden irrigation

• urine mixed used on vegetable crops in replacement of nitrogen compound mineral fertilizers


04/19/23 Presentation by Maganya Patient, Eng.

Challenges of ECOSAN

mixing of urine with faeces, this result in odour and contaminates the urine with pathogensmaking it unsuitable for direct application in agriculture.

With UDD toilet men are required to sit to urinate, therefore some of men would resist to this requirement, hence the failure of the UDD toilet. This could be addressed by

installation of dry urinal.

04/19/23 Presentation by Maganya Patient, Eng.

Opportunities1. Gaps in the sanitation service

provision unsuitability of current methods - design of pit latrines - demand for adequate sanitation

facilities condition of sanitation facilities

(maintenance, odor)

04/19/23 Presentation by Maganya Patient, Eng.

Opportunities (cnts …)2. Political will- institutional framework for water &

sanitation: different documents- master plans and slums upgrading :

improvement of existing infrastructures including sanitation.

- water and sanitation policy: attention should not only be made on the importance of improved sanitation but also on ECOSAN

- planners and implementers would use the institutional framework to consider alternative sanitation solutions including ECOSAN.

- IMVUGO NIYO NGIRO- Local gvt looking for partners in ECOSAN



04/19/23 Presentation by Maganya Patient, Eng.

Opportunities (cnts …)

3. Local experience Campaign for appropriate technologies (biogas

toilet, UDD toilet) & pilot projects are conducted.

- dvt project including ECOSAN activities (FAE, PADBEL, etc)

- Many other dvpt project should include ECOSAN

- people are becoming aware of ECOSAN Lessons learned- Sanitation issue in the curricula is an

opportunity to promote ECOSAN in schools- Good information & education promote

successfully ECOSAN- ECOSAN addresses the demand of fertilizer in

low productive areas- ECOSAN is better solution for rocky & volcanic

areas of Rwanda than pit latrines further biogas & ECOSAN project could easily

be implemented

04/19/23 Presentation by Maganya Patient, Eng.

Constraints social-cultural beliefs- handling human excreta (insult)- Psychological problem consuming food produced with human

excreta (30-50% in Butare)- shift away from the conventional pit latrine or flush toilet to

ecosan- the physical appearance of faeces and urine in latrines is

repulsive to people Lack of experience and limited awareness intensive education & consultation on mgt before


04/19/23 Presentation by Maganya Patient, Eng.

Constraints (cnts …)

maintenance & use: misuse results into bad odor when mixed urines (upper ground level

Insufficient financial resources at local gvt to enhance the new project

Small quantities at household level Unit cost is high for individual peasant with no subsidy ECOSAN is still new in Rwanda, we are looking forward to

learning from other countries' experiences

04/19/23 Presentation by Maganya Patient, Eng.




FOCAL POINT PAPSTA-KWAMPEmail: expertlocal_apeparwa@yahoo.fr

Telephone: +250 750 337 280P.O Box 1531 Kigali/ Rwanda

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