894 ideas for restoring vibrancy in cities and regions

Post on 04-Dec-2014






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Steelcase and OpenIDEO consulted the wisdom of 'the crowd' for ideas on restoring vibrancy in cities and regions facing economic decline. No less than 894 inspiring, innovative ideas emerged from this crowdsourcing challenge. Between-us is happy to present the eleven winning concepts.






Foreword Fall 2011, multinational Steelcase issued an OpenIDEO crowdsourcing challenge asking: ‘How might we restore vibrancy in cities and regions facing economic decline?’ They were motivated by the economic decline of Detroit, capital of Steelcase’s headquarters home-state Michigan, United States. Ideas for revitalizing cities and regions were gathered in five phases. No less than 894 ideas were received during the inspiration phase, coming from all over the planet. 330 of these ideas were worked out to concrete concepts. From these concepts, Steelcase and IDEO compiled a top 20-shortlist, based on the ‘applause’, the votes by the public, and by using evaluation criteria that were stated beforehand. From this shortlist, eleven were announced as ‘winning concept’, which all relate to one or more of the following topics:

Vacancy: The concept relates to vacant buildings or wasteland.

Collaboration: The concept encourages collaboration between inhabitants, organizations and/or governments.

Self-organization: The concept encourages that citizens themselves start working on the neighborhood, city or region.

Community : The concept increases a feeling of connection in the community, realizes a higher degree of social cohesion.

Entrepreneurship: The concept is encouraging for new and existing entrepreneurs and start-ups, and promotes the local economy.

Between-us firmly believes that these ideas will bring inspiration to parties which are looking for innovative ways to revitalize cities and regions and is proud to present the eleven winning concepts to you in the following slides. En joy and become inspired! Between-us www.between-us.com

Vibrancy in a Box

This featured concept represents a do-it-yourself way to get active in your community. Ideas and suggestions for projects can be shared on a website. The only condition is that the projects should be small and easy to implement by locals, and that anyone can start them in their neighborhood, building or area. The platform will trigger exchange and collaboration in the community. Not just ideas, but also ready-made kits including printable materials, local chapters per region, and youth programs, could be provided. This way, other participants can start executing ideas in their community immediately. Local chapters could combine ideas on a regional level. In addition, a youth page can be created, enabling children and youngsters to submit their ideas and guide projects as ‘youth mentor’.

Idea by: Sarah Fathallah (Morocco) Topics: vacancy - collaboration - self-organization - community - entrepreneurship http://www.openideo.com/open/vibrant-cities/winners-announced/vibrancy-in-a-box/

Create a Barter Market

Use an abandoned or vacant space to host a weekly barter market. Here, people can swap products and services with neighbors. Inhabitants can exchange used and unused stuff, but also make their qualities available to each other. Examples are painting a fence, giving guitar lessons, telling stories or exchanging artwork. A website could be added to the project, enabling people to connect and exchange products and services. In both cases, no currency is allowed! The barter market can turn strangers into neighbors and friends, while instilling within them happiness and pride for being part of a community where this kind of friendly exchange happens. It also re-enforces the idea that a community can support itself through the collective power of its people.

Idea by: Brian Redondo (US) Topics: vacancy - collaboration - self-organization - community - entrepreneurship http://www.openideo.com/open/vibrant-cities/winners-announced/instead-of-a-farmer-s-market-create-a-barter-market/

Buy Locally, Connect Locally

So much of the money and resources people spend in a neighborhood ‘disappears’ into the global economy. Why not keep it local and inside the community? By doing local activities such as shopping for groceries, buying local products, and attending events, people collect points using a mobile application. This will encourage them to spend money in their own community and enables physical and digital connections between inhabitants and entrepreneurs. Local businesses could reward purchases or action with special promotions, loyalty programs, or by sponsoring local initiatives financially or with resources. Neighbors are encouraged to think actively about lifestyle choices and will be rewarded for their conscious behavior.

Idea by: T. Annie Nguyen (US) Topics: vacancy - collaboration - self-organization - community - entrepreneurship http://www.openideo.com/open/vibrant-cities/winners-announced/buy-locally-connect-locally/


Because of economic decline, many cities and neighborhoods have a large number of (temporarily) abandoned offices and shop buildings. Abandoned, unused or temporarily vacant shops and office spaces could be rented out temporarily againt low fees for short-term projects, such as cultural events, weddings, exhibitions and pop-up shops. The possibilities are endless, provided that the activities are in line with what the space is zoned for. A ZipSpaces website could connect the space owners and cultural entrepreneurs with each other. This way, they can make reservations, provide feedback on each other, and exchange ideas. The ZipSpaces approach will attract creative entrepreneurs and start-ups to the region, who can realize initiatives using little capital. It also prevents the hazards of vacancy of buildings, rebrands the city and area, brings new foot-traffic to the neighborhood and creates new business and boosts economic activity for the city. Idea by: Rebekah Emanuel (US) Topics: vacancy - collaboration - self-organization - community - entrepreneurship http://www.openideo.com/open/vibrant-cities/winners-announced/zipspaces/

Decode the Codes

Complicated zoning codes and city policies are often in the way of unfolding creativity and entrepreneurship in (vacant) buildings. Simplifying complicated city and municipality codes in a user-friendly web manual should clear the way and make the road towards innovative use of empty spaces by entrepreneurs and start-ups to a lot easier. Municipalities could release their policies in a simple, inviting fashion, for example by offering an online step-by-step decision process for each area, which consequently explains in clear language what the policy restrictions of the area include. By making the policy easier to understand and releasing it in a more simple way, cities and municipalities could encourage entrepreneurship in their regions.

Idea by: Mike McDearmon (US) Topics: vacancy - collaboration - self-organization - community - entrepreneurship http://www.openideo.com/open/vibrant-cities/winners-announced/decode-the-codes/

Attracting Start-Ups

The establishment of start-ups in a neighborhood or town offers many advantages to cities and municipalities: usage of vacant buildings, economic value because of the creation of jobs, tax revenues and an increase of vitality in the neighborhood. By offering cheap real estate, giving out loans, not letting policies get in the way of plans, and by providing other resources and guidance, cities and regions become attractive settling places for start-ups. These rewards could be offered by municipalities, but also by other sponsors such as social housing corporations, real estate administrators and local businesses. In short: all parties that benefit from the economic development of their region. An example of how they could be rewarded for their support, is by issuing shares in the start-up companies. A Dutch example of the establishment of several creative start-ups in abandoned real estate, is Klein Haarlem (www.kleinhaarlem.nl). Idea by: Sarah Fathallah (Morocco) Topics: vacancy - collaboration - self-organization - community - entrepreneurship http://www.openideo.com/open/vibrant-cities/winners-announced/attracting-start-ups/


Using competitions, citizens and companies are encouraged to support the local economy. This concept will help keep small businesses competitive by increasing business or fundraising hype, and will spark a more meaningful connection within the community. Companies can challenge each other in a competition within a city, or between different cities. It is up to the community to decide who is ‘best’, by voting for their favorites. For example, imagine a challenge between two Italian restaurants. Winners could receive a small prize, provided by the municipality, local media or a sponsor. In addition, the competition element will stimulate both clients and employees of the companies involved. Competitions could be repeated annually to keep the game spirit alive.

Idea by: Mei Hsieh (US) Topics: vacancy - collaboration - self-organization - community – entrepreneurship http://www.openideo.com/open/vibrant-cities/winners-announced/rivalry-a-competitive-challenge-network-to-spark-business-growth-and-city-spirit/

Engage University Students in Community


Engineering and design students could be involved in local projects to share their knowledge and skills with their local communities. Need to build a new playground at the local park? Restoring a historical monument? Retrofitting your house to make it more energy efficient and save utilities costs? Trying to figure out the best way to capture rainwater for community garden irrigation? These types of problems can be turned into design projects built into university curriculum. The concept’s benefits are two-folded: students get to apply their knowledge in the real world, the realization of their work enriches their education and will make the student proud if they are successful. On the other hand, the local community benefits from the students’ skills, while the educational institute gets a chance to prove its social value to the city or region.

Idea by : Amanda R. (US) Topics: vacancy - collaboration - self-organization - community - entrepreneurship http://www.openideo.com/open/vibrant-cities/winners-announced/engage-university-students-in-community-projects/

Reclaimed in Detroit

The city of Detroit is currently rightsizing and clearing away large numbers of abandoned buildings. This leaves a blank canvas which offers opportunities to rebuild Detroit as a sustainable city. For example, wastelands could be used for ‘urban farming’ and left-over building materials could be recycled into furniture that carries out the Motorcity spirit. Essentially, this concept represents the sustainable transition from threats to opportunities in the release of physical space. Reinforcing local identity of a city or region is key and its substance will be reclaimed from decay.

Idea by: Vincent Cheng (US) Topics: vacancy - collaboration - self-organization - community – entrepreneurship http://www.openideo.com/open/vibrant-cities/winners-announced/reclaimed-in-detroit/

Dialog Booster Park

By offering a stage in a park or other physical meeting place, people are encouraged to start a dialog with each other, to increase personal contact and to let people collaborate to get new ideas for revitalization of the neighborhood or city. Fifteen locals are invited to participate in the ‘design team’. Team leaders provide this team with materials, rules, the division of roles, and inspiration. By letting locals come up with ideas themselves, a sense of ownership will emerge, increasing involvement and creating a more positive attitude towards change. The design team will be appointed for a certain time. During this period, they will work according to the 4D-model (discover, dream, design, deliver) to realize change.

Idea by: Jens Mortensen (Sweden) Topics: vacancy - collaboration - self-organization - community – entrepreneurship http://www.openideo.com/open/vibrant-cities/winners-announced/dialog-booster-park./


A mobile application and website which can designate an area (using Google Maps, for example) enables locals to share ideas regarding abandoned buildings or wastelands. They could come to solutions in an off- and online collaboration. By gathering local engagement, the success rate of new initiatives will increase drastically. The concept consists of a four-step process:

1. Someone initiates the process by tagging a space to be worked on, creating the space as digital project space. This can be done via the web, sms or through the mobile app.

2. A physical object is then created on the space, so that people who live/work around the spot are made aware of the initiative and have the opportunity to offer their own ideas or help.

3. A discussion is carried out through the online and physical elements and in person. Through this discussion, ideas are refined and people volunteer time, skills and materials on a mutually agreed project.

4. Project is carried out and maintained.

Idea by : Matthew Rouser (Sweden) Topics: vacancy - collaboration - self-organization - community – entrepreneurship http://www.openideo.com/open/vibrant-cities/winners-announced/opencity-bringing-open-source-princi/

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