9 things you should know when you want to study in australia

Post on 15-Apr-2017






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9 Things You Should Know When You Want to Study in Australia

Some of you who want to study in Australia may think you have a good enough idea of this country and perhaps you do. However, there are almost always surprises in store for you no matter how much you think you

know about a place you have never visited. 

You May Need Health Insurance When You Want to Study in Australia

This is something you will need to have the latest information on. When you apply for

a visa to study in Australia, you might have this arranged for you.

However, if you aim to study directly with a university, it’s likely that you will need to arrange your health insurance on your

own. Either way, you can end up with the same level of coverage.

You May Need Health Insurance When You Want to Study in Australia

Make Sure You Carefully Consider Where You Want To Study

There are many considerations to make when you want to study in Australia. This is

primarily because Australia is a pretty large country.

 For example, if you’re studying about the earth, land and soil, you’d prefer a place that has natural fields and not concrete paths all


The Cost of Living in Australia is High

In general, it’s quite well known that Australia has a high cost of living, and is perhaps a shade behind the US and the UK in this regard. However, the cities are

the most expensive with Sydney and Melbourne being among the most

expensive cities in the world. 

The Seasons are the Other Way Around

If You Travel from the Northern Hemisphere, You Can Expect a Different Season When You Reach Australia. The seasons in Australia and other countries in the Southern hemisphere are completely the opposite of these experienced at the same time in the Northern hemisphere.

Australia is Huge

Australia is full of things to do and see. Some of the things that you would want to

experience would be: Uluru and the Outback, the Great Barrier Reef, the

Sydney Opera House, and a whole lot more. 

Do Some Research on Australia

It’s always a good idea to educate yourself about the place you need to travel to.

Whenever you engage in a conversation with the locals, it can help you. 

The Grading System is Different

You must learn about the Australian grading system. A “D” is considered a pretty good grade (a ‘Distinction’), and if you get an ‘HD’ grade that means that you have a High Distinction. A ‘C’ is

a Credit, a ‘P’ is a Pass, and an ‘F’ means a Fail.

Open a Bank Account in Australia

You can open an Australian bank account if you intend to spend a semester or more in

Australia. This can help you avoid unnecessary costs applied when you draw out money using your bank back home. 

It’s Always Advantageous When You Learn the Rules of the Road

When living anywhere, you will need your own transport to get around quickly and

save time and money. You might rent a car at some point and you will need to know the road rules in order to stay safe and

stay out of trouble with the law.

Like the UK, the Aussies drive on the left side of the road, and it’s best to avoid

driving at dawn and dusk. So, it’s best to avoid getting your car damaged, killing a

kangaroo and risking your life too.

It’s Always Advantageous When You Learn the Rules of the Road

Like any other student who wants to study in Australia, you too will be keen. However, make sure you do your research, as this can save you a lot of extra trouble. By

knowing more about the country you are travelling to, you can actually stay out of

trouble and pout yourself at an advantage.

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