a, .. 011..,. , 1~~-~i~~~~~c;~~~~~~~~.~ …greenbeltnewsreview.com/issues/gnr19761111.pdf · a...

Post on 14-Mar-2018






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, ./

f),.' 1/.d~ Lendlord-TenantComllh -... ~~~~e~a~~ . ,'IHIIt ·. M_. ~~Springhill L.lce

Happy to hear that Jack Leah' The Prince Geo~ County

Need lillie lmpmemelts?

. PORTDl'S IJQIJOitS _....._.,., .,.... c.- to llaDaukh .. ~

i. USB.~ REALTORS .... Crea!:ent, 18 out of the h01p~ Landlord-TeiiUit O!mmluloa will ttl Uld on tht> mend. \ hold a PIII!Uc meetllla 011 Wed, ... a tlrl for Ruth IDd Hany • Nov. 10 at T:IO p.m. at the Sprln&·

Wtlder, SoC ere.cent Barlllt made l Lake Coaunlllll~ HoUle, 6220

Call John ~~ .. Olnado fte ... ...... .,_,......, ....


We have 1M larplt ~all WI-. flaia . &11111114 .\be ......

law debut Oct 27 'Wellblq e 1111. prlqbiD Dr. Dlaouaaton will cen· R oa. 8be joins a .tater N-t r on a propoeal that lectllatton

8pealal prl- 011 - ~ a......, 345-2151 _. a brother David. Sarai;J's ma- ens.cted ~ulrlns landlords, , t t-..Jarudmotber Ia EYeiJn w... tlmee, to have available a tclc-

... ~ .. 011..,._, - .-u- allout ws.. ......

aer ol Greenbelt. P e number at which the land-.Jane and John n.nct.eo. 2 lOrd or an . qent can alwa)'ll be


N..thway, enjoyed a v1a1t with In the event of 11n emer­f-er Greenbelt~ra BIWe and Xac cenc such as loa of heat. hnt XdJonnt>U of Picrct>, Arlaona. Wlllter, c. GREENBELT TRANSML!SIONS

A. liJI8ICI7 recupel'lltloll to Pee •• Curley Marldleld, 1T Rldie. Ollrtt>y 1.1 dolns well after eye 1111l­aery and Per Ia on the mend after l!llltalntnr a broken ankle.

R'orm and Ruth Weyei, 2 Pia­._, had a cloae can last week ...taft~ a malfunction of the apace liNter tlll.fd their mountain cot­Mc• with carbon m01101dde. The Mdl:l.nr of their little i!ot iaved tllllr Uves. Norm and Ruth are ,.... fine DOW.

~ulatlons to Doria Rabey, Helm McCaslin and Glad),. Dill. •8Dbers of the Springhill Lake Quntinr Group. who won prizes Ia th•• r<'Ccnt Quilt Sboy; at the C'o<cenbelt Llbnry._ Thll poup allo won first prize for a croM«ttcbed quilt, ''Roo!t> MedaDion." This quilt II on dlaplay at the Spri!IJhlll Lakt> Community Ct>ntcr and Is belnr rallied oft. Tickets mB)' be pur­oJiucd at the Community House.

0olllfatulattons also to Rosemary Jl'b&enld, daughter of Mrs. Joan O, l'lblprald of Breesewood Ter­race who baa rt'Cclvecl Coavooatlon ~ at HOOd Collere for the lfii-T7 academic 7ear. A sopho­illlte, she received the honor be­- of outslandiDi IICholarlblp c11rtn1 the prt>vlous academic )'t'&f.

)!!. ll'ltzseraJ« Ill a 1\'Huate of Pwtcdalr Senior Hlch l:lchool

httlck and Barbara Shanahan el .Creon belt are the proud parenbi ol a son. Ryan Pattlck arrived .. October :U welghlnr 8 lbs. t .._ His grandparents are Green­INiltffa Lawrence and Alberta ..wn

Boxwood Village I~»& Llated!

l:.vely 4 levt>l aplit, featuring 4 lledrms, 2 1~ baths; famfly rm. with F;P, T;S kit, den, dining MI. all backed up to a private ~ed area. can 41111·1440.

HUGH T. PE<JK JlaoopertiM, Inc. ~t With Pt>ek

Realtoll 15 Offtce&

State Farm IMUranc:e

Ron Borgwardt

474-1400 hilt - L111 - IIB'-1-an--• .................

Clllllp ..... - ... ''Ml1l&11& ....... )

~ • .JII ... z:q:PI-




BebayPia& ._.. ___ ....... ...... a- • ..,.

............. IN ...... ,

Seabrook. Bakery I Deli

''ltle Cab Cral'ttrs" ..... ,_ .......... ........................

577·9854 ...... ....... .............. OI!IJe.


ALL WOBil nn.Ll' OV.&Ulftllll)


W ~a.! IW. 0,. '&II I p& ftala,

Gr~allelt Pizza • Sub Shop IT'll 1'8 IIIUc:lliNG DIII.IOOOII ·

Friday • Extra Large PepperOni PIDG • $3.95 Saturday • Free large fountain drink with every tteak purchase. Carton Drinks start at 99c NOW AVAIWLE • Roait beef barbecue, Italian meat­ball subs, Italian sausage subs, Hot pastrami.

. 107 CENTERWAY 474-4998

lfl\ lwin ~es N twsletttr 'e' .• ·•_j · Twin Pines \ GreenbeU Shopping Center ~· S.vinp & Loan Assri; Greenbelt, .Maryland

AUTUMN, 11'78

Savi1g1 Certificata low ."On Lilt'' . E~ective October 1, savinJI certificates issued by TWin Pines, mcludmg those issued prior to October 1 will be placed on \he

Personnel Newt Since the last Newaletttr, the

Board of Dlrecton approved chan­rea that llfect the 1ta1r at Twin· Plnea. Madeleln, GQrr was il&med Assistant omce llanapr and Loan N.C.R. computer terminal. ·

Dividends on the certificates will be figured at the pusboo\ rate of 6 per cent from day of deposit to day of withdrawal, with a supplemental dividend paid at the end of the qualifying period. This period run~ from one to four years, dependlna on the type of certificate.

Ot!lcer, Joarine Hanyock wu named Controller. Barbara Ralnee was promoted to Head Teller. CON­GRATULATIONS! !

Mypothecated Funds lnatead or the cNtilkates that

were 18sued previously, certificate account holders will be lssul'll a cortllicate paubook. Account hold• era who still have certlllcatel that have not reached maturity lbould 10 to the Twin Plnea ofllce to ell· ch&n~e their certificate for the new

$2000 left In for one year wiU Released . earn dlvtden& at the rate of 7 ftc final portion of the taa,eoo per cet (6 per cent ~~Cured dally that waa hypothecated to Twin with an additional 1 per cent ad· Ptn~ u part of the conditions for ded at the end of the one year obtalnln1 Insurance have now been term). A minimum depoalt of $4000 left In for 'tour yean VIlli rele&!led. The funda, In their en-earn dividendi at the rate of 7~ tlrety, are now apln avallabls to

the various memben who bypothe· per cent (8 per• cent ~~Cured dally rated .those lunda In 1m. with the additional 1 ~ ptr cent ·

Ccrtlllute accounts can be ~ per year added at the end of the Longest Special Membership cned at any time durini the year, four year term>. Meeting Now HlstoJy .


lnstea4 of belDi limited to the tint If 7011 have any questions re- WBJ l!Mk.tn JJ'JD, on JIIJiuary 20, twen~ 48)'11 of the quarter. How-· prdllll' eerUftcates, or, for that Twin ·Pines held a apt>clal mem­e,ver, If 11n adattlonal depoalt II matter, any other Twin Pines ac- berlhlp meetl~ for the purpose of made dlll'llll tile Clela af till _. counts, pleue atop In at the Twin approviDi a neW' set of By-laws tHioate, thta wfll ntend tile •wr· . PlnH ofll~e In the centn. IIJid a set of amell<!ments to the lty date. · ArUole& of Incorporation. GettJnr

A certlftoatc withdrawn prior to the new By-lawa paned was euy; maturity wiQ recelft dlvl4ends at. Auets Reach $8 Million It required two-thlrdl approval of the paubook rate of e per cent Mark thoae p.-t at the meetl~. tnrt up to ._-41na1· day of the pnced- 1etUnr the Articles of Amendn!ent I~ calellclar quarter. Ccrtlflcp.tes U/10!18 9/li0/75 paued wu a little more dlftlcult; that are held unW maturity ·will Total ANeta $8,110,tNe ... 121,421 they required two-thlrda approval receive the e per cent dividend "-booll Bavlnll of the enUre membership of 27M plus 4J1e aupplemental dlvldeJid, re-- .u-nts 4,1111,107 1,.118,&'10 at that Ume, which meant tBllG

(tl J'or the )'011111 oouple ... . are liloklnr for • veey IDelfa­llve aDme to pt their ~tan, •• have a 2 bdrm. frame '-- a Greell~t, that otrert, patio U1d baob 'yp to woodB, for aa •· ~ lolr prloe ol..., $1J,'r00. .l'oa InUit hu1'17 on tiU one.

' (2) For tbe flllnlllr who wanll a a badrm. 1Gnenhtlt home. t111t otren wOIIdl and open fteldl a rear, pl1111fenoe4 yard, ..,....., 4r7w and larfe atorare lhe4. LOcate4 tn the 16 court of Rldle Rd., and ~~ total price Ia Olllv ~f,IOO. 1\'1 vacant, for quldk po~~~~~~~lon.

(ll How a'bout a 2 bedrm. boule with addition In the a oourt ol Laurel. Rill, with waaher, w/W carpet, a windoW a;o and •torale Ibid: plus plenty of cloeet apaoe. Total price S1S,9t!O. A real blr­pln.

<tl pe,eoo, buye a 2 bedrm. b-e In CoUere Park, featurlnl lre­pl&oe In JIV.•I'III, beautiful reo,­rm. In basement, and waaher a dryer. Tau t!an ret thla boae on li'HA or VA te!'llll with 11' rate. Call Ml!-1151, see It to4aJ.

(5) $40,000, and that's VA .­praised huyl a 4 bedl'lll. 11-.e also In Oollep Pari<. Thll hoaae hu aep. din. rm., washer, deyet, and fmced yard. Thll Ia u older home with storm wlndDWI and 4oon. Also VA terma wttll 8~ rata.

< 6> a.uoo. oan ret )'011 a really tina a lladrm.· rambler, wltla l&8le eat-In kltoben, beautltlll rec.•l'lll· that baa wet bar, w/w carpet, patio and fenced :vw•­Call 8411-21Dt and let KASH hetr you .

m "1,1100 Ia the 'I A appralle\t value on thll all brick 8 bedta, 2 full bath •pUt-level home a Mew Canolltaa. a few .of tile eictras lnci\Kiel'lreplaoc rec.-NI., aep. din. ~ cent. e./0, "'"" carpet, carport and fenOtld ~ A real P'-"" to lhcnv· o.rner wu asldnl" ta,IOO.

..... ol tba ~ tl. maturity. Ba=lleatea U .. ,'rtl. 2,801,4U ·~ !aeet:IDi WM re-convened Twill Plnea del'l! two t:Jpea of · OJop Loans 4,110,7UI 1,110,810 approxllllateb ~eey two month• ••• ..1.. ·

ccrUIIeatee. A mtnlmum deposit of Convmtlonaf tilt (as provided tor 1n tJ11i By-Jaws). (I) _. ~~ In Good _____ ._ _ _._,___ Jlortcqe Loana 1,318,808 1,0118,7111 throurh the Karch annual llleetlnr Lwck •Wr• Just a bloeQ elf

Good Lu~ Rd., thla·ll- oltlle Consumer I..L.......:......__ Total .. eta of Twin Pine• were In 187ll, then ara.Jn throurh thlf ID•t ~ rot~ WDt ewer c-t tAl

JHVnJII'III...n .. ,liO,INS as of September ao, 1rre; meatlnl In 1116. ll'lna.Jiy, at the Jnapell't:·nere Jill& tll'8 ..... 4 ll'or IIIOit of~. bu)'lnr a bOJDe a-u Increased by over· p mU• last conthluatlon of the •Pt>Cial bed~,. hJl,,~ ~~Po.abl.

Ia the mo.t 1-..~...=~ '----~-· Bon IInce September ao, 1115. Dur· meatlnr. held prior to the October ll . In ,. cfllt.

1tep of our ~lf;:;bu;':~': IJII thl1 same period, members ad· Board or Dlrectou meetlnr. John :'c: w;:, ilalpet, ~; ........ men\ (title ~rl 11 0111

of the ded U,liT,III'f to their paubook Unrer announced that more than lber, dryer, llllrport •ftd -'84 !liNt CGIIfWIIDap4 llf"Hrnokinl aavlnh~-~.rr Jlf~t Jnaft'as@) and :.~,l~oftllthe•! mp~!.'..~!!t hfad patio J:. t. ov.erlookl par~ ... eaperlencea ~.our lifetime. 'l'be pure - · ....... certlfteattl .. ·- _,... or with 1111 ooarta. 'l'ldl tr·a· ...... --

~ ttorth *'*-orb 1 ..... d the .vtlclN. ot Amenclnltnt • Tho , =..::.i· v ~~a--. ID.d Ur- . . - •v liP I' - final ttlly found that l&u membe,. apllt·~ hOllll,~lth '::-..;.~ 'llul . · · t ~ p!llnfbrma· ad ... ben ,a ftOIIrd $821.1.18 h1 P.Xtremv ...u .. -. thlil ' · · · ..... ...:...,.

111· · ·-"·r- dlvldlil6t for the lint nine llllm~ . had voted Yt'l, and 4 had voted no. ' ":IW"..;.r.:_, .....,....,

.._ _,.,. """" of ..... '.m .. p,r,ov .. ~~..!:._......,.. .., -. . 1tan4 thii Ylterr of the -·ll!ttll!'- ..... J'tll'. Thla II a 81 percent Th 'tW :----",..... ~ $ ~ for ·a' ~ In diYidellll!l wh"' 00111• e I~ PINES NEWSL~~-· . , .. OHI · .... frOID tbat ilut- Duet to:. the Ant nil!• month• TIIIR II·PUbllllled quarter!J,.by :Jli•·;.:. !liNd II\ ,·Ja1D;f8111phltt. lnlt ot ~m.·,.bqcllt.ucOIInts enm· M-ber Relatloni!.··~ <>f We-ktllketol'tllllftd.evt.!')'· thla _.......Lillft ·11 tidJI WOitJI· 1'1114- td l1D.'DIIl whde Nltlftcatet. •m• Twin PJ!\_~· ~d ~n A•· one, till. t there !i pielltv ol !ai"ll't.•

I ~ . ' l'd .lU114 -'CtJQiil ff )'OU ha'nt any QUI!I-

Di• •UJr 10111' fNe OIIP1•0f dllll .. • ·.. . ............. _;.:: -tft!1U about Twin PJa. 'the Mem- rlio Jnoney available at thlo ~·write to: ._,A. Daput- 'f!I!ID PlnW .total "liicO)Iilo.f<lf'.11ie ber Relation• Commlt.b.e, or this time. · an4 the lnterHt retH JU!It·.:br 'RGaltnt' ta4 Ultllft ~ , ftilt nine illllntQ..-.rnted to 11102.· newlletter, please call us or l~llve have 1been reduc;.d to 1!1'1.11~ It ~t, RIIOa UGo, 4111 ....._ ,.,_~~!~pede~ were Ul&,m. Moat a meaare at the Twin Pines offtee even lilore ·atb'Aetlve to buY "

8W,,1VIIo1ill~, D.C.IDI16.. ·.~-.tbe'aet ln-e ot ..,,111 WIMI Ia th• center. ' home now. Call 84&·21Bt and ~ JIIIJII1JIIa •.tiO!nl'• boue1 ;fllld .40 . l!lembarl u. ~ IOile .Jonl!ll, e"-!rpei'IOn • 474_,q"ii let 'ICuh help )'ou. ·~to. bep ..... PlJIM .. •f(.W): ttl .• Wll ..... to tile -JIIII CaMel~, wecretary - fTA-In•~ . ;: lGP at JOar llai whu ~ 1 ~ ...,.., end tb• ~ Pat a.vare _ n•-411<14

• ~ • ·-. c• •• ." ~~· bit ....... are lllldJY!dtd IUIIIJIII. Joe Tlm~r • 474-87'1$

------~~----------~· ·,

"!lf"t, • •

' !·

1~~-~i~~~~~c;~~~~~~~~.~-~;~~iil~~~~~~~~~~~e~~~-- ~~~~k~-~ as I Election 'Eve-Fever! . I AGE.RDA whlcb~~l=-~,.=~:wr::-:

C 8 _ p ~ a number of ~--~ ID IIICIIrit)'. ._. tile

011111 ~~~-~~M..ro.i~lo · 111 REGULAR •m• OF =:·-M5 ;:., !=5-=:: o,.:; ,..._ crrv COUNCIL la.l favor.bb' ~iii(' IHuaber QHI -'4 I 1 ..............

For a ,fleeting few moments. at the regular meeting of the Menclay ot factorl IIICil u tile ...... ol (GBI'IIIt ........_DC eta' far Greenbelt city council on Monday, November 1, this reporter had lunda aniWIIe -.., .. *Cree to capltallmprll't'l•r'l• .... .._· a Sinkin" sensation that we'd been there before -like with the November 15. 1 1976 whldl tllere II l'hlltiiiiiY far~~ ODIIIIil proride, far ........_~

" fundi. In a; ·eya\ die iallllut put. tor another --~-....... prolonged controversy over the sewage plant for Greenbriar. Well, I•.OO .P u dl&e dial!. f1l!ldi qoui.!_ 11e ·forth. _ ,_ aatB the pluuled worll .. , perhaps "fleeting" is a misnomer since the meeting itself dragged .,.._ COIIIIq WCIIIW .be t111 dM ll8all) 7Ml' ......, a.. clr&""* af tiJII on until after 11:30 p.m. and a good share of that time was taken It'll, whleh, under the ....,,...... ~ le 1111t tM ~-=!: up with a di&CUSSion of, uh, sludge. L OROANIMTION ~7Ml'. ltartl 111,--. Jtn. not ~ IIMll tar~--........ .....,

It all bepn durlni a dlscuulon lntr lot of the Gr...enbelt commer- 1. Call to Order -' Ourre~ OBI~~ ti!Hft~ plr!Od. retliat to - -of ball 1leWa and the development era! center. The ell)' manarer, tile. oountJ ui ~et· . .- a nm ap pluDI4I worll_W 8111,......-of Parcel 7; wtth. councn propos- Jamea G!elle, was requeeted to 2· ftoll Call to tiiJO.OOO eeeh ,-;:-lor :• ._,. tile rl* f# ...,_, 1t1 ..,....,~. lni obtalnlnr .coet data reprdlnr follow up by telephone on tile writ· a. Jledltatlon to autat 1li obtalnfl«"iiul for tbe ilil1 c4 · developaent of a free-play ate& on ten request that the Armory park- Pledie of Alleli8l!ce to capltallmprovemenfl. M) .... .....,.IIIIJ!i'.to",!! P~ 7~ obtalnlnr more IRtorma- IDI lot be opened to commuter the FJar · ~ 0pea ·" fol'· -!tal (Sjpiova•"*? ··~ . UOII'~'tbe feulbWt)' of elll:ab- parldntr W\1~ was. the source of the The c.-... uni .... ~ment WOUld ·eata.ll die 4loatf ~ . '· Klnutea ot Rerulv.Jiett• ....,...,.. "~ _, ....... -llllhJDi a .. llfteld faalllt)' at the problem In the west lot. At Whlte'lJ · block rrant proiiaJIIII llai · flld IDi ·a ...,...te ~-:::;:;. Lake Park behind the Public requ1111t It wtlrl also arrced that IDi of November 1• 1178 permits ·help to be eatendlll In a tiOD to 1lonVW fiiiiCII ~-- -Worka Building, and, proeeedln1 the muarcr rh~uld prepare a 5. Additions to Apncla 'b)r number of waya .. Some ot ~e op- 1011reiea and re'- them ~~ aa rapidly a1 poaslble with tht> de· comprehensive review of .oil t'f thr. Councilmen and Ku&pr tiona open to GHI an a&'toDowa: Thll eoul4 l!'lllllt Ill kiWet -velopment of tht> landllll for a parltJ~ problema ·In l'Onnectlon (1) Dlreat 1111Milh'a,il . ., lault ntel to OBI ~· 4111 ....., combination ballfield facility and with all city narking areas. n. CO¥KUNICATIONS obtained from prlVa~ ftnanclal can borrOW fllndl '*""' earnilit pursue using sewage aludre u a The council un.mlmously !m•sed lnstttuUona. Un. der this. approach, lll&l'lret tl~WNK ~r .. ~ soil conditioner. a resolution authorlzlns exe~utlon 6. PeUtlonl and.:Requlltl the county wouJ4 Jl'r~ a rrant to tax-exempt atatua. .....

of an amendatory .contra~t for 4 7. Admlnlltntlve Reports GHI to reduce the outlt&Ddlnl prln- 11181 require OBI mo tile 81adp TM 'l'llhlr grant with the · Departlll{'nt · •>f clft•' of borrowed' "tun'df. Tbl8 prppertf u IIIJPurit$' for .uo11· a

Co n "-·- Rl h d Pl'·kl th H I d U .__ D t I. Co. lllDIIttee ftepol't& ,... u c........ c ar .. en ous nr an r .... n eve oJpmcnt would produce. hllo: ffl~ts: (a) a Joan. etarted a flap about how, four years for the acquisition of ope~ ~pace lower elfeotlil!" ~f.;feit :nr.re and ....., ..... after be llrst made such a pitch In Parcel 1. Tills would transf1·r lli. OLD BUSINilSS <bl rrt>ater ~~!~CUrl~. for the lender. If, the OBI board II reoepe&ye for using human excrement over previously allocated. bnt tmnr.rd, 9. Role of Greenbelt CARES, (2) 1A11J . -~ to~. GRI to eubllliWDI a p10110181·. ~ ~ oonsldel&ble opposition from some open space funds (or acquisition Ine. loans from ~prlvatt IeDden could county, olll! o1 uae .ajar ~Jt Gl't'enbeltel'&, be was now happy of the Fury propertY. be provided dlfeGUj ·• U.."county inust face 11 w~ f# lot ._ to aee that oouncll wanted all of Unanimous also Willi a vote to 10. Hlatorlc Dlltrlot • Letter or, throqh 001111tf aUIPil!el, from lboUld ID8ke a lllllltP.P aa _. . the sludlre It ean.ret for the b~ll- add both a larger atop •lrn and from Oreeil~lt Home&, the P'edll'el ·Bare~ LoU to be aalllklend- If a~ liPids. Councilman Richard Cas- a pedestrian cross-walk sign to the Inc. IIJ8l'&Dt.eti.'IHIII!'bt.~ .... 11 tll'lle Ul opt1oa, tba llalr4- . · taldl quick))' took exception. ••· crOIIW'alk between the Center lkll 11. Maryland .ua and Baltl· pol'4iant, If OBI 15: thlt It bliYe 411 talle IteM tD IISD r..UDi- that Plllkl could not pre· and the Center underpBII. The more-Wubtnaton Park- wtU not boml"ff ' · · I'Qbteet to of OHI ..-allen foa a aume to apeak for him when he latter was tn re&ponse to a requeet WB1 Intei'CIIanp at a .mort~~~N belnl "li on 01U __,__ ollllptloll. Tile . talked about CllliAOit""wantlnr aU by Jrl:r. D'Aqelo who elalmed tbilt <Jolden TriU!Jie property ~ ;·! =·~~~i~E-.. --- __._ .. a~ .,. · of the allltC!Je it. could pt," be -eel two~ oklldien h..._ '= ~ !l:ll'•f:-.· ..,._ .. .__ "''Te:; t..tlill vi~~ :::~ ~=e~~·~~~~ = ~~ =o: :t:n."":~~h :;u~u~ ··~::t~ in °tj. --~~ (\{ \ / 1

·: == --~•:• .~to' .~' ~~p· ~ '

In hll desire to haul aew~~~~e Into cllman Oast&ldl who tlaimed that 13. Parklnr .t Center Swine Ff.U~ts pe?:. ":"~:!'nb:.Jt ::eloCiiMot Greenbelt when It wa• plentiful Mr. D'Anrelo will probably not Swln~t llu vaec'" " .lie admln· Corporation, the GHI wholly-owned and ·could be had for th~ asking. leave him In peace at the Center IV. NEW BUSINESS latered at Parkdale Senior Hlrh aubsldlarY oorpon~tlon operatllll till uNow that .ever1•one -wants lt." hP Mall an)'Diore unlea c-luncll does School this Saturday, Nov. 18 ParkwB.Y apartments. II lt>eUr)!J declared. "It's v~ry hard to com~ •omethlng about the problem. U. State Lsrlllatlon from 10 a.m. aM ... p,vi., !!hots will for a loan. The pre•t oubtand· bv." Mayor Gil Weldenfeld quip-- 15. I111urance Oonaultant allo be given ·at '"taJidover :Mall lng mortgaRe ll onlY hbout $1f,OOO .. ped that It wu a case <>f "the Other Matten 1 't nllst tbe early· bird getting the ... ", as It 16. Spoolal ·Holiday this Friday and SaturdB)', Nov. Another J)OII'bl\lty s o c

wert>. At thll. point councilman ·Thom­

as X. White Oo\lld not contain hlm­aelf any longer. "I'm not goln111 to let anyone outsludtte me tonight." he 1\Sserted. "In all of thP time I have sat on council or been com­Ing to council meetlnp." he ltated. "I can't ever recall any Groonbelt citizen appearing before rouncll In opposition to sewage sludge. I.'m limply not aware of any adverse reaction to sludge In Greenbelt."

At thla point. Bob Dove .. II' the audience, besan to reminisce about "the old days In Groonbelt" when thev hauled tiO truckloads of used casting s811"il from Alexandria and dumped It all over·Braden field and dlsced It In to make one of the "ftnelt fteldil of Ita kind. any-where." "Do you rcmrmber It, Zl!l?" hn 1\ .. ed. ~ferrln1 to Em­m ... tt Nanna. the cltv solicitor. "Yalt." exclaimed Nanna, "you go~ .dl black elldliiA' Into second!" ·

A abort tline lat~r. In dlscus•lng lhP expiration of terms of appoin­tee. to· the Advll()rV Planning Rorirtl uid the Jllllpklv.,e •I'Watlon•

In other actions, council Approved 12 and' 13 from 1 to 7 p.m. and city of GrM!nbclt In tupportlng • the W.ashlng1on Suburban i>Mital'y 17• G.H.I. Community De· at DuVal ~f· Hlrh OIJ Sunday, beiow market lnterelt in~ rebablll• Commlsslorl's request for a 811' velopment Block Gr~rt Nov. 14 from 1·7 p.m. tatlon loan progTBIII. easement acrcu the Springhill · .lppllcatlori - · Shots will be t1v111 to anyone Muter Plan Lake park and golf course for tho over 18 year• old. Pel'l!one havlnlt purpose of conatructlnr a line &s V. MI!IcELLANEOUS allergic reatlona to .ens abould part of the Indian CreeK relief not receive the vaccine. For fur-sewer )lne projecl. It approved . ther Information. a·bo11t the vac-Cutaldl 88 the City's delegate and Ar•o~y Parldn• Lot cine, ple&Jtf.> call the Swine Flu var-Munlclpa\ League director John (; cine Information line 11t 262·2261S Robinson as the alternate to the 0•111~ ft · Co••lf8R or deaf TTY phone 839-33110. · annual conference of the National P The Prince Geollt'el! chapter' of League of Cities, and supported all Efforts of ·the city to persuade the American Red Cross nccib vol-but one of five proposed chan1u• the Maryland National Guard to un-tt>ers to Billet In th~ vaccln~ to the by-laws of the Learue. Des- re-open the lot at the Greenbelt program at these .locations. and plte eloquent arrumente by both Armory to commUters and car pool will train volunteera ·on the job. Schwan and Castaldi In support of riders have proved oucceasful. If you can volunteer. pleue call the repre1entatlve principle, cnuncll 'l'hrourh. arranrements worked out· the Red Cross volunteer ollie• at voted to oppose lnsUtutlns a weight- between Lt. Col.; G1'71DH of the 1169.8li00. · ed irntlntr system while opening· Maryland Natlona(:,Qutrd and city

··-Commun!W block rra'nt fundi'

may alao be used to asllst In de­veloping a master plan and the GID bo1rd ;e abo consldetlnr a proposal t<> rcqu..st $30,000 !or

'hlrlnR plann'nR COt)sult.P.nts. The Lo~·Ranse Planning committee, under chairman Wayne Wlll!aiDI. Bees the need fJr a 111a.'Jter plan to n) prcr.•rvc thr homes and g1·ourid• of GHl •o the original de­d•IP' of Greenbelt can be enjoyed b•• fUtUre I!'O!t.rl\tiOn! and (2) (m• prn"e exl1t1n11 facl\ltiH Qd .-.• . thctlc quai'Ues of GHl to m~. 'h• requirements of mod~·da7; up membership In the Lcagu" to· manager Jamea. K. · Gleae, the

all cities. At the present time nnty parktnr lot on tile· ... t aide of the the ten la~getlt cities In the state Gree11belt Armory will be available are ellrlble for memMrshlp. • Monday thraup:Pr~M)t each wcrk.

Twin Pine(_M,eling Uv~!elf• 1., m•mbmllre expected Thr r•gular me .. ~lap of the Tw'n to Jn.,Jud~ malnta'n'nR or lmprov- ·

Pines Board of Dlrt>etors ad the lnR th• value ol om 'homes, lUll- . Kember m1atto~Of!Jimlttt>c will lnl OHI•II mor~ ettr"ct'v~ plftlle !P be held Wed., NoF\f .. Jtlf tflr Twln Jive modern'&lng htRtlnR. ~1111111-Pinea oll\ce. Tht> Mem6e'r Relatione Ins' pd ei!'Otrlital avatems; · ""1[1!1 Commltti!'! wl~ meet it 7:30 p.m.. reduqlnAo 'cttera:-!n~t · e~sts ~ t'llllt and wll Jbe f6\lowl!d bv t11r Board OHl tAll effect nv'"O:• to m\!ll'lbefll :

Council also approved ·tho om- lll:artlng November .. lll.

of Dlrectora ~~~~-·· . tn t)ll!lr l"ll'nthlv fh'l.ro•••·

·pl!lJq~ent of Jolin D. lllmler and · Armory oiJ!oiala ·had expressed Auoclilates as Inspection engineers concern that coinmuten using the for idonltorinr cdntltruotlon of a parklnl lot In tl!e pllllt had roused I"Q&d for the Glen Ora aubdlvlsion litter and thM ~ .. Guard did not vvelopUlent, an<l ·referred to the have anyQIIe •vallable to clean It AdVilory 'Plannlil'll' lldt.iG!" and· tlitl up. In tliOt, ·~·one or the •

Board, th~ council dt>clded to 11d- Parlr and Recreation Advisory reuons cited by lhe Guard for YPrtlle th .. vaeancl"' In i~~ hopes. Board the quelltlon of what land not re-operl-lnr th~.~ lo~ .ar­that lnt•r<'lltPd pe~.1111n1· w.~•ld vol- ~should be acquired to replnce 88 ter It was paved··~, tummi>r. nnt!"'r tq sei'V~- · BP.UdP.I. alated opell apace the Rt'4ge Road Crn- As a con~~equ~tile city ha. Counetltnen Ptlak~, •tt•a • Rt>Ocl WRv ter property, lvhloh 11 now to he now al"f'llrl to ··;,.~., tnsh <~~~n• to flush oUt candh1&tito f1)r thr utlll~~ed for the housing for the on the parlflnlf lot ·-,d to llav~ lt•

soAitTAio COMMI1TEE, VACANC~ next city elt'Ctlon." Whet'tupon Plderly projoot. crews clean the ~ and ren1ove Ctounr.llmon Ch'\rl•s Sch.,on "'"" tho trash on a rt,uaP. .,...IL Tho pl"PIIed some doulatl: "Fitlt we' .------------• city wu -alao ult!1 'to Inform talk about "rotton borou11:hl" llnd WHAT GOfS ON commutt'l'l of the neld to ke!IP t.he Oongrea, a referencP. to an earlier 'rbura., Nov. 11, I p.m. GHI Bud- property clean. · · · · dlaculllon. tbrn 's\udll'f!" lnd now ' set, Hamilton Pl. y LL N:.: .. ~J t: 'llushl' I 1uat bon<> th"l •v•r"nM I'll., Nov. u, Greenbelt Blcen- OUml ... OVI know• what we'r~ ,...tt.l'l,. '"'" tennlal Art Fatr. Beltway Need .omeon~· llo btJp with yard, here." or onrh ar• .-.,,. stull' of pJesa Mall. work. houaewo~·:jl.iiutln*. paint-Council meetings made. 1 p.m. Duplicate Bridge, lnr, babyeltttnr, pet wtehlnt;, cl\r

RMtrll'!lfld Parklnll'

Over th~ opposition of Whltr a~~ Qutaldl. the counCil !!UII\'nded II! ell)' ordlnanco In ord"r to reati'H parklnl to two houra belw••n ~ ·a.m. and I· p.m. durtnl{ w~·kd•"• In et>rtaln 1paee1 ln·the"we~~t park-

Youth Center. wle'bll!ror"'atller"''lde1obs? Green-l!at., Nov. 18, Greenbelt Blcen- belt CARES Youth !ervlres Bur-

tennlal Art Fair. Beltway eau can orovlde tbe Dllll<l of n Joe• I Plua Mall. vouth who 11 wlllln~t ta "'"" some

MOIL, Nov. 15, 8 p.m. Clty Coun- money for the laolldava. Jf lnt<or ell M~etlnl{, Municipal 'Build- ••te~. cont•j;t the· CARE!! oilier

at 22 Rld~te Road or -tbone 345·34116 1Di· for lmllledlate llllatt..i.ee.

The Cltv' COunell ~'•er.klng rr•um•• froon Greenbelt rosldenta who <"re '!nUrr~rt In ~!'\in( dn city boards or rommlttecs. VacanciH ~ttY ·rxlet on the

Advlsory·i'!u~l~i. Board Park ··~tlon Advisory Board Advlso~·~fttec ~~derly Houslnl Mttro~··."Wuhlnifon Co11ncll of Govrrnmenta

Cltlaeni:Advlsory Committees on · ·.:' 'r- Publ!ll. lafety

. t ~ Human · Resource~~

and lnt~reiltro -per111ns may obtain further Information by r:t.Jiin1 the C~b Ofllee•. 474-3870 or 474-sooO .

. - ).~ ~·

Gudrun H. Mills City CIPlk

i I:





l l I I


....... ~··,··. ': .. -.... '· t.

~~ ..


GREENBELT NEWS REVIEW \\ I ~UI•;I•t·:!\ Ul•:''l' '"•:\\·~··-tPER

1-Aaaw-..,, Jlur) t.eu "'u~ ,,...._. h•.-hatr l·!dU~ Pialulru .. •·~~~~-~::.,-UliJ 81able: lll.elalk 474 .....

.!:;~~ :.~.~; ·~'~::·~)' ~~\~;~:;~;;~. '~:::~~~: ... ~l?~~ttJ•;•,t· ~.:;~~~~-. ~!~r~.l1ucha~icW~:n: '!"r t.111 l\u1 1 t:-nu, .J.uu•l .laUU!~, l(khuul JUne~. Rernl~ "tlastner, ~ l\nslno·r .\I at th.t h .. LLlllttafl, JIHr.,lll.\ /,uttlJ•·t . .lt•aJ• I.t•\t'~ttUt•, Lvrt>tttt.

\~: \.~ ,::~ :~; 1 I.~ ::_1, ', ,'_'1 '~/,;'. I .'t;:;:.•,:\~·!1,. I~,: ~11 •11:, . .\t~~;; 1 .\JJI:~:::• l I,, \J o' .~a IIU•·I a, 'JII!J!\ } 'Hllle~',

~~'f~~~~ b~~~:rt~!~:~w~·1r.;.~~, ~~:i~~~i~;~~~~~~~~l~·~~cor~~~·~~:~v~~~~~~~~~S~ll:· (:rei&'. 4; 4-t•a~tu ... Ju-d r\f'r~ 'l'baradu)· .,,. ••n·•nhrlt f'oo»rntthr t•~thlh••l•• A•••·• lnf'.

nn \UU n•· nuu:t··ruU!flii ,., .. · '· :--::,,.1•~~: · \"II"•· l'rPs .. ~ici Ka11tnt-r; St>,·y., Harbarn I.lkowMkl: r 1:->1 .. '.j .\f, .\ 11n:ua. :'lfary Colombo. . \1 \JI . ...:r·r:;-;.,'l!li'T!II":'· $1fi.Otl t•(•r )"l'llf . .\d\f'ftising, nnd IH'W.>~ artlf'!f!!l rna~· !•t" ... <lit--! il: .. , •-/o. •;t•tolllwlt): d••po14lted In our box at tbe Twin Pines ''r\'J. ,. · · -1· 1 \•·:··ol_ ... •_h•· .,,lit••rlnl .. me.- In the ba-eme-nt or 15 Parkway 1-f:'-t·ll::a •· .• ,~o·n allt•r ' !J,In. Tue!iURY -Dea~eli. t8 ~.m. on Tuesday.

Tflanl<s to Police Tu tht• t:ditnr:

\\'t·. tlw t'Xt't'llli\"t' board anJ r•-­ligiuus h·ath·r:-o nf Mi~hk:w Torah SyH!Ii(OJ;:llt'. wish to t•xpntotS our cratlt udt· tu Police Chinf William T. Lan•• ~nd the Greeabdt P..Uct• l:lepartml'nt for aaailt~ us In our """'nt celebration ol the SIIJlChat Torah holiday.

Our celebration of the "rej!Mc· iaC of the Torall" hal bee- IIQt

IIIli)' u jO)'OUII l'llligleUII lloiiMI b11t also an cKPreaeloa el - IIGIIdar­it;r wtth illlprltoned ,..,. In lllle bM Union. POl' tile& ru-. 0111 .-.rv¥cr of 1.1¥' hoiWIIY a·u llllk· llcbted hy a march throu&ll lile ~tl"ts surfOUildllll the ~~.

lndt't'd. It 18 lnt.-tllll te nlltl' t11at ill M-. durlnc WI! -IIIUIJII I s.tuJU¥ nlillt. Dct.oller .. 1t18) Uw -« polloe lllld J<OB *toure4 tJoaftlc 10 t.llat all ti'I/.Cka ._. IHwe, wouW J1M11 by lhe, lJ¥11· '~~VII'' In orolar I.Q prevtnt an ov· •lilow crQwd frOIIl sathltri1Ji and cu clilit11rb the relJiloua services pug un lnllld~. Yet, In 01,11 111&1'· VP.Iou• country whel't' freadwn of rd!li<>n rd1n• auprcme. upoclll]ly in our •·ummunlty, the Greenbelt Polk• D<'jlartment not only cloaed <Jit tlu• streeu but l'llcorted us for lloUer than an hour aa more than Jll& Mlshkan Torah worshlpel'll aang IIIII danced, rna rchl'd and cl'lebM· red this lmpor!Jmt e>•onlng.

Tbel'<'fore, w< would wlt:h to ex­p- publicly our appreciation to flollcr Chief Lane and his olllcol'll for their nulatancc and coopers· doG, •nabllng us to share In the joJ ol tJKo·hoJidaf aa well u to ex­,_ our aolldarlty with Qur bre­lbren In th& Soviet Uolan.

....... Kt!lllleth R. llrfJI'I'r Pr. 1-.pll ~k, P....alk'nt MIUiwo Tel'lll

Thursday. November II, 1976

THANKS To thr t:ditor: S~r~· thanks for tlw kindrwss

a:lll thnu~htfulrwss thH.t was shown to us by our neighbor~ and fri€'nds during tht• n>cent lllnPss and dt.•ath uf RIWIIIII Tru.W.un. Wt• would also like to Ulaak uW" Gl"t'niM>lt Rescue llqtHid for tbdr qult>k re· 11101181! to our call::

rHANICS Ttt tllr Edlter:

Malle 'l'rueciNn ...... lhlkr

Tbaalu M aH our friftlde and neigh bors fer thetr pr~~yel'!l '&nd sym­pathy at tile. reeent pasafng of my moth&r, !JI!Zftbeth O'Keefe.

David O'KN>fe A Trlbut.o to Ano. -

A loYing, cour&~eous Gre .. nbelt WOMUI . dlt'd Sept. 18, 1t'18. 8ht• was Xn. Alllla M. Moore of 9T Re!l<'ai'Ch Rd. IJhe Is gf@atly ntis· Stod by hPr lmnteditlle f811\lly and maRy. tnany othHW wht> wMe the r•>clpl .. n18 of h•r klndn .. s.

N"'""' Wlthhrld

Bazaar and Bake Sale Sat .. Nov. 13 .the Unlt.OO Mlltho­

dlst Women will be sponsorln&" n Bazaar and Bail~ Sail' nl Mowatt Memorial Unltro Methodilll Church, frQm 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Rand· craft•. cards. "'ked goods, fruit eake• and lnterelltln&' used Items will. bt• sQid to ben••ftt the building fund.

Greeahell's Lihran . On·Apin Qlf•AgaJn Jo'llm» IUe

On-Again thil week, Sut.w'~. No­vember ta, at 2 11.m. Tile IIIDVhui tbl! week are '"111.e Tlndllr Box"'

n story of a soldier who wlnH · the 11rlnc~sa with the help of tht• dogs who JUliN the tlndl!r boJ; and ''The MaJiclftn". For children

Mishku ToraJa Sisterlaood ac;;:o~~~ Stories fqr ages s-G I• ~ :ln Prine<' will b<' the gue•t a fun half-hour of storlt•s. •ongs.

·•.> alter at thP Mlahkan Torah Sla- llng••rplay• 1111d action rhymt•s. Tht• '· .tllood meeting nn Thur!ol., Nov. ))rogrnm is hPid <wery Thunday I8, at 8 P.m. Art·a reprl\.o•ntatlw in th•• Childfl•n's Progr<1m Room for Ill<• Unlvt•rslty S.,rvit't• Depart· at 2 p.m. -t of the Amt•rlcan Zlunlst Youth Imloor P••sts, Wcdnt•sday, No­Foundation and th•·· lsrn<•l Allyu wmbt•r l7 at 7:30 p.m. In th•• 0ealer. lw will sJl('ak on "'Oppor· Mt'l!tlng Room Is a program pr<· tunlti•·• In IJniVI'r>lty and CoiJ.•g •entt'd by Ray Bosman& and Bob es In isra<•l for AmNicnn Youth." Stewurt of the Prince Georgi's Rabbi Kenneth Berl(<'r. will al•o County Cooperutlve Extension t:!et• r'ftODnt his rxpt•rlt'flC('K as u 1:1tu· \'ic«'. Thl'y will dlscuaa roachea, all· ft91 In hrnl'l. IntPrPHh•d IM'rsons verllsh, ants, apldel'l! and other un· ...., Invited .. w<'lcume household


LUXUIY 2 I TO\ftltlQUSIS ENGLI§Ii 51Y' 3 ~ _

'fWRACt! AMlNHS . LOW $ao's to .Mil) $30'1 .

•Unique .akefront· <J-mlle peri!Diter) '-tloD oa OrMllbelt IMa Pllrk with n.hiJll, boaUnc. lea lllatlq, Jonlq, biCJille J*tU, plonle areu and Ht1dltandl. -nlc u.o.phere,

•Traditional colonial ltyle with charm of courtyard letUnc. •Tennll courta, pool facllltiOI, plaJI!ou .... eConvf'nlenUy located cat to lb~ and tranlportatlon a\ c­

roadl of Baltlmore-WubJDiton Pukway, CapiW lhlttny (ftt. 41111), Kenilworth Ave. lftt. 201), and Unlvenlt;y Jllvd. lftt. 1118),

• Ooly • few available, ., hurrr!

CIIILEI T. Fill~ IEILH1··.t~· ·

I 5411 KENJLWOBTB AVEN1JI J ';~"II, . . RIVEBI)ALB, liD. ,.. ·- . .

. . 779-4Tn A .l OR•

Elderly Housing Gets Timet:able

City olliclals have ugr<'ed upon a time schedule to be submitted to tlw State of .Maryland fot the housing for the &Jtfly' JIOject. Tlw sch .. dulc to be !lllbalttcd · to th•· Maryland Staf4, Di!P,.rtment of Economic and Co-unity De­velopment. <DECII> will then be forward~d, J1 approvt'<l, to the U.S. Deparbnt·nt of Housing and Urban Dt>velopment

• Submission of application for f•·asibility !Januacy 20. 19771

- Issuance by DEC'D of letter of ft·aslhillty <March 15. 1977)

• Compll'tiOO of design develop· meot pbNe · and t~on to DECO for oondltlonal commitment. <.June· 1, 19771

• ConditioD&) J:Willllltment issued by DECD !August 1. 1977)

Colllpk•tloo of WQ.I'kllli draw· i ngs and submiMiun for firm com· mltmenL IOcloMr 11, 19771 • Is.,uance of llrm commlttnll'nt

by DECO IOcocember 1, 1977! Construetlon loan c•loalng and

start of construction I February I, !978L .

Tlw city cautioned that the IN'· way on; th•• starting e<Miatructlun dati• •·ould bt· as much ns thr••r rnonthx ~·itlwr wu.y from tlw F'"b ruary 1978 dak

In a rt•lattJd mutt1•r. (•onnc!l unnn­lmously paa•ed a reaolutlon to es· lnbll•h an Advisory Comralttee on Elderly Housing, oon~illtllll of '"'"' membt·rs. Ht•vt•n nf whom woul<.l h1· citiZ4:•ns, o.noUJt!r wnuld bt• a m1•m­bor of dty ~oun<'il d•·•llinat.•cl by tho council, and thl' ninth wouhl bl' a member of the city -..a d•·••~ nated by .the rlty manager. Th• commlttl!t' Is to re¥1!'11 and make recommendations on reports, plan• and othor material pertaiDlni l·• the elderly hou.siJII. The city I• acceptlnr uppllcatlons fro111 cltl· zcns lntert>stod In servln11 on this commltt..,..

W .nning tlwlr hwt 2 laJll<•s on Sat., Nov. 6 IWd Tb.ur¥., Nov. 4, tho R()()t\c\ll'lt HOCcer tvnm wound up \h~>lr •qaton with 9 wins, 3 iollaea;

Thurod.•y's game wa• played ll·

suln•t the Rlverdah• Baptiat Var •tty. ROC*tvelt ·-.ull. 2·1 att.or to mlm•t•·• of overtlmt•. In the ln•t f•·w minut•·• of ph&y. lullbat·k Bill Olaw•o~n ltid;cd til•· ball frvm m1J· th•ld. Bouncing oft of '""' of th•· mcmb,·rM uf Ul~ pppollltg tllillll, th .. uall went Into the soal and score'<!, tying the game 1·1. Th•• winning goal was made by Craig Fltaen· reilt•t' during the 2nd ovt•rtlmt• p<•rlod.

The st•wmn'• lut game wu playl'd against Good Ooun~~~:r. junior var· alty at Roosevelt • Roo•evelt wa• the winner 2 .. 1 with 1011ls made by Rlkl Maeda 811d Tim MWIIolltn.

Discussion af Comm. Church '"1'1\t IIDOiel retPQIIIIbllltll!tl ol

American corporations" will be th•• ;ubject of a discussion led by Dr. Of'OI'Ic C. ftt-eves< at Greenbelt Community Church on Tut•• .. Nov. 18 at 7:411 p.m. Dr. ftecvo•s. fornwrly of Qre<!ftllelt. !lveryone welcome.

Page 2

S'l0119AlaoRo NOr. 14 '~he Jldl 4nllual ~rd

of the B'nal Brlth will be held on Sun .. Nov. H lrom 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. in the ·,aclal hall of the Green· belt .:Volldteer Flro D._artlnent bull41na.on.or-nt Road. ~edll will be.wllt phManthroplc project~. suolr-¥" lite !loldlers Home and Hoepltal ·In WMhington. D.C., thr non ..sectarian Jewish Hospital In Denver, etc.

Scout Troop 746 Buy Scout troop 7·16 will hold

i:s annual clothing drivc• this Sat. Nov. 13. Anyone who has UJnble dothing to donate to this cause, plt•RSI' call AI Cousin at 474-5874 or Jim Hanna 10t 4 7 4-8923.

Scout treop 746 ill looklni for boys II yc11r~ old or old<'l' who aro intc•n•su·d in lic>comlng Boy Scouts. For l~tber lnfor~on, atop by the troop meetlnJ which Is held every Friday nlcht at 'I :30 p.111. at the X..tllodlllt Church, or call.scout-

·s· o·r AI Cousin at 47t-1!874.

The 4-H Daisies b~· Marianne Coyll<'

The 4 .. H Daisies haw already stsrtt'd out this y.,ar vt•ry well with our new leadl'r, Mrs. H~wcs, and our projt•ct leaders: sewing · Betty White and Karen Coyn<•; cor&miC!l • Mary McBride; cooking • Mrs. HawH and Mrs. Brockway; cro chctlng • Mrs. Crowley. · On our first mertlng Wl' <•h•ct.•d otllct'ra: president • Lori Hawes: vice president ~· Dolly Parish: s<'c· retary • Dorio Brockway: reportrr • Marianne CoynP; treasurer -Carolyn Crowley: sung nnd gamr leaders • C'.athy Holcombe and D:t Houl.

We have vlslt.•d the n•·w air and apae<• museum and had n bake oat .. In the center. We earned $:\.~. We are preparlnr for th•• fratlval of lights with craft prolt•C"tR.

·BAZAAR AT ST. HUGH'S St. Hugh's Annual Ladles of

Charity Bazaat will iiOOO be ,here. The proceeds from the b~r are used for· the aged and needy of the IOOII oommunlty and other cbarltallle causes.

For tboee with a green thumb, thete will be a plant table. For thOle with, a sweet tooth • home· made bakM goods and preserves - and many beautiful craft ltelll8 for gifts. Tiny tots will enjoy the children's corner with stll'fed an· imals. grab bags and other s~r-prlses. ,

The "'zaar will be held at Gren· oble Hall. the lower level of lit. Hugh's Church, on Silt Nov. 20, 10 e.m. to 7:30 P.m. and SunaBJ, Nov. 21. 8:30 a.m. • S:OO p.lll. ,

&reenbell Homemalcers On Thurs .. Nov. 18. at 8 p.m. the

club will meet at the hoiDe of Mary Coyne, ~B Laurel Hill Rd. The pl'olram will be a vldoo taped viewing sel81on on "Legal RJshtll of WOIIII!n'' with Ms. Stewart On­.. ua. an attorney. epeaklag on lulw the law trtlltl women In re­,ard to credit. boua." divorce. etc. For mol'& lllloraatiOil call" Mary Alln Baker ''14-1101.

- o.-llelt 114. ............... "v'* ... Udl A.ll.

8uadiiiJ lWMI •• A.ll.

Weel*r NQIIIrJ ......

••. u• A.ll. 1"-.....W

IWW111'4 a. .._, .....

\"uu .,... Invited tD ._,. a talk by AdriMnr M~.

lntrrn,llonal BaU'I Tt'Uher

Stll-1918 or


Sub~ I: Till: EqiiMion of Llt .. : Gtto4 and t:¥11 'l'tmndl&y, NoVt>mber 19, 8 p.ru.

IMr.U Lak•-e....t Driw, o.._bNI

Phon•• or Write

P. 0. BOIC 246 Greenbelt, Md. 30TlO


Hlllalde and Cre10ent Roads - Phone 474-6171 lmornlnpl

Sua., II a.m. - Woreblp S..rvioe ... CUre!& llelaMI (In faD& Care _. 1·8 R1IWIJe)

Thurs .. 7:1111 p.m. - Mludy Orout

...... !IMI'f)' 'l'ay._ .... Rev. Harry TII,Yior, Mlal.a.n

There is_a.-place for you: ~ in our Bibl.e Study

in our Wonllip Service . iit our acUYitm

Yes, ye• are Invited. -

GIIINIILT IAPTIST CHUICII ....... ............... , ........... ............. ,..., ._ ~· aall eburch

.... _ U1.- I 1M .. , .... ~ 1:»-U: .. _....,. ..... , ......

CREDIT UNION • ~ (....,.... o.twt .

Qreeebelt, .M'A·IO'MO l'lllllle: "'--" -·- HDIII: ~: H • WurUJI: U l'rldq _... , ..

PWI eUler Senkea .Available: ......... Payroll withholdinl

free life Dlred depoait of retirement lheolu Tu: deferred inrome -

Individual Retirement Accounts (IRA)

Jllli;eh ~bft account ln.tlred to 540,001 lty National Credit Union AdmlnllltraUon, a.n &lePCJ ol tile

~ ... .......-

things to save


ucandonow ~·at,andmon~

In the winter, as heat escapes slow the rate of heat loss;yov1l {tom your house, you have to '-:1St less energy. And that's wh~t_ rcplare it to stay warm. If you . . .. insulatton is all abou~. . ·


' To slow hat ln111 dlnluah ~~and Ibn, · ,UUCiln diMie adk'11111Mral ~ tNft!ria1s, each in different foftrll. Oluaftber, mineral woof and celluln~e fiber are availlble is kae fiD ••• or

.!lln4wkhed between Iaven ef gaper,ll\ ~.or in n:ctanaular "haltli."

. The different materials have diftennt n:&istance to heat flow ("R.\Ialue;''). PEPoo SIJiiellli lt·J9 (about6 inches) on the atde floor, and R·ll,U or 4 inches) in outer wall~ and liiRaon ahove.unbeatedlfi*C, l).ucrlllhnuld be . wraJ'ped. with 2 inches of lhermallnllulatiao whal they pa.• through unheated anm iiUI:h aa aida and llllflllleli·

You can do much of this Wllril youiwlf with pidance from a good hanfware store or home lm~t cl.'llle{, or you can have • reputable IAAtlarin& contractor do it for you.

Insulate. Caulking and ~thl!r stripping

applied to cracks and gaJl8. in -"ails and around ibn lttlp ftduce 'be.t IOlil ana draftll. ·

'Miile <Xher forms df ~tKfn prevent heat from radiating

thft!i.tllh de!~. caulking keep warm air from

te.ldD8 out and oold air , 1r<m lakmti lb.

A ~ dollalll ind a few Mull lavestai In pll!lllini

holes ud cncb can rallv ~Y .W. wintet •

"<t I

Storm window!; will cut in half the aMOUnt of heat that e~ape!l through · ~ingle-panc windowR. Actually, it's

""' the elara layer of aWe that !Mutates, it's the pocket of air trapPed

"between the two barrien!. StOrm ~ aat hat af!S·lf storm

. aiaM Is a bibet in~t than you 'WIIIIf toibde right dow, clear plastic

sheeting tacked or stal'leli to ou~ide Window ft'JI)'Itl! ill an e~vc

alternative. PEPCO ha.~ prepared a new

~let oo hm1e insulatiorl which contains mi.Wh more infurmatioo

than wt can «fw you here. It's · det;i~o save~ money oo bOOt

· and m>linl 100r hc:me. For a copy, ,itlltmiill the COIIpOP

or drop 11!1 a J)Oibrd. ·

: ·'

Jrc;ulation fuoklr:t PIR:o, Roont ~2A I'XJO Penn;ylvania Avenllt', N.W. Wash~on, DC 20068

. ' . .'. :·'


CIT\'. _______ .qAn: ____ _lll' - .. --


' I

-~ i .j




Budget Time Again at GI-ll by Janet James and Miriam c.eliui

The Greenbelt Homes, Inc. budget-making 'process begins with the manager's recommended budget. The . board instructs the manager to include in his budget everything he, thinks GHI ought to have during the coming year. The board may later cut down on or cut out some of the items.

B<:fore the boanl really worlu on It, two hearings are set up on dltrerent nights of the week. They are designed es pee Ially so that Interested members can have the manager's budget explained to them, can recommend cuts. or sug­gest additions to the programs propost>d for funding during the

. coming yf'ar. Thr h£>arings this yt•Ar wen~ conductt•d on WNhws­<l3y and Thursday. ·November 3 nnd 4.

Tht' propos,•J 1977 operating budgrt prcsPnlt•d a.t both hrar­ings by the manager. Royal D. Br.•a...;h,·~us and Df)naltl McGinn. t•nmptroller, totals S3.112.036, com­par.-.! to S2,780.891 for 1976. The amount \\'ould rrsu1t In an in· cn•as" to ffi('mbers averaging 11 91 •;. Ask<'<! why such large in­t'rt•as,•s art• nf'cessary y('ar after )'<''" Br,.ashears said Inflation af­(Pcts (;HI just as it d{)('S every­thing •·lse. and pointed in partic­ular to a 17 pPrcent tncrra.sl' in utibt\· cosL" a 22 pPrcf'nt tncri'SSC' in rt•al PStat(' tax('s, and a 2.1 per· rf'nt incr£'asr in payroll costs.

The budg<'t includes for the first tim<' ~ breakdown of costs by pro­gram, for which many members have repeatedly asked. This year it was made poBBible by the greater u•e of computers in the GHI ac­counting otllce. The breakdown show• Sl'Darntely for each program I roof\ni(, plumbing, electric work, etc.l the amount budgeted for' la­bor and for materials, as allocated by the brick and masonry homes and the frame homes.

Fifty-five members attended thr hearings, of which more than halt were young peoplr. The q11e•Hnns askrd by members roncernrd the Increase In pensions and thr In· com(' from aervlcf'a to· memb.-ra. Part of the pension Increase was caused bv a n<'w prnslon reform law which requires that some new cmployrCR be made part of the pen•lon plan earlier than hRd b<>en the GHT practice In thr past. The nature of service• to memben and thr hourlv rptrs 1~10 an houri wrrr ('Yfl~f\\n,.d R"'~ wrll R!l B~'rvices nnd rotr• to Greenbelt Development Corporation. the wholly owned suh•ldlarv of GHI.

Heavy vOGiig· In Greenbelt Makes LoDg Day at Polls

by Dalne Skolnik

Under surtnY ~les, 8,380 Grot•n­belters streamed to the polls en Election Day • ,)I(JIIrJIIber 2. 197ll. Patience a;11l. (rlclldlin,rss. mark.>rl their mood as they stood In lin,•. som<' for as IQDg u t.wo hours at the Springhill LAke ]!;Iem••ntarv School (8th precmc:1. , At Norti1 F.nd (6th precinct) and eent•·r t3rd pr<'c:n~t) Schools -thf'.re \\'t'fl'

w~it:ng period<! frnm 4j minutes to an hour: . ,, ·.

Backups formed at polling ccn­tel'll soon efter.Uto. 7 a.m. opt•nlrg. \!.my porsons hoplng. to vol" prior to leaving for work dropp<·d •Jut nf line in ordcr·to cnt.ch th••ir hus into tnwn. In good spirits, thry raid t.h<'ir "good-byee" and rejoinrd lht• li""" In the evening.

Chief judges at all precincts re· norted hei\VY voting throughout lh·· :nerning, unllk(' pr~vlous f'l<'rlinn<; 'fh"Y Wt'rl' Plntcd at th£' turnout :1..nd thought thE' crowd was "th1• nicest ever." The judges praised the thoughtfulness of voters who were wllllnr to allow tbe sick and elderly to move to the head of the lines. In general, a party-like at· mospht•rc rrlgnrd giving residents an opportunity to renew acquaint· ances and meet new Greenbelteu.

·Long u.-The doors did not cloae at any

of the three schools at the designa­ted time of 8 p.m. Six voting ma­chines at Nol'th End were In op­eration until 1:20 p.m.; the 8 tila­chlnea at Center until 9:30 p.m. and the 11 inachlrles'· at Bprlnrhlll Lake unl.ll· 10 p.m. -The county aa· slrn• 1 machine for every ~ per­son• and allvwl~ere 7 minutes to remain Ill~ ~Uot boOth.

Despite the long lilt of queatlons that were ori \IIIN . ._Uot, moat vo· ten oP.,ned • lbe •. QUrta!n . In four minutes. Thll lObi waiting period Is credited f~. epeedlng up the voting proe- ln1lde -the booth. Votera were a\1e 'to ·review ques· tlryn• while standing tn line. Most people felt that they were not riven adequate lnfol'tllatio1l with reopect

Thursday, Novem~r 11, 1976

Pareats r.u RooseYelt At Smlay o,. H•

\ bJ Ban.a I..iiiDWIId

Nearly 1000 people attended the open·house/baek·to-sehool program held at Eleanor Roosevelt Senior High School on Sunday afternoon. October 31. Meeting 111 the school's auditorium • used for th& very first time that afternoon • the large ·,roup of parents, students, teach· ers and friends were welcomed by Ray Ogden, principal.

Ogden invited visitors to. tour 'the building and meet the teachers. He also gave some of the background of the school and et<plalned some of toe problems that still need to be ironed out - such as lc!ll(thy bu,; ride-s, things that do not (work as tht·y 'hould, homework load, etc. Or:rlen encouraged parent.• to be­com(' involvr.d in Roos<'velt st<Iting thnt studt>nt participation isn't UH' same without it. He urgctl tht•m to contact him or one of his vice· principals if a probiMl arises.

Speaking also was ' G. James (;holson, at.lminlstrator o[ thf' Nor· thorn nren of tho county schools. Gholson had praise for the prog· ross made by the stnff of Roose· velt anti those parents, admlnistra· tors and mPmbers of tht" commun­ity who worked togeth<'r to mak<• it po~siblf' to opPn thC' school in Reptembcr. He explained that In January 1976 they found out that the school would house both com· only one_ in the state having com· ponents. While this should have taken three or four yoors to plan, the school was, slated to open In September.

Afte-r Gholson and other admln· lstralors spent a morning In the Bronx technical schOI, they decld· ed to concentrate on math and sclcnres as the baals for develop­Ing the school. Working with a committee of administrators. teach· ers. parents, people from thl\ Unl· verslty of Maryland and Goddard Space agenoy, plans for the cur· rlculum wen> made for Roosevelt.

This committee, atlll at work, had scheduled a meeting for Novem· ber 1 to start planning for nc.xt year -- to IUik "where we arc going and where we arc now" and to move on from there. He pointed out the uniqueness of the sr.hool, the onlv onr In the atae having com· prrhcnslve and teehnoiOrY compon· ents.

Parents wN'e alao welcomed by Robin Handley, president of the newly formed student governmllllt group, A member of th& newly formed parent boooter club told of the decision of Its steering com·

Roosevelt Dem. Club Names ·FOOD FOR TIIANISGlVING F.D.R.J H Membe

, Greenbelt CARES Youth Ser· f. oaorary f vices 'Bureau II coordinating ·the

Membera of the steering Com- donations of food Items (0 be dla­mlttee of the Rooeevelt Demoera- trlbuted to needy Gr~n~lt famiUes tic Club of Greenbelt were on band for the Tbank&livm. holiday. Do­to rreet Franklln Delano Rooee- natlonl are being received at tlae velt. Jr. upon hit arrival at Bal- CARES oftlee, 22 Ridge Road. ln· tlmore-Waahlngton International dlvlduall or orranlsatioM wilhlllg Alrporl Before a large crowd of to donate should have their dolll· prel!B and well-wlahera. the com- tiona 110 the CARES olllce by 7 p.m. mlttee preeented Rooeevelt with a on Tuesday. November 23. plaque naming him the first Hon- Donations of reU!Iable toys are orary Member of the club which also being received by Greenbelt was named In honor of his parents, CARES for the thl~d annual Toy Eleanor and Franklin Roosevelt. Exchange to be held In December. Roosevelt was In this area to sup- The exchange is made available to port Gov. Carter's presidential adults wishing to acquire toys for campaign, as well as those of local holiday gifts. A second exchange Drmocratic candidates. The for- will be held for youths who may mer Congressman made a brlrf wish to select a toy for gifts to sprrch In behalf of the Carter· brothers or s1stcrs or friends. For Mondalr ticket and answcrrd qurs- additional information contact thP lions from thr press. . He also CARES of!irl' at 34!i 34_5_6_. __ _ thanked the Roosevelt Club for Lattr, members of the club ac-thrir untiring ani! enthusiastic su_p· companied Roosevelt to Greenbelt port of the campaign. · for the cer<'monii'S thrrr.


Twin Pines Savin·gs & Loan Assn. 6'/o ANN"AL RATE ON

HOLIDAY SAVINGS figured from day of deposit



RELAX AND ENJOY NEXT SEASON'S HOUDAYS Ask about our savingi certificate plan•


9 to- 8

FRIDAY 9 to 8

SATURDAY 9 to 12 The boar<\ of dlr•otora will take

up thr bn~~et Pt Its r•ll'lJIRr m<'<'t· lno: nn Thunday. November 11. Pre•ldent .Tames !lrnlth sal<! thl\t he holM'S the board can make en; murh tu\Vinn to bring thr ~ncrronsf' dm,•n to bP1ow 10 n.,.r,..nnt. Ot.h­erwloe. the bvlaws require that a apoelal membrrshlo m•..tlnll' be called to act on the lncreMe.

to the queaUona prior to the <'lec· tion.

A total of tO election workers were stationed It the three votlne oentero to lerVO . tbe ·people of Greenbelt. TIIIJI''"Worklnl day be­san at 8 a.m . . ~4. _for 1ome. It did nnt ·end until early Wedneaday momhli; Votera oeemed' ·as lm· preued with the election workers u the electton workeri· were with the voters. Workers were comnii­DP~ted for a 8nlooth Operation and ro~ rrmalnlng eallll and efllclent during those lloura when thr

mlttee to back all student clubs, organizations, teams, etc. Parents were asked to join this group be· tore they lett that afternoon. The decision about whether to form a PTA type organization will not be made until spring.

Maryland Savings-Share ln1urance Corporation (An A.rency of the State of Maryland)

Insuret each account to $40,000.00

NOTARY SERVICE (free to account holderal

MONEY ORDERS 20c up to $2110.00 M·mbers can obtain a copy of

th• nroposrd budget at GHI head­quArters on Hamilton Place.

Picture Licenstt Coming Thr State Motor Vehicle Ad·

ministration is planning the shift to operating permits with n photo by mean• of a ayatem In which :z:l'k of Maryland drivers per year for the next ' years will be trana ferred over to the new syltem.

Althourh the cuet will be grcat<·r • se.oo for a four year license aa opposed to 112.00 for a two year license, there will be a number of benM!ts with tbe new system. Fraud and deception In cbeck cashing would be curt•lled, new ilcen•.. will be mueh banter to alter and counterfeit, and drlvera will be prevented from llletaliJ lend­tnr their lie-• to -eon• el1e who 11 llllout the aame helrht. are and weight.

'fhe Kotor Vehicle Admlnlatn· tlon Indicated thl1 week that a paekqe of i!Uitruetionl wiU be aent out to drlvera whoee Jut name berln• with letter• from A to K and whooe llcenae• expire In early tm. Exhibit by Local Arti1t

Palntlnp by artl1t llldore Rn. ben of Greenbelt will he exhibited at Gallery K ('Bookworka, 1100 K Bl, NW, \Vuhlncton. D.C.I froiD November 14 to ·December D. o.I­Jery houra ve IIDndaJ through J'rklay I a.m. to 10 p.m., latur· dav. 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. and Sun· day. 12 p.m. to 8 p.m.

c"""'Wds were weaving up and down the hallways and, sometimes, out the front doors.

Chief Judgea were Tanya Ohl· oon, and Ray Conn, . Springhill l.4ke; 'Btlva.Weltel IIDd Kather­Ine Foater. _Cell~ llchool; and Margaret Baldo9fh &lid Eunice Coxon, Jllort.b End llebool. All wloh to pay' trlbllte tCI their eloo· · Uon .Orllera and to the people of · Greenbelt for thelr "marvelous" cooperation.

Followlnr the apeakera a short film about the school was shOwn by teacher Jack Steltrer. The film was made by Steltrl\1' with the help of 1tudent1.

Then the visitors were up and out to all c»rners of the school, many stopping for refr<\'lhments In the Commons <cafeteria), most eagerly looking for daughter's and son's cluaroorns to meet tNLchers. the library, the gym, the telcvls· lon atudlo ... Student guides were on hand. t.o., rfve directions. More thaa t~e "boura later the halls -• •till overllo\Tina when the prlnolplll ~oeil over the In­tercom that It was time to leave It had been _a very ~•ful day:

·-----~--~---------~--------· Annual

RU¥MACE~BAKESALE ·_- l .. . .. ~ •• • • ~ -


NOV. 14 • 10 a.m.· 5,p~. ~y, NOV, 15 • 10 a.m. ·Sell-out

~ . . .

:e· "Cllotblnc For The Entire Farrllly ; .... 'Jioutehold GOode - Furu.lture, Ru11, · 8mi1l Appliances, etc. ,:f·~~b. Games . .

<' ~*'i~·~ialties ·- Challah, !-Uitl, etc. · · "?': ·, .. ,... •t '\ at the '

.. ;~TORAH-. ·Ridte ~·loach Greenbelt

. ~ . · ·~- -J The Mlahklll Torlll ~~~~

~--··---·-··""!'·-----~--------·---.,. Jlt~>


The Latest in New Fashions

.at 20l.off , 'I

Easy Lay•lway lor ~·rill•••



141 Centerway Road, Greenbeh


I dRp. ta.m.. I p.m.-~ lt a.m.. 'p.m.

- • .r •• ·:_;-.. ~ .. ~

~ . ~?'" r ..

~;~· . ~- o:Y"i..!t:\fl

. ;.,j··-~~, -::.---~-~. . •;r&.J.

-~ ! ..... -~~;:-:-· .... ·A·t·-"i~ ..



- ;,}.' .·-·· ~----. ~ .. ·

. ~-:.11·

·-t.Alof.•'!<. J" •"'

Recorded music 8nd i11spiration by tel&phone



........ ·-~.:

''~-· .. .......

.!~il ··~ ' ·-~,.':;(>-....... -~'

'. J4\Mfti.

~..,::l:~· .....

-- -· . . . ...;: ?. ~ . '".flf•' ... • • > ~ ~ , ' . . .. ~ . . - .

.... r, i I I




; .

• ••r.wanavmr

. \\thaveitonb,igll -...a.J..~,ifuUtatsh • - a;L-- '•d< ' ~uu_IU .. ~3 _ anng u1e n_ e~

iS avery good_ idea. .t made sense to Noah.

. After~ all, if was a whole lot ~·ct~~cal and ~fficient

t>·get. together and. shar:e the iide thari ft would have been·

for everybody to go their .own way~

And that still.holds true · .. :;.,, today. Sharing

the ride with . , ..

.,. •.

jUst one other person can .cut your commuting cos1s in baff,_

Think about it

Thursday, November 11, 11178 . GBaNBILT HIWS UVJSW

~~o~!~Jfl!~ o""·'"~-for each addWonal word. llubllllt · l:lain~ Hkolalk - 47~ ada In wrltlnr. aeeomp&Died lay lt'e a Jtgy ~r lJnda and BUI cash payment, either to the N- J ett of Greenbelt. Brian )llcbael HeYirw_otllce at 1D Parllwa,, before wa. born on N~ 1 welgb­lO p.m. of the Tuesday preced!Jw ing 6 lba., 2 bz. HI. arandparenta publiration, or to the Twin· Pin• Jo1111 !loGd Bud Jett allo reside In Savings and 1Aan aalee. Greenbelt. Thert• is no charge for advertllhnc .lclhn 'PaeonlaJdn, .son of Kl'll. 1tems. that are found. Mupret Pogorelakln of Greenbelt, CALDWELL'S WASHER I!:Rv ' is a eartoonlst with the Idaho Ar· ICE. AH .U 8 - gonaut, wlUch ill publlahed by atu­Auth · ed w: =I'UY .. r$Alred. dents attendlns the Unlvel'lllty of 6·1161:~" ,. r dealer.. Glt . Idaho.

PIANO TUNING AND REPAIR. Expen 'an4 Reliable Plano Service · to Greenbelt since 111e0. Benjamin Berkoflky 41'-61194.


, mllalcltn ~1121 depee. CTHN&.

~MlUIIJII'a ·PCIIIUUII GROm8lfal make your appointments '-I&J. .Call ~14-Ull.

PIAI'fO L1!JI!II!I(ftt!: Peabody cQD: ll'rvalory Graduate. • Bectnnen­Aohsftced. . 4T..._

WdiPS ~~ - ll'loor and 'l'llllle ty~. Cllll evenlnp t74-11080 .

\' Al.'UUM CLEANER B8PAJR -All branda and typea. Call even­' nga 47 4-111180.

State Fann h--. ....

JcM:gwarclt 474-8400 a• -ur. - a ....... .................... ~ .........

1111 ua 1 • t11t ...._,, · ~

----------------~· T1'PRWR1'l'llft. OR At'lDINQ IIA-

Prince Georges County Council­man Fl'8llcls White of Greenbelt was appoll\ted to a epeelal ClOG steerine cOIIIIIIiUee ID oversee ana­iyals of ct$Jn unbuilt p01tb111 •>f tho• MF)TRO syst<'m.

CIJY N~FIS The general crew bas been doi"­

preparatory work on fll41e Road prior to pellt'lftg . •1~. '!'be . contractor has 'tbtlab,;<l on Rldce Road and Ia now working on W-­way and the c:qrner of Gardenway.

The bull ..... a,..... ~I arew has been working in the Youth Center buUdlng. The clnderlll~k wall baa been rebuilt for the ftl&1ht lifting room. A coouactor .relloved the old arave1 ltop frolll a portion of thP building and lnatalled a nrw section.

The park crew has been o.attlag grass and . installing railroad tics in the areu at the Youth Center bulldlne. Some work has 'been done on Southway. Th~ obi,er has be•n out and the leaf vacuum is to be out ot1 Saturday.

Tht• pal>"r collection two weeks RKO n•tted alx tone and 940 lb• . uU on one day's collection. Thr l'itv also took 288 lba. of aluminum to Reynoldet Aluminum for a total of $42.80. Re)'nolds 41Wnlnum ha.s op•ned a recycllnll center on Georg• Palmer Hlpwty In Lanham. They will no longer be plcklnl up from GreenbPit, but wiD accept dellver­lt•l.

Laal week's collection totaled 8 tons. 1,960 lba:. 40 lba. ahy of 9 tono.

Greenbelt CUD! Greenbelt CARES etaft mcmbera

met with throe of Senator Ha· RDODFJLING SPECIALISTS - • thlaa' lelialatlve aldce laat Thurs-

. kitclwns, baths. addltlona, etc. day, who were 'intereated In CARES' Frllt' totl......, It ref- Ar- Intervention and primary preven-

l'Hml: taO lr UP. HOWAitr>'B 1'YP8WIU'I'BR CO., 8111 I!IALTI­MORI: AV1!:., H'YATTliVlLLJ:, MD. 27'1.-a.

tlaan (;,mra.otoro, 34ili-1884. tion proaram. PAltfl'nlrG . Im.riot', tottarlor. In Q811junctlon with the Center Wallpap.rlnc ~tnd lilbt carp.ntry Sehoul, Greenbelt CAlUI:S _,on· alto. 0eec1 GI'NIIbfolt reto. J!l>t· soretl an evcnlnc worklbl>p o•1 ('t'Uent workmanship. Frank Go- Oct .•• which focused on pnrentlll!: mn 4M--4. and aMid concerns of tht• BIIIJlo• 8'11UNGI!l0 INSTRUMENT RE- par..t. Several Ideas Pmt•rged from PAIRS . Guitar, vioUn, banjo, c•l· thP ltll.,.ion, lncludinl a requ~at lu. dulcimer, Electric/acoustic. E.~- for developl!w • *UII er.re fiW;Ultv

for the worlllnl parent. pert. reasonable. ~-119111 Thirty-four doUare In duuatloJ:~ "MOMJilff'I'S FOREVl!lft" Crea- WPre received from the distribution tlve d!lld photocraphy by stan of b....,nia plants. This money J{iNn, ..___ will '"' used to purchase tools for C.\RPJI:NTRY . Room addltlona, tht• ISicyrlt• repair shop.

alumln11m llnd vinyl sidlni - kit· chen1 and bathrooiiiJI · licensed and tnaur.d· with local referen­,.,.,, Fret> eBtlmates. 34~- ~.

ANTINNA PIOB\IM5 ...........

Sxpfrt ll1ltBBna - Will t!UQIInew/........,..._

. fw .

AHic or O..tdoer~ e-IDp

Christ:riuis Fair Holy Cl'OIIs Lutheran Church is

havlne a Cbrlatmaa ~lr on Sat., Nov. 13 from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. The fair will feature crafts, .PIIIII'-· baked goods, and white el:fl::t:.

FOR SALE - Older 20%" Kenmoro• range with b111Uer.' Perfect wolll<­lnr order . .,.,. ~ .,..,_. ef· ter D :80 p.m.

-4141110 Men'• 10 apeed bike, ladle& ~ lpl!<'d bike, GAF :Movie C..ra •ad PI'P ·

~o8efW ...Oetl fr1 ~Ia ·~ l•ctor, Polaroid e.f~Nra, d"". to .._ teMb* IQOCII at •-· ·fto headphon•s. floor lamp, baby Items, elCJIBI' .......... .,. llua t!IUO ~8787. per -11: ...... tt.to tlllfanMitlti(JHRI8TI(A ===:::::"""8:--;:8~~==:---."':BICOit==-. Pd ... •I8LIJtld I"'IWWIope telal.- GASBORD - Sat., Nov. 18, ~:80 • fN¥ ~ ...... ._ S<Kif,' llook &:80 p.m. Glenn Dalf> M:ethodlat HIU, a.c . ..,., Church, Springfield ol Good Luck Niidii(iiiiiOOD YARD I!ALB - Roade. Plt>nty to ... 108 ~ <lloxwOOtl). Bat . .r. 2 SNOW TIRES on wheell - 0 8\UI. 10 y. - 4 pJil. 78 - u. Uaed 4 month•, 47f-11241.·

WOIOIN OOH8CJQUaMII&B FOR BALE • Okl31J" eltctrlc atuve, RAJ8IfO GaOUP etHI.lq en make offer. Call 146-tee2. w~ n'-bte. (JaJJ m-ms. POTTERY, Pl!lWTER. batik TUTOiiiNG . Exp•rlenced tt•ach- acarveli .1: jewel!'ll; at The Pot­fr ~1!1!18,. Dlagnoatlc • ter't Wheel: 11000 ~ .... Preacrlptlve Services, cr.l! tH-2342. (near MVAl. Come broWae alii! A.ll'l'IQUB! MdHBICk matching ' watch us work - potter Nancy rocklnl chairs _ $100. pair. 474- Neupert; pewtteramllb Ancela Llv-e6111 lngaton. K-r t~2'..80, llat., 1 ....

lOIN OtJk 3 pfRj{)N CARPOOL FOUND - 14K aota ieddJnc i'lnr to vlolnlty of 11th "' Penn•ylvanla behind North ·End echool. 3411_:_3470: Ave., N.W. &:aO or 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. CUB IKJOUT UNIFORMS WANT­Sharp the drlvln&' or we'll drive ED • 474-~10. ' :rour •turn on your car. Oall Stan ;IN.;_,NEm;;;;;E"'D~o:Wli'~"'Blfi"'AB'6111f80Zi'llfi"'l111ik1111>~tr.:=or Zlrkin Blf-1521 or 346 .ati04 aft~r a 2 ~ar old. CaU *-otM ~fore 8 p.•.. 12 er after 4.


AccasWV. •. . . . -~~. ·. ; fr.IJOittfii . ;;a;;~•.····,:

• .- I ' - ....,,. •. ,Ji. .... ' ... Prh1ce a.;,... · · cit- b ~ld', -1!' 11 bt ·I cf tiiO

t.ena --- ""ether thll)"re lntel'tltild w .. mq ko!teN_,....e.lllltled to pea­in eaeln&' a 1110vle llbapplq M *be pie who loll~~ perldnc croaeey ltore or' ua1q a pu1111c tickets. The ~~ tldtetJI­tolepboae - wW be -NCI total muat be paid INIIiiH ee, ·a~~ par­a~b!Ut,y ·In - llulld1np u c:baae their new u- piK• for a ,.ult of ColaltJ Colulcll hila- 197'1. • latlon ~ lor public bear· Two lllb.lell!!!.t ,_."-.Col-In&' Novemhel 1& at 11 a.m. lege Park uaa"iitile bUm .... rei.

Sponsored by aeven Cou~ty Coun· were IU'I'I!Ite4 U tbey a&tempted cilmen. th.. propoaed lecfslatlon, to caab a fOI'IId ~"It a Joeal ~onaldered one of the up's .11108t bank..,.~~-ronipreh~nslve, .requlreli iiew··oon- ~011114 • .... ~.. ·; • • . struction or aubatanttal enlarge- nvolved In tift IUid ,IOterinP ment or repair of 1111 niitlnc buDd· In Prince ~ CawltJ, - · tug to be archltaotu.lly barrier A car ...,._.bla tht. ilclltn.y fffi! to li\I&I'&Dtee the handicapped Plaza ,.. ~ tWo·..,_ la­the IUII&·mlblllty oth,er cttlienl en- tar In ~ ~ A joy. car 1k11eD ..._._.... LUe

'"-rdlng to the. propollal. at WILl--' tll.llexl dlr In 117· least two percent of -tina ap&Ol' ~· No ~ were

.In ~bly halb muat be open for in eiUier ~. th011e In wbeelcbail'll; two percent a.t, VIIIIV~ BJO!ke. to of PIU'kln&' ~ In 1arp Iota the ~ <:lYle "-lllllon No­must be· ac:cw~ to the band!· ve.lllber a ll!Prdlnc ~rv pre-cqped and locllted cl08e to etc- veRt,~ov. ; .. , : · ··

vat~~ra and ramps, Aitcr ,f~VWI •·• of . 'l'lle propoaal l'ftiUirea •peclal _ _... ~ .. • ~. <·urb cute: aldewalkl scored or tex- ~ ::f ~~ In Ule ·tp·

ti!Md to Indicate .to _the blind thP ~ ~-~ · ·'t!C·a:: location of doora, and OM tenth lllv·~ · ~ , ¢ all bedroom units In botel and f · ' - · · motel complexea of 20 units or more ~~~~~..t-'1t:. . ---.. uat lit> U8ldlle ~ the bandl· 0118 - at Mt-.,..ppod. Olle. euaftj!r of all dwelllnc ferent loaltloaw In &be ollr· 'the units In apartme11t oomplexn of properlt' ~- l'ltllniiiiL 12ae lllb-20 unlta or more muat bf> ace-1- jeola wefl ~· with ....., lie and adaptable for uae by the and I.UIIM!'IIr' Mh'4au.ai. A toaal Pb.vllcall,y handicapped and at leaat of live 4llel ~--..... one dweUJng In alx be u18ble by Two ~. W '111terillp the dl18bled were repoNd ~ waek. A»-

Tile Coun~ Courtbo\1141 In Upp.r vlalon tJet • -"_ ._ • ~t Marlboro baa been Improved to were ltoleD liolil ao ..,a..ent \n 111eet m08t of tile bW'• require- SprJnch!U Lake. .A ahllili.IPiuiPD­menO.. Experta conalder the Coun- talnlnl U.S. l!aYiDP .~ -and ty Achnlnlatratlon . Bulkllnc, atilt miacel~ ~.!' .. wp_ i.aJct:n undl>r co111truetlon, to mret, and :n ff(lm a lloiU6 :--~ay. some CIUII'I, exc....d the pro)IOied A atudent repollted '.~ waa ro--buldlng pld!Wtt. bed of 1211 by t!Jrre ~Dille ma1ee

County oQiclala believe the prQ- on the ,roundl (/f Rooaevelt Hlch pOled bulldl011 oode revlalona wfti School. . . make Prince George's County a national forerunner In accearlblllty rcqulrer~~enta for handicapped.

In other types of ooJIItructlon. the bill make• similar atlpulatlo111 making eveeythlng from Ubraey atacka to owmmlnlf pools mol'f' ac· ceaalblllty to the handicapped,

B'nai Brith


· PORtii'~ _ ......... ,.;-... {IJiat. to ~'QIIIep

JIUk) . w.~~a .. o.~.a --~.---- ... "*'-'· ...... - ••••• .............,

'" ~~ ~ ... .-..

.. . Pip'

e~.'*~-~-it.;.,. ·• the nnlv ~~=ts· In ~e clcyofQ~ --ben mainly fi'OIII II\ Lde and o14 G.-belt. the cirll eJ!jo1 all ~da of f1ui•and adMtlee. 'l'lie)'

· are bcbUiinl the ~1, Jel&l '117 world~~& on tllelr oeramk 1114 potteey blldce-. Since vCaltlnl a potter It one of the ~ for tblt bldle, the allla plaB to

J!) to~a trorbbop where '_,.. pottery beiDa fired hL'IIII ldbl · . try' their banda. at l]aiiDf. 'ftlt1 alto make -~~ ..

In the -MUte tbe atria plan ir. Cbiltm.a ~. and IICJIIIetlllle In late .tanuait or NIJ February a Wbrter ~· . '1'1111 troop 'II ltlll trelcllllllnC netr memJie\'l wb9 are 'lltb. 8th . or ttb poaderl. 1'or ~p~~re Jnfonutkm caD ''"'r, l>ee 'l'oU. @l ...,r. The troop m..- on WMl.. ,~.,., p.m. at the Jlowatt 1lletbomlt Cbur~h ..

"the Cake C,.,._., ,.. .. ,., ...... ... ....... .......... ~,

...... , ......... . ................... Sun., Nov. 14 -~ :110 to ''11:0 p.m.

GrNnbelt Vot fire Dept. lreellllelt~fizzl. Sa' a.,

I'PI!I ~ _IIIA(lKING DJDUmOOII Soclat "all

125 Crescent Rd. Adults . $4.00

Cbll<k.en - auo under 12

DICkllelll .............., Oooklnc Door Prl .... - Ralllea

PIOCeeds to llourlt PbllenthroJifc Protects .

...•. NOW WEAR£·

Will's ' I

r -

,...y · i-~ Saus.ge Plua _ ...... - ... $S.N l!allu'MJ - PNe ........... drlall wltlt _,., -- .......

CRASS ·ftavOIM, ..................................... 99c a catiOn 16 o~: Cc,ai~\-........................... -.... $1.19 a· carton

,, .. n m.clttiiiiH sub • SnLL ONLY toe .

e Center


• u--..-F. he ·~·~ • ~Tie ::tr.Wktn • A fuD liae tf DIM, .. , Pal'·· .-.:~ ·-·· .. .-:~: ... • Anastrolll Place •• ,.. .,... Tie _,,.:,·;.

CAll. 937-4141 115tz-tl a.Jt'-on Blvd. (Bt.l) We are loeatH at Bel....._ (CIMM••t HUla SMppla& C.ter)

Open weekdaya 8-7 a.tuniq a:-."' .. , . SVND&Y, 1M

. .. , .. -"



Health Dept. Series On Hypertension

Learn to live with h1gh blood pressure, a new educational series, Is being offered by the Prince George's County Health Depart­ment.

The free series, opl'n to anyone Interested. will consist of four weekly sessions held between ' and 8:80 p.m. One group will meet Thundtly evenings at Greenbelt Junior High, Greenbelt and Ed­monston roods starting Nov. 18. Call 773-HOO ext. 241 to register.

The classes will review medical information about high blood pres­sure to hPip participants under­lltand why this condition leads tn morp serious problems such a.• heart disease and stroke. It will explain in simple lay terms how blood pn·ssure changes because of Blr(>SS, exercisP, common foods and Uvlns habits.

The Hypertension Con:rol Pro­grl.in also provides other services such 88 treatment center• where County residents mRy come for toereenlng, diagnostic testing and treatment of high blood pressure. It is estimated that one out flf four people who have this disease are not awarp of it until a compli­cation like stroke or heart attar!< ocrurs.

Rummage - Balce Sale The annual Rummage-Bake Sale

of the Mishkan Torah Sisterhood will be held on Sunday, November H from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and on Monday. November 15 from 10 a.m. to Bell-out.

151 Oeafennl1 Cll'f'C!nlleH, Mar)>land Z0110



KeenialiH Ke•w ~. T1u'keJ Slloo&

Boys ud lirll, acet e-12 and 1~ 16, ..._· lbyiled to compete In a llasketbaiiJIIill•bootln& contest held in -th~ -~ Lake and Youth Center ~. :. on Thurs., Nov. 18, at 7 ~~of 10 shots, will ~·a · QHt Certi · flcate ~ .towards the purchase Clf a. t~··;eompetltion will be held in'.ftboua aae categories. (J...-&.1t~f8' ·and Oirla' Club Re~n for iloys' and lOris'

Club B'Dketbalt 'ldll:' be held on Fr~· _ '0 In _ala ~prlng~lll Lake Rec n OiilUI' at 7.~· p.m. An '· 6terested in pJaying is encouNtiiid- to attend the meeting and· rpter. Adult voiunte.>rs are also Deeded to. serve In a nup~ber of WBlfl. Those Interested should conlt.dt · Basketball Commissioner Rlc~rweather at M!i-3691. H~ Co!ttume Parade Wlnnrrs

On saturday, Oct. 30, the Youth Centec .wu the scene of a gala Hallo!_~ party .. There wer~ over 200 ~le ip attendance, Those who ~i~Pe prizes for their colltumes were-vj9,11owe: Pre-School - Dan­ny Bopn,' Scariest; Ginger Smith, Prettt!lr::..Nicky Buema, Most Or­lrln~;Crades 1 and 2 -, Jessica Boul,"~iest; Alan Stern, Most Orlrinal; Scott Sl)ll!lett, Funnle!tl. Grades 3 and . ~ ~· Scruggs. Fat Woman; ·-1fonnle Johnson, WolfmaD.: Paul Reuben, Rice Kris­pies. Grade• 5 and 6 - Devon Drew, Mpus,e: Patty Os!ka, Betsy Ross; John Kerr, Robot. The Rrc. Depart.. wishes to extend tlwir congratulnt!ons to ali the winners

_..,..._.. ....... _. ··-··

)~k~-~EPAm " :'!Rhile U Woit-

:. Otsii&UNT 'P.RICfS

f~ny.PhuR "rt ........ ~Pf. Htt.ftuVflf Shu~l

Women's Championship Neet!U.. hapmemeats?

Super Sunday II coming early this year. On Sun., Nov. 1~ the women's flag football l!bamJIIonCC'· ship wlii be played. Last year's champ11 Miller's Marauders vs. Na­tional BIIS. The game - will be pl&yed on Braden Field at 2 p.m. Awards will be presented after the game. Pe<Jple are urged to come on down and che"r.

Call John 8peclalbiJll Ill <JMuale 'l'lle ...

Jlltdaea . ..._., 8klenlal. .....

Joe, brlvewan, • 0111 ..,..._

and would like to thank all who attended this year's party.




Hamilton Place G-wt, Mar)'lud

TWO BEDROOM HOMES ..... $15,300.00 -2 br. corner, nice yards 'on all llklee; new kitchen & bathroom; refinished floors.

$16,900.00 -2 br. middle; improvement& - good location.

$14,484.00 . 2 br. middle with large yard extend­ing out to. woods - improvements & nice equip­ment.

SI0.500.00 or BEST OFFER · I br. corner frame apt. - private entrances; largo fenced yard.

Othl'r l. 2 & br. homes listed from $10,290.00 to $2o,OOO.OO

~':nnnc:ng nvallablr on all listings.


l'.tary E. Dixon

Broker Gffi Hom(>Qwnera Take Notice: .. ~ .• ~.,,. Ill ~ ..... \

If you have outcrown your 1"'* :,Ut' 'til 1 ~ 474-4161 .474-<1244 474-<1331 TownhoUSe In Greenbelt. sec .one

1; ·-::~~:::J:li:lC:::;;;;.:;:.:;::.:;,;:;__!,.__,-----_:.----_::..:._:_:.:_ ____ .:.:,:=:.:.----!.

of our newly lleted bomea: Wham: Seabrook Acree Es­

tate: $48,1100. 3 Bedroms C.A. Brick and Fnune Rambler - 2 Bath•. Home on corner lot over 1/4 ·acre beautifully landscaped. A Must To~!

Talwlila Park: New Hampshire Gaitfrns: VA Appral8ed $&11,1100. 3 Bedroom C.A. Brick Colonial - 2 Fireplaces. Sellers leaving for rlorlda. Will leave many


College Park: Hollywood: $44,950. 3 Bedroom Rambier-Rec. room, Family room 5% down can buy YIIU this immaculate home.

Bowie: Glendale: $52,1160. Beautiful Brick Rambler 3 Bedrooma, 2 full Batba, hup level backyard up to woods. Home on dead end street in prestli<' area.

Greenbelt: 'BUY OF THE WEEK: $12,1100. Freehly painted. 2 bedroom Frame Townhouse with almost new Wall tO Wall C&rpetinl. Own6 out of &I'M and anxloua 'to sell.

a Bedroom Malonry ideal loca­tion .acrou from Eiemi!D~ School and Library. Priced below apprailed price - $Jt,IIOO.

8 Bedroom End Frame Town­bouM'wlth hill• yard. UUilO.

.a Bedroom Brick clDR to Cen­ter. Parquet Floon, Walk up .Attic and many extru. $27,000.

1 •JiM- Haaonry Town­boUle wlth Country Kitchen ,aJI,IIIIO.


.9431 Annapolis Road, Lanham, Maryland · <next to bart Home center>

577-9011 ... Wall to ·wall special for Greenbelt residents D.R., L.R., UPPer hall and steps l.ail for frame house - Plush or SC\IIptured. $343.87 plus tax, 41.33 yards max. .av- D.R., L.R., foyer and steps for brick house - plush or sculptured. $416.60 plus - tax, 50 yards max.


Easy CrrdU Terms

Avallablto CARPET SALE Repr...,..ntlng _"a&C,' C:C~ 50 C&J'liM MiliA Mll*r ()harp

My Deep

0 .. -.,. '" ... .. .. .... '"


~d Gratitude

for Your


Support on

Election Day

Authority of Joaeph KcBrlde, Treuurer

Thu1adaJ. November· u. 1WI8




( 1 l For the young couple . who are Jooklna for a very lnexpea· slve home to pt their 1tart. We have a 2 bdrm. frame home Jn Greenbelt. that offen, patio aad backs up to woods, for an •· believably low price of ·a.~r $12,700. You muet hurry on -one.

(2) For the family who wloll.tl a 3 bedrm. Greenbelt home, 111M otrera woods and o~n fields Ia rear, plus tenced yard, wuller, dryer and large storaae shed. Located In the 24 court of Rlclce Rd., and the total ptlce is 0111)' $14,900. It's vacant, for qulc* possession.

(Sl ·How about a 2 bedrm. houae with addition in the 8 court of Laurel HUI,. with wuher, w/w carpet, 2 window &/C and 1torqe llhl!d; plus plenty ot closet space. Total price $15,9110. A real bar­gain.

< 4 l $18,1100, buys a 2 beclrm. home In CoUqe Park, feat11rlni lire­place In Uv.-rm. be&utiful rec.­rm. in baaement, and washer A dryer. You can get thll h-e on FHA or VA tel'lllll with "' rate. Call 34~2151, see it today.

<5> $40,000. and that's VA ..­praised buJII a 4 bedrm. home also In Collep Park. This home has sep, din. rm .. wuher, deyer, and fenced yard. Thll Is an older home wlth storm windo~• and doors. Also VA terms with 8% rate.

(6) $~3.900, can get you a really f\ne 3 bedrm. rambler, .wid~ large eat-In kitchen, beautiful r~c.-rm. that has wet bar, w/w carpet, patio and fenced yard. Call 345-2151 and le~ KASH help y~u.

(7) $57.500 Ls the VA appraised value on thll all brick 3 bedrm., 2 full bath spilt-level home In New c_,rollton, a few of the extraa Include Fireplace rec.-.rm., sep. din. rm. cent. ale, wtw carpet. carport and fenced yard. A real pleuure to show. Owner was askln1 $82,1100.

'!i <8> sei,IIOO, loCBt~ In Good Luok Eltatell just 2 bloeka off Good Luoll Rd., ~~ II one~ tbe ll1111t1 11-11 t'Oii will ever .,t ta IDI)leet. Here J1N an pttlq 4 bedrml., a filii bathl. lap. dia. rm., ftrepiace Ia rec. rm., cent. ate, w/w.ccrpet, dllhwuher.wa­•her, drier, carpOrt an~ covered

111otlo that overlookl parklt.ad wltll tennll courts. 'l'hl1 11 a •Pilt-level home with 4 Ieveii "'I extrlllllely well kept and hlclllY Improved ~ru-out, a real beauty.

We would like to remind every· one, that there 11 plenty of mort­Pif! mon•y available at thll time, and the ·lntf~Wt rate1 have been reduced Co . make It even more attractin to buy a hoilae now. Call 8411-UBl and , let Kuh help -you.


i!RIIICE G~CRG"•e GREI:. ·~ef' r - , cou~vry A'£ 11 CREsc~ BiW,~fl . MORJ.:.L LIBRARY

GRtENBELT~~~:~N - .

111 tllllw..laie Avence ·lreenbelt l4' .IHrease I• Charces ..

l»:r Al a.lalk I The Jllaiic .flaure was $53,000. '1'hil W8l the amouot that the

Greenbelt Homes, Inc. 1977 budpt prepared by 1D8D8P1' Ror ...,. 1..--nt IWSPAIII Breashears had to be cut in order for tbe ineftue In moD~ T __.,_"' N operating charges to be kept below 10 pen:eDt. The bylaws n-

1\tWs 1\roitw v .. w ... ume.-.,,;,.,;;3.;i9,:..N;;.;um,;;;;be.;;;;:.r..;5::::3;_ __ ~r;;REENBEll:=::::::::f,::,:..IIAR::::;'YLAND.;:.::::,:;_ __ Th;;,;u:.;.rsda::;;~Y,:..N;;.;o;.;ve;.;;;m;,;be;.;r:..l;.;B;.:.' .;.111;;.;7.;.6 quire that a special membership 1JM!1tiD1 be eded to act on m - increase of 10 percent or more. · ·


by AI Skollllk The city council, at its Monday, November 15 meeting, picked

up the cudgels for Greenbelt bus tommuters by requesting the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) to justify its proposal for eliminating express buses from Greenbelt to downtown District of Columbia.

Accordlng to information receiv- Its of the proposal to eliminate the eel by the councl~ Greenbelt is one SQuthway entrance to the B-W of the few areu where complete Parkway, the city. has been upset elimination of expreee buaes hU bdca\Uie it wu not., ~oUIIed speci­been propoeed. In other areas, tile flcally of the BHA decllion to W.MA TA proposal 11 to continue- Jlllrchase and the deolalon to BeCUre express busee by rerouting them so . approval of such purchase from the that they would end at a Metro- • Ji'ederal Hlgbway Administration. rail station rathPr than down- District BHA Enllneer M:. s.

_ town (the so-eaiied bus rail ln- Caltrider dPnies the latter charge. terface plan>. In his letter of October 28 to State

The Grt't'nbeit proposal, which Sen&t..- Edward Conroy, he stated: Involves Routre R-11. R-12, and "The State Highway Administration R-15, would not only eliminate ex- 1)68 not evaded or avoided its re­press service, but would t~rmln- 8ponslbUIUes relative to the elU­ate all thP lines at th~ Stadium- lzrns of the area. All measures Armory METRO station. The 'taken by the state Hllhway Ad­change Is scheduled for July 1977. ministration have been completely

Grt't'nbeit commuters have sign- open and available to th~ pubiir, ed petitiOns protesting this action including tho local elected offlclnl• on the grounds of expense and In- of the several munlelpalilies in­ronvenienc~. The proposed bus-rail volvrd." plan will, according to the eommu- Mayor Gil Wcldcnfl>id stated ters, almost double the lime re- that the city was never given an qulred to I" downtown, when one opportunity to make Ita views considers transfer time. onlv local known to the Federul authorities. bus service, etc. In addition, thP Caltrider said that no action will r08t of commuting wlii rlse spec- be taken to colllltruct the lnter­taculariy - perhaps 90 percent - chan~~:e and ulle the subject pro­as separate fa~• wtii han to be perty until all enlineerlnl hu paid and the distance traveled on been · completed, puMie hearinp the MllTRO will ~ one of dHt heW, an<t atl plam ..,oved. He loni'Mt In the ~Yfi-. saM It waa neceuary lo pu!'Chdle

The eounell ull:ed WMATA to this property as a protective mea­explain how this chance would lm- sure since the properly was to he prove service for commutera. u•ed by Capital Cadillac if the SHA

<a1J1e TV did not move when It did.

Proposed county iePIIation pro- Otlter lllatt.t•n vidlng for the franchising of cable The oouncll went on record ac-televiaion syateme In the _,unty knowledflnr Greenbelt · CARES, has up1et the city council, mainly Jnc'1 elllltence aa an oraanization because it feela that the. propoeal concerned with the operation of does not adequately recosnlze the the Youth 8crvices Bureau and dl­interest of municipalltlea. rccted that the· clty 1taff provide

The propo•ed county leri•latlon copies of Informational material <CB 150) would limit the munl~lpal and reports to Greenbelt CARES, options to transferring its rights to Inc. that are made available to tho the county or trying to negoliat<' council. with a cable operator already oe- The council approvrd the rxpt•n­IPctl'd by the county. According to diturc of $18,000 for expenses rt•lu­tlw dty. the bill ov~rlookB the sub- ted to the Municlpul Building nd jed of how rewnues will be dis- dillon, includlng architect ft•cK, trlbuted, as well ns the problems test borings, flUng fee•. etc. The of bonding and indemnification expenditures arQIIc at thla. time be­for service within a municipality. cause the city has been workiniJ

The city suggested that !herr overtime .to file o.n application for might be another alternative for a Federal grant under recently en­municipal participation, naQ~ely, acted public worlts leglllatlon, several contiguous municipalities amounting to $282.860. Th• Fed­unltlni In thP public lntPreet to etal lllconomlc Development ·Ad­provide rabie service to their re- ministration wlll ·be makln1 deel­sidonts to the pxcha,elon of the . slona on ouch appiicatlona wllbln county ayatem. 60 daya. . · ·

In aJJY ~vrnt, council Ul'l(ed ~ The coull,)l lllf""VI!d the PM• arr cooperation on tbe part of· th.~ ~nt of an .ui'&Dce coneul­~onntv and munlclp.tltlll and lllll'i - •to, .. au'* IJit city'• exlltln1 ge•ted that CB-1110 be rejrctrd 0~ ldfunn* co+el'lofe and liability lablrd until tbP munqlpalll- • •d make ~Qtnmendatlona have had a full opportun{t)' to ri- u to chan1ee Utat ml1ht be lnati. view the biD and make recommen- tuted. Such aervlcea are eaumated tlatlona. Tbe oouncn t11ou1ht lt. eo oost: tt,.e. IOIDewba.t IUifJ)Ieloue that hearlnla The -" -,.,~ ·~ .. ll'~t· were IICbednled so hurriedly (No¥. 1111' of r. --- lli!JfdaJ to be ta-18). . N at a tilDe ~ted by tbP

......, a& Gelb 'llllaiiP 41ttf _ampl0fe41, to ailke up for tbe Tbe city re.lva · ooplea ot cor:- " 4q atra bolkkf Ul1lally tran­

I'IIIJIIIII4eDc ~ ~ county ftltd. • tile .,. ~ -~*- and de!lllltOil an4 4lie ~ · m.hway .... 1'elli'a. · AdDI1nlltratlon reglrdllll the SHA's Counclllnan Tom White· brouebt declalon. to purehllle '""" of the kl ooullllll'a -.ttentlon problema that Qalden 'l'rlallale for a Baltlmo,._ haft ....... wl~. reapect Co al­Wuhlnston Parkway hilhwr.y Jepd !iir.deqats palling at Green­ramp. brtar. The council, directed the

Alide from questlonlnl the mer- city manacer to keep OJ' top of

WHAT GOES' ON Thura., Nov. 18, , II p,m. Giji

Board MeetiDIJ, Hamilton Pl. Frl,, -Nov. 19, 8:118 a.m.-4 p,m,

E. Rooaeveit Open Houle. Tllun. Nov. 26. 10:118 a.m. Inter­

faith Thankqlvlnl Service, st. Ht11h'1 Church •

the subjeel. ·

WANTED Tbe Nt'lWII Ke¥1- need1 per­

sons to he)p proofread on Wed­nl!llday nllhta, or oec»IOD41 Wedneeday nlchts. There 11 nominal pay. If ln~eet@d, can 474-41108 or 474-6310.

Ill ... LI ltllr lr111 The GHI board of directors car- tlon In o~ ehargel wu ecm­a rled out ltl mllalon weD. At Itt tiqeJley re.ernL The orlltnal Thunday, November 11 llleetlq, blldlet called tor .ttlnc ulde. &be.

A community development block grant II not the only l'ederal aid Greenbelt Home., Inc. Ia eeeJdna. The board of dlrecton at Ita Thura­day, November 11 meeUna author­ized the m&na~ement to l'lliUbmlt a requeat to the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for a solar energy J~emonstratio~ grant. .

An earlier proposal for a aollir energy facility for 44-46 Ridge Rd. <80 unital was denied by HUD on the grounda that the eeUDiated costs were hllh, there wu no plan for Insulating thl' homes, and there were some technical engineerlnc flaws. ·

HUD subsequentl7 lndioaled Ulat they would be l'l\Ceptive to a pro­posal that Involved fewer unlta. Therefore, am is proposing u an alternate a grant for se ·Ridge Rei. 118 unital. It is a1ao making the technical correction• requested b)' HUD. .

it cut liCit juat $68.000, but $14,000. - .__,. u ID the current Actually, the cub were mudl ,..... (1J'7t) JM!' - Sl&.1tt for the frame ter, but they were -offlet by· a oontinPDC)' fUDd, -s .... for coet-of-llvlnl Increase lf&Dled em- tfle brldL Tile bDald decided to ployeea. In addition, nveral In· 10 back Co the f-ula u.d Ill ear­come ltema not connected with Uer yeara - $JO,QOO ud $10,000, memben' charges were lllcreued. thua eflecUnc a cut ol $11,881. The net effect, however, 'W&II to re- The next 1ar1eet Item 1I'U deJe. lleve memben' monthly cbargea tioa of the ~-.-at draiiiJ. by $84,000. aan'a job at a •Ylllp ol $12,000.

In percentace tennt. the inereue GHI Ill hopef1ll of pttlq·.ome l'ed-in &peratlna coett Cllllle to U Per· eral manpower fwlda to help In cent. Conwd.ed to tatU IIIOIIthly IIWq Ulll job. ~ aut 1I'U

cbarl" to 111emllen, which IDCiuda •oon In til. ..._..ts'llullDJ pro­prhaclpal ud lnterNt paymentt pua, lelwiDC a baluae ol flltlil' on tbe 1a0rtpp, the averap in· for tldl uti~. The =•-• crease wu even lea, 8.4 percent. al80 .-oed tbllt tt ..,.... an I

Th1l II becaule the amortization ee,IOO Ia fllel oil OOita bJ ~ payments are a fixed amount from ..tvutace of a ~ ~ year to year. For the brick b01111!8, thll year for prompt ,.,m.t ol t]Je averap In~ wtJJ be_. bUlL Other cub! oonc.Md ·tlub wbat lower than 8.4 percent; frame -ilOilee*loll ~ (...., ad homes, ~ewh~. hlper:. worklnr oapltal _.,.. hilda

MaJor._ ($5,100).

Tbe items tllat ~ major dlla­ r- -i-

Aa for Insulation, the board 1111- sreement.e at Thunclay'a meetina proved lncludina In the propoaal were !he e1H of the coat-of-Uvlna a prototype. insulatlon program for lncreue,. whether to up the lnlpec­demonstrotion units. The coat& of tor'a fee at reaale, whether to IIUb­lnsuiatlon are about $1,000 per unit. sldlle the cost of wall paint provided·

On t!te lnoome lllde, the lloard apprOYed an lncreaie of 11 a 1110ntb 4n boat Uld praae ,... etrectlve .January l, 1tl'l'f, wlllab would yield an addlt!Oilal sa,m for the year. The new rentall /fir the pracea wo!lld be UJ a -th • for the cloeed and S9 for the 0JM11L The boatyard rentall wiD be tT-es. 'The board a1lo approved t1ie man­apr'l eetta-te that fees and 00111· miU!ons hom tfle · aale of ~ bY OBI wiD ~ anotfler StO,I!OO 1ft

lluman RelaUoaa CommJMion by melllben, and whether or, not The board was Informed that G- to cut tile budJet beyond the min­

HI olllclala were subpoanaed to ap- lmum SSII,OOO. pear before the county .Human Re- The liPBt In the board over the laUona CommlMlOn on Dec. & with pay raile occurred between thoae rL'I&fd to a requeet by two unrela- who aupported the '" ooat-of-llvlnl ted persons <male and female) to I ncr- contained In the orillnal purchase a Giu unit. lna4pt end UaoM who eupJIC)lted

The mutual ownenhlp contract "·tile S.t,.. Jncreue riii)OIIIIIIended ·pwo\old .. that OCIIIlp&llOJ ot-.,._ · ~.-.~~ 'aJ shall b6 co.-tned to tbe ~~· ~ciltlle Pe!'IMII8t Colli- ~ ual member and 11t1 IIIIIM4late ... .-J41hl lltudlel h.a~ 1hown family. om hal lnterlft'litecl t!lis thd. tile II.K wu tile llllnlnum provielon as mean ins' that unrela- n_...., to IIHP lllarlfll, com­t<'d persona cannot pllrcbue a unit pet'Jtlve with thoae who ~ploy in joint tenancy. GHI hu also ob- the lUIIe type of craftiiMII tha~ jected to havlnl the a~cnatures of GRI emptoy1. There 'IIU ~ two unrelated penon• on the sam& lfeement O"ler the aeeond 'pait of· cQntract because of the lepl com- the Pei'IIOIIIIel coaunlttee'l rel!om-, plication• that arise in case of mendation for aelectlve hlcrtaaes separatloflll. ~ on a proportionate balll a~~~ount-

Smolr~ Dfotooton <ng in the aarepte to about u~ of payroll.

The board received a proposal for installing smoke detectors In ali Gm homes at an estimated cost of $86,000. Because of the many que.t!one railed as to th" type ot smoke detector to use, the matter was <ll'lerred to commltteP.

3 Greenbdt Youths llurt In A~~ideat "'

Three Greenbelt :youths were In­jured in an automobile accident on November 7 at 11:11 p.QI. The 17 year old driver lost contioi of the car on Reaearob and BeavPrdarn Roads and cruhecl into a telephone pole and aeveral tNel. "l"be Green­belt Volunteer ll're Department and Rescue · Scpaad tr&Mpotted thfl InjuN! Cll ht.or'a &spital in Lanham. R~ tO the ~eene wu the

U.S. Parit 9oJ1De wiiO · uid that hlp • ~ . .., 'the -@ of the llllddent.

Director Kary Clarlre'l motion for a 4" p&J hike was defeated with iupport carnered only from director Don Volk. Tbe board th~n voted for a &.9')1. liicreue, wlilrh .together with the s•lectlve incr~RS<'· of 1.3,%. lncreued the budget bv about $2e.600 OYer the $34,800 ln­crPMP. already allowed in the ori­ginal budpt.

Another split' decision. which was decided only wben om preeident Jim Smith cut &II alllrmatlvo vote, was to up the inspector'• fee• upon rM&Ie fi'OIII "2 to 160 per unit. Thla meuure wo~ot brtnr ln an extra su• iler ,ear. A motion t!lat wu defeated on a snllt vote ·wu Volk'a to have GHI lllbDilse <at ..__,., a ""a.r> the ooet of paint ~~ by ltllilllllben wlllhln' to ,~~ .. the:r lldlna· . . 'J ;· •.. ,,. .... .....

Tbe re(IIUdq ~Seela!olll on ln­dlftNII ~ ~ ;'lfllldfl ..-fth Jltae~ ~tel'jlt:1 ,...~,...'lteia coatrl'utllll. m. the' "' 1100 r~dn~-

mr.· I

·' ....... .....-:, ~---· W.lllial ................ .

ted to ...... - , . ...,_. 9!11' 1t'ft ot ..... Tbe ...,. u... maklDI' UJ tllll 1-... PQ­~u r.ad Nlate4 CIDIU ttttt.•), real~~· (111,800). IICIIItlell' ($81,000), capital ~ laUI JlllriDentll <..,*). en4· .aterJal an4 eJeatrlclly .... ( .. ,000), Off·

.... th- liiel'ellljt - -111.0110 In lDweletl f1(el oil coati,

...- Ill· '--11 collm« worll,

.... u aJnMt- ~···-­reda«lon Ill IICIIItiii.-Y -Before lldeptlllf the 1111!11 ,_.

1.et . 4\~to!'l .. KarJ Clarke ancl VIJYinla Jl(orysdu pll!&ded that tfle board limit Its a~~t to 111!.000 IIG u to mulmtae tbe lneom~ to the corporetloll. Cllorke felt thllt .the lllloJI&I!er'e t8tim•tes on lncomP. from reaal" ·needed h...trctntt &lid allo noted that the frame home re­aei'V"I were danlferoualv low. 811t th• malorll.'l' f~ thllt thr,... WI'•~ other 01)tlmtatlc fllrton in thP of­lin" not flllhr reftectrd In th~ 1m bllil.-ot. 8Uch ·,.. eavllln on fuel oil ~~~ fM""'\ cr"'~·".,.., .. .., tM lte&lll bMt !'lantll to bot water.

Mews Review Deadline Next ,..ek'1 !aiM of the News

Review w1U be pllbltlhecl on Wed· neaday ~ of the Thanb· rlvlnr hoHda,. The deadline for 111bmlalon of artlcl" and ad­vertlaint 1l'lll be Monday nlgbt IDitea4 of the usual Tueaday.

·k-......... ·tbrtiMMjpaiiWt noted that IIIQit ~Moldela• -caused w alcohol.~· .... f.:tlure of the ~ ·! e ~. attenUon to ...... ;. •. • ·llllid tbe Park Pollitt· l!ri .. oa• mOll!. frequen$1 . ..._ - --~ lnl and i!Yellbil· rilh ._,_ an4

The City Council Ia -kllll resumea from Greenbelt residents

who are lntereMecl In •rvlnl on olt)' boards or commlu-.

Vaoanolea aurnmtly eiiMt 011 the

notecl. Ulat -t ~n- CICCIIrred on l'&lllpll. . . .

The 'fladi · NIOe tllllldatlon II located olf GfeeMiit RaU Ill the Greenbelt N..._.l'arll, Worltlnr r.round the ~: Ia a C.. ef 2.1 prlvatee, ~ oe ..... aa<l (!lie .lleu­t~nant. Their j~ Includes the B(t.ltlmore--WMid!llton Park­way from· Jeeaup tO ibe D.C. Line, Greenbelt N!\tlonal Park, Agricul­tural Center Plant lndllltrl", Pa­tuxmt Wildllf• Refuc•. Plant In­troductloll Btatlml, D. C. Children'• Oenttr, Oedar KnoiiJ and Maple Glttl.

Advisory Planlllnc Board Park and Ree....,n Advlaory Board Advisory ar-tlttee on Elderly Houalng )(etropolttan Wubln,ton Council of Government•

Cltisens Advlaory Commltteea on 1 - Public Safety 2 - Human Resources

and lntereeted periOna may obtain fuJ:ther laformation by

oat1l!ll Ute Clty oalgH, 47,-38'1'0 or 474-8000.

Gudrun H. Mills

City Qerk


• •• 'I.

,. ...


I. I

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