a case study in attacking keepass

Post on 21-Apr-2017






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A Case Study in Attacking



Red Teamer, Hunter, Capability Dev

UnmanagedPowerShell | RAT developer | PowerShell Junkie


Offensive Engineer and Red Teamer

Co-founder of Empire/EmPyre | PowerTools | Veil-Framework

PowerSploit/BloodHound Developer


◈ KeePass Overview◈ “Attacking” KeePass

⬥ KeePass.config.xml, key files, and more⬥ Existing Work (KeeFarce)⬥ KeeThief⬥ The KeePass Trigger System

◈ Demos◈ Mitigations

Our Big Point

If a password vault is unlocked, the key material likely has to be somewhere in the process space,

so we can probably extract it.

But this doesn't mean you shouldn’t use a password manager!!!


KeePass Overview

Architectural Backgroundand Offensive Motivations



◈ A “free, open source, light-weight and easy-to-use password manager”⬥ 1.X is unmanaged C++ code⬥ 2.X is C#/.NET

◈ Most commonly used password manager we’ve seen in corporate environments⬥ Self-contained/not hosted ‘in the cloud’

2.X Key Material Options

KeePass Security Protections

◈ Strong Crypto⬥ 6000 encryption rounds to prevent dictionary

attacks (though KeePass is now in HashCat ;)◈ Secure Desktop

⬥ Similar to UAC, allows for the entering of a master password on a different desktop to combat keyloggers, but not enabled by default

◈ Process Memory Protection⬥ RtlEncryptMemory/RtlDecryptMemory

KeePass and DPAPI

◈ The Data Protection API (DPAPI) is used to encrypt key material for the ‘Windows User Account’ setting⬥ Mixes the current Windows user account in with

the master password/or keyfile to create a composite master key

◈ The user’s DPAPI master key is used to encrypt/decrypt a KeePass-specific ‘blob’

Recovering DPAPI Key Material: Restore-UserDPAPI.ps1

Process Memory Protection

◈ Sensitive data chunks (such as the master password) are stored as encrypted blobs in memory by using RtlEncryptMemory() and RtlDecryptMemory()

◈ The “SameProcess” scope is set, so only the KeePass process can decrypt the in-memory strings!⬥ Encryption keys are in kernel land

“Attacking” KeePass

KeePass.config.xml, key files, and more


Identifying KeePass

◈ If running:⬥ Get-WmiObject win32_process | Where-Object

{$_.Name -like '*kee*'} | Select-Object -Expand ExecutablePath

◈ If not:⬥ Get-ChildItem -Path C:\Users\ -Include

@("*kee*.exe", "*.kdb*") -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Select-Object -Expand FullName | fl

⬥ ls $env:APPDATA\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\ | ?{$_.FullName -match 'kdb|keepass'}

Identifying KeePass

Cracking a KeePass Database

◈ HashCat 3.0.0 (released 6/29/16) now includes support for KeePass 1.X and 2.X databases (-m 13400) thanks to @Fist0urs⬥ keepass2john lets you extract a crackable hash (use

latest version for key file support)


◈ Located at C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\KeePass\KeePass.config.xml or in the folder of a roaming installation

◈ The ‘KeySources’ section has some interesting information...


Finding/Parsing KeePass.config.xml’s

◈ KeePassConfig.ps1 in KeeThief includes Find-KeePassconfig:

Nabbing Key Files With WMI

◈ But what if key files are on a removable USB drive?

◈ We drew inspiration from Matt Graeber’s BlackHat 2015 “Abusing Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) to Build a Persistent, Asynchronous, and Fileless Backdoor” presentation

Nabbing Key Files With WMI

◈ The extrinsic WMI event Win32_VolumeChangeEvent fires every time a USB drive is inserted and mounted

◈ Non-reboot persistent option:⬥ Register-WmiEvent -Query 'SELECT * FROM

Win32_VolumeChangeEvent WHERE EventType = 2' -SourceIdentifier 'DriveInserted' -Action {$DriveLetter = $EventArgs.NewEvent.DriveName;if (Test-Path "$DriveLetter\key.jpg") {Copy-Item "$DriveLetter\key.jpg" "C:\Temp\" -Force}}

New-WMIBackdoorAction Modification

Registering the Trigger

Register-WMIBackdoor -Trigger $(New-WMIBackdoorTrigger -DriveInsertion) -Action $(New-WMIBackdoorAction -FileClone)

Existing Work(KeeFarce)


KeeFarce Release

◈ Released October 2015 by Denis Andzakovic (denandz)⬥ https://github.com/denandz/KeeFarce

◈ Allows for the export of an unlocked KeePass database to a .CSV on disk!

“KeeFarce is not a threat...”

-Dominik Reichl (KeePass Author)


KeeFarce Process Part 1

1. Loads a malicious ‘bootstrap’ .DLL from disk into KeePass using VirtualAllocEx()/CreateRemoteThread() to force a call LoadLibraryA()

2. The .DLL loads the .NET CLR and then loads a custom .NET assembly from disk

3. The malicious assembly loads CLR MD and attaches to the current KeePass.exe process

KeeFarce Process Part 2

4. Assembly uses CLR MD to walk the KeePass heap, searching for KeePass.UI.DocumentManagerEx objects

5. Loads the KeePass assembly with reflection and instantiates a KeePass.DataExchange.PwExportInfo object

6. KeePass.DataExchange.Formats.KeePassCsv1x is instantiated, params set, and the export method is invoked to export db to csv

KeeFarce Disadvantages

◈ In KeeFarce’s current state, the following files have to be on disk:⬥ BootstrapDLL.dll (.DLL that’s loaded),

KeeFarce.exe (launcher), KeeFarceDLL.dll (malicious assembly), Microsoft.Diagnostic.Runtime.dll (CLR MD)

◈ No PowerShell weaponization◈ .NET 4+ (ClrMD)◈ Only exports DB contents


Our Approach



◈ PowerShell 2.0-compatible tool to extract the database key material from an opened KeePass database⬥ Uses a patched version of Microsoft’s CLR MD⬥ Most of the work is in a C# assembly⬥ Can be executed without a file touching disk!

◈ Also includes a patched KeePass version to reuse the extracted key material

m_pbData:Decryption key materialencrypted by RtlEncryptMemory

1. PowerShell script loads a custom.NET assembly

2. Custom assemblyloads .NET 2.0 backport of ClrMD

3. ClrMD locates CompositeKeyobject

4. ClrMD locates references to to key classes

5. ClrMD locates and extracts encrypted key material

6. Assembly injects shellcode to decrypt key material

7. Extracts plaintext key material

The KeePass Trigger System

Exfiltration Without Malware….yes, really


KeePass’ Trigger System

◈ Version 2.X of KeePass has an available event-condition-action trigger system⬥ Specified in the

<TriggerSystem>...</TriggerSystem> section of the active KeePass.config.xml, which is nearly always modifiable

◈ We can use this to exfiltrate a database on opening, or when specific entries are copied to the clipboard!

KeePass’ Trigger System

◈ Interesting triggers:⬥ Opened database file / Copied data to clipboard

◈ Interesting actions:⬥ Export active database

⬦ Available “KeePass CSV (1.x)” format!⬦ Accepts \\UNC paths as well as URLs!

⬥ Execute command line / URL⬦ Invoke arbitrary .VBS/.PS1/etc.

.VBS Trigger

Auto-backdooring Triggers

◈ KeeThief’s KeePassConfig.ps1 also includes Add-KeePassConfigTrigger to insert malicious triggers into a KeePass.config.xml

◈ Find-KeePassconfig | Add-KeePassConfigTrigger⬥ -Action <X> : either ‘ExportDatabase’ or




All Is Not Lost


The Key Issue

◈ Ultimately, if a database is unlocked, the key material likely has to be somewhere in the process space, so we can probably extract it

◈ Current desktop OS architecture cannot prevent this attack

◈ Can’t protect against features (triggers)

Detection/Things to beware of

◈ Host based monitoring (Sysmon,Carbon Black, etc.)⬥ Cross-process interaction (OpenProcess,

ReadProcessMemory, WriteProcessMemory, CreateRemoteThread)

◈ PowerShell Module/Script Block Logging◈ WMI Events◈ Monitor changes to the KeePass config file

from non-KeePass processes


◈ Denis Andzakovic - Creator of KeeFarce◈ Matt Graeber’s PIC_BindShell

⬥ Generating shellcode from C-code in Visual Studio⬥ https://github.com/mattifestation/PIC_Bindshe

ll◈ Microsoft’s ClrMD - .NET memory analysis

⬥ https://github.com/Microsoft/clrmd


Any questions?

@tifkin_ and @harmj0y

Get KeeThief: https://github.com/HarmJ0y/KeeThief

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