a case study in nationalism: german unification, 1815-1871

Post on 23-Feb-2016






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A Case Study in Nationalism: German Unification, 1815-1871. Meeting of all the German Confederation monarchs, 1863. Setting the Scene: The Congress of Vienna. Blue = Prussia Yellow = Austria Gray = other German states. Creation of the German Confederation (GC) 39 states, led by Austria - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


A Case Study in Nationalism: German Unification, 1815-


Meeting of all the German Confederation monarchs, 1863

Setting the Scene: The Congress of Vienna

• Creation of the German Confederation (GC)– 39 states, led by Austria– Prussia allowed to be independent

AND part of GC

• Major powers of GC were rivals– Austria: Hapsburg dynasty to

South of GC– Prussia

• Military power in North

Blue = PrussiaYellow = AustriaGray = other German states

Austria and Prussia, mid 19th Century

• Austria weak– Nature of Empire (11

nationalities, 15 languages spoken)

– Struggle with nationalist movements

– Lost Russia as ally in 1850s (Crimean War, Slavic nationalism

Austrian Empire Coat of Arms

Austria and Prussia, Mid 19th Century

• Prussia strong– Most industrialized

state in Germany• More coal, iron than

Austria• Better and longer road,

rail network– Favorable trade

alliances with GC states & standardized currency

– Superior leadersPrussian coat of arms

Prussian Leaders• Kaiser Wilhelm I (1799-

1888)– Soldier, diplomat: not well

educated (3rd son of dad)– “Prince of Grapeshot”:

turned cannon on own people during Const. crisis in 1848

– Became king in 1861– Appointed good people to

run State

Prussian Leaders• Otto Von Bismarck (“The Iron

Chancellor”)– Appointed Minister-President by

Wilhelm I in 1862• Conservative who supported

Monarchy• Incredibly loyal to Kaiser

– Goals• Unify North German States• Weaken Austria• Make Berlin center of Germany• Strengthen King of Prussia against

Parliament, called the ReichstagBismarck as Chancellor, 1871

Plan for German Unification: Phase One

• Prussia went to war against Denmark, took land (circled)

• Then fought Austrians in 1867 (7 week war)– North German

Confederation created, under Prussian control

– Austria promised to stay out of NGC affairs, pay reparations ($ for war)

Red = PrussiaSalmon =Other NGerman StatesGray = SouthGerman States

Hot pink line is Boundary of NGC

Franco-Prussian War, 1870-71• France was afraid of

Prussia getting stronger• Bismarck used diplomacy

to isolate France from allies– Russia, Italy promised to

stay neutral in war• Provoked war with France:

“The Ems Telegram”– Ems a resort– French demanded public

withdrawal– Bismarck sent along two

copies……Germany threatening France

(French newspaper cartoon, 1870)

Franco Prussian War, 1870-71• French mobilize 100k

reg. troops, declared war against ALL of Germany– Result: Southern German

states join NGC– Fr. figured their army

would grow as mobilization continued

• Germans reacted with swift attack– Mobilized 1 million troops

in 10 days– Transported to Fr border– Paris captured in Jan 1871

Franco-Prussian War, 1870-71• Treaty of Frankfurt

– France lost Alsace-Lorraine– Paid indemnity of $500

million to Prussia• Southern German States

unified with NGC when France declared war = Germany was complete!!

• Was German unification inevitable?– Yes; economic coop. =

unification eventual, but Bismarck sped it up

Results of Franco-Prussian War

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