a change for the better

Post on 01-Feb-2016






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English class Interchange 1 unit 16


Great things bring Change!

What can bring changes in our lives?

Turn 18

Study abroad

Get a driver’s license

Graduate from school

Graduate from college

Get a job

Fall in love

Get married

Have children

get divorce

Move to a new city

Have any of these things happened to you recently?

Yes, it has. I changed ... I turned ... I studied ... I got ... I graduated ... I moved ... I had ...

New Interchange Level IV

A Change for the Better

Unit 16

Changes Past I was shorter I used to be


I was fatter… heavier/ thinner

I used to have shorter hair

Present/ present perfect

I am taller now. I ‘ve grown taller

I’ ve gained some weight I’ ve lost some weight.

Comparative My hair is longer now…

Past I was shorter when I was a child I used to be pretty shy…. I used to dress flowery dresses I used to straight my hair I got engaged I learned play guitar I changed my hair I was fatter… heavier/ thinner I used to have shorter hair

Present I am taller now I’m prettier noe I wear glasses I’m not a shy person anymore I am driving now I have a long hair now I don’t have a short hair anymore I can speak english now

Present perfect I’ve lost weight I’ve changed jobs I’ve got a promotion I’ve divorced I’ve moved to another city I’ve cut my hair I’ve gained weight I’ve got married I’ve got a raise

Comparative I’m fatter now I’m prettier now She is more intelligent now I’m more relaxed now My job is better now My job is worse now My hair is prettier now I’m thinner now

I used to make ponytail when I was a child I traveled abroad a few years ago I got engaged a few months ago

I’ve dyed my hair I’ve lost weight I’ve bought a car

I’m happier now I’m healthier now I’m not stressed anymore

My job is better nowMy hair is longer nowMy life is harder now

Things that bring about change in our lives Change jobs Change schools Get a raise Get a pay cut Lose a job Fall in love Date someone new Get married Have children Get divorced

What have you changed in the last five years? Hairstyle Dress differently Lost weight Moved into a new house/apartment/city/country Got married Go to more parties Easier/more difficult life

What have they changed?

What are you going to do after graduation?Verb+ infinitive

I’m (not) going to do…. I (don’t) plan to get… I (don’t) want to live… I hope to get… I’d like to travel… I’d love to moved…

Homework Get two photos (an old photo and a recent

one) Write a composition about you. First

paragraph Describe how you have changed: hairstyle, weight, life, etc.

Second paragraph, talk about your plans for the future. What are you going to do after you graduate. (use plan to, hope to, (don’t) want to, I’d like to, I’d love to, etc.)

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