a characteristic that helps an organism survive in its ... · » a bulb in plants how do these...

Post on 03-Jul-2020






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A characteristic that helps an organism

survive in its environment

Living things have bodies that are adapted for the places they live and the things they do.


» Structural adaptation

˃ Teeth shape

˃ Beak/bill shape

˃ Body coverings (fur, scales,

spines, coloration)

˃ Movement (long legs for

running, wings for flying,

fins for swimming)

» Behavioral adaptation

˃ Migration

˃ Hibernation

˃ Hiding

˃ Social or isolated

» Grinding teeth in herbivores

» Webbed feet for swimming

» Needle leaves in cactus

» Gills in fish

» Hollow bones in birds

» A bulb in plants

How do these structural adaptations help an organism survive?

physical features of an

organism to help it survive in

its environment. The way the

body is made or works

When we learned about the human skeletal system, we learned that our bones are responsible for several jobs in our bodies:

» Provide Shape and Support

» Protect Organs

» Making blood cells

» Storage

» Birds have hollow bones… why?

Hard on the outside with air cavities


Lighter weight

Hollow bones look like other bones

from the outside, with the usual hard

exterior you'd expect a bone to

have. But instead of being filled with

marrow as your bones are, a hollow

bone has an air cavity inside.

The hollow part of a bird bone isn't wasted

space. In some bones, the hollow cavities

contain extensions of the air sacs from the lungs.

These air sacs help the bird to get the oxygen it

needs to fly quickly and easily.

Penguins cannot fly.

Do you think their bones are hollow?

Why or why not?

Penguins bodies are adapted for

movement through water.

They spend up to 75% of their lives in

the sea.

Having solid dense bones helps

penguins stay underwater and resist

floating to the top.

» Can you find the animals in the pictures?



» Mimicry allows one animal to look, sound, or act like

another animal to fool predators into thinking it is

poisonous or dangerous.

milk snake

Venomous coral snake

» Many animals’ only line of defense is their


» The warning colors of red, yellow, orange,

and bright blue warn others that these

animals might be dangerous and should

be avoided!

» Migration

» Hibernation

» Dormancy in plants


» Behavioral adaptations include

activities that help an organism


» Behavior adaptations can be

learned or instinctive.

» Living together in groups

» Solitary

» Social behavior is all about

how an animal interacts

with members of its own

species. For instance, does

it live in a colony or on its

own, does it fight to be top

of the pecking order, or

does it try to keep strangers

away from its home?

» Bird calls

» Frog croaking

» Cricket chirping

Animals migrate for different


» better climate

» better food

» safe place to live

» safe place to raise young

» go back to the place they were born.

a group of animals

moving from one region

to another and then

back again.

This is deep sleep in which animal’s body temp drops, body

activity (metabolism) are slowed way down to conserve energy.

E.g. bats, squirrels & bears.

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