a clojurescript interface to react reagentfull clojure stack examples @ finalist step 2 of inner...

Post on 08-Jul-2020






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Reagenta ClojureScript interface to React

React Amsterdam Meetup 12 Feb. 2015

Michiel Borkent Twitter: @borkdudeEmail: michielborkent@gmail.com

● Clojure(Script) developer at● Clojure since 2009● Former lecturer, taught Clojure

Full Clojure stack example @ FinalistCommercial app.

Fairly complex UI

● Menu: 2 "pages"

Page 1:

Dashboard. Create new or select existing entity to work on.


● Wizard 1○ Step 1..5○ Each step has a

component● Wizard 1 - Step2

○ Wizard 2■ Step 1'■ Step 2'

Full Clojure stack examples @ Finalist

Step 2 of inner wizard:

● Three dependent dropdowns + backing ajax calls

● Crud table of added items + option to remove

● When done: create something based on all of this on server and reload entire "model" based on what server says

Because of React + Om we didn't have to think about updating DOM performantly or keeping "model" up to date.


● Intro● A little Clojure syntax● Hiccup● ClojureScript atoms● Reagent


f(x) -> (f x)


if (...) {


} else { ->



(if ... ... ...)

Data literals

Symbol: :a

Vector: [1 2 3 4]

Hash map: {:a 1, :b 2}

Set: #{1 2 3 4}

List: '(1 2 3 4)

Hiccup[:a {:href "/logout"}



[:h2 "Welcome"]]

<a href="/logout">Logout</a>

<div id="app" class="container">



ClojureScript atoms(def my-atom (atom 0))@my-atom ;; 0(reset! my-atom 1)(reset! my-atom (inc @my-atom)) ;; bad idiom(swap! my-atom (fn [old-value] (inc old-value)))(swap! my-atom inc) ;; same@my-atom ;; 4

ReagentClojureScript library around ReactUses RAtoms for state (global or local)Components are 'just functions'™ that ● must return something renderable by React ● can deref RAtom(s)● can accept props as args● may return a closure, useful for setting up initial state

Reagent● Components should be called like

[component args] instead of (component args)

● Components are re-rendered when○ props (args) change○ referred RAtoms change

● Hook into React lifecycle via metadata on component functions

(def component (with-meta (fn [x] [:p "Hello " x ", it is " (:day @time-state)]) {:component-will-mount #(println "called before mounting") :component-did-update #(.focus (reagent/dom-node %))} ))

(def count-state (atom 10))

(defn counter []



[:button {:on-click #(swap! count-state inc)}


(reagent/render-component [counter]

(js/document.getElementById "app"))


(defn local-counter [start-value]

(let [count-state (atom start-value)]

(fn []



[:button {:on-click #(swap! count-state inc)}


(reagent/render-component [local-counter 10]

(js/document.getElementById "app"))

local RAtom


(def animals-state (atom #{}))

(go (let [response (<! (http/get "/animals")) data (:body response)] (reset! animals-state (set data))))

RAtom with set containing animal hash-maps

(... {:id 2, :type :animal, :name "Yellow-backed duiker", :species "Cephalophus silvicultor"} {:id 1, :type :animal, :name "Painted-snipe", :species "Rostratulidae"}

Render all animals from state(defn animals []





[:th "Name"] [:th "Species"] [:th ""] [:th ""]]]


(map (fn [a]

^{:key (str "animal-row-" (:id a))}

[animal-row a])

(sort-by :name @animals-state))


a row component for each animal

form to create new animal

key needed for React to keep track of rows

(defn animal-row [a] (let [row-state (atom {:editing? false :name (:name a) :species (:species a)}) current-animal (fn [] (assoc a :name (:name @row-state) :species (:species @row-state)))] (fn [] [:tr [:td [editable-input row-state :name]] [:td [editable-input row-state :species]] [:td [:button.btn.btn-primary.pull-right {:disabled (not (input-valid? row-state)) :onClick (fn [] (when (:editing? @row-state) (update-animal! (current-animal))) (swap! row-state update-in [:editing?] not))} (if (:editing? @row-state) "Save" "Edit")]] [:td [:button.btn.pull-right.btn-danger {:onClick #(remove-animal! (current-animal))} "\u00D7"]]])))

(defn field-input-handler "Returns a handler that updates value in atom map, under key, with value from onChange event" [atom key] (fn [e] (swap! atom assoc key (.. e -target -value))))

(defn input-valid? [atom] (and (seq (-> @atom :name)) (seq (-> @atom :species))))

(defn editable-input [atom key] (if (:editing? @atom) [:input {:type "text" :value (get @atom key) :onChange (field-input-handler atom key)}] [:p (get @atom key)]))

(defn remove-animal! [a] (go (let [response (<! (http/delete (str "/animals/" (:id a))))] (if (= (:status response) 200) (swap! animals-state remove-by-id (:id a))))))

(defn update-animal! [a] (go (let [response (<! (http/put (str "/animals/" (:id a)) {:edn-params a})) updated-animal (:body response)] (swap! animals-state (fn [old-state] (conj (remove-by-id old-state (:id a)) updated-animal))))))

replace updated animal retrieved from server

if server says: "OK!", remove animal from CRUD table

Code and slides at:https://github.com/borkdude/react-amsterdam

Learn more at https://github.com/reagent-project

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