a concise timeline of printing milestones

Post on 11-Dec-2021






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A Concise Timeline of Printing Milestones ________________________________________________________________ -3500 Sumerians use cuneiform alphabet, pressed in clay with a triangular

stylus. Clay tablets were dried and/or fired for longevity. Some even had clay envelopes,' which were also inscribed. Some people consider them to be the earliest form of the book.

-2500 Animal skins are used for scrolls in Western Asia.

-2400 Date of the earliest surviving papyrus scroll with writing.

-1900 Hittites, from between 1900 and 1200 BC, left appr. 15,000 clay tablets

-1800 Book of the Dead, Egypt

-1500 The 'Phaistos disc', found on the island of Crete in 1908, was produced by pressing relief-carved symbols into the soft clay, then baking it. Although it contains the germ of the idea of printing, it appears to be unique.

-950 Leather is made and used for scrolls and writing.

-800 Moabite stone is created with one of the finest specimens of Phoenician writing. The letters resemble Greek.

-650 Papyrus. First rolls arrive in Greece from Egypt

-650 Papyrus. First rolls arrive in Greece from Egypt

-600 6th C. BC General agreement among Mediterranean cultures on left-to-right writing and reading. Before that, there was L-R, R-L, top-to-bottom, and boustroph edonic (back-and-forth). The Hebres kept R-L.

-500 Lao-Tze's lifetime, was said to have been archivist of the imperial archives

-431 Xenophon. (431-352 BC) author of Anabasis and Memorabilia.

-295 King Ptolemy I Soter enlisted the services of the orator Demetrios Phalereus, a former governor of Athens, and empowered him to collect, if he could, all the books in the inhabited world. To support his efforts, the king sent letters to all sovereigns and governors on earth requesting that the furnish workd by poets and prose-writers,


rhetoricians and sophists, doctors and soothsayers, historians, and all others too (Flavius Josephus). Agents were sent out to scout the cities of Asia, North Africa, and Europe. Foreign vessels calling in at Alexandria were searched routinely for scrolls and manuscripts. Transcripts were returned in due course, but the originals remained confiscated in the library. The story of the 47 AD destruction of the library is only partly true. Some 40,000 of the 700,000 volumes did go up in flames.

-213 Chin Tain Shihuangti, emporer of China, issued an edict that all books should be destroyed (manuscripts on bamboo)

-200 before 1st C. BC Both Greeks and Romans used wax tablets, framed and backed with wood, for note taking, orders, correspondence, and other temporary informat ion. At times, two or more tablets were joined with thongs or cords, similar to a 3-ringed binder. The Latin name for this was _codex_, from the word for wood. Single wax tablets had been used earlier than this in Mesopotamia, Greece, and Etruria.

-197 197-159 BC In the Middle East, near Pergamum, large herds of cattle are raised for skins to be made into what we now call 'parchment.'

-196 The'Rosetta' stone is cut. It contains the same text in Egyptian hieroglyphic, Egyptian demotic, and Greek writing. It was discovered in 1799 near the mouth of the Nile and served to break the code for deciphering ancient Egyptian works.

-150 The first paper is made in CHina from macerated hemp fibers in water suspension.

-150 Dead Sea Scrolls. 150 BC - 40 AD Approximate dates of the Hebrew and Aramaic documents, Biblical and nonbiblical, found as scrolls sealed in ceramic pots in caves near the Dead Sea in 1957. Some are written on thin, whitish leather similar but not identical to parchment

-100 Nash Papyrus, oldest known biblical fragment, containing the Hebrew text of the ten commandments. Acquired in Egypt 1902 by W.L.Nash and now in Cambridge University Library.

-100 Nash Papyrus, oldest known biblical fragment, containing the Hebrew text of the ten commandments. Acquired in Egypt 1902 by W.L.Nash and now in Cambridge University Library.

-100 1st C. BC - 1st C. AD The Romans substituted skin, or membranae, for the wood panels in codices. It is unclear just when this was done and


whether membranae was similar to Medieval parchment or to the thin leather of the Dead Sea Scrolls, but it is known that there are no examples or records of this substitution prior to the Romans. Later, Romans used codices to record laws and rules of order, lending the name codes or codicils to such documents.

-100 1st C. AD By the end of this century, the form of the book had largely changed from the scroll to the codex.

-100 Nash Papyrus, oldest known biblical fragment, containing the Hebrew text of the ten commandments. Acquired in Egypt 1902 by W.L.Nash and now in Cambridge University Library.

-39 Libertas. Asinius Pollio establishes first public library in Rome at the Libertas Temple

-28 Augustus. Under the reign of emporer Augustus two large libraries were founded, the Palatine and the Octavian library

47 The great Library of Alexandria was damaged by fire when Julius Caeser besieged the city. It was said at one time to contain copies and translations of all known books (scrolls), between 400,000 and 500,000. It was later ravaged by civil war in the late 200s AD and by 400, nothing was left.

100 Ulpia. Bibliotheca Ulpia founded by Trajan, also serving as emperial archive

104 Papermaking discovered in China by Ts'ai Louen (date is not very specific: it may have been 105. Name also written as: Ts'ai Lun) Material used: plant bark, discarded cotton and old fishnets.

104 Papermaking discovered in China by Ts'ai Louen (date is not very specific: it may have been 105. Name also written as: Ts'ai Lun) Material used: plant bark, discarded cotton and old fishnets.

105 Chinese history records that papermaking was invented by Ts'ai Lun in the court of Ho'ti in Lei-yang, China. Paper had, in fact, been made in China for at least two hundred years before this date. The first papers were made from hemp, bark, and used fish nets.

191 Palatine library destoyed by fire

370 Public libraries, in these days there were said to be 28 public libaries in Rome


391 Alexandrian Library destroyed under the direction of Archbishop Theophilus of Antioch (destruction of temple of Serapis)

480 (480-524), the last learned Roman to study the language and literature of Greece. He wrote his DE CONSOLATIONE PHILOSOPHIAE while awaiting his execution. The Consolation of Philosophy is a dialogue of 39 short poems in 13 different meters that paid tribute to the ancient authors and philosophers.

590 Luxeuil. Monastery founded by Columban, first monastery in Gaul. Irish Monks brought along numerous manuscripts

637 Caesarea Library destroyed by Arabs conquering Palestine (library was orignally founded by church father Origen who died 309 AD)

687 Undoubtedly one of history's most dramatic book exhumations involves a manuscript copy of the Gospel of St.John that was buried in the year 687 with the body of St. Cuthbert, bishop near Lindesfarne. Two hundred years later Danish invaders sacked the holy compund, carrying with them the remains of Cuthbert. In 1104 the carved wooden casket was opened and the Gospel, a manuscript written in uncial, was found perfectly preserved.

700 Lindisfarne Gospels written on 258 leaves (link to on-line reproductions: http://www.xs4all.nl/~knops/manuscri.html )

715 Codex Amitinus, manuscript of the Vulgate written in Northumbrian uncial.

716 Amiatinus. Codex Amiatinus, made at the scriptorium of the twin monasteries Wearmouth and Jarrow near Newcastle, Northumbria. This codex brings together the entire old and new testament in 1,030 folios in a single binding..

750 Aureus. Codex Aureaus written, probably at Canterbury

750 Canterbury School of manuscript illumination, active until 13th century.

750 Paper making reached Samarkand before 750, Baghdad in 793, Damascus and Cairo in approximately 950. Through the Arab conquest of North Africa and Southern Spain, the invention first reached the Moorish parts of Spain in the 11th century. A mill was recorded at Fez in Morocco in 1100, and the first on the Spanish mainland at Xativa in 1151. It reached Southern Italy in the 13th century, where, untill quite recently, some of the oldest handmade paper mills in Italy were operating near Amalfi, in the Naples area.


750 Willibrord Gospels made appr. 750, probably made by the artists of the Book of Durrow

751 Papermaking introduced in the Islamic world

800 Marbling in Japan, first Turkish marbled paper 1586, first Dutch 1598

800 Kells, Book of. written and painted at the Columbian monastery of Iona or at the Abbey of Kells in Ireland. 340 folia survived. Since 1661 in Trinity College, Dublin

800 Marbling in Japan, first Turkish marbled paper 1586, first Dutch 1598

868 China, oldest known woodblock printing (method was in use much earlier)

868 The first book printed on paper in China, in block printed Buddhist scripts.

896 Colophon, oldest known manuscript colophon, in Books of the Prophets written by Moses ben Asher in Tiberias.

896 Colophon, oldest known manuscript colophon, in Books of the Prophets written by Moses ben Asher in Tiberias.

950 Winchester School, 950-1100, characteristic style of manuscript illumination

954 Abingdon Monastery founded by Aethelwold, monks famous for manuscript illumination, Winchester School

1041 In 1403 the earliest known book was printed from movable type in Korea, a process which had been used by the Chinese as early as 1041. In 1450 Gutenberg printed his 42-line Bible in Mainz on a quality of handmade paper which remains unsurpassed to this day. 26 Years later William Caxton brought the art of printing to England, and in 1486 the first English coloured illustrated book was printed in St. Albans.

1068 Fatimite. Library of the Fatimite family (Cairo) destoyed by the Turks

1085 Papermaking in Jativa Spain

1140 Winchester Bible, 1140-1190, English late Romanesque illumination

1140 Winchester Bible, 1140-1190, English late Romanesque illumination


1147 Utrecht Psalter, Eadwine Psalter, copy of the Utrecht Psalter, example of Canterbury Romanesque written at Christchurch by Eadwine

1238 Papermaking mill established in Capellades, Catalonia

1250 Fore Edge Painting, first on French psalter manuscript

1250 the first record of block printing (on paper?) in Egypt.

1276 The important invention of watermarking was made at one of the Fabriano Mills in Tuscany during the second half of the 13th century. One can assume that the reason for the watermark was to give the product a branded trade mark of superior quality. There exists a remarkable archive of Fabriano watermarks going back to the first one in 1276, showing a mark for each year until modern times.

1276 Paper. First papermill established in Italy

1282 Watermark, Oldes know watermark (Italy)

1282 Watermark, Oldes know watermark (Italy)

1283 Fabriano, town inwhich first Italian papermill was established. Still name of an Italian handmade paper

1283 Fabriano, town inwhich first Italian papermill was established. Still name of an Italian handmade paper

1290 Edda, Elder Edda (Saemundar Edda) written, presented to King Frederik III by the Icelandic bishop Brynjolfur Sveinsson, now in the Copenhagen Royal Library)

1313 Giovanni Boccacio (1313-1375), author of the DECAMERON.

1325 Biblia Pauperum made in Klosterneuburg near Vienna

1325 Biblia Pauperum made in Klosterneuburg near Vienna

1325 Belleville Breviary by Jean Pucelle (Parisian manuscript painter)

1338 Paper, oldest known papermill in France

1340 Berry, Jean duc de (d.1416). Les Tres Riches Heures.


1373 Bibliotheque Nationale. Charles V is said to be the founder of this library. The 1373 catalogue of his library lists about 1000 volumes, housed in the Louvre

1389 Bedford, John of Lancaster, Duke. The Bedford Missal, 1423

1396 Philip the Good, Duke of Burgundy.

1399 Gutenberg, Johann, d.1468, born in Mainz as Johann Gensfleisch zum Gutenberg

1399 Gutenberg..Year of birth Gutenberg

1400 Chaucer died

1410 Ellesmere Chaucer, illustrated manuscript of the Canterbury Tales

1418 Woodcut, oldest known specimen

1418 Rohan Book of Hours, made for Yolande of Aragon.

1420 Fouquet, Jean, d.1480, leading 15th century manuscript painter (Hours of Etienne de Chavalier)

1420 Jenson, Nocolaus, d. 1480, punchcutter and printer of Venice

1420 Caxton, William, born.

1421 Bisticci, Vespasiano da, d.1498, Florentine bookseller, had people like Cosimo de Medici as customer.

1423 Buxheim Saint Christopher, early dated European woodcut illustrations

1425 Mansion, Colard, d.1484, one of the leading calligraphers in Bruges, Belgium

1425 Mansion, Colard, d.1484, one of the leading calligraphers in Bruges, Belgium

1425 Marmion, Simon, d.1489. Flemish miniature painter, amongst others Grandes Chroniques de France for Philip the Good

1430 Weyden, Rogier van der, d.1464, illustration in Chronique du Haunaut.

1430 Xylographic. First xylographic books, or block books produced in Germany and Holland


1430 Weyden, Rogier van der, d.1464, illustration in Chronique du Haunaut.

1434 Wolgemut, Michael, d.1519, Nuremberg painter famous for his designs for woodcuts.

1435 Hours of Catherine of Cleves made in Utrecht, Holland

1436 Regiomontanus, Johanes, d. 1476, printer at Königsberg, Germany, publisher of astronomical works

1440 Koberger, Anton, d.1513. Printer in Neuremberg since 1470. First dated book Disciplinarum Platonis Epitome, 1472

1440 Koberger, Anton, d.1513. Printer in Neuremberg since 1470. First dated book Disciplinarum Platonis Epitome, 1472

1441 Marciana. Bibliotheca Marciana founded by Cosimo de Medici

1448 Chronique du Hainaut, illustration by Rogier van der Weyden (manuscript is in Royal Library of Brussels)

1450 Manutius. year of birth Aldus Manutius (Teobaldo Manucci), d.1515

1453 Constantine library. Many books were burnt in this year (Constantinople captured by the Turks) or carried away and sold

1454 Gutenberg. publication of Turkenkalender (Fust, Schöffer, Gutenberg (??)

1455 Block Books in Europe, between 1455 and 1510.

1455 Biblia Pauperum, first xylographic version made in Germany

1456 Gutenberg. 42-line bible by Gutenberg

1457 Colour printing, earliest example in Mainz Psalter

1457 Mainz Psalter by Fust and Schoffer

1458 Corvinus, Matthias, d.1490, King of Hungary, famous bookcollector

1460 Froben, Johann, d.1527, started printing in Basle 1491. Printer of Erasmus publications

1460 Catholicon of Johannes Baldus printed by Schöffer


1461 Edelstein, der, by Ulrich Boner, printed by Albrecht Pfister of Bamberg, first printed book with woodcut illustrations

1461 Biblia Pauperum issued in Bamberg with handcolored illustrations

1462 Badius Ascensius, Jodocus (1535). Parisian printer

1464 Weijden, Rogier van der, death of.

1465 Biblia Pauperum, first typeset edition made near Brussels, illustrations based on drawings by Rogier van der Weijden.

1465 The first drypoint engravings known in the history of prints are those of the MASTER OF THE HOUSEBOOK, active in Germany between 1465 and 1500. The technique was also used, though rarely, by Dürer, for example in his St. Jerome by a Pollard Willow (1512). The unsurpassed master was to be Rembrandt, who used drypoint on its own, or with etching.

1465 Canticum Canticorum, illustrated by Memling(?) or Van der Weijden(?)

1465 Biblia Pauperum, first typeset edition made near Brussels, illustrations based on drawings by Rogier van der Weijden.

1465 Biblia Pauperum, first typeset edition made near Brussels, illustrations based on drawings by Rogier van der Weijden.

1465 The first drypoint engravings known in the history of prints are those of the MASTER OF THE HOUSEBOOK, active in Germany between 1465 and 1500. The technique was also used, though rarely, by Dürer, for example in his St. Jerome by a Pollard Willow (1512).

1466 Petrucci, Ottaviano, d.1539. Printer in Venice who established a papermill that remained active until the 19th century

1466 Ars Moriendi published first time

1466 Petrucci, Ottaviano, d.1539. Printer in Venice who established a papermill that remained active until the 19th century

1466 Erasmus, Desiderius, d.1536

1467 Italy. First book printed in Rome by Ulrich Han

1467 Hypnerotomachia Poliphili written by Francesco Colonna


1468 Gutenberg dies February 3rd

1469 Arches Papermill in Vosges, France

1469 Arches Papermill in Vosges, France

1469 Bookbinding, the first time the roller or roulette appeared in German binderies

1471 Malermi Bible (Italian translation of the Vulgate) first printed in Venice by Wendelin da Spira

1471 Malermi Bible (Italian translation of the Vulgate) first printed in Venice by Wendelin da Spira

1471 Malermi Bible (Italian translation of the Vulgate) first printed in Venice by Wendelin da Spira

1471 Malermi Bible (Italian translation of the Vulgate) first printed in Venice by Wendelin da Spira

1471 Durer, Albrecht, d.1528

1472 Cranach, Lucas, d.1553. German painter and woodcutter.

1472 DIVINE COMEDY, first printed edition of Dante's epic poem

1472 Speculum Humanae Salvationes printed by Gunther Zainer

1473 Burckmaier, Hans, d.1531. After Durer leading (book)illustrator.

1473 Ducali bindings, from 1473-1600, bindings made for the edicts, decrees and governor's commisions issued by the Doges of Venice

1473 Philobiblon. Richard de Bury's treatise written in praise of books

1475 Belgium, First books printed by Colard Mansion of Bruges

1477 Intaglio. First book with intaglio illustrations 'Il Monte Sancto di Dio' published in Florence

1479 Grolier, Jean, d.1565. Famous French bibliphile, famous for the bindings of his books

1479 Carpi, Ugo da, d.1533, leading engraver of Venice and Rome, likely one of the developers, inventors of chiarusco printing


1482 Poeticon Astronomicon by Erhard Ratdolt, illustrated with allegorical woodcuts

1483 Cologne Bible by Anton Koberger of Nuremberg

1486 Chevalier Libere, printed 1486 by Gotfred van Os at Gouda (book deals with Charles the Bold)

1486 Caxton, William prints his first books in England, in Westminster

1489 Denmark. Bookprinting came to Copenhagen with the arrival of the Dutch printer Gotfried van Os, who called himself Gotfred of Ghemen

1490 Blado, Antonio, d.1567. Printer in Rome, had cursive type face designed by Arrighi.

1490 Blado, Antonio, d.1567. Printer in Rome, had cursive type face designed by Arrighi.

1493 The earliest known etchings are by Daniel Hopfer, active at Augsburg between 1493 and 1536, the Swiss Urs Graf, and Dürer, who did five etchings on iron, among them The Agony in the Garden, and The Cannon. Lucas van Leyden (1489-1533) also used this technique on a few rare occasions. The earliest Italian etching is by Parmigianino (1503-1540), whose prints are more sketchy and spontaneous than those of the Northern artists. Etching is above all the medium of Rembrandt: with it he reached a depth and universality of expression never equalled in the history of prints.

1493 Hartmann Schedel's Weltchronik published with illustrations by Wolgemut

1493 Leeu, Gerard, d.1493, printer at Gouda, Holland

1494 Brant. Sebastian Brant's Narrenschiff published, illustrated with woodcuts, among them the famous Bookfool woodcut by Durer (?)

1494 DAS NARRENSCHIFF by Sebastian Brant, first publication. Within fifteen years the work appeared in one Latin, three French, one Dutch, one Low German and an English version. One reason often cited to explain Brant's far-reaching appeal was that he wrote in short chapters, mixed his *fools* skillfully, and maintained a fluid style that engaged his readers.

1494 Brant. Sebastian Brant's Narrenschiff published, illustrated with woodcuts, among them the famous Bookfool woodcut by Durer (?)


1494 Narrenschiff, Ship of Fools, by Sebastian Brant, published by Bergmann von Olpe, Basle, illustrated with 114 woodcuts.

1494 Brant. Sebastian Brant's Narrenschiff published, illustrated with woodcuts, among them the famous Bookfool woodcut by Durer (?)

1494 Narrenschiff, Ship of Fools, by Sebastian Brant, published by Bergmann von Olpe, Basle, illustrated with 114 woodcuts.

1495 Bembo. First Latin book from the Aldus' press was Pietro Bembo's dialog about Aetna (printed in a roman type that became the model for later French types, including Garamond's

1495 Griffo, Francesco, cut 'old face' roman type for Aldus Manutius

1495 Bale, John (1563). Compiler of first bibliography in England

1495 Manutius, Greek Grammar, first book published by Manutius

1495 Lufft, Hans, d.1584, printer-publisher of Wittenberg

1495 Manutius, Edition of Aristotle in five volumes, first complete edition in Greek, printed/published between 1495-1498

1497 Holbein, Hans, d.1543.

1497 Neudörfer, Johann, d. 1563, writing master of Nuremberg, his 'Fundament' was the first writing book to be published (collection of Fraktur scripts).

1498 Music Printing using movable type invented by Ottaviano Petrucci of Venice

1498 Durer's Apocalypse series woodcuts

1498 Music Printing using movable type invented by Ottaviano Petrucci of Venice

1499 Printing Press, oldest known reproduction of, in Dance of Death printed in Lyon by M.Huss

1499 Hypnerotomachia Poliphili printed by Manutius

1500 Garamont, Claude, d.1561. Parisian type designer and punchcutter


1501 Manutius. First time use of Francescop Griffo's *Italic* type by Manutius

1501 Manutius. Virgil edition; first book by Aldus Manutius in octavo format

1501 Manutius. First time use of Francescop Griffo's *Italic* type by Manutius

1502 Egenolff, Christian, d.1555, established press and foundry in Frankfurt 1530

1507 Chiaroscuro, first by Georg Lucas Cranach.

1507 Chiaroscuro, first by Georg Lucas Cranach.

1507 Oporinus, Johannes, d.1568, scholar-printer of Basle, issued more than 800 publications, including Koran and writings by Luther. Most important: Andreas Vesalius 'De Humani Corporis Fabrica' (anatomical study)

1508 Earliest dated German colour woodcut: The Emperor Maximilian on Horseback by Hans Burgkmair (1473-1531)

1508 The Emperor Maximilian on Horseback by Hans Burgkmair (1473-1531)

1508 Jost de Negker, active in Antwerp 1508-1544, master of Burgkmair, Cranach and Hans Baldung Grien. Believed to be the inventor of the colored woodcut.

1508 Active in Antwerp 1508-1544, master of Burgkmair, Cranach and Hans Baldung Grien. Believed to be the inventor of the colored woodcut.

1509 Narrenschiff, English adaptation Ship of Fools by Alexander Barclay, based on the latin translation by Jacob Locher.

1510 Grolier was in Italy as a French legate from 1510-1537

1512 Mercator, Gerard, d.1592 (Gerhard Kremer) Cartographer, mathematician. 1537 established a business as globe and map maker.

1513 Fraktur, first book printed in this type, Prayer book of Maximilian teh First

1514 Denmark Chronicle printed by Ascenius in Paris


1514 Denmark Chronicle printed by Ascenius in Paris

1515 Be, Guillaume le, d.1598, punchmaker, matrix maker and typefounder of troyes

1515 Manutius, year inwhich Manutius died

1516 Bible. Johan Froben of Basle published New Testament in Greek

1516 Bible. Johan Froben of Basle published New Testament in Greek

1516 Ugo da Carpi (1480-1532), obtained from the Signoria of Venice the privilege for the chiaroscuro woodcut, which he claimed to have invented, even though none of his woodcuts is dated earlier than 1518.

1516 (1480-1532), obtained from the Signoria of Venice the privilege for the chiaroscuro woodcut, which he claimed to have invented, even though none of his woodcuts is dated earlier than 1518.

1517 Teuerdank for emporer Maximilian published in a type that is considered to be a forerunner of the fraktur type. Book was printed by Hans Schönsperger.

1517 Luthers fight against the Roman Catholic church starts. This is considered to be the first revolution of ideas supported by the fast and wide spread of written information thanks to the invention of printing

1520 Plantin, Christopher, d.1589

1521 Cambridge University Press founded.

1522 Luther, Melchior Lotter printed the first edition of Luthers' translation of the New Testament

1522 Luther, Melchior Lotter printed the first edition of Luthers' translation of the New Testament

1522 Luther, Melchior Lotter printed the first edition of Luthers' translation of the New Testament

1523 Holbein's Dance of Death drawn.

1525 Laurenziana. Michelangelo erects building for the Bibliotheca Laurenziana (De Medici collection)


1527 Ortelius, Abraham, d. 1598, published of Antwerp (original name: Abraham Wortels), cartographer and publisher of maps. Theatrum Orbis Terrarum 1570

1528 Feierabend, Sigmund, d.1590, woodcutter and typecutter, Heidelberg, Germany

1529 Enchiridion der kleine Catechismus fur die gemeine Pfarher und Prediger, Gemehrt und gebessert durch Mart.Luther, Wittenberg

1529 Tory, Geoffroy Tory's Champleury published in Paris

1530 Tory, Geoffroy, becomes the first royal printer in Paris

1530 Miguel de Cervantes (1513-1616), author of DON QUIXOTE

1531 Krause, Jakob, d.1586. German bookbinder, active in Paris , Augsburg and Dresden

1531 Emblem Books, the first anthology of emblems was printed in Augsburg by Heinrich Steiner: Emblematum Liber

1534 Frankfurt Bookfair

1534 Luther. First complete Luther bible translation, illustrated, was printed by Hans Lufft at Wittenberg

1534 Luther. First complete Luther bible translation, illustrated, was printed by Hans Lufft at Wittenberg

1536 Lotter, Melchior, d.1536, printer of Leipzig, friend of Luther

1537 France I ordered that all French presses should deliver a copy of every book they printed to the royal library

1538 Dance of Death with Holbein's illustrations printed in Lyon by Gaspar and Melchior Treschel

1538 Holbein's Dance of Death published in Lyons

1539 Amman. birth Jost Amman

1540 Keere, Hendrik van den, d.1580. Punchcutter, binder and printer in Ghent, Belgium

1540 Paper, first papermill in Stockholm


1540 Egerton, Sir Thomas, d.1617, founder of one of the oldest private libraries in Britain; in 1917 a large portion of the archives was bought by Henry E. Huntington

1543 Vesalius, Andreas, 'De Humani Corporis Fabrica', anatomical study, published by Johannes Oporinus

1543 Moretus, Joannes (Jan Moerentorf), d.1610. Plantin's son in law and successor.

1545 Bodley, Sir Thomas, d.1613. Rebuilder of Oxford University Library bearing his name.

1545 Granjon, Robert, d.1589, Paris/Lyon, punchcutter and typedesigner

1545 Bodley, Sir Thomas, d.1613. Rebuilder of Oxford University Library bearing his name.

1546 Farnese. The Farnese Hours manuscript produced in Rome for Alessandro Cardinal Farnese. Presently in the Pierpont Morgan Library, New York

1546 Elzevier, Louis, d.1617, founder of Elzevier Press and publishing office (originally from Louvain, worked with Plantin in Antwerp and later settled in Leyden)

1549 Book of Common Prayer, first complete edition in England.

1550 Oxford library plundered by soldiers of Edward VI

1553 Marguerite de France, d.1615. Wife of Henry IV of France, important bookcollector amongst others items from library of Duke de Berry

1553 Ferrara Bible printed by Abraham ibn Usque

1553 Ferrara Bible printed by Abraham ibn Usque

1553 Queen Mary acquired the 14th century psalter (English psalter with 223 tinted drawings). Now in the British Library

1556 Civilite, designed by Robert Granjon.

1558 Mistress of Henry II, lobbied succesfully for a passage of an ordinace that required French publishers to present copies of every book they issued to the libraries of Blois and Fontainebleau.


1563 Hondius, Jodocus, d.1612, Dutch map engraver

1569 Plantin, Polyglot Bible

1569 Plantin, Polyglot Bible

1569 Polyglot Bible, printed by Plantin between 1569 and 1572 for Philip II of Spain

1570 Ortelius. Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, famous atlas by Abraham Ortelius

1570 Fanfare, until 1640, book cover decoration developed in France (interlacing ribbons)

1570 Fanfare, until 1640, book cover decoration developed in France (interlacing ribbons)

1571 Blaeu, Willem Janszoon, d.1638. Map engraver, bookseller, printer of Amsterdam

1571 Cotton, Sir Robert, d.1631. famous London manuscript collector, one of the early owners of the Utrecht Psalter

1580 Jannon, Jean, d.1658, Geneva, punchcutter, typefounder and printer, worked in Sedan, France.

1584 Wagoner. Publication of 'Spegel der Zeevaerdt' printed in Leyden by Plantin, seecharts by Waghenaer. From his name was the term Wagoner for seecharts derived

1584 Ruette, Mace, d.1644, Parisian master binder and court binder

1584 Ruette, Mace, d.1644, Parisian master binder and court binder

1584 Wagoner. Publication of 'Spegel der Zeevaerdt' printed in Leyden by Plantin, seecharts by Waghenaer. From his name was the term Wagoner for seecharts derived

1584 Wagoner. Publication of 'Spiegel der Zeevaerdt' printed in Leyden by Plantin, seecharts by Waghenaer. From his name was the term Wagoner for seecharts derived

1584 Wagoner. Publication of 'Spegel der Zeevaerdt' printed in Leyden by Plantin, seecharts by Waghenaer. From his name was the term Wagoner for seecharts derived


1589 Plantin's death

1590 Cathach Psalter, attributed to St.Columba, Irish manuscript.

1593 Philippines, The first book printed in Manilla: Doctrina Christiana (Unique copy in Lessing J.Rosenwald collection)

1594 Leipzig bookfair

1596 Jansson, Joannes, d. 1664, Dutch printer and publisher, famous for his atlasses

1600 Naude, Gabriel, d.1653, librarian to Cardinal Mazarin.

1601 Dijck, Christoffel van, d.1669, Amsterdam punchcutter, in 1673 his foundry was acquired by Daniel Elzevier

1602 Oxford library reestablished by Queen Elizabeth's statesman Thomas Bodley

1603 Digby, Sir Kenelm, d.1665, donor of the Bodleian Library

1618 Blaeu firm, renown for their atlasses, active from 1618 to 1672

1620 Uppsala University founded and books were presented to the university library by Gustavus Adolphus (many of the collections he took from Riga and Prussia and South Germany)

1620 Janson, Anton, d.1687. Dutch typefounder, trained in Amsterdam by Christophel Plantin

1623 Vaillant, Wallerant, d.1677, Dutch artist active in mezzotint technique

1623 Vaillant, Wallerant, d.1677, Dutch artist active in mezzotint technique

1626 Facsimile. first facsimile edition by Plantin, 16th century Martyrologium Hieronymianum (engraved on copper plates)

1627 Naude, Gabriel. In building their libraries Richelieu and Mazarin received considerable assistance from theisr librarian Naude, who published 1627 the book 'Advis pour dresser une bibliotheque'

1629 Blaeu Atlasses made between 1629 and 1662.

1634 Bodleian library, see: Digby, Sir Kenelm


1640 Blooteling, Abraham, d.1690. Developed mezzotint (invented in 1642 by Ludwig von Siegen)

1640 Bay Psalm Book published

1640 Blooteling, Abraham, d.1690. Developed mezzotint (invented in 1642 by Ludwig von Siegen)

1640 Imprimerie Royale du Louvre established at the instigation of Richelieu, first book published 'De Imitatione Christi'

1642 Mezzotint invented by Ludwig von Siegen.

1642 Mezzotint invented by Ludwig von Siegen.

1643 Mazarin, First Mazarin bibliotheque opened for scientists and literary scholars

1648 Devil's Bible. When the Swedes stormed Prague in 1648 they took(stole) many books including the rich collection of the Bohemian kings at Hradschin, many vellum manuscripts, including the Devil's Bible

1648 Devil's Bible. When the Swedes stormed Prague in 1648 they took(stole) many books including the rich collection of the Bohemian kings at Hradschin, many vellum manuscripts, including the Devil's Bible

1650 Atlas Magnus Blaeu made between 1650-1662.

1650 Atlas Magnus Blaeu made between 1650-1662.

1660 Mezzotint. The technique of the mezzotint seems to have been invented by a German soldier, Ludwig von Siegen (1609-c.1680); the earliets known mezzotint is The Grand Executioner done in about 1660 by Prince Rupert, the Palatine Prince Ruprecht von der Pflatz (1619-1682). The Colossus by Francisco Goya (1746-1828), engraved in about 1815, was produced entirely by this technique, which was later taken up by others, notably by Edvard Munch (1863-1944).

1661 Bible. first bible published in America by Samuel Green (John Eliot's Algonquin Indian version)

1661 Bible. first bible published in America by Samuel Green (John Eliot's Algonquin Indian version)


1661 Bible. first bible published in America by Samuel Green (John Eliot's Algonquin Indian version)

1662 Faithorne,William: 'The Art of Graveing and Etching' published

1662 Blaeu, publication of Atlas Major in 11 volumes

1666 Grandjean de Fouchy, Philippe, d.1714, Parisian punchcutter, a.o. 'Romain du Roi'

1667 Jakob Christof Le Blon (1667-1741) was the first to produce an engraving in several colours. He took as his starting point Newston's theory, published in 1702, which stated that all colours in the spectrum are composed of the three primary colours -blue, yellow and red. In practice, however, in order to obtain a satisfactory impression, a fourth plate had to be added, bearing black lines.

1673 Hollander, paperpulp beating machine, probably by Jacob Honingh in Zaandijk, Holland

1673 Hollander, paperpulp beating machine, probably by Jacob Honingh in Zaandijk, Holland

1686 Magnus, Albertus (d.) important 17th century Amsterdam bookbinder, amongst others Elzevier Bibles

1686 Magnus, Albertus (d.) important 17th century Amsterdam bookbinder, amongst others Elzevier Bibles

1689 Christina of Sweden. At her death in 1689, Christina of Sweden's library, known as the Bibliotheca Alessandrina (she considered herself a female Alexander the Great), was transferred to the Vatican Library.

1689 At her death in 1689 her library, known as the Bibliotheca Alessandrina (she considered herself a female Alexander the Great), was transferred to the Vatican Library.

1690 Paper, first papermaking in America

1691 Mazarin. Second Mazarin bibliotheque opened

1693 Caslon, William, d.1766. English typefounder.

1695 Luce, Louis-Rene, d.1774, punchcutter working for the Imprimerie Royal


1701 Fleischman, Johann Michael, d.1768, Nuremberg punchcutter

1702 Jakob Christof Le Blon (1667-1741) was the first to produce an engraving in several colours. He took as his starting point Newston's theory, published in 1702, which stated that all colours in the spectrum are composed of the three primary colours -blue, yellow and red. In practice, however, in order to obtain a satisfactory impression, a fourth plate had to be added, bearing black lines.

1703 Enschede Printing office founded in Haarlem by Izaac Enschede

1706 Baskerville, John (1775), Typefounder and printer in Birmingham.

1706 Franklin, Benjamin, d.1790, printer, publisher, statesman

1709 Copyright Act in England

1713 Baine, John (1790). Edinburgh typefounder

1716 Utrecht Psalter donated to the Utrecht University Library by Willem de Ridder, an official of the States of Utrecht.

1717 Horace Walpole (1717-1797), author of thousands of diverting letters.

1725 Ibarra, Joaquim, d.1785, printer in Madrid, court printer to Carlos III

1726 Austria. Imperial Library (now National Library) building built by J.B.Fischer

1726 Chodowiecki, Daniel Nikolaus, d.1801. German artis-engraver.

1730 Didot, Francois-Ambroise, d.1804, oldest of Didot family, famous French printing family

1733 Jackson, Joseph, d.1792, London typecutter and founder

1734 Aquatint. This process was invented by Jean-Baptiste Le Prince (1734-1784). François Janinet (1752-1813) was the first to employ it for colour prints, by using several plates. Francisco Goya made great use of it, often combining it with line engraving, etching and also drypoint. In more recent times it has been one of the favourite techniques of Georges Rouault (1871-1958) and Pablo Picasso.

1738 Walter, John, d.1812, founder of newspaper The Times, 1785/1788


1738 Engelmann, Gottfried, d.1839, lithograph printer, inventor of chromolythography in 1836

1738 Walter, John, d.1812, founder of newspaper The Times, 1785/1788

1740 Bodoni, Giambatista,d.1813. Italian printer and punchcutter.

1746 Johnson's Dictionary, made in England, between 1746 and 1773

1753 British Library. The national library of Britain came into being in 1753 when parliament decided to purchase the collection of books and manuscripts that had been left by Hans Sloane. A few years later George II presented the Royal library

1753 Bewick, Thomas (d. 1828)

1755 Edwards of Halifax binding firm founded by William Edwards of Yorkshire

1755 Edwards of Halifax binding firm founded by William Edwards of Yorkshire

1756 Egerton, Francis Henry, d. 1829, bibliophile who donated a collection of 67 manuscripts to the British Museum

1757 Bohn, Johann,d.1843. German binder, noted for his gilded doublures, and paper marbling

1757 Blake, William, d.1827. English artist-illustrator, illustrated Milton and Dante editions.

1757 Bohn, Johann,d.1843. German binder, noted for his gilded doublures, and paper marbling

1758 Silvestre de Sacy (1758-1838), sensible and analytical scholar, a briljant man who served from 1833 to his death as keeper of Oriental manuscripts at the Bibliothèque Nationale in Paris.

1758 Silvestre de Sacy (1758-1838), sensible and analytical scholar, a briljant man who served from 1833 to his death as keeper of Oriental manuscripts at the Bibliothèque Nationale in Paris.

1759 Balston, William (1849). English papermaker

1759 Balston, William (1849). English papermaker


1765 Pop-up. Robert Sayer of London produces childrens' metamorphosis, the Harliquinades.

1765 Niepce, Joseph Nicephore, d. 1833, inventor of photography (1826)

1765 Niepce, Joseph Nicephore, d. 1833, inventor of photography (1822)

1766 Traite de la Gravure en Bois by Jean Michel Papillon

1766 Traite de la Gravure en Bois by Jean Michel Papillon

1768 Darlington Press, private press, established atThe Grange ny George Allen

1770 Chatterton, Thomas. (1752-1770). English poet, known for his literary frauds distinguished by poetic genius. He wrote a number of poems which he pretended were the work of one Thomas Rowley, a non-existent monk of the 15th century.

1770 Whatman paper, English hand-made wove paper first made by James Whatman at Maidstone

1770 Whatman paper, English hand-made wove paper first made by James Whatman at Maidstone

1772 Ballantyne, James (1833). Publisher of Sir Walter Scott

1772 Ballantyne, James (1833). Publisher of Sir Walter Scott

1774 König, Friedrich, d.1833. Inventor of the cylinder press

1774 König, Friedrich, d.1833. Inventor of the cylinder press

1782 Dickinson, John, d.1869, inventor of the cylinder printing machine

1782 Dickinson, John, d.1869, inventor of the cylinder printing machine

1785 Oldest German used book business founded by Joseph Baer of Frankfurt

1785 Times. Foundation of Daily Universal Register, from 1788 to be called The Times.


1787 Daguerre, Louis Jacq. Mande, d.1851, worked together with the inventor of photography, Niepce (d.1833) and developed daguerreotype process

1787 Daguerre, Louis Jacq. Mande, d.1851, worked together with the inventor of photography, Niepce (d.1833) and developed daguerreotype process

1790 Bewick: A General history of Quadrupeds

1790 Bewick: A General history of Quadrupeds

1790 Bewick's History of Quadrupeds

1793 Annales Typographici ab artis inventae origine ad annum MD by Georg Panzer

1794 Spilsbury's 'The Art of Etching and Aqua Tinting' published

1796 Lithography experiments by Senefelder

1796 Senefelder starts experimenting printing from stone

1797 Bewick: History of British Birds Vol.I

1798 Lithography. The best kind of limestone is Bavarian. Light coloured and perfectly smooth, it is porous and absorbs both water and greasy substances equally well. The stone used is about six inches thick and is fairly big, up to 90x65 cm (35x25 inches), and can weigh up to 150 or 175 pounds. The stone is ground smooth. The drawing is made on it with a greasy lithographic pencil or crayon, and then fixed by rinsing the stone with a very weak solution of nitric acid and gum arabic. The stone is wiped with water before each impression is taken and, for each print, it is inked by means of a leather-covered roller. During this operation, the porous limestone retains the grease of the crayon where the drawing has been made, and the parts which are not drawn upon become impregnated with water. The ink, which is greasy, is repelled by the water-wet areas and adheres only to the areas marked by the crayon. See also: Senefelder.

1798 Lithography invented by Senefelder

1799 The 'Rosetta' stone is cut. It contains the same text in Egyptian hieroglyphic, Egyptian demotic, and Greek writing. It was discovered in 1799 near the mouth of the Nile and served to break the code for deciphering ancient Egyptian works.


1799 Lambinet, Pierre, published his Recherches Historiques sur l'Origine de l'Imprimerie at Brussels

1800 Lenox, James, d.1880, American bookcollector, first to import 42-lines Gutenberg into the USA

1800 Congress. Library of Congress Washington founded

1804 Baxter, George (d. 1867). Patented letterpress process for color printing

1804 John Gould (1804-1881), British ornithologist and artist.

1804 Baxter, George, d.1867, inventor if the Baxter Process for colorprinting (combination of intaglio and relief printing)

1804 Baxter, George (d. 1867). Patented letterpress process for color printing

1804 Bewick: History of British Birds Vol II

1808 Laurenziana. The Laurenziana and Marciana libraries of the Medici's combined in Flrence now forming the Biblioteca Mediceco-Laurenziana

1809 Xavier Marmier (1809-1892), a member of the Académie Française, bequeathed his books to the public library in Pontarlier. In memory of the happy moments passed among the book stall keepers on the quays of the Left Bank he left the, the sum of 1,000 francs..

1809 Thomas Frognell Dibdin (1776-1847) published 1809: THE BIBLIOMANIA; or, Book-Madness; containing some account of the History, Symptoms, and Cure of this Fatal Disease.

1810 Brunet's Manuel du Libraire et de l'amateur de livres published.

1810 Brunet's Manuel du Libraire et de l'amateur de livres published.

1811 Chiswick Press founded.

1812 Cylinder Press, First built in Britain by Friedrich Konig

1814 Graesse, Johann, d.1885, wrote Tresor de Livres rares et precieux

1816 Zaehnsdorf, Joseph, d.1886, Austro-Hungarian craftman bookbinder

1817 Columbian Press by George Clymer


1817 Larousse, Pierre, d.1875, founder in 1856 of Parisian publishing house

1819 Sholes, Christopher, d.1890, inventor of typewriter, first perfected typewriter was marketed by Remington 1874

1819 Sholes, Christopher, d.1890, inventor of typewriter, first perfected typewriter was marketed by Remington 1874

1819 Sholes, Christopher, d.1890, inventor of typewriter, first perfected typewriter was marketed by Remington 1874

1819 Senefelder's 'Complete course of lithography' published

1819 Quaritch, Bernard, d. 1899, antiquarian bookseller

1822 Heliography invented by Niépce in 1822. He made his first photograph in 1826.

1822 Edmond de Goncourt (1822-1896) he and his brother jules achieved widespread fame as collaborative artists and novelists of French manners. His library, Bibliothèque Goncourt, was offered for sale in 1987.

1822 Invented by Niépce. He made his first photograph in 1826.

1824 Atheneum Club in London founded by Richard Heber

1825 Börsenverein der Deutsche Buchhandlung, Organization for German Booktrade, founded (those engaged in reprinting were excluded!)

1827 Deberny and Peignot, largest typefounding firm of France established, based on association by the novelist Balzac and printer Andre Barbier

1828 Rossetti, Dante Gabriel, d.1882, painter and poet, designer of bookbindings

1828 De Vinne, Theodore, d.1914, American printer, co-founder of the Grolier Club

1829 Braille, Invention of embossed printing for the blind by Louis Braille.

1830 Drum Cylinder Press by R.Hoe

1830 Stanhope Press


1832 (1832-1908). Germany. Studied at Düsseldorf and Munich academies. Painter, graphic artist, poet, illustrator. Book: Krischan mit der Piepe (1864)

1832 Bookbinding, invention of sewing machine by Philip Watt of London

1832 Raucourt's 'A Manual of Lithography' published

1832 Bookbinding, invention of sewing machine by Philip Watt of London

1833 Daguerreotype invented

1833 (1833-1898). England. Attended Exeter College with William Morris, with whom he settled in London. Associated with Pre-Raphaelites. Books: The Works of Geoffrey Chaucer Now Newly Imprinted (Kelmscott Press, 1896)

1833 (1833-1914). Born in Paris. Worked for a commercial lithographer, studied with Guichard. Began etching 1849. Chief painter for Sèvres factory and director of studio for decoration of Haviland porcelain. Book: Les Fleurs du Mal (1861)

1834 Morris, William, d.1896. Started the Kelmscott Press in 1891.

1835 Baxter patented his printing process

1835 experiments with photography

1835 First photogenic drawing in 1835; first calotype in 1840.

1836 Chromolithography by Gottfried Engelmann

1837 Chromolitography, first time use of this term

1837 Bauersche Giesserei (until 1971). Typefounders

1838 Knight, Charles, patented a method of color printing in which four relief blocks of wood or metal rotated and impressed in turn on to a sheet of paper

1839 Head of the Charité Clinic in Paris, Dr. Alfred Donné, was the first to announce success with etching daguerreotype plates.

1839 Head of the Charité Clinic in Paris, Dr. Alfred Donné, was the first to announce success with etching daguerreotype plates.


1840 Illustrated London News founded

1840 Polidori Private Press founded, ceased activities in 1850

1840 Illustration, first issue

1840 18 April 1840 Dr. Joseph Berres, professor of anatomy in Vienna, stated in the Wiener Zeitung that he had succeeded in converting daguerreotypes in to printing plates.

1840 Illustrierte Zeitung first issue published

1841 First achromatic portrait lens specially designed for photography by Joseph Petzval, Vienna, introduced by Friedrich Voigtlaender.

1841 Meisenbach, Georg, d.1912. Inventor of half-tone reproduction

1841 paperback. First paperbacks by Tauchnitz Verlag Germany

1841 First achromatic portrait lens specially designed for photography by Joseph Petzval, Vienna, introduced by Friedrich Voigtlaender.

1841 Meisenbach, Georg, d.1912. Inventor of half-tone reproduction

1841 paperback. First paperbacks by Tauchnitz Verlag Germany

1843 Paper, first time use wood for making paper

1844 Lanston, Tolbert, d.1913, inventor of monotype typesetting

1848 Chatto's 'History and Art of Wood Engraving' published

1848 Bampton Press' foundation date.

1848 Marx, Karl: 'Das Kapital' published

1850 Henry E. Huntington (1850-1927), millionaire entrepreneur built a library on the grounds of an old orange grove in Sam Marino in Southwest California. Library is amongst the finest in the world.

1850 Heidelberg, First press made by Andreas Hamm

1853 Photographic Society of London founded by Sir Charles Eastlake.

1853 Nature Printing developed by Alois Auer


1853 Auer, Alois, invents nature printing technique (direct duplication of natural objects)

1854 Mergenthaler, Ottmar, d.1899 from Hachtel, Germany, invented linotype in 1884

1854 Mergenthaler, Ottmar, d.1899 from Hachtel, Germany, invented linotype in 1884

1854 Société Française de Photographie founded by Eugène Durieu.

1856 First general treatise on the various applications of photography to the printing press published by Georg Kessler in Berlin.

1856 First general treatise on the various applications of photography to the printing press published by Georg Kessler in Berlin.

1857 Bullen, Henry Lewis, d.1938, creator of American Type Founders Company Library and Museum in Jersey City.

1857 Bullen, Henry Lewis, d.1938, creator of American Type Founders Company Library and Museum in Jersey City.

1857 John Pouncy's DORSETSHIRE PHOTOGRAPHICALLY ILLUSTRATED was the first book illustrated by photolithography, two volumes containing 79 plates in total.

1857 John Pouncy's DORSETSHIRE PHOTOGRAPHICALLY ILLUSTRATED was the first book illustrated by photolithography, two volumes containing 79 plates in total.

1857 Haebler, Konrad, d.1946. German bibliographer, research and writings on incunabula. Gesamtkatalog der Wiegendrucke

1859 McLeish, Charles, d.1949. Binder of Edinburgh, worked for the Doves Bindery

1859 Hupp, Otto, German engraver and type-cutter

1859 McLeish, Charles, d.1949. Binder of Edinburgh, worked for the Doves Bindery

1859 McLeish, Charles, d.1949. Binder of Edinburgh, worked for the Doves Bindery


1859 Thomas J. Wise (1859-1937), best known for the forgeries of ninteenth-century pamphlets he cleverly produced and sold to unexpecting wealthy collectors.

1859 Thomas J. Wise (1859-1937), best known for the forgeries of ninteenth-century pamphlets he cleverly produced and sold to unexpecting wealthy collectors.

1860 Jones, George W., d. 1942, Bitish master printer, founded The British Typographia in 1887

1860 Colour photography by J.C.Maxwell

1860 Jones, George W., d. 1942, Bitish master printer, founded The British Typographia in 1887

1860 Buckram, first used for bookcovers.

1860 Buckram, first used for bookcovers.

1863 Pissarro,Lucien, d.1944 (Eragny Press)

1863 Rotary web-fed letterpress machine invented by William Bullock.

1863 Curwen Press founded.

1863 Rotary web-fed letterpress machine invented by William Bullock.

1863 Pissarro,Lucien, d.1944 (Eragny Press)

1864 Warly English Text Society founded by F.J.Furnivall

1865 Woodburytype invented by W.B.Woodbury

1865 Goudy, Frederic W., d.1947, American type designer.

1866 Plantin Press, last dated work

1866 Ricketts,Charles, d. 1931, founder of the Vale Press

1867 Bonnard, Pierre, (1867-1947), French, studied law, worked at École des Beaux-Arts and Académie Julian, joined the Nabis. First graphic work 1889-1991. Lithographer, designed posters, music sheets, periodical and book covers, and many illlustrations. Also painter. Books:Petites Scènes Familières, Pour Piano (1893); La Lithographie


Originale en Couleurs (1898); Parallément (Verlaine, 1900); Daphnis et Chloé (Longus, 1902).

1868 Thomas Jefferson Fitzpatrick (1868-1952), *field collector* for the Iowa State Historical Society. 1913 he accepted a teaching position in the botany department at the University of Nebraska. He left an immense collection of books. The university of Nebraska took a *limited* selection of 10,000 books, pamphlets, magazines dealing specifically with botany and the history of science.

1868 Chaucer Society founded. Active until 1912.

1868 At age sixteen Emile Bernard (1868-1941) entered atelier Cormon, where he was associated with Toulouse-Lautrec and Van Gogh. At Pont Aven with Gaigain in 1886 and 1888. Member of Nabis. Book: Les Amours (Pierre de Ronsard, 1915).

1869 Klingspor, Karl, d.1950. Typefounder of Offenbach am Main, Germany

1869 Harleian Society for the printing of heraldic material

1870 Rogers, Bruce, d.1957. American printer and typographer. Worked at the Cambridge University Press and the Oxford University Press. Types designed by Rogers: Montaigne, Centaur

1870 Cockerell, Douglas, d.1945. Leading English teacher handbookbinding

1870 Barlach, Ernst. German, studied at Hamburg School of Applied Art, Dresden Academy, and Académie Julian in Paris. One of the most important German expressionist artists. Some of the books he illustrated: Der Tote Tag (1912), Der Arme Vetter (1919), Goethe Gedichte (1924), Schiller: An Die Freude (1927).

1872 (1872-1898). Self taught artist. Draughtsman who was primarily an illustrator, one of the most influential English artists of the nineties. Books: The Birth, Life and Acys of King Arthur (1893-1894); Salome, translated by Lord Alfred Bruce Douglas (1894).

1872 Johnston, Edward, d.1944, British teacher of calligraphy

1874 Kippenberg, Anton, d.1950. From 1905 director of Insel-Verlag

1874 Amy Lowell (1874-1925). The greatest of all American women collectors. Today her collection is housed in its own room on the second floor of the Houghton Library at Harvard University.


1876 (1876-1957). Rumanian. Studied in art academies of Bucharest and Cracow, emigrated to paris 1904. One of the first abstract sculptors. Also lithographic work. Book: Tales Told of Shem and Shaun (James Joyce, 1929)

1876 Plantin-Moretus Museum acquired by the city of Antwerp

1877 Roos, Sjoerd de, d.1962. Leading Dutch typedesigner. Types: De Roos Roman, Egmont, Hollandsche Mediaeval, Erasmus, Grotius. 1927 founded Heuvel Press

1878 Renner, Paul, d.1956, type designer, sanserif series Futura. Wrote Die Kunst der Typographie, published 1940

1878 Royen, Jean-Francois van, d.1942. Director of Zilverdistel Press.

1878 Kleukens, Friedrich Wilhelm, d.1956. German graphic arts teacher, director of Ernst Ludwig Press from 1907-1914. Founded the Kleukens Presse in 1919 and the Mainzer Presse in 1929.

1878 Wicks, Frederick of Glasgow invented typecasting machine

1878 Wicks, Frederick of Glasgow invented typecasting machine

1878 Ehmcke, Fritz Helmut, d.1965, German graphic artist and type designer, worked together with F.W.Kleukens

1878 Wicks, Frederick of Glasgow invented typecasting machine

1878 Kleukens, Friedrich Wilhelm, d.1956. German graphic arts teacher, director of Ernst Ludwig Press from 1907-1914. Founded the Kleukens Presse in 1919 and the Mainzer Presse in 1929.

1879 Regemorter, Berthe van, d.1964. Belgium bookbinder

1879 E.M.Forster (1879-1970). HOWARDS END, 1910.

1879 Regemorter, Berthe van, d.1964. Belgium bookbinder

1882 Braque, Georges, (1882-1963). Argenteuil. paris 1900, studied at Académie Humbert and École des Beaux-Arts. Joined Fauves 1906. With Picasso co-founder of Cubism 1908. Painter, sculptor, graphic artist, book illustrator. Books: Le Piège de Méduse (Erik Satie, 1921); Souspente (Tudal, 1945); Le Soleil des Eaux (Char, 1949); Les Chants (Milarepa, 1950); Cinq Sapates (Ponge, 1950); Theogonie (Hesiod,


1955); La bibliothèque est en Feu (Char, 1956); Le Tir à l'Arc (Suzuki/Herrigel, 1960)

1882 Gill, Eric, d.1940

1883 Hunter, Dard, d.1966. Leading authority on papermaking

1883 Malin, Charles, d.1955, Parisain punchcutter who in 1926 cut the punches for Eric Gill's Perpetua type

1883 Photogravure, First in Britain by T. and R. Annan of Glasgow

1883 Malin, Charles, d.1955, Parisain punchcutter who in 1926 cut the punches for Eric Gill's Perpetua type

1883 Hunter, Dard, d.1966. Leading authority on papermaking

1884 Beckhmann, Max. Born in Leipzig. Studied at Weimar School of Art, joined Berlin Secession. Active in Berlin and Frankfurt. Fled to Holland 1937, to USA 1947. Taught at Washington University, St. Louis, and Brooklyn College. expresionist painter and graphic artist. Books: Eurydikes Wiederkehr (1909); Die Fürstin (1918); Stadtnacht (1921); Ebbi (1924).

1884 Grolier Club, founded by Theodore de Vinne, robert Hoe a.o.'s

1884 Mergenthaler invented linotype

1885 Pop-Up. Levi Yaggy published a life size folio 'Yaggi's Anatomical Study' with layered illustrations

1886 Linotype invented by Otto Mergenthaler

1887 (1887-1985). Born in Vitebsk. Studied in St. Petersburg with Léon Bakst. Paris 1910-1914 asociated with the Cubists. Back in Russia from 1914-1922. Studied graphic techniques with Hermann Struck in Germany. Books: Mein Leben (1923); Les Ames Mortes (1948); Arabian Nights (1951); La Fontaine Fables (1952); Bible (1956).

1888 Jean (Hans) Arp (1888-1966) Alsatian, born Strasbourg, attended Strasbourg School of Applied Art, studied at Weimar Art School. Contributed to Blaue Reiter exhibitions. Co-founder of DADA Zurich 1916.

1888 (1888-1978). Greece, of Italian parentage. Art school of Athens Polytechnic Institute and Munich Academy. In Paris associated with


the Cubists. 1938 settled in Rome. Books: Le Mystère Laïc (1928); Calligrammes (1930).

1889 Legrain, Pierre, d.1929, French bookbinder

1889 Pop-up. Meggendorfer's International Circus is published

1889 Morison, Stanley, d.1967. British scholar-typographer

1889 Meggendorfer's International Circus is published

1890 Harris Press, American automatic platen press

1890 Edinburgh Bibliographical Society founded

1891 Meynell, Sir Francis, d.1975. founder of the Nonesuch Press in 1923

1891 Founding American Type Founders Company

1891 Lessing J. Rosenwald, d. 1979. Former chairman of Sears, Roebuck Co. gave to the nation 2,600 exquisite volumes, the greates benefaction in the Library of Congress' history, including an enormous two volume illuminated manuscript known as the Great Bible of Mainz. produced in 1452, this book is thought to have influenced motifs and ornamentation used in the design of Gutenbergs 42 line bible, which was printed in the same year. Other treasures included Prolemy's COSMOGRAPHIA; William Blake's SONGS OF INNOCENCE AND OF EXPERIENCE; the only known copy of the first edition of the English version of the Lohengrin legend, THE KNIGHT OF THE SWAN and the only ilustrated book published by Manutius, Colonna's HYPNEROTOMACHIA POLIPHILI.

1891 Kelmscott Press founded by William Morris and Emery Walker

1891 Lessing J. Rosenwald, d. 1979. Former chairman of Sears, Roebuck Co. gave to the nation 2,600 exquisite volumes, the greatest benefaction in the Library of Congress' history, including an enormous two volume illuminated manuscript known as the Great Bible of Mainz. produced in 1452, this book is thought to have influenced motifs and ornamentation used in the design of Gutenberg’s 42 line bible, which was printed in the same year. Other treasures included Prolemy's COSMOGRAPHIA; William Blake's SONGS OF INNOCENCE AND OF EXPERIENCE; the only known copy of the first edition of the English version of the Lohengrin legend, THE KNIGHT OF THE SWAN and the only illustrated book published by Manutius, Colonna's HYPNEROTOMACHIA POLIPHILI.


1892 Krimpen, Jan van, d.1958. Dutch type designer, artistic adviser of Enschede printing company. Types: Lutetia, Romulus, Antigone, Romanee, Spectrum and Canceleresca

1892 Mardersteig, Giovanni, d.1977. founder of Officina Bodoni

1892 Mardersteig, Giovanni, d.1977. founder of Officina Bodoni

1892 Krimpen, Jan van, d.1958. Dutch type designer, artistic adviser of Enschede printing company. Types: Lutetia, Romulus, Antigone, Romanee, Spectrum and Canceleresca

1893 Chaucer edition by William Morris, Kelmscott Chaucer

1893 Kelmscott Chaucer published

1894 Eragny Press founded by Lucien Pisarro

1894 Warde, Frederic, d.1939, designer of Arrighi Italic (husband of Beatrice Ward)

1894 Yellow Book, The, until 1897.

1894 Ashendene Press (Published until 1938)

1895 Moholy-Nagy, Laszlo, d.1946. pioneer of New Typography, teached at the German Bauhaus and Chicago Institute of Design

1895 Nypels, Charles, d. 1952, Dutch typographer who was a pupil of De Roos. Designed books for the First Editions Club

1896 Zander, Carl: 'Photo-trichromatic Printing, in Theory and Practice' published

1897 Penrose Annual's first

1898 Essex House Press founded in London by Charles Robert Ashbee. Press closed in 1910

1899 Pear Tree Press founded by James Guthrie in essex. Last book appeared in 1951

1899 Insel Verlag founded by Harry Kessler

1900 Histoire de l'Imprimerie en France au Xve et au XVIe siecle by Anatole Claudin


1900 Elston Press founded by C larke Conwell at New Rochelle, New York

1900 Doves Press established at Hammersmith, London by Cobden-Sanderson

1900 Warde, Beatrice, d.1969. Writer and lecturer on typography

1901 Carter, Harry, born

1901 Brugalia, Emilio, leading Spanish bookbinder, born in Barcelona.

1901 Brugalia, Emilio, leading Spanish bookbinder, born in Barcelona.

1902 Insel Verlag founed in Leipzig by Rudolf von Pöllnitz

1902 Dun Emer Press founded (later to be the Cuala Press) by Elizabeth Yeats (sister of the poet), Ireland

1902 Dun Emer Press founded (later to be the Cuala Press) by Elizabeth Yeats (sister of the poet), Ireland

1902 Theodor Mommsen's Römische Geschichte, a five-volume history of Rome, published.

1903 Cuala Press founded by Elizabeth Corbet Yeats. Press stopped activities in 1948, revived in 1969

1903 Prix Goncourt, since 1903

1906 Larousse. Publication of 'Le Petit Larousse Illustre'

1906 International Antiquarian Booksellers Assoc. founded

1907 Janus Presse, established in Leipzig by Carl Ernst Poeschel and walter Tiemann

1909 Einhorn Press, Melchior Lechters private press founded

1910 Zilverdistel Press, in 1923 name was changed in Kunera Press

1911 Montague Press founded by Carl Purington Rollins (first time use of Bruce Rogers' Centaur type)

1911 Bremer Presse, founded in 1911.


1911 Officina Serpentis founded by Eduard Wilhelm Tieffenbach (1883-1948)

1911 Montague Press founded by Carl Purington Rollins (first time use of Bruce Rogers' Centaur type)

1912 Flying Fame Press founded by Claude Lovat Fraser, Holbrook Jackson and Ralph Hodgson, active until firts WW

1912 Cranach Presse founded by Harry Graf von Kessler.

1912 Flying Fame Press founded by Claude Lovat Fraser, Holbrook Jackson and Ralph Hodgson, active until firts WW

1913 Spanish. Barcelone art school. In Paris since 1942. Books: La Dame de Pique (Pushkin, 1946P; Coplas (1955).

1913 Imprint, The, periodical established by Charles Meynell, Edward Johnston and J.H.Mason

1914 Rupprecht Press founded by Fritz Helmut Ehmcke

1914 Founding of American Institute of Graphic Arts

1916 Mall Press founded in London by Emery Walker and Bruce Rogers

1916 Mall Press founded in London by Emery Walker and Bruce Rogers

1916 Mall Press founded in London by Emery Walker and Bruce Rogers

1917 Hogart Press founded by Leonard and Virginia Woolf

1917 Beaumont Press, London, closed in 1931

1918 Zapf, Hermann, book and type designer

1919 Ovid Press founded by John Rodker in London. Closed in 1920

1919 Grabhorn Press founded by Robert and Edwin Grabhorn

1919 Kleukens Presse founded by Friedrich Kleukens.

1920 Golden Cockerel Press, founded by Harold Taylor

1920 Favil Press founded by P.Sainsbury of London, active until 1961


1920 Silkscreen. A fabric screen with a fairly open weave, possibly nylon, is stretched over a wooden frame, and the parts which are not to be printed through are covered with a varnish. The paper to be printed is placed under the frame and receives the colour when it is drawn across the screen (pochoir, Sieb, setaccio) with a rubber blade called a squeegee. The white areas in the print correspond to those parts of the fabric protected by the varnish. This technique was common in China centuries ago; after the First World War it was imported, via Japan, into the United States, where it was improved and subsequently it became known in Europe.

1920 Golden Cockerel Press, founded by Harold Taylor

1921 Cloister Press founded.

1921 Newbery Medal of ALA for the most distinguished book for children.

1922 Gregynog Press founded by Gwendoline and Margaret Davies, Wales

1922 Officina Bodoni founded at Montagnola di Lugano by Giovanni Mardersteig

1922 Fleuron Society founded by Holbrook Jackson, Francis Meynell, Bernard Newdigate, Stanley Morison and Oliver Simon

1922 First Edition Club founded by A.J.A.Symons and Max Judge

1922 Baskin, Leonard. American, born New Brunswick. Studied at Yale University School of Fien Arts, The New School in Paris, and with Maurice Glickman. Books illustrated: A Little Book of Natural History (1951), Castle Street Dogs (1954), Voyages, Six Poems, Hart Crane (1957), Horned Beetles and Other Insects (1958), Auguries of Innocence, William Blake (1959).

1922 First Edition Club founded by A.J.A.Symons and Max Judge

1922 Oxford Bibliographical Society founded

1923 Kunera Press, Zilverdistel Press, founded 1910, was renamed Kunera Press in 1923

1923 Nonesuch Press established by Miss Mendel, David Garnett and Sir Francis Meynell.

1924 High House Press founded by James Masters in Shaftesbury


1924 Whitaker's Cumulative Book List of British books

1924 Whitaker's Cumulative Book List of British books

1926 Argonau Press, London (until 1938)

1926 Oriole Press, Joseph Ishill

1927 Golden Hind Pres founded by Arthur Rushmore, active until 1955

1927 Golden Hind Pres founded by Arthur Rushmore, active until 1955

1928 Hours Press founded by Nancy Cunard at La Chapelle, France

1929 Mainzer Presse founded by Friedrich Kleukens

1929 Limited Editions Club founded

1929 Mainzer Presse founded by Friedrich Kleukens

1930 Boar's Head Press founded by Christopher Sandford, closed in 1936.

1930 Colophon, the. First issue, until 1940 (1948-1950 New Colophon)

1931 Raven Press founded at Harrow Weald, London, by Robert Maynard and Horace Bray

1932 Holbrook, Jackson. The fear of Books, published

1934 the first bookseller's catalogue devoted exclusively to detective fiction as a collecting specialty. According to Otto Penzler, in his "Encyclopedia of Mystery and Detection," this was the 1934 catalogue of London dealer George Bates entitled "Murder--Catalogue the Seventh of Rare and Interesting Books Illustrating the Development of the Detective and Mystery Story."

1935 Rogers. Oxford Lectern Bible printed by Bruce Rogers with his Centaur type

1935 Nazis. Bookburning

1935 Dolphinn, The, American journal about the making of books, published until 1941


1936 Rampant lions Press' first book, Robert Nichols' A Spanish Triptych, published. Press was founded by Will Carter

1936 Corvinus Press founded by Viscount Carlow

1937 Maillol. Les Pastorales ou Daphnis et Chloe with woodcuts by Aristide Maillol

1942 International League of Antiquarian Booksellers (ILAB) founded

1943 High House Press closed (founded in 1924 by James Masters)

1944 Bremer Presse destroyed by bombing.

1944 Xerography (Xerox copies) invented.

1945 Dropmore Press acquires equipment Corvinus Press

1945 Dropmore Press founded by Lord Kermsley, London

1949 Peregrine Press by Henry Evans, San Francisco

1951 Iowa State University Library erected

1952 Copyright. World Copyright Union founded in Geneva

1953 Lurs. Ecole de lure, annual international graphic arts retreat initiated by Maximilien Vox at Lurs-en-Provence

1953 Lion and Unicorn Press by students of the Royal College of Art, London

1954 Elzevier. Publication of 'The world of the Elzevirs' by D.W.Davies

1955 Dry Coated paper developed at the Battlefield Memorial Institute, Columbia

1955 Dry Coated paper developed at the Battlefield Memorial Institute, Columbia

1955 Dry Coated paper developed at the Battlefield Memorial Institute, Columbia

1956 Rank-Xerox company fouded


1960 Third International Congress of Plastic Arts in Vienna made an outline proposal drawn op in five paragraphs offering a precise definition of an original print.

1963 Bodoni. Museo Bodoniano opened in Parma, Italy. Repository of Bodoni's 70,000 punches, moulds, matrices, proof sheets etc.

1964 Definition of originality given in December 1964 by the Comité National de la Gravure, subsequently accepted by the Chambre Syndicale de L'Estampe et du Dessin and then published in Nouvelles de L'Estampe in February 1965.

1967 ISBN started in Britain

1969 Colour scanner Crosfield Electronics 'Magnascan'

1976 Ink-jet printing announced by IBM

1983 Pop-up. Viking Press 'The Human Body'

1991 The first issue of "Firsts: Collecting Modern First Editions," was published January 1991. According to the first issue, its publishers felt there was no magazine aimed directly at collectors of modern first editions. In January 1995, the focus of "Firsts" was expanded and its title became "Firsts: The Book Collector's Magazine."

1996 Biblio Magazine, first issue published

Collated from http://www.xs4all.nl/~knops/

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