a cop's legacy: 2.5 a mystery and a death

Post on 27-Jun-2015



Self Improvement



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Carter pushes himself in his career, Forrest celebrates another birthday and the family says goodbye to their matriarch.



And here we begin with Carter digging through the trash. Don’t worry, there’s a logical story behind it. Please feel free to leave a comment after reading the chapter. And thanks for continuing the Greene family journey with me.

Carter scrabbled through the trash of the city’s most well-known general. Dressed in civilian clothing, he was undercover, looking to build evidence for a case in a sexual assault case which the department had been looking into. Carefully, peeking out of the trash can on occasion, he dug through old banana peels and bathroom trash, hoping to find something to pin the general to the crime.

After hours, he snuck down to the military base, letting himself in to the building with a master key. This case was important to him, as another promotion would lead to picking a specialty and getting one step closer to his lifetime want. He searched through the rooms wear cadets were housed as well as the offices, finally finding the evidence he was looking for.

The next morning, he reported to work, taking the evidence with him. His boss was impressed with his effort and quickly sent two officers to the military base to arrest the general. Carter received the promotion he had been looking forward to since declaring his lifetime wish. He’d decided to go into forensics.

Lately, the Greene family had noticed Shouji scratching constantly. After coming home from work one day, Sharon finally noticed the cause. Tiny little black bugs seemed to bounce off of the family’s furry friend. Fleas had invaded!

Elissa was only too eager to get rid of the pesky little creatures, quickly rushing Shouji to the outside bathtub and coating him in a thick layer of flea shampoo. There would be no more bugs to cause severe itchiness in the Greene home.

Now that Dakota and Elijah were both out of the toddler stage, the boys began to bond. Throwing a football around after their homework was completed became a favorite past time. The boys were close and both Sharon and Carter were hopeful that their friendship would continue to be strong.

Finally, it was little Forrest’s turn to join his older brothers in the world of school, new friends and homework. The little tyke clung to Grandma Elissa as she brought him to his birthday cake.

His older brother’s cheered him on as he leaned in to blow out the candles. Noise from different types of noise makers filled the kitchen in celebration of the last generation two child’s birthday.

Knowing full well that all three of her boys were out of diapers and on their way to a good education, Sharon placed even more emphasis on her work, even interviewing her niece at Forrest’s birthday party about strange happenings at the high school involving the boys’ soccer team and steroids.

Forrest fit right in with his older brothers, racing home from school with them to jump in the pool or play catch. The friendship among the boys was very special, each enjoying the time they spent together and helping one another out when help was needed.

Forrest struggled in math, getting help from Sharon or Carter when they got home from work. Numbers were a challenge for him and he tried extremely hard to keep up with his assignments, comprehending them to the best of his abilities.

Though he struggled with mathematics, Forrest made up for it in his success in English classes. When his brothers were working on homework for science classes, Forrest typed up stories on the family computer. He had a vivid imagination which his parents were proud of.

One day, as Elissa prepared to take a shower, she felt a sharp pain in her chest. Clutching at her heart, she realized that her time with her family had come to a close.

She went peacefully when the Grim Reaper came for her, wishing she could have said goodbye to her son and grandchildren, but knowing she would soon be reunited with her husband.

Each family member dealt with their grief in their own way. Carter threw himself into his work, focusing on improving his painting skills in order to better sketch crime scenes for future reference in cases.

Forrest found solace in the family pet, bathing and brushing Shouji often. He also tried to teach the beloved animal new tricks.

Elijah spent time fishing in the oddest places. Though it was clear the swimming pool was void of any type of fish, the young boy insisted on practicing there.

After losing her mother-in-law, Sharon realized that her health could send her to an early grave. She put aside writing articles for the paper and spent lots of time in the family gym, trying to lose the weight she’d put off losing for so long.

Dakota also threw himself into working out. His birthday had gone unnoticed and he spent his time alone, pumping iron.

The death was hard on the family, but each Greene knew that they would have to move forward without their dear Elissa. She was in a better place.

Again, thanks for reading! It was so sad to see Elissa go. I think I was more attached to her than I was Madison. Hope you enjoyed the chapter. Suggestions, comments and concerns are always welcomed.

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