a different ditft ch.2 gen. 3

Post on 20-May-2015



Entertainment & Humor



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The second chapter of my DITFT, generation 3 is born and it is a long chapter hope you enjoy!


Bye thesims223344 (Ella)

Picture: -sniff sniff- “Do you know where I can find any nuts around here?”

Welcome back to A Different DITFT! I really couldn’t think of a different name But hopefully it doesn’t sound too bad.

Well, carrying on from where we left off seems a good idea so you better read the first chapter to

understand who everyone is.

Morgana James

Abbie and the rest of the family are being wrapped around Adrian’s little finger, because

he is so cute :3

Every sims name is coloured in their favourite colour.

James: “Hey potato plant, why is our creator in her swimwear?”

Potato: “Funny you should ask, I think Abbie is throwing a birthday party for Tia!

Abbie’s Childhood friend (only friend..) Ethan Keaton.

PARTY TIME!!!That’s the spirit! -_-

These are Tia’s childhood friends from school, I like both of their eye colours The girls is violet and the boy’s is like mine!



Not that you can tell from that picture but she is really pretty

Since Tia is all grown up & Adrian has learnt almost all of his toddler skills, (no potty training this generation) I

decided that he should grow up as well. He is only 3 days away from growing up anyway and I'm impatient!


Adrian: *Where’d my hair go?*

Uh, hair? What hair? *directs Adrian to mirror*

Adrian: “Wow! I grew 6 inches of hair in 2 minutes!!”

Ahhh, the wonders of a sim mirror...

As the mood descended into the horizon, my little sim children awoke to a rather strange sight...

Adrian: “AhhH!!! I’m blind!!! Too many patterns!

Show a little gratitude!! I decorated with each of your different favourite colours and what else did you notice apart from my amazing decorating skills?

Tia: “OMG BEDS!!!

Yay!!!!! We were finally able to buy some beds !! Tia has been sleeping on the sofa.

The garden is also coming along nicely as James has just planted a Perfect he harvested from the Graveyard.

Soon we will have these beauties growing in our garden!

Is it me, or is this really creepy?

Ok i’ll stop stalking him now. Really, I’ll stop!

James: “Uhhh, what was I doing agaaain?”


I think it looks better, don’t you agreee?

OMG birthdayyy!!

Last chance for Adrian child spam!

Adrian: “I demand HAIR please!!”

Adrian rolled Childish for his birthday!

So that makes him an:

Evil Genius, who is Childish & perceptive.

Eco friendly is family trait.

His favourite colour is Violet and food is Peanut butter and Jelly.

He has an interesting profile, I think he is the HEIR!! Because it is a tie between him and Abbie in the heir poll.

James: “What was I dooiiing????”

He looks so gormless!!

Robber: “I Have come to rob your house.”


Burglar: “AAAAHHHHH!!” * does fire dance*

Police man: “I’m afraid you are under arrest!”

Nu uh she DIDN’T!! She did.

Anywhoo, the burglar didn’t steal anything and Adrian got a makeover!!!!!!!!!

I gave him violet hair to match his bedroom.

To celebrate Abbie’s birthday Adrian made use of his Childish trait.

Abbie is not friends with any of her family yet Adrian and Tia are best friends forever?

Abbie’s full traits are:

Eco Friendly,Daredevil,Schmoozer,Excitable,Loner.

We kicked her out into a nice house so she could live her own life. Cos my playing sucks.

Morgana also felt the tinglies and decided to age up to elder!

Since James has maxed his fishing I decide to try and complete some of the challenges.

Just proof of skill finishing But I still have to do the skill challenges.

Adrian took a little trip to Egypt for a school thing, and also I haven’t used much World Adventures on the challenge yet.

I should have taken James instead of Morgana because he could have got some different fish!

Adrian: “Is it my biiiiirthday yet??”Almost... Almost I just need to show the reader(s) your jewel collection from the Sphinx and France and China...

Morgana: “Must make beds tidy everything because my little apron makes me look like a

maid so creator is making me clean!”

Complimentary scenery picture


Cutest elder ever!!

Since James is level 10 now he can revive plants. I thought that meant he brought it back to life, but he just got the seed and had to plant it again. This is the

death flower plant by the way.

Tia grew up!! They grow up so fast! *sniff*

Her full traits are: Genius,

Its time for Tia to also make her own way in the world, so I kicked her out (that just chooses a random lot for

the sim so I don’t have too!) like Abbie.

Adrian and James are best friends and are now having a little more father son bonding time

gossiping like old ladies.

Adrian’s spouse to be is a slob! And a snob! Snobs love to brag about them selves. I keep

forgetting that Adrian is an Evil Genius.

Just a little peak at what they got up too in France. I took James this time so he could

complete an opportunity he has had for AGES!

The opportunity was that the bistro wanted to add frogs legs to their menu but couldn’t be bothered to go themselves. He got

paid $480 It cost more than that to go!


Luckily it just made him tired not kill him. Phew. He got electrocuted 4 more times after that!

Its the book club! This is funny because at school me and my friends used to sit in a group and talk about

funny things that are not appropriate for school so we used to call it the book club!!

Adrian got to know his future girlfriend. They are now good friends!

Abbie: “Mum! Your paintings are as good as the Mona Lisa!

Well duh, its a BIRTHDAY!! Notice SimMe hitting the bar? And Morgana in her nightdress?

Adrian: “Hey!! They took my hair! I demand a refund!” -_-

This is getting annoying Eaxis you keep balding my heir! Not funny, I don’t think normal people loose all their hair every time its their birthday. Humph.

I considered giving him the same hair as James but I decided to give him this hair...

Instead! He is so CUTE!!

After ages of waiting I can finally marry Christy in! But first its time to change Adrian’s clothes.

Adrian: “I look like James bond!”

As the sun sets on this eventful day..

Our little heir is doing to sleep because tomorrow its a wedding and a job interview!

Meanwhile I make James do something useful. Like upgrading all the appliances!

Best heir portrait ever! –Kaching- 1 point!!

Like his PJ’s? He has bunny slippers!

Objective get job in business -

*sings* Engagement!!


The only bad thing was that they were on slightly uneven ground so this happened!

Chrissy: “*kissy noises* Why am I kissing your nose?”

Meet the new Mrs. Drift!

After all this I sent James out to the Graveyard to try and catch some Deathfishes!

I am collecting all of the different fish to put in the families (soon to be built) fish pond. Only Perfect fish will do!

I sent both James and Morgana to China to do opportunities they both got.

Morgana explored the Dragons Maw but couldn’t finish it because she didn’t have the Key

of the Dragon or something.

China is pretty!

James caught lots of types of Koi fish. All of perfect quality of course.

I demolished the house and built a new one and decided to put the French Gnome, King Leon, in the

Garden to test out his awesome Gnomage posing skills.

Inside for the first time we have a washing machine!!! Woo!

Morgana will do most of the laundry because she has the apron + she normally isn’t busy.

NOOOOO!!! I have already smushed our spouse into the door.

Nope, she is still alive! Phew. Ready to try out your new 4 poster bed?

Adrian:”Heck yeah!! Honeymoon here we come!”

Morgana tried to get into this bed earlier but this is the Heir’s bed she has a nice green one.

Mean while James tests out this Newfangled contraption I bought for the skilling room.

I love the washing lines! Though don’t they strangely look like Sims2 clothes?

Morgana: “I hope your children don’t inherit your table manners!”

Chrissy: *Slurp Gobble Gobble- “Why? What’s wrong with my table manners?” *Dribbles*

We brought the first portraits into the new house as well!

I just love this top I don’t know why!

Adrian /spam/

Wait, what fire?

Darn fireplace! It was on for 30 sim minutes! And this happens.

The fire does look realistic though...

James: “Morgana! Get out of the flames!”Morgana: “I can’t, I’m a sim! I’m not smart!”

Nope I think the fire was some sort of WARNING that this baby is pure Evil!

Seriously just as Morgana caught her stupid sim but on fire, Chrissy changes into pregnancy clothes.

Nooo, twilight vampire firelady!

Gayfairythatsparkle: “Hey! I am not a gay fairy! This just happens to be my eye colour!”

Pfft, yeah right..No offence to twilight fans but the films suck. (the books are ok though)

Come on firefighter! You seem to be enlarging the flame instead of stopping it!

Adrian my brave little sim helps put the fire out as the Firelady clearly has some sort of Flammable gas tank.

James: “Eww, just eww.”Morgana: “AAAAAGGGHRHRHHR!! MY BUT IS


Finally they put the fire out, and a second firelady came to help. Too little, Too late!

Though I was hoping for a fire ghost out of this...

James: *Gasp*Just joking!! *coughnoiwasn’tcough*

Adrian: “Its OK, is the baby OK though? All that fire dancing may have damaged it.”

Chrissy: “Nah, it’s probably fine! We’ll go to the doctors tomorrow for a check-up.”

Baby:” ...Goo.”Adrian:” I heard something!”

*Holds back sobs* KING LEON IS DEAD!! WAAAAAAAHH!!!! He got burnt to death by the fire!!!

R.I.P King Leon. He only lived for about half a sim day outside of someone's inventory! It is not safe in the outside world! Especially for posing gnomes.

Morgana is trying to paint Chrissy’s portrait but it keeps coming out black.

Morgana: “Hi Abbie how are you?”

Chrissy has gone into labour!! Generation 3 is on its wayyyy!

Adrian: “Ahh, what a beautiful Musical Gnome box!”

Baby Felix was born!! He had Good locked in and he rolled Genius. His favourites are: Chinese

music, Key Lime Pie, and the colour Grey.

Awwww. He has the same skin tone as his mum almost.

His hair & eye colour will have to wait, though give us a wild guess they will be green.

Felix: *wink*


Adrian: “Daddy loves you Felix, even if you are good.”

Felix: *Gurgle*

After 3 Electrocutions, Chrissy was able to build a GIANT DRILL!!!!

Chrissy: “Hmm, what does this thingamagig do?”

Chrissy: “AAAAAGGHHH!” *silence*


Ok I was lying when I said electrocuted (or I just forgot) she just caught her but on fire. *snigger*

Chrissy: “AAAGH, Not FUNNY!!”

Meanwhile, little Felix grows up!

I named him Felix after my Nan’s neighbours cat. Because he is cute.

Ok I’ll stop now.

Nope, sorry I have a few more...Just to clarify Felix has Morgana’s eyes, Chrissy’s skin & hair (maybe Morgana’s) and possibly Ade’s nose? Hopefully.

Felix: “Please stop taking pictures of me. Please?”

Ok, fine. I will stop this time. Because this is where I shall leave this chapter because it is the longest presentation I have ever made.

Come back next time you know you want too!

Felix: “I only learnt to talk to tell that lady to STOP TAKING PICTURE OF ME!”

Ade: “Wow!! Good boy Felix! You said your first sentence!Felix: -_-

This is my favourite painting so far! We have kept it on the wall.

/:Simultaneously scream/Lamest fire-fighters ever!

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