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Post on 10-Aug-2019






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A different lifeNovelMartina Beda


n the savanna of this beautiful big country of Africa, Anaya and her family was living in a little house in South Africa. There were seven in this small shack and he was starting to be a very tiny place for all of them. But without money, it’s going to

be hard for the dream to become true. However, Anaya was always saying to their parents that in the future she will become rich and help all the family. Another dream that probably would not become true.

The special day of the Zulu’s tribes was coming; the most important ceremony was near. Every person of the entire tribe was glad and enthusiastic to receive this important date. Only a specific person was not that happy, even the opposite, she was more than depressed about it. Anaya was only twelve, and important stage of her life, for her family, for her tribe has that age means many different things, that for others communities were totally incoherent. It was hard to think that a young lady has to marry someone that she didn’t know at that age. Only her father, Tupac that chose it, know this person that is engaged to marry his daughter. He was always saying that he was a good person, a perfect one, a rich handsome man that was totally pleased to have at home, a pretty and intelligent girl like Anaya. However, this doesn’t helped Anaya’s and the rest of the family’s mind. Do all this ritual only for give a little girl to marriage and that the family can earns some money. Anaya was complaining all the day, always sad, and without any wish to work or help in the house. Only stayed lie down on the bed or spend all the night talking with her two sister and her two twin’s brothers, whom were passing all the last days and night with their sister. They were always commenting on how she will become in some months or in a year. Maybe, in a few periods, she will become a totally different person, and perhaps rich and become mother. Anaya was repeating every moment that everything will be good and her short life will be better, for her and for all the family. She was always responding with a positive attitude, never complaining. But every word that was going out of her big and plump lips was only a way to don’t stress the family and to make them happy and not nervous. Inside of her mind, she was crying, crying a lot, but thinking with a positive attitude, her family will live better. More money at home and more happiness. But Halima, her mother, couldn’t stop crying and thinking about the horrible event that was happening in the family. Her little daughter had to get married with this unfamiliar man. Ras, the little children of the family suddenly ran into the house, and then enter in Anaya’s bedroom thinking that she was there. But his thought wasn’t correct. Her daughter wasn’t there, in the bedroom lie down on the bed. So he decides start searching her to explain his great idea. One hour pass, then two and then three, but still he didn’t found any trace of Anaya.



When the night comes, she returned home. Ras, excited to see his sister, ran and get next her. They both sit in the bed and start talking. He first asks, of course where she has passed the few hours that have just passed. She was walking and thinking she responds; she wasn’t feeling good and the only thing was that she wanted to stay alone. She had been in the river, the large with that horrible brown water. All the brothers named it, the chocolate river. There they spent a lot of good times when they


were smaller.  That place was like their recreation ground, but not a fake one that we can see in all the place of every city of the world. For this African people, that didn’t know what was happing and what the rest of the world have, there they could enjoy everything, the pure air, the water and they could play several games. For them, it was a paradise, and that location always brings her many happy and unforgettable remembers of her childhood. For this reason Anaya went there, she sits on the floor, admiring the river and doing some experiments, because science was her passion. She was trying to understand the force of the water and many others things. Then, she feels a sudden pain in her chest. The first thought that she had was that something was happening in her heart, but then she understand. She was starting to become a woman, not only because she was getting engaged with this man, also physically. She ran onto the water and stays there hide. Her tits were growing, she was ashamed. With their traditionally clothes, the women where without a top part. That means that they were practically naked. For her it was horrible and terrible, she fells awful and fells under scrutiny. This time Anaya wasn’t thinking positively, but she had to do it. She get out of the river, put all the clothes, the pink short dress, then all the colorful decorations around the hip. Also put every of her million chains. The black one, the red and yellow and others multicolored. And, of course, the long brown spear, to help her in the savanna. All traditional costumes of the Zulus. In the way home, she found an antelope. May I kill or not this poor animal? Was always thinking Anaya, and after some second she thrown the lance in the direction of the head of the animal. A flood of blood went out of the neck of the creature. She was astonished that she could manage kill her first animal without any other help. With a little bit of tension, she approach and kill the antelope in one fell swoop. Anaya was thinking on how she is going to bring the animal at home. In the first moment, she couldn’t deal with the strong body of it; it was really hard to hold it alone. But then, with concentration and rigorously she success without any problem. The river was quite far away from the house, and she took a long time to get there. Also because she was stopping every moment to change position because the weight of the antelope was fairly big.


The girl returned home and goes to see her brother Ras, but he was sleeping, for not interrupting him, she decided to sleep with her brother. Anaya was a little bit excited about how she could manage to transport the animal all over the savanna. Her tiredness couldn’t facilitate Anaya thinking about the unforgettable day that she spent alone in the chocolate river. She suddenly felt asleep. In the middle of the night, something was moving on the bed, as of someone was taking out the blankets or moving her carefully. But this short moment didn’t wake up Anaya. The day after, Halima was shouting and crying. Randomly Anaya wake up. In the tiny house there was a mess, everybody was shouting and others crying. She looked at her left, but her little brother Ras wasn’t there; he wasn’t at her side like she leaves him at the night. Spontaneously she rises up and run in the kitchen, where her mother was standing and crying. With a lot of difficulty, she announced that Ras disappeared. Immediately Anaya understood what was happening during the night in her bed. She also started crying, thinking that it was her fault to don’t wake up and check what the problem


was. Tupac that was working on the field of the place she came running after hearing all the noise coming from the house. He come near his daughter, which was sitting on the floor, her hands where resting on her big and large shoulders. Her round head was looking down, resting on her black arms and her feet were shaking. Tupac lift her up, her head was still down, fixing the floor which was very dirty. Anxious and with an intense desire to know what was happening in the house. Her mother, as the same way that she did before, with the same difficult, she starts everything. She heard a noise, like if someone was coming inside the house, forcing the door. So, she wake up and when in the entrance and check if everything was fine. Then she enter in every of her children’s room. First the twins one, and Ras wasn’t there because he was sleeping with Anaya. Then into the Kissa and Sheba’s room and all was perfect. However, in the last bedroom, only their daughter was there. The stress start growing up, Halima begun searching Ras in all the shack but no trail of her little children was in there. Tupac wasn’t at home in the moment of the night and for this reason, Halima, was feeling more alone than others normal days.


Hours passed since they initiate the searching of Ras. The father alerts the entire city and all the tribe that his son disappeared and that they have to help his family to found it. Anaya stayed with her brother and the other two sisters. They spent all the night and all the day after trying to found it, but no trace of him. The four of them decided to sit down and rest a little bit for a while. They start talking, and suddenly Zere; the other twin brother, said to Anaya that Ras was waiting her all the day before to tell her something. Curious, she start asking, but anyone could remember what it was because Ras did not tell anyone what it was. Zere only said that he bring to mind that it was related to Anaya’s marriage. When she heard this word, her face totally changed. With all this trouble with Ras, she completely forgot her marriage that was near. Kissa began singing to change her bad mood, and her sadness. But Anaya did not change. She was sad, because in some days, she will bring out of the house and live with her new husband. And without Ras at home, this will be impossible for her. Then Sheba continue, and then all the others. Instantaneously, a loud long noise came out from a tree behind the four children. Sheba, that was the smaller of them, pitched into Anaya because she was very, very scared. Zere stand up and very slowly when in the place where the noise came out and brings with him Kissa. The others two stayed sitting on the floor. Suddenly a little bird went out flying normally, like if nothing happens. Glad of it, they continue searching Ras. The night came out and Anaya, that was the only one that really know the savanna, was completely lost. So, she decided to rest during a while so she can understand where they are and get back home. Zere, without a reason in the beginning, fall on the floor shouting: “Anaya help me! My leg hurts, I can’t move it, and something is eating me! Help me please!” Without thinking, she run in the direction of her brother and asks what was happening. He was lie on the sand of the floor in the middle of the savanna. Anaya start stressing, she was afraid that the blood that was driving out from Zere’s leg could attract animals. Without even knowing the cause yet of all this trouble, she decided to look his leg to see what the problem was. He was wearing the typical costume of the tripe. A shirt made of


straw with feathers. In his legs he was wearing like a sock, from the foot to the knee with straws and symbols of the tribe. The rapidly, she starts taking off the right one, where it was hurting and the blood was coming out. In the same moment, Kissa shout and adverted everybody that a snake had just passed near her coming from Anaya and Zere. The young girl suddenly understands what happen to him. A snake bites her brother when he was just going to sit on the floor. He probably didn’t see it and sit on the snake. Therefore, she completely removes this sock that become red because of the blood that Zere was losing. Sheba, that was the curious girl of the family, began asking what was happening and was terrorize because her brother was bleeding. Without answer, she continues asking until, with a strange and painful voice, Zere said: “Stay with Kissa and sleep a little bit.” She listen her brother and went with her sister. Both were lie on the floor freezing and observing Anaya and Zere, trying to comprehend what their sister was doing. This moment didn’t last a lot, the two girl felt asleep rapidly. While they were sleeping, Anaya was helping Zere with the snakebite. Two little holes were stamped in his leg. Under his little round knee. “How these two holes can make him bleeding so much” Anaya was asking to herself over and over. It was the first time that this was happening to her, so she didn’t know what to do. But, like a flash, she remember what her grandmother always tell her: “If any time a snake bite you, run fast and found whichever green leaf, spit on it.” So, she suddenly looked up and searched some tree for the leaves. But in the savanna it was really difficult to find some. She woke up Sheba and Kissa and with their help they begun looking for some. Some minutes later, Kissa found them, she scream and run where Zere was. Anaya take one, spit on it and place on the snakebite. He starts crying out in pain. She continue and begun washing the wound on his leg. Suddenly the blood stop coming out and also Zere stop crying and screaming. He felt asleep as same as Sheba and Kissa. Anaya couldn’t, she was terrified that Zere wasn’t getting better and may die. With this entire problem, she totally forgot the reason that they were there, Ras wasn’t found yet.


The day after, Sheba wake up first and call the others. Anaya could sleep in the night and all of them were relaxed and were happy because of the rest. Zere was getting better and could walk alone, without help. All the brothers were glad and started to find the way to get back home. After some hours, Zere said that this place wasn’t known for him. Anaya and the others two sister thought the same, and after a while, they understood where they were, in the chocolate river. They decided to stay in that place for a moment, so they could go in the water. The water of the river wasn’t the same as the others times. She was darker. But the color didn’t change the mind of the girls; Zere was the only one that stays outside. He sat down and watches his sisters playing in the river. With a big smile stamped on his face he began singing and few minutes later, the He bounce and call Anaya. Another bird, in Anaya´s opinion was the same as the other time. Something was hold by his pecker. A little white feather with the most important symbol of the Zulu´s tribe. They understand that it was a piece of their tribe´s costume. Not everybody could have that feather, only some boys that spend a long time helping the family and all the tribe. Anyone of the four children obtained that object. But Ras always was helping the tribe, and of course the family.


This was the first trace that could help them founding their little brother. Sheba and Anaya decided to stay in that place to search more. However, Zere and Kissa went back home to announce everything that happens and call more help. As the two girls were starting to enter in the little forest where the bird came out, the others two were going in the village. Halima start crying of happiness after seen her daughter and her son. And after listen the great notice, she began jumping of happiness. She rapidly call a lot of friends of the tribe and bring them in the chocolate river where her others two daughter were, and they rapidly came out of the forest. They were about twenty persons helping. They made little groups and begun to enter on it. Tupac wasn´t with them, days passed since he went with five friends in the savanna to search Ras. Everyday Halima was preoccupied because she was always alone in the house without any notice of any of her sons and neither her husband.


All the day and the night passed and the day after also, now it was dark. Sheba was afraid of all the noise around her. Noises of little animals, hisses of snakes, croaks of frogs and any type of fauna there. Suddenly, Kissa scream, she heard the sound of a person, speaking differently from them, in a diverse language, that for her was unfamiliar. She starts running, then all the tribe do the same. Anaya that was at the end of all of the people, without seen where she was putting her foots, she trip on a rock and felt on the floor. No one advert that she wasn´t with them, they were scared and only think about themselves. She was alone, in the middle of this little forest, lie on the ground. Her eyes were closed, she was immobile. Her right leg was bending; her knees were red and bloody, face down.

Unexpectedly, something touched her back and this make Anaya wake up. In the first moment she couldn´t see perfectly, without of focus. This trouble make the girl don’t understand how was the person. She was lost, without memory at the beginning. This unknown person start talking to Anaya, she could understand that she was a young girl, approximately her age. Everything that the girl was saying, she couldn’t comprehend. Minutes passed since she wake up and the girl still on her side steering her. She closes her brown eyes for a second for them open them again, dreaming that she could see. And this worked, in the single moment that she opens them, everything was normal, all the colors were perfect. For this reason she might observe the girl. Her hair was brown, a clear brown, her eyes, that were looking at Anaya were blue. A strange blue that could be gray and green in the same time. With some yellow nuggets all over the round eye. Her skin was white, a color of skin that Anaya never saw in her short life. Anaya stand up and the girl did the same. She touches her, and makes something that the African girl could comprehend. She raised her hand and approached it to her body, a sign that means “come with me”. Anaya was in a difficult situation, she didn´t know if go with this girl or stay in the forest alone. So, she decided to stay with her new friend. They start walking in this jungle, the girl seem to know perfectly where she was, however, the African girl was totally lost. She was thinking in how a white person could know better than her the place. In this little forest, the things that she could see were trees, ground, and little animals, and rays of sunshine. Anaya was repeatedly searching the sun, but no way. After a long time


walking, they arrived in the place. It was like a square, with no many trees on it, they probably take off them to create their little village. It was full of white people, only some of them were black, and others were brown, a new color of skin for her. Anaya looked at her friend, she was shouting, maybe calling someone. She was right, some seconds after; a big tall white man arrived. He wasn´t wearing a skirt, like all her tribe does, but a different thing. It was like a skirt, but attached and not brown, but blue. Also he was had on a shirt, colored and with symbols, which for her and the tribe didn´t has a meaning. In his feet, he had a thing in each foot. It was the only object that was similar, but this one had string crossed all long the foot, and those too, full of color. This man opened his mouth, and from it and stay a word that Anaya understood. He was speaking the same language. He was asking what happen, and where is the rest of her tribe. She didn´t answer at the first moment, she was thinking. She started telling what happen when she was in the forest and met the girl. Before that, it was impossible to remember. She start stressing, she was lost, without knowing anything of her life, of her tribe. But this man helped her and showed a place to rest. Anaya went with him; her friend was not there with them anymore. They cross over the entire village, in the middle, there was a table with some pieces of trees, and some white people were sitting; she was analyzing everything that was in the place, that for her were totally new things. Behind this table, there was a fire, she breathed the air, and it was like at home. All the village was full of tends, some big others small. They arrived near one of them, the man opened the door, her friend was inside, and she was might waiting her. The place was very big compared with her house in her village. Memory was starting to coming, this what she told to the man. She continued observing, everything was beautiful, full of colors and all new things for Anaya. She a step ahead and turned her face to the left, a long big skin of zebra was laid on the floor, like a carpet. She was perplexed; she would never think that that animal would be use for that. A door was closed on the side, on a big white wall. She opened it and a quite big room was inside. Without knowing what it was, she started looking. A white bowl was in the middle. She never saw that thing, but using her head, she understood what it was. “A bath!” she shouted. A big and long smile appeared on her skinny brown face. Franco adds: “It is a bathroom”. Anaya went out and she carry on looking. A big comfortable bed was in the middle of this gorgeous room. Four or five squared things were in this enormous bed. She suddenly jumped on it, her face enters on this squared thing, and they were very soft and fresh. When Anaya was laid on the bed, she asked what the name of the girl was, the big man said: “Giulia”. He pronounces this word with elegance and a particular accent that the African girl loved. So, she also asked him, he said: “Franco”. Only looking at him, a big white man, you probably think that he is a bad person without heard. But this was totally wrong; he helped Anaya a lot all during her stay. Give a house, a bed, a bathroom, everything that she needed. Days passes trough she arrived there, and days after days, she was learning new and incredible things. New words, new stories, new languages and new costumes. It was a new and completely different life for her. Maybe not the best, but with this new people she started knowing new things.



A day she was in her room alone and Franco came in. She was on her bed drawing on paper. He sat near her and he began asking things about the girl. Where she live, where are her parents and others important things. It was really difficult for Anaya, her memory wasn´t perfectly like before. But she told everything that she remembered. She said: “I am from a small tribe; I live in this little village in the middle of the savanna. I don´t know where are my parents, all the tribe is searing my little twin brother Ras that disappears some days before. For this reason I was in the forest that day.” Anaya was happy because she could remember a lot of things, and Franco could understand more about her. Then he left, and the African girl decided to go out and work a little bit. She opened the door; the sky was blue, with some white clouds. Giulia passed running with others friends; they were jogging inside the forest. She was thinking on what to do, and her interest on the nature brings her running with the others. She joined the group of children and enjoyed the nature. They crossed the entire village and passed in front of every hut looking for more persons. Anaya start counting, they were twenty-six, a quite big group. Without talking to anyone, she started following the others and began running with them. They were dodging trees, jumping over streams, climbing rocks. Others new things that the girl never did. The sky was starting to coming dark, and they still were in the middle of the forest. Giulia approached to the African girl, with some gesture, she explained to her that she will show something interesting. She stopped running and began walking, all in a straight line. Some were singing, others talking and others looking everywhere. The place was incredible, old trees all over the place, some tall others very small. You could smell the real nature, which only some people could do, not everybody can go there. At that moment, it was totally dark; the only lights were the fireflies. They were everywhere, some also rest on the arms and one was on Anaya´s head. Minutes passed and suddenly someone announced that they arrived. She could comprehend because all the others were happier and exalted. It was a tiny place, with benches made of wood. They were all around a fire. Anaya sat down near Giulia, both fixing the red fire. Unexpectedly, an old woman came out from the forest. She was quite tall for a woman, she was black live Anaya. Her face and her body were a little bit fat. Her arms were full of black dots, like her face. Her nose was long and big. Anaya was afraid and she took Giulia’ hand, that was totally normal and happy. Nobody was afraid, only the African girl, it was her first time there. Giulia whispered on her ear: “Tyhsare” pointing the woman. Anaya understood that woman was a witch of the forest. The lady start talking, she was telling a story. It was dark, and the girl was afraid. Hours passed and the woman began doing strange things with the fire and others objects that were there. She took off from a big dark bag a bottle. She wasn´t empty, inside there was a liquid, green or blue, it was difficult to identify, it was too dark. The witch continue with the story and began putting others things in this container. And suddenly she closed the bottle for then shook it very fast. Anaya was trying to understand what she was doing, probably magic games or others things. When she opened it, a tall splash of that strange liquid came out of the bottle. All the children were stunned looking at it. The woman started laughing and was glad of all the public. Everybody stood up and start going back to the village. This time they weren´t running, they were too tired. When they arrived, Anaya run in her house and jumped on the bed and felt asleep in a second.



Weeks passed and even months when Anaya arrived in the village. Many things changed since her arrival. Giulia began learning the language of her African friend and Anaya her language. At that point they could speak tighter without big problems. They were like two sisters. In a sunny day, Giulia brought her African sister in a tour. They walked a little away from the village and arrived in a small parking. There, Franco was waiting the girls to bring them in a safari. Anaya didn´t know what that was and it was the first time for her to see and to go in a car. She was touching everything, looking everywhere. Giulia was explaining to her every single detail. The five sits in the red car which were very comfortable and colored. Then every object in the front of the vehicle, a radio for the music, radar and others essential things for this safari. Suddenly a black man arrived; he was holding a long big green gun. Anaya was impressed; she screamed thinking that he will kill her. Her sister calmed her telling that this man was the guide and he will stay with us during the safari. He jumped on the car and opened the motor. A strong noise went out of it, and the African girl was stunned. She was plugging her ears. Some seconds after, they began advancing. Every moment faster and the two girls happier. Then they enter in this park, Anaya could read: “Kruger Park”. Giulia was telling her the story why they were living there. Franco was a very famous vet and one day he went to visit South Africa and he known her mother that was living there. So, he decided to find a work there in a park and then they married and after some years I was born. Anaya then asked why the mother wasn´t with them and in the village neither. Giulia´s face expression change brutally, but she continued speaking. She died in this park, six year ago. A lion attack the car and also her mother. No words were going out from Anaya´s mouth, she only said: “I´m sorry!” Suddenly, a zebra came out and passed in front of the car. The young girl start screaming and laughing, but that was prohibited in the park. Then a giant giraffe crossed the little wet path in the middle of this extended field full of beautiful animals. They kept on with the tour. The guide of the car began talking with the African girl, who was glad to return to speak her language with someone that really known it as well as her. Franco commenced eating a huge sandwich with salad, cheese and some type of meet. Anaya asked a little bit of it and he gave her a new sandwich only for her and another for her real daughter. The two of them began talking and unexpectedly, the young girl remembered that she is engaged to an unknown person. Franco turned and steered at her, the same did Giulia. Anaya was young, and for them be married at that age is very uncommon and strange. However, for her tribe it wasn´t. She was afraid because she passed a lot of days far away from her house, from her family, and from her tribe. She was extremely sad. That day she decided to go back home, and bring with her new sister and maybe her new father. While they were talking, some elephants passed near the car. It was Anaya´s favorite animal. Big gray animal, with huge ear, a long trunk and big feet. A long time passed since she didn´t saw that special animal, so she decided to approach them. She jumped out of the red car and began to go in the direction of them. The guide, Franco and Giulia were stunned, without understanding what she was doing. “She is crazy!” they were shouting, “Come here now” It´s dangerous! They are going to kill you Anaya!” But she wasn´t listening, the love for that animal and the nature was more important than them shouting. So she continued to go near them. The guide took off the gun, but Giulia ordained him, that he didn´t has to shoot because she knows what Anaya is doing. He accepted it


but he still prepared in case. The three of them were stand up in the car, Franco was taking pictures. Giulia was smiling and looking at her sister that was some meters from the elephants. She advanced a step and touched this huge gray animal. He didn´t react brutally, he only turn around and seem that he was fixing at her. Anaya looked back in the back and make a sign with her hand, lifting the thumb. They did it back and she continued. She took something from her little bag and took off some nuts and gave them to the elephant. Rapidly, she bounced on the animal. She was happy, and the others in the car too. She stayed there for a while, than she came down and returned in the car. Then they went back home. It was night so go asleep after taking the dinner. That night was special because it was Franco´s birthday. They eat very well, a delicious meet with a lot of legumes.


The day after, Anaya woke up and running she went in Giulia’s house and bounced in her bed. She began signing and for this reason her sister woke up. She was very tired without any want and reason to go out. But there was a reason; Anaya had to go back to her village. So, she rose up and changed rapidly without thinking. They both prepared little bags and put inside some food. Giulia decided to also bring a gun in case. Anaya brought her sister to her room and shown something that was very significant for her. She wore the typical costume of her tribe. The little skirt full of symbols and feathers. After that, they were prepared to go. The African girl thanks a lot Franco and told: “One time I will come back!” He gave to her many things, food, objects, guns and a present for her family. The two girls began to enter in the forest, and suddenly someone cross the path and hide behind a tree. Anaya approached and Giulia prepared the gun. It was Ras, her little brother, which they were searching during a long time. She started crying of happiness. She presented Giulia to him and he asked if she married that man. Anaya began to tell the entire story and he comprehended everything. Then, the three of them returned back to the village. While they were walking, Ras was telling was happens to him. Some white persons took him because I was a perfect type of Zulu. And these persons created a region “Zululand” where everybody from the entire world could see how Zulus live. So, he stayed there working. In the moment that he finished telling the story, they began earring music and the smell of the fire. They comprehended that the village was near. When they arrived, Halima looked at them and ran in their direction. She was very very happy to see again her children. She shouted “The children are at home! The children are at home!” The entire tribe went there and of course all the family was glad to saw them again. Anaya presented Giulia to the tribe and told the entire story, and then she gave the present to Tupac. It was a little box, and when he opened it, he didn’t understood what it was. Giulia explained, that that are keys of some houses of her village, and when they want they could go without problem. Anaya was happier that her family. After that, Ras told his story. Suddenly, a tall white man appears from a hug of the village. It was new because Anaya and Ras never saw him before. This time, Tupac was presenting someone to her daughter. “In some day he will be your husband” said her father to Anaya. She wasn’t absolutely happy. Her mood completely changed. She ran back in the forest. Giulia came with her. No one would understand what it was happening. In the forest, Anaya start to cry and cry, and her new sister helped her.


Giulia promises that if Anaya wanted, after her marriage, she will come back and bring her to Europe. In Italy, the place where she is from. After that, she go back in her village, the same did the African girl. When she returned, everybody was working, if nothing happens. She went in her hug and stayed there alone. The night came and she felt asleep quickly.


The sun was shining and Anaya, like every morning, woke up to help her father in the field with the animals. But this day was not the same as everyone. Her head was burning and she was not feeling very good. Get up was extremely difficult for the young girl, but with the help of her sister Kissa she manages to do it. She suddenly stands up and run to the bucket to clean her face and get ready to work. Anaya shout a strong scream to advert all the children to be prepared. Her voice was very strange and different from others days, more pointed and higher. Everybody notice some differences, but this scream didn’t reach the little brother, Ras that was with his father in the market. Anaya decide to found Halima, but with her head on fire, it was very hard for her to even walk straight. Rapidly she falls. After an extended time lied on the floor, Anaya started to listened some voices; it was Tupac that was saying “Open your eyes Anaya open them”. He was extremely sad, thinking that her lovely daughter will not survive. He decided to use the present that Giulia gave to them. He took Anaya with him and Ras went with them, he was the only one that known the way to go in that village. After a long time they arrived, suddenly Franco run in their direction and noticed that there was a problem. Tupac was looking everywhere, like her daughter did the first time that she went there. The white man called the guide and they jumped on the car and went in the city. Before arriving there, Anaya woke up. She start to have a panic attack, she was lost, nervous, without control of her body. A drop went out of her round brown eye. A way that Tupac and the others continued believing that she could continue with her short life. The guide stopped the car and Tupac understood what was happening. That day it was her marriage. They went back in the village. Giulia was in the parking waiting them. She was stressed that something serious happened to her sister. But when she saw her walking without help, the stress goes away and she was glad to see her again. Anaya invited her to her marriage that was in the afternoon.


The special moment arrived; it was the time to be prepared to the marriage. Anaya wasn’t happy, she was very furious. She was in her hug with her mother, which was making Anaya’s hair. She was putting flowers on her, she was extremely pretty. When Giulia came in the little house, and she saw her sister, she stayed stunned. She was beautiful, her hair was perfect, and black with these colored flowers, her dress was long and white. A little bit old but in her tiny body if was perfect. Only one word could describe Anaya: “Perfect” said her friend. Giulia took off something from her little bag. The African girl didn’t understood what it was in the first moment. It was envelope, and she has to opened it at the end of the ceremony. Anaya was very curious but she


has to wait. Tupac enter running in the hug, he was looking for Zere, that wasn’t there. Halima went with her husband to help founding him. While they were searching him, Giulia and Anaya were alone in the room. They decided to open the envelope. Without breaking anything and with a lot of prudence, she started open it. Inside there was a card and a letter. She took the letter first, the paper was white with blue letter, and she began reading.

“Dear sister, I think that from this moment that you will be married, we will never see each other. I will came back in Italy in some weeks. And to return in South Africa it will be very very difficult for me. I hope you will live better with this man, I think it’s a good person for you. You will be happy, don’t worry. I hope to see you again one day. Love you. Giulia.”

A tear went out from Anaya’s eye. Then she took the other paper. It was pink with black and red letters. She never saw something like that before. She began to read.

“First Class, Anaya Kulimati, Johannesburg-Rome.”

She stopped, she wasn’t understanding anything. Only that her name and others things about her were there written. Giulia explained that it was her flight ticket. That if she wanted she could go with her in Europe and live a completely different life. Anaya was confused; she was in an important decision that could totally change her type of live. Stay in South Africa with all her family and her husband; or to go in Europe with Giulia and began a new life. Suddenly, Zere entered in the hug. After him, Halima and Tupac came. Anaya understood that it was time to get married after listening the noise of a special trumpet. This one is used only for marriage; the noise is very different and louder. In that moment, the entire tribe has to go in the place where the ceremony will take place and they all have to look at him. Fyrta, a friend of Tupac, began to sing and after him, everybody continued. Then they clapped their hand and later than the started to dance.

Anaya raised up and went out from the house. In her mind she was only thinking in the opportunity that Giulia gave to her. However, all around her, everybody were fixing at the beautiful young girl. She started smiling, so her family and the rest of the tribe could be happy. A Zulu’s marriage is completely different from others tribes or others counties. Is more like a big party, were all the tribe is invited and everybody happy. For Giulia it was the first time to assist at this special event, she was very glad to see every person smiling and dancing. She was sitting near Franco. They were in the first line of seats. In that place, only the family could seat. But for Anaya, they were a family too.

A different song started, it was the moment that John, the bride, had to came. Anaya was looking at Giulia, and then at him. Her sister was smiling however he was serious and very stressed it seems. The African girl understood that for him it was a big pressure. All the ceremony continued and at the end, everybody danced together. After that, they assisted at a dance exhibition, created for only for Anaya’s weeding. Giulia was approaching to her, and she adverted her that she will go back home. Anaya, sat down, and was only thinking on what to do with her future. Anaya now was a woman, from that moment; she is living in a different hug, only with


John. They decided to stayed in the village and don’t left. But that wasn’t the future for the African girl. Her dream was to live without problems, in a house and stay with Franco and Giulia. She was convinced in what she was doing. However, John was sure that Anaya loved him and stayed with him all the life.


One day she decided to go and visit Giulia. She went alone, without telling anyone were she was going, she left the village. She passed from the chocolate river, and she spent a while there. She wasn’t alone in the river, there was a fisher. Not from the tribe, but certainly from another. Without interest she entered in the forest and arrived in their village. Nothing changed from the last time. Franco was cooking. There was fish that day. When he saw her, a big smile appeared in his white face. He called his daughter and invited her to the lunch. The three sat on a table and Anaya told them the reason that she came there. After the great notice that she will go with them in Italy, Giulia jumped of happiness. She was even crying. She could never think that Anaya will left her family and her tribe for them. The flight was in two days, so the African girl had to bring everything and say goodbye to everyone. It will be a difficult moment for her; she will never explain what she was doing and where she will go. Only to her brothers and sisters. When she told to them, they were very sad, but they understood.


It was the day of the flight, Anaya woke up very early in the morning and without telling anybody, she run away with all her things. She brought the traditional costumes, food, object that where in her hug and the flight ticket.

When she arrived in the village, Franco gave to her a little brown book and in the front she read: “Passport”. Without that, she will never leave South Africa. Giulia gave her some clothes and she putted them. After that, they were prepared to go. They go into the car; the guide put all the bags inside. Only one was her; there were like ten more that were of them. Giulia was very happy to go back in her country, but also very sad to leave that wonderful place. She passed most of her life there. Only two years she lived in Italy and now she will come back. There all her family was, uncles, cousins, grandparents. Anaya felt asleep, she was very tired, that night she never slept, she was afraid and stressed.

Some noises of cars and shouts of people woke up the African girl. They arrived in Johannesburg. It was the first time for her to go in that big city. Anaya was looking everywhere, in every side a lot of cars and people running and walking.


She could never understand how different one country is. Some minutes after, she saw a big thing in the sky, which was looking like a bird. It was a plane. Then they arrived in the airport, a big white building full of cars and people. They all were exited. Anaya was smiling her new life was at the point to began. The guide parked the car and helped us to bring all the bags inside the airport. It was extremely big, very tall, and full of lights and shops. An enormous television was hanged in a blue wall. She understood after a while that there were all the flights of the day. She began to search her flight. “Rome” she screamed. Everybody around her fixed Anaya, she was ashamed. Then the past they send the bags and passed through the police. After that point, they only waited the place. They sat in the attendance room.

After a long time, they called the flight and they went inside. Giulia sat with Anaya. The African girl was near the window, she was very curious of everything. She was touching every bottom. Giulia saw that her sister was very happy and exited. Maybe the new life will certainly help her and her future. Suddenly, a voice of a lady interrupt their conversation, she was explaining all the advertences in case of incident. Anaya was sure that something will happen at the plane, but Giulia was reassuring her. A little red light appeared above their head, it was the sign to put the seat belts. After some minutes, the plane began to move, faster and faster up till they took off. During the flight, they both felt asleep. The seats were very comfortable. With the little blanket and the pillow that they gave in the plane, they sleep was better.


Giulia was looking a movie in the small private television in every seat. After a long time, Anaya woke up and fixed her. She was trying to realize what she was doing. Then, Giulia put in the other television a movie, and the African girl watch it. With the black headphones and the movie, Anaya was enjoying a lot the flight.

The flight lasted approximately ten hours. But he passed rapidly, with the movie, the time that they spent sleeping and looking everywhere. The light of the seats belts was switched off. But then, after the voice of the girl telling that we were getting off, she returned red like at the beginning.

Anaya was looking outside from the window. She saw a round monument. It was the Coliseum. Her first Italian monument. She was exited to arrive. Her right ear was blocked, it was hard to listen. They were approaching more and more from the ground. The houses were coming bigger and bigger. The impact


that they had was very strong. They almost jumped. The same voice appeared another time, saying that they arrived, it was a different language. Anaya couldn’t understand it. They were still sitting down; however, Franco was taking the bags from the hold above their heads.

Then they stand up and went out from the airplane. They were very small compared to the plane. They get into a green bus that brought them inside the airport. They went in a room where they took the others bags and then went out from a door. Behind it, there were the uncles of Giulia. When she saw them, she run in their direction. Years passed since she didn’t saw them. She was very happy and she presented Anaya to them. The African girl was thinking that she had to learn another language to communicate there. They went out of the airport and go in the parking to take the car.

They arrived in a very big house. She was enormous. With big windows all around it and a huge garden full of trees and colored flowers. Anaya run out of the car and climbed the trees that was in the garden. Giulia decided to build a little house on that tree so Anaya could stay there alone sometimes. They entered in the house and made a little tour to show everything to her. They go into a room. She was beautiful, with many pictures and little decorations all over the walls. There was a door inside that room. She opened it, and brought her in another room. It was her room.

She put her bag on the floor and began decorating it. She took off from her bag some typical African object from the Zulu’s tribe. Then she put all her clothes in the wardrobe. Everything was completely different. The bed was more comfortable and bigger. The room was a very one, with white walls and with a roof. The closet had doors and bigger.

Someone from downstairs was shouting: “Cena!” Anaya couldn’t understand. She went in Giulia’s room, and with her she went down. The dinner was ready. Went they get down, all the family was sat on this long table. Anaya was between Franco and Giulia. They began eating; it was pasta, a food that the African girl never tasted before.

After that they went in their room and go sleep. It was very late. Anaya opened a window that was in her room. She sat on the border of it and looked the sky. See the stars were impossible. And that make her sad and she go in her bed. In the single moment that she lied on it, she felt asleep.

The day after, they decided to go to the beach. They took the car, prepared the bags and went. They passed before in the city, so Anaya could admired it a little bit. Another day they will go and visit it. The idea of visiting the city was enthusiastically appealing for the African girl. After one hour, they arrived in this beautiful place. Far away from the city and from all the noises of Rome.


They took some sun beds and stayed there all the evening. The two girls started to play and Giulia began to teach some essential words in Italian.


Many days passed since she arrived in Italy. She was very happy to be there, but she began to miss her country. The tribe, her family, and the long walking that she was making every morning. Her language, everything. But she was ashamed to tell Giulia or Franco to reality. One day she decided to ask if there is the possibility to go back and visit her family. At the moment that Franco heard that word “go back”, he had goose bumps. He suddenly understood that something was happening. From some days, the African girl was different, even a little bit sad. And now everything was reasonable, she was missing her family. This was what he said to her, and a tear went out of her eye.

Every day, he was trying to find a solution. He talked with his daughter and together they decided what to do with Anaya. They went in a travel agency and bought a flight ticket to Johannesburg. The flight was in two weeks, so they could spend a lot of time with her. It was hard for them to tell to the young girl what was happening.

At the night, when the moment of the dinner came, it was the perfect occasion to announce it.

“Giulia and I we decided that it will be better for you to return in South Africa, in your real country, live your real live, and not this fake one with us.” After earring this, Anaya stayed stunned. She wasn’t known what to say and what to do. Then Giulia ran away. It was a difficult situation to manage. Franco was alone with the African girl. “We think it’s the better thing for you, you have to live with your real family Anaya”. She understood what he was saying and after two weeks, she prepared her bag and was ready to leave.

During all this period that she spent in Europe she bough many things, and the last days, also some presents for the tribe and for her family. The three of them went in the airport, Giulia was very sad, but she understood that this life wasn’t for her.

Ten hours after, she arrived. At the airport of Johannesburg, the guide of Franco was there waiting. They took the red card and went in Anaya’s village. She was afraid. Months passed since she left without telling anybody. In the way to get there, she found Zere. She decided to get down and continue with him walking.

Zere was happy to see her sister again. He was telling her all the things that happen when she wasn’t in the village. No one knew where you were and John


started searching everywhere. He was very preoccupied. Anaya was surprise that her husband was feeling that. She would never think that he did that. Maybe is really a nice person. So she decided to know him more and stay with him.

When they arrived at the village, Tupac was working in the field, and he immediately saw her daughter arriving. She was holding three bags and she leave them on the floor to run in the direction of her father. He was very pleased to saw again Anaya. He helped her with the bags, and brought them in her hug. John was there, sitting on the chair. He was writing a book. John was worried about her. He known that for her it was difficult to pass this moment of life, but it wasn’t her and his choice. Anaya another time comprehend that he was a very good person.


One day they decided to go in the chocolate river. Anaya brought him there. She was telling him all the story and everything that happen in that special place of her childhood.

The book that John was writing was about their tribe. He’s going to public it, and with the money that he ear, they will travel in Europe. Anaya was enthusiastic about his idea. During those days, she helped him giving ideas. All the time they were together. Tupac was happy about that, he chose the right person for his daughter.

A morning, Anaya woke up and John wasn’t in the bed. She started calling him and searching everywhere. Halima said that he was sick and he when in the hospital with Tupac. The African girl run in the village of Franco and Giulia and with the guide they went in the hospital. He wasn’t there, and Tupac neither. She asked some nurses and doctors. And after a while they brought her where her husband and her father were.

His face was full of little red dots. He was distended; he was sleeping at that moment. Any doctors didn’t know what was happening. Anaya was very preoccupied. She passed a lot of good moments with him. She lost too much time in Europe that she could be with John. A doctor came, he wasn’t happy, something bad was at the point to be known.

“John is very sick, but we don’t know what it is. It dangerous and you don’t have to stay with him, he is contagious.” So they were obligated to leave. Tupac went back in the village to work and Anaya stay there waiting. Suddenly, a noise like a siren appeared. Doctors began running in the direction of her husband’s room. They stay there a long time, and after that, a nurse came out.


She was at the point to cry. She announced that John died. She was unable to speak. She will never think that he would die.

She returned home, and announced at the tribe everything. Her family was very sad and Anaya since that time, she was always alone in her hug. One day she found the book that he was writing. She began to read it. It was very hard, the language was very good. She also remembered that in Italy she bought a camera. So she began taking pictures of everything. The entire tribe, her family, her brothers and sisters, the hug, the river, the landscape and she also took some of Franco and Giulia village.

She published the book, and with it, she earned a lot of money. With it she decided to do what John wanted to do with it. Make a trip in Europe with Ras, which was her favorite brother. The only country that she known that was there was Italy. So she decided to go there and visit Franco and Giulia again.


She was in the airport waiting for the flight. Ras, like she did the first time, was looking everywhere. Making thousand and thousand of questions. She bought some food and games for him. In the plane, he sat near the window. Anaya gave to him her camera and he took some pictures. He was happy to travel with his sister.

When they arrived, they took a taxi that brought them in Franco’s house. The little house that Franco made for her was still in the tree. She was happy that they didn’t take if off. She woke up Ras that was sleeping and told him the story. They came closer to the house and they rang at the door bell. A dog barked at the door. Anaya didn’t know that Giulia have a dog now.

Suddenly, they heard someone talking, that voice was familiar for the African girl. When she opened it, Anaya jumped on her. She was Giulia’s aunt. After having seen her, she rapidly called Franco and his daughter. They were very very happy to see her again. They would never think that that could happen. She also brought her daughter with her they were saying. She was explaining everything that was happen with her, and with her husband. She was really sad. They will stay in Rome for a week only, and then they will return back in South Africa.

Ras and her sister stayed in the same room as Anaya the first time did. The room was the same, white wall with the windows and the decorations. Giulia came and pointed something in the wall. It was a typical object of the Zulu’s tribe. She bought it in Rome to remember Anaya. She began to cry, she was really touched about what Giulia just said.



The day was perfect, a blue sky with not much clouds and it was cold, because it was winter. They decided to visit Rome. They went in the Coliseum. They took many pictures and bought a lot of things. Both, Anaya and Ras were very happy. Visiting the city with Giulia and Franco was a fantastic thing. They ate in a pizzeria and they took a delicious ice cream. Italians one are the best. The day after, when they woke up, and all the ground that normally was green, suddenly was white. Anaya couldn’t understand what was happening. She woke up Ras. Giulia was fixing at her window. It was snowing, she suddenly shouted. The African girl never heard that word. The three children run out and touch it. Years passed since Giulia doesn’t touch snow. And for the two Africans, it was the first time. It was very cold outside, more than normally, the snow was freezing and it taste was very good. The passed an unforgettable time.

The time to stay there passed rapidly, Anaya and her brother Ras had to come back in South Africa. It was her last time there. She is very sad; she will never see again Giulia. Franco brought them at the airport, and there it was the last real time. The two girls were crying a lot. They couldn’t even talk. But Giulia understood another time that her family is the most important thing, so she let her go. Anaya gave her a present, it was a blue bracelet. It was an African one that she made for her. “I would never take it off” she said. Then she left.


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