a generalization of the ornstein-uhlenbeck process

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A Generalization of the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Process:

Theoretical Results, Simulations and Parameter


J. Steina, S.R.C. Lopesb ‡ and A.V. Medinoc

aFederal Institute Sul-rio-grandenseSapiranga, RS, Brazil

bMathematics InstituteFederal University of Rio Grande do Sul

Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil

cMathematics DepartmentUniversity of BrasıliaBrasılia, DF, Brazil

August 17, 2021


In this work, we study the class of stochastic process that generalizes the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes, hereafter called by Generalized Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Type Pro-cess and denoted by GOU type process. We consider them driven by the class ofnoise processes such as Brownian motion, symmetric α-stable Levy process, a Levyprocess, and even a Poisson process. We give necessary and sufficient conditions un-der the memory kernel function for the time-stationary and the Markov propertiesfor these processes. When the GOU type process is driven by a Levy noise we provethat it is infinitely divisible showing its generating triplet. Several examples derivedfrom the GOU type process are illustrated showing some of their basic propertiesas well as some time series realizations. These examples also present their theoret-ical and empirical autocorrelation or normalized codifference functions dependingon whether the process has a finite or infinite second moment. We also present themaximum likelihood estimation as well as the Bayesian estimation procedures forthe so-called Cosine process, a particular process in the class of GOU type processes.For the Bayesian estimation method, we consider the power series representation ofFox’s H-function to better approximate the density function of a random variableα-stable distributed. We consider four goodness-of-fit tests for helping to decidewhich Cosine process (driven by a Gaussian or an α-stable noise) best fit real datasets. Two applications of GOU type model are presented: one based on the Applecompany stock market price data and the other based on the cardiovascular mor-tality in Los Angeles County data.

Keywords: Generalized Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Processes; Stable Processes; LevyProcesses; Simulation, Maximum Likelihood Estimation; Bayesian Estimation; Fox’sH-Function; Goodness-of-fit tests; Applications.

‡Corresponding author. E-mail: silviarc.lopes@gmail.com













2 GOU Type Process

1 Introduction

In this paper, we study a class of stochastic process, given in Definition 1.1, that gener-alizes the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes, the so-called OU process. Classically, the OUprocess has the form given in (1.5) when the integrator L is the standard Brownian mo-tion. Generalizations of this process are already known, widely studied, and applied tomany areas of research. For instance, some generalizations consider the integrator L in(1.5) as a Levy process, while others a fractional Brownian motion (see [2, 10, 22, 35]and references therein). All these generalizations consider the exponential function as theintegrand in (1.5). Definition 1.1 extends this subject allowing the integrand function tocome from a more general class of functions satisfying the integro-differential equation(1.2).

Let us present the main object of study in this paper:

Definition 1.1. Generalized Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Type Process

We call a stochastic process V = (V (t); t ≥ 0) a Generalized Ornstein-Uhlenbeck TypeProcess, hereafter denoted as GOU type process, if it is given by

V (t) = V0ρ(t) +

∫ t


ρ(t− s)dL(s), ∀ t ≥ 0, (1.1)


dt= −

∫ t


ρ(s) dµt(s), with ρ(0) = 1. (1.2)

In (1.2), µt is a signed measure for each t ≥ 0, V (0) = V0 is called the initial conditionand it can be either a random variable or a deterministic real constant. The function ρ(·)is deterministic and it is called the memory kernel function.

In (1.1), L = (L(t); t ≥ 0) is the integrator process and it can be a Brownian motion,an α-stable process, a Levy process, a fractional Brownian motion, a Poisson process, asemimartingale, or any other class of stochastic process such that the integral in (1.1) iswell defined. The process L is called the Noise Process and V is said to be driven by L.

In Definition 1.1 we propose an approach to study the following generalization of theLangevin equation (see Kubo, 1966 and references therein)

dV (t)dt

= −∫ t0γ(t− s)V (s) ds+ η(t)

V (0) = V0,


where η(·) is a general noise process and γ(·) is a memory function. In our approach,we transfer the problem of treating the GLE given in (1.3), which would be a difficult-to-treat integro-differential stochastic equation, to a problem of studying the more easilytreatable deterministic equation given in expression (1.2). In this case, the responsibilityof the memory phenomena lies with the µt family of signed measures. Once equation (1.2)is solved, the resulting ρ(·) function is replaced into the stochastic process (1.1).

The existence and uniqueness of the solution of equation (1.2) is an open problem.The examples reported here reduced to a well-known ordinary differential equation and

J. Stein, S.R.C. Lopes and A.V. Medino 3

Theorems 2.1-2.3 in Section 2 and 3.1-3.2 in Section 3 assume the existence of a uniquesolution for (1.2) and, therefore, the process in (1.1) is well defined.

Definition 1.1 is an improvement of an approach presented in [25] to study the gen-eralized Langevin equation, which is well known in Statistical Mechanics. Recently thisGOU type process has been studied in [39]. The GOU type process, defined above, hasseveral dissimilarities from O.E. Barndorff-Nielsen’s theory (see [3]). Here we do not as-sume finiteness of the second moment for the random variable V (t), for any t ≥ 0, sincewe are not considering the Ito integration. Although, for each t ≥ 0, the random variableV (t) is infinitely divisible, the process V = (V (t); t ≥ 0) is neither time-homogeneousnor a Levy process. In the GOU type process, the stochastic integro-differential equationgeneralizes both the noise and the V0 component of the process.

In this work, the authors study a class of continuous-time processes arising from thesolution of the generalized Langevin equation showing the properties of two dependencemeasures: codifference and spectral covariance. Their theoretical properties as well astheir empirical counterparts were presented for the mentioned process in this work. Thesedependence measures replace the autocovariance function when it is not well defined. In[39] the authors also proposed the maximum likelihood estimation procedure to estimatethe parameters of the process arising from the classical Langevin equation, that is, theOrnstein-Uhlenbeck process, and of the so-called Cosine process. A simulation studyfor particular processes arising from this class was also proposed, giving the generation,and the theoretical and empirical counterpart for both the codifference and the spectralcovariance measures.

The next examples illustrate how to construct from Definition 1.1 subclasses of GOUtype processes.

Example 1.1. Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Type Process

If in Definition 1.1, for each t ≥ 0, we let µt = δt be the Dirac measure concentratedat t with total mass λ > 0, then (1.2) reduces to

ρ′(t) = −λρ(t), with ρ(0) = 1, (1.4)

which has ρ(t) = e−λt, ∀ t ≥ 0, as the unique solution. The corresponding GOU typeprocess is given by

V (t) = V0e−λt +

∫ t


e−λ(t−s)dL(s). (1.5)

A class of processes as in (1.5) driven by Levy noise has been studied in the last twodecades approximately as a stochastic volatility model. In this context, such stochasticprocesses have been called Ornstein-Uhlenbeck type process or in short OU type process(see [2, 10, 22] and references therein). We borrow from this branch of research of Math-ematical Finances our terminology of Generalized Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Type process.

When L = W is the Wiener process, (1.5) becomes the classical Ornstein-Uhlenbeckprocess. For the statistical methods in Neuroscience, this process has been applied tostudy the stochastic fluctuation in the membrane potential of a neuron (see [12, 36], andreferences therein). We also mention that the process in (1.5) with L = BH , a fractionalBrownian motion with Hurst parameter H, has been used in Fluid Dynamics to model

4 GOU Type Process

turbulent flows such as homogeneous Eulerian and Lagrangian turbulence (see [35] andreferences therein).

In Section 4 we return to this example considering it with the Poisson component inthe noise (see Example 4.1).

Example 1.2. GOU Type Process with Sturm, Hill, Mathieu or Airy Memory Kernel

Consider µt = µ for all t ≥ 0 and µ is absolutely continuous with respect to theLebesgue measure λ, that is, d µt(s) = d µ(s) = f(s) dλ(s), for all t, s ≥ 0, where

f(s) =d µ

d λ(s)

is the Radon-Nikodym derivative of µ with respect to λ. In this case, equation (1.2) leadsto the ordinary differential equation.{

ρ′′(t) + f(t) ρ(t) = 0

ρ′(0) = 0, ρ(0) = 1.(1.6)

The unique solution ρ(·) of this initial value problem gives the memory kernel function inthe GOU type process (1.1).

Ordinary differential equations as in (1.6) are well known in the context of the Sturmseparation theorem [38]. When f(t) = a + φ(t), where a is a constant and φ(·) is a realperiodic function, equation (1.6) is known as Hill’s Equation. An important particularcase of Hill’s equation is the Mathieu’s Equation in which φ(t) = b cos(2t) where b 6= 0is a constant (see [11, 21]). Another important case of (1.6) is when f(t) = t and theresulting equation is called Airy Equation [41] (see Example 4.7). The authors are notaware of any application or study involving the corresponding GOU type process (1.1) ineach of the sub-cases listed in this example.

In Section 4 we return to this example considering the case when f(t) = a2, withPoisson component in the noise (see Example 4.2), with Gaussian (see Example 4.3) andnon-Gaussian (see Example 4.5) noise. We also consider the case when f(t) = 2a(1−2at2),with Gaussian (see Example 4.4) and non-Gaussian (see Example 4.6) noise.

The remaining part of the paper is structured as follows: GOU type processes driven bythe Brownian motion is considered in Section 2. In Theorem 2.1, we study the Gaussianstructure of this class of processes; in Theorem 2.2, we set up necessary and sufficientconditions under the memory kernel function that says when a GOU type process withBrownian noise is time-stationary; conditions that ensure the Markov property of suchprocess is explored in Theorem 2.3. In Section 3, we study GOU type processes driven bynon-Gaussian noise. Theorem 3.1 deals with GOU type processes driven by symmetricα-stable noises. Under the conditions exhibited there, we prove that for each t ≥ 0, V (t)has symmetric α-stable distribution with scale parameter σV (t) given in (3.1). Theorem3.2 considers more general Levy noises with given generating triplet (G, β, τ). In thiscase, we prove that V (t) is infinitely divisible and its generating triplet (At, γt,v0 , νt) isgiven by the set of formulae in (3.4). Section 4 presents a list of seven examples, someof them are extended cases of both Examples 1.1 and 1.2. For all those examples wegive some realization time series and, depending on the noise, we give the theoretical and

J. Stein, S.R.C. Lopes and A.V. Medino 5

empirical autocorrelation or normalized codifference functions. In Section 5 we presentboth the maximum likelihood and the Bayesian estimation procedures for the Cosineprocess, studied in Examples 4.3 and 4.5. Also in Section 5 we present four goodness-of-fit tests for helping to decide which Cosine process (driven by a Gaussian or an α-stablenoise) best fit real data sets. Section 6 presents two applications: one based on the Applecompany stock market price data and the other based on the cardiovascular mortality inLos Angeles County data. Finally, Section 7 concludes the paper.

2 GOU Type Processes Driven by Gaussian Noise

In this section we consider a GOU type process V as in (1.1) driven by the standardBrownian motion B = (B(t); t ≥ 0). That is, V is given by

V (t) = V0ρ(t) +


ρ(t− s) dB(s), t ≥ 0 (2.1)

where the function ρ(·) satisfies ρ′(t) = −t∫


ρ(s) dµt(s), ρ(0) = 1 and µt is a signed

measure on the Borel σ-field of R, for each t ≥ 0.

Theorem 2.1 sets up the Gaussian structure of (2.1). In Theorems 2.2 and 2.3, weestablish necessary and sufficient conditions under the function ρ(·) which ensures whenthe process in (2.1) is, respectively, time-stationary and a Markov process.

Theorem 2.1. Suppose that V0 is a Gaussian random variable with mean 0 and varianceσ2. In addition, assume that for all t ≥ 0, σ(V0) and σ(B(s); 0 ≤ s ≤ t) are independentsigma-fields. Then, the GOU type process V given by (2.1) satisfies:

(i) For each t ≥ 0, V (t) is a zero mean Gaussian random variable with variance given by

Var (V (t)) = σ2ρ2(t) +

∫ t


ρ2(t− s)ds. (2.2)

(ii) The autocovariance function of V is given by

γV (t, t+ h) = σ2ρ(t)ρ(t+ h) +

∫ t


ρ(u)ρ(u+ h)du, ∀ t ≥ 0, h ≥ 0. (2.3)

Proof: (i) It is known that the stochastic integral I(t) =


ρ(t− s) dB(s) has Gaussian

distribution with zero mean and variance

∫ t


ρ2(t− s)ds, as it can be seen for instance in

section 4.3 of [16] or section 2.3 of [18]. As σ(V0) and σ(B(s); 0 ≤ s ≤ t) are independentsigma-fields, it follows that V0ρ(t) and I(t) are independent zero mean Gaussian randomvariables. So, it is straightforward from (2.1) that V (t) is a zero mean Gaussian randomvariable with variance

Var(V (t)) = Var(V0ρ(t)) + Var(I(t)) = σ2ρ2(t) +

∫ t


ρ2(t− s)ds.

6 GOU Type Process

(ii) Consider the stochastic integrals I(t) =


ρ(t− s) dB(s) and

I(t+ h) =


ρ(t+ h− s) dB(s). Then

γV (t, t+ h) = Cov(V (t), V (t+ h)) = E [(V0ρ(t) + I(t)) (V0ρ(t+ h) + I(t+ h))]

= E[V 20 ρ(t)ρ(t+ h)] + E [V0ρ(t)I(t+ h)] + E [V0ρ(t+ h)I(t)] + E [I(t)I(t+ h)]

= σ2ρ(t)ρ(t+ h) + E[I(t)

(∫ t


ρ(t+ h− s)dB(s) +

∫ t+h


ρ(t+ h− s)dB(s)

)]= σ2ρ(t)ρ(t+ h) + E


∫ t


ρ(t+ h− s)dB(s)

]+ E


∫ t+h


ρ(t+ h− s)dB(s)

]= σ2ρ(t)ρ(t+ h) +

∫ t


ρ(t− s)ρ(t+ h− s)ds

= σ2ρ(t)ρ(t+ h) +

∫ t


ρ(u)ρ(u+ h)du.

In the above derivation, in the fourth equality we have used that V0ρ(t) and I(t + h)are independent zero mean random variables, as well as V0ρ(t+h) and I(t) are. Second, in

the third term of line 4, the integrals I(t) and


ρ(t+ h− s) dB(s) are independent zero

mean random variables. This is a consequence of the independent increment propertyof the Wiener process on non-overlapping intervals, as can be seen in [16, 18]. For the

second term in line 4, we observe that I(t) and

∫ t


ρ(t+h−s)dB(s) are Gaussian random

variables with covariance

∫ t


ρ(t − s)ρ(t + h − s)ds (see [16, 18]). Finally, the change of

variable u = t− s leads to the result. �

Now, in Theorem 2.2, by taking advantage of the Gaussian structure, we study thetime-stationary property of the GOU type process (2.1) and present necessary and suffi-cient conditions on function ρ(·) which guarantees such property.

Theorem 2.2. Under the hypothesis in Theorem 2.1, the process given by (2.1) is time-stationary if, and only if, for some θ > 0,

ρ(t) = e−θt, ∀t ≥ 0 and σ2 =1

2θ. (2.4)

Proof: It’s a well-known result that if

V (t) = V0e−θt +


e−θ(t−s) dB(s), t ≥ 0, (2.5)

and σ2 = (2θ)−1, then V is a time-stationary process. This is the classical (stationary)Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process, see for instance [15], page 358.

J. Stein, S.R.C. Lopes and A.V. Medino 7

Suppose that V is time-stationary. Then, the autocovariance function γV (t, t + h) ofV does not depend on t and by (2.3) we have

γV (t, t+ h) = σ2ρ(t)ρ(t+ h) + ψ(t, h) = σ2∂ψ

∂t(t, h) + ψ(t, h),

where we define ψ(t, h) ≡∫ t


ρ(u)ρ(u + h)du. The function ψ(·) is twice differentiable

since function ρ′(·) satisfies expression (1.2). So, we can take derivative with respect to ton both sides of the last above equality, we obtain that ψ satisfies the partial differentialequation


∂t2(t, h) +


∂t(t, h) = 0,

with the boundary condition∂ψ

∂t(0, h) = ρ(0)ρ(0 + h) = ρ(h), h ≥ 0. Solving this

equation, we have


∂t2(t, h)et/σ



∂t(t, h)et/σ


= 0 =⇒ ∂



∂t(t, h)et/σ


]= 0 =⇒


∂t(t, h)et/σ


= g(h).

Taking t = 0 and using the boundary condition, we have


∂t(0, h) = g(h) =⇒ σ2ρ(h) = g(h).



∂t(t, h) = ρ(h)e−t/σ


=⇒ ρ(t)ρ(t+ h) = ρ(h)e−t/σ2


ρ(t)ρ(t+ 0) = ρ(0)e−t/σ2

=⇒ ρ2(t) = e−t/σ2

=⇒ ρ(t) = e−t/2σ2


So, by denoting θ =1

2σ2we have the result. �

The next theorem is on the Markov property of the GOU type process (2.1).

Theorem 2.3. Consider the hypothesis in Theorem 2.1 and suppose that ρ(t) 6= 0, ∀t ≥ 0and µ0({0}) ≥ 0. Then, the process given by (2.1) is Markovian if, and only if, for someθ ≥ 0,

ρ(t) = e−θt, ∀t ≥ 0. (2.6)

Proof: If ρ(t) = e−θt with θ > 0 , then V is the classical Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process. Inthe case of θ = 0, we have ρ(t) = 1, ∀t ≥ 0 and V is a non-standard Brownian motion.In both cases, V is a Markov process.

To prove the reciprocal, it is enough to show that the function ρ(·) satisfies the fol-lowing exponential Cauchy equation (see [14], Corollary 1.36),

ρ(t+ h) = ρ(t)ρ(h), ∀t, h ≥ 0.

8 GOU Type Process

Recall (see [13], Proposition 13.7) that a Gaussian process X = (X(t); t ≥ 0) is a Markovprocess if, and only if,

E [X(s)X(u)]E[X2(t)

]= E [X(s)X(t)]E [X(t)X(u)] , ∀ 0 ≤ s ≤ t ≤ u. (2.7)

So, if V is a Markov process, its autocovariance function γV (t, t+ h) satisfies

γV (0, t+ h)γV (t, t) = γV (0, t)γV (t, t+ h), ∀ h, t ≥ 0. (2.8)

Using (2.3), we have

σ2ρ(0)ρ(t+ h)

[σ2ρ2(t) +

∫ t


]= σ2ρ(0)ρ(t)

[σ2ρ(t)ρ(t+ h)+

∫ t

0ρ(u)ρ(u+ h)du


ρ(t+ h)

[σ2ρ2(t) +

∫ t


]= ρ(t)

[σ2ρ(t)ρ(t+ h) +

∫ t

0ρ(u)ρ(u+ h)du


σ2ρ2(t)ρ(t+ h) + ρ(t+ h)

∫ t

0ρ2(u)du = σ2ρ2(t)ρ(t+ h) + ρ(t)

∫ t

0ρ(u)ρ(u+ h)du =⇒

ρ(t+ h)

∫ t

0ρ2(u)du = ρ(t)

∫ t

0ρ(u)ρ(u+ h)du =⇒ ρ(t+ h)


∫ t

0ρ(u)ρ(u+ h)du∫ t



Taking derivative with respect to t on both sides of the last above equality, we have


[ρ(t+ h)



ρ(t)ρ(t+ h)

∫ t

0ρ2(u)du− ρ2(t)

∫ t

0ρ(u)ρ(u+ h)du(∫ t


)2 = 0.

So, the functionρ(t+ h)

ρ(t)= ψ(h) does not depend on t and

ρ(t+ h) = ρ(t)ψ(h), ∀ h, t ≥ 0.

Taking t = 0, we have ψ(h) = ρ(h), ∀ h ≥ 0. Hence,

ρ(t+ h) = ρ(t)ρ(h), ∀t, h ≥ 0.

So, ρ(t) = ec t for some real constant c. As it has to satisfy ρ′(t) = −t∫


ρ(s) dµt(s), ∀t ≥ 0

and ρ(0) = 1, we conclude that c = −0∫


ec s dµ0(s) = −µ0({0}) = −θ, for θ = µ0({0}) ≥

0. �

J. Stein, S.R.C. Lopes and A.V. Medino 9

3 GOU Type Processes Driven by Non-Gaussian Noise

Following [32], see Definition 1.1.6 and Property 1.2.5 therein, a random variable X issymmetric α-stable with index of stability α ∈ (0, 2] and scale parameter σ ≥ 0 if thecharacteristic function of X is given by

E[eiθX ] = exp{−σα|θ|α}, ∀θ ∈ R.

This will be denoted by X ∼ Sα(σ, 0, 0). A stochastic process process L = (L(t); t ≥ 0) iscalled a symmetric α-stable Levy motion if L(0) = 0 a.s., L has independent increments,and L(t) − L(s) ∼ Sα((t − s)1/α, 0, 0) for any 0 ≤ s < t < ∞. We refer the reader to[32] as a standard reference to stable distributions and stable processes. Notice that thesymmetric α-stable Levy motion is a Levy process.

Theorem 3.1 sets up the stable structure of the process given by (1.1) driven bysymmetric α-stable Levy motion.

Theorem 3.1. Suppose that the GOU type process given by (1.1) is driven by a symmetricα-stable Levy motion L with stability index 1 < α < 2. Suppose that the sigma-fields σ(V0)and σ(L(s); 0 ≤ s ≤ t) are independent, for each t ≥ 0. If V0 ∼ Sα(σ0, 0, 0), then

E[V (t)] = 0 and V (t) ∼ Sα(σV (t), 0, 0),


σαV (t) = |ρ(t)|ασα0 +

∫ t


|ρ(t− s)|αds. (3.1)

Proof: The assumption that 1 < α < 2 guarantees that α-stable distributions have finitefirst moment, as can be seen in property 1.2.16 in [32]. Also, if V0 ∼ Sα(σ0, 0, 0), thenproperty 1.2.3 in [32] asserts that V0ρ(t) ∼ Sα(|ρ(t)|σ0, 0, 0), in particular, E[V0ρ(t)] =ρ(t)E[V0] = 0.

By denoting I(t) =

∫ t


ρ(t − s)dL(s), we have I(t) ∼ Sα(σI(t), 0, 0), where σαI(t) =∫ t


|ρ(t− s)|αds (see proposition 3.4.1 in [32]). So, E[I(t)] = 0 and

E[V (t)] = E[V0ρ(t)] + E[I(t)] = 0.

The independence between the sigma-fields σ(V0) and σ(L(s); 0 ≤ s ≤ t) for eacht ≥ 0 ensures the independence between the random variables V0 and I(t). So, usingproperty 1.2.1 in [32], we have

V (t) = V0ρ(t) + I(t) ∼ Sα(σV (t), 0, 0),

where σαV (t) = σαV0ρ(t) + σαI(t) = |ρ(t)|ασα0 +

∫ t


|ρ(t− s)|αds.

10 GOU Type Process

In the next theorem, we consider a GOU type process V , as in (1.1), driven by a Levyprocess L with generating triplet (G, β, τ). We recall that this means that for all t ≥ 0,the characteristic function of L(t) is given by

E[eizL(t)] = etψ(z), ∀z ∈ R,where

ψ(z) = −1

2z2G+ iβz +


[eizy − 1− izy ID(y)

]τ(dy) (3.2)

is the characteristic exponent of the Levy process. Expression (3.2) is the Levy-Khintchinerepresentation formula for the infinitely divisible distribution of L(1). In the given gen-erating triplet, G ≥ 0, β ∈ R, and τ is a Levy measure on the Borel σ-field of R. Suchmeasures are characterized by∫

Rmin{x2, 1}τ(dx) =

∫R(x2 ∧ 1)τ(dx) <∞ and τ({0}) = 0. (3.3)

Finally, in (3.2) and in the sequel, ID(·) denotes for the indicator function of the setD = {x ∈ R : |x| ≤ 1}. For further details on Levy processes, we refer the reader to[1, 33].

Theorem 3.2. Let the GOU type process in (1.1) be driven by a Levy noise L generatedby the triplet (G, β, τ). Suppose that τ(R) <∞, V0 = v0 is deterministic and the functionρ(·) is continuous such that ρ(t) 6= 0. Then, for each t ≥ 0, V (t) is infinitely divisible andits generating triplet (At, γt,v0 , νt) is given by

At = G

∫ t


ρ2(t− s)ds,

γt,v0 = ρ(t)v0 + β

∫ t


ρ(t− s)ds+


∫ t


y ρ(t− s) [ID(y ρ(t− s))− ID(y)] ds

νt(B) =


∫ t


IB(y ρ(t− s))ds, B ∈ B(R). (3.4)

Proof: We shall consider the stochastic integration as in [1]. The following equality istrue for any continuous g(·) function (see formula (14.71), page 533 of [26]).



∫ t



)]= exp

[∫ t


ψ(z g(u))du

]. (3.5)

Taking g(u) = ρ(u− s). for all s ≥ 0, in (3.5), we can write the characteristic function ofV (t) in (1.1) as

E[eizV (t)] = exp

[izρ(t)v0 +

∫ t


ψ(z ρ(t− s))ds], z ∈ R. (3.6)

For the term with the integral in (3.6) and by using (3.2), we have∫ t


ψ(z ρ(t− s))ds =

∫ t



2(z ρ(t− s))2G+



[eiz ρ(t−s)y − 1− iz ρ(t− s)y ID(y)

]τ(dy) + iβz ρ(t− s)


= −1


∫ t


z2Gρ2(t− s)ds+ i

∫ t


βz ρ(t− s)ds+ I ,

J. Stein, S.R.C. Lopes and A.V. Medino 11


I =

∫ t



[eiz ρ(t−s)y − 1− iz ρ(t− s)y ID(y)


We shall prove that I = I, where

I =


(eizx − 1− izxID(x)

)νt(dx) + i

∫ t



∫Rzy ρ(t− s)(ID(y ρ(t− s))− ID(y))τ(dy) (3.7)


νt(dx) =


∫ t


I{y ρ(t−s)}(x)dsτ(dy)

)dx. (3.8)

It is enough to show that∫ t



∫R(eiz ρ(t−s)y − 1)τ(dy) =



[eizx − 1− izx ID(x)

]νt(dx) + i

∫ t



∫Rzy ρ(t− s) ID(yρ(t− s))τ(dy). (3.9)

Indeed, if (3.9) is true, then subtracting i

∫ t



∫Rzy ρ(t − s) ID(y)τ(dy) from both

sides of this equality, we have

I =

∫ t



∫R(eiz ρ(t−s)y − 1)τ(dy)− i

∫ t



∫Rzy ρ(t− s) ID(y)τ(dy) =



[eizx − 1− izx ID(x)

]νt(dx) + i

∫ t



∫Rzy ρ(t− s) ID(y ρ(t− s))τ(dy)−

− i∫ t



∫Rzy ρ(t− s) ID(y)τ(dy)⇐⇒ I = I.

Given B ∈ B(R), the σ-field of Borel on R, using the Fubini theorem, we have

νt(B) =

∫RIB(x)νt(dx) =



(∫ t


I{y ρ(t−s)}(x)ds





(∫ t


IB(x)I{y ρ(t−s)}(x)ds

)τ(dy)dx =


∫ t


IB(y ρ(t− s))ds τ(dy)



∫ t


IB(y ρ(t− s))ds. (3.10)

Note that the right-hand side of equality (3.9) can be written as∫R

[eizx − 1− izx ID(x)

]νt(dx) + i

∫ t



∫Rzy ρ(t− s) ID(y ρ(t− s))τ(dy) = A− iB + iC




[eizx − 1

]νt(dx), B=

∫Rzx ID(x)νt(dx), C=

∫ t



∫Rzy ρ(t− s) ID(y ρ(t− s))τ(dy).

12 GOU Type Process

Using (3.8) and the Fubini’s theorem in A and B, we obtain



[eizx − 1


(∫ t


I{y ρ(t−s)}(x)ds




(∫ t


[eizx − 1

]I{y ρ(t−s)}(x)ds



∫ t




[eizx − 1

]I{y ρ(t−s)}(x)dx

)τ(dy)ds =

∫ t



[eizy ρ(t−s) − 1




∫Rzx ID(x)


(∫ t


I{y ρ(t−s)}(x)ds




(∫ t


zx ID(x) I{y ρ(t−s)}(x)ds



∫ t



(∫Rzx ID(x) I{y ρ(t−s)}(x)dx

)τ(dy)ds =

∫ t


∫Rzy ρ(t− s) ID(y ρ(t− s))τ(dy)ds.

So, B = C, and we have (3.9).

To conclude, we have to prove that νt is a Levy measure, that is,

∫R(x2∧1)νt(dx) <∞.

But ∫R(x2 ∧ 1)νt(dx) =


x2νt(dx) +



It is enough to show that


x2νt(dx) < ∞ and


νt(dx) < ∞. First, note that

x = y ρ(t− s) and |x| > 1 if, and only if, |y| > 1|ρ(t−s)| . Now, using the Fubini’s theorem,

we have∫|x|>1




(∫ t


I{y ρ(t−s)}(x)ds


∫ t




I{y ρ(t−s)}(x)dx



∫ t


∫RI{|y|> 1



∫ t


I{|y|> 1|ρ(t−s)|}

(x)ds τ(dy)

≤ t

∫RI{|y|> 1

|ρ(t−s1)|}(x)τ(dy) <∞,

where s1 ∈ [0, t] is such that I{|y|> 1|ρ(t−s)|}

(·) ≤ I{|y|> 1|ρ(t−s1)|

}(·), for all s ∈ [0, t].

Finally and similarly∫|x|≤1

x2νt(dx) =



(∫ t


I{y ρ(t−s)}(x)ds





(∫ t


x2I{y ρ(t−s)}(x)ds

)τ(dy)dx =

∫ t




x2I{y ρ(t−s)}(x)dx



∫ t


∫RI{|y|≤ 1

|ρ(t−s)|}(x)ρ2(t− s)|y|2τ(dy)ds =


∫ t


I{|y|≤ 1|ρ(t−s)|}

(x)ρ2(t− s)ds τ(dy)

≤ t

∫R|y|2 max

0≤s≤t{I{|y|≤ 1

|ρ(t−s)|}(x)ρ2(t− s)}τ(dy)

= tρ2(t− s2)∫|y|≤ 1


|y|2τ(dy) <∞.

J. Stein, S.R.C. Lopes and A.V. Medino 13

We conclude that (3.6) takes the form

ϕV (t)(z) = E[eizV (t)] = exp


2z2∫ t


Gρ2(t− s)ds+ iz

[ρ(t)v0 + β

∫ t


ρ(t− s)ds +


∫ t



∫Ry ρ(t− s)(ID(y ρ(t− s))− ID(y))τ(dy)


∫R(eizx − 1− izxID(x))νt(dx)


So, V (t) is infinitely divisible with generating triplet given by the set of expressions in(3.4). �

4 Examples

This section is dedicated to the analysis of seven examples of processes derived fromthe GOU type process defined in expression (1.1): the first one considers the OU typeprocess (see Example 1.1) with Poisson component in the noise; the second one is theCosine process with Poisson component in the noise while Examples 4.3 and 4.5 revisitedthe Cosine process driven by, respectively, Gaussian and non-Gaussian noise. Examples4.4 and 4.6 considers the quadratic OU type process driven by, respectively, Gaussianand non-Gaussian noise. Finally, Example 4.7 considers the Airy equation (see [41]) inequation (1.6). For all of them, we show how to generate and to simulate some of theirbasic properties.

Examples 4.3 and 4.5 will be revisited, respectively, for both the classical estimationprocedure, presented in Section 5.1, and the Bayesian estimation procedure, presented inSection 5.2.

Example 4.1. OU Type Process (Example 1.1) with Poisson Component in the Noise

Consider the particular case of Example (1.1) with θ > 0. Let the Levy noise L begenerated by the triplet (G, β, λδ1), where δ1 is the Dirac measure concentrated at 1 andλ > 0. For V0 = x deterministic, let us apply Theorem 3.2 to compute the elements ofthe generating triplet (At, γt,x, νt) of V (t).

Concerning the term At, easily we have

At = G

∫ t


e−2θ(t−s)ds =G

2θ(1− e−2θt). (4.1)

Now, for the term the γt,x

γt,x = ρ(t)v0 + β

∫ t


ρ(t− s)ds+


∫ t


y ρ(t− s) [ID(y ρ(t− s))− ID(y)] ds

= xe−θt + β

∫ t




∫ t


y e−θ(t−s) [ID(y e−θ(t−s)

)− ID(y)] ds

= xe−θt +β

θ(1− e−θt) +

∫ t


e−θ(t−s) [ID(e−θ(t−s)

)− ID(1)] ds

= xe−θt +β

θ(1− e−θt).

14 GOU Type Process

Finally, for the Lebesgue measure, for each B in the σ-field B(R) of Borel on R, weobtain

νt(B) =


∫ t


IB(y ρ(t− s))ds =


∫ t



)ds =

= λ

∫ t



)ds = λ

∫ t



)du. (4.2)

As for θ > 0, 0 < e−θu ≤ 1, for all u ≥ 0, we have

νt(B) = 0, ∀B ⊂ (−∞, 0] ∪ (1,∞), (4.3)

and in general,

νt(B) = λ

∫ t



)du, B ∈ B(R). (4.4)

Figure 4.1 shows three realization time series of the OU process in Example 4.1 drivenby a unit Poisson noise, when the constant θ ∈ {0.5, 1, 2}. In this case, the Levy noiseL has generating triplet of the form (0, 0, 1δ1), that is, G = β = 0 and τ = λδ1 = 1 δ1 isa Dirac measure concentrated at 1. We notice, from these three plots, that even thoughthe noise has some jumps, the resulting process has always positive trajectories moreconcentrated on the abscissa axis as the value of θ increases.

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 4.1: Time series derived from the OU process driven by a unit Poisson noise: (a)θ = 0.5; (b) θ = 1; (c) θ = 2.

Example 4.2. Cosine Process with Poisson Component in the Noise

Let us recall Example 1.2 with the particular function f(t) = a2 for all t ≥ 0 for someconstant a > 0. Then, equation (1.6) becomes{

ρ′′(t) + a2 ρ(t) = 0

ρ′(0) = 0, ρ(0) = 1.(4.5)

J. Stein, S.R.C. Lopes and A.V. Medino 15

which has ρ(t) = cos(at), ∀ t ≥ 0 as single solution. The respective GOU type process is

V (t) = V0 cos(at) +

∫ t


cos(a(t− s))dL(s). (4.6)

It will be called Cosine OU type process, or simply the Cosine Process.

Let V0 = x be deterministic. If this process is driven by a Levy noise L generated bythe triplet (G, β, λδ1), where δ1 is the Dirac measure concentrated at 1 and λ > 0, to theelements of the generating triplet (At, γt,x, νt) of V (t) we have

At = G

∫ t


cos2(a(t− s))ds = G





). (4.7)

For the term γt,x, we have

γt,x =


∫ t


y ρ(t− s) [ID(y ρ(t− s))− ID(y)] ds+ ρ(t)v0 + β

∫ t


ρ(t− s)ds



∫ t


y cos(a(t− s)) [ID(y cos(a(t− s)))− ID(y)] ds+

+ x cos(at) + β

∫ t


cos(a(t− s))ds = x cos(at) +β sin(at)



∫ t


cos(a(t− s)) [ID(cos(a(t− s)))− ID(1)] ds = x cos(at) +β sin(at)

a, (4.8)

since −1 ≤ cos(a(t− s)) ≤ 1, for all real numbers st and t.

And for the Lebesgue measure, given B ∈ B(R),

νt(B) =


∫ t


IB(y ρ(t− s))ds =


∫ t


IB(y cos(a(t− s)))ds =

= λ

∫ t


IB(cos(a(t− s)))ds = λ

∫ t


IB(cos(au))du =λ


∫ at


IB(cos(u))du. (4.9)

Since −1 ≤ cos(u) ≤ 1, for all u, we have

νt(B) = 0, ∀B ⊂ (−∞,−1) ∪ (1,∞), (4.10)

but in general,

νt(B) =λ


∫ at


IB(cos(u))du, B ∈ B(R). (4.11)

16 GOU Type Process

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 4.2: Time series derived from the Cosine process driven by a unit Poisson noise: (a)a = 0.5; (b) a = 1; (c) a = 2.

Figure 4.2 shows three realization time series of the Cosine Process in Example 4.2driven by a unit Poisson noise, when the constant a ∈ {0.5, 1, 2}. In this case, the Levynoise L has generating triplet of the form (0, 0, 1δ1). We notice, from these three panels,that the process maintains the periodicity feature of the cosine function. The seasonalityvalue decreases when the value a increases.

Example 4.3. Cosine Process with Gaussian Noise

Consider again the process (4.6) but now with a Brownian noise B, that is

V (t) = V0 cos(at) +

∫ t


cos(a(t− s)) dB(s). (4.12)

J. Stein, S.R.C. Lopes and A.V. Medino 17

(a) a = 0.5: time series (b) a = 0.5: acf (theor.) (c) a = 0.5: acf (empir.)

(d) a = 1: time series (e) a = 1: acf (theor.) (f) a = 1: acf (empir.)

(g) a = 2: time series (h) a = 2: acf (theor.) (i) a = 2: acf (empir.)

Figure 4.3: Time series, theoretical (theor.) and empirical (empir.) autocorrelation functionsof the Cosine process, given in (4.12), when a ∈ {0.5, 1, 2}, n = 200 and h = 1.

To simulate this process we use the discrete form proposed in [39], given by

V ((k + 1)h) = 2 cos(ah)V (kh)− V ((k − 1)h) + εk,h, (4.13)

where h is the discretization step size and εk,h is a symmetric α-stable random variable,denoted by Sα(σε,h, 0, 0), with scale parameter σε,h given by

σαε,h = 2

∫ h


| cos(as)|αds. (4.14)

As we are in the particular case of a Brownian motion noise, we have α = 2.

18 GOU Type Process

Figure 4.3 shows time series, theoretical, and empirical autocorrelation functions ofthe Cosine process, given in (4.12), when V0 ≡ 0 and the noise is a Brownian motion.The theoretical autocorrelation function is approximated very well by its empirical coun-terpart. Notice that the theoretical autocorrelation function does not converge to zero,while its empirical counterpart slowly does.

Example 4.4. Quadratic OU Type Process Driven by Gaussian Noise

Let us consider Example 1.2 with f(t) = 2a(1 − 2at2), for a > 0. By solving thedifferential equation in (1.6) we find ρ(t) = e−at

2and the resulting GOU type process is

given by

V (t) = V0e−at2 +

∫ t



dL(s). (4.15)

We shall call it the Quadratic OU type process.

To simulate the process (4.15) we consider L = B a Brownian noise and use thediscrete form proposed in [39], given by

V ((k + 1)h) = e−a(2k+1)h2 V (kh) +Wk,h, (4.16)

where h is the discretization step size and Wk,h is a symmetric α-stable random variable,denoted by Sα(σW , 0, 0), with scale parameter σW given by

σαW =

∫ kh


e−αa((kh−s)2+(2k+1)h2)(e2ash − 1)α ds+

∫ (k+1)h


e−αa((kh−s)2−2sh+(2k+1)h2) ds.

(4.17)As we are in the particular case of a Brownian motion noise, we have α = 2.

Figure 4.4 shows time series, theoretical, and empirical autocorrelation functions ofthe quadratic process, given in (4.15), when V0 ≡ 0 and the noise is a Brownian motion.Notice that, when the value a increases, the theoretical function converges quickly to zero.

Example 4.5. Cosine Process Driven by Non-Gaussian Noise

Consider the Cosine process, given in (4.6), when the noise is symmetric α-stableLevy motion. Since the autocovariance function is not well defined in the case of infinitesecond moment processes, we use the so-called codifference as a dependence measure andan estimator for it. The codifference function is given by

τV (s; k, t) = ln {E [exp (is(V (t+ k)− V (t)))]} − ln {E [exp (is(V (t+ k)))]}− ln {E [exp (−is(V (t)))]}, (4.18)

where s ∈ R, k ≥ 0 and t ≥ 0.

For more details, we refer the reader to [32]. To avoid scale issues, we use the nor-

malized codifference function obtained by settingτV (s; k, t)

τV (s; 0, t), for fixed t. We consider the

codifference function estimator proposed in [31], for ARMA processes, given by

τV (s; k) =

√n− kn



n− k



)− ln


n− k




− ln


n− k



)], (4.19)

J. Stein, S.R.C. Lopes and A.V. Medino 19

(a) a = 0.5: time series (b) a = 0.5: acf (theor.) (c) a = 0.5: acf (empir.)

(d) a = 1: time series (e) a = 1: acf (theor.) (f) a = 1: acf (empir.)

(g) a = 2: time series (h) a = 2: acf (theor.) (i) a = 2: acf (empir.)

Figure 4.4: Time series, theoretical (theor.) and empirical (empir.) autocorrelation functionsof the quadratic process, given in (4.15), when a ∈ {0.5, 1, 2}, n = 1000 and h = 1.

where {Vi}ni=1 is a sample of size n derived from the process and k ∈ {0, · · · , n}. Theconsistency property for this estimator was derived in [39], for stationary symmetric α-stable processes, with 0 < α ≤ 2, satisfying some conditions. The empirical normalized

codifference function is obtained by settingτV (s; k)

τV (s; 0).

20 GOU Type Process

(a) a = 0.5: time series (b) a = 0.5: codiff. (theor.) (c) a = 0.5: codiff. (empir.)

(d) a = 1: time series (e) a = 1: codiff. (theor.) (f) a = 1: codiff. (empir.)

(g) a = 2: time series (h) a = 2: codiff. (theor.) (i) a = 2: codiff. (empir.)

Figure 4.5: Time series, theoretical (theor.) and empirical (empir.) normalized codifferencefunctions of the Cosine process, when the noise is a symmetric α-stable Levy motion withα = 1.5, a ∈ {0.5, 1, 2}, n = 200 and h = 1.

Figure 4.5 shows time series, theoretical, and empirical normalized codifference func-tions of the Cosine process, when V0 ≡ 0 and the noise is symmetric α-stable Levy motion.We consider s = 0.01 chosen to be the best choice for the s value by [30]. The codiffer-ence function of the Cosine process depends both on k and t. Figure 4.5 shows the resultswhen we fix t = h in expression (4.18). Notice that when the value of a increases, thetheoretical codifference function presents large variability.

Example 4.6. Quadratic OU Type Process Driven by Non-Gaussian Noise

Consider the process, given in (4.15), when the noise is symmetric α-stable Levymotion. We use again the theoretical and empirical normalized codifference functions, as

J. Stein, S.R.C. Lopes and A.V. Medino 21

described in the previous example. Figure 4.6 shows time series, theoretical and empiricalnormalized codifference functions of the quadratic process, when V0 ≡ 0 and the noise isa symmetric α-stable Levy motion. We consider again s = 0.01.

(a) a = 0.5: time series (b) a = 0.5: codiff. (theor.) (c) a = 0.5: codiff. (empir.)

(d) a = 1: time series (e) a = 1: codiff. (theor.) (f) a = 1: codiff. (empir.)

(g) a = 2: time series (h) a = 2: codiff. (theor.) (i) a = 2: codiff. (empir.)

Figure 4.6: Time series, theoretical (theor.) and empirical (empir.) normalized codifferencefunctions of the quadratic process, when the noise is a symmetric α-stable Levy motion withα = 1.5, a ∈ {0.5, 1, 2}, n = 1000 and h = 1.

Example 4.7. Airy Equation OU Type Process Driven by Gaussian Noise

Let us consider Example 1.2 with f(t) = t. To solve the differential equation in (1.6),we consider a power series solution of that equation given by

22 GOU Type Process

ρ(t) = 1 +∞∑k=1


(2.3)(5.6). · · · .((3k − 1)(3k)).

To simulate the process (1.1) we consider L = B as a Brownian motion. Figure4.7 shows three realization time series of the Airy Equation OU type process driven bya Gaussian noise, when the discretization step size is h = 0.01 and the sample size isn ∈ {100, 200, 300}.

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 4.7: Time series derived from the Airy Equation OU type process driven by a Gaussiannoise, when the discretization step size is h = 0.01 and the sample size is: (a) n = 100; (b)n = 200; (c) n = 300.

5 Estimation

In this section, we present both the maximum likelihood (see Section 5.1) and the Bayesian(see Section 5.2) estimation procedures for the Cosine process, studied in Examples 4.3 and4.5. In Section 5.3 we present four goodness-of-fit tests to be used in the ApplicationsSection. These hypotheses tests shall be an important device to decide which Cosineprocess (driven by a Gaussian or a non-Gaussian noise) best fits a real data set.

5.1 Maximum Likelihood Estimation

Here we present the parameter estimation, based on the maximum likelihood method, forthe Cosine process driven by a Brownian motion and by symmetric α-stable Levy motion,defined in Examples 4.3 and 4.5. We point out here that we are using the maximumlikelihood procedure for the processes defined in Examples 4.3 and 4.5. We know thatthe memory function is given by ρ(t) = cos(at), for all t ≥ 0 and for a a positive realconstant. From [39] we consider the discretization form given by the expression (4.13). Itcan be considered as a non-stationary AR(2) process. Let η = (α, σε, a)′ be the parametervector to be estimated and let {Vkh}n−1k=0 be a sample of size n from the process given bythe expression (4.12). For more details on the estimation procedure, see [39].

J. Stein, S.R.C. Lopes and A.V. Medino 23

Table 5.1 presents the results for the maximum likelihood estimation based on MonteCarlo simulations. With the following scenarios

• a ∈ {1, 2}; • α ∈ {1.1, 1.5, 2}; • n = 2000; • h = 1; • 500 replications.

From Table 5.1 we observe that the maximum likelihood estimation procedure has a verygood performance. For each parameter in the vector η = (α, σε, a)′, this table reports themean, the bias, the standard error (s.e.) and the confidence interval (CI) for its estimator.We observe that the estimation for the a parameter is very accurate. The estimationprocedure for all three parameters improves when α approaches to 2, the Gaussian case.By comparing all the results, it is clear that the worst scenario occurs when α = 1.1,since the bias is slightly greater than the biases for the other cases. There is no significantdifference among the results obtained for the cases a = 1 or a = 2.

5.2 Bayesian Estimation

In this subsection we present the Bayesian methodology to estimate all three parametersη = (α, σε, a)′ for the Cosine process. We point out here that we are using the Bayesianmethodology for the processes defined in Examples 4.3 and 4.5, based on Fox’s H-functionseries representation given in this subsection. We now consider both the Brownian motionand the symmetric α-stable Levy motion. For the Bayesian methodology we use thesoftware JAGS for the Gibbs sampler (see, respectively, [27] and [9]) together with Rsoftware, through the package R2jags.

To obtain the posterior distribution we often deal with some complicated integralsthat have no closed-form. To work around this problem an alternative way is to considerMonte Carlo methods via Markov Chain (MCMC). In this context, we may generatea sample from the posterior distribution in order to calculate estimates of interest forthis distribution. The two most useful MCMC methods are the Gibbs sampler and theMetropolis-Hastings algorithms. Here we consider the Gibbs sampler to generate samplesfrom the posterior distributions.

It is well-known that the α-stable distribution has closed-form only for three valuesof α: in the Levy case (when α = 0.5), in the Cauchy case (when α = 1) and in theGaussian case (when α = 2). To overcome the problem of the numerical integration forothers values of α faced when using Bayesian estimation methods we first have considereda proper bivariate probability density of (X, Y ), where X is α-stable distributed and Yis an auxiliary random variable such that the joint density function has a known form.This idea was considered in the paper [7] where the posterior distribution can formally beobtained through the Bayes’s theorem by integrating out the unwanted random variableY . Unfortunately, through this method, the chains did not converge and the samples didpresent a strong correlation feature leading to bad results. We have decided to considera power series approximation for the α-stable density by the so-called Fox’s H-functionor the H-function, involving Mellin-Barnes integrals, which is a generalization of the G-function of Meijer. For more details on the H-function, we refer the reader to [23] and[29].

24 GOU Type Process

Table 5.1: Maximum likelihood estimation results for the Cosine process, when a ∈ {1, 2},α ∈ {1.1, 1.5, 2}, n = 2000, h = 1 and 500 replications.

Statistic α = 1.1 σε = 1.5824 a = 1

mean 1.1294 1.6054 1.0000

bias -0.0294 -0.0230 -2.8e-06

s.e. 0.0410 0.0679 0.0001

CI [1.0903, 1.1663] [1.5014, 1.7132] [0.9999, 1.0001]

Statistic α = 1.1 σε = 1.0452 a = 2

mean 1.1270 1.0586 1.9999

bias -0.0270 -0.0134 1.6e-06

s.e. 0.0436 0.0476 0.0001

CI [1.0886, 1.1638] [0.9865, 1.1268] [1.9999, 2.0001]

Statistic α = 1.5 σε = 1.3450 a = 1

mean 1.5016 1.3446 1.0000

bias -0.0016 0.0004 -6.1e-07

s.e. 0.0383 0.0337 0.0003

CI [1.4345, 1.5654] [1.2779, 1.4066] [0.9994, 1.0005]

Statistic α = 1.5 σε = 0.9467 a = 2

mean 1.5015 0.9481 2.0000

bias -0.0015 -0.0014 -1.5e-06

s.e. 0.0406 0.0392 0.0003

CI [1.4348, 1.5658] [0.8986, 0.9901] [1.9994, 2.0006]

Statistic α = 2 σε = 1.2061 a = 1

mean 1.9999 1.2045 0.9999

bias 0.0001 0.0016 1.0e-05

s.e. 0.0015 0.0194 0.0007

CI [1.9999,2] [1.1671, 1.2405] [0.9985, 1.0014]

Statistic α = 2 σε = 0.9004 a = 2

mean 2.0000 0.8993 1.9999

bias 0.0000 0.0011 6.5e-07

s.e. 0.0005 0.0144 0.0007

CI [1.9999, 2.0000] [0.8718, 0.9260] [1.9985, 2.0014]

The H-function is defined by means of a Mellin-Barnes type integral

H(z) = Hm,np,q


(a1, A1), . . . , (an, An), (an+1, An+1), . . . , (ap, Ap)

(b1, B1), . . . , (bm, Bm), (bm+1, Bm+1), . . . , (bq, Bq)






Γ(bj +Bjs)n∏`=1

Γ(1− a` − A`s)


Γ(1− bj −Bjs)


Γ(a` + A`s)

z−sds, (5.1)

where A` and Bj are positive real constants while a` and bj can be real or complex-valued

J. Stein, S.R.C. Lopes and A.V. Medino 25

constants, for all j = 1, · · · , q and ` = 1, · · · , p. The suitable contour L separates thepoles of the Gamma function Γ(bj +Bjs), for j = 1, · · · ,m from the poles of the Gammafunction Γ(1− a` + A`s), for ` = 1, · · · , n.

The H-function can be approximated by a power series (see [5] and [29]). For z 6= 0,if κ > 0 or for 0 < |z| > D−1 if κ = 0, we have

Hm,np,q (z) =



m∏j=1,j 6=h


(bj +Bj

bh + v





(1− bj +Bj

bh + v






(1− a` + A`

bh + v





(a` − A`

bh + v


) (−1)vz bh+vBh


. (5.2)

For z 6= 0, if κ < 0, or for |z| > D−1, if κ = 0, we have

Hm,np,q (z) =



n∏`=1,` 6=h


(1− a` + A`

1− ah + v





(a` + A`

1− ah + v






(bj +Bj

1− ah + v





(1− bj −Bj

1− ah + v


) (−1)v(1/z)1−ah+vAh

v!Ah, (5.3)


κ =


Bj −p∑`=1

A` and D =


AA`` ×q∏j=1

B−Bjj .

By using the power series representation of the H-function, given in expressions (5.2)and (5.3), we can approximate the density function of a random variable α-stable dis-tributed. We want to give the expression of fX(·) when X ∼ Sα(σ, β, µ), considering theformula given in [34].

First of all, we need to verify what is the parameterization used by [34]. From theexpressions (2.1)-(2.2) in [34] considering the notation of his work, we obtain

Ψα,β(k) = −kαexp{−iπ




}, k ≥ 0, (5.4)

where Ψα,β(k) = Ψα,β(−k), for k < 0, K(·) defined as

26 GOU Type Process

K(α) = α− 1 + sign(1− α) =

{α, if 0 < α < 1

α− 2, if 1 < α < 2,(5.5)

and sign(·) is the sign function.

Expression (5.4) above coincides with the parameterizarion (B) of [42] when

0 = λγ ≡ µ; 1 = λ ≡ σα; β′ = −β/K(α) and α 6= 1.

The author [34] does not consider α = 1. Besides, in his work he considers

0 < α < 1, |β| ≤ α =⇒ |β′| = | − β/K(α)| ≤ α/α = 1 (5.6)


1 < α < 2, |β| ≤ 2− α =⇒ |β′| = | − β/K(α)| ≤ (2− α)/(2− α) = 1. (5.7)

Hence, from (5.6) and (5.7) the symmetry parameter β′ needs to be β′ = −β/K(α), whereβ is the symmetry parameter of [34], in order to use his formula (2.17), for α > 1, or(2.18), for α < 1.

Recall that [34] considers X ∼ Sα(1, β, 0) stable random variable and fα,β(·) meansthe density function fX(·, α, 1, β, 0).

We now will consider two cases: α > 1 and α < 1.

Case 1: α > 1

Expression (2.17) in [34] gives us

fX(x;α, 1, β, 0) =1



Γ(1 + nε)

n!sin (πnγ)(−x)n−1,

for α > 1, where ε = 1/α and γ = (α − β)/(2α) = (α + β′K(α))/(2α), with K(·) givenby expression (5.5).

Since we want the above expression for any X ∼ Sα(σ, β, µ), we have the followingresult for fX(·),

fX(x) =1


(x− µσ





Γ(1 + nα




(α + β′K(α))

)(−x− µ






Γ(1 + nα





(α + β′(α− 2)


))(µ− xσ

)n−1. (5.8)

We want the expression (5.8) for ν = n− 1 starting from zero. Hence,

fX(x) =1



Γ(1 + ν+1α


(ν + 1)!sin

(π(ν + 1)

2α(α + β′α− 2β′)

)(µ− xσ

)ν. (5.9)

J. Stein, S.R.C. Lopes and A.V. Medino 27

Since Γ(n) = (n− 1)! and Γ(z + 1) = zΓ(z), expression (5.9) can be rewritten as

fX(x) =1





Γ(ν + 1)sin

(π(ν + 1)

2α(α + β′α− 2β′)

)(µ− xσ

)ν, x ≥ µ. (5.10)

If x < 0 we need to apply expression (2.7) in [34], that is, fα,β(−x) = fα,−β(x).Therefore, expression (5.10) can be rewritten as

fX(x) =1





Γ(ν + 1)sin

(π(ν + 1)

2α(α− β′α + 2β′)

)(x− µσ

)ν, x < µ. (5.11)

Expressions (5.10) and (5.11) give us the central part of the density function fX(·) for,respectively, x ≥ µ and x < µ. Now we want the tails of fX(·), when α > 1. We considerthe expression (2.18) in [34],

fα,β(x) ∼=1



Γ(1 + nα)

Γ(n+ 1)(−1)n−1 sin (πnαγ)(x)−1−nα.

The equivalent expression for fX(·), when X ∼ Sα(σ, β, µ), is given by

fX(x) ∼=




Γ(1 + (ν + 1)α)

Γ(ν + 2)(−1)ν sin

(π(ν + 1)α

(α + β′(α− 2)

))(x− µσ





(ν + 1)αΓ((ν + 1)α)

(ν + 1)Γ(ν + 1)(−1)ν sin

(π(ν + 1)α

2α(α + αβ′ − 2β′)

)(x− µσ




Γ((ν + 1)α)

Γ(ν + 1)(−1)ν

x− µ


(π(ν + 1)

2(α + αβ′ − 2β′)


x− µ



Hence, for x > µ,

fX(x) ∼=α



Γ((ν + 1)α)(−1)ν

Γ(ν + 1)(x− µ)sin

(π(ν + 1)

2(α + αβ′ − 2β′)


x− µ


. (5.12)

Again we apply expression (2.18) in [34] to obtain expression (5.12) above, when x < µ

fX(x) ∼=α



Γ((ν + 1)α)(−1)ν

Γ(ν + 1)(µ− x)sin

(π(ν + 1)

2(α− αβ′ + 2β′)


µ− x


. (5.13)

Case 2: α < 1

Now we want the formulas for α < 1. Page 500 of [34] explains that the series expansionof fα,β(·) is given by the right-hand side of (2.18) and its asymptotic behavior is given bythe right-hand side of (2.17).

28 GOU Type Process

The series expansion of fX(·), in the case α < 1, where K(α) = α is given by

fX(x) =




Γ(1 + nα)

n!(−1)n−1 sin (πnαγ)

(x− µσ





Γ(1 + (ν + 1)α)

(ν + 1)!(−1)ν sin

(π(ν + 1)α

(α + β′α

))(x− µσ




Γ((ν + 1)α)

Γ(ν + 1)(x− µ)(−1)ν sin

(π(ν + 1)

2(α + αβ′)


x− µ



Hence, for x > µ,

fX(x) =α



Γ((ν + 1)α)

Γ(ν + 1)(x− µ)(−1)ν sin

(π(ν + 1)

2(α + αβ′)


x− µ


. (5.14)

The equivalent expression when x < µ, is given by

fX(x) =α



Γ((ν + 1)α)

Γ(ν + 1)(µ− x)(−1)ν sin

(π(ν + 1)

2(α− αβ′)


µ− x


. (5.15)

Now we shall give the formulas for the tails of the distribution when α < 1. Weconsider the right-hand side of (2.17) in [34]. The asymptotic behavior for fX(·) is givenby

fX(x) ∼=1





Γ(ν + 1)sin

(π(ν + 1)

2α(α + αβ′)

)(x− µσ







Γ(ν + 1)sin

(π(ν + 1)

2(1 + β′)

)(x− µσ


Hence, the expression for the tails when α < 1 is given by

fX(x) ∼=1





Γ(ν + 1)sin

(π(ν + 1)

2(1 + β′)

)(x− µσ

)ν, x ≥ µ, (5.16)

and its equivalent expression when x < µ is given by

fX(x) ∼=1





Γ(ν + 1)sin

(π(ν + 1)

2(1− β′)

)(µ− xσ

)ν, x < µ. (5.17)

We calculate the likelihood function based on the generated samples by consideringexpressions (5.10) and (5.11), or (5.12) and (5.13), for their central or tail componentsdepending on the sign of x − µ, when α > 1. When α < 1, we calculate the likelihoodfunction based on the generated samples by considering expressions (5.14) and (5.15), or(5.16) and (5.17), for their central or tail components depending on the sign of x−µ. Forthe Cosine process, the noise εk,h is considered to be an independent identically distributed

sequence of random variables Sα(σε, 0, 0), with σαε = 2∫ h0| cos(as)|αds. Let V = {Vkh}n−1k=0

J. Stein, S.R.C. Lopes and A.V. Medino 29

be a sample from the Cosine process and η = (α, σε, a)′ be the parameter vector to beestimated. Let V0 and V1 be two random variables Sα(σ0, 0, 0) distributed with σ0 = 1.0.Then, the likelihood function is given by

L(V|η) =n−1∏k=0

f(V(k+1)h − 2 cos(ah)Vkh + V(k−1)h;σε, 0, 0),

where f(·) is given by the expressions (5.10)-(5.17), depending on the values of α and onthe sign of x− µ.

By considering the independence of the parameters, we set the following non-informativepriori distributions:

• α ∼ U([0, 2]), that is, α follows a Uniform distribution on the interval [0, 2];

• a ∼ U([0, 3]), that is, a follows a Uniform distribution on the interval [0, 3];

• σε ∼ Γ(1, 2), that is, σε follows a Gamma distribution with parameters 1 and 2.

Therefore, the posterior distribution is given by

Π(η|V) ∝ L(V|η)π(η),

where π(·) is the priori distribution of the parameter vector η = (α, σε, a)′.

We consider the following scenarios for the Bayesian estimation procedure:

• a ∈ {1, 2}; • α ∈ {1.1, 1.5, 2}; • n = 2000; • h = 1.

We generate 30, 000 Gibbs samples for each one of the three parameters. We use aburn-in-sample of size 10, 000 and we take every 10-th sample which gives a final sampleof size 2, 000 to be used for finding the posterior summaries of interest. Table 5.2 presentsthe Bayesian method results. For each parameter in the vector η = (α, σε, a)′, Table5.2 reports the mean, the bias, the standard error (s.e.) and the credibility interval(CI) for its estimator. We notice that these results present low bias values for all theestimators. However, the true α parameter value is not inside its credibility interval whenα ∈ {1.1, 2}. The a parameter is estimated in a very accurate way. This is true for allscenarios considered here.

Similarly to the OU process, for the Cosine process we also have problems relatedto the initial values of the chains.To mitigate these problems we considered an approxi-mated version of the estimated means obtained from the maximum likelihood procedureto initiate the chains.

Figure 5.1 presents the traceplot for the generated chains, the density and the auto-correlation functions for the case when a = 1, α = 1.1, n = 2000 and h = 1. All othercases had similar performance and we omitted to report them here.

Remark 5.1. Although the computational time for the Bayesian estimation MCMC pro-cedure, based on the MCMC algorithm, is much higher than for the maximum likelihoodmethod, we would like to mention some advantages:

30 GOU Type Process

Table 5.2: Bayesian estimation results for the Cosine process, when a ∈ {1, 2}, α ∈ {1.1, 1.5, 2},n = 2000 and h = 1.

Statistic α = 1.1 σε = 1.5824 a = 1

mean 1.1787 1.6296 0.9999

bias 0.0070 0.0469 0.0001

s.e. 0.0002 0.0010 0.0000

CI [1.1713,1.1964] [1.5400,1.7232] [0.9997,1.0000]

Statistic α = 1.1 σε = 1.0452 a = 2

mean 1.1782 1.0792 2.0000

bias 0.0069 0.0623 0.0001

s.e. 0.0002 0.0014 0.0000

CI [1.1713,1.1965] [1.0189,1.1387] [1.9998,2.0003]

Statistic α = 1.5 σε = 1.3450 a = 1

mean 1.5072 1.3747 1.0001

bias 0.0335 0.0340 0.0003

s.e. 0.0007 0.0008 0.0000

CI [1.4401,1.5701] [1.3088,1.4415] [0.9996,1.0006]

Statistic α = 1.5 σε = 0.9467 a = 2

mean 1.5082 0.9679 2.0002

bias 0.0325 0.0229 0.0003

s.e. 0.0007 0.0005 0.0000

CI [1.4420,1.5699] [0.9249,1.0143] [1.9995,2.0009]

Statistic α = 2 σε = 1.2061 a = 1

mean 1.9927 1.2115 1.0004

bias 0.0069 0.0198 0.0011

s.e. 0.0002 0.0004 0.0000

CI [1.9737,1.9998] [1.1739,1.2505] [0.9983,1.0025]

Statistic α = 2 σε = 0.9004 a = 2

mean 1.9930 0.9043 2.0010

bias 0.0066 0.0148 0.0006

s.e. 0.0001 0.0003 0.0000

CI [1.9755,1.9999] [0.8761,0.9334] [1.9999,2.0021]

• the possibility of selecting the prior distribution based on a piece of known infor-mation from the literature or provided by a specialist;

• bias and standard error values for the parameters tend to be smaller when theBayesian approach is considered;

• a sample from the posterior distribution of each parameter is obtained, rather thana single point, which makes it possible, if one wishes, to construct confidence inter-vals and/or perform a hypothesis test without making further assumptions on thedistribution of the estimates.

However, in our simulation study, we found a disadvantage for the used Bayesian

J. Stein, S.R.C. Lopes and A.V. Medino 31

(a) Traceplot for α (b) Density function α (c) acf α

(d) Traceplot for σε (e) Density function σε (f) acf σε

(g) Traceplot for a (h) Density function a (i) acf a

Figure 5.1: Traceplot for the generated chains, density and autocorrelation (acf) functions,when a = 1, α = 1.1, n = 2000 and h = 1.

estimation procedure: the credibility intervals do not always contain the true parametervalue for the stability index α, when it is in the set {1.1, 2}. However, for the trueparameters a and σε, they are always inside the credibility interval for all cases consideredhere.

5.3 Goodness-of-fit Tests

We present some goodness-of-fit tests that shall be used in the Applications Section.Goodness-of-fit tests are important devices to decide if an observed data set follows aspecific distribution or not. It might appear that a certain real data set is better fittedby a Gaussian distribution (α = 2), when, in fact, an α-stable non-Gaussian distribution(0 < α < 2) does better. We know that α-stable distributions may represent a good fitfor modeling the financial asset returns and that Normality is not a good choice (see [6]).In Application 1 we will see this fact and the Cosine Process driven by an α-stable noise

32 GOU Type Process

is the best model to fit the real data set. However, in Application 2, we will show thatthe Cosine Process driven by a Gaussian noise best fitted this real data set.

We shall consider the classical Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS) and Anderson-Darling (AD)tests (see [8]). Besides these two goodness-of-fit tests we shall also consider a modifiedversion of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov (MKS) (see [4]) and the McCulloch (MC) test, basedon the estimators of [24]. The three former tests are known as empirical distributionfunctions (EDF) tests since they all rely on some distance between the empirical andthe theoretical distribution functions. Moreover, the AD and MKS tests serve as analternative to the classical KS test, since they give more weights to the tails than theoriginal one (see [40] and [4]).

Let us consider the ordered sample X = (X(1), · · · , X(n)). The classical approach ofgoodness-of-fit tests consists on testing the null hypothesis H0 against the alternative H1,given by

H0 : Fn(x) = S(x) vs H1 : Fn(x) 6= S(x), (5.18)

where Fn(·) is the empirical distribution function while S(·) denotes the hypotheticaldistribution function. When testing for Gaussian distributions, the standard procedureis to consider S(·) = Φ(·), where Φ(·) denotes the cumulative distribution function of thestandard Gaussian distribution N (0, 1). If

X =1



Xj and sX =

√∑nj=1(Xj − X)2

n− 1

are, respectively, the mean and standard deviation of the ordered observations X, letY = (Y(1), · · · , Y(n)) be the standardized observations, given by

Y(j) =X(j) − XsX

, for j = 1, · · · , n. (5.19)

As [4] noticed, there is no need to consider the parameters σ and µ when testingfor α-stable distributions. Indeed, if X ∼ Sα(σ, β, µ) then Y = X−µ

σis an α-stable

Y ∼ Sα(1, β, 0) random variable.

In Section 6, we shall use the KS, AD, MKS and MC tests based on the hypothesesgiven by equation (5.18), for testing α-stable distributions when real data observationsare of interest. Since we are considering only symmetric α-stable random variables, wehave β = 0 and the hypothetical value for α is obtained by the maximum likelihoodestimation procedure described in Section 5.1. Let F n

j = Fn(Y(j)) and Fj = F (Y(j); α),where Fn(·) is the empirical distribution function of the standardized data Y , given inequation (5.19), and F (·;α) is the distribution function of a standard symmetric α-stabledistribution (σ = 1, β = 0 = µ) with stability index α. The goodness-of-fit statisticaltests considered here are the following:

• the KS statistic

Dn = maxj ∈{1,··· ,n}

[Fj − F n

j−1, Fnj − Fj

]; (5.20)

J. Stein, S.R.C. Lopes and A.V. Medino 33

• the AD statistic

A2 = −n−n∑j=1

(2j − 1)


[log(Fj) + log(1− Fn−j+1)

]; (5.21)

• the MKS statistic

MKS =√n maxj ∈{1,··· ,n}

∣∣∣F n

j − Fj∣∣∣


(1− Fj

)+ 1/n

; (5.22)

• the MC statistic

φi(α0) = |φi − φi(α0)|, for i = 1, 2, (5.23)

where φ1 and φ2 are respectively the simulated values for φ1 and φ2 given by

φ1 =Y [95]− Y [5]

Y [75]− Y [25]and φ2 =

Y [95] + Y [5]− 2Y [50]

Y [95]− Y [5], (5.24)

and Y [z] denotes the z-th quantile of the standardized data given in (5.19).

6 Applications

In this section, we consider two real data sets. The first one deals with the Apple companystock market price data while the second considers the cardiovascular mortality in LosAngeles County data.

6.1 Apple Company Stock Market Price Data

In this subsection we analyze the behavior of the Apple company stock market pricedata. The period of this time series is from January 04, 2010, to November 26, 2014. Thetrading hours are from 9:31 am to 4:00 pm (Chicago time) and the tick-by-tick frequencyof the original time series is one-minute, which gives a total of 390 observations per dayin a total of 1, 235 days. The overall total is 481, 650 observations.

For the analysis we consider four aggregated log-returns: the one-minute, the five-minute, the ten-minute and the fifteen-minute aggregated to obtain the four time seriesdenoted, respectively, by R

(1)t , R

(5)t , R

(10)t and R

(15)t . The one-minute log-returns are

defined by

R(1)t = 100× ln




where t ∈ {1, · · · , 481, 649} and Xt is the price of the stocket market of Apple companyat time t.

Figure 6.1 below shows both the original time series and its one-minute log-returns.

Based on the one-minute log-returns we aggregated them to obtain the five-minute,ten-minute, and fifteen-minute log-returns. Thus, we have the following four time series

34 GOU Type Process

• R(1)t , for t ∈ {1, · · · , 481, 649}, with discretization step size given by h = (390)−1 =

2.5641× 10−3;

• R(5)t = R

(1)5t−4 +R

(1)5t−3 + · · ·+R

(1)5t , for t ∈ {1, · · · , 96, 329}, with discretization step

size given by h = 5(390)−1 = 0.0128;

• R(10)t = R

(1)10t−9 +R

(1)10t−8 + · · ·+R

(1)10t, for t ∈ {1, · · · , 48, 164}, with discretization step

size given by h = 10(390)−1 = 0.0256;

• R(15)t = R

(1)15t−14 + R

(1)15t−13 + · · · + R

(1)15t, for t ∈ {1, · · · , 32, 109}, with discretization

step size given by h = 15(390)−1 = 0.0385.

(a) (b)

Figure 6.1: Stock market price of Apple company, from January 04, 2010 to November 26,2014: (a) original time series; (b) one-minute log-return time series.

(a) (b)


Figure 6.2: Stock market price of Apple company: (a) five-minute log-returns; (b) ten-minutelog retorns; (c) fifteen-minute log-returns.

Figure 6.2 shows the three time series with, respectively, five-minute, ten-minute andfifteen-minute aggregated log-returns of the stock market price for the Apple company.

J. Stein, S.R.C. Lopes and A.V. Medino 35

Figure 6.3 shows the normalized empirical codifference for the one-minute, five-minute,ten-minute and fifteen-minute log-return time series when s = 0.01.

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Figure 6.3: Normalized empirical codifference function, when s = 0.01, for the: (a) one-minutelog-return; (b) five-minute log-returns; (c) ten-minute log-returns; (d) fifteen-minute log-returns.

To model these four log-return time series denoted, respectively, byR(1)t , R

(5)t , R

(10)t and

R(15)t , we consider the Cosine process, given in expression (2.1). In this case, the memory

function is given by ρ(t) = cos(at), for all t ≥ 0 where a is a positive real constant.We consider the maximum likelihood estimation procedure, presented in Section 5.1, toestimate the vector parameter η = (α, σε, a). Table 6.1 presents the estimation results

considering the four log-return time series, R(j)t , based on the four respective discretization

steps with sizes h = j (390)−1, for j ∈ {1, 5, 10, 15}. We know that log-return time seriesare well modeled by heavy tailed processes (see, for instance, [19], [20] and [28]).

36 GOU Type Process

(a) R(1)t ; h = 0.0026 (b) R

(5)t ; h = 0.0128

(c) R(10)t ; h = 0.0256 (d) R

(15)t ; h = 0.0385

Figure 6.4: Residual values for the four fitted log-return time series: (a) R(1)t ; (b) R

(5)t ; (c)

R(10)t ; (d) R

(15)t .

Table 6.1: Maximum likelihood estimation results, based on the aggregated log-return time

series R(j)t , with respective discretization step size h = j (390)−1, for j ∈ {1, 5, 10, 15}.

α σε a

R(1)t ; h = (390)−1 = 2.564× 10−3

1.5132 0.0472 632.5659

R(5)t ; h = 5(390)−1 = 0.0128

1.4661 0.1010 124.6056

R(10)t ; h = 10(390)−1 = 0.0256

1.4531 0.1468 62.9701

R(15)t ; h = 15(390)−1 = 0.0385

1.4304 0.1959 36.6624

J. Stein, S.R.C. Lopes and A.V. Medino 37

Table 6.2: Statistics values for the Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS), Anderson-Darling (AD) andModified Kolmogorov-Smirnov (MKS) tests, applied to four aggregated log returns of the Applecompany stock market price, with their corresponding p-values (in parentheses).


R(1)t : H0: α = 2

0.1928(0.001) 48449.56(0.001) 239122.90(0.001)

R(1)t : H0: α = 1.5132

0.1927(1) 49709.4 (1) 689.49(1)

R(5)t : H0: α = 2

0.1976(0.001) 9969.62(0.001) 24265.75(0.001)

R(5)t : H0: α = 1.4661

0.1970(1) 10243.03(1) 306.73(1)

R(10)t : H0: α = 2

0.1840(0.001) 4344.31(0.001) 10202.57(0.001)

R(10)t : H0: α = 1.4531

0.1836(1) 4514.39(1) 217.47(1)

R(15)t : H0: α = 2

0.1903(0.001) 3084.83(0.001) 5406.17(0.001)

R(15)t : H0: α = 1.4304

0.1895(1) 3214.16(1) 175.30(1)

Figure 6.4 shows the residuals obtained from the fitted Cosine model, for all fourconsidered log-return time series. From the four panels of this figure, we can see thatthe Cosine process based on the original log-return time series R

(1)t captures well the

features of this data set. However, the one-minute log return time series with the smallestdiscretization step size also has the smallest standard deviation estimate and the smallestvariation of the residual values. Table 6.1 presents the maximum likelihood estimationfor the parameters of all four log return time series.

Table 6.2 presents the EDF tests given in Section 5.3 for the four log return time series.The statistical tests and their respective p-value (in parentheses) for testing hypotheses H0

versus H1, defined in expression (5.18) are in this table. For the EDF tests, the empiricaldistribution function is compared with the Gaussian one. This table also presents thecorresponding statistics values when one considers the second hypotheses test defined as

H0 : α = α0 vs H1 : α 6= α0, (6.1)

where α is the maximum likelihood estimate value, obtained from the procedure describedin Section 5.1, for each log return time series. From the results in Table 6.2 one observes,from the two hypotheses tests, the four log return time series are considered to be bestfitted by an α-stable distribution with their respective α given in Table 6.1.

38 GOU Type Process

6.2 Cardiovascular Mortality in Los Angeles County

For this second data set, we consider the cardiovascular mortality in Los Angeles County(see [37]). This is a weekly time series from 1970 to 1979, with n = 508 observations.Since the period of this time series is 52 weeks over the 10-year period, its frequency isgiven by a = 2π

52= 0.1208. Figure 6.5 shows the strong seasonal component in this series,

corresponding to winter-summer variations and the downward trend in cardiovascularmortality.

In the analysis, we shall consider the Cosine process to adjust this data set. For theestimation procedure we consider the original time series X(·) and Y (·) resulting fromtwo differentiations applied to the original one:

Z(t) = X(t+ 1)−X(t) and Y (t) = Z(t+ 52)− Z(t). (6.2)

Figure 6.5(a) shows the original time series X(·), centered in its mean value whileFigure 6.5(b) shows the twice-differenced time series Y (·) without the strong seasonalityand the downward trend. Figures 6.5(c)-(d) present the normalized codifference for bothtime series X(·) and Y (·). From Figure 6.5(c) we see a strong seasonal component as wellas the downward trend in the original time series.

Table 6.3 presents the maximum likelihood estimation for the parameters, for bothtimes series X(·) and Y (·). Observe that the h value is obtained such that a = 0.12.

We consider the goodness-of-fit tests given in Section 5.3 to analyze the appropriateadjustment for these data. Table 6.4 presents the four goodness-of-fit tests given in Section5.3 applied to both the original and the twice-differenced time series for the cardiovascularmortality in Los Angeles County data set. This table considers the statistical tests withtheir respective p-values (in parentheses) for testing hypotheses H0 versus H1, defined inexpression (5.18). It also presents the corresponding statistical values when one considersthe second hypotheses test defined in equation (6.1), where α is the maximum likelihoodestimate value, obtained from the procedure described in Section 5.1. From the resultsin Table 6.4 one observes that all four tests accepted the null hypothesis of a Gaussiandistribution (α = 2). These all four tests also accepted the null hypothesis of α = 1.9861(for X(·)) and α = 1.9998 (for Y (·)). Since these two maximum likelihood estimate valuesare very close to 2, the results indicate a Gaussian distribution.

J. Stein, S.R.C. Lopes and A.V. Medino 39

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Figure 6.5: Cardiovascular mortality in Los Angeles County: (a) Original time series X(·); (b)Twice-differenced time series Y (·); (c) Normalized empirical codifference function for X(·); (d)Normalized empirical codifference function for Y (·).

Table 6.3: Maximum likelihood estimation results for the original time series X(·) and thetwice-differenced Y (·).

α σε a

X(·); h = 5.66

1.9861 7.5509 0.1209

Y (·); h = 18

1.9998 7.4668 0.1209

7 Conclusions

In this work, we present a novel class of stochastic process that generalizes the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes. This novel class is hereafter called by Generalized Ornstein-Uhlen-beck Type Process and it is denoted by GOU type process. We consider them drivenby several classes of noise process such as Brownian motion, symmetric α-stable Levy

40 GOU Type Process

(a) (b)

Figure 6.6: Residual analysis for the cardiovascular mortality in Los Angeles County: (a) X(·);(b) Y (·).

Table 6.4: Statistics values for the Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS), Anderson-Darling (AD), Mod-ified Kolmogorov-Smirnov (MKS) and McCulloch (MC) tests, applied to both X(t) and Y (t)time series, with their corresponding p-values (in parentheses).


X(·): H0: α = 2

0.1013 (0.217) 13.7358 (0.259) 21.1807 (0.392) 0.13 (0.983)

X(·): H0: α = 1.9861

0.1015 (0.379) 13.8139 (0.495) 21.2373 (0.354) 0.105 (0.995)

Y (·): H0: α = 2

0.1037 (0.176) 12.8226 (0.14) 19.2001 (0.742) 0.974 (0.071)

Y (·): H0: α = 1.9998

0.1037 (0.178) 12.8234 (0.123) 19.2015 (0.744) 0.968 (0.046)

motion, a Levy process and a Poisson process. In Sections 2 and 3 we presented the maintheoretical results, mainly, we set necessary and sufficient conditions, under the memorykernel function ρ(·), for the time-stationary and the Markov properties for these processes.

When the GOU type process is driven by a Levy noise we proved it is infinitelydivisible showing its generating triplet. Section 4 we dedicated to the presentation ofseveral examples derived from the GOU type process: for each of them we showed someof their basic properties as well as some graphical time series realizations. These examplesalso presented their theoretical and empirical autocorrelation or normalized codifferencefunctions depending on whether the process has a finite or infinite second moment.

Furthermore, Section 5 presented two estimation procedures: the classical maximumlikelihood and the Bayesian estimation for the so-called Cosine process, a particular pro-cess in the class of GOU type processes presented in Examples 4.3 and 4.5: in Section5.1 we considered the maximum likelihood estimation procedure for the Cosine processdriven both by Brownian motion and symmetric α-stable Levy noise while in Section5.2 we considered the Bayesian estimation procedure for the same Cosine process drivenby the same two noise processes. For the Bayesian estimation method, we proposed a

J. Stein, S.R.C. Lopes and A.V. Medino 41

power series representation, based on Fox’s H-function, to better approximate the den-sity function of a random variable α-stable distributed. In Section 5.3 we present fourgoodness-of-fit tests (three of them from the EDF class and the McCulloch, 1986 test) forhelping to decide which distribution best fits a particular data set.

Finally, in Section 6 we presented two applications of GOU type model: one is basedon the Apple company stock market price data and the other is based on the cardiovascu-lar mortality in Los Angeles County data. The first data set is a time series from January04, 2010, to November 26, 2014, with an overall total of 481, 650 observations. We consid-ered four log-return time series: one-minute R

(1)t , five-minute R

(5)t , ten-minute R

(10)t and

fifteen-minute R(15)t log-returns. The maximum likelihood estimates for the stability index

were, respectively, 1.5132, 1.4661, 1.4531, and 1.4304, and three EDF goodness-of-fit testsshowed that the log-return time series are better fitted by a non-Gaussian α-stable pro-cess. From the residual values obtained for the adjusted Cosine model, we concluded thatthe original log-return time series R

(1)t captures well the features of this data set. This

log-return time series has the smallest discretization step size and presented the smalleststandard deviation estimate and the smallest variation of the residual values. The seconddata set is a weekly time series given the cardiovascular mortality in Los Angeles Countyfrom 1970 to 1979, with an overall total of 508 observations. We considered the originaland the twice-differenced time series. The maximum likelihood estimate values for thestability index were, respectively, 1.9861 and 1.9998 that are both very close to 2. Fourgoodness-of-fit tests accepted the null hypothesis of a Gaussian distribution (α = 2).These all four tests also accepted the null hypothesis of α = 1.9861 (for the original timeseries) and α = 1.9998 (for the twice-differenced time series). These results indicate aGaussian distribution. From the residual values obtained for the adjusted Cosine model,given in Example 4.3, we concluded that the twice-differenced time series has the smallestestimate value for the standard deviation and their residuals behave like a random noisearound the zero mean value.


J. Stein was supported by CNPq-Brazil. S.R.C. Lopes’s research was partially supportedby CNPq-Brazil. A.V. Medino’s research was partially supported by FAPDF throughthe research grant No. 193.000.061/2012: “Inferencia em Processos Estocasticos de AltaVariabilidade e de Longa Dependencia”.


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