a history class presentation by: david kean, logan ......a history class presentation by: david...

Post on 17-Mar-2020






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A History Class Presentation

By: David Kean, Logan McCready, and Bella Rule

Major General Lafayette Mclaws was the lead division commander of Lieutenant General James Longstreet’s First Corps of the Confederate Army of North Virginia. He wrote more than 400 letters during his time as a soldier, five of them as an officer of the Seventh Infantry posted in New Mexico and Utah before the Civil War.

My Dear Wife,

Although we came twenty four miles today, & must march early tomorrow I cannot resist the pleasure of writing to you… I have nearly given up any hope of returning, and therefore have become more reconciled to my fate. (Skip to next paragraph). We hope to be at Laramie within three more days, where we will halt for two to three days, prepatory to our final start towards Utah. We have heard that both Major Lynde and Maj Gatlin will go on with Col Morrison’s column, which left Laramie last Monday of Tuesday. Their idea in starting so early is, I have heard, to get through the mountains with their families at as early as day as possible so as to avoid the cold weather; for which I am sorry for, as I was in hopes of having Major Lynde to command this column, Major Whiting being totally unfit for such business. being inert, absent minded ignorant and indifferent.

You are of course in receipt of a good many letters as I send home one or more by every conveyance. I wrote last evening & last night a long letter to Willy & Johnny which you will explain to them of course & in doing so please, urge them to learn to read and write, so as to answer me.2

An officer whom we met the other day going to Kearney [Fort Kearny, Nebraska Territory] with some troops, cavalry, that had been ordered back, said that it was the general impression at Laramie that we would go on and to Oregon, but of course they do not know anything more about it than we do. I am really sorry that I should be so uninformed about the movements of the 7th Infy [Infantry] as to be unable to give you even a faint notion of what will probably take place & where we will go to, for I know how anxious you must be.

As I do not expect to know anything[,] never hear anything until we arrive in Utah, let me advise you to take the Washington Star, in addition to the Missouri Republican, and also the New York Herald and if you like the Missouri Democrat. All those papers have correspondents in the army, and keep themselves better informed in regard to army movements, than any others. We see no indians and but little game. I however killed two grouse this evening, one of which was for dinner [,] the other I gave away.3

What is the mood?

Why does Mclaws think he is not coming home?

What would you feel if you were Mclaws’ wife reading the letter?

My darling Wife,

Your very kind and welcome [letter] was received to day. I have however but little time to reply. A letter from Wm R was also received. The books also. In regard to your sewing machine, I intend to buy one in Savannah as there is an agency advertised with all the latest improvements. What is meant by your bundle I am unable to say. Write to Rich at once and ask about your boxes.2 If they have not been already sent, it will be very doubtful when you will get them. And even if sent it is not improbable that they are delayed on the road because of some tariff regulation.

I am in command of this post during the absence of Colonel Williams.3 I found it and the command not

in such condition as I had been led to expect, but am doing all in my power, of course, to be prepared

for any emergency. The movements of the enemy are very mysterious, or they would have taken some

prominent position in this section a long time ago. It could be done even now, with no great sacrifice.

Before the twenty day[s], however, which has been granted for us to disperse have transpired, I hope

we will be ready for the seventy five thousand. Commodore Tatnall is here, living in an old steamboat,

panting for the fight against all odds, how I wished when looking at him that we had at least one good

man of war for him to command. If Mr Porter will bring Willie with him to Savannah, and Willie is

willing to leave his brother and sister and his mother, I will have no objections to his paying a flying

visit, but he need not think of remaining here with me, for the quarters are not only very limited, three

and four officers living in a small room together, with the prospect of the number increasing—I am

living in the mess with others. If you can manage to send me a boy to wait on me I would be glad to get

one as at present I have none.

What is the mood of the letter?

What was the tone of the letter?

Do you think Mclaws expected to come home or not?

My dearly beloved Wife

Your Christmas presents, the shirts, drawers, socks &c have been very welcomelyrecd. And tell John that his cake has been pronounced magnificent. I intend reserving the cake and candy for the women and children who come sometimes to make some request of me, all ragged and tattered and destitute as some of the refugees from Hampton are. Very little Christmas have they had.

The oranges are certainly a very great treat and the sausages will be magnificent for a scout. I think of giving a ball, as there are two young ladies, refugees from below, living within a mile & half of this place.

Thanks to your kindness I have now a plenty of flannel and drawers & socks & hankerchiefs and gloves.

My only difficulty is about shoes and boots. My boots having now one of the toes out.

Hugh is very large and heavy, but looks well and I hope will make a good QMaster. I had but a very

short conversation with him as he came in night before last about 12 2, and I ordered him to Richmond

the next morning about ten. I recd a letter from John F. Edwards concurning his acceptance of

appointment of Commisary of my brigade—and complaining of the hardships of a soldiers life—not

patriotic certainly!

I have not heard from your brother, he never writes but he is within twelve miles of me in Yorktown—

and I believe occupies a very prominent position. There is a large fleet assembling below for some

outrageous scheme of the scoundrels, as it is but twelve miles from my head quarters. Of course we are

on the alert and General Magruder favors us with stampedes very generally—but we have become so

much accustomed to his cry of wolf that it will be very difficult to arouse us from our apathy, even when

the enemy does come—I have more to fear from that than from anything else. I was sorry that Hugh did

not bring me the uniform which you wrote me had been ordered, as I will be quite in want of it.

U.S. single breasted uniform. My old Georgia Majors coat has lost colour and looks very shabby.

Give Sallie my love, by the way, you have not mentioned having seen her.1 I was in hopes you would

be very cosy and intimate.

I keep my daughters picture open on the table before me all the time— have the first and the last side

by side—give her several kisses for me two on her eyes. Give the boys my best love, including the

littlest, and tell them to be very kind to the youngest, and to their sister. Johnny must grow fast or he

will be caught & some of these days will [be] whipped by the baby.

I inclose my “picture” of the Merrimac, not splendid but will give you an idea. Love to Laura & thank

her for her very acceptable presents. Your devoted husband L McLaws

What is the mood of the letter?

What is the tone of the letter?

What do you think the meaning of the letter?



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