a legacy begins

Post on 19-Jun-2015



Entertainment & Humor



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Aislynn Waters starts a legacy, going through university with the love of her life, and receiving a prophesy that will change her life and the lives of every child of her bloodline.





By Jenny

…Featuring for our first generation one Aislynn Waters. There’s pointy ears under those flaming curls, right Aislynn?

Aislynn: “So I’m an elf. Big deal. Who are you?”

No one much. Destroyer of souls and creator of worlds. The one in charge of your destiny.

Aislynn: “Sounds terrifying. Do stay RIGHT HERE and tell me all about it while I move in.”

It is interesting to know that I am actually going to watch you grow old and die. Weeeeeird.

Aislynn: “Not listening.”

Anyway. Aislynn Waters, everyone! Family, 7/3/5/4/6, Cancer. Lifetime wish to become education minister…I will be getting the God Shelf ASAP!

Aislynn: *leaving*

Aislynn: “Ew. This room stinks. Literally. How long do I have to stay here?”

Depends on how fast you are able to afford the brand new shiny custom house-shack for you across the street. Two semesters on the full scholarship if you buy nothing. Bit faster if you go out and find me a guy that will mesh with your genetics.

Aislynn: “Yay! Family. Totes want to fall in love and get married ASAP.”

Great. Get to it.

Aislynn: “Like this one, right across the hall?”

Exactly like that one. Literally exactly that one. No over-silly features, all recessive genes same as you…nice tattoos, too, but I suppose that’s less your style.

Aislynn: “Those are supposed to be attractive? I will love him and keep him forever and love him for his heart.”

Aislynn: “So apparently I have to breed for more reasons than ‘I just want to’…but I do want to. Are you interested?”

Benjamin: “You bet, Hot Stuff. Benjamin Suwankiwi, Knowledge, Aquarius.”

Hot stuff yourself, hot stuff.

Benjamin: “Flirting with the redhead. Creepy voice can bug off.”

Benjamin: “So…what are the plans for the breeding bit?

Aislynn: “Step one is earn enough to move out of this dump.”

Benjamin: “That sounds boring. I was thinking, ah…”

Aislynn: “When we have a house and a bed. That one, right across the road.”

Boys. One track mind, once you sign the agreement.

Aislynn: *termpapertermpapertermpaper* “MUST GET SCHOLARSHIP!!!”

Good girl. You’ll have a house in no time flat!

Aislynn: “Then move me out NOW if it’s no time!”

Metaphorically. Keep working.

Benjamin: “Are we almost ready?”

Aislynn: “Should be ready to go by morning. Moving to a house!”

Don’t get too excited. Privacy yes, luxury no. And also babies no. Not yet, anyway.

Aislynn: “But it’s one step closer!”

Today’s the day. You all packed?

Aislynn: “What do I own?”

Nothing. I’ll take that as a yes. So let’s move it along and get your residence re-registered as being the house across the street. Shack, technically. It’s tiny and it sucks.

Benjamin: “Anything is better than this.”

Aislynn: “It’s even better up close!”

You haven’t even been inside yet.

Aislynn: “I don’t need to. It’s the perfect little love nest for Benjamin and me.”

Oh is that what you were planning to call it? I guess Brick Heap Of Cheap Crap isn’t going to work then. Even as BHOCC for short.


Benjamin: “Mmph!”

Get a room. This isn’t even the final house, you sillies. You get to start all over with the shack after graduation.

Benjamin: “Let her have her moment. Breeding now, yes?”

Aislynn: “Shopping, yay! You need some new clothes with the little bit of leftover cash, Benji.”

“Benji” (evidently): “Ooookay. The tattoos are stick on anyway…”

Easier to remove. Do as the crazy redhead demands.

Random dormie: *I look so close to perfect but I actually have brown hair and dark blue eyes but hey look hot redhead*

Benjamin: “This better?”

Aislynn: “It’s so cute! Matches your eyes.”

Let down your hair. It’ll look much better.

Aislynn: “OOOOOOH yes do that too! Or just a little bit of a cut…

No cuts. Let it loose. I want the fluffy.

Benjamin: “Like this?”

Yes. Just like that. Hippie goodie-two-shoes look with the scruff and carefree attitude. I’d marry you myself except for your squint and the hot dude who just scheduled a concert more or less on my front doorstep.

Benjamin: “Thanks?”

Aislynn: *ingnore* “It looks great, baby.”

Aislynn: *looking fit and fab, back from jogging back from Campus Threads*

Benjamin in the distance: *puff puff* “Can we do the breeding yet?”

Nope. One little thing to deliver first. Aislynn, please put your clothes on and greet your new guest. Someone I hope very much you will listen to better than you have listened to me, and who sounds a lot more ominous.

Aislynn: “Hi! How may I help you? I’m Aislynn, that over there is Benjamin…”


Aislynn: “Beg pardon?”

I’d listen. This could be important. You know, like for the whole plot? The one that’s going to keep up for generations? Plot. Listen.

This land may be known as Sevenwaters, but soon your home shall know as Sevenstone.

Seven stones that should not be; the graves of children dead before their time. Every father

of your line shall lose a sister, and every mother lose a son to the sand of a plot that

should hold flowers alone. Seven generations, and one lost to each.

Do you need me to have her repeat that?

Aislynn: “MY BABIES ARE GOING TO DIE! One is too many, but seven?”

It’s called a sacrifice legacy. I just invented it. I did say I was the destroyer of souls, you know. Is yours gone yet?

Aislynn: “You’re horrible.” *sobs*

Benjamin: “Calm down, sweetheart. One crazy old lady off the street has nothing to do with our future children.”

I sent her there on purpose. Of course she does.

Benjamin: “Can’t you see I’m trying to cheer her up?”

Aislynn: *sniff* “Thanks, Benji.”

Benjamin: “Besides, we’re going to have so many kids no one will even notice one missing.”

Heh. I don’t think so. Three, tops. Counting the dead one.

Aislynn: “Sure, Benji. All the ones we can fit!”

No. Don’t you dare…I’m not raising six and a half on the first go of actually attempting to follow rules! TOO MANY!

General daily life, I see. Are you two going to do anything remotely useful for the next several semesters?

Benjamin: “Stand around looking hot.”

Aislynn: “Ignore you.”

Understood. That’s a no, then.

Benjamin: *smokin’ hot PJ look*

Just one quick eye adjustment and ignoring the name…the game honestly created you? I’ve been trying for MONTHS and it’s just the slightest adjustments? COME ON.

Benjamin: “What are you talking about?”

Nothing much. Just true male beauty. Continue please.

Four semesters of boring. Are you even serious. There is no plot here. I hold all of five pictures, and I’ve published the best three of this time period.

Benjamin: “Well, things are about to get Ben-jammin’!

Aislynn: *giggle* “You’re so funny, Benji!”

Ignoring that. What do you two want with me now?

Benjamin: “Aislynn Waters, will you marry me?”

Aislynn: “OMG YES YES YES YES YES!!!!”

You two better keep her name. I forgot to check if that would happen. I’m not playing any house with six baby Suwankiwis in it. Flat out refusal.

Benjamin: “I’m sure you can change it somehow if that’s the case.”

Aislynn: “OMG I LOVE YOU!!!”

Benjamin: “Oof! Love you too, Aislynn.”

How touching. *grumpy cat face*

Aislynn: “You’re just jealous.”

More annoyed about worrying how I might have to deal with similar events. Do not want.

Benjamin: “So. We’re turning this place into a Greek House and leaving for some twenty years, and need someone to watch the house and the funds while our kids grow into needing this place. You interested?”

Cheerleader: “That sounds ridiculously suspicious. Hang out here for twenty years with all you guys’ money and the house? What kind of a deal is that?”

A sweet one, Miss Green Eyes and Red Hair. You might even get to marry in if you’re good.

Cheerleader: “Fine. Deal.”

Aislynn: “Yay! Welcome to Legacy House!”

Benjamin: *chess and skillz*

Enjoy your stay. If you’re not suited to anyone, I’ll have you removed when the oldest comes to visit. Otherwise, you can stick around and marry one of the little ones.

Cheerleader: *grumble* “Term papers” *grumble*

Life of a pledge. Get used to it. Besides, I need Aislynn graduating Cum Laude. Looks good on the wall of the master bedroom I will be installing with the lovely hunk of cash Benjamin brings in…

Cheerleader: “I am not doing this again.”

Suits me fine. Do what you want. I have no love for your kind.

Benjamin: *chess chess chess chess chess*

Aislynn: “Ben, it’s time to go.”

Benjamin: “Now? But our Greek legacy…our new pledge…”

She’s right, Ben. It’s time to go. Go to your exam, make a few calls, and then you can start your life outside in the great empty town of Sevenwaters.

Aislynn: “A taxi back to Sevenwaters please.”

Benjamin (behind camera): “Good luck, baby. I’ll be there in a day or two, don’t worry.”

Good luck, Aislynn. Especially concerning your outfit. Here’s to not wanting to go shopping…

Benjamin: “You could be a little more sensitive.”

My nice point says otherwise.

Well, that could be worse, but I still like you better in the green. I’ll see what I can do after the house…no telling what Benjamin could grow into.

Aislynn: “Real life, here I come!”

Cheerleader: *ignore* “It’s going to be either a long or a short 20 years.”

Either way. Good luck to you both.

Benjamin: “My turn. Taxi to Sevenwaters, please.”

Taxi Driver: “Second one today! Why can’t this happen in bunches?”

Seriously. But I don’t want to wait around three days for sudden eviction, thank you very much. HOP TO IT, DRIVER.

Benjamin: “Ignore the creepy voice and just send a cab over, please.”

Benjamin: “To my Aislynn. Into life.”

Good luck. Don’t take the kids thing too hard; it was more for her and not so much you.

Benjamin: “Are you still on about that? None of my kids are going to die. They’ll all be perfect and wonderful and outlive their mother and me.”

Okay. We can argue later. To life, Benjamin. Out into life. And see you all next time.

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