a space adventure

Post on 02-Jul-2015






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A Space Adventure

by William Frank

•April 7, 2583

After being cast out into space for everything he did, Griffen was stuck. At the age of 17 during 2578 he had programed computers to put billions of dollars into his bank account, a year after he had triggered an atomic bomb.


• He had gone through many things in his time in space, but this was the hardest so far: a black hole. The alarm blaled as he ran through the small shuttle he was in.

• He tried to steer out of the black hole but that did not work. Griffen tried again and again until he realized that a motor was broken. He ran to the back of the ship to fix the motor. He replaced everything that was broken and went back to the cockpit.

• This time when he tried it there was an explosion where the motors were, witch was so strong that it shot half of the ship out of the black hole. Griffen shut the door to the cockpit before the air escaped. Only half of the ship was left.

• The next day Griffen started filling in the holes in the ship from the explosion.

April 29, 2583

• Griffen had finally fixed all of the holes in the ship by using scraps of metal that he had found drifting in space. Now he just had to build a motor. Griffen was walking back when he noticed an air vent.

• He kicked down the air vent and crawled in. He came to a small cupboard. when he opened it he found a radio. When he flipped the on switch a green light came on. “Hello,” he said. “Can anyone here me?” No reply. “Help me.” still nothing.

May 13, 2585

• “Is someone there? This is J1 prison control.”

• The End

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