a study on marketing, usage trend and status of …

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Devanti Shah

T.U. Regd. No. 18617-90

Thakur Ram Multiple Campus, Birgunj

Campus Roll No. 25/059












This is to certify that the thesis

Submitted by

Devanti Shah


"A Study Of Marketing Usage Trend and Status of Fanta and Mirinda

in Kalaiya"

has been prepared as approved by this department in the prescribed format

of the faculty of management. This thesis is forwarded for examination.

………………………….. ………………………….

Mr. Rajeshwar Pd. Acharya Mr. Rajeshwar Pd. Acharya

(Thesis Supervisor) (Chairperson)

Lecturer, T.R.M. Campus, Birgunj Research Committee


Campus chief




We have conducted the viva-voce examination of the thesis

Presented by

Devanti Shah


" A study on Marketing, usage Trend and status of Fanta and Mirinda

in Kalaiya " and found the thesis to be the original work of the student and

written according to prescribed format. We recommend the thesis to be accepted

as partial fulfillment of the requirements for Master's Degree in Business Studies


Viva-Voce Committee

Chairperson, Research Committee ………………….

Member (Thesis supervisor) …………………..

Member (External Expert) …………………

Date: ………………..



This thesis entitled "A study on Marketing, usage Trend and status of

Fanta and Mirinda in Kalaiya" was completed under the entire

co-operation and supervision of my respected guru and guide

Mr. Rajeshwar Pd. Acharya, Lecturer of Faculty of Management at Thakur

Ram Multiple Campus, Birgunj. First, I would like to express my sincere

gratitude to him for his invaluable contributions. I am heartily indebted to

Mr. Rajeshwar Pd. Acharya, the Head of the department of Research

committee (Management) at TRM campus, Birgunj for providing me

adequate suggestions in completion of his thesis likewise, my sincere

thanks goes to my reverent professors. Mr. Avinash Pd. Singh, Dr. Deepak

Shakya, Mr. K.K Shah, Mr. Sanjay Shrestha, Mr. Lalan Dwibedi, Mr.

Bhim Lal Paudel and Mr. Pradeep Aryal for their proper guidance and


I am very much thankful to the retailers, the Hotelers and the consumers as

well as the distributors of Fanta and Mirinda who spared their valuable

time and energy in filling up the questionnaires for accomplishing this

research. Finally, I cannot stand without thanking to Mr. Kalyan P. Gautam

(Lotus Computer, Rec by Nepal Government) computer for laboriously

typing my thesis. TRM Campus staff Mr. Jiwan Shrestha for providing the

needed documents and Newa photo copy for binding it properly.

Last but not the least I want to extent my thankful regards to my family.

Specially to my husband Dr. Mukti Narayan Shah, without whose kindly

supports. I might not have completed this thesis in time.

Devanti Shah

March, 2009




Viva vice Sheet





1.1 Background :- .............................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

1.2 Multinational Company ( MNC's) ................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

1.3 Focus of the study :- .................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

1.3 Statement of the problems :- ...................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

1.4 Objectives of the study ................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.

1.5. Importance of the study :- .......................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

1.6. Limitation of the study :- ............................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.

Review of literature .......................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

2.1 Introduction:- .......................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

2.2 Conceptual Framework ............................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.

2.2.1 .................................................................................................................... The market

......................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

2.2.2 ...................................................................................................................... Marketing

......................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

2.2.3 ........................................................................................................... Marketing System

......................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

2.2.4 Marketing Environment............................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.

2.2.5 Environment Scanning and Analysis .......................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

2.2.6 Role of marketing in industrialization ....................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

2.2.7 The marketing mix .................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Product ................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

6 ........................................................................................................................... Place

......................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Promotion ............................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. Price ...................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

2.2.8 Marketing Strategy ................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. ........................................................................................................... Product strategy

......................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Distribution Strategy ............................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. Pricing strategy ...................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Promotional Strategy ............................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

Sales Promotion:- .............................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

2.2.9 Status ....................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Status Analysis ....................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Product and service status .................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. ......................................................................................................... Perceived Quality

......................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

2.2.10.................................................................................................................. Usage Trend

......................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

2.3 ...................................................................................................Review of Related Studies

......................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

2.3.1 Rajendra Bahadur Shrestha A study marketing usage pattern, Attitude and Image of cold

drinks in kalaiya Area, unpublished dissertation submitted to the faculty of management, TRM campus

Kalaiya. Error! Bookmark not defined.

2.4 .................................................................................................. Review of Related Articles

......................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

2.4.1 ............................................................................. Annual Review of Coca-Cola Company.

......................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

2.4.2 Task Force Report ..................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Market Place ......................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Quality .................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.


2.4.4 Birth of the top brand ............................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

3.1 Introduction ................................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.

3.2 Research Design .......................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

3.3 Population and Sample................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.

3.4 Nature and sources of Data ......................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

3.5 Data collection procedures ........................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.4

3.6 Data processing and Analysis ....................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

4. Data Presentation And Analysis ..................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

4.1. ..............................................................................................................Consumer Survey

......................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

............................................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

4.3 Major findings of the study.......................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

5.1 Summary ..................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

5.2 Conclusion .................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

5.3 Recommendations ...................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

BIBLIOGRAPHY .................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

DISSERTATIONS: ................................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.

JOURNALS ......................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

WEBSITES .......................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Appendex-1 ...................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Appendex-2 ...................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.




1.1 Background :-

Nepal is one of the smallest and least developed countries of world. It is

located between latitude 26022' north to 30027' north and longitude 8004' east to

88012' east having a total area of 147,181 Sq. Km. with a population of around

23.81 million ( Tpc 2005:1) life expectancy a birth is estimated at 58.9 years and

infant mortality is 79 per 1000.( Shrestha, 2001::)

Nepal Previously known as a Hindu State with deep-seated monarchy, has

recently been changed into a Federal Democratic Republic. As the country is

located on the southern slopes of the great Himalayas, its beauty and glamour

always remain a source of attraction for visitors and nature lovers. It is a multi-

lingual, multi-racial, multi-religious and multi–occupational country. According

to census report of 2001, it has become a very fertile land for languages & more

than 92 languages are spoken here. About 82 % of the total population derives

livelihood from agriculture and rest depends on other sectors.

Marketing in essence and Fanta & Miranda, is related to the production,

distribution and sales of trade. It enables an organization to know what the

customers rally need and want and what products are to be made to meet both the

necessity of customers and promotion of the sales. Today's marketing

environment is characterized by globalization, technological change and intense

competition. Successful marketers are those who deliver what customers are

willing to purchase as well as ability to purchase. For this reason marketers today

conduct many research and development to study consumer behavior so as to

recognize why and how individual make their consumers decisions. Once it is

understood marketer become able to predict and shape their marketing strategies

accordingly. Definitely marketers who understand markets and consumer

behavior have great competitive advantage in the organization or manufacturer

must determine the attitudes, needs & wants of their customer first and then bring

products in the markets accordingly.

According to Mc Carthy and William D. Perreault – "Marketing is the

performance of anticipating customer or client needs and directing a flow of need

satisfying goods and services from producer to customer or client."

According to Philip Kotler – "Marketing is a social and managerial process

by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through

creating, offering and exchanging products of value with others,"

According to American Marketing Association defines marketing as –

"The process of planning of executing the conception pricing, promotion and


distribution of idea, goods and services to create exchanges that satisfying

individual and organizational objectives."

According to William J. Stanton and Charles Futrell – "Marketing is a total

system of business activities designed to plan, price, promote and distribute want

– satisfying products, services and ideas to target markets in order to achieve

organizational objectives."

Marketers say branding is the art and cornerstone of marketing. A brand is

a name , term, sign, symbol or design or a combination of them intended to

identify the goods or services of one seller or group of sellers and to differentiate

the from those of competitors. A brand name carries many associations in the

minds of people. These associations make up the brand image. Smart companies,

when they first became acquainted with the product category and brands, what

their brand beliefs are, and how they are satisfied after they purchase. Therefore

the above definitions of marketing suggest that it consists some activities

consisting of study of consumer needs product, price, place and promotion to

facilitate exchange and brands that satisfies individual as well as organizational

objectives within the social and marketing environment prevailing today. This

highlights the important of product is the whole process of marketing mix.

Research area selected for our study is Kalaiya which is a big commercial

hub of Nepal. Being the most populated district, it may prove to be the most

suitable area for the purpose of our research. Since, most of modern hotels,

restaurants and bakeries are also situated in Kalaiya. The consumption of the cold

drinks is found to be in big volume. As such, the true characteristics of the (

Fanta, Miranda) drinks available in the markets. At the same time the results

derived by the research are appreciable to whole country.

1.2 Multinational Company ( MNC's)

The business enterprises which have their headquarters in any one country

and operate business in other countries as well as called multinational companies.

These companies like Europe, Australia and south America the activities of these

companies range from the production of mineral, tea, rubber, coffee, soft drink

exploration and production and processing of oil to the production of goods and

service activities like banking, Insurance, shipping hotel etc. The investment

made by multinational companies has increased dramatically since early 1980s.

According to Sanjay Lall & Streetem – "Multinational Companies are very

large firms with widespread operations which are clearly international in

character and have more than five foreign subsidiaries or more than 15 percent of

total sales produced abroad and acting in cohesive manner to achieve maximum

profit or growth."

According to Mallampally and Sauvant since early 1980s the world foreign

direct investment made by 54,000 MNCs has increase more rapidly than world


trade or world output. During 1980-97 the outflow of foreign direct investment

(FDI) increased in the average rate of about 134 percent per annum. In 1998, the

inflow and outflow of global urover 3.4 billion dollar in 4,49,000 foreign

affiliates. The sale proceed of foreign affiliates has reached about 9.5 biullion.

Some of the MNCs operating in Nepal are Surya Nepal Companies,

Colgate Palmolive Nepal, Sitaram Gokul Mills, Nepal Lever Limited, Asian

Paints, Fanta and Miranda, Pepsi Cola and Coca Cola companies. Coca-cola

Sabco operates in seven southern & East African countries and five Asian

countries and employees more than 9,000 people. Coca-cola, imported from

India, was first introducing into Nepal in 1973, with local production of coca-cola

beginning in 1979. Bottlers Nepal Limited (BNL) is the only bottler of coca-cola

production in Nepal and has two bottling plants, namely Kathmandu (BNL) and

Bharatpur (Botllers Nepal Terai limited which is 160 km from Kathmandu, its

capital. The Kathmandu operation stared with 85 BPM in 1979 and currently has

two lines, 220 Bpm in operation since 1985 and 430 BPM running since 1997.

The Bharatpur (Terai) palnt has one line of 350 BPM, which has been in

operation since 1987. Coca-cola companies operate 27 bottling plant and aims to

fulfill requirement of more than 290 million consumers that f live in its markets.

All consumers concern deals with a fair, timely and friendly manner, so as too

satisfy them and resolve their concerns.

Marketing and advertising communication are focused on POP ( Point of

sale), Radio, TV, Hoardings, Truck backs etc. Emphasis is also placed on

consumer price to enforce price compliance.

Marketing and advertising communications are customized to suit to local

sentiments-social, religious, ethnic.

Innovation package and package sizes are offered to give better value to

consumers and ease of storage to retailers.

Price and packs are introduced ina format that is affordable to all segments

of society.

The approach by the Nepal operation to environment issues is guided by a simple

principle to conduct their business in ways that protects, preserve and enhance the

environment. The fully automatic Effluent treatment plants (ETP) are established

in both its plants and have been operational since 2001, to protect the local

environmen6 as well as meet the standards of the coca-cola quality system

(TCCQS).In association with the local community, BNL supports free health

check-up clinic I at Bharatpur. The health centre is managed by a qualified

MBBS doctors and I trained paramedics, who extend free check-ups communities

around theplantin the Terai area. The facility has thus far helped over 600

families get the best medical attention locally. Senior citizens are the main


General information about BNL:-


Bottling plants : 2

Location : Kathmandu aznd Bharatpur

Numbers of employees : 1000 (Nearly)


Country information :-

Capital : Kathmandu

Population : 23.21 Million (Tpc 2005:1)

Life expectancy a birth : 59.9 years (Tpc 2005:1)

Business Language : Nepali

It's per capital income of about Rs. 200,527 (equivalent to USS 276) in F.Y.

2003/04. The GDP current producer's price is estimated to increase by 39.95

billion and has reached Rs. 494.88 billion in F.Y. 2003/04 compared to Rs.

454.93 during F.Y. 2002/03. In F.Y. 2003/04 growth in per capital income is

estimated to have increased by 6.4 percent after the adjustment of 2.2

percent growth rate of population ( Tpc 2005:2).

Currency : Nepalese Rupee.

Time Zone : Currency Converter Company Media




Country Manager

Demand Creator

Market Execution

Demand Fulfillment

Human Resources

Performance Finance

1.3 Focus of the study:-

The research study focused on the role played by image & usage trend of

Fanta & Miranda in Kalaiya Cold Drinks sold in bottles, plastic container or cans.

The people have feeling that the drinks are cold so they are to be used in the hot

season only. In fact, the demands of these drinks are for higher in the summer

season as compared other seasons.

The study will examine the present marketing strategies of Fanta &

Miranda in Kalaiya and try to find out the marketing variables affecting the Fanta

& Miranda. Marketing in its true sense helps to increase effective demand for a

Product through the reduction of distribution of cost and also help to explore

markets for new Products. The role of marketing with regard to dissemination of

information is very important for consumer as well as Producers to buy and

produce goods. It helps in rising markets competitive thus increasing efficiency

of resources use likewise : its role with regard to satisfying consumers and

marketing input available at reasonable price as services has its own importance.

Therefore, the impact marketing is deep and far reaching. A national development


program that concentrates only on production will be less effective than a

programmed that recognized the contribution of marketing. The main focus is

being on consumers need satisfaction as well as marketer's profit.

1.3 Statement of the problems :-

Nepal is the poorest countries in the world. Most of the people derives livelihood

from agriculture & rest depends on other sectors. It's capital income low.

Customers want different attributes from the same product. Therefore, usage

pattern brand positioning and brand image are also important to be taken into

account. The Nepalese consumers are provided with different brands and they are

quite free to choose the one they think the best. We can see different brand of

cold drinks in market just as Pepsi, coke, Miranda, Fanta, sprite, 7'up, slice,

lemon fanta etc. The competition is very tough in the fanta and Miranda market

demands are increasing day by day and many new companies are emerging to

fulfill the demand. As a result marketers have to adopt a variety of marketing

tools and techniques in the market place. The manufacturers use different types of

advertisement in different media. Cold drinks are the heavily advertised products.

Large amount of money is spent on the promotion of cold drinks. Yet very few

companies are found to measures the effects of their advertisement. Therefore the

manufacturers must be known that which the best advertising media is. We can

study statement of the problems in this way.

a) What status fanta and Miranda carry in consumers mind ?

b) What are the usage trend of fanta and Miranda?

c) How way the consumers use fanta and Miranda?

d) What type of distribution network exits in the study are for marketing

Fanta and Miranda ?

e) What are the marketing strategies being adopted by the marketers of Fanta

and Miranda?

f) What type impact have advertisements made on the sales of cold drinks in

the study area?

g) What are the affects of sales promotion schemes on sales of Fanta and


1.4 Objectives of the study

The main objective of the study will examine the present marketing strategies of

Fanta and Miranda in Kalaiya and try to find out the marketing variables affecting

the Fanta and Miranda the development in the industrial sector has provided

varieties of product in the Nepalese. Every product is made for the fulfillment of

some needs and wants. The product are used or consumed by the customers in

different way and in different occasions. Customers want different occasions. The

growing interest of customers of cold drinks has created a tough market

competition in Kalaiya today. The specific purpose of study is as the following.


a) To examine the consumers perception and behavior in purchase of fanta

and Miranda.

b) To find out the level of awareness in term of brand, their status and

attitudes towards different brands.

c) To evaluate the impact of advertisement and sales promotion schemes of

fanta and Miranda.

d) To evaluate the distribution network and marketing strategies of Fanta &

Miranda in Kalaiya.

e) To identify consumers profile and their reference of Fanta & Miranda.

f) To find out other marketing variables affecting the Fanta & Miranda in


1.5. Importance of the study :-

Today's marketing environment is characterized by globalization,

technological changes and strong competition. Successful marketers are those

who deliver what customers are willing to purchase as well as according to their

ability to purchase. Most marketers are facing the problem of not getting target

market share over stocking competition. Different type of product with large

number of alternative brands is available in Nepalese Cold Drinks Markets. In

this situation success of its products. So it will be provided us to know about

consumers taste, choice, preference and loyalty attitude image of certain products

& consumption behavior.

1.6. Limitation of the study :-

The study has been predominantly based on primary information data

collected through a questionnaire survey of limited number of individuals, hotels

and retailers. This study has been confined only to Kalaiya. So, it may not

represent to all Nepalese Fanta & Miranda markets.

Review of literature

Life expectancy a birth is estimated at 58.9 years and infant mortality is 79

per 1000. Nepal's population is growing rapidly at 2.37 % a year and the

population density of around 600 persons per square kilometer of arable land is

one of the highest in the word. The resulting pressure on Nepal's limited natural

resources base contributes to low productivity, poverty and denudation of forest (

Shrestha 2001 ::).

The chapter review of literature will provide concept of market marketing,

marketing system, marketing environment, marketing mix, marketing strategy,

attitude, and image and usage pattern.


The role of marketing with regard to dissemination of information is very

important for consumer as well as producers to buy and produce goods.

Research methodology

Research methodology describes the method and process applied in the entire

aspects of the study. Research methodology comprises of methods, tools and

techniques to analyze the data for the comparison various type of Fanta &

Miranda in Kalaiya and also shows the status of various type Cold Drinks which

individuals are preferred. The objectives of the study are to examine the

marketing usage pattern, attitude and image of Fanta & Miranda in Kalaiya area.

In this study the necessary relevant primary data have been collected from the

sample individuals' consumers, hotels and retailers to achieve the goals.

1. Research design:-

Research design is a plan for the collection and analysis of data. It presents

a series of guide posts to enable the researcher to process in the goal. Research

design is very important for the scientific investigations. Research design gives

the investigator a systematic direction to research work. There are various

approaches of research design. For our convenience this study is based on a

survey research design. A limited scale survey has been conducted among the

individuals, hotels and retailers of Fanta & Miranda in Kalaiya. The

questionnaires have been administered in order to generate data and other

information relating to the research questions adopted for this year.

2. Population and sample :-

As the study has included 150 individuals, 60 hotels and retailers of Cold

Drinks based in Kalaiya. Though the sample size is very small in Fanta &

Miranda comparison to total population, sufficient efforts have been made to

make the sample representative by including consumers from the different

professions, age group, educational backgrounds and sex.

Organization of the study

According to the generally format, this study has been organized into five

different chapter. They are:-

Chapter-1 : Introduction

Chapter-2 : Review of literature


Chapter-3 : Review methodology

Chapter-4 : Data presentation and analysis

Chapter-5 : Summary, conclusion and recommendations.

The first chapter deals with the introductions that includes backgrounds,

focus of study, statement of problems, objectives of study, importance study,

limitation of study, The second chapter provides review of literature that includes

lightly concept of market, marketing, marketing mix, marketing system,

marketing environment, marketing strategy, attitude, image and usage pattern.

Research methodology utilized for the study has been incorporated in the third

chapter. It deals research design, population and sample, nature and sources of

data collection, procedures and data processing and analysis. The fourth chapter

presents the data presentation and analysis, related with individuals consumers

survey, hotels and retailers survey and major findings of the study. The last fifth

chapters show the summary, conclusions and recommendations of the study. The

bibliography and appendices are presented at the end of the study report.



Review of Literature

2.1 Introduction:-

A critical review of literature helps the researcher to develop a through

understanding and insight into research works that relates to the study the

researcher has pursued it is also way to avoid investigation problems that have

been already been definitely answered. Review of Literature occupies an

important role as it tries other research in the area of the problem has already

been done. So far no research work has been conducted on this specific topic.

2.2 Conceptual Framework

2.2.1 The market

A market may be defined as a place where buyers and sellers meet, product

or services are offered for sales, and transfers of ownership occur. A market may

also be defined as the demands made by a certain group of potential buyers

satisfy money to spend, and the willingness to spend it. Thus in the market

demand for any given product or service organization with wants their purchasing

power and their buying behavior.

Figure – 1

A market is people or organization :


“A Market consists of all the potential customers sharing a particular need

or want that might be willing and able to engage in exchange to satisfy that need

Needs to Satisfy

Money to Spend

Willingness to spend if


or want.”1 A market represents the aggregate demands of the buyers and potential

buyers for a product or services over a specific period of time.”2

Market is a group of individuals or organizations who may the goods offered for

sale and who meet these three additional criteria.

a) Member of a Market must have the purchasing power to be able to the

product being offered.

b) Market members must be willing to spend their money or exchange other

resources to obtain the product.

c) Market member must have the authority to make such expenditures.

2.2.2 Marketing

“The term marketing has a number of usages in economy theory and in

business in general.” Marketing is a total system of business activities designed is

to plan, price, promote and distribute want satisfying product, services and ideas

to target markets in order to achieve organizational objectives.3

“Marketing is a social and managerial process by which individuals and group

obtains what they need and want through creating offering, and exchanging

products of value with other.”4

“Marketing is the process of planning and executing the conception pricing

promotion and distribution of ideas, goods and services to create exchange that

satisfying individual and organizational objectives”.5

1 Philip Kotler, Marketing Management Practice Hall Ninth Edition, PP-13

2 Victor P., Bluell, Marketing Management, PP-18

3 William J. Stanton & Charles Futrell

4 Philip Kotler

5 American Marketing Organization


“Marketing is the performance of anticipating customer or client needs and

directing a flow of need-satisfying goods and services from producer to customer

as client.”6

Marketing programmer plays a crucial role in the physical distribution of any

product. Therefore each and every firm should have marketing system for

channel the product to the market, to satisfy customer needs and wants.

Sometimes they have to face the marketing problems of capturing the marketing

and creating goodwill.

The marketing process establishes forward linkage for agricultural activities, that

is, it provides economic rewards for the production process. It includes not only

storage and transportation activities of the middleman but also encompasses all

activities linking consumer and the producer.”7

Different authority defines marketing in different ways. A more modern

definition in tune with greatly expanded productive capacity might emphasize the

adoption of production facilities to the market, Specifically marketing might be

defined as the response of businessmen to consumer demand through

adjustment” in production capacities. Adjusting production, accounting, financing

and marketing in the light of changing needs of consumers who are affluent

enough to have varied buying choices.

“Marketing is concern with regular label, timing and character of demand for one

more products of an organization “

“Marketing is the anticipation, stimulation, facilitation, regulation and

satisfaction, people, place and ideas through the exchange process.”8

In light of above definitions, it can be concluded that marketing is a process of

delivering goods and services produced to satisfy the needs of consumers to the

6 MC Carthy & William D. Perreault

7 Mac Millam Dictionary of Modern Economics Fourth Edition, PP-117

8 K.D. Koirala M.K. Publishers 1992, PP-11


consumers in an effective way so that the objectives of the producers by making

it possible to sell their produces are fulfilled. Marketing thus satisfies the

objectives of the producers by making it possible to sell their products on the

market in one hand and on the other hand helps consumers to get to the

maximum of satisfaction by providing goods and services for their consumption.

In the modern marketing area every marketers should understand the consumer’s


Successful marketing understand consumer taste, quality and choice. If

there is no satisfaction of consumers that product doesn’t give result for

consumers’ satisfaction, the product that is available easily and everywhere than

customer attract in that product easily.

2.2.3 Marketing System

The term marketing system consists of two separate words “Marketing

“and “System”. Marketing is a human activity directed at satisfying needs and

wants through exchange processes. On the other the term” System” means

regularly interacting group of activities forming a unified whole. In other words,

System means systematic or regular flow of any thing directed at fulfilling basic

goals. Marketing system deals with the smooth functioning of the marketing

activities far the fulfillment of the consumer needs and wants. If a marketer fails

to do so, then one must know that there is something wrong with the marketing

organization. And in the situation no marketer can work successfully. So the

manager must be able to analyze the marketing system in systematic manner.”9

9 Wroe Alderson, Marketing Behavior and Executive Action, Home Wood, Richard D. Irwin 1957, PP-42


“Marketing is a total system of business activities designed to plan price,

promote and distribute want- satisfying products to target market to achieve

organizational objectives.”10

The concept of marketing system is given by the system approach to

marketing based upon the work of brilliantly. Marketing system is related with

those business activities which are related with customer’s needs & wants. A

system is a set of units with relationships among them.

2.2.4 Marketing Environment

The marketing environment consists of external forces that directly or

indirectly influence an organizations acquisition of inputs and generation of

outputs. Examples of inputs include skilled personnel, financial resources, raw

materials and information. The output should be information, package, goods

services or ideas. “The marketing environment as consisting of six categories of

forces:- Political, Legal, Economic, Socio-Cultural, Demographic, Technological

and Natural.”11 In this sense marketing environment lays upon limits or

constraints on the firm’s marketing activities, such as marketing information

system, marketing planning system, implementation system, Control system,

production activities, pricing promotion placing etc.”

“The effect of marketing environment cannot be measured in term of

expectation, assumptions and predictions but in terms of goal achievements.

That’s why investing a huge amount of time, money, energy etc has become a

new life style of almost all marketing enterprises. The key to marketing success

lies more now than ever on knowing what a firm is, what it is in the competitive

environment and who its competitors are.“12 Marketing is an outside organization

10 Stanton Etjel and Walker (Fatha Bahadur K.C. )

11 Fatta Bahadur K.C., Marketing Management, PP-53

12 Pride & Ferrell, “Marketing Concept in Strategy” 6th Edition, PP-41


but potentially relevant to the firm’s ability to develop and maintain both the

successful transactions and the relationships with its target customers.”13

“Marketing system with the smooth functioning of the marketing activities

for the fulfillment of the consumer needs and wants. If a marketer fails to do so,

then one must know that there is something wrong with the marketing

organization. And in the situation no marketer can work successfully. So the

marketing manager must be able to analyze the marketing system in a systematic



The important of marketing environment to the management has been increasing

these days than even before, because there are several opportunities and threats or

challenges within the marketing environment, which should be forecasted and

rightly analyzed by the marketing manager to enjoy the opportunities. A

successful marketer is one who can appropriate analyze these forces. A successful

marketer can acquire several opportunities through these forced a mid

successfully run business.

13 Shrestha Shyam K., Marketing Strategy and Management, PP-7

14 David A. Anker (Fatta Bahadur K.C.), Marketting Management, PP-60

Economic Environment Socio-Cultural Environment



Political Environment





Price C







2.2.5 Environment Scanning and Analysis

"Environmental analysis is the process of identifying and understanding

emerging opportunities and threats created by these forces."1 A marketing

managers must be to able to analyze the marketing environment in a

systematic manner. The process of environmental scanning and analysis in

four steps.

a. Environmental scanning

b. Environmental monitoring

c. Environmental forecasting

d. Environmental assessing

In the first step we find the study of information collection from defense

affecting sources and identify the problems. Environmental monitoring


Different tracks for strategy. Environmental forecasting means

forecasting environmental change. Environmental forecasting compare the

problems with other or first problem & provide develop the alterative tracks.

Assessing environmental identify that the problem affected or not for the


2.2.6 Role of marketing in industrialization

Industrialization is the impetus of overall development of country. Today

industrialization is countries, which is industrialization is considered as

synonymous to development. the countries, which are industrialization, are

developed too and vice versa ? many countries which we any the most

developed countries like. UK, USA, INDIA, JAPAN, CHINA etc. Have been

1 David A. Anker (marketing management page n. co)


fully industrialized and the countries which are developed or developing are

also stepping gradually head toward that direction. A developing country is

not exception to this phenomenon of the words as like Nepal.

Marketing plays a very significant role in acceleration the pace of

industrialization which in turn, aims at marketing the economy developed and

strong. In this connection, it is significant to note that marketing is the most

important multiplier of economic development. The development of marketing

makes possible of assets and productive capacity an economy already

possesses. It mobilizes latent economic energy and finally contributes to the

greatest needs that for the rapid developing of entrepreneurs and in managers.

Marketing plays important role in the process of industrialization. The

proceeds of industrial activity are passed on the society through the process of

marketing. Hence, the success or failure of business largely hinges upon the

art and science of marketing. Which is composed of explorative knowledge,

tact and talent of veteran practitioners?

In the global market, the multinational companies like Sony, Hitachi,

Philips, Tata and Brila, the Bajaj India, Thai foods (wai wai), bottlers Nepal

and many others have been permeating thought the world with the help of

modern marketing practices and methods. Marketing in this sense has made

the producers as well as the customers more conscious towards comparative

service, values, safety, satisfaction and convenience.

2.2.7 The marketing mix

"Marketing mix is the set of marketing tools that the firm uses to pursue its

marketing objectives in the target market."1

The marketing mix is one of the most fundamental concepts associated

with the marketing process. It is well understood by most modern marketers

1 Philip Kotler


and is systematically applied on many industries especially those that deal

with physical products. Yet it is to assume that, because most managers have

heard about it and or/use it, there is not need to mention it again book on

marketing. The sad truth is that quite often the precise role and scope of the

concept and its underlying principles are not fully appreciated by those who

tackle about it or use it. Many managers as no more than the cortical model

that helps in understanding the breath of activities encompassed by the

marketing task regard it. In many situation it is considered as no more than an

aid to highlighting the fact that marketing is a much broader concept that just

‘selling’ and prompting. A brief review of the main principles can helps to

clarify its true role in the dev surrounding the marketing mix can helps to

helps to clarify its true role in the developing amid execution of an effective

marketing variable which the organization blends to achieve the marketing

goal in a defined target market the marketing can do influence the demand for

its product in the target market.”2

“Marketing mix is the marketing programs including product conception

and developments pricing decisions, promotion of the product, and distribution to


As stated earlier the marketing mix represents as assembly of takes and

Subtask, which ultimately will help to satisfy the customer’s requirements in

such a way to enable the firm attain its objectives in an optimum fashion. The

subtle part of the concept is that different company in the same business may

opt to develop different ‘mix’ In fact it is this difference that may provide one

company with a competitive advantage over its competitors.

The concept of the marketing mix essentially premises that the decision

marketing executive must analyze certain market forces and certain elements

2 Me carthy, op cit

1 Peter D. Beanett (page no. 15)


of marketing if the executive is ultimately to determine a sound “mix” of

marketing elements which promises to be effective and profitable. The “four

Ps model” of the marketing mix has probably gained acceptance because of its

elegance rather than its validity in all situations. Regrettably, what has been

gained in Simplicity has been sacrificed in universal appropriateness. It is easy

to find examples of marketing-programmers, which do not outset that model is

not of universal validity.

The theory underlying the four Ps is that; if one managers to achieve the

fight product at the fight price with appropriate promotion and in the right

place the Marketing program will be effective successful, However one must

bear in mind that each of the four ps can be broken down info a number of




Product Price Promotion Place

Product Variety List Price Sales Promotion Channels

Design Discount Advertising Coverage

Features Allowances Sales Force Assortments

Brand Name Payment Period Public Relation Location

Packaging Credit Terms Direct Marketing Inventory

Sizes Transport




"Marketing mix is one of the key concepts in modern marketing. It refers the set

of variables that the business uses to satisfy consumer needs.”15 Marketing mix

may be considered as consisting of four ps product, Price, promotion and Place

Figure -2



The Product area is concerned with developing the right product for the largest

market. This product may involve a physical product and or some combination of

services. The crux of the matter in the product area is to develop something, with

will satisfy the customers needs. Most of the text will be concerned with tangible

product, but the principles in most cases also apply to services. It is important to

keep this in mind, since the service side of our economy is glowing. It is also

15 Agrawall Govinda Ram, “Marketing for small Business”, PP-15




important to oriented people fall into these trap and neglect important

opportunities for satisfying needs in other ways. Automobile manufactured and

dealers. "A product is anything that can be offered to a market to satisfy a want or

need. Product that is marketed includes physical goods, services, persons, place,

organizations and ideas."16 "The product offered by an organization is what the

business (or an business) entity is all about. While we tend to think of product as

objects, we can see and touch the term product may be used in referring to

intangible markets and ideas as well. So product is a Y2 market's offering as

perceived by the market product mix includes decisions on product lime and mix,

product, quality, variety, design features, branding, packaging and labeling etc. It

also includes important activities such as product planning and development. 1 so

we can say product is commonly accepted as one of the most important parts of

the marketing mix. Place

A marker must consider where, when and by whom the goods and services do not

flow products to consumers automatically. They move through channels of

distribution where a great deal of marketing work is done. Channel members

mayor may not handle the goods some may own them and transfer title, while

other do neither. Some may provide return and repair services, while also storing

and tern sporting them and other may be primarily concerned with transmitting

money and intimation. In other words, a number of things flow through a

channel, besides goods, in both ways. So a product is not much good to a

customer, if it is not available when and where he wants it.

"Place or distribution mix includes design of the distribution channels,

distribution network, dealer, promotion and motivation." System and physical

16 Kotler, op cit pp-430

2 Buell, op cit pp-23


distribution of the product any sequence of marketing institutions from producer

to find user or consumer is called channels and so our study of place will be very

important to even though marketing intermediaries are primary a non controllable

environmental factor, a marketing executive has considerable latitude when

marketing with them. Management's responsibility is,

a) To select and manage the trade channels through which the products

will reach the right market at the right time.

b) To develop a distribution system for physical handling products and

them transporting them through the appropriate channels. Promotion

Promotion is one of the most important variables of marketing mix. A great

promotion policy & it's implementation is very necessary for successful market.

The marketing manager's job is to tell target customers that the right product is

available at the right place at the right price.

"Promotion is the ingredient used to inform and persuade the market regarding a

company's product. Advertising personal selling & sales promotion are the major

promotional methods include personal selling, mass selling and sales promotion,

personal selling involves direct face to face relationships between sellers and

potential customers. Mass selling is designed to communicate with numbers if

customers at the same time.

Advertising is the main form of mass selling but it also involves publicity. Sales

promotion refers to specific activities that complement personal and mass selling

such as point of purchase displays booklets, leaflets, and directs mailings."

Companies face the task of distributing the total promotion budget over the five

promotional tools advertising, sales promotion, public relations and publicity,

sales force and direct marketing. Within the same industry, companies can differ

promotional budget. It is possible to achieve a given sales level with varying


promotional mixes" "It is the variable that communicates to the consumer about

other variable of marketing mix for their need satisfaction. it consists of

advertising, publicity, personal selling and sales promotion." Price

Price is also one of the important part of the marketing mix. A marketing

manager must be decide on the right price. In selling the price, he must consider

the nature of competition in this target market as well as the existing practices on

markups, discounts and terms of sale. He also must consider legal restrictions

affecting prices. "Price mix includes such as analysis of companies prices,

formulations of pricing objective, setting the price, determining terms and

conditions of sales, discounts and commissions etc." In pricing management must

determine the right base price for its products. It must them decide on strategies

concerning discounts, freight payments and many other price related variable."17

In economic theory, we learn that price value and utility are related concepts.

Utility is the attribute of an item that makes it capable of satisfying human wants.

Value is the quantitative measure of the worth of product to attract other products

in exchange. Price is value expressed in terms if dollars and cents or other

monetary medium of exchange. In pricing, we must consider more than the

physical product alone. A seller usually is pricing a combination of the physical

product and several services and want. Satisfying benefits. Price is the value

places on goods and services. Price is tile amount of money and/or product that is

needed to require some combination of another product and its accompanying

services. "It is the variables that create sales revenue consumers pay prices to buy

products for their need satisfaction. It may be fixed on the basis of cost, demand

or competition. It may involve discounts, allowances, credit facilities etc. Price

17 Stanton Op Cit, PP-56


has become the second most important variables of marketing mix because of

inflationary pressures in recent years,"

2.2.8 Marketing Strategy

"A strategy is a broad plan of action by which an organization intends to

reach its objective".18

"Strategic marketing is a process of strategically analyzing environmental,

competitive and business factors affecting business units and forecasting future

trends in business areas of interest to the enterprise. Participating in setting

objectives and formulating corporate and business unit strategy – selecting target

market strategies for the product markets in each business unit, establishing

marketing objectives and developing implementing and managing program

positioning strategies for meeting target market need”19

1. Marketing strategies is both unique and common place. That might

sound like a contradiction of term but it is not. The term “strategy” is

widely used to describe a seemingly endless number of marketing

activities, today, everything in marketing seems to be “strategic”. There

is strategic pricing, strategic market entry, strategic advertising and may

be even strategic strategy. The glut of competition has focused more

attention on performing the traditional marketing action strategically

with an eye towards beating the competition. In that sense, marketing

strategy is common place. In recent years it seems to have been

appended to neatly every marketing action. Marketing strategy is also

unique. There is not one unified definition upon which marketers agree.

Marketing strategy is a commonly used term, but no one is really sure

what means is. “A strategic sector is one in which you can obtain a

18 Prof. Stanton

19 David W. Cravens


competitive advantage and exploit strategic sectors are the key to

strategy because each sector’s frame of reference is competition. The

largest competitor in an industry can be unprofitable if the individual

strategic sectors are dominated by smaller competitors.”20 Boyd and

Larreche (1978) had found in the history of marketing strategy that

tremendous confusion over just what strategy is the term “strategy” as

used in marketing has been applied to at least three types of issues each

at a different level of aggregation. At the macro level there are

marketing strategies, which focus on manipulations of the marketing

mix variables-product, price, place, and promotion. According to that

definition setting a strategy for a product consists of selecting a price for

a product, designing an advertising campaign, and then deciding on a

plan of distribution. Finally, there are product market entry strategies,

which include strategies that, look at specific marketing decisions.

Strategies that call for a firm to built market share harvest profit (and

share) or defend share from competitor. Another widely used definition

of strategy in marketing emphasizes the broader perspective of strategy

in management. The definition views strategic market planning as a

four step process.

a) Defining the business b) setting a mission c) selecting functional plans for

marketing d) budgeting for those plans, (A bell and Hammond (1978). In

that sense, marketing strategy is more akin to corporate strategy”.21

The major component of the strategic planning is strategic marketing. Its main

objective is to establish the product/market scope of a business. Strategic and

marketing is the method that concentrates on the market to serve, the competition

20 Subhash Jain the Evolution of Strategic Marketing. PP-81

21 Schnaars Steven P. Marketing Strastegy PP-18


to be tackled and the timing of market entry\ exit and related moves. Formally,

strategic marketing deals with the following questions.

a) Where to complete.

b) How to complete?

c) When to complete?

Strategic marketing helps to define the market in entering and completing. That

may be either an entire market or one or more segments of the entire market.

Strategic marketing provides inputs or techniques for solving customer need. That

technique may be either an introduction of a new product or of existing product

with improvements. Similarly, strategic marketing tries to time to enter the

market or until primary demand is established. So, marketing strategy is at the

heart of effective management strategy. Product strategy

“A product is a set of tangible and intangible attributes including

packaging, color, price, manufacturer’s prestige, retailer’s prestige and

manufacturer’s and retailer’s services.”1 product is anything that can be offered to

a market for attention acquisition, use or consumption and that might satisfy a

want or need. Products include more than just tangible goods. Broadly defined,

product includes physical objects, service, persons, place, organizations, ideas or

mixed of these entitles. A product is anything that is potentially valued by a target

market for the benefits of satisfaction it provides (Gaven, Hill and Woodruff).

The general principle is that a firm must have a right product that can satisfy the

needs and wants but a product cannot satisfy their needs and wants over the time

period, because of several reasons. First, like living creating a product also has a

life during which a firm has to reformulate or differentiate or standardize it to

maintain its position in the market. Second consumer demand goes on changing

over the time period. As such, the same consumer may demand different product

over the time period. Finally the requirement of all consumers is not alike,


different consumers may demand for different product attributes (such as quality,

product, Service, branding, good packing, attractive color and design prestige,

problem solution etc) at the same time. So we can say that product decision is not

only an important decision in the marketing but also a most challenging task for

the marketers. In the competitive markets the marketer must be able to study each

and every aspects of the product including product life cycle, new product

development product mix and product line, product positioning, branding and

packaging etc.”22

“Product is what marketers offer to consumers. They include goods,

service, Ideas and any other things that can be exchanged by a supplier and a

buyer or consumer. The term product concept refers to the marketing strategist’s

selection and blending of a product’s primary characteristics and auxiliary

dimensions into a basic idea or concept emphasizing a particular set of consumer

benefits.” Product strategy is the core of strategic planning for the enterprise and

it plays a pivotal role in shaping marketing strategy. Management’s strategic

decisions about the product to be offered are among.

The most important of those affecting the future of a company. No other

strategic decision has such widespread impact cutting across every

functional area and affecting all level of an organization. A product

strategy consists of:-

a. Decision how to position a business unit’s product offering

(specific product line or mix) to serve its target market.

b. Setting strategic objectives for the product offering.

c. Selecting a branding strategy.

22 Zikmund and Amico. Marketing. PP- 213


d. Developing and implementing a management strategy for new

and existing products.”23

“The channel and physical distribution programmer are developed to

deliver right product the right place at the right time at the lower cost” 24

“Effective control of distribution costs can give an organization an

advantage, if the organization cannot control distribution costs profit

will be impaired in the short run and survival may be threatened in the

long run.” 25

Distribution is concerned with the activities involved in

transferring goods from producers to final buyers and users. It includes

not only physical activities, such as transporting and storing goods but

also the legal promotional and financial activities performed in the

course of transferring ownership. Since a succession of enterprise is

generally involved in the distribution process leading to the final sale to

the user to understand distribution one must analyze both the different

kind of marketing institutions and the marketing channels in which they


The means of distribution have a very important effect upon

the price of goods and a single means is not enough due to the

geographical diversity where there is single system this has led to the

rise in the price of commodities on the one hand and the non-

availability of them in time, on the other hand. These problem have.26

23 David W Crevens Strategic Management

24 Burr W Hupp, “Inventory Policy is a top mgnt Responsibility in Donald L. Buwersox (ed) Reading in Physical Distribution Management New York, Mac Milan Company 1969, PP-179 ”

25 Ronald J. Lewis “Strengthening control of Physical Distribution Cost” Ibid PP-316

26 Burr W. Hupp, “Inventory policy is a Top Mgmt Responsibility” in Donald L, Buwersoxed Reading in physical

Distribution Management. New York, Macmillan Company. 1969 PP-179

36 Distribution Strategy

Distribution play as vital functional role in marketing. A manager

should give due attention towards its better functioning because without

it effective and efficient management the whole marketing system may

collapse. A producer should decide new many middlemen he should

seek at each level of distribution. He will determine the numbers of

retailers, wholesalers, agents and so on.

Simply, distribution is the delivery of the products to the right time,

place and consumer. It is not a single element but it is a mixed of

various to consolidate functions, such as channel of distribution,

transportation, warehousing and inventory controls etc.

About this, we will study famous some marketing writer,

“Distribution may be defined as an operation or a series of operation

which physically bring the goods manufactures or produced by any

particular manufactures in to the hands of the final consumer of

users.”27. “Distribution channels are major factors in the effective

development of the market share, internationally to maintain quality and

ensure services, direct distribution is also undertaken by many

manufactures. Also, the use of multiple channels will expand and

include Tele-marketing, direct response marketing, mail order and

computer assisted buying.”28

Marketing program setting the specific objectives to be

accomplished by price and establishing policies and structure for

guiding pricing decision.”

27 Rustam S. Daver, Modern Marketing Management. Bombay progressive corporation p 2td. Pp -40 28 William Lazer, et al. Marketing 2000 and Beyond, Chicago. American Marketing Association. 1990 pp-164

37 Pricing strategy

We know that price is one of the four major elements that the

marketing manager must consider while preparing the marketing

program. In general price is value or amount of money sacrificed to

obtain a particular product or service. Price may also be defined as

the exchange of something of value between parties involved in a

transaction. In economic sense, price is value expressed in terms of

rupees or dollars, or any any other monetary medium of exchange.

In marketing, price is regarded as backbone on which the success of

the marketing program largely depends. No rational product policy,

no product design and no marketing strategy can not be formulated

without consideration of price, nor is price set in isolation of the total

strategy. Since price decisions affect not only the firm’s sales and

profit but also determines its future prospects, they must be taken

into account seriously.

Price is based on systematic decisions to assign a value to

communication the seller’s estimated worth of the offering.

In broader sense, price settings involve of the exchange to all parties

involved in the transaction.

We define a price strategy as “deciding how to position price within

the range of feasible price, establishing whether price shall be used

as an active or passive element in the pointed to the necessity of a

new management in the means of distribution which specially

considers the factors like the nature of the commodity the behavior

of the customers, effectiveness of time, education and social values.

Most producers do not sell their product directly to the final

consumers. That is why they use a variety of intermediaries.


Channels are the medium for taking the goods and services to

ultimate buyers. These organization and agencies are grouped

together in various combinations linking particular producing units

through the channels distribution. Distribution channels are among

the most complete and challenging function of decision making

facing a firm in modern business organization.

“In today’s economy most of the producer of goods and services do

not sell their foods directly to the final users between them and the

final users stands a host of marketing intermediaries performing in a

variety of functions and bearing a variety of names. Some

middlemen such as wholesalers and retailer buy take title to and re-

sell the merchandise. They are called merchant middlemen other

such as brokers, manufacturers and may negotiate on behalf of the

producer but do not take title to the goods. They are agent


A channel of distribution shall be considered to comprise a set of

institutions, which perform all of the activities utilized to move a

product and its title from production to consumption (Bucklin).

Channels of distributions is an organized network of agencies and

institutions which in combination, perform all the activities required

to link producers with users and users with producers to accomplish

the marketing task. (Craven, Hills & Woodruff)

These intermediaries or channels of distribution tend to be used for

several reasons,

a) The number of sellers, buyers and the distance of product

movement are relatively large.

b) The frequency of purchase is high. 29 Kotler Op. Cit PP-175


c) The lot sizes needed by end users are small.

d) Markets are decentralized.

Channel structure

There are three levels of marketing channels.

a) Direct channels.

b) Indirect channels.

c) Mixed channels

Under direct channel, producer himself distributes goods and services to the end

users. No intermediaries are used in this case.

Under indirect channel, several intermediaries such as wholesalers, retailers,

dealers, agent etc. are used to supply goods and services from production point to

the consumption point.

Under mixed channel, producer uses both direct as well as indirect channels at the

same time for the purpose.

It is necessary to understand that the intermediaries or middlemen can be divided

into two categories,

a) Merchant middlemen

b) Agents

Merchant middlemen purchase outright and actually take title to the goods. In this

categories include wholesalers, retailers etc.

Agent acts in an agency capacity on clients and does not take title to the goods

which they deal. They usually charge certain commission in tens of percentage or

lump sum.

Physical Distribution

“Physical distribution management as the process of strategically managing the

movement and storage of materials, parts, and finished inventory from supplies

between enterprise facilities and to customers”1 “Physical distribution as the

1 1 Kotter, op cit pp-433


activities concerned with the movement of the right amount of the right products

to the right place of the right time.30

Physical distribution is concerned to the management of physical flow of the

goods from the points of suppliers to the points of purchases. It’s main objective

is getting the right product safely to the right places at the right time at least

possible cost. We can know about its objective in pointly:-

i) To provide customer service

ii) To distribute goods more cost

iii) To minimize the total cost

iv) To supply goods to the right target market function of

physical distribution.

A physical distribution system consists of a sell interrelated functions with

specific boundaries. The interrelated function include the following element:-

a) Transportation

b) Warehousing

c) Inventory management and control

d) Order processing

e) Material Handling

Transportation is the elements of the physical distribution system that links

geographically separated markets and facilities. There are five models of


a) Rail transport

b) Highway transport

c) Water transport

d) Pipe-line transport

e) Air transport

30 Stanton op cit pp-379


Warehousing decision determines the number, size and location of storage

facilities needed to services customers demand.

Developing effective warehousing strategies includes the decision regarding

the following elements:-

a) Location of warehouse

b) Determine the type of warehousing i.e private or public warehousing

c) Evaluate development in warehousing.

Inventory decision are concerned with balancing the costs of carrying

inventory, ordering products from supplies and controlling other inventory

costs to achieve a desired level of consumer satisfaction, inventory

accumulation is expensive, yet availability is essential to having satisfied


Order processing constitutes the communication linkage that stimulates a

physical distribution system into action. In other words, order processing

regards to all those activities involved in collection, checking and transmitting

sales-order information. It is the handing of all paper work associate with the

sale of goods and services offered by an organization.

Material handling, also called the physical handing of goods, is an activity that

is important in inventory warehousing and transportation. The characteristics

of a product to large extent how it will be handled. Promotional Strategy

Promotional Strategy is also one of the most important marketing strategies.

There are various types of promotions. These include advertising, personal

selling, sales promotion and various miscellaneous efforts. When management

has a message to pass to target consumer’s promotion is the proper vehicle. “Like

other marketing tools, both business and non business organizations use

promotion. The state of Louisiana has been promotion family planning since


1965”1 “ Promotion can be used to improve the image of police work as a

career”2 A company needs to make marketing decisions offering, pricing and

distribution but also in the area of promotion. “Promotion is any marketing effort

whose function is to inform or persuade actual or potential consumers about the

merits of a (given) product or service for the purpose of including a consumer

either to continue or to start purchasing the firm’s product or service at some

(given) price.”3 Promotion is persuasive communication. It is a highly visible

element in the marketing mix. It sells the target in customers about product, price

and place. It is also known as marketing communication.

“Promotion is applied communication used by marketers to exchange persuasive

messages and information between buyers and sellers.”

“Promotion represents the various communications to inform and persuade

people that a firm directs towards its market targets, channel organizations and

the public at large. These communications consists of adverting, personal selling

and sales promotion activities. Increasingly marketing management is finding it

profitable to combine advertising, personal selling packaging, point of purchase,

direct mail product sampling, publicity and public relations decisions into an

integrated promotion strengths and short coming, the strategy adopted should

capitalize upon the advantages of every component in shaping a cost effective

communications mix”.

Sales Promotion:-

"Those marketing activities, other than personal selling, advertising and publicity

that stimulate consumer purchasing and dealer effectiveness, Such as displays,

shows and expositions, demonstrations, and various no recurrent selling efforts

not in the ordinary routine." 7 sales promotion activities are impersonal and

usually nonrecurring, and are directed to ultimate consumers, industrial

consumers and middlemen. These activities tend to supplement the advertising

and personal selling efforts. Examples of sales promotion are free product

samples, trading stamps, store displays, premiums, coupons and trade shows.

1 Adel L. EI-Ansary and Oscar E. Kramer. ,”Social marketing: The family planning Experience.” Journal of

marketing pp-37

2 Richard W. Hansen et, al “An Application of Marketing concepts in the public sector: A case study.” 1974

3 Combine proceeding American Marketing Association (Chicago: American Marketing Association) pp-252


"Sales promotion can be defined as those promotional activities other than

personal selling, advertising and publicity that are intended to stimulate buyer

purchases of leader effectiveness in a specific time period"8

7. Committee on Definitions, American Marketing Association, Marketing

Definition: A Glossary of Marketing, 1960 pp-20

8. Zikmund and d' Amico. Op cit pp-477


"Publicity is a means of promoting to the mass market. Publicity is similar

to advertising, except that it is free, is found in the editorial portion of news

media and pertains to newsworthy events. The most common types of publicity

are new it involves an unpaid and unsigned message, even though it may us the

same mass media as advertising does"2

Public Relations:-

"Marketing engages in public relations in order to develop a favorable

image of their organizations and products in the eyes of the public, they direct

this activity to parties other than target consumers. These 'other' include the

public at large union, the press, and environmentalist groups. Public relations

activities include sponsoring floats in parades, lobbying and using promotion

messages to persuade members of the public to take a desired position.3

1. Rollie Eiliman and C.A Kirkpatrick promotion: Persuasive communication

in Marketing, Homewood III: Richard D Irwin Inc 1968 pp-365

2. Zikmund and Amico Op cit pp-476

3. Robin Peterson Marketing a Contemporary Introduction, pp-443


Promotion Strategies

Push and Pull Strategies

In puss strategies, the promotion program is directed at middlemen.

The product is "pushed" through the channel. The channel members are

persuaded to order, carry and promote product to consumers. The manufacturer

promotes to wholesaler, the wholesaler promotes to retailer, the emphasized in

push strategy. This strategy is useful where brand loyalty is low and market share

is to be protected. In pull strategy, the promotion program is directed at

customers. The consumers are persuaded to ask to the product from the retailer,

the retailers ask the product from the wholesalers and the wholesalers order the

product from the manufactures. The product is "pulled through the channel to

increase sales. Aggressive advertising and consumer promotion is emphasized in

pull strategy is useful where brand loyalty is high.

2.2.9 Status

As our research is concerned with the status of Fanta and Miranda, it is

very relevant to make some assessment as to the "identifying the target audience"

(as it is called in the language of marketing). For this purpose we are going to

present some analysis of status (images) as a review of literature in the concerned

field of study, as follows: Status Analysis

Status is the set of beliefs, ideas, impressions and person holds as to an

object i.e. a product in the marketing sense. People's attitudes and action towards

and object are highly conditioned by that object's status. Product and service status

The status that a product or service has in the mind of the costumer that is

it's positioning is probably more important to its ultimate success than are its

actual characteristics. Marketers try to position their brand so that they are

perceived by the consumer as fitting into a distinctive niche in the market place, a

niche occupied by no other claim will fulfill the consumer's needs better than

completing brands. They strive a create a product image consistent with the

relevant self-status of the targeted consumer segment. Positioning Strategies

Positioning strategies is the essence of the marketing mix. It complements

the company's segmentation strategies and selection of target markets.

Positioning conveys the concept, or meaning, or the product or service in terms of

how it fulfills a consumer needs. Different consumer meanings (i.e. product

status) are it fulfills a consumer needs different consumer meanings (i.e. product

status) are sometimes assigned to the same product or service. Thus, a product or


service can be positioned differently to different market segments, or can be

repositioned to the same audience without actually being physically changed. Repositioning Strategies

Regardless of how well positioned a product appears to be the marketer

may be forced to reposition it in response to market event, such as a competitor

cutting info the brand's market share for example, rather than trying to meet the

lower prices of high-quality private label competition some premium brand

marketers have repositioned their brands to justify their higher price, playing up

brand attributes that had previously been ignored.

When Revlon decided to change the image of Revlon cosmetics to attract a

younger, more diverse audience, its repositioning strategy involved changing its

copy appeals, changing its advertising media (to youth oriented TV shows) and

changing its distribution channels (from higher-price department stores to lower-

priced retail outlets such as drug stores and supermarkets). A similar

repositioning strategy was adapted by Fanta and Miranda to target young

generation. Johnson and Johnson and also adopted same tactics.

Another reason to reposition a product or service is changing consumer

preference for examples, as consumers became aware of the dangers of intense

sustaining; alert conmetic companies began to add sunscreens to lipsticks,

moisturizers and foundation creams and to promote this new benefits as a mayor

attribute, thus repositioning specific product line. They also created a new and

highly profitable product category, self-tanners that required no sun exposure

whatever when health-oriented consumers began to avoid hi-fat foods, many fast-

food chains acted swiftly to reposition their images by offering salad bars and

other health oriented foods. Kentucky fried chicken changed its well known

corporate name to KFC in order to omit the dread word "fried" from its

advertising. Weight watchers repositioned its line of frozen foods from "dietetic"

to "healthy" maintaining its diet-thin imagery while responding to a perceived

shift in consumer values. Perceived Quality

Consumers often judge the quality of a product or service on the basic of a variety

of informational cues that they associate with the product. Some of these cues

intrinsic to the product services and other are extrinsic. Either singly or in

composite, such cues provides the basis for perceptions of product and service


Cues that are intrinsic concern physical characteristics of the product it self, such

as size, color, flavor or aroma. In some cases, consumers use physical

characteristics to judge product quality for example, consumers often judge the

flavor of ice cream of cake by color cues. Even the perceived quality of laundry

detergents is affected by color cues. Far example many detergents are

traditionally colored blue, in the hopes that housewives will associate the color


with “bluing” brighten their laundry similarly fanta of Miranda both are offered

in same color signifying the completion they have with each other.

Consumers like to believe that they base their evaluations of product quality on

intrinsic cues, because that enables them to justify their product decisions, (either

positive or negative) as being “rational” or “objective” product choice. More

often that not, however, they physical characteristics they use to judge quality

have no intrinsic relationship to the products quality. For example though many

consumers claim they buy a brand because of its superior taste, they are often

unable to identify that brand in blind taste tests.

2.2.10 Usage Trend

Products do not sell themselves and marketeering program that insures the same

of products as intended should included a program that will guarantee the sell of

products. This objectives should include the study of usage pattern of the product

i.c. that is in hand. How consumers behave as to the consumption pattern of the

product (i.c. fanta & mirinda in our cause) must be studied. In fact the image of

the product can be derived from the study of the usage pattern of the product

itself. Far this purpose the study of consumer behavior was done by the

researcher in many cases and conclusions were drawn from the answer received

though questionnaires distributed to retailers & consumers also. On the other

hand if a change to be made in taste, price or quality as a whole of the product is

felt, again the study on usage pattern of the product is needed. In our case i.c. our

research on cold drink, The practical aspect of the problem is very clear and lack

of any previous research in the field him dered this detail review of literature.

and the findings as to the usage pattern will come to be implied within the status

and consumer behaviors regarding the marketing of fanta & mirinda in kalaiya. In

fact, the status of these products as well as the attitude of a consumer towards a

certain product are often related to the pattern of use as seen in the maret. SInce

the usage pattern of consumers in directly related to the understanding of

consumer behavior. It is obvious that a marketer or a manufacturer must have an

idea or a consumption related ways and with learning what internal and external

influence impact them to act as they do. As such it can be satued that image and

the attitude themselves as already has come into existence in the mind of the

consumer. As such this specific study as to usage pattern itself does not give

much sense unless it encompasses both image and attitude. Simalary, as

marketing researchers began to study the buying behavior of consumers, they

soon realized that many consumers, rebelled at using the identical products

everyone else used. Instead, They preferred differentiated products that they felt

reflected their own special needs personalities and different image and attitudes

towards different products and as a result set particular types of usage pattern of

products in the market. To meet the needs of specific groups of consumers, most

marketers adopt a policy of "marketing segmentation," Which calls for this


division of their total potential markets into smaller, homogeneous segments for

which they could design specific products and or promotional campaigns. At the

same time they also use promotional techniques to very the image of their

products so that they would be perceived as better fulfilling the specific needs of

certain target segments. This process is called nowadays as "positioning". Other

reasons for the developing interest in consumer behavior regarding usage pattern

of consumers include the rate of new product development, growth of the

consumers movement, public policy concerns and environmental concerns etc.

Thus the marketing objective name and such image will definitely lead to some

specific pattern of use of the products and the pattern seen and found in the

existing marketing conditions also lead back to the image and attitude also. This

means usage pattern can also given feed back to the makings regarding the image

and attitudes of consumers lowers certain products.

2.3 Review of Related Studies

2.3.1 Shrestha, Rajendra Bahadur, "A study of marketing, usage pattern, Attitude

and Image of cold Drinks in Birgunj Area"

The study was undertaken in 1998 with the following objectives.

1) To examine the potential consumers in purchasing cold drinks.

2) To identify the purchases behavior of consumers who purchase cold


3) To estimate demand of cold drinks in kathmandu.

4) To identify the best choice of consumers in cold drinks on the basic of

selecting brands advertising habitual testing, asking question & personal


5) To find out the popular media of advertising for the cold drink which

can easily attract the potential consumers on each company, branded

cold drinks.

6) To estimate sales of cold drinks in Kathmandu.

7) To find the relationship between the brand preference and advertising.

The study has concluded that advertising is considered as the primary source

of information. The advertisement of fanta & mirinda and other branded cold

drinks are founded in Kathmandu. Coca-Cola brand is more popular than other

brand. Consumer gives more preference to the brand but less preference to

quality and test. Television is the most favorite media for advertisement. The

major reason of brand switching is the taste of the products. The study has

recommended that advertising should be more believable and effective, so

manufactures are suggested to advertise their product thought television are

found brand loyal. If they don’t get the desired brand they use the alternative

brand. So the markets are their distribution system. It is suggested that the

manufactured of cold drinks should try to fulfill consumers demand on cold

drinks of their choice.


2.3.2Pathak, Krishna Prasad, in 1998 conducted the study on "coffee marketing

system in Nepal " with the following objectives."1

1) To analyze the present phenomena, problems for the farmers engaged in

coffee farming.

2) To assess the existing coffee marketing system.

3) To analyze the challenges problems and profitability of farming processing

and marketing of coffee and processional standards.

4) To recommend measures for improvement.

The following conclusions may be derived from this study. Nepalese farmers

are motivated to plant coffee for better yields and they technical support and

training for professional forming skills. There is no support to formers input;

supply and sales security were varying weak Recently emerging community

activities to show better symptoms in this respect. Pricing to support formers

was effective due to increased competition. Market Promotion is weak and

packing is the first place to start promotional campaign. Now, push sales is the

only measure and no promotions are done. Distribution system components

are assembly transportation, Processing and other processing. Through

Nepalese domestic production covers only 22.9 percent of domestic market.

Nepalese coffee is worth exporting and Nepalese consumers prefer instant

coffee mainly imported from India. It shows that Nepal can develop coffee, as

an important cash crop to generate exports which should help in economic

growth, employment generation and mitigating the ever-increasing

unfavorable balance of trade, for this professional and institutional approach is

warranted for.

The study has recommended to select better seeds appropriate for the Nepalese

landscape and climate. Interest rate 17% is not appropriate for forming and is

very high. Enterprising formers should be trained so as to make them the

bridge between the ordinary formers and technical exports. Wet pulping

should be introduced and formers should be facilitated to pulp hull and grade

the beans and green beans should be improved in trade. There should be

improved in packing of roasted coffee. Demonstration forms should be

developed as the catalysts to incorporate rural people in modern business

ethics. Professionalism should be encouraged in coffee marketing.

1. Krishna Prasad Pathak coffee marketing in Nepal (1998)

Unpublished dissertation submitted to control Department of

Management Tribhuwan University.

2.3.3 Bhatta, shree Chandra, in 1998 conducted a study on "Sales promotion and

effect on sales"

A case study of beer market of Nepal with the objectives of analyzing the

sales promotion and its effect on sales is the main focus of the study.


Though the concept of sales promotion is relatively new in Nepal, there are

lots of thinks to be researched and find out in the practice of sales

promotion. The study had the following specific objectives :

1) TO find out whether the whether the sales promotion dues impact on sales

of beer.

2) To find out what made of sales promotion is more acceptable by the


3) To find out what made is more wisely we by the manufacturers as a sales

promotion tools.

4) To evaluate effectiveness of sales promotion activities in the sales of beer

in Nepal.

5) To find out which media is suitable to advertise about the sales promotion.

6) To predict the sales of coming year it every factors would be the same.

On the basis of analysis of the consumers view point and sales data

separately. The following findings are drawn. The people with high-

income group highly educated and from business people tend to drink

beers more. The people drink beer at restaurants for relaxation rather than

other cause. The people prefer San Mingle brand than other beers. in the

case of sales promotion the cash prizes out of all the tools insist people. In

advertising, electronic media is varying popular among the people. If the

expenses on sales promotion increase, the sales increase in a high speed

from the regression it is dearly seen that if the expenses on the sales

increase the sales of the product will be increased. It is concluded that sales

promotion worked as a starter to the beer drinkers. Most people, who are

not so educated, are not loyal to wards any particulars brand. Due to this,

the sales promotion easily quench the attention of those beer drinkers and

as a result the sales of the beer will increase.

The people who drink beers accept electronic media most. So far

sales promotions purpose, the electronic media is very suitable. The sales

promotion is very powerful tools which can easily boots the sales. The

study has recommended that low-income group as well as low education

group should be launched the beer. In adverting, the electronic media is

very popular. So the heavy media coverage should be acquired people like

cash prizes so company should cut down the prize like motorcycles, fridge,

TV, etc findings proved that the sales promotion have positive impacts on

the sales of the beers. But the companies lunched the sales promotion

programmers for only 3 months. It is strongly advised that sales promotion

programmers should be launched at least for 6 months. At least, sales

promotion is very important if the use would be in a proper way.


1. Shree Chandra Bhatta, Sales promotion and its effects on sales: A case

study of beer market of Nepal (1998) Unpublished dissertation submitted

to central Department of Management, Tribhuwan University.

2.3.4 Thapaliya, Anup kumar, in 1999

Conducted " A study in market situation of Instant Noodle Yum Yum." (A

case study in Kathmandu.)

A case study mainly focused in marketing situation of Yum Yum in market

having the following main objectives:-

1. To test the market of Yum Yum in Kathmandu.

2. To obtain and Analyze the information on the sales of different kinds

of instant noodles in Kathmandu.

3. To obtain the consumers opining on price, quality and test of

different brand.

4. To compare the position of Yum Yum instant noodles with other


5. To assets the average percentage of consumers loyalty over several


6. To compare the price, quality and taste of Yum Yum with other


7. To suggest the company of Yum Yum for overall marketing

activities for better distribution.

8. To assess the status, usage pattern attitude and image of 'Yum Yum'.

On the basis of the field survey and subsequent analysis the study has

found following. All wholesalers are under the distributorship of Chitawan

supplier the single distributor for yum Yum in Kathmandu. Wholesalers

prefer the brands of noodles on the basis of sales volume. On the basis of

sales volume Wai Wai stands at the top and Yum Yum stands in second.

Few wholesalers have expressed the view that some retailers complain over

the price of Rara, Wai Wai and hits and ot! the taste of Yum Yum. After

introduction of Yum Yum in the market 90% of wholesalers expressed that

the quality is not satisfactory and rest of the wholesalers expressed that the

quality is not satisfactory regarding the distribution of different brand by

their quality. Wai Wai is the best quality noodles and Yum Yum was in

second position. Out of 100 percent 65% use noodles as Tiffin and rest of

35% respondents use it as both Tiffin and dinner.

This study concluded that the use of instant noodles has become a

general consumption phenomenon in Kathmandu. There are various brand

of instant noodles available in the market and market of noodles has turned

to be competitive in recent years. The company does not have effective and

reliable channel to collect information from wholesalers, distributors and



1. Anup kumar Thapaliya, A study in Market situation of instant noodle Yum

Yum. A case study in Kathmandu (1999) unpublished dissertation

submitted to Central Department of Management.

2.3.5 Adhikari Krishna Prasad in 2002

Prepared "Inpact of sales promotion tools on sales of cold drinks."

(A case study of cold drinks market in Chitawan)

Sales promotion concept is relatively new in Nepal, There is lot of

things to be researched and find out on the practice of sale promotion. The

following are the main objective of present study:-

1. To find out which promotion tools and media is more acceptable by

Nepalese consumer.

2. To evaluate effectiveness of sales promotional activities in the sales

of cold drinks in Nepal.

3. To evaluate the relationship between sales promotion package and

consumer behavior.

The major objective if the present study to see sales promotional tools

are effective or not on the sales of the cold drinks. The whole research is

sub divided on the basis in interpretation and analysis into two parts i.e.

effect of sales promotion from the consumer and shopleepers view point

and second effects on sales promotion from the calculation of sales data.

On the basis of analysis of the consumers view point and sales data

separately. The major finding are:

a) The person drinks cold drink occasionally and prefers Coca-Coal

brand more than others.

b) People are aware about sales promotion activities out of them most

people know about item prize than coupon than case prizes. But cash

prizes is effective than other tools.

c) The sales of cold drinks increasing month by month but the ration of

sales is higher is the months when the companies lunched sales

promotion progrom. This indicates that is positive relationship

between the sales promotions. If the expenses on sales promotion

increases the sales increases in a high speed.

d) The sales of one brand does not affect negatively to the sales of other

brands. As the observation shows that the trend of all two brands are


e) The cold drinks drinkers have not particular choice of brand. So the

concept of brand boyalty is not founding Nepalese cold drinks

market. So they can easily be directed towards one particular brand

through proper marketing net.


f) All media is not popular among the people. Only electronic media

(especially TV) is vary popular among the people and the people

who watch and listen media notice the advertising. The percentage

of the people notice advertising for entertainment is higher than for


g) It is found that cold drink distributor generally conduct 3 months

special promotion package one time in a year. In this time they

achieve 50 percent sales target of year.

h) From the regression it is clearly seen that if the expenses on the sales

promotion increases the sales of the product will be increases.

i) Large umbers of people are interested on promotional contents that

the manufacturer launches various occasions.

j) Retailers are interested on promotional program. They are aware of

cash prizes then other promotional work.

k) Sales promotion programmed has positive impact on retailers and

must of them taken parts on contents and win prizes.

The study has further recommended for an improvement in the taste and

quality and fixing reasonable price which can be helpful measure to

increase the volume of sales in the market. The company should increase

the incentive to the wholesalers distributions so as to motivate and

encourage them to focus their transactions on Yum Yum. The company

should diversity its marker by penetrating into potential rural areas. It

should establish efficient distribution networks and provide reasonable

amount of commission at each level,

Although Mr. Hari Lamichhane had conducted a similar study in 1998 in

the same study area this study has been more focused on studying the

consumer's perspective in their consumption behavior of cold drinks. This

study has also integrated the retailer level survey in order to examine the

distribution system of cold drinks in the study area and find out what the

channel members. Particularly the retailers give priority in selling cold


1. Krishna Prasad Adhikari, "Impact of sales promotion tools on sales of

cold drinks"

A case study of cold prinks market in chitawan (2002) unpublished

dissertation submitted to Central Department of Management.

2.4 Review of Related Articles

2.4.1 Annual Review of Coca-Cola Company.

The Coca-Cola Company at Atlanta city has published an annual review

that describes the company's overview. According to this overview "the


health of our business depends on the health of our consumers. their

communities and the natural environment we all depend on. The people of

the Coca-Cola company work together with our bottling partners our

business partners and members of communities in which we operate and

even our critics to identify and address existing and emerging social and

environmental issues as well as potential solutions with our technical and

marketing expertise, our reputation and network of influence and our

global production and distribution system, We have a tremendous

opportunity to make a meaningful difference in the more than 200

countries we call home. We believe that the greater our presence. the

greater our responsibility."

1. www.2.coca-cola.com

2.4.2 Task Force Report Market Place

The task force report of coca-cola product at Atlanta, USA has described in detail

about the quality product like coca-cola. According to task force report under

place “When you purchase a coca-cola product, you count on its quality. Our

market nearly 2400 beverage products in more than 200 countries. Each of those

products must be of the highest quality and must meet consumer’s changing

tastes, needs and expectations. And in each of those countries, we are an active

member of the business community, working hand in hand with local individuals,

merchants and governments to improve the health and prosperity of the local

economy. Quality

According to task force reports under quality “We ensure the quality and safety

our beverages through the coca-cola quality system (TCCQS), our integrated

approach to managing quality, environment health and safety. We continuously

review TCCQS to ensure it meets the stringent and up to date global requirements

related to food safety, as well as quality management method, industry best

practices and market place conditions. In our ingredient evaluation laboratories,

for example, we perform precise analysis of fruits juices and other ingredients

sent to us by our suppliers, to ensure and to improve product quality, our

processes, too, undergo constant scrutiny, to safeguard the water. We use in our

products and the packaging that carries them to our consumers. We inform and

educate our business partners about our standards so that they meet the highest

quality requirements. Under TCCQS, quality is our highest business objective

and our enduring obligation. A word wide imitative involving every aspect of our


business. Every one who works far or with coca-cola is empowered and expected

to maintain the highest standards self quality in products, processes and

relationships. TCCQS mandates in depth self-assessment throughout our

operations, by all our business units, this enables us to continually raise our


The articles of coca-cola war published in Himalayan times dated on perspective,

Sunday, September 10, 2006 entitle of cola war and branding events. According

to cola wars cola, as it was less formally called (the company trade marked the

nick name in (1962), enjoyed a market share in excess of 60 percentage at the end

of second world war, but increased competition from others drinks began to erode

the company’s dominance. Part of this was coca-cola’s own doing during the

1960s, it introduced new drinks sprite, TAB and Fresca, and in 1982 the

incredibly popular diet. Coke debuted but the increasing success of Pepsi-cola,

which first appeared in 1998, eventually gave the company reason far concern.

It’s impossible to say who fired the first volley, but during the 1970s and 1982s,

the so-called “cola wars” intensified. According to branding events “today, coca-

cola spends more money on global sports sponsorship than Pepsi or any other

company with total world wide expenditures in excess of $1 billion a year. Coke

sponsored the 2002 and 2006 world cup, and it has sponsored the Olympics since

1928. in 1998, the company signed a land mark 100-years deal for sprite to be the

official soft drink of the national basketball distributes approximately300 brands

of drinks around the world, including sprite, TAB, Fresca and Diet coke, surge,

power-Ade (surge and power ad are the official soft and sports drinks,

respectively of the American national Hockey league), Barq’s Dosani bottled

water, the minute Maid line of fruit drinks, and Mr. Pibb. The popular variant

cherry coke was introduced in 1985, and in 2002 Vanilla coke hit store sheives.

Some may believe that the company’s future is mixed as well but the common

perception seems to be: if the company can survive just about anything. With the

name ‘coke’ practically synonymous with ‘cola drinks’ one can’t imagine the

brands name recognition going flat anytime soon. The cola wars will never end,

but coke is far too entrenched in the public’s consciousness to ever settle far less

than number two in the market share battle.

2.4.4 Birth of the top brand

The most valuable global brand of 2006 was published the boss journal dated

September 15 to 14 october 2006. according to these articles “in may, 1886 , coca

cola was invented by doctor john Pemberton a pharmacist from Atlanta , Georgia,

John Pemberton conducted the coca-cola formula in a three legged brass kettle in

his backyard. The name was a suggestion given by John Pemberton’s bookkeeper


Frank Robinson. Being a bookkeeper, Frank Robinson also had excellent

penmanship. It was who first scripted “coca-cola” into the following letters which

has become the famous logo of today.

The soft drink was first sold to the public at the soda fountain in Jacob’s

Pharmacy in Atlanta on May 8, 1886. until 1905, the soft drink marketed as a

tonic, contained extracts of cocaine as well as the caffeine-rich kola nut. In 1987,

another Atlanta Pharmacist and businessman, Asa Candler bought the formula for

coca-cola from inventor John Pemberton for 2300 dollars. By the late 1890s,

coca-cola was one of the America’s most popular fountain drinks, largely due to

candler’s aggressive marketing of product, with Asa candler, now at the helm; the

coca-cola company increases syrup sales by over 4000 percent “between” 1890 to

1900. On April 23, 1985, the trade secret “New coke” formula was released.

Today products of the coca-cola company are consumed at the rate of more than

one billion drinks per day.

Today the coca-cola company is the global leader in the non-alcoholic beverage

industry. It offers nearly 400 brands in over 200 countries. Many of these brands,

including soft drinks, fruit juices, bottled water and sports drinks, are only

available in specific regions of the word sometimes in just a single country. The

reason for this is simple: different people like different times and far different




3.1 Introduction

The present study focuses on the marketing on the marketing, usage trend

and status of fanta and Miranda in Kalaiya. In this study, the relevant data have


been collected from consumer and retailers. To achieve the objective, the study

follows a research methodology, which has been described as follows:

3.2 Research Design

This study is based on a survey research design. A limited scale survey has

been conducted among the consumers and retailers of Fanta and Miranda in

Kalaiya. The questionnaires have been administered in order to collect data and

other information relating to the research adopted for this study.

3.3 Population and Sample

As the total population of cold drinks users of presently available brands is

find in number the study takes the population as the total consumers of cold

drinks in Kalaiya. Though the sample size is very small in comparison to the total

population, sufficient efforts have been made to make the sample representative

by included consumers from the different profession, age group, educational

backgrounds and sex.

3.4 Nature and sources of Data

This study is based mainly on primary data collected directly from the

respondents. The respondents for this study are the consumers and the retailers of

fanta and Miranda at Kalaiya. Most information has been collected from the

primary source through the questionnaires and oral conversation with concerned

distributors and consumers. The questionnaires were distributed to the consumers

and retailers of Kalaiya collecting necessary information.

Table 3:1

The size of sample and respondents:

Respondents Sample size Questionnaires % question return

Consumers 100 50 100%

Retailers 50 30 100%

Total 150 80


As shown in table 3.1, 100 consumers and 50 retailers were interviewed by this

studies researcher with the help of two different sets of structured questionnaires,

some supplementary primary used in this study are presented in the appendix.


Table 3.2

User of fanta and Miranda: Age wise

Age No. of respondents %

10-15 22 22%

15-25 36 36%

25-35 27 27%

above 35 15 15%

Total 100 100%

As shown in table 3.2 among the sample selected for the study 22% of consumer

of fanta and Miranda lies in the 10-15 age groups, 36% lies in the 15-25, 27% lies

in 25-35 age group and 15% lies in the above 35 age group. From this table it can

be inferred that the users of cold drink can be found across the different age


Table 3.3

User of fanta and Miranda sex wise

Sex No. of respondent %

Male 37 37%

Female 63 63%

Total 100 100%

As presented in table 3.3, the sample included 37% male consumers and 63%

female consumers of cold drinks in increasing day by day then previous year.

Table 3.4

Users of fanta and Miranda: Education wise


Under S.L.C 11 11%

S.L.C passed 19 19%

under graduate 35 35%

Graduate 21 21%

Above graduate 14 14%

Total 100 100%

Under S.L.C

S.L.C passed

under graduate


Above graduate

Table 3.4 presents the education profile of the respondents, out of 100

respondents surveyed that 35% of fanta and Miranda users under graduate and

11%, 19%, 21%, 14% under S.L.C passed, Graduate and Above graduate


Table 3.5

Users of fanta and Miranda: Occupation wise

Occupation No. of respondents %

Students 38 38%

Job holders 34 34%

Businessman 17 17%

Others 11 11%

Total 100 100%











No. of respondents


Job holders



Table 3.5 show that 38% are students, 34% are job holders, 17% are businessman

and 11% are other to takes fanta and Miranda.

3.5 Data collection procedures

Two sets of structured questionnaires were developed for the purpose of

collection data from the consumers as well as retailers such as college, banks,

office and hotels etc.

The questionnaires were distributed through personal contact in which the

respondents were requested to personally visit to take interview of the retailers

and consumers. Consumers were chosen from different socio economic

background for interview officers of companies and lecture of college

interviewing fanta and Miranda.

3.6 Data processing and Analysis

The raw data collected through the questionnaires have been manually

processed and presented in the form of table. Once the data are arranged orderly,

simple statistical tools were used for analysis. The processed data have also been

presented graph, bar, diagram and pie- chart. All the questionnaires were

distributed and collected by these studies. So there was not delay in collection of

the consumers. Every questionnaire was thoroughly checked after the collection.



Data Presentation and Analysis

The data and information collected from the consumers and retailers have been

presented, analyzed and interpreted in this chapter for attaining the stated

objectives of the study. The heading first presents the consumer level survey and

the major findings of the study are included at the end of this chapter.

4.1. Consumer Survey

Table : 5.1

Users cold drinks usage trend and their favorite brand.

Brand N0. of respondent Percentage

Coke 37 37%

Fanta 19 19%

Sprite 11 11%

Pepsi 23 23%

Frooti 8 8%

Miranda 3 3%

Total 100 100%

The table 5.1 show that the attitude of consumers to cold drinks of different

brands and whether they consume only one type of brand or more one.

As shown in table 37% of the consumer are found to consume coke, where as

19% of respondent consumed Fanta, 23% of respondents consume Pepsi, 11%of

respondents consume Sprite, 8% consume Frooti and 3% of respondents consume

Miranda. From the above table it proves that the choice of coke is far ahead than

other cold drink.


Table 5.2

Reasons for having cold drink

(Status and Attitude)

Options No. of respondents %

Tate 24 24

For delight quality 18 18

Quality 10 10

Quenching thirst 42 42

Others 6 6

Total 100 100







No. of respondents


For delight quality


Quenching thirst


As Shown in table 5.2 42 % Of respondent say that the best reason for having

cold drinks is quenching the thirst. While 18% of respondents are found to

consume cold drinks for delight, 24% respondents for the taste, 10% for the

quality and 6% respondents includes for other interests and hobby.

Table 5.3

Factor that influence consumer to have cold drinks.

Factor rank 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th Total

Availability 6 11 20 19 23 12 5 4 100


Advertisement 6 7 16 14 21 20 10 6 100

Sales Scheme 1 1 4 15 14 30 32 3 100

Pricce 4 11 18 21 11 11 20 4 100

Quality 48 19 12 5 5 5 5 1 100

Taste 23 44 17 9 2 3 1 1 100

Brand 11 6 12 14 20 16 16 5 100

Other 1 1 1 3 4 3 11 76 100

The table presented the different factor influencing consumption of cold drinks

have been ranked. Consumers have ranked the quality of cold drinks as the most

important factor (48 first rank and 19 second rank) followed by tast (23 First rank

and 44 second rank) the brand is third position with (11 first rank and 6 second


Similar availability is in fourth position advertisement is in the fifth position price

in the sixth position and sales scheme and other are in same position.

The table indicate that consumer give higher preference to the quality, taste

and brand name in the choice of cold drinks. Moderate Level of preference to

availability advertisement and price factor and lower preference to the sales

scheme and other factors.

Table : 5.4

Suitable place for Having cold drinking (status)

Option No. of respondents Percentage

Own house 17 17%

Restaurant/Bakery 52 52%

Picnic 12 12%

Festival 11 11%

Others 8 8%


Total 100 100%








No. of respondents

Own house





According to the table 5.4 the most suitable place for having cold drinks is

restaurant / bakery which is the 52% of the total respondents. While 17% of the

respondents consume cold drinks in own house. 12% of respondent consume on

picnic and 11% and 8% of respondent consume cold drink in festival and


Table 5.5

Size (ml or liter) of coke and pepsi most preferred

Size No. of respondent Percentage

200 ml 48 48%

250 ml 30 30%

500 ml 3 3%

1 Liter 10 10%

1.5 liter 9 9%

Total 100 100%

As Shown in table in 5.5 most Preferred size is 200 ml bottles (48%), followed by

250 ml (30%), 1 Liter bottles (9%) while 500 ml bottle is the least preferred one.


Table 5.6

Media exposure of Fanta and Miranda along with sprite and real coke & Pepsi

Media N0.of respondents

Coke % Pepsi % Fanta % Miranda %

Magazine 28 28% 15 15% 23 23% 19 19%

Radio 25 25% 27 27% 29 29% 26 26%

T.V. 47 47% 58 58% 48 48% 55 55%

Total 100 100% 100 100% 100 100% 100 100%

From the table it has been found that consumers have more exposure of cold

drink advertisements through the television as figure for Coke, Pepsi, Fanta &

Mirinda are 47%, 58%, 48%, 55% respectively. Ratio also provides 25%, 27%,

29% and 26% for coke, pepsi, Fanta& miranda respectively. Magazine provides

28%,15%, 23%, 19% for coke, pepsiFanta and miranda respectively.

Table 5.7

The most effective advertising media

Media N0.respondents Percentage

T.V. 48 48%

Radio 14 14%

Magazine 12 12%

Hoarding board 7 7%

Electronic board 16 16%

Wall painting 3 3%

Total 100 100%





Hoarding board

Electronic board

Wall painting


Consumers protection of the most effective media is presented in table 507. The

table indicated that consumer’s feel that the T.V. is the most effective media

(48%) followed by ratio (14%), electronic board (7%) and wall painting (3%).

The surveys show that even though the exposure of cold drink advertisement

through the radio is found to be low, Yet consumers feel that it is an effective

medium for advertisement of cold drink after the T.V.

Table : 5.8

Re-call of any advertisement of Fanta & Mirinda

Options N0.respondents Percentage

Yes 100 100%

No 0 0

Total 100 100%

As shown in table 5.8, 100% of respondents are found to re-call the advertisement

cold drink. This indicates that Fanta & Mirinda advertisement have not only the

higher level of exposure but also high re-call value.

Table 5.9

Brand advertisement most recalled

Brand No.of respondents percentage

Coke 53 53%

Pepsi 22 22%

Sprite 4 4%

Fanta 9 9%

Miranda 3 3%

Leman Fanta 1 1%


Frooti 4 4%

Rio 4 4%

Total 100 100%








No.of respondents






Leman fanta



As shown in table 5.9, 53% of respondents remember advertisements of coke,

22% remember advertisements of pepsi 9%, remember advertisements of Fanta

4%, remember advertisements of frooti 4%, remember advertisements of sprite

and 3%, remember advertisements of Miranda and 1% remember advertisements

of leman Fanta from the above anlaysis, it can be inferred that coke

advertisements have been very effective with a very high re-call value.

Table : 5.10

Advertising media having most re-call

Media No. of respondents percentage

Magazine 13 13%

T.V. 60 60%

Radio 8 8%

Electronoc board 10 10%

Wall painting 6 6%

Fridge 3 3%

Total 100 100%










No. of respondents




Electronoc board

Wall painting


As shown in table 5.10, it can be seen that 60% of respondents remember T.V

advertisement, while 13% of respondents remember advertising in magazine,

10% of respondents remember advertisement in electronic board, 8% and 6% of

respondents remember advertisement in radio and wall painting respectively and

3 % of responded remember advertisement fridge from the above survey it proves

that T.V. is the most attractive and strong media and fridge is the weakest media

of advertisement of cold drink in Kalaiya area.

Table: 5.11

Buying action after exposure to advertisement

As shown in table 5.11, it can be seen that the advertisements have very little effect as

47% of respondents are found to buy cold drink when they need, while 26% respondents

found that they buy cold drink without consulting any advertisements, 15%, 8% and 4% of

respondents found that they buy cold drink after additional information, after seeing one or

two times and recently. It proves that nobody can change human behaviors.

Table: 5.12

Option No. of respondents Percentage

Recently 4 4%

After Seeing one Or two times 8 8%

After additional information 15 15%

Not consulted 26 26%

When it need 47 47%

Total 100 100%


Influence by the advertisement

Option No. of respondents Percentage

Yes 92 92%

No 8 8%

Total 100 100%



The table 5.12 percentage 92% consumers replied that they were fully influenced by the

advertisement while 8% consumers replied that they were not influenced by the

advertisements. From the analysis of table 5.11 and 5.12, it should be inferred that although

Consumers buy cold drink when the need arises, advertisements have played a very strong

role in choice of cold drink brand.


Table: 5.13

Reasons for changing brand

Reason No. of respondents percentage

Not available 18 18%

Because of expensive 12 12%

Giving more scheme by the competitors 8 8%

To find new taste 50 50%

Because of advertisement 12 12%

Total 100 100%

Not available

Because of


Giving more

scheme by the


To find new taste

Because of


As presented in table 5.13 consumers are

found often trying other brands as 50% respondents change their brand to find new taste.

While 18% respondents change their brand when they are most preferred brand is not

available. Another 12% of respondents change their brand because of advertisement. 12% of

respondents change their brand because of expensive price. And 8% of respondents change

their brand when completing brand provides different sales schemes. Thus it concludes that a

large number of respondents change their brand to find the new taste.


Table 5.14

Participation in the process of buying soft drink

Option No. of respondents Percentage

Myself 55 55%

Family member 11 11%

Friends 22 22%

Others 12 12%

Total 100 100%

As presented in table 5.14, 55% of consumers purchase cold drink for themselves, 22% of

consumer purchase through friends, 11% and 12% of consumers purchase soft drink though

their family and others respectively.

Table 5.15

Frequency of purchase of cold drink

Option No. of respondents Percentage

Once a day 28 28%

Twice a day 9 9%

Once a week 17 17%

Twice a week 24 24%

Whenever they 22 22%


Total 100 100%

Table 5.15 shows the frequency of having cold drinks of the consumers, where 28% of

consumers are found to have cold drink once a day, 9% of consumers have twice a day, 17%

of consumers have cold drink once a week, 24% of consumers have cold drink twice a week

and 22% of consumers have cold drink whenever they like to have. From the table it can be

inferred that the frequency of consumption of cold drink is quite high in kalaiya.

Table 5.16

Reasons for having cola-based cold drink (Fanta & Mirinda)

Fanta Mirinda

Reasons No .of respondent percentage No .of respondent percentage

Because of brand 10 10% 10 10%

Because of taste 18 18% 8 8%

It’s available everywhere 5 5% 11 11%

For freshness 5 5% 8 8%

For quenching the thirst 40 40% 36 36%


For fashion 4 4% 13 13%

Because of quality 17 17% 5 5%

Others 1 1% 9 9%

Total 100 100% 100 100%

Table 5.16 presents the reasons for consumption cola-based particularly Fanta & Mirinda. The

analysis shows that 40% of respondents have Fanta because of quenching the thirst, 10%

because of brand, 18% because of taste, 5% because of its available everywhere, 5% for

freshness, 4% for fashion, 17% because of quality and 1% of respondents because of others.

Similarly, 36% of respondent have Mirinda for quenching their thirst, 10% have because of

brand, 8% have because of taste, 11% of it’s available everywhere, 8% for freshness, 13% for

fashion, 5% have because of quality and 9% have chosen Mirinda for others reason.

From the above survey it may be concluded that quenching thirst stands the first reason for

having Fanta% Mirinda. While taste and quality are second and third reasons for having Fanta

and fashion and availability are second and third reasons for having Mirinda.

Table 5.17

Advertisement liked most by respondents.

Option No. of respondents Percentage

Foreign advertisement 23 23%

Nepali model advertisement 41 41%

Nepali folk song advertisement 31 31%

Cartoon picture advertisement 5 5%

Total 100 100%

Table 5.17 presents 41% of the respondents like advertisement based on the Nepali model

advertisement, while 31% of respondents like Nepali folksong advertisement, 23% of

respondents like foreign advertisement and 5% of respondents like cartoon picture

advertisements. From the analysis it may be inferred that the cold drink users primarily like

advertisement with Nepali model while there are sufficient number of respondents who like

other forms of advertisements.


4.2 Retailer Survey

Table 5.18

Year in business

Year No. of retailer Percentage

0-5 14 28%

5-10 21 42%

10-15 10 20%

15 above 5 10%

Total 50 100%

As shown in table 5.18, among the 50 retailers surveyed 42% of retailers have been running

their business for the last ten years where as 28% of retailers for the last five years, 20% of

retailers for the fifteen years and 20% of retailers for above fifteen years.

Table 5.19

Brand availability in the retailer outlets

Brand No. of respondents Percentage






Lemon Fanta



7’ up

Table 5.19 presents the brand availability in the retail outlets in the Kalaiya. The survey

showed that availability of Coca-Cola products (coke, Fanta, sprite, and lemon Fanta) is

generally higher than the Pepsi product (Pepsi, Mirinda, and 7 up). Rio is also found to be very

strong in terms of availability in the retail stores of the study area. Now a day’s selling

frequency of Frooti is decreasing day by day in our market.

Table 5.20

Retail sales of cold drink per day

Crates No. of respondents Percentage

½ crates 6 12%

1 crates 20 40%

2 crates 14 28%

5 crates 4 8%

Other 6 12%

Total 50 100%


Out of 50 retailers 40% of retailers sells one crates of cold drink in a day where as 28% of

retailers sell two crates of cold drink in a day, 12% of retailers sell half crates of cold drink in

a day and 8% of retailers sell five crates of cold drink in a day, from the above table it may be

inferred that the retail sales per store is generally between one to two crates of cold drink a


Table 5.21

Brand that has more sales.

Brand No. of respondents Percentage

Coke 19 38%

Pepsi 9 18%

Sprite 2 4%

Fanta 12 24%

Mirinda 5 10%

Lemon Fanta 3 6%

Total 50 100%

As shown in table 5.21 coke is at the top position among the brands as 38% of the retailers

opined it as the most selling brand and followed by Pepsi, Fanta, Mirinda, Lemon Fanta and

sprite with 24%, 18%, 10%, 6%, and 4% respectively.


Table 5.22

Size of bottles sold most

Size (ml/liters) No. of respondents Percentage

200 ml 6 12%

250 ml 32 64%

500 ml 3 6%

1 liter 5 10%

1.5 liter 4 8%

Total 50 100%

As shown in table 5.22, 64% of the retailers opined that 250 ml. Bottle have the highest sales.

Whereas 12% of retailers sale 200 ml, 6% , 10% and 8% of retailers sales 500 ml, 1 liter, and

1.5 liter respectively.

Table 5.23

Type of packaging preferred for selling bottle vs. can

Option No. of respondents Percentage

Can 10 20%

Bottle 40 80%

Total 50 100%

Table 5.23 presents, 80% of retailers opined that it is easy to sell cold drink in bottles. Only

20% of the retailers are found to say it is easy to sell cold drink in cans. The above table

proves that is easy to sell the cold drinks in bottles for the retailers.

Table 5.24

Frequency of company salesman’s visit to the shop

Option Fanta % Mirinda % Frooti % Rio %

Daily 15 30% 26 52% 14 28% 21 425

Once a


25 50% 14 28% 25 50% 15 30%


a week

8 16% 6 12% 8 16 5 14%

Other 2 4% 4 8% 3 6% 9 18%

Total 50 100% 50 100% 50 1005 50 100%

The table 5.24 indicates that 50% of salesmen of Fanta visit retail shop in once a week

whereas 30% of salesmen visit retail shop in daily, 16% of salesmen visit retail shop twice a

week, similarly 28% of salesmen of pepsi visit retail ship once a week, 52% do it daily and


12% visit the shop twice a week. The table above shows the more effective marketing

strategies of Fanta & Mirinda in Kalaiya, as compared to other cold drinks.

Table 5.25

Quantity of purchase of Fanta % Mirinda at a time

Option No. of respondents Percentage

1 crates 3 6%

2 crates 6 12%

More than 3 crates 14 28%

More than 5 crates 19 38%

More than 10 crates 8 16%

Total 50 100%

This survey reveals (table 5.25) that out of 50 retailer 38% of the retailers purchase more than

five crates while 6% purchase one crate, 12% two crates, 28% more than three crates, whereas

16% more than ten crates.

Table 5.26

Satisfaction from the distribution

Option No. of respondents Percentage

Totally satisfied 30 60%

Satisfied 12 24%

Dissatisfied 6 12%

Totally dissatisfied 2 4%

Total 50 100%

Totally satisfied



Totally dissatisfied

at presented in the table 5.26 60% of retailers are totally satisfied by current distribution way.

Where as 24% are only satisfied 12% are dissatisfied and 4% are totally dissatisfied. The

analysis indicates that retailers in general are satisfied from the performance of the distribution

of Fanta and Mirinda in Kalaiya.


Table 5.27

Retailer’s reactions in distribution channel of different brands

Option Fanta % Mirinda % Frooti % Rio %



20 40% 13 26% 12 24% 24 48%

Good 26 52% 17 34% 18 36% 20 40%

Not so


3 6% 16 32% 17 34% 3 6%

Bad 1 2% 4 8% 3 6% 3 6%

Total 50 100% 50 100% 50 100% 50 100%

Table 5.27 shows that 48% of the retailers feels that the rio product company’s distribution

channels is very good, while 52% of the retailers feel that the Fanta company’s distribution

channel is only good. Likewise 34% and 40% of the retailers feel that Mirinda and Frooti

Company’s distribution are good.

Similarly, 2%, 8%, 6% and 6% of the retailers feel that the Fanta, Mirinda, Frooti, and rio

company’s distribution channels is bad. It proves that the condition of distribution channel will

be working hard to reach retailers to give many returns.


Table 5.28

Brand preference to sell

Brand No. of respondents Percentage

Coke 25 50%

Pepsi 9 18%

Sprite 2 4%

Fanta 6 12%

Mirinda 2 4%

Other 6 12%

Total 50 100%








No. of respondents







As presented in table 5.28, 50% of the retailers are found to prefer to sell coke because of its

high demand in the market. While 12% of the retailers prefer to sell Fanta, 12% are preferred

to other brands cold drinks, 18% are preferred to sell Pepsi and 4% are preferred to sell sprite

and Mirinda.


Table 5.29

Reasons for preference to sell the brand

Reason No. of respondents Percentage

Company gives cash


4 8%

Company gives scheme 9 18%

I believe in the brand 14 28%

That brand consumer like


18 36%

Other reasons 50 100%

Total 50 100%

Company gives



Company gives


I believe in the


That brand

consumer like


As shown in the table 5.29, 36% of the retailers like that brand more while 28% of the retailers

preference to sell because of they believe in the brand, 18% of the retailers preference to sell

because company gives scheme, 18% of the retailers preference to sell because of cash prize

and other reasons respectively.

Table 5.30

Influence of advertising on sales

Option No. of respondents Percentage

Fully responsible 40 80%

Responsible to some


10 20%

Not responsible 0 0%

Not responsible at all 0 0%

Total 50 100%












No. of respondents

Fully responsible

Responsible to



Not responsible

Not responsible at


The table 5.30 reveals the retailers have high faith on advertising effect on sales as 80% of

them opined that the advertisement is fully responsible for the sales of the brand. While 20%

of the retailers opined as it is partly responsible for the sale of brand. It indicates that there is a

vital role of advertisement to influence sales of any type of brand.

Table 5.31

Influence of advertising of sales of cold drink

Option No. of respondents Percentage

Coke 28 56%

Pepsi 10 20%

Sprite 3 6%

Fanta 5 10%

Mirinda 1 2%

Other 3 6%

Total 50 100%

Table 5.31 shows that retailers have high faith in the coke advertisement as 56% of them feel

that the advertisement of coke has influenced its sales, while this figure for pepsi is only 20%

retailers feelings towards the influence of Fanta advertisement on its sales is 10% for other

type of brand is 6% for sprite is 6% and for Mirinda is 2%. It means Fanta & Mirinda

advertisement has quite lower influenced for its sales.


Table 5.32

Factors for increase in sales of Fanta & Mirinda

Option No. of respondents Percentage

Advertising should be


15 30%

Decrease in price 6 12%

To put prize in cork 9 18%

Increase in quality 10 20%

Change the taste 4 8%

Others 6 12%

Total 50 100%

Table 5.32 shows that 30% of retailers claim that the advertising is the best factor to increase

in sales of Fanta & Mirinda whereas 20% of the retailers claim to increase quality to increase

in sales of Fanta & Mirinda in Kalaiya. 18% of retailers suggest to put prize in cork to increase

in sales of cold drinks, 12% of the retailers say to other reasons to increase the sales of cold

drinks, 12% of the retailers also say to decrease in price to increase in sales of cold drinks and

only 8% of the retailers claim to change the taste to increase in sales of Fanta & Mirinda.









Change the taste

Increase in quality

To put prize in


Decrease in price


should be more

Table 5.33

Sales promotion schemes to induce sales

Options No. of respondents Percentage


Cash prizes 25 50%

Coupon prizes 10 20%

Item prizes 10 20%

Awards 4 8%

Others 1 2%

Total 50 100%

According to table 5.33, 50% of the retailers said that cash prizes induces sales promotion of

Fanta & Mirinda while 20% or the retailers said that item prizes induce sales promotion of

Fanta & Mirinda, 20% of the retailers said that coupons prizes induces sales promotion of

Fanta & Mirinda, 8% of the retailers said to sales promotion of Fanta & Mirinda because of

awards and only 2% of the retailers said that there is other reasons to induce sales promotion

of Fanta & Mirinda in Kalaiya.

Table 5.34

Sales promotion scheme for the retailers

Option No. of respondents Percentage

Yes 42 84%

No 8 16%

Total 50 100%

As shown in the table 5.34, 84% of the retailers opined that the company must provide them

with sales promotion schemes, while 16% of the retailers said that the companies no need to

provide them with any kind of scheme.

Table 5.35

Type of promotion scheme provided by the company

Option No. of respondents Percentage

Cash discount 15 30%

Cold drink discount 7 14%

Fridge 20 40%

Prizes 6 12%

Other 2 4%

Total 50 100%

As presented in table 5.35, 40% of the retailers want to take fridge as a promotion scheme,

whereas 30% of the retailers want to receive cash discount as promotion scheme, 14% of the

retailers want to receive cold drink discount as promotion scheme, 12% of the retailers want to

receive prizes as promotion scheme and 4% of the retailers want to receive other type of prizes

as promotion scheme.


4.3 Major findings of the study

On the basis of above analysis of the data, some major findings have been summed up as


1. The market position of coke is dominating here and it is the number one choice while pepsi

hold the second position. As the analysis of table no. 5.1 suggests, the choice for coke is far

more than to any other brands of cold drink available right now in the market. People’s

response towards coke is more positive than to other brands and together with this the

coca-cola company has rightly combined coke with its other products i.e. Fanta, sprite &

lemon Fanta so that it has about 76% if cold drink market.

2. The second major finding is related to the status of cold drinks on the basis of reasons to

drink. Table no. 5.2 exposes status (image) of cold drinks in people’s mind. According to

table 42% of the respondents say that the best reasons to have cold drinks for quenching the

thirst. Another status regarding cold drinks in people’s mind is that it is more suitable to

have cold drinks in restaurants and bakeries as table 5.4 suggest its strength as 52%

3. The third finding hints at consumer’s first preference to quality, taste and brand name and

only the moderate level of preference to availability advertisement and price.

4. It is found that consumer purchase 200ml bottles size of cold drinks more comparing other

size of cold drinks. Table 5.5 shows that 200ml bottles is the most preferred size 48%

consumer purchase 200ml bottles of cold drinks. It means consumer like to purchase small

size of cold drinks.

5. It has been found that consumers have more exposure of Fanta & Mirinda though the

television. Its figure stands as 48%. Naturally it most effective media for advertisement the

second media of exposure is electronic board (16%) which is far below the first one. The

strength of the other media is radio (14%). Surprisingly even the exposure of the Fanta &

Mirinda thorough radio is very low. It needs to be promoted the exposure of advertisement

for Fanta & Mirinda in an under developing country in Nepal.

6. It is interesting enough to find all respondents recalling the advertisement of the cold

drink. It is studied that coke & pepsi advertisement have much higher level of exposure as

well as a very high recall value. The study found that 53% of respondents remember

advertisement of coke, while 22% of the respondents remember advertisement of pepsi, 9%

remember Fanta, 4% remember Frooti, and 4% remember sprite and Rio, whereas 3% and

1% of the respondents remember Mirinda and lemon Fanta respectively. From the above

analysis, it may be inferred that Fanta & Mirinda advertisements have not been very

effective with a very high recall value.

7. Equally important finding can be derived from table no. 5.21; this table defines the

consumption trend of cold drinks. The table suggests that more than 38% of the total sales

of cold drinks are occupied by coke. This means consumers prefer coke rather than other

cold drinks. Therefore consumption trend of cold drinks is dominated by coke.

8. Consumers are often found to try other brands as 50% respondents change their brand to

find new taste while 18% respondents change their brand when their most preferred brand

is not available. Another 12% of respondents change their brand because of effect of

advertisement. 12% of respondents’ changes their brand because of price factor whereas


only 8% of respondents change their brand when completing brand provides different sales

large number or respondents change their brand to find the new taste.

9. The advertisement has very little action effects as 47% of respondents are found to buy

cold drinks when they needed. While 26% or respondents found that they buy cold drink

without consulting any advertisement. Only 4% of respondents are found to buy cold

drinks recently after exposure to an advertisement and additional 15% after a few

exposures. However, most of the consumers replied that they have fully influenced by the

advertisements. While marginal number of consumers replied that they were not influenced

by the advertisements. Form this, is should be inferred that though consumers buy cold

drinks when the need arises, advertisements have played a very strong role in the choice of

cold drink brand.

10. In the study area, 55% of consumers purchase cold drinks for themselves. 22% of the

consumers purchase though their friends, whereas 11% of consumers purchase cold drinks

though their family members and others respectively. Similarly, 28% of consumers are

found to have cold drinks once a day, 22% of consumers have cold drinks whenever they

like to have, 24% of consumers have cold drinks twice a week, 17% of consumers have

once a week and only 9% of consumers have twice a day. From this, it can be inferred that

the frequency of consumption of cold drinks is quite high in Kalaiya.

11. In terms of the reasons for consuming cola based drinks, particularly Fanta & Mirinda,

40% of respondents use to have Fanta because of quenching the thirst, 18% because of

taste, 17% for quality, 20% for brand, 5% for freshness, 4% for fashion and 1% for other

reason. Similarly 36% of respondents use to have Mirinda because of quenching the thirst,

13% for fashion, 11% for available everywhere, 10% for brand, 9% for other reason, 8%

for freshness, 8% for taste and 5% for quality. From this study, it can be conclude that

quenching the thirst stands the first attribute for having Fanta & Mirinda.

12. Among the 50 retailers surveyed, 42% of retailers have been running their business for the

last five to ten years, 28% of retailers for the five years, 20% of retailers for last ten to

fifteen years and only 10% of retailers have been running their business for last fifteen


13. The study showed that the availability of coca-cola products (coke, Fanta, sprite and lemon

Fanta) is generally higher than the pepsi products (Pepsi, Mirinda and 7 up). Rio is also

found to be Very strong in terms of availability in the retail stores of the study area while

Frooti is slowly catching up in the Kalaiya market.

14. Out of 50 retailers, 40% sell one crates of cold drink in a day, 28% sell two crates of cold

drinks in a day, 12% sell half and other crates of cold drinks in a day and only 8% sell five

crates of cold drinks in a day. From this, it may be inferred that the retail sales per store is

generally between one to two crates of cold drinks in day.

15. The coke holds the top position among the brands as 38% the retailers opined it as the most

selling brand and it followed by pepsi (24%), Fanta (18%), Mirinda (10%), lemon Fanta

(9%) and sprite (2%).

In the study, 64% if the retailers opined that 500ml bottles has highest sales and 6% of

the retailers opined that 500ml bottles has the lowest sale and 30% of the retailers


opined that it is easy to sell cold drinks in bottles. Only 20% of the retailers are found

to say it is easy to sell cold drinks in cans. This infers that it is easy to sell the cold

drinks in bottles for the retailers.

16. Fanta and Mirinda salesman visit about half of the retail outlets once a week. The shop visit

by the company salesman for pepsi and Rio is found to be on a daily basis. Thus, the Fanta

and Mirinda have more aggressive marketing strongly in Birgunj than the Frooti and Rio.

17. This study reveals that out of 50 retailers, 38% of the retailers purchases more than five

crates at only one time while 28% are found to purchase more than three crates at a time,

12% are found to purchases two crates at time and only 6% are found to purchases one

crates at a time. This indicates that the retail purchases of Fanta & Mirinda are mostly

between three to five crates at a time.

18. The study found that 60% of the retailers are totally satisfied with the present distribution

channels, 24% of the retailers are satisfied while 12% of retailers are dissatisfied and only

4% of the retailers are totally dissatisfied. The analysis indicates that the retailers in general

are satisfied with distribution channel and marketers from the performance of the

distribution of Fanta & Mirinda in Kalaiya, 52% of the retailers feel that the Fanta

company’s distribution channel is good. This indicates that the retailers have medium level

of satisfaction with Fanta distribution than the distribution of Mirinda. Similarly, 48% of

the retailers feel that distribution channel of rio is good. This indicates that distribution

channel of company is not so bad and also shows that efficiency of distribution channel

will be increasing in near competition market.

19. In the study, 50% of the retailers are found to prefer to sell coke because of its high

demand in the market. While 18% of the retailers prefer to sell pepsi, 12% of the retailers

prefer to other types of cold drinks. 12% of the retailers prefer to sell Fanta, 4% of the

retailers prefer to sell sprite and Mirinda respectively. Similarly, 36% of the retailers like to

sell cold drinks brand mainly because the consumers like the drinks while 28% of retailers

like to sell because they believed in the brand, 18% of retailers like to sell because the

company provides them with sales schemes 8% of the retailer like to sell because the

company provides cash prizes and 10% for other reasons respectively.

20. The study reveals that the retailers have high faith advertising for its effect on sales as 80%

of them opined that the advertisement is fully responsible for the sale of brand. While 20%

of the retailers opined it partly responsible for sale of brand. So the study indicates that

most of the retailers feel that the advertisement is responsible for the sales of the brand.

21. The study shows that retailers have high faith in the coke advertisement as 56% of them

feels that the advertisement of coke has influenced its sales this figure for pepsi is only

20%. Of retailers feeling the influence of Fanta advertisement on its sales is 10% for others

6% for sprite 6% and for Mirinda 2%. It means Fanta & Mirinda advertisement is low

influenced for its sales.

22. The cold drinks sales increased by different factors. About this 30% or retailers claim that

advertising should be better to increase the sales, 20% of the retailers want the quality, 18% of

the retailers want the prizes in cork, 12% of the retailers want the decrease in price to increase

in sales of Fanta & Mirinda and only 8% of the retailers want of change the taste to increase in


sales of cold drinks. From this, it may be inferred that the advertising and quality are essential

to increase in sales of Fanta & Mirinda. In this study, 50% of the retailers said that cash prizes

induces sales of cold drinks while 20% of the retailers found that coupon prizes is more

effective on sales, 20% of them are favor of item prizes, 8% of them are in favor of award and

only 2% of them are in favor of other prizes. This indicates that retailers of the study indicate

that retailers of the study area are in favor of cash prizes.

23. It was found that 40% of the retailers receive fridge in cold drinks as a promotion scheme,

14% of them have received discount in cold drinks as promotion scheme, 30% of them

have received cash discount, 12% of them want prizes and only 4% of them want other

scheme in cold drink as a promotion scheme.




5.1 Summary

In recent days, there has been a rapid increase in the number of industries in Nepal and they

are developing with equal strength. Every year new field of industrial important are being

discovered. Consequently, the number units at different type of industries is also increasing in

the country. All these have introduce a keen competition in the Nepalese market today, a

product not only need quality enhancement, but also better promotion and presentation in the

market. The product should be presented at right time at suitable place with good brand

promotion label and package. Every product need to meet the need and satisfaction of

consumers so get success in the market.

Marketing always plays a very significant role in accelerating the pace of industrialization

which is essentially important in making an economy developed and strong obviously

marketing is the most significant multiplier of economic development. The developing of

marketing makes possible economic integration and the perfect utilization of whatever assets

and productive capacity that as economy has already possessed. It mobilized latent economic

energy and finally contributes to the greatest needs for the rapid development of entrepreneurs

and managers. More over, population density has been creating hot climate, which in turn has

increased the demand of cold drinks brand sold in the Nepalese market has also increased in

recent years. The modern bottled cold drink was first introduced in Nepal in 1976.

When coca-cola was established,

Followed by pepsi in 1986 since then, several industries have been markets have become very

competitive in Nepal and are essential for every company to set up and effective marketing

mechanism to exploit the market potential.

The presents study aims at over viewing the actual marketing of Fanta & Mirinda in Kalaiya.

It has been conducted to examine consumers’ perception and behavior in the purchases of

these drinks in the study area and evaluate distribution network and marketing strategies of

Fanta & Mirinda companies. It aims to evaluate the impact of advertisement sell promotion

schemes on sale of cold drinks and consumers profile and their preference of Fanta & Mirinda

in the study area. It also aims to measure effect of sells promotion schemes in the sales of cold

drinks and identify consumers profile and preference of Fanta & Mirinda. This study has been

conducted through a survey of consumers and retailers. Altogether hundred consumers and

fifty retailers’ opinions have been collected by advertising questionnaires.

5.2 Conclusion

As analyzed in above data presentation and analysis chapter, the marketing usage trend status

of Fanta & Mirinda are described as follows:-


1. The consumers are generally found to have cold drinks during the Tiffin time (day). The

best reason for having cold drink is “Quenching the thirst” followed by “For delight” “For

taste” “for quality” and “For their interest and hobby” consumers are found to give higher

performance to quality, taste and brand name in the choice of cold drinks, moderate level

preference to availability, advertisement and price factors and lower level preference to

sales scheme and other factors. The most common place for having cold drink by consumer

is restaurant and bakery shop followed by consumer their own house, picnics, festival and

other places. The most preferred size is the 200 ml bottles, followed by 250ml, 1 liter, and

1.5 liter respectively while 500ml bottle is the least preferred.

2. The coca-cola products (coke, Fanta and sprite) have a combined market share of more

than 76 % of the Kalaiya cold drinks markets.

3. The consumers have more exposure of Fanta and Mirinda advertisements through the

television, magazines provide the second most important exposure while exposure through

radio is found to be very low. In term of consumers perception of the most effective media

the television is the most effective media followed by radio, electronic brand, magazines,

hoarding board and wall printing. Even though the exposure of Fanta and Mirinda

advertisement through radio is found to be low. However, consumers feel that it is as

effective medium for advertisement of Fanta and Mirinda after and electronic board.

4. All respondents are found to recall the advertisement of cold drink. This indicates that the

coke and pepsi advertisement have not only higher level of exposure but also a very high

recall value of coke advertisements was highest followed by Pepsi, Fanta, Frooti, Sprite,

Rio, Mirinda and Lemon Fanta. Very large numbers of respondents remember television

advertising. The study showed that television is more attractive media and radio is the

weakest media of advertisement for Fanta and Mirinda.

5. The advertisements have very little action effects as a large number of respondents are

mostly found to by cold drinks when they need. The study however, showed that although

consumers buy these drinks when the need arises, advertisements have played a very strong

role in the choice of cold drink brand.

6. Consumer are interested in trying others brands as half of the respondents change their

brand to find new taste, more than one fourth change their brand when their most preferred

brand was not available. Some consumers are found to change their brand because of price

factor or when completing brand provided different sales schemes and very few due to


7. The frequency of consumption of cold drinks is high in Kalaiya. Consumption who takes

cold drinks daily are about 28%. Consumers generally purchase cold drinks themselves or

through their family members.

8. Quenching thirst stands the first reason for having Fanta followed by taste while in case of

Mirinda its quenching thirst attribute stands as the first reasons followed by its fashion and

taste. The quenching thirst properties of both Rio and Frooti are the first and the second.

The reason behind the priority consumption status of these drinks is because they are fruit-

based drinks.


9. Cold drinks users primarily like Nepali model advertisement while there is a large number

of respondents who like other farms of advertisements also.

10. The study showed that availability of coca-cola provides (coke, Fanta, sprite and lemon

Fanta) is generally higher than Pepsi products (Pepsi, Mirinda and 7up) Rio found to be

very strong in terms of availability retail stores or the study area, while Frooti is slowly

catching up the alaiya market.

11. The coke is at the top position among the brands as two third of the retailers opined it as

the most selling brand followed by fanta and Pepsi. In the study, most of the retailers

opined that 250ml bottle has the highest sales and that is easy to sell cold drinks in bottles.

12. The fanta salesmen visit about half of the retail outlets once a week basis, whereas nearly

half of the Mirinda salesmen visit the retail outlets on a daily basis. The shop visit is found

to be mostly once a week whereas the shop visit by the company salesmen for Rio is found

to be daily on daily bases. This indicates that the fanta and Mirinda have more successful

marketing strategy in Kalaiya than Rio and Frooti.

13. The study indicates that retailers in general are totally satisfied from the performance of the

distribution of the cold drinks I Kalaiya. About 40 % of the retailers fell that the fanta

company's distribution channel is very good. While for Mirinda only 26% of retailers

opined that the company's distribution channel is very good. This indicates that the retailers

have much higher level of satisfaction with fanta's distribution than the distribution of

Mirinda. The retailers are found to prefer to sell fanta because of its high demand in the

Kalaiya market.

14. The study reveals that the retailers have high faith on advertising for its effects on sales. It

also shows that retailers have high faith in the coke advertisement as half of them feel that

the advertisement of coke has influenced is only 20%.ver, 30% of retailers claim that there

has to be more advertisement to increase the sales, where as 20% of retailers want to

increase quality for promoting the sales. From this, it may be inferred that the

advertisement and quality are essential to increase the sales of cold drinks. Retailers are

found to prefer cash prizes to induce sales of cold drinks followed by coupon prizes, item

prizes and awards.

15. More than half of retailers receive sales promotion schemes from the companies in the

form of fridge followed by cash discount and cold drink discount. However the cold drink

company not provides any prizes to retailers as a promotion scheme. More than two thirds

of retailers are brand loyal. The cold drink company has to provide more sales schemes in

future to enhance its sales percentage.

5.3 Recommendations

On the basis of the finding derived from the collected data, the following

recommendations are suggested to the company selling fanta and Mirinida

in Kalaiya.

1. As coca-cola products (coke, fanta, sprite and lemon fanta) have combined

share of more than 75% percent of the fold drink market and also has a


very aggressive marketing stratery, the coca-cola company has essentially

to review and revise its current marketing strategies in Kalaiya.

2. Because consumer are found to give high weight age to "Quenching the

thirst" and "For delight" the advertisement of coca-cola company should be

built around these two major attributes. We are already experiencing

through different Indian television channels that markets are hammering

sales promotion of coca-cola. By doing they want to make impression that

coke is equivalent to quenching the thirst and it is the only cold drink in the

market. As consumers are found to give higher preference to the quality,

tastes and brand name, coke is synonym (choice) of cold drink. The

advertisements should also be focused on these important aspects.

3. Since consumers have more exposure of coke and Pepsi advertisement

through the television and magazines, these media should be extensively


4. As brand switching is very common among the consumers mainly to find

new taste of unavailability may focus the preferred brand, coca-cola

company should focus on a better availability of its brands. Pepsi products

(Pepsi, Mirinda and 7up) should be improved in its availability factor.

5. Since cold drink users primarily like Nepali model advertisements, the

company should present more advertisements based on popular Nepali


6. The quality sales schemes are vey essential to promote the sales of cold

drinks. Retailers are found to prefer cash prizes to induce sales of cold

drinks followed by coupon prizes, item prices and awards. The company

should focus on these sales promotions schemes to maintain and enhance

the sales status of fanta and Mirinda in Kalaiya.

7. Finally we can say that fanta and Mirinda is not at the top position among

the branda. the company should apply in different marketing strategies

status of fanta and Mirinda in the market.





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Questionnaires for retailers and hotels

I am Devanti shah, a student of M.B.S of Thakur Ram Multiple Campus Birgunj.

I am doing a thesis for the partial fulfillment of Masters Degree in MBS (Masters

of Business Studies). In course of my study I need of your kind support for

collecting information regarding my topic "A study on Marketing usage, Trend

and status of fanta and Mirinda in Kalaiya." I have made a set of questionnaires

for you and request you to fill up them. I assure you that the information provided

by you will be kept confidential and used only for my research purpose.


1. How long have you been engaged in this business?

a. Just started b. Less than a year c. More than

a\two\three\...years d. Nearly for…year

2. Which brand of cold drinks do you sell?

a. Coke b. Pepsi c. Fanta d. Sprite e.

7up f. Rio g. Fruity h. Lemon i. All of the


3. How many crates of Fanta and Mirinda do you sell per day?

a. Less than one b. One to two c. three to... d. More

than …

4. Which brand\brands of drinks has\have a high market?

a. Coke b. Pepsi c. fanta d. Mirinda e. Real

f. Sprite g. All of the above.

5. Wold you suggest any new technique for promoting the sales

fanta and Mirinda ?

a. If yes, which one?………..

b. The given technique is effective

c. I do not know

6. Which cold drink bottle do you sell more?

Fanta Mirinda

200ml 200ml

250ml 250ml

500ml 500ml

1liter 1liter

5liter 5liter

7. Which one of the above on basis of volume (in ml) is it easy to



a. 200ml b. normally 500ml c. All except 500ml

8. Which of these is easy to sell?

a. Cold drinks in bottles

b. Cold drinks in cans

9. How many times do the people of company (distributors or

agents) visit your shop or hotel?

a. Almost every week b. Twice a week

c. Fortnightly d. Once a month

10. How many crates of fanta and Mirinda do you keep at one


a. 1 to 3 crates b. 3 to 5 crates

c. 5 to 10 crates d. More than 10 crates

11. Mention the level of satisfaction you have with the service of


a. Satisfied b. Fully satisfied c. Not satisfied

d. Not at all satisfied

Please, write down the reasons for any one the above

12. On which brand of cold drinks do you give more emphasis?

a. Coke b. Pepsi c. Sprite d. fanta

e. Mirinda f. Others

13. Why do you give more emphasis as mentioned above?

a. Because the company provides with 'new schemes'

b. Because I believe in the brand

c. Because people like the brand more

d. Others reasons…

14. How does advertisement affect the selling of fanta and


a. Affects more b. Does not affect

c. Moderately affect d. Does not

affects at all

15. If your answer is

a. Then advertisement of which brand has more effects?

i. Coke ii. Pepsi iii. Sprite iv. Fanta

v. Mirinda vi. Others

16. Which one of the following should be done to promote the sale

of fanta and Mirinda?


a. More advertisement b. More prizes for consumers

through promotional schemes. c. Reduction of price d.

Emphasis on quality e. Change in taste f. All of the


17. Does the company provide you with schemes when you

purchase Fanta and Mirinda from them?

a. Yes b. No

18. Which of the schemes do you think as best? Mention the name


19. Which of the following schemes does the company after you?

a. Cash discount b. Discount of one bottle or more in one

bottle c. Refrigerator as reward for selling colds drinks

d. Others reward.

20. Will you give up selling old brand if you are provided with

new and more attractive schemes by others brands?

a. Yes b. No c. It is different to answer

d. I have not thought of it

21. Does the company replace new bottles with the broken ones?

a. They are replaced b. Part of them are replaced. c. Not


22. Please write down any comment or suggestions you have for

fanta and Mirinda?










Questionnaires for consumers

I am Devanti shah, a student of M.B.S of Thakur Ram Multiple Campus Birgunj.

I am doing a thesis for the partial fulfillment of Masters Degree in MBS (Masters

of Business Studies). In course of my study I need of your kind support for

collecting information regarding my topic "A study on Marketing usage, Trend

and status of fanta and Mirinda in Kalaiya." I have made a set of questionnaires

for you and request you to fill up them. I assure you that the information provided

by you will be kept confidential and used only for my research purpose.


1. Do you take cold drink?

a. Yes b. No c. Occasionally

2. When you think of cold drinks, generally which brand comes

into your mind?

a. Coke b. Pepsi c. Fanta d. Sprite e.

Fruity f. Lemon g. …….

3. At what time do you generally prefer for having cold drinks?

a. Before lunch b. After lunch c. Tiffin

time d. Evening time e. Before dinner f. After


4. Which form of advertisement inspires you to have one of the

above mention cold drinks?

a. News paper\magazines b. Radio c. Television

d. Hoarding\Banner\posters e. others

5. What is special about the brand you prefer?

a. Taste b. Flavor c. price d. Quality e.


6. Rearrange in order from a toh from the order of priorities

while making a decision to buy fanta and Mirinda?

a. Availability b. Advertisement c. Selling price d.

Price e. Quality f. taste g. Brand Name h. Other reason

7. Why do you take Fanta and Mirinda?

a. To quench thirst b. for fun c. For freshness

d. Because of fashion e. Because friends offer.

8. What is the brand name of the cold drink you like the most

a. Coke b. Pepsi c. Fanta d. Sprite e.

Mirinda f. Rio g. Fruity h. Lemon


9. Where do you usually prefer to have fanta and Mirinda at?

a. Retail- store b. Cold-store c. Restaurant d. Bakery

10. Do you recall any advertisement of any brand of fanta and


a. Yes b. No c. I can't recall now.

11. If yes, which one do you recall on your money?

12. Which form of advertisement did you recall in your mind?

a. News paper\magazines b. Radio c. Television

d. Hoarding\Banner\posters e. others

13. After watching the advertisement you buy fanta and Mirinda?

a. Immediately b. Gathering more information

c. I wait for the time to have it.

14. What size of bottle dl you prefer?

a. 200ml b. 250ml c. 260ml d, 300ml

15. What is the main reason to choose the present brand of cold


a. first reason b. Second reason c. Third reason

16. Which form of advertisement do you think is more effective

for cold drinks?

a. News paper b. Radio c. Television d.

Wall painting and others board painting

17. Do you change brand? If you do, what are the reasons?

a. Because of non-availability of my brand

b. Because my brands price has gone up.

c. Because of the scheme given by other brands.

d. Because of advertisement

e. In order to have new taste.

18. Dose advertisement affect the purchasing a Fanta and


a. Yes, it does b. No it does not c. up to two years

d. 3 to 5 years e. More than 5 years f. 10 or more years.

19. Do you change brands after seeing the new advertisement.

a. Yes, I do b. No, I do not believe in advertisement

c. It makes me think over the brand I an using.

20. How many bottles of Fanta and Mirinda do you take on



a. One bottle a day b. two to three bottles a day c. One

bottles a week d. Twice a week e.

21. Who generally buys fanta and Mirinda for you?

a. Myself b. Family member c. Friends d. Others.

22. I drink fanta, because

a. I like the brand name

b. I like the taste

c. To quaint thirst

d. It is of high quality

e. For refreshment

f. For fashion

g. Mention if there are others reason

23. I drink Mirinda because

24. Which of the following advertisement you live the most?

a. Foreign advertisement b. Nepali model advertisement

c. Nepali folk song advertisement

d. cartoon picture advertisement

25. Any comments about advertisement of fanta and Mirinda?








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