a walk through the bible with bro. bill parker sr. genesis lessons 2-4 chapters 1 thru 25 genesis...

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A Walk Through the Bible

With Bro. Bill Parker Sr.

A Walk Through the Bible

With Bro. Bill Parker Sr.

Genesis Lessons 2-4Chapters 1 Thru 25

Genesis Lessons 2-4Chapters 1 Thru 25

Praise Chapel Puget Sound

A Walk Through the Bible

Genesis The Book of Beginnings

● Beginning of the human race in Adam.

● The Post Diluvian Beginning in Noah.

● Beginning of a chosen nation in Abram.

A Walk Through the Bible

● The first 2 divisions of Genesis

cover no less than 2000 years in

11 chapters. The 3rd division covers 400 years in 39 chapters.

A Walk Through the Bible

Genesis Chapter 1 • Beresheet Bara Elohim Et Ha-

Shamayim Et Ha-Eretz• In the beginning God created the

heavens and earth. Gen. 1:1

A Walk Through the Bible

By faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that the things which are seen were not made of things which are visible. Heb. 11:3

A Walk Through the Bible

• The earth was without form and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters. Gen. 1:2

A Walk Through the Bible


Day 1 Light

Day 2 Separation

Day 3 New Life

Day 4 Light Bearers (God’s Grace)

A Walk Through the Bible

Day 5 God’s Provision

Day 6 Service & Fellowship

Day 7 REST

A Walk Through the Bible

Creation Week

Day 1 Heavens, Earth & Light Gen. 1:1-5

Day 2 Expanse(No Blessing)Gen. 1:6-8

Day 3 Dry Land, Seas & Plants Gen. 1:9-13

• (2 Blessings)

A Walk Through the Bible

Day 4 Sun, Moon & StarsGen. 1:14-19

• Day 5 Fish & BirdsGen. 1:20-23

• Day 6 Land Animals & ManGen. 1:24-31

• Day 7 Rest Gen. 2:1-3

A Walk Through the Bible

Hebrew Glossary• Tohu V’ BohuRuined &

Uninhabitable • Abousso Deep• Merahefet To Hover Above

(Only used once)• Bara Create Out Of


A Walk Through the Bible

Erev Evening

Boker Morning

Asah Man Is Made

Yasar And Formed

A Walk Through the Bible

Genesis Chapter 3The Fall Of Man

● Satan deceived Eve into eating the forbidden fruit.

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● Adam was NOT deceived. He sinned because God had instructed him.

● They became aware of good and evil by experiencing evil.

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God Declares War

So the Lord said to the serpent: Because you have done this you are cursed more than every beast of the field; on your belly you shall go; and you shall eat dust all the days of your life. Gen. 3:14

A Walk Through the Bible

The First Prophecy in the Bible

● And I will put enmity between your seed and her seed; He (Jesus) will bruise your head, and you (Satan) shall bruise His (Jesus) heel. Gen. 3:15

A Walk Through the Bible

● The reference to the woman’s seed was the first Messianic Prophecy in the Old Testament. It is called a Protevangelium.

● Jesus Christ’s genealogy is traced in the Bible all the way back to Adam

and Eve. Christ is often referred to as the second Adam.

A Walk Through the Bible

● Eve was told she would experience pain in childbirth and be subservient to her husband as a reminder of her part in tempting her husband.

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● The man was told the ground was cursed, and he would toil even unto death.

● Adam and Eve discovered that fig leaves were insufficient to cover their nakedness.

A Walk Through the Bible

● God kills an innocent animal to provide skins that covered them. God provides atonement.

● Man was barred from the Tree and The Garden.

A Walk Through the Bible

Genesis Chapter 4The Genealogy of Adam & Eve

● Cain’s name means “Gotten”

● Abel’s name means “First Prophet”

● Cain was a farmer.

● Abel was a shepherd.

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● Abel offered God a more excellent sacrifice – The firstling of his flock and the fat thereof.

● Cain’s offering was the fruit of his labor – NOT by grace.

A Walk Through the Bible

Genesis Chapter 5The Family of Seth

● Eve’s third son – Seth means “Appointed”.

● Seth was the father of Enosh.

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● Enosh means “Mortal – Frail”.

● Men began to profane the name of the Lord. Gen. 4:26

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Hidden Messages In Genesis 5

The Meaning Of Names

● Adam - Man

● Seth - Appointed

● Enosh - Mortal

A Walk Through the Bible

● Kenan - Sorrow;

● Mahalalel - The Blessed God

● Jared - Shall Come Down

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● Enoch - Teaching

● Methusaleh - His Death Shall Bring

● Lemech - The Despairing

● Noah - Comfort or Rest

A Walk Through the Bible

Genesis Chapters 6-9Sons of God & Daughters of Men

● There are 2 theories about the Sons of God.

1. They were godly sethites.

2. Angelic beings in human form.

A Walk Through the Bible

● Daughters of Men – Women of the Cainite line – they made themselves attractive to men.

● The result of the union of “Sons of God” & “Daughters of Men” were the “Nephilim” (Giants). A union between believers and unbelievers.

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● The result was God’s disapproval. Gross wickedness.

(See Job 1:6, 2:1, & 38:7) also (Jude 6 & 7)

A Walk Through the Bible

Three Groups Of People

● Those that perished in the Flood.

● Those that were preserved through the flood.

● Those that were removed prior to the flood.

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The Great Flood

● Noah was a just man & his genealogy was unblemished from the time of Adam.

● Noah walked with God 600 years before the flood.

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● Noah was a preacher – 4 generations, Enoch, Methuselah, Lamech and Noah.

● No one REPENTED.

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Arguments For A Universal Flood (Gen. 7:19-20)

1. The Depth of the flood.

2. Duration of the flood.

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3. Size of the Ark.

4. The need for an Ark.

5. The testimony of Peter (2nd Peter 3:3-7)

A Walk Through the Bible

Flood Facts

● Methuselah dies at age 969 – The year of the Flood.

● The Flood was worldwide.

● It took Noah 120 years to build the Ark.

● The Ark covers Noah and family – Atonement.

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Ark Statistics

● 45 feet high x 75 feet wide x 450 feet long.

● 3 decks @ 33,750 sq. ft. = 101,250 sq. ft.

● Total Ark volume = 1,518,750 cu. ft.

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● A standard railroad cattle car is 8 ft. wide x 9 ft. high x 40 ft. long = 2880 cu. ft.

● 1,518,750 cu. ft. divided by 2880 = 522 cattle cars.

● A cattle car will hold approx. 240 sheep.

A Walk Through the Bible

● 240 sheep x 522 cattle cars = 125,280 sheep.

● 522 railroad cars 46 feet long = 24,012 ft. long train.

● 24,012 ft. divided by 1 mile (5,280 ft.) = 4.55 mile long train.

A Walk Through the Bible

Animal Statistics

● There is an estimated 1,700 species of animals.

● 100,000 species of insects.

● 987 species of reptiles.

● Over 10,000 species of birds.

A Walk Through the Bible

● Animals did not reproduce, they hibernated for the duration.

● No animals were lost.

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The Ark As A Type

● The Ark was divinely provided.

● The design was revealed in advance.

● The only refuge from judgment.

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● The only way (Jesus)

● The door of the Ark – man was invited – open to all.

● God closed the door – security.

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More Flood Facts

● It rained for 40 days and nights.

● The Ark landed on Mt. Ararat (16,946’) after 150 days.

● The land dried for 70 days.

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● A total of 371 days.

● The Ark lands on the 17th day of the 7th month (Tishri) Gen. 8:4

● The Jews have 2 calendars –

Civil & Religious.

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● In Exodus 12:2, God changes the arrangement of months.

● Tishri (7th month) becomes Nisen (1st month).

● Christ arose on the 17th of Nisen.

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The Noahic Covenant

● The Noahic covenant is one of 7 covenants in the Bible

1. To populate the Earth.

2. The subjection of animals to man.

3. Man permitted to eat flesh.

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4. Capital punishment – whatever kills a man must be killed.

5. Covenant confirmed to mankind.

6. Promised to never destroy the world by flood. (Next time by fire).

2nd Peter 3:10.

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Genesis 11● After the flood the world had but

one language.

● The people decide to build a city and a tower whose top is in the heavens.

● God is displeased with their efforts.

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● God confuses their language so they don’t understand each other.

● Building the city and tower ceased.

● The Lord scattered the descendants of Noah over the face of the earth.

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Genesis 12 -50Abraham-Isaac-Jacob & Joseph

Parallels Between Abraham and Today

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● The call for absolute confidence in God – Walk in faith.

● Profession must be tested – sometimes the barrel runs low.

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● Beware of going down to Egypt. The friendship of the world is

enmity with God.

● Time in Egypt is wasted.

● The failures of Abraham parallels our own life – God’s patience and grace with his erring & ungrateful children.

A Walk Through the Bible

Three Things Commanded of Abram

1. Leave his own country.

2. Separate himself from his family.

3. Go forth unto a land that God would show him.

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● “Terah” the name of Abraham’s father means “Delay”.

● One of the main purposes of Genesis is to reveal to us the origin and beginning of the nation of Israel.

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The Seven I Wills

1. I will make of thee a great nation.

2. And I will bless thee.

3. And make thy name great.

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4. And thou shall be a blessing.

5. I will bless them that bless thee.

6. And curse them that curse thee.

7. And in thee shall all the families

of the earth be blessed.

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Genesis 13● Two things obtained in Egypt.

1. Sarah’s handmaid Hagar. (The Egyptian)

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2. Great earthly possessions.

● This is the first mention of riches in the Bible.

● The wealth seems to be the root of strife between Lot and Abram.

A Walk Through the Bible

Comparisons Of Abram & Lot

Abram:● Generous & Magnanimous.● Looked for a city built by God.

● Father of all who believe.

● Heir of the world.

A Walk Through the Bible

Comparisons Of Abram & Lot


● Greedy & worldly.

● Home was a city made by man.

● Father of those who’s name is a perpetual infamy.

● Sodom destroyed & lived in a cave.

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Lot’s Departure From Abram

● Strife between Lot and Abram.

● Lot brought out of Egypt the spirit of the flesh.

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● Lot walked by sight not by faith.

● The lust of the eyes & pride of life is not of the Father. (John 2:16)

● Lot was still attached to Egypt.

A Walk Through the Bible

Lot’s Sojourn In Egypt

● Lot lifted up his eyes & beheld the plain of Jordan.

● Chose all the plain of Jordan.

● Separated himself from Abram.

● Dwelt in the cities of the plain.

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● Pitched his tent toward Sodom

● Lot dwelt in Sodom.

● Found sitting at the gate of Sodom (A civic leader).

● Daughters married to men of Sodom.

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● SIN always has a small beginning.

● Lot departs from Abram.

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Abram and Sarai Are Finally Alone With God!

● In Chaldea God promised to show the land.

● At Shecem God promised to give the land to his seed.

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● Now that he is finally separated from the last of his kindred, God promises to give the land to Abram.

● In our lives we are called to faith, to not look at the things which are seen, but at the things that are unseen.

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Genesis 14● Genesis 14 opens with the first account of war in scripture and the result is the capture of Lot.

● Abram responds to a brother in need.

● How is it with us?

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● He was without father or mother (Heb. 7:3).

● Made like unto the Son of God.

● Melchizedek was a type of Christ.

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● He was a priest and a king.

● He was the King of Salem.

● A priest of the most high God.

● He united peace and righteousness.

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Two Things About Livitical Priests

1. They were personally “unclean”.

2. They were mortal & death put an end to their ministrations.

A Walk Through the Bible

Two Orders Of Priesthood

● Aaronic and Melchizedkian.

● Aaron was the priest of the God of Israel.

● Melchizedek was priest of the Most High God.

A Walk Through the Bible

Genesis 15Abram’s Contract With God

● Abram wanted a sign from God.

● God appears to Abram in a vision

● God tells Abram to prepare an unusual sacrifice.

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● God tells Abram the animal must be 3years old (full grown).

● The animal was to be divided in 2 haves.

● Birds were part of the sacrifice and told of one from heaven.

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● Normally both parties would pass (walk) between the divided animals.

● God was the only one that passed between the sacrifices.

● This was a one sided contract – nothing was required of Abram.

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A Sevenfold Prophecy – God’s Promise

1. Abram’s descendants were to be strangers in a land not theirs.

2. In that strange land they were to serve.

3. They would be afflicted 400 years.

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4. God would judge that nation where the descendants “served”.

5. They would come out of Egypt with great substance.

6. Abram would be spared, he would be buried in a good old age.

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7. In the Fourth generation they would return to Canaan

● In Genesis 15 Abram is the man of faith.

● In Genesis 16 He harkens to the voice of Sarai.

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Genesis 16Genesis 16 A test of Abram

● So far 6 different tests.

1. He had to overcome nature- leave his country & family.

2. Stress of circumstance- A famine in the land.

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3. A trial respecting a brother- Friction between herdsmen.

4. A test of his courage & love for his nephew, Lot had been captured.

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5. A test of his cupidity- The King of Sodom offers a reward.

6. A test of his faith for his seed- A suggestion by his wife to take


A Walk Through the Bible

Five Parts of Testing Faith

1. The trying of the sufficiency of his faith. Would God supply all his needs?

2. Testing the humility of his faith. Would he yield to Lot?

A Walk Through the Bible

3. Testing the boldness of his faith. Would he rescue Lot?

4. Testing the dignity of his faith. Would he accept a reward for saving Lot?

5. The trying of the patience of his faith. Would he wait for God or take matters into his own hands?

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● It is one thing to commit our way unto the Lord, but is quite another to trust also in Him, and wait till he brings it to pass.

● Jacob was the chosen one, but he could not wait for God to deliver.

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● Moses knew the 400 years was about up, but he took matters in his own hands and killed an Egyptian.

● God seems to bless & enrich and then to test the recipient.

● It was by a fountain of water in the wilderness that the angel of the Lord found Hagar.

A Walk Through the Bible

● This is the first mention of a well in scripture.

● Three things about the well.

1. It was located in the wilderness

A Walk Through the Bible

2. The well was by the fountain

3. It was at the well that God revealed Himself.

● In the wilderness is where the Lord meets with the sinner and where the needy one finds the savior.

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● “He that hath seen Me hath seen the Father” (John 14:9).

● The well is the place where the sheep are watered & refreshed.

● God opened the eyes of Hagar and she saw the well.

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● The Holy Spirit opens the eyes of our heart.

● It was at the well Israel was gathered by the word of Jehovah.

● The Lord is the object of our praises.

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Two Things About Hagar

1. The Lord calls her Sarai’s handmaid not Abram’s wife.

2. She is told to return & submit to her mistress (for another 13 years).

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● If we have done wrong- the only way to divine blessing, to peace and happiness is to retrace our footsteps in repentance and

submission to the Lord.

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Three Great Truths

● Genesis reveals what man is always seeking.

1. Righteousness – The sense of being right

• A. Man dislikes the feeling of guilt.

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2. Peace – A sense of inner well being.

A. Man is ever seeking a certain calmness & inner confidence.

3. Joy – A sense of gladness and happiness out of life.

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● These three virtues are unseen, almost unconscious goals of life everywhere!

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Man Seeks Righteousness

● Abraham’s life story is achieving righteousness by means of faith.

1. The New Testament calls it “Justification By Faith”.

● God appeared and talked with Abram on seven occasions.

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1. Beginning with Abrams call in Ur and ending with the offering of

Isaac in obedience to God’s command.

2. Abram learned eight lessons of faith.

3. The parallel to all these is found in the life of every believer today.

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4. Abraham is known as the father of the faithful and “the friend of God”.

● The first lesson faith must learn is that of obedience.

1. It’s not faith to say “I believe” it is necessary to add “I obey”

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2. Abram is sent on a trip without a map to an unknown destination.

3. God give him a promise that God will show the way.

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4. The promise includes seven specifics:

A. I will make you a great nation.

B. I will bless you.

C. I will make your name great.

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D. You shall be a blessing.

E. I will bless those that bless you.

F. I will curse them that curse you.

G. In you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.

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5. Though Abram was 75 years old when God called, his response was immediate.

6. The spiritual parallel for today is for believers to turn from the natural claims of family and friends, and follow God.

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● In the land of Canaan God appears to Abram a second time

1. God promises to give the land to Abram’s seed

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● Abram’s life in the land is characterized by 2 symbols

1. A tent and an altar.

2. Whenever Abram is walking

in faith these 2 symbols are always present.

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3. The tent is a symbol of the pilgrim character of his existence.

4. He is to never own the land outright, but is to be a sojourner in it.

5. The altar is the symbol of fellowship and communion with God.

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● The second lesson Abram learns in the life of faith is the sufficiency of faith.

1. Abram’s faith was tested by a famine in the land.

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● He trusted God enough not to return to the land of Haran.

1. He does go to Egypt to flee the famine.

2. During this time in Egypt there is no record of either the tent or the altar.

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3. His weak faith led Abram to tell a lie to defend his wife’s honor and finds himself getting rebuked.

4. Through failure he learns God is able to supply his needs even in times of difficulty.

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5. Humbled and repentant, Abram returns to the land and once again the tent and the altar appear.

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● Abram’s third lesson of faith is that of humility.

1. Abram and Lot illustrate different principles of Christian living.

2. Abram was following God. Lot was following Abram. Lot was a tag along believer.

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3. When a dispute arose between the herdsmen. Abram exhibited

humility of faith and allowed Lot to choose first.

4. Lot chose his land on the basis of human measurement and ended up in Sodom.

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5. Even though Lot obtained, he did not possess the land.

● Abram’s fourth lesson was to exhibit the boldness of faith.

1. Chapter 14 records the historic invasion of the valley of the Dead Sea by five kings of the east.

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2. Lot was captured.

3. Abram’s 318 servants pursues the kings and win the battle, even

though they are greatly outnumbered.

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4. On his return he is met by Melchizedek at the King’s Vale. (Now known as the Kidron Valley outside Jerusalem).

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5. Melchizedek appears as the type of an eternal priesthood.

6. Melchizedek strengthens Abram to resist the offer of the king of

Sodom to make him rich.

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● Abram refuses to be made rich by anyone but God thus manifesting the fifth quality of faith.

● Faith is independent of all natural resources.

1. Chapter 15 is the account of the fourth direct appearance of Jehovah to Abram.

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2. God declares he is Abram’s shield, and his exceeding great reward.

3. Abram’s intimacy with God has grown.

4. He can now share the temptation to doubt that was in his heart.

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5. God’s response was to promise him an heir from whom a progeny as numerous as the stars in the sky.

● Genesis 15:6 “his faith was reckoned to him for righteousness.”• 1. Abram is now the friend of


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2. Jehovah renews the promise of

the land.

3. Abram requests a sign.

4. The sign is a vision of a smoking furnace and a lamp indicating the furnace of affliction.

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• 5. Abram’s descendants would go through hardship in Egypt before they gained the land.

6. Abram begins to learn the sixth quality of faith.

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Chapter 16Faith endures and has patience

1. After 12 years of waiting, Abram & Sarai take matters into their own hands.

2. Hagar is given to Abram to produce a son.

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3. No tent or altar appear in this chapter.

4. The man of faith becomes the man of flesh.

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● God appears to Abram for a fifth time.

1. An everlasting covenant is made.

2. Symbolized by changing Abram’s name to Abraham

and Sarai’s name to Sarah.

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3. A new revelation of God’s name as El Shaddai.

4. The sign of the new covenant is circumcision.

5. Ishmael cannot be the heir because he is of the flesh.

6. Isaac is of the promise.

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Chapter 17● At 75 Abraham Gets a call from


● At 86 it’s Abraham and Hagar.

● Now Ishmael is 13 and a man and Abraham is 99 years old.

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● It’s been 13 years since Abraham has heard from God (Verse 1)

● Why did Abraham and Sarah have to wait 13 more years? –

For the fullness of time.

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● Why are we still waiting for Jesus Christ?- For the fullness of time!

● Genesis 17 is the first appearance of El Shaddai (God Almighty)

Genesis 18 is the second time.

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3. Enoch and Noah walked with God

4. The body of Christ (The Church) is told to walk in

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Four Passages

1. Abraham is told to walk before God.

2. The children of Israel were told to walk after God.

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3. Enoch and Noah walked with God.

4. The body of Christ (The Church) is told to walk in.

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● To walk before suggests Security in the Father.

● To walk after is to follow thy Master.

● We walk with suggests Fellowship and Friendship.

● To walk in means Union with God.

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1. We walk before as Children.

2. We walk after Him as Servants.

3. We walk with Him as Friends.

4. We walk in Him as members of

His Body.

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● Abram’s name is changed to Abraham and Sarai’s name is changed to Sarah. (v. 15)

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● When Abraham is 99 years old God appears and reaffirms His Promise.

1. Abraham would be the father of many nations

2. A son is promised.

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3. In a year Sarah would bear a son. (v 19)

4. Circumcision instituted on the eighth day.

5. Ismael shall beget 12 princes and be a great nation (v 20).

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The Life Of Abraham

● The call of Abraham (Gen. 12)

● Abraham and Lot (Gen. 13)

● Abraham and Melchizedek(Gen. 14)

● Abraham’s Vision (Gen. 15)

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● Abraham and Hagar (Gen. 16)

● Abraham at Ninety and Nine(Gen. 17)

● Abraham at Gerar (Gen. 20)

● Abraham the Father of Us All

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Chapter 181. Sarah’s Faith Is Tested

2. A visit by 3 men – 2 angels and the Lord (A Christophany).

3. The Lord confirms a son – Sarah was 90 years old.

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4. Sarah heard this and laughed to herself.

5. Question – Is anything too hard for the Lord?

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6. Abraham was told of the forthcoming destruction of Sodom &

Gomorrah. (verses 17-21)

7. Abraham negotiates with the Lord, if 10 could be found righteous Sodom would be spared.

(verses 23-33)

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Chapter 19● 2 angels meet Lot at the city gate.

(Lot is a civic leader) (v 1)

● The men of the city wanted to know the strangers carnally! (v 5)

● Lot offers his daughters (v 8)

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● The angels blinded the men of Sodom.

● Lot and his family were told to escape to the mountains and not look back. (v 17)

● Lot’s wife looks back and is turned to a pillar of salt.

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● Fire and Brimstone – was it nuked?

● The sin of Lot – Lot and his daughters hide in a cave (v 30)

● Lot’s daughters lie with their father – Nothing good comes of this.

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Chapter 20● For a third time we see a weakness

in Abrahams faith

1. Abraham and Sarah are living in Gerar – a sea coast area close to Egypt.

2. The people living there were later called the Philistines.

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3. The people were of Egyptian decent.

4. Abimelech was their king.

5. Abimelech seizes Sarah – because Abraham said she was his sister.

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6. God intervenes and speaks to Abimelech in a dream – Sarah is returned.

7. Abimelech rebukes Abraham and they make a covenant.

8. Abraham learns honesty is the best policy!

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Chapter 21● The Birth of Isaac

1. Abraham was 100 years old when Isaac was born.

2. Abraham circumcises Isaac at 8 days old.

3. Ismael is now 13 years old.

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4. Abraham makes a great feast on the day Isaac was weened.

5. Sarah hears/sees Ishmael “scoffing” – making fun of Isaac.

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6. Hagar (The Egyptian) and her son are sent away. (v14)

7. God opens Hagar’s eyes and she sees a well.

8. God promises a great nation (v 18)

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Chapter 22 ● Records the last great lesson of

faith, the intimacy of faith.

1. The seventh and last appearance of Jehovah to Abraham.

2. A gap of 20 years is evident between chapters 21 and 22

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3. Isaac has grown to young manhood, and is the pride of his father’s heart.

4. Abraham has learned many lessons.

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5. God tells Abraham to take his son Isaac and travel to Mt. Moriah.

6. Gen. 22:2 is the first mention of love in the scriptures

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7. He is told to offer Isaac as a

burnt offering.

8. They travel 3 days.

9. Where is the lamb for the offering?

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10. God will provide for Himself.

11. Was Abraham worried?

13. God had a promise to keep!!!

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● Abraham’s offering of Isaac on Mt. Moriah 2000 years before another Father offered his Son on the very same hill!!

● This was known as the Akedah!

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Ishmael / Hagar:

● Wanderers in the Wilderness

● Water was spent.

● Hagar wept.

● God hears Ismael .

● God opened Hagar’s eyes.

A Walk Through the BibleIsrael:● They had been wanderers

● Holy Spirit taken from Israel

● Jerusalem bemoans her desolations

● Blessed is He that comes in the name of the Lord (matt.23:39)

● The Spirit is given once more to Israel

(Rev. 14:3-4 & 24)

A Walk Through the Bible

Chapter 23● Records the death of Sarah

1. Sarah lived 127 years and died in Hebron.

2. Abraham purchases a cave to

bury Sarah for 400 shekels of silver from the Hittites.

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Chapter 24● Eliezer is sent to find a bride for


1. Eliezer was Abraham’s oldest servant and his assistant.

2. Promised Abraham to go to Abraham’s country and to his family and find Isaac a wife.

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3. There is a parallel between this and God sending the Holy Spirit to find a bride (The Church) for his own dear Son.

4. Eliezer asks for a sign for the right woman, that she would let down her pitcher so he could drink.

A Walk Through the Bible

5. Before he could finish speaking, Rebekah came out with her pitcher and offered Eliezer a drink.

6. Rebekah leaves her family for a land she has never seen.

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7. She finds Isaac waiting for her, meditating in the fields at evening time.

8. He took Rebekah and she became his wife.

9. Isaac was 40 years old when he married Rebekah.

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Chapter 25● The final years of Abraham are gathered up for us.

1. Abraham again takes a wife, her name was Keturah.

2. She gives Abraham 6 more sons.

A Walk Through the Bible

3. Abraham gives all he has to Issac, but gave gifts to the other sons.

4. He sends Keturah’s sons away to the east.

5. Abraham dies at 175 years old, a good old age. An old man and full of years, and was gathered to his people.

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6. Ishmael and Isaac bury Abraham in the cave of Machpelah where

Sarah was buried.

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● By his experiences with God, and even by his failures, he has been taught the ingredients of

righteousness which come by faith alone These as we have seen may be summarized as:

1. The obedience of faith

2. The sufficiency of faith

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3. The humility of faith.

4. The boldness of faith.

5. The independence of faith.

6. The authority of faith.

7. In the sacrifice of Isaac, The intimacy of faith.

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● Chapter 25 gives us very little information on the life of Ishmael.

1. Ishmael produced 12 sons

(12 princes).

2. He lived 137 years and was gathered to his people.

A Walk Through the Bible

● In Chapter 25 Isaac marries Rebekah at the age of 40.

1. Isaac pleads with the Lord because Rebekah is barren.

2. His plea is granted and Rebekah conceived.

3. The Lord tells her 2 nations

are in her womb.

A Walk Through the Bible

4. One shall be stronger than the other and the older shall serve the younger.

5. Twins were delivered. The first

born was red and hairy his name was Esau.

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6. The younger at delivery grabbed Esau’s heel and thus was called Jacob.

7. Isaac was 60 years old when the twins were born.

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8. Esau grew to be a skillful hunter

but Jacob was a mild man and lived in tents.

9. Esau was loved by Isaac but Rebekah loved Jacob.

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● Esau sells his birthright

1. Jacob cooks a stew and Esau is weary and hungry.

2. Jacob negotiates a deal for his birthright.

A Walk Through the Bible

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