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Edition: August 2019 Hriajः in09ll9 / 36 / all / 94 / Tc

Creation dates, August 2019

Srijan Yatra Fascinating journey of life ....

Lok Sabha Speaker

Om Birla

Table of Contents

Editorial ................1

Introspection ..............2


food and drink................5


Fashion ...................12

Sports ...............13

Education ............... 16

Interview ............. 19


Creation dates, August 2019

Creation dates, August 2019

Victorious World tricolor cute,

Flag fly high ..

Srijnyatra family

Eid-ul-Adha, greenery Teej,

Raksha Bandhan, Krishna very

happy Janmashtami and

Independence Day.


al President Ramnath provisions of Article 370 of Kovind proposal

to eliminate the levy seal got Jammu and Kashmir has special

statehood and end its own constitution. Now it will apply the

Constitution of India. However, Ladakh has become detached

from K UT. The government managed to pass the bill to

restructure the history of Parliament coordinate with Article 370

removal and Jammu and Kashmir and later paved the way for new

birth of Jammu and Kashmir. So far there were two flags fly in

Jammu and Kashmir. India, the second of Jammu and Kashmir,

Jammu and Kashmir will no longer be a separate flag. Now will

end status only national flag Lhraaga and especially in Kashmir and

a separate constitution. Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh now the

center has been Territory status.

In 1954, through a presidential order Article 35 A was applied in

Jammu and Kashmir. Subsequently, on November 17, 1956 to apply

its own constitution in Kashmir. Accordingly, there was even an

outsider can not buy property in Jammu and Kashmir could not

get a job in the state. People from other regions had not received

citizenship here. Article 370 was prevented from linking India and

Kashmir. But now Article 370 removal and just tricolor Lhraaga

and assembly even when the bill passed the reorganization of

Jammu and Kashmir will be 5 years instead of 6 years. Other

states, people will no longer be able to buy land and trade here.

Obviously, land purchase discounts will be bigger boom as soon as

the hotel industry and open industries people in the country will

increase employment and reduce terrorism. Expenditure on

military will gradually reduce and even women are not deprived of

the right of property in the state in a position to marry an

outsider. Union became the state will be more powerful deputy

governor elected government in Jammu and Kashmir. The

bureaucracy and the police central government authority.

Although the prime minister has made it clear that such a

situation would be restored statehood general will, Jammu and

Kashmir. As well as the northeast, the government's removal have

convinced some states, including Maharashtra and Karnataka that

Article 371 does not have any intention.

Creation dates, August 2019 1 - Suman Aditya





Shravan month's full moon is a

symbol of love towards the Raksha

Bandhan festival brothers and

sisters celebrated. On this day,

sisters tie Rakhi on their brother's

wrist and pray for their long life and

happiness, so they can protect their

sister during the disaster. Brother in

turn, Give as promised gift to

protect the harm of all kinds of his

sisters. Among these Rakion the

holy spirit of good feelings. History

of Raksha Bandhan in Hindu

mythology. According to mythology

Mahabharata (which is a great Indian

epic) the wife of the Pandavas,

Draupadi was running from the

wrist of Lord Krishna had injured

himself by mistake blood (Krishna)

tied torn edge of her sari to prevent

was. Thus developed a bond of

brother and sister between them

and Krishna promised to protect

him. So while trying to disrobe by

Dushasana Lord Krishna had come

to protect Draupadi.

Medieval women at some places in

India, where she was insecure, they

tie Rakhi on their brother assuming

his wrist men. Chittor Queen to get

help, according to historical lore

karnawati Mughal emperor

Humayun was sent to the thread.

Humayun was felicitated thread and

protect his sister was the emperor

of Gujarat. It is also said that this

day Goddess Lakshmi had tied

Rakhi on the wrist of Emperor Bali.

Thus makes Rakhi strengthen the

bond of love between brother and

sister and the revival of the

emotional bond.

Some people fast the day before the

event. Then Raksha Bandhan day

Rakhi bind the classical ritual. At the

same time they are also parent-

libation and Sage-worship or sage

libation. In some areas people this

day hearing worship. There festival

maternal parent devotee Shravan

Kumar is celebrated in memory of

the mistake were killed by King

Dasaratha. The brothers give gifts

like my sisters. If you do not own

sister, the cousin-Mmeri sister or

whomever you believe like sister,

can be celebrated the feast with


Creation dates, August 2019

A symbol of love of fellow festival Raksha Bandhan




Monsoon season is even romantic and

charming, but it comes with many

diseases with them. This season people

get the most sick. A little carelessness in

catering rainy weather could play the

band's health. May be taken if a caution

that you can keep yourself healthy and

making the fun of monsoon. Malaria

during the rainy season, dengue, cold-

cough-cough, vomiting, diarrhea, typhoid,

jaundice spread much like disease. The

way we use umbrellas to avoid the rain,

should properly take us a few precautions

to avoid spreading diseases in the same

way during the rainy season.

Do not wet the hair much longer to get

wet in the rain. If you are an asthma or

you early winter-cold-cough Bigen not

rain. Umbrella to avoid the rain, should

use the raincoat. Immediately change

clothes, go footwear wet. More time to

wet clothes you wear can be fungal, etc.

skin diseases. Patients with diabetes

should take more care of your legs

especially. On foot when wet immediately

should clean them. This season is more

likely to be sick and the aged. It is

therefore important to be taken care of

their health. Older not exit much rain.

Hot tea, coffee or soup drink. Make more

use Do not eat raw fruit or salad and eat

in turmeric, cardamom, anise, cinnamon.

These immune strength growing.

Also at night to sleep using mosquito

nets. Avoid nearby dirt in your home. Fill

the house nearby pits, which may not rot

the rain stopped. It will not produce

mosquitoes. As well as thoroughly

cleaning Finail home, so no more flies. Pre

children rain stenting typhoid and

hepatitis vaccines. Be sure to submit your

regular doses of the drug running, so

there is no gap in the drug can not go out

because of the rain and go to any doctor

immediately upon suspicion of disease.

This way we can take some precautions

taking precautions can be safe in the rainy

season and accomplish Luft of the fine


Creation dates, August 2019 3

Brings diseases with showers rain

Creation dates, August 2019

food a

nd d


Becomes even if the weather

pleasant in the rain, but our

digestion is weak this season.

Hence the need to put special

attention to food. Occurring are

mostly diseases associated with

abdominal skin and rainy. Also

increases the risk of infection in

this season. Is necessary to prevent

these diseases that more careful in

the use of green vegetables and

high intake of pulses. As well as

those to avoid the intake of non-

vegetarian diets, because the rule at

this time bacteria.

Rainy weather is gorgeous looks to

many people. But it also brings a lot

of diseases with them. To prevent

these diseases Take special care of

some things and bring little change

in the habits of your diet. A major

cause of disease in the rain

infectious disease caused by water.

So either RO Water drink water or

boiled drink. The number of

infections and bacteria by the water

can reach the body. Therefore,

exercise particular caution in the

use of water.

Seasonal fruits and vegetables in the

rainy season can also be a variety of

infections. Hence the need for

caution in the use of fruits and

vegetables. Do not use well-washed

without any fruit or vegetable. Be

sure to check thoroughly for

vegetable green leaves. As well as

higher intake of pulses because

pulses are a variety of protein and

antioxidants, which help keep you


The rainy season lasts well drank

more fluids. Also at least 4-5 liters a

day to drink water. Water exits the

present harmful substances in the

body and keeps hydrate the body.

Also should be plenty of hot soup,

juice, butter and milk. Markets are

at increased risk of getting that

meat Foods from stomach ailments.

Those who are non-vegetarian

food, reduce its intake this season.

Stay completely escaped from fish

and shrimp moderately omnivorous


Creation dates, August 2019

Precautions Be catering rain




Mathura God's abode of Krishna.

Where they are born and they had

Balleelaan here. So great religious

significance of Mathura in Hindu

society. The history here is very old.

Even Mahagrnth is also mentioned

in Mathura Ramayana. It is proven

that one of the many capitals

Mathura Kushan ruler Kanishka

(130 AD). The living Mathura city

on the banks of the river are built

several temples including Krishna

fatherland which represent different

aspects of Krishna's life. Mathura

and Vrindavan's twin city, where

Krishna was born and raised, but

also resonate with their play, and

the sound of his magical flute today.

The major temples including Govind

Devji Temple, Rngaji Temple,

Dwarkadheesh temple, Bankebihari

Temple and ISKCON Temple.

As well as other locations Gokul,

Barsana and Govardhan associated

with Krishna's life are also close at

Mathura. Follow Krishna at Gokul

was secretly away from the sight of

his uncle Kansa then lived in

Krishna's consort Radha Blitz, which

is still played the Lath Mar Holi

celebrations on the occasion of

Holi. In Govardhan Krishna had

lifted his finger, the Govardhana to

protect from the wrath of Indra the

god of rain to local residents. That's

why this whole region is called Brij

land. Here are all site and sign you

are able to enjoy the pilgrimage. In

fact, attached to these places

Leelaan and cultural traditions of

Lord Krishna. There is a sense of

divine presence in my life daily.

Mesmerized offers temples, gardens,

music, come to the dance and art

are filled with expressions of

devotion associated metaphor

tourists Krishna Crkula dance,

Raaslila and folk music and dance of

love and dedication wonderful warp

-bana is weaving. Here's the crazy

Baba Temple is also worth visiting.

Baba says that those who believe

they have a sense of positivity in the

temple, which is reminiscent of its

founder. This ten-storey building is a

strong recognition of Vrindavan

gives an opportunity to see the safe

kept historic treasure ancient

stately round Mathura Museum.

While Blitz, Gokul, Nandgaon

(Nandgram), Fort pleasure pier,

canes, Gayatri Tpobhumi turn

ecstatic devotees coming here.

Creation dates, August 2019 6

Mathura-Vrindavan ... Krishna inhabited by the particle


Well, is filled with the Mathura

year pilgrims and tourists, but

Holly and lively here on

Janmashtami festival is something

different. Proximity to cities like

Mathura Vrindavan, Barsana and

Agra makes this place even more

special. Many stories to treasure

visit this city Raaslila with child

Krishna Atkelion and gopis really

leaves unforgettable impression.

Krishna birthplace temple is a rare

example of Hindu architecture.

The structure had been born just

like prisons, where Krishna Sonny.

The temple is a grand view. Statue

of painting and Radharani

connected to their lives temple are

entering philosophy decorated

with ornaments Krishna on, she

mesmerized the devotees.


Nidivan 12 km from Mathura.

About Nidivan still standing a

mysterious saga. In this wonderful

forest is considered Krishna to

Raaslila with Radha and the gopis

at midnight today. It takes the form

of pairs exist basil plants at the

time about the night that called

gopis and are turned into morning

plants. But is not allowed to enter

at night in Nidivan, because it gives

people say that if someone sees

this Raaslila or she lost eyesight, or

composure. But can be enjoyed

the beauty of the supernatural

premises from morning till



Stories of Lord Krishna's unique

pastimes we have all heard and

read and get to see the living one

among them as Govardhana. The

whole mountain, according to

mythology, so Krishna to save the

outbreak Brajwasion aggressively

during the Indra was lifted on his

index finger. Here devotees 7 mile

long circuit of the mountain, which

is longer than 21 km. This can be

accomplished by walking or any

instrument. At the same way as

another landmark in Anyur, Radha

Kund, Kusum Sarovar, Manasi

Ganga, Govind Kund, Puncri of

Lota, Dangati temple followed.

When traveling

To go to most places in Mathura

do not stamp any important sights

are nearby. Each of you can easily

move in the city on foot and enjoy

its beauty. In addition to walking

around the city autorickshaw is

the easiest way. There are many

temples remain closed during the

day here. The exact time of

Mathura travel between February-

March and September-Nvanbr K

During this time you will not have

to face the cold of the scorching

sun or freezing.

How come

Delhi-Mumbai railway is located at

Mathura Junction station track,

which is connected to major cities

of the country. The nearest airport

is the Indira Gandhi International

Airport, about 200 kilometers,

which Delhi. While road Mathura

city route Agra, Bharatpur, is linked

to Delhi and Faridabad.

Creation dates, August 2019 7

Creation dates, August 2019



India's young sprinter Hima servant has

elevated India's head of pride in their

performance 5 gold medals won in a

single month in the world. But his

achievement went buried somewhere in

this crazy country cricket C. At the same

time was being played cricket World Cup

in England. Hima won first place in the

400m women Nowe Mesto nad Metuji

Grand Prix in Chekgnrajy. Simultaneously

Hima took fifth gold its name within one

month. Earlier in the Hima July 200

meters Poland, seven had July to win gold

in the Tabor Grand Prix in the Czech

Republic only Kunto athletics meet, 13

July Claino (Czech Republic) and July 17

in Poland. Coach Hima slave Nippon slave

is performed, he said that the way in, That

I am very happy. I hope that he will also

perform similar 2020 Olympics. Hima

slave has glorified the country.

Himadas any first Indian player labeled

gold in global track events twitch. On

track Hima style of running and winning

is something different. They mainly take

part in the race of 200 meters and 400

meters. Part of the race at the beginning

they slow down the start and also in the

last part of the world not expect them to

win, he knows talent out changing its

speed at the forefront. Dhing with this

great achievement of Hima servant as

Nagaon district of Assam village came out

of oblivion. Here on January 9, 2000

Himadas born. 19-year-old record of five

gold medals in the 20-day gap in age is

now his name. Hima knows the

importance of every single moment. Parts

rate mastered the art of moving forward.

PT Usha was went missing the bronze

medal by a hundredth of a second at the

Olympics 1984. But Hima keep ability to

leave behind such lapses.

Hima so happy with my game, but there is

no intention to stay on. 5 gold medal is

not got tickets at the World

Championships in September to its name.

Was 51.80 seconds qualifying mark in the

event of 400 meters and were stuck on

Hima 52.09. 200 meters in 23.02

seconds to qualify in the category race

was fulfill. Hima 4 Gold definitely won,

but they also failed to reach this point.

Hima in the competitions has achieved

the title of the gold, they come in E and F

category. They are kept at the lowest level

on the International level. And next year

is going to the Olympics in Tokyo. The

qualification standard is much more

difficult. 22.80 seconds to qualify for the

200 meters, while the fixed standard of

51.35 seconds for the 400 meters. The

Hima it should not be too difficult. He 50

in the Asian Games in 2018. 79 seconds

have shown an act of the whole race of

400 meters. His next goal in the whole

race of 400 meters in 50 seconds.

Creation dates, August 2019

India's new flying fairy Hima slave


Education and Career

Creation dates, August 2019

10th and subject to

change in the 12th rules


Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has strict rules of 10th and

subject to change in the 12th grade. Standard operating procedures for dealing

with applications to change the subject (SOP) that went released. Schools have

been asked to send the regional office of CBSE collect all requests. That is found

in any case that the school will be rejected if you have not followed the

instructions board request. The school will be responsible for.

Said the schools 10th and 12th classes the course of two years. Note that all

school students suggest the 9th and select topics in the 11th, that the student

can keep the next class and are available in the school. Indeed, students when 10

come in and 12th want to change the subject on various grounds. For student

or subject to change parents must officially request with documents to support

the cause behind it. After school it check if the theme change request was

performing students in real and 9th and 11th grade. At the same time it will also

see whether a valid, according to a new subject is available and selected subject

study plan.


Creation dates, August 2019

Creation dates, August 2019

From all the good Hindustan


All citizens of Eid-ul-Adha, sincere

compliments of Raksha Bandhan and

Independence Day.

Ghulam Jilani (Guddu Qadri)


Rajasthan State Minorities Commission, Jaipur

Om Birla, Speaker In



When the government put forward the name of MP Om

Birla Rajasthan quota for the post of Speaker, people

were shocked. Before these names people had heard

very little. Earlier government had surprised everyone by

name surfaced Ramnath Kovind for president. Clearly,

Om Birla decided to make the speaker on the basis of

their experience, but was due to their efficiency and

strong organization. They are close to the leaders due to

strong activist organization. When Om Birla Speaker

then made all this that went worry whether he will

handle the Parliament of former Lok Sabha Speaker

Sumitra Mahajan? But to get to this position, he was

asked, was it clear that they run with the very best the

Parliament and tough stance. Introducing Speaker special

conversation of Srijnyatra Om Birla

-Hits Will you be allowed to impose religious slogans in

the Parliament?

No answers happen. A Parliament will not be allowed to

impose religious slogans. I do not think that applying

Parliament slogans, placard show or place to come and

stand in the well. Honorable Members anything to say,

who can then also want to charge, or to attack the

government, but came in a gallery should not be doing


-Hits but Vande can then Mataram and Bharat Mata Ki


Whether say answer- no Vande Mataram that Parliament

is able to identify whether slogans of Bharat Mata. Vande

Mataram and India is nothing wrong in Mata Ki Jai

speaking. When all the space they have freedom of

speech like Bain in Parliament? Jai Ram, Jai Bharat, Vande

Mataram old issue. Every time things are different and

decide the person sitting on the chair.

-Hits you would expect from MPs as presiding officer?

Answers the temple of parliament democracy. The

temple is run in accordance with the Parliament's rules. I

have to urge all parties to maintain the beauty of this

place us as possible. We are the largest democracy in

the world. Everyone on our side only sees. Similarly, our

parliamentary procedures should also set an example in

the world.

-Hits Are you in favor of changing the laws of the


Answers should be finished by the new law to the law of

British era parliament. Then consider changing all

members old and obsolete laws. As many changes since

the law of British era in the Indian Penal Code (IPC). So

now need to create new legislation.

-Hits Are you tough adopt the abusive behavior of


Answers I want to adopt a strict attitude. I wish that we

all speak of his own, but take care of the rules. We run

under the rules of the House. All parties have shown

faith in me, it is my duty to lay retain their trust.

Members should take care of the house of dignity.

-Hits you would expect the government to opposition


Answers to all rights of expression, the government

went on increasing responsibility and when it got so big

majority. He should answer all questions. Parliament will

have as much, the government will be more accountable

and transparent. When I noticed, also demanded that

the government is ready to debate.

House-Hits lasted longer, no preparation for it?

Answer- House moved over longer Leader of the House

for its prime minister as well as leader of the United

Progressive Alliance leaders of all parties in Sonia Gandhi

and House and senior MP I run with peace and harmony

parliamentary proceedings is assured.

-Hits members will do to increase cohesion effort?

Jbaw- beginning of the budget session of the 17th Lok

Sabha has been with the harmony, to run the House

with the support the entire five years he will negotiators

from one MP. To increase cohesion between all

members of the House will be focused on developing

collaborative practice between them.

-Hits will do to increase the presence of MPs in the


Jbaw- MPs would be aware of the widespread problems

in various areas will try to explain that to grow presence

in their house, land, it's similar problem in his

constituency, even now its nature small, right time but

will also learn to understand and how disposed.

How will further conduct the proceedings of the House-


Answers the shouting, the sledging and undeserved

neither the time the House to stand the dispute nor the

people sent by selecting it. So love, harmony and Sujegi

together the device to conduct more successful than the

proceedings of the House or a prescribe, shall try to

implement it.

Hits heard general you are going to make paperless?

Answers yes, Parliament's next session will be

completely paperless. It will also protect the millions

saved money, while trees. However, Honorable

Members will have the option to digital documents

Want to or printed on paper. But most members have

welcomed this initiative. Also named Honorable

Members speaking in the House and his number one will

now display along the screen in the house.

Creation dates, August 2019 19

Creation dates, August 2019




Success in business. Home building will be busy working. You can get into a dispute. Keep

restraint on speech. Will resolve a financial dispute with a friend of cooperation. Arrival of funds

will be too much. Families create with plans to travel somewhere. Will benefit from a friend of a

Swrashi or Scorpio. Extremely approved a new business plan Be happy. In collaboration with

brother will be performed no official function. Success in politics. Health will be better than



It is the realization of average profit. Anti be overthrown. Is there a business project that was

planned many days he could resulted in action this month. Education and will achieve success in

the competition. Will be pleased with the success of children. Avoid any conflict mediation. The

authorities remain very good month. Fitness rooms would be nice. Friday will be beneficial to the

text of Mr. hymns.


This month students will benefit. You have to be very burdensome tasks. After the hard work will

achieve success. Will get new opportunities in business. Capricorn and Cancer of the native will

benefit you. Will be happy to complete a business plan. Including business trips. Will include a

religious ritual. Health anguish possible.


Spirituality and religion's influence will continue to enjoy. Education and will achieve student

success towards competition. Will the arrival of funds. Business will progress. This month you will

be very busy. The native of Aries and Sagittarius you will benefit in business. Running political

effort would be worthwhile. Can be enjoyable trip.


Will achieve success. Will gain business from the native of Aries or Leo. Students Use yellow.

Maybe arrival of funds. Likely to pilgrimage. Government and will receive support from the

administration. Politics will get benefit from the higher echelons. Patient breathing exercise

caution. Get your parents blessings.


Conflict in the business full month. Will be successful in jobs. Make careful use of the vehicle

carefully. This month you will have to work hard. Offices may be some debate the situation. Keep

restraint on speech. Students will achieve success. Money spent would be something more.

Children will succeed. Government and will receive support from the administration. Will benefit

native related to politics.

Creation dates, August 2019

Month in August, you would like to

This month natives of Capricorn have to be conscious of their health. Aries

native Niptaange your old set functions. People Taurus Be mindful of Health.

Gemini and native Kirk also will benefit. Capricorn Saturn in half Saati. Get

blessed touch phase of Aries native father. Associated with politics people

careful about their reputation. Aquarius the native will succeed in politics.

Cancer that will delight. The native of Gemini will be successful in the job. Let

us know detailed horoscope of each amount





Success in politics, But will bother spending the money. This month is the realization of success.

Jobs will progress. With the family can ever pilgrimage. Aquarius and Taurus Your good friend

amount,This month will receive their support. Single will be the relationship. New can be a

commercial contract. Writing,Journalism and will benefit native associated with the film. Friends

will receive support.


Is standing for a long time dispute can be resolved this month. No halted work will be this month.

The success of the children have been proud of himself. Students will get the new opportunities.

Education and will be able to try running in the direction of competition. Students will gain new

opportunities. Keep restraint on speech.


Saturn are visible in the same amount. Venus is also in the same amount. Your creativity will give

you fame and social status. Film And will achieve those successes associated with journalism. Will

trouble health. Abuse related to Saturn Mole,Donate oil or black clothing. Text Sunderkand every

Saturday and continue to worship Lord Krishna.


Students will receive this month a beautiful opportunity. Laws will be joyful mind receiving a good

news side. Will complete any unfinished work from friends help. Students will achieve success. Will

gain money but also spend proportionately. Worship of Lord Hanuman. Be cautious about your

health. Trouble abdominal disorder is possible. Keep up with the blessing of his father.


When will the worthwhile effort to reorient. Mesh and get in Cancer cooperation business. Will

the arrival of funds. Will suffer from health. Breathing and can cause diabetes. Writing and will

benefit native associated with journalism. Cancer will further benefit from the native of Aquarius.

Government and will receive support from the administration. I am learning and moving towards

competition effort worthwhile.


This month has brought progress for you. The business will be fully stopped work for several days.

Abdominal disorder would be difficult for health. Children will get success. Film will Labnvit native

associated with journalism. Administrative Officer will succeed. Funds spent Will happen. Go

Vishnu temple every Thursday. The Sreyshkr to donate food. Will be happy with the success of


Creation dates, August 2019 22

Month in August, you would like to

This month natives of Capricorn have to be conscious of their health. Aries

native Niptaange your old set functions. People Taurus Be mindful of Health.

Gemini and native Kirk also will benefit. Capricorn Saturn in half Saati. Get

blessed touch phase of Aries native father. Associated with politics people

careful about their reputation. Aquarius the native will succeed in politics.

Cancer that will delight. The native of Gemini will be successful in the job. Let

us know detailed horoscope of each amount

Creation trip

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Contact: 09587272052

Website: Wwvksrijn-ytrkcom

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